Posters Happy Victory Day on May 9. Wallgazet for Victory Day

Posters Happy Victory Day on May 9. Wallgazet for Victory Day
Posters Happy Victory Day on May 9. Wallgazet for Victory Day

Hello dear readers! It will come very soon on May 9 - the great day of victory over German - fascist invaders. And this means that it is already preparing in kindergartens and schools to this long-awaited holiday. Mastery postcards and crafts, including Georgievskaya ribbons, make thematic suspensions, are preparing for the festive line and open lessons.

How to draw a poster with children in kindergarten

It is very important to devote our children about memorial dates Our history of the Great Patterns to systematize knowledge of the main dates, about the heroism of our people. So that they remember and respected the heroes of the front and rear, our veterans, loved their country.

Before the celebration of the Dow with children, there are conversations for military topics, verses are taught, listening to songs and of course draw drawings, thus an exciting acquaintance with the war period of that time takes place.

So how to draw a poster? What should I start? And initially act with the proposal to the guys to portray a pencil. Simple single compositions such as - eternal flame, Festive salute, military equipment, Red Star, Georgievskaya Ribbon, etc. For kids junior Group You can print ready-made patterns so that they decompose the drawings with colored pencil or wovers, and maybe watercolor paints.

You can suggest to make a postcard, for this, distribute the white leaflets of A4 or an ordinary album sheet, let them bend them in half in the form of a book. A composition of pencils will be performed on the front side, and the text will be the text of a beautiful poem and greeting lines. The guys who already know how to write, write themselves, and the kids printed by verse are glued into the postcard.

The teacher of course helps and explains on the example, which is best to use colors, so that they are harmoniously combined and have not scored each other. If it is fire, salute, a track from a rocket, recommend to take juicy shades and push the stylus more stronger to a bright flare. Volume number 9 and the inscription is best done using the stencil and there will be harmoniously george Ribbon, developing in the wind. Also, the contour of the inscription and the pattern can be broken with markers, and inside the strokes to paint with colored pencils.

I propose to draw pencils eternal flame. This is a simple drawing that is not difficult to perform, you only need to stockday and patience.

  1. First, we need to draw two intersecting lines in the form of a cross

2. Then we draw a rectangle, it will be a bowl of which will flow the flame of the eternal flame.

3. Then we draw two small triangles that depart from the rectangle, it will be a star on which there is a bowl.

4. Now we connect two smooth lines Our triangles and as a result we get a sharp corner, and if you look closely - then we got a star, the truth was not at all difficult?

5. Add two more thin lines

6. Extra line needs to be removed by the eraser, they are easily erased, the main thing during drawing does not need to be very pressing on the pencil's griffel.

7. It's time to draw the languages \u200b\u200bof the flame, it is necessary to start on the right side and gradually move to the left, then all the extra lines remove the eraser. In the figures below, all stages are depicted:

8. That is the flame with us should get

9. Now inside, draw the contour of the fire

10. In order for our eternal flame to look plausible, there should also be contour inside the fire and in the star itself, so he will look like a real one.

That's all, our drawing is ready, now only remains beautiful and carefully paint on the very first photo!

I am sure, many children will not be limited to single compositions, but will want to complement their drawing, so they should show a sample, how to draw military technique, aircraft, Georgievskaya ribbon, carnations and all that is associated with the Great Patriotic War. And they themselves show fantasy and complement their poster.

On this template, stages are shown both to draw easily and just a plane, following him will not arise difficulties:

Below is two options how to draw a tank, the first sample is easier, the second option is more complicated. Give the opportunity to preschoolers right to choose from, and if you need to help with difficulties.

It is very easy to portray the pencil of Georgievskaya ribbon along the lines, look at the sample and repeat, nothing complicated, and how much joy will be in the kids that they all happen!

It is also not at all difficult to draw a carnation, this flower often complements drawings and crafts on the topic Great Victory

Children's drawings for the Victory Day I found on the Internet can they inspire small artists:

  • Eternal flame

  • Military aircraft and tank

And so sees the beginning of the war of the child of kindergarten:

And I also wanted to tell three life-hack, how easy and easy to draw beautiful salutes With the kids of the nursery. Everything is very simple, we will need a sleeve from toilet paper or from under paper towels, scissors and several colors of paints, in our case it is yellow, red and green.

From one edge in a circle, cut the sleeve on thin strips in the dollar, as shown in the picture, then pour paint into a flat saucer and begin to create a salute masterpiece. Alternately in paint paper blank and stamps on a white sheet of salutes. That's all the trick, but how color is coming out!

