Tribes that live in our time. Wild and middle tribes in the modern world (49 photos)

Tribes that live in our time. Wild and middle tribes in the modern world (49 photos)
Tribes that live in our time. Wild and middle tribes in the modern world (49 photos)

Surprisingly, there are still the wildest Amazon and Africa tribes and Africa, who could still survive from the onset of ruthless civilization. We are engaged in Internet surfing here, we get over the conquest of thermonuclear energy and fly further into space, and these few prehistoric residues lead the same way of life that was familiar to them and our ancestors a hundred thousand years ago. In order to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere wildlife, just read the article and see pictures, you need to eat in Africa yourself, for example, by ordering safaris in Tanzania.

The wildest of the Amazon tribes

1. Pirach

The pirach tribe lives on the shores of the Maja River. Approximately 300 aborigines are collecting and hunting. He opened this tribe Catholic missionary Daniel Everett. He lived next to them for several years, after which he finally burned to God and became an atheist. The first contact with Pirach took place in 1977. Trying to convey to the Aboriginal Word of God, he began to study their language and quickly achieved in this success. But the stronger he immersed in primitive culture, the more surprised.
Pirach has a very strange language: there is no indirect speech, words denoting colors and numeral (all that more than two "many" for them). They did not create, as we, myths about the creation of the world, they do not have a calendar, but with all this, their intellect is not weaker than our. Pirakha did not think to private property, they have no stocks - they immediately eat caught prey or collected fruits, so they do not break their heads over the storage and planning of the future. We seek such views primitive, however, Everett came to a different conclusion. Living in one day and what nature gives the pirach to get rid of fears for the future and all kinds of worries that we burden our souls. So they are happier than us, so why should they gods?

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2. Sinta Larga

In Brazil lives wild tribe Sinta Larga is about 1,500 people. Once it lived in the jungle of rubberos, but their mass of their cutting led to the fact that Sinta Larga moved to nomadic life. They are engaged in hunting, fishing and harvesting of nature. Sinta Larga Polygamus - men have several wives. For his life, a man gradually processes several names that characterize either its quality or events that have happened to him, there is also a secret name that only his mother and father know.
As soon as the tribe catch all the game near the village, and the depleted land will cease to bear fruit, then it is removed from the place and moves to a new place. During the move, the names of Sinta Largov are also changing, only the "secret" name remains unchanged. On the misfortune of this little tribe, civilized people found on their lands, occupying 21,000 square meters. km, richest stocks of gold, diamonds and tin. Of course, they could not even leave these wealth in the ground. However, Sinta Largy turned out to be a militant tribe, ready to defend themselves. So, in 2004, they killed 29 prospectors on their territory and did not suffer for it, except that they were driven to the reservation of 2.5 million hectares.

3. Coroba

A very militant tribe Corba lives closer to the origins of the Amazon River. They are in line basically hunting and raids for nearby tribes. Men and women participate in these raids, and their weapons are batons and poisoned darts. There is information that the tribe sometimes comes to cannibalism.

4. Amondava

Amondava's life living in the jungle has no idea about time, there is no such word, even in their language, as well as such concepts as "year", "month", etc. Linguists were discouraged by such a phenomenon and are trying to understand whether it is not characteristic And other tribes from the Amazon pool. Amoneva is therefore not mentioned by age, and an adult or changing their status in the tribe, Aboriginal simply takes a new name. Also no in the Language of Amondava and turnover, which the time process is described by spatial terms. We, for example, say "before that" (meaning not space, and time), "This incident is left behind", but in the language of Amondava there are no such designs.

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5. Kayapo

In Brazil, in the eastern part of the Amazon basin, there is a tributary of Hegu, on the shores of which the Kayapo tribe lives. This is a very mysterious tribe of about 3,000 people engaged in ordinary for Aboriginal, fishing, hunting and collecting. Kayapo Large specialists in the field of knowledge healing properties Plants, some of them are used to treat tribesmen, and others - for witchcraft. Kayapo tribe shamans treat with herbs female infertility And improves the potency in men.
However, most of all, they were interested in researchers with their legends, which describes that heavenly wanderers led them in the distant past. Kayapo's first leader flew in a certain cocoon, invested swirl. These legends are also consonant with some attributes from modern rituals, for example, objects resembling aircrafts and space safts. The legend says that the leader who came down from heaven lived for several years with a tribe, and then returned to the sky.

