The most pleasant advantages of the signs of the zodiac. Horoscope flaws, or what zodiac signs are the worst

The most pleasant advantages of the signs of the zodiac. Horoscope flaws, or what zodiac signs are the worst
The most pleasant advantages of the signs of the zodiac. Horoscope flaws, or what zodiac signs are the worst

We know well that the zodiac sign determines in many respects and complements our personality, but at the same time, strengthens the contradictions and negative aspects of the nature laid in our nature.

Too sensitive? Unbearable? Snob and Narcissus? We carry out the testimony and work on errors.


Adventure seekers and owners of a strong lavet, they have enough courage to adequately meet any obstacles in their path and cope with their consequences. Yes, they definitely owners of one of the most explosive characters, but at the same time, extraordinarily smart and sincere. Among the negative features: Navy is impatible, too impulsive, in the rustling of rage do not know how to keep the tongue in their teeth, because of which the enemies often find themselves. However, their drawbacks can play on their arm, guaranteeing professional success - they are confident, persistent and never perceive criticism close to heart.


People belonging to this sign are navalized romance. Their love for beauty and pleasant surprises are associated with their lifestyle. They have a tender, sensitive and watertic soul, so in any situation the calves it is very important to feel safe. Excellent friends - you can count on difficult moments. But! Feeling rapprochement with another person (it may be a sexual partner or just a friend), they begin to relate to him, as their property, often behave extremely selfishly and can be crazy with their jealousy.


Smart, possess a colossal thirst for life. Spontaneous, their mood is often changing, and it is very difficult to adapt to this. Tell worried about insignificant issues, are able to "clarify the soul" from another person if something is needed to them. They do not know how to cope with their own stress and easily fall into depression. And twins too quickly form their opinions about the people around people - do not be so superficial about others! More often, let's have a chance to open and show yourself.


Some of the most sentimental and creative signs of the zodiac. They are very quickly falling in love and gladly ready to fulfill any whims of their second half and protect from all adversity. At the same time, they are very careful, rarely do rarely: a hundred times to think before doing something - it is about them. They suffer from frequent change of mood, there are too emotional and sensitive. The minimum remark can for a long time to knock them out of the rut. Dear crayfish, you should not perceive everything so seriously!


Open owners, but, at the same time, predatory temperament. All that lions do in this life is directed exclusively for their personal benefit. If you enter into their close circle of communication, then these benefits will definitely touch you - they definitely you definitely call them. They are real leaders in life. With all the consequences arising from here - egoism, impatient, dictatorial savages. However, when it comes to genuine "kings of nature", in a different way, and does not happen.


A distinctive feature of representatives of this sign (especially born in September) is an analytical mindset and some "intelligence". Virgin form their opinion only after careful analysis of the situation and never "do not judge the book on the cover," trying to delve into the essence of things. They are very talented, know how to make solid solutions and are not shy of their misconduct. However, their too "strict" character gives them a lot of problems in everyday life.


Calm, only calm is about the scales. They are harmonious and balanced by their nature and know exactly how to preserve the presence of the spirit and not give in to negative emotions and stress in difficult conditions. They are very devoted to their family and friends, but also prone to a strong dependence on the opinions of others. This makes them indecisive, they often need a small shake, which will make them move on.


Passionate and interesting personalities, but, as the nature laid in them, there are too "poisonous" - ulcer, jealous, vengeful. They do not calm down until they respond to their offender or just a careless interlocutor. The courage in making decisions makes them incredibly dangerous rivals.


Sagittarius are the main zodiac philosophers. They know how to fill any gloomy atmosphere with a bright light of optimism. True, their positive thinking can play a sore joke with them - often they, as they say, "rejoice early" and laugh there, where it would be more restrained. Their changeable temperament may irritate. But, in general, these are curious interlocutors with an excellent sense of humor.


Reasonable and practical. Perhaps this is the most ambitious representatives of not only the earthly elements, but also the whole zodiac series. Under this sign, workaholics and winners are born, whose success earned them by law. They are always in a state of combat readiness. Capricors are very demanding - not only to themselves, but also to others. Do not cope with their load and tasks forces. One of the most wonderful qualities of this sign is tolerance in any matters. They are always ready to solve any problems arising on the way.


They are among the smartest signs of the zodiac. Have a good sense of humor, creative thinking. Their original and too creative actions that are difficult to predict, sometimes put on a deadlock more pragmatic surrounding. Therefore, Aquarius often remains incomprehensible. And excessive emotionality, which impresses all aircraft, stingy on the manifestation of feelings to people, on the contrary, may seem like an impassableness.


