The history of the painting da Vinci Savior of the world. Lot Da Vinci: Why the most expensive picture in the world can be Fake

The history of the painting da Vinci Savior of the world. Lot Da Vinci: Why the most expensive picture in the world can be Fake
The history of the painting da Vinci Savior of the world. Lot Da Vinci: Why the most expensive picture in the world can be Fake

The painting "Salvator Mundi" or "Savior of the World" - 500-year-old work, confidently attributed by Leonardo da Vinci, - sold on November 15, 2017 at Christie's auction in New York for $ 450 million, $ 40,100 (including a premium). The image of Jesus Christ, which was already dubbed by the "Male Mono Lisa", was not only a record holder among the picturesque works in public auctions, but the most expensive picture on the planet, "said Vlad Maslov's artistic artist on the art of" Arthive ". Now it is known only less than 20 pictures of the genius of the Renaissance, and the "Savior of the World" - the last remaining in private hands. Others belong to museums and institutions.

Leonardo da Vinci. Savior of the world (Salvator Mundi). 1500, 65.7 × 45.7 cm

The work is called the "greatest artistic discovery" of the last century. Almost a thousand collectors, antiques, advisers, journalists and spectators gathered for trading in the main auction hall of the Rockefeller Center. A few more thousands watched selling live. Battle of rates began with $ 100 million and lasted less than 20 minutes. After the price from 332 million dollars in one step increased to 350 million, the battle was only two applicants. The price of 450 million, called the buyer by phone, became final. At the moment, the identity of the new owner is the historical picture - including the floor and even the region of residence - are preserved in secret.

The previous record at open auction was set by the Pablo Picasso Picasso Picasso cloth (ON) - $ 179.4 million on the sale of Christie's in New York in 2015.

The highest price for the work of any of the old masters was paid at Sotheby's auction in 2002 - $ 76.7 million for the "beating of babies" Peter Paul Rubens. The canvas belongs to a private collector, but exhibited in the art gallery Ontario in Toronto.

And the most expensive work of Da Vinci himself became a drawing of a silver needle "Horse and Rider" - $ 11.5 million for sale in 2001.

Although the current owner of the "Savior of the world" still keeps incognito, the seller's name is known. This is a billionaire of Russian origin Dmitry Rybolovlev - the Chief of the Football Club as Monaco. In the study of Provenance, the experts managed to find out that the "Savior of the world" was sold in 1958 as an estimated copy of only 45 pounds of sterling (60 dollars at current prices). After that, he disappeared for decades and reappeared at the US Regional Auction in 2005 without attribution. Presumably, the price was less than 10 thousand dollars. In 2011, many years of research and restoration, the picture appeared at the exhibition in the National Gallery in London, which finally secured the authorship of Leonardo da Vinci.

In 2007 - 2010, the Savior of the World Restored Diana Modestini from New York. "Roughly superimposed and distorting late layers were removed, and damaged fragments carefully and scrupulously restored," Christie's experts write, adding that such losses are "expected in most paintings over 500 years old."

The picture of the Great Master of the Renaissance from the scandalous collection of the billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev officially became the most expensive work of art in the world

The picture caused an excitement already at the Christie's press conference on October 10, 2017 Photo: Gettyimages

The picture, which dates back to about 1500, became the most expensive lot of the evening auction auction of modern and post-war art Christie's in New York on November 15. Moreover, $ 450.3 million is an absolute price record for the work of art sold at public auctions. The total revenue of the auction house, which, also, also works by Andy Warhol, Savy Twombby, Mark Rothko and others, amounted to $ 789 million.

Bidding began with $ 90 million (the day before it became known that Christie's has a guaranteed rate from the correspondence buyer who suggested a little less than $ 100 million) and continued as many as 20 minutes. The main applicants were 4 telephone buyers and 1 participant in the hall. In the end, the work went to the Alex Rotter, the head of the international department of modern art Christie's, headed by telephant. When the Auctioneister Jussi Pilkkanan confirmed the sale of a picture for $ 400 million to the third blow of the hammer (taking into account the Commission of the Auction House, the price reached $ 450.3 million), the hall broke out by applause.

To sell his decision to sell the "Savior of the World" at the auction of contemporary art in Christie's explained the incredible significance of the work. "The picture of the most important artist of all times depicting a sign figure for all mankind. The ability to put a similar masterpiece for trading is a huge honor and chance that falls only once in life. Despite the fact that the work was written by Leonardo about 500 years ago, today it affects modern art at no less than in the XV-XVI centuries, "said Christie's Loik Guser Chairman of the New York Department of Postwar and Contemporary Art.