The wildest African tribes

6. Nuba

The Nuba African tribe has about 10,000 people. Nuba lands lie on the territory of Sudan. This is a separate community with its own language that does not enter into contacts with the outside world, therefore it has been cleaned from the impact of civilization. This tribe has a very remarkable makeup ritual. The women of the tribe shock their bodies with intricate patterns, pierce the lower lip and insert the quartz crystals into it.
Interesting and their marriage ritual associated with annual dances. During them, the girls point to favorites, putting them from behind the leg on the shoulder. An attenuation chosen one does not see the face of the girl, but can inhale her sweat. However, such a "intriguing" is not at all obliged to end the wedding, it is only the permission of the bridegroom secretly from the parents at night to wade into the house of her parents, where she lives. The presence of children is not the basis for recognizing the legality of the marriage. A man must live with pets until it builds his own hut. Only then the couple can sleep together on legal groundsBut another year after the housewarm, the spouses cannot eat from one knife.

7. Mursi.

In women from the Mursi tribe business card The exotic lower lip became. It is cut in childhood in childhood, insert pieces of wood with time more and more. Finally, on a wedding day, Dabeblock is inserted into the displaceing lip - a plate of burned clay, the diameter of which can reach up to 30 cm.
Mursi is easy to drink and constantly carry the batons with them or the Kalashnikov machines that are not going to put into move. When the tape occurs inside the tribe, they often end with the death of the loser side. Bodies of Women Mursi usually look painful and flabby, with chopped breasts and sutural spins. They are almost deprived of the hair on the head, hiding this lack of incredibly lush headdresses, the material for which can serve everything that comes at hand: dried fruits, branches, pieces of coarse skin, someone's tails, swamp mollusks, dead insects and other Padals. Europeans are hard to stay next to Mursi because of their unbearable smell.

8. Hamer (Hamar)

In the eastern side of the African Valley, OMO lives the people of Hamer or Hamar, numbering approximately 35,000 - 50,000 people. According to the banks of the river, their villages are made up of huts with pointed roofs covered with straw or grass. Inside the hut is placed all the economy: beds, hearth, granari and headband for goats. But in the huts there are only two-three wives with children, and the head of the family is all the time either makes cattle, or protects the possessions of the tribe from the raids of other tribes.
Dates with wives occur very rarely, and in these rare moments and conception of children. But even returning to the family, the men, beating his wives with long twigs, are satisfied, and they go to the pit, resembling graves, and even put themselves to the state to the state of Easy Asphyxia. Apparently, such a semi-resistive state like them more than the proximity to the wives, and those, in truth, are not delighted with the "caress" of her husband and prefer to please each other. As soon as the girl has external sexual signs (about 12 years), it is considered ready for marriage. On the wedding day, the new husband firmly having fading the bride with a reed rod (the more scars on her body will remain - the stronger he loves), she puts on the neck of a silver collar who will wear a lifetime.

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9. Bushmen

IN South Africa There is a group of tribes, cumulatively called Bushmen. These are people low height, Wicked, with a narrow eye cut and swelling centuries. The color of their skin is difficult to determine, because in Calahari it is not customary to spend water on washing, but they are definitely a lighter neighboring tribes. Leading stray, half-reed life Bushmen believe in afterlife. They have neither the leader of the tribe, nor Shaman, there is not even a hint of a public hierarchy. But the elder of the tribe enjoys the authority, although it does not have privileges and material advantage.
Bushmen surprise their cuisine, especially "Bushmen Rice" - Muravyov larvae. Young buds are considered the most beautiful in Africa. But it is worth it only to achieve puberty and give birth like their appearance Changes radically: the buttocks and the hips are sharply sprawling, and the stomach remains bloated. All this is the consequence by no means diet nutrition. To distinguish a pregnant bud from the rest of the abyll tribesmen, it is coated with ocher or ash. Yes, and men at Bushmen in 35 look like 80-year-old old men - the skin of them is everywhere saves and covered with deep wrinkles.