Useful, noble and just good people. They can throw any things to help others. Great friends. It is strongly dependent on someone else's opinion, which is why they are so easy to offend or hurt with a careless statement. Often doubted the decisions made, they are afraid of mistakes - the competence of their opinion is better not to rely, the fish make a lot on emotions. Idealists - and this is one of their best qualities.

The advantages and disadvantages of the signs of the zodiac.


Advantages of Aries

If your friend was born under the sign of the Aries, then it will be a true friend who brings all actions to the end. He sympathizes, cares and tries that his concern is noticeable, remembers all the birthdays and gives flowers. Aries always turn out to be near at the time of the needs and personal tragedies - a strong shoulder for which you can rely on in misfortune. These are performers of noble feats.

Disadvantages of Aries

The non-plain energy of the ruling planet - Mars - affects negatively on the Aries, often allows it to embroider his efforts and opportunities, disperse energy. Aries is a classic example of "Lokhinvara junior", which jumped onto the horse and drove in all directions at once. Aries are too dusting, they should be counted to ten before accepting any decision, then start again. They rarely look inside. They will not hurt them sometimes think about their own spiritual gusts.


Advantages of Taland

Tales are usually constant in their tastes and preferences, reliable, predictable in their actions; Their positive qualities include patience, generosity, decisiveness, structurality, a great power of will, practicality. Very often showing interest in the arts up to the class of them, mainly to music.

Disadvantages of Taurus

Taurizers are quite conservative, sometimes there are non-accommodated in disputes, insensitive to someone else's grief. Often, the calves are jealous, stubborn, egoists. As a rule, they are inherent in self-love. The selfishness of the Taurus often acquires the shape of the desire for their own material well-being, moving in a thing and passion for the accumulation.

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Advantages of twins

The twins are wonderful in that they are very changeable and possess double nature. They are prone to quick, sudden change of places, and not only to places, but also work, clothes, and even their loved ones. Controlled by the rapid Mercury, these people can, like Julius Caesar, do several things at the same time. In general, the twins make the impression that they were born with a handset in hand. Almost every twin knows several foreign languages, but French is the most beloved. People of this sign generally possess a beautiful gift of speech and can persuade anyone in anywhere. Therefore, there are such beautiful commivals and trading agents.

Disadvantages of twins

All twins have the ability to thoroughly hide their true intentions. They never shy to learn, but this is not a real lie, but rather the game of imagination. With all his inclination, fooling other twins rarely enter the criminal path and mostly honor the Criminal Code. Like the fish, they need to behave in complete contradiction with their authentic desires. That is why from them are unsurpassed politicians and good mediators to establish profitable business relationships and friendly contacts between different people. Many twins have a gift of a syllable and become a professional lifestyle, but avoid writing autobiography, memoirs and especially personal letters, as those thoughts that they expressed yesterday can completely contradict the fact that they will write tomorrow. They read by rarity quickly, but have a bad habit to flip a book or magazine from the end.

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Advantages of cancer

Feelings in cancer prevail over the mind, rich fantasy, great tendency to travel. Cancers love change and variety. Despite this, they live affection for the house, to the old days. The cancers are a pretty, kind, idealistic, soft, patient character, they are caring parents. They are offended, but soon forgive. Cancers often suffer from coldness to them. Cannot do without love and tenderness. Sympathize with someone else's trouble and ready to help. Dreamy and prone to melancholy. Music. Restlessness and similar qualities can subsequently develop.

Disadvantages of cancer

The disadvantages of the character of cancer are considered excessive caution and suspicion, shyness, self-love willingness to succumb to a minute impulse, over-emotionalness. Sometimes there are pages for temptations, prone to accumulation and compliance, inconsistent in their actions, biased and superficial in judgment. Thought and they often disagree.

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a lion

Advantages of Lev.

People born under the sign of the lion sign - Natural leaders and executives. In fact, the controlling position is what the most Lviv seeks what. Lions like to wear a magenta mantle of a man who occupies a prominent position in society, and arrange techniques, entertain people, treat their delicious food and strong wines. But the lions should take the fact that in order to achieve the tops, a person must start with the bottom step, even if he hates dirty work and believes that he is above small work.

Disadvantages of Lev.