Leonardo da Vinci, the last job in the private collection of Leonardo da Vinci decided to sell a billionaire of Russian origin Dmitry Rybolovlev, whose name now constantly sounds in the news world of art. First, he sues his art consultant, accusing him in fraud and arguing that he was twisted for the collection, and secondly, gradually sells this collection at auctions and in a particular way, usually reversing the work much less than paid. Now the turn has reached the "Savior of the world" Leonardo da Vinci, who left the hammer more than three times more: a fishing picture cost $ 127.5 million, and he sold it for $ 450.3 million.

Noteworthy as the history of this picture, for a long time considered the destroyed and scientific discussion dedicated to its attribution. There are several facts that indirectly proving that Leonardo wrote Christ in the image of the Savior of the world at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries, that is, during the stay in Milan, most likely, by order of the King of France Louis XII, at the time of the north of Italy. Firstly, a 1650 engraving, made by Vaclav Hollar from the original Leonardo da Vinci (as engraver himself). The sketches of the master were also preserved - the drawing of the head of Christ, dating from the 1480s, from the Atlantic Code of Leonardo (stored in the Ambrosian library in Milan), as well as sketches of drapets (stored in the Royal Library of Windsor Castle), compositely coinciding and with those depicted on The painting was put up for auction, and with those that on the engraving. There are several close compositions of Leonardo disciples with the same plot. However, the original was considered permanently lost.

The painting "Savior of the world" Leonardo da Vinci was sold at the christie's post-war and modern art auction in New York on November 15, 2017 for $ 450.3 million: Christie "s

"Savior of the World", now belonging to a fishing worker, was first documented in the collection of the British monarch Karl I: in the XVII century, he was kept in the Royal Palace in Greenwich. The following testimony refers to 1763, when the picture was sold by Charles Herbert Sheffield, the illegitimate son of the Duke of Buckingham. He sold the heritage of his father after the Buckingham Palace of King was sold. Then the picture disappears for a long time, and its trail is revealed only in 1900, when the "Savior of the world" as a work of the follower of Leonardo Bernardino Luini acquires Sir Charles Robinson, Art Consultant Sir Francis Cook. So work falls into the collection of Cook in Richmond. It is believed that by this time the work has already been subjected to an inept restoration, which was needed after the board split down in two (in particular, the face of Christ was rewritten). In 1958, Sotheby's sells a collection, a pretty rewritten image of Christ leaves the hammer for £ 45. Such a modest price is explained by the fact that the work was attributed in the auction catalog as a late copy of the artist's painting of the high revival of Giovanni Britaphio.

In 2005, the Savior of the World was acquired by a group of art dealers (including the New York specialist in the old masters of Robert Simon) as a work of Leonardesk for only $ 10 thousand in a small American auction. In 2013, the Consortium of Dealers sold a picture of IVA Bouvier for $ 80 million, which almost immediately resell her Dmitry Rybolovlevu for $ 127.5 million.

It is assumed that it is the gallery player and art historian Robert Simon first to see Leonardo's hand in the nameless work. On his initiative, the necessary research and consultations with experts were carried out. At the same time, the work was renovated. Six years later - the sensational appearance of the "Savior of the World" as a genuine picture of Leonardo da Vinci at the exhibition, and even in one of the most authoritative museums of the world, the National Gallery in London.

The curator of the exposition "Leonardo da Vinci. Artist at the Milan Yard "(November 2011 - February 2012) Luke Saison, at that time the keeper of Italian painting until 1500 and the head of the scientific department, and supported the authorship of Leonardo. The work was included in the exhibition catalog edited by the same Ason as a work of Leonardo from the private collection. The catalog emphasizes that the most preserved part of the image is the fingers of Christ, folded in a blessing gesture. Here, the most characteristic techniques of Italian genius are noticeable, in particular numerous changes that the artist contributed during the work. In addition, Other details are indicated on Leonardo: complex drapes of the tunic, the smallest air bubbles in the sphere of transparent quartz, as well as how the curly hair of Christ is written.