Also, when painting fireworks, we are very useful to the brush for dishes, the principle of action as with a paper blank, but also it turns out very interesting, only in this creation will add more blue:

Well, I left this idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing on the track - it does not happen easier, we will draw these magic, multicolored lights with a fork, yes yes you are not mistaken, it is this cutlery We will help to create! Look at what it comes out of this, the truth is wonderful!

These are the original, colorful salutes will decorate any drawing on May 9, write your opinion, how do you like such an idea?

In addition to salute, kids of a nursery group It will be interesting to discones the templates for military topics, the most interesting and beautiful are presented below ...

  • soldier - fundamental symbol Victory, which displays the courage, the power of will and heroism, because it was the soldier in his hands lying victory over fascism.

  • Pigeon - a symbol of peace, peaceful life! It is often depicted in the drawings of dedicated to the Great Victory, which symbolizes the cessation of a bloody war and the beginning of a happy, quiet life.

  • Salute - a symbol of joy and delight! The unchanged attribute of the celebration of the Victory Day, which solemnly celebrate the completion of hostilities and victory over the enemy.

These are interesting and exciting ideas of drawings managed to find for children in kindergarten.

Wall newspaper to school on the topic of BOB 1941-1945.

Already flew by 73 years from the day of victory and unfortunately there were still alive very few participants who fought for our depreciation, for our future, for a peaceful sky. But we remember these tragic years, the feat of people who did not regret themselves - fought, remember victory and what price she was given. And they must tell their children so that they know and honor the heroism of their ancestors and were grateful for freedom, for peace on earth.

Our children should be aware of the valor of warriors, about the great victory, about the heroism of their people, so that the connection between generations is not interrupted. To raise love for homeland in children, patriotism, respect for veterans.

Wall newspaper will help students express all thanks, respect and memory of their great-grandfather and great-grandmothers. It depicts the history of war, a common victory, and warm words to participants in this terrible battle.

Portray such a poster is not really hard, you only need to creatively approach this case. Very often, work is performed on Watman or on the wallpaper with back side. Decorate this cloth Appliques, cloves in of various techniques Performances, photographs of soldiers during the period of the war, is necessarily present by Georgievskaya tape.

Necessary materials:

  • Watman - 2 pcs. A1 and A2 format
  • Cardboard - 2 pcs. red format A4
  • gouache + drawing tassels
  • eraser
  • 2 Tea package + capacity
  • scissors
  • rule
  • stationery knife
  • st. George Ribbon
  • cotton fabric
  • old newspaper
  • lighter
  • foil
  • floral paper of red and blue
  • old Photos of War (Black and White)
  • poems of military topics

Stages of work:

  1. First of all, I propose to form paper, make a diary imitation or a soldier's letter. For this, we need strong tea, brewing 250-300 ml at the rate of 2 bags of tea in deep containers.

2. While welding cool down, I propose to make a markup of Watman. On the A1 sheet, we need to spread the place to disrupt the soldier's diary. For this, attach the A2 sheet to our Watman and circle the border.

Marking should be carried out on free space - On the desk, or if the size of the sheet exceed the diameter of the table, it is better to stay on the floor better and more conveniently.

3. Receive OT top edge 15 cm and draw a line under the inscription "Victory Day"

4. By this time, welding was already cooled and it's time together Watman A2. We need to evenly apply a tea solution with a brush or sponge, at your discretion.

To strengthen the "aging" effect, you need to remember the paper.

5. We are accepted to create a number 9, they will be the size of the A4 sheet and go one third of the poster.

6. We draw a nine using an ordinary saucer or you can use a circulation and cut the ninth along the outlined circuit.

Do not forget to put cardboard or other solid foundation, so as not to scratch the table.

That's what should happen

7. On the residue of red paper, we draw the word "May" about 7 * 20 and we cut out with scissors on the outlined contour.

8. Now we return to the diary, while the sheet is not dry, we break down a little along the edges and burn the edge with the help of a lighter, giving a surround effect. See how this sheet looks now in comparison with white paper.

9. Next, draw a blue clear sky - a symbol of peace. We will draw in the blur technique. Prepare the gouache white and blue color, cotton and sponge napkin, oh yes still need to capture clean water. We are dragging the paint and a liquid pierce state and put the paint with a small tassel on a large area, creating the effect of graduated color, drawing from left to right, from top to bottom.

10. After the basis is fully painted give a little time so that the paint dries a little and proceed to clean the wet napkin with dark stripes, which leaves the gouache, making the color homogeneous.

11. Now that our sky is ready, proceed with a sponge to draw the clouds.

Important! So that the cloud was air and abrupt, the sponge should be dry, and the paint is not divorced, and Watman wet

12. We leave Watman until complete drying.

13. Now you need to find a mental verse about the war and write it from hand on the "aged" sheet

14. We take a photo of the war period and we are taken to cut the star from the foil 7 * 7 cm with the help of a stencil and stationery knife.