Lviv and their typical disadvantages: self-love, gustiness, self-confidence, militia, dogmatism and a tendency to morality, intolerance to the disadvantages of other people, a tendency to external shine and showing. Lions have another disadvantage in the character, which makes it difficult for them to extract the benefits of these gods. This disadvantage is extreme vanity and pride. Being a permanent sign in everything, the Lion is constant and in his delusions, he is quite increasing to stubbornness and can benefit from all his virtues only after he challenges his vain "I" and develops a bit of humility and humility - the most difficult test for Lviv . But the lions are well "equipped with" stubbornness to win this battle with themselves. They are endowed with intelligence and magnetism, which attracts people, but they should not rule over everyone. The lion is often called a royal sign thanks to a highly developed um and graceful manners. Their astrological symbol - Lev - is considered to be the king of animals. But, like all the rulers, lions must learn to wear their crown modestly. They must remember their big sin - vanity. Male lions are very assertive. Often underdeveloped types of lions in rage are resorted to physical strength, entering into a fight with those who do not agree with their solid constant opinion. The underdeveloped female types are trying to seem fashionable and sophisticated and, thus, look screaming, use cheap spirits and dress brightly and tasteless. Lions should beware of not becoming simple poses because of their love for theatricality.

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The advantages of the Virgin

People born under the sign of the Virgin are inclined to order and harmony, polite and modest in communication. They work a lot and willingly, practical, even landing. Many Germans may envy their punctuality: Virgin is extremely legitimized and in food, and in clothes; And in choosing a circle of communication. Usually, the Virns are extremely permeable, intelligent, possess a fairful tolly of common sense. The movements of the virgisomy and rapidly. But at the same time they, as a rule, are arrogant, critically tuned, picky. Virgin is overly curious, they are always happy to learn anything completely unnecessary to them, they often do not know how to dispose of books wisdoms, but they willingly boast their encyclopedic knowledge. They are characterized by large spiritual abilities, a slight assimilation of perceived, they are lovers of all sciences. Always arranged to work and very manifest. By nature are not wasteful, patient, household and overwhelming. Always are based on facts, practical and sound reasoning.

Disadvantages of the Virgin

Virns are often exchanged for small things that are lost, often pedantic and petty, as well as scrupulous. Skepticism prevents the virgin to exercise a wide range. Some representatives of this sign should avoid chatty and not judge others overly strictly. There are among them and idealists and spiritually highly gifted people.

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Advantages of weights

Scales highly appreciate people. Testing attraction to harmony and equilibrium, they avoid rude conflicts. They are predisposed to art at all and with pleasure they are engaged in almost it, even if they are only amateurants. Aesthetes and lovers of pleasure, compassionate, kind, gentle and soft. Their desire to make people happy comes so far that they will rather get others than themselves, however they are not wanted when they see that their delicate nature is offended. And in today's commercial world they have two advantages: their sign manages the area of \u200b\u200blove and idealism.

Disadvantages of weights

People-scales of multiplodes are easily flammable, but also with heat carry out their plans until they do not give up them so that with the same heat to surrender to another subject or idea. They have little patience and excerpts, so it is difficult to rely on them, especially when the work requires a lot of time and effort. It should be noted that they are generally somewhat lazy, beyond, do not like to strain, if only the fruits of their works were like something like. Scales are often in a break with the surrounding reality, as they completely identify themselves with elegance and grace, they will go to everything to avoid contact with people who insult the laws of ethics and good taste.

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The advantages of scorpion

Born under the sign of Scorpio very often differ in high emotionality, sincerity. Scorpions are practical; They possess undoubted magnetism, attract the surrounding mystical in nature. As a rule, scorpions are kind, and their kindness is active, they are characterized by such features as determination, self-discipline, persistence, energy. Scorpions are very sincere, devotees; Always try to achieve the best results in everything they do, strive to improve our professional skills. Scorpions are inborn fighters, they are jealous (but not envious) belong to the successes of other people, often enter into different contests.

Disadvantages of scorpion

Unfortunately, no less and list of negative qualities, ordinary for scorpions. Here are selfishness, and inconsistency, and skeptics, and suspiciously aggravated by their own security, and self-love, and ruthlessness, and vitality. Scorpions often allow other people to manipulate them. They are often prone to mysticism, the influence of someone else's will, to magic and metaphysics. Conflicts between sublime and low: on the one hand, anger, vigilance, cruelty and anger, on the other - high idealism and a strong need for knowledge, zealous to spiritual development, thirst for knowledge and perseverance in their achievement, determination and fearlessness. Often scorpions are very attractive nature, but with a variety of internal conflicts, without which they, in general, do not think their existence.