10. Masai

Masai tribe people are slender, high, they hitromedly braid hair. From other African tribes, they are distinguished by the manner hold. If most tribes easily come into contact with strangers, then having a congenital sense of dignity of Masai observe the distance. But these days they have become much more sociable, they agree even on video and photography.
Masayev about 670,000, they live in Tanzania and Kenya in East Africawhere they are engaged in cattle breeding. According to their beliefs, the gods trust the masons care and custody over all cows in the world. Childhood from Masayev, which is the most carefree period in their lives, ends by 14 years, concluded by the ritual of initiation. And it is both boys and girls. Dedication to girls is coming down to the terrible for Europeans custom of circumcision of the clitoris, but without him they cannot marry and do household. After such a procedure, they do not feel pleasure from proximity, so they will be loyal wives.
After the initiation, the boys turn into morals - young warriors. Their hair is failed ocher, and covered with a bandage, give a sharp spear, and the likeness of the sword hang on the belt. In this form, Moran should have a proudly raised head for several months.

Despite the fact that today almost every person has the opportunity to acquire the attributes of modern life on earned money, such as mobile phone, there are still on our planet places where people in the level of development close to primitive.

Africa is that place on earth where today in impassable jungle or desert can be found creating creatures very reminiscent of us in the distant past. Scientists agree that it was from the African continent a reasonable man originated.

Africa is unique in itself. Not only common types of animals are concentrated here, but also extinct views. Due to the direct finding at the Equator, the mainland has a very hot climate, because of what nature is the most diverse. That is why there are conditions for the preservation of life in the form in which the wild tribes remained

A vivid example of such a tribe is the wild tribe of Himba. They live in Namibia. All that was reached by civilization, passed by the party by Himba. There is no hint on modern life. The tribe is engaged in cattle breeding. All huts where the members of the tribe live around pasture.

The beauty of women of the tribe is determined by the presence big number Jewelery and quantity of clay applied to the skin. But the presence of clay is not only a ritual, but also performs hygienic purposes. The scorching sun, a constant lack of water - here's just a few of the difficulties. The presence of clay allows the skin not to be exposed to thermal burns and the skin gives less water.

Women in the tribe are busy in all economic affairs. They care for livestock, build huts, children grow and make decorations. This is the main entertainment in the tribe.

Men in the tribe assigned the role of husbands. In the tribe, polygamy is accepted if the husband is able to feed the family. Marriage is expensive. The cost of the wife reaches 45 cows. The loyalty of the wife is not mandatory thing. A child born from another father will remain in the family.

Tourist conductors often turn to the tribe for excursions. For this, savages get souvenirs and money, which then change to things.

In the north-west of Mexico, another tribe lives, which civilization bypassed. It is called tarahummar. They are also called "beer people." The name stuck to them thanks to their ritual to drink maize beer. Stucha in the drums, they drink beer in which narcotic herbs are noticed. True there is another transfer option: "Running soles" or "Those who are with light legs." And he is also quite honored, but this is later.

They paint their bodies in bright colors. You can imagine how it looks when you understand that the tribe has 60 thousand people.

From the 17th century, savages learned to handle the land and began to grow cereal. Before that, the tribe was fed rooted and herbs.

Video: The Tarahumara - A Hidden Tribe of Superathletes Born to Run. The Indians of this tribe are considered the best runners, but not by speed, but on endurance. They can no special problems run 170 km. do not stop. There is a registered case when Indian ran in five days a distance of about 600 miles.

In the Philipin Archipelago there is a Palawan Island. There in the mountains inhabit the tribe Taut Batu. These are people mountain caves. Live in caves and grottoes. The tribe has existed from the 11th century and they are not known human achievements. By the way, the Underground Puerto Princess River is also located.

When the monsoon rains do not go, and they can go for half a year, the tribe is engaged in growing potatoes and rice. This is the only time when members of the tribe are selected from the caves. When rains are accepted to go again, all the tribe climbs into its grotto and just sleeps, waking up only in order to eat.

Video: Philippines, Palawan, Tau't Batu or "Rock People".