According to the online edition of ArtNews, then director of the National Gallery Nicholas Penny and Luke Sizon, before deciding on the inclusion of work in the exhibition, have been invited to four experts to see the picture: Curator of the Painting Department and Graphics Metropolitan Museum Carmen Bambakh, the leading fresco restorer "Last Supper "In Milan Pietro Maleão, the author of the books on the history of Renaissance, including the biographies of Britapho, Maria Teresu Fiorio, as well as the honorary professor of Oxford University of Martin Kemp, more than 40 years dedicated to the study of Leonardo da Vinci heritage. It seems to be a job, but it was publicly in favor of the attribution of the "Savior of the world", Leonardo spoke only by Kemp in an interview with the ArtInfo publication. Responding to the questions of the journalist, he marks a special feeling of the "Presence of Leonardo", which you experience, looking at his works, - you feel in front of the "Mono Liza" and in front of the "Savior of the world." In addition, Professor spoke about the stylistic features characteristic of the master's manner.

In fairness it should be noted that art historical analysis did not limit itself - scrupulous technical and technological studies were also carried out. Restoration and study of the "Savior of the World" was engaged in Professor Dyann Modestini, which heads the program Samuel Henry Cress on the restoration of painting at the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of New York. The results of its research were presented at the Leonardo da Vinci conference: the latest technological discoveries "in February 2012 in New York. However, Modestini is actually the only one who has access to these technological research, and without them to speak out about the authorship.

The Italian Specialist in Leonardo Karlo Pedretti was public against the "Savior World" attribution, which in 1982 oversaw the artist's exhibition in his hometown of Vinci and then included in the exposition of another "Savior of the World", from the collection of Marquis de Ghana, counting the picture of the work itself Masters. In addition, Guardian quotes a number of abstracts in October of this year, Leonardo da Vinci, written by Walter Aizek. He draws attention to the infertion in the point of view of the laws of the physics image of the ball in the hand of Christ. The publication also refers to the opinion of the University of Leipzig University Frank Collier (author of the monograph on Leonardo 2009), which in 2013 called the "Savior of the World" with a high-quality work of the Leonardo workshop or his follower. However, this article in Guardian has already become a matter of lawsuit by Christie's International.

New York, November 16th. / TASS /. Painting Brush Leonardo da Vinci "Savior Mundi) Sold on Wednesday at Christie auction" S in New York for $ 400 million. According to the New York Times newspaper, together with the deductions of the auction house, the total price of the lot was $ 450.3 million .

According to the publication, the picture was sold by the trust fund of the Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev, who in 2013 acquired it for $ 127.5 million at the Swiss art dealer Iva Buvier. The name of the new owner of the masterpiece Leonardo da Vinci is not disclosed.

On a 64.5 cm linen by 44.7 cm, the long time was considered lost, Christ is captured in heavenly blue robes, the right hand is blessing, and the left-handed transparent balloon. Before the auction, a unique product was estimated at $ 100 million.

Masterpiece from the royal collection

As the expert on the work of Leonardo da Vinci Luke Sayson noted, the picture may have been written for the French royal house and got into England after marriage Karl I in the French princess Henriette Mary in 1625. Then Master Waclav Hollar, apparently, on the orders of the queen made an engraving from the canvas.

The picture was listed in the Register of the Royal Collection, compiled a year after Charles I in 1649, was then sold at auction in 1651 and by 1666 returned to the royal collection in Carl II. According to some data, it was in the personal account of the king. After 1763, the traces of the picture are lost until it has acquired it in 1900 in a strongly damaged form for the private collection.

In 2007, the picture was renovated at the Institute of Fine Arts of New York University. Next year, a group of internationally recognized experts on the work of Leonardo da Vinci studied the cloth in the National Gallery in London and compared the letter to the letter with another famous work of the Madonna in the rocks.

According to one group of experts, the "Savior of the World" refers to the end of the Milan period of creativity Leonardo da Vinci in the 1490s, when the master wrote the famous "secret evening". Another group of experts believes that the picture is written somewhat later, in the 1500s, in the Florentine period of creativity Leonardo da Vinci.

What other secrets have encrypted the legendary master in their works?

website It offers to discover the amazing world of the Great Artist.

1. Error in the picture of Salvator Mundi ("Savior of the World")

If you look at the picture, you can see that the sphere in the hands of Jesus is transparent. But who, as not Leonardo, who studied optics along and across, was to know that the background behind the crystal sphere could not be such. It should increase and become fuzzy. Why did the great artist allowed such a mistake, it is not known for sure.

2. Amazing fact about the "Last Evening"

What can be united by Judas and Jesus in this canvase? There is a parable, according to which the same man had the same person for both. Unfortunately, who it was for sure, did not come to this day.