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Advantages of Sagittarius

Sagittars are most often open, friendly, honest optimists, performed by nobility and enthusiasm; Their energy splashes over the edge. Sagittarius is quite often prone to philosophy, their mind and heart are always ready to perceive a new idea. In communication, Sagittarius often show generosity, frankness, preparedness for the search for compromises. At the same time, people born under the constellation of Sagittarius are impulsive, unrestrained into the tongue, extremely careless. They can work for a long time, quickly moving towards the goal, but they do not know how to stop and move and move at all. Sagittarius are restless: they always "expand" their identity, leaving the temptation of a hypnotic star on the horizon, waiting for new adventures. They want to see, eat, blame everything in the world before the end of their earthly journey comes. The character of Sagittarius is a clever, multilateral, passionate, working. The mind easily perceives knowledge. Appreciates independence and freedom. Challenge, acting rapidly, stubborn, but also frank, without false. Sociable, kind, generous Sagittarius loves animals and loves to travel. People of this sign have great compassion and mercy.

Disadvantages of Sagittarius

Exaggeration should be feared, because people of such a warehouse of character often gains.

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Oh, these stars! People say it is exactly what we owe our bad character or strange behavior. Therefore, today we decided to identify the most important drawbacks of each of the signs of the zodiac. Now, if you notice some oddities, you know who everyone to blame.


If there is a red rag in front of the Aries nod, it will catch the blind. With shores in front of them, they run in life without thinking about the consequences of their actions. Aries are very self-confident and impulsive. They can be frankly inflated, but they are more like their eyes, which will destroy the world of their illusions. They are also very impatient and tend to do all the tricks. Selfish, listen only to yourself and do not recognize authorities.


Tales - the people are extremely lazy. Like a dog on the Seine, they will lay all day on the sofa and with any attempt to stir them will bark and snap. In addition to laziness, they also have tremendous self-conceit, consider themselves the most important and necessary. In addition, they are extremely lust and indulged their habits. They cannot be convicteding and not to convince them, even if there is a corpse to put the corpse to the legs of the Taurus with bloody horns, it will deny everything. And they are greedy and selfish.

Double twins should be feared. They can easily hate under a good nature mask. And the most ugly quality of this sign is a narrowing and excessive talkativeness. They just love to talk, and if you get laundered to kill them, then wait trouble! In addition, they are too often sprayed at everything, but they never bring the matter to the end, so they often don't get annoyed.


In emotional cancers that no day, then tears (it happens that and from joy). They suffer from constant mood drops and can bring to white crown their pessimism. If you fall into the life of cancer, he clings to you with his clasons so that neither horns nor hoofs will help. But what is most infuriated - they are completely offended, but will never tell about it straight.


All other signs depart into the background when it comes to the egoism of Lviv. They attribute themselves to the high pedestal, from which they can not shove them anyone. In general, this is a king of animals, which everywhere marks the territory and puts everyone around ... Yes, nothing puts in anything. If you swee his ego, you can achieve love from him, and to fight with him more expensive.

Virgo is not the best option when choosing a vest. They criticize everyone and always. Whether you are at least a mortal apparent, they will be able to find your guilt in this and will not go for any compromises. Rude, unrestrained, and still scary pessimists. They see all the catch, so everyone belongs to everyone.

Padded on beautiful glass scales may rush in chase after a pawless man, forgetting about the precious treasure, which was always there. These Soroki are just crazy from lush entourage and pathos. In the desire to demonstrate their steepness, the scales are capable of any lowness. In the head they have wind, they are unreliable, lazy, and most importantly - they do not know how to make decisions at all. A devotee will make up before the wife-scales choose what dress to wear at a party.

Scary manipulators and kings intrigues. Scorpions believe that only the strength and power can succeed. They do not trust anyone, so very hidden. They know how to be incredibly cute to achieve your location, but you will not have time to blink with the eye, as you have already been sting. At the same time, the scorpions are very soft inside, they are easy to offend, which is why they fall into despair and depression. We often envy others and achieve their at any cost.

The archers would not hurt to learn tact, because they always spit on everyone with a high tower. But they are still loved. Complete carefree and irresponsible. Having assisted them, you will not hear thanks, because the Sagittarius will be sure that he deserved it (sitting at home on the sofa from the TV). But what they do not spare forces are on adventure. Sagittarius are ready to break their heads for tried the lands for the sake of sharp sensations, the drainage of their unfortunate resisting loved ones.