The list of tribes can be continued. But it no longer matters. It should simply be remembered that somewhere on Earth there are places where life froze in its development, allowing others to develop further. Looking at the wild tribes, on their customs, dancing, rites you understand that they do not want to change anything. They lived so many thousands of years before their discovery and, apparently, plan to exist as much as much.

Films, a small selection.

Hunt for survival (kill to survive) / Kill to Survive. (From the series: in search of hunter tribes)

Also there are series: Tradition keepers; Nomads; Hunting in Calahari;

Even more interesting series, about the lives of people in harmony with nature - Planet people - Human Planet.

Also, there is such interesting gear like magic adventure. Host: Sergey Yastrzhembsky.

For example, one of the series. Magic adventure: man on a tree.

On the shores of the river, the Maja dwells a wild tribe of a feather, numbering about three hundred people. Survive the natives at the expense of hunting and gathering. A feature of this tribe is their unique language: there are no words that designate colors shades, there is no indirect speech, and also interesting fact, there are no numerical words in it (the Indians consider one, two and a lot). They have no legends on the creation of the world, there is no calendar, but with all this, the people did not find the qualities of a reduced intelligence.

Video: Amazon code. In the deaf jungle of the Amazon River lives a wild tribe of the pyrhy. Christian Missionary Daniel Everett came to them to carry the Word of God, but as a result of acquaintance with their culture became an atheist. But much more interesting is the opening relating, to the tongue of the pirach tribe.

One more wild tribe of Brazil is also known - Sinta Larga, about one and a half thousand people. Previously, this tribe dwells in rubber jungle, however, because of their deforestation, Sinta Larga became a pointed tribe. Indians are fishing, hunting and agriculture. There is a patriarchate in the tribe, i.e. A man can have a few wives. Also in life, the man of Sinta Larga receives several names, depending on individual features or certain events in his life, but there is one special name that is kept secret and only the closest people know it.

And in the western part of the Amazon River Valley, a very aggressive tribe Corba is inhabited. The main occupation of the Indians of this tribe is hunting and raid on neighboring settlements. Moreover, both men and women armed with poisoned darts and batons participate in the raids. There are evidence that there are cases of cannibalism in the tribe.

Video: Leonid Kruglov: GEO: Unknown world: Land. Secrets of the new world. "Great Amazon River." "Corobo Incident".

All these tribes are a unique find for anthropologists and evolutionists. Studying their life and culture, language, beliefs can be better understood all the stages of human development. And it is very important to keep this heritage of history in its primitive form. The Brazil has created a special government organization (National Indian Fund), engaged in cases of such tribes. The main task of this organization is to protect these tribes from any interventions of modern civilization.

Magic adventure - Janas.

Movie: Amazonia / Imax - Amazon HD.

I wonder if our life would be much calmer and less nervous and fussy without all modern technological advances? Probably, yes, but here is comfortable - it is unlikely. Now imagine that on our planet in the 21st century, the tribes are quietly lived, which easily come out.

1. Yarava

This tribe lives on Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean. It is believed that the age of Yarava is from 50 to 55 thousand years. They migrated there from Africa and now there are about 400 people. Yarava live in nomadic groups of 50 people, hunt with bows and arrows, catch fish in coral reefs and collect fruits and honey. In the 1990s, the Indian government wanted to provide them with more modern conditions For life, but Yarava refused.

2. Yanomami

Janas lead their usual ancient image Life on the border between Brazil and Venezuela: 22 thousand live in the Brazilian side and 16 thousand on Venezuelan. Some of them mastered the processing of metals and weaving, but the rest prefer not to contact with the outside world, which threatens to break their centuries-old life. They are excellent knowledge and even know how to catch fish with the help of plant poisons.

3. Nomole

About 600-800 representatives of this tribe live in the tropical forests of Peru, and only from about 2015 they began to appear and carefully contact with civilization, not always successfully, I must say. They call themselves "nomole", which means "brothers and sisters". It is believed that people nomolem lacks the concept of good and evil in our understanding, and if they want anything, I don't think that the opponent will be killed in order to take possession of his thing.