However, according to the legend, Da Vinci found his Jesus in the church choir, where he served as singers. Later, when the fresco was almost completed and the Master could not find anyone for the image of Judas, Leonardo noticed a very drunk man in a ditch with traces of a rampant life on his face. When Da Vinci completed the image of Judah, the fitter admitted that he was familiar to this image and he posed an artist 3 years ago as Jesus.

3. Another amazing fact about the "secret evening"

Another interesting nuance of this frescoes. Next to Juda lies tilted solonka. Interestingly, this fact may be a visual example of believing that the salt was bred to trouble. After all, a moment is depicted on the canvas when Jesus says that one of the gathered betrayed him.

4. Did this work picture of Leonardo da Vinci?

A picture "Portrait of Isabella d'Esthe" was found, which, according to scientists, belongs to the brush of a genius artist. This indicates the pigment and primer, identical to other pictures of Leonardo, as well as the image of a woman, incredibly similar to Mono Lisa (in particular a smile).

5. Lady with ermine?

"Lady with the mountain" passed through the new scanning technique and surprised scientists by the fact that it turns out, it was not always with the ermine. At least 2 options for the paintings were drawn on the same canvas, before it took the view known to us now. The first option is without ermine, and the second is with a completely different animal.

Photo on the preview of Wikipedia

There are two aspects here. The first concerns the picturesque qualities of this canvas, and this is a question for art historians. From the point of view of the cultureologist who defended her thesis on the cultural aspects of the art market, I can say that the high cost is due to the fact that the works of Leonardo da Vinci, who remained to this day, remained about twenty. And most of the museum meetings.

This canvas is actually the only one who are in private hands. Because Leonardo museum works are extremely unlikely ever enter the market. Such pictures even for temporary exhibitions are exported with very great difficulty. They are actually unauthorized due to the possible risk and difficulties associated with logistics, the amount of insurance.

How exactly did this work be on the market and why was it possible? In 1958, at Sotheby, "it was sold in 45 pounds. For a while, the authorship of Da Vinci above this work was lost. Her belongs to the brushes of one of his followers or students. And only in the mid-2000s she was redeemed from the auction and after The research work was made a decision that the author is still Leonardo. Therefore, such a sale has become possible.

But again, why did this work sold for such an amount? Because there is a auction market and found a buyer, ready to pay such money. Leonardo is not only the greatest master of the Renaissance, but many centuries in general in the mass consciousness artist number one (while in the 20th century he was not moving van Gogh, Picasso and Dali), the key figure of the Western European picture of the world. I can say exactly who her bought. It was sold at the Christie auction "s buyer who wished to stay unknown, that is, the sale was made by telephone through an auction employee. What else will he do with it? I think it is unlikely to speculate on it. It is meaningless, all Equally, no museum in the world can not afford it to purchase, although many may hope to get it sooner or later from the mysterious tycoon as a gift or storage.

What in the future he will do with it? I think that in the near future he is unlikely to speculate on it. He will wait for the next moment. But no global museum can afford it to purchase it. And speculate a thing that broke the record of the cost is also predica.

If the market know a little, nothing is a mystery from this. This purchase is done to legitimize the large collection, private or museum. Some world museums may well afford it, because some of them operates public budgets - but in most cases it is simply not necessary. I do not exclude that it can be another purchase of Dubai, but this is more likely a large private collector. Before the death of a new owner, no question of speech can not go, but most likely we will see a picture in a year or two at the opening of a new private museum or as part of a large wonder in an existing one.


In Dubai Musulman, their picture with the plot of the Savior of the world will not be interested. Buyer or European or American. What would most likely. She was bought in for such a sum only due to its exclusivity and as a rare find of the brush to the famous author, and for the plot. There are no other Shota Leonardo with the image of the Savior. More precisely, the version was that it was he who painted a downturn for Turin, or rather initially for the home of the Medici until studies were made on its authenticity. Most likely, such attempts have been and reflected in this canvas. In fact, Leonardo is not the greatest artist of the Renaissance, and even more so no celever. He is a researcher and, in principle, for its time there are more shows, than the temple artist. It is its cynicism and mortgage that he acquired himself earthly glory, who distinguished him from other artists of his time. The picture was purchased at the peak of prices to speculate on it the next 50 years will be simply impossible. But apparently a person is very close to the Spirit of Leonardo, since he invested in her. Everyone sees the Savior in his own way, apparently this image suits most to the buyer


Dubai himself will not interest, but Dubai has an agreement with a louvr on the redemption of such things, if they live to public bidding. Usually just do not live. Here they could skip to make an event, why not.