There are no equal in the pessimism of Capricorn. They are not only those who surround their whining, but even themselves, therefore, often during the tides of despair be fighting horns about the wall and tear the shirt. But if you try to change something in the life of Capricorn, he will strive with all the hooves and will be desperately cling to his misfortune. Very shy, but at the same time proud and arrogant.

But who infuriates with his positivity, so it is aquarius. It seems to be a rainbow fountain, which makes it simply unpredictable that many can pose. For them there is no half-term - or everything, or nothing. In pursuit of their own ideals, they are often distinguished from their loved ones. What is happening in the head of the Aquarius, he knows only himself. They consider themselves as experts, so they will not be bought on the tips and adore clever.

Perhaps there are sharks among fish, but in most cases it is lazy karasi floating within. They live in their own world and are so closed in themselves that they will overstep through the dying friend, not even noticing him. They live under the law of the least resistance, look at life with a lazy longing, although they are excessively emotional. At the same time, such requests have such requests that no goldfish can satisfy them.

Disadvantages of each of the signs of the zodiac

And we continue to insist that Zodiac is the best invention of human civilization. Just we, unlike our ancestors, have learned to cook it right. Previously, how was it? "Yes, your honor, I behaved badly, raped women and burned to half an edge, but show the condesception, I still Aries" - "Ah, Aries ... Remove with the poor shackles."

Each sign has a certain set of deficiencies that need to be remembered to not cry in the pillow: "Who would have thought, he was so cute ...".


Everything is bad, we will die. I nyashka Capricorn, but all the others - the Gadsk goats. Who have achieved success through bed. If we do not know who I slept Gates to become a billionaire, it does not mean at all that he did not sleep with anyone. He sent his Microsoft, do not go to the fortuneteller. I should have been in his place, but I am too basic. On the other hand, the proven ambition of the costs of Capricors often work on hand - they become billionaires, and beginner Capricors are hissing on them from under the table, suspecting immorality.


Do not come to me, nothingness, you are too noisy. While other signs protect their personal space to the inside-since, the aquarius builds a thick metaphorical (or even real, and cho) wall so that no mouse is slipped. For complete happiness, it is necessary for an uninhabited island with steady warm weather, Internet and rare visits of happy children. Inside the metaphorical (or real, yes) Walls of Aquarius a lot of yummy, giving the opportunity to survive any siege. But the gate open only for chosen lucky ones.


The date of birth of Baron Münhhausen is not indicated by the author, but this is too superfluous. We understand that the end of February is March. Fish is such special demiurges that create an illusory reality, draw others there, and then disappear, leaving the fragments of pink glasses abandoned in bewilderment. The generally accepted moral fish categorically does not fit - they have their own personal moral code, and, written in Sanskrit, so that the fish itself does not always understand what it is possible, and what is impossible. But all the fish will definitely fall into paradise - to beat the head of the apostle Peter for them easier than the steamy plankton.


The ruling planet Aries is Mars, so there will be a lot of action and tears. Not at Aries, it is clear, and by others. At the very same Aries, everything will be fine - modern whitening agents are perfectly dispensed with a white frank. If Aries fell in love (and they fall in love with all the time), then they will not stop their time, nor the distance nor the concrete bunker. But the arrogant Aries becomes an ideal partner for life, and the one who waited for him receives the medal "for patience" and a memorable icon: "Nails would do from these people."


Taurus is very working - he, not to twist the hands, daily and not sleeping, builds the wrong monuments to wonderful. Or man-made monuments, optional. Taurus is a milestone and the charming creature exactly until the moment you won't go to him. And then the events will begin to develop so rapidly that you yourself will not understand how it happened that your old woman is in vain waiting for the Son home. And if the Taurus decided, then it is impossible to move it from the spot even with the help of a tower crane. What is extremely convenient for close Taurus, and the rest are to blame.


Slog the desposed carotid artery of the plantain is much easier than shrouding the twin story. This fountain is inexhaustible - the twin is capable even at its own funeral to rebel from the coffin with the text: "By the way, anecdote in the topic! Call on the door, the man opens, and on the threshold - death with oblique. " And tells the anecdote to the end, ignoring the screech and fainting others. Twins fantastic lazy, only saves the fact that their natural ability to chatting about nothing perfectly monetized, for example, writing horoscopes