4. Ava-Guai

The first contact with Ava-Guaya occurred in 1989, but it is unlikely that civilization made them happier, since the deforestation of forests actually means the disappearance of this half-blooded Brazilian tribe, which there are no more than 350-450 people. They survive with the help of hunting, live in small family groups, there are many pets (parrots, monkeys, owls, hares of Aguti) and possess own name, calling yourself in honor of the beloved forest animal.

5. Sentineltsy

If other tribes at least somehow come to contact with the outside world, the inhabitants of the North Sentelle Islands (Andaman Islands in the Bengal Gulf) are not different in particular friendliness. First, they are allegedly cannibals, and secondly, they simply kill everyone who comes to their territory. In 2004, many people were injured after the tsunami in the neighboring islands. When anthropologists flew over the North Sentelle Island to check how his strange inhabitants, a group of Aborigines came out of the forest and threatening the stones and bows with arrows in their direction.

6. Huaorani, Tagairi and Tomena

All three tribes live in Ecuador. Huaoryni had misfortune to live in an area rich in oil, because in the 1950s most of them were resettled, but Tagaeri and Tomomenan separated from the main group of Huaoryan in the 1970s and went into tropical forests to continue the nomadic, an ancient lifestyle . These tribes are rather unfriendly and vengeful, therefore there were no special contacts with them.

7. Kawakhiva

The remaining representatives of the Brazilian tribe of Kavakhiv are mostly nomads. They do not like to contact people and just try to survive with the help of hunting, fishing and periodically farming. Kavajiva is under threat of disappearance due to illegal cutting of the forest. In addition, many of them died after communicating with civilization, picing from people to King. By modest estimates there are now not more than 25-50 people.

8. Hadza

Hudza is one of the last tribes of gatherers (about 1300 people) living in Africa near the Equator near Lake Eyashi in Tanzania. They still live in the same place last 1.9 million years. Only 300-400 Hadza continue to live in the old manner and even officially walked part of their lands in 2011. Their lifestyle is based on the fact that everything is in sharing, and property and nutrition should always be divided.

Photographer Jimmy Nelson travels around the world and removes wild and film tribeswho manage to maintain traditional life lifestyle in modern world. Every year this peoples are becoming more difficult and harder, but they do not surrender and do not leave the territories of their ancestors, continuing to live as well as they lived.

Tribe Asar

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Asaro Mudmen ("People from the Asaro River, covered with mud") for the first time met with the western world in the middle of the 20th century. From time immemorial, these people are smeared with mud and put on masks to catch the fear of other villages.

"Also, all of them are very miles, but since their culture is under threat, they are forced to stand up for themselves" - Jimmy Nelson.

Tribe of Chinese fishermen.

Location: Guanxi, China. Shot in 2010. Fishing with cormorant - one of the most ancient ways fishing With waterfowl. So that they do not swallow the catch, fishermen tie their neck. The little fishing cormorants are easily swallowed, and large bring to the owners.


Location: Kenya and Tanzania. Shot in 2010. This is one of the most famous African tribes. Young Masai pass through a number of rituals to develop responsibility, become men and warriors, learn to protect cattle from predators and ensure the safety of their families. Thanks to rituals, rites and instructions of the elders, they grow by real bravests.

The central place in the culture of Masayev occupies cattle.


Location: Siberia - Yamal. Shot in 2011. Traditional occupation Nenets - reindeer herding. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving through the Yamal Peninsula. For more than millennium, they survive at temperatures up to minus 50 ° C. The route of the annual migration of 1000 km long lies through the frozen river Ob.

"If you do not drink warm blood and do not eat fresh meat, then you are doomed to death in the tundra."


Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Cows - one of the few Papuass tribes that do not wear kophek, peculiar boxes for the penis. Men of the tribe hide their penises, tightly taking their leaves along with the scrotum. Cows - gathet hunters living in houses on trees. This nation has strictly distributed rights and obligations between men and women. Their number is estimated at about 3,000 people. Until the 1970s, cows were confident that other peoples in the world did not exist.

Tribe Yali

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Yali live in the virgin forests of Highlands and officially recognized as pigments, as the growth of men is only 150 centimeters. Kotka (pumpkin case for penis) serves as part traditional clothes. On it, you can determine the personality of a person to the tribe. Yali prefer long thin kophek.