15. The basis has already dried and now you can glue all the blanks.

16. It's time to create tulips from corrugated paper, it is not at all difficult to make them, so I propose to watch a video with phased description. Master class flower with candy, in our case this delicacy is not necessary, so we make a tulip without sweetness.

17. When the paper flowers are ready - we are taken as an inscription on the poster, for this you need to draw the letters of about 5 cm in width and 7.5 in height.

Wallgazeta for the Victory Day is ready!

Video about how to make a poster by May 9 do it yourself

In this video you will see step by step description How to create a poster for the Victory Day. In fact, it is not difficult and schoolchildren will cope with this task since 2 classes. And if this work is collective, then children will fulfill the task with interest.

Here are some more options for designing newspapers for the Victory Day:

This poster is drawn up by gluing on Watman individual elements in the form of photos, poems, carnations, Georgievskaya tape. "May 9" is carried out in the technique of a carriage.

This wall is devoted to the topic: "Children of War". It also consists of poems and photos that can be found in Yandex albums. In this creative work, gratitude, respect and memory, those children who had a terrible childhood were expressed. They fired all the bowl of wartime, the bowl of hunger, humiliation, bullying, torment, suffering, insecurity and this list can be continued infinitely ...

The newspaper is drawn with colored pencils in which there are elements of the carriage.

Poster, which is presented below on the topic "War through the eyes of children", contains children's drawings that are glued to large sheet Paper. The guys need to draw a drawing in advance to the Military Topics, and after gather them on one Watman.

The collective work of schoolchildren who is dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

So this publication approached the end, and by completing it with a poem:

Neither children nor an adult war need!
Let it disappear from our planet.
Let peaceful stars be lit above us,
And friendship does not know borders and obstacles.
We want to live under a peaceful sky
And rejoice and be friends!
We want to everywhere on the planet
Wars did not know the children at all.

And how many years would not have passed, from the date of the end of the war, we will always remember our victory. Low bow to all those who defended it!

We remember!

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Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters by May 9 - wall newspaper to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory

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Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

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In the history of Russia, on May 9, this is a special and sacred date. In 2015, there will be 70 years since the Great Victory over fascist invaders. All these years, in the heart of every Russian lives the memory of the immortal feat of the people who have established the independence of the Motherland. And in our power ...

I bring to your attention the idea for decorating the wall newspaper (though, our wall newspapers are located on the doors. As already accepted in our institution, at the entrance we make a congratulation that you will tell you without words and show. I did not exception and the holiday on May 9. The inscription and. ..

Victory Day. Wall newspapers and posters by May 9 - Wallgazeta "Victory Day"

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Victory Day - Extremely significant holiday, annually marked in Russia with a big sweep. It is very carefully prepared at all levels. The streets of cities, facades and interior buildings are necessarily decorated with flags and traditional symbolism. In the Cityilates, windows of shops, schools and office institutions insert bright and colorful posters on May 9, printed by typographic way or made with their own hands. If you have not yet decided how to decorate your meeting room light holiday Victory, take advantage of our ideas and tips. They will help you adequately prepare for a joyful day and create a warm, soul and festive atmosphere at school, kindergarten or office center.

Posters on May 9: "Victory Day", "Remember ..." and others

For Victory Day, you can choose different thematic posters. Bright, catchy, the optimistic version with the warrior liberator will look great in the school class, student audience, a solid office or a large bank department.

Very festive and spring looks like a poster, weathered in bright satellite gamma. The victorious symbolism in it is harmoniously combined with a bouquet of flowers, a broad Georgievskaya ribbon and outbreaks of salute.

A poster combining a black and white image framed by bright shades that symbolizing the victorious banner of Russia is relevant and attractively.

A poster grateful for the peaceful sky and a calm, safe life will delight veterans and will give them to understand how the highly young generation appreciates their great and glorious feat.

Modern cool and cheerful posters from May 9 will be appropriate to place the room kindergarten, school rooms, where younger classes and a festive assembly hall are learning.

Poster on May 9 do it yourself, how to make it right

Make a poster on May 9 with your own hands is not so difficult. You just need to be patient, not to rush anywhere, devote to the process a certain amount of Time and invest in a piece of the soul. Only in this case you will have a spectacular, bright and attractive product, reflecting your personal attitude towards the feat of veterans and the great holiday.