Tribe Karo.

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. The Omo Valley, located in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, is called the birthplace of about 200,000 indigenous peoples who inhabited it for thousands of years.

Here, the tribes since the years have traded each other, offering each other beads, food, cattle and fabric. Not so long ago, the turnover entered guns and ammunition.

Tribe dasanech

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. For this tribe is characterized by the absence of strictly defined ethnicity. To admit in dasanech a person can almost any origin.


Location: Argentina and Ecuador. Shot in 2011. For a thousand years, Amazon raindrops of Ecuador served as a house for the People of Guarani. They consider themselves the most brave indigenous group in the Amazon basin.

Tribe Vanuatu

Location: Lava Island (Banx Islands Group), Province of Torba. Shot in 2011. Many people Vanuatu believes that wealth can be achieved by ceremonies. The dance is an important part of their culture, so in many villages there are a dance floor called Nazar.

Tribe Ladakhi

Location: India. Shot in 2012. Ladakhi share the beliefs of their Tibetan neighbors. Tibetan Buddhism, mixed with images of fierce demons from Dobddy Religion Bon underlies Ladakh beliefs for more than a thousand years. The people live in the Indus Valley, it is mainly engaged in agriculture, practicing Polyandria.

Tribe Mursi.

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. "It is better to die than not killing." Mursi - farmers - farmers and successful warriors. Men are distinguished by horseshoe scars on the body. Women also practice shock, and also insert a plate into the lower lip.

Rabari tribe

Location: India. Shot in 2012. 1000 years ago, representatives of the Rabari tribe had already wandered over the deserts and plains, which today belong to Western India. Women of this people long hours are devoted to embroidery. They also manage farms and solve all cash issues, and men graze herd.

Tribe Sambur

Location: Kenya and Tanzania. Shot in 2010. Samburu is a semi-soul people, which moved from place to place every 5-6 weeks to provide their cattle pastures. They are independent and much more traditional than Masai. In society sambura reigns equality.

Tribe Mustang

Location: Nepal. Shot in 2011. Most of the representatives of the Mustang people still believe that the world is flat. They are very religious. Prayers and holidays are an integral part of their lives. The tribe is a mansion, as one of the last optics survived to today Tibetan culture. Until 1991, they did not let any strangers in their own on Wednesday.

Tribe Maori.

Location: New Zealand. Shot in 2011. Maori - Adepts of Multimitations, worship many gods, goddesses and spirits. They believe that the spirits of the ancestors and supernatural creatures are omnipresent and help the tribe in difficult times. In the Mori myths and legends originated in the distant times, their ideas were reflected on the creation of the universe, the origin of gods and people.

"My tongue is my awakening, my tongue is the window of my soul."

Tribe Goroka

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2011. Life in alpine villages is simple. The inhabitants are plenty of food, families are friendly, the people honorab wonders of nature. They live at the expense of hunting, gathering and growing crops. There are often internecine collisions here. To frighten the enemy, the warriors of the rod tribe use combat coloring and decorations.

"Knowledge is just rumors while they are in the muscles."

Huli tribe

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. This indigenous people are fighting for land, pigs and women. A lot more efforts they spend to impress the opponent. Houli paint their faces with yellow, red and white paints, and also famous traditions to make elegant wigs from their own hair.

Himba tribe

Location: Namibia. Shot in 2011. Each member of the tribe belongs to the two clans, to the Father and Mother. Marriages are arranged with the purpose of expanding wealth. Appearance is vital here. He talks about the place of man inside the group and about his phase of life. Responsibility for the rules in the group bears the elder.

Tribe Kazakhov

Location: Mongolia. Shot in 2011. The Kazakh-nomads are descendants of the Turkic, Mongolian, Indoran group and Huns, who inhabited the territory of Eurasia from Siberia to the Black Sea.

The ancient art of eagle hunting is one of the traditions that the Kazakhs managed to save to the present day. They trust their clan, count on their herds, believe in the associate cult of the sky, ancestors, fire and in supernatural powers Good and evil spirits.