For comfortable work, you will need a sheet of Watman, a set of figured lines, colored paper, scissors, gouache or markers, scissors and a sharp stationery knife with a retractable blade. First you need to choose a suitable pattern and determine its location on the poster. When this stage is passed, you can think about the title and accompanying text (poems, songs, congratulations, etc.). Important additions The layout will be traditional thematic symbols (eternal flame, orders and medals for the valor and courage, carnations, Georgievskaya tape, etc.). Preferred bright, rich and juicy color gamut. Dark, mourning shades better avoid. A poster should look optimistic and inspire pride for a glorious feat, perfect by veterans during the war years.

If you independently draw a poster, use ready templates. They can be disappearing on their own taste or fill in thematic text and photographs. To enhance the visual effect, it will not be superfluous to decorate a leaf with bulk flowers from velvet or smooth paper. different shades. They will give a poster an elegant and solemn view.

Poster templates on May 9, original and bright

Poster templates on May 9 are special blanks with a color or monochrome background and traditional festive attribute. They can accommodate any text, print or write poems from the hands of military topics, festive congratulations to veterans, participants in combat operations and the toilet workers, parlets of victory songs, photos, or pictures.

The easiest option of the template is the basis of bright red, decorated on one side by traditional symbols of the Great Holiday - Georgievskaya ribbon, a scarlet five-pointed star and obelisk of golden leaves.

No less effectively and brightly looks like a victory symbols located at the bottom of the poster. Juicy red background beautifully diluted Orange rays departing from the main drawing, symbolizing the sunrise over our free and strong homeland.

Interestingly and extraordinary looks poster template on May 9 with a large and cast by the central symbolic composition. On the empty fields of the light orange shade, located along the edges, can be placed a large number of Text and add it thematic photos.

Those who do not know how to draw, but to create a festive poster still wants, helps a black and white contour pattern. It will only be necessary to decorate with colored pencils or paints and supply a catchy heading.

May 9 - the most important holiday, with a scope noted across the country. Traditionally, the Victory Day decorate the streets settlementsFestive posters and transparencies hang in parks and along the roads. Every citizen who wants to give a domestic memory should congratulate veterans with a colorful greeting wall newspaper, the template of which can be absolutely free to download on our website.

Taking advantage of the workpiece, it is easy to decorate a school class or a corridor in an educational institution. Young people are encouraged to raise homemade posters in the entrances of houses where participants live brutal Warwho gave her youth to victory over fascism. Older people will gladly take such pleasant signs attention.

Download fragments of wall newspaper

The template of this newspaper consists of 8 parts, each of which is a piece of large drawing.

How to make a post page for the Victory Day

  1. The workpiece wall newspaper is a template that looks like children's coloring books. To get a final picture, it is enough to do a few simple steps:
  2. Connect fragments so that the result becomes the picture of the artist.
  3. Coloring the contour image with suitable colors, leaving unwitted space for signatures. To do this, you can use markers, paints or multicolored pencils.
  4. Write in the remaining clouds

Victory Day is a special holiday that symbolizes tremendous work and sacrifices for our peaceful life. On this day, on May 9, we all honor the memory of the warriors who gave their lives for their homeland and those who also boldly fought and lived ten more years of peaceful life. Fortunately, in all educational institutions pass annual festivalsDeals in this day, but also in schools necessarily draw wall newspaper, posters and other drawings. In this article, I will show you in detail how to draw a poster on May 9 to school.

You will be useful: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, eraser, color pencils or markers / gouache.

  1. Position the sheet of paper vertically. We will draw a complex, but an interesting poster - there will be a tank, and a fighter. They will be in us in different corners Sheet, so take a simple pencil and neatly outline the approximate form of our technique. (At the bottom - the tank, on top - the fighter).
  2. We start drawing low part tank. To apply smooth lines, you will need a ruler.

  3. We continue to draw parts over smooth lines. Follow the example in Figure 3.
  4. Drawn posters by May 9 on Victory Day should be well detailed, so basking with patience to draw the top of the tank shown in Figure 4.

  5. Dorify the details of the tank, do not forget to draw and star.
  6. Now go to the fighter aircraft. We start drawing his tail part.

  7. We turn to the drawing of the body, draw the cockpit of the pilot and the "nose".
  8. Dorify wings and spinning screw. It we will show it very simple - a circle, and inside the strips that create the illusion of movement.

  9. Decorating the fighter with details and a star.
  10. To draw a poster by May 9 with your own hands, we need to carefully draw letters. Be careful and for starters, do it a simple pencil.

  11. We start drawing Georgievskaya tape. To begin with, draw a wavy line.
  12. We draw the second part of the tape from below.

  13. Now we draw inside the ribbon 3 of the black or dark blue stripes. The remaining strips are orange.
  14. To draw beautiful decoration To the newspaper by May 9, you can decorate one corner - salute (follow example 14), and the second - carnations. Detailed lessonin which I demonstrated phased drawing Carnations can also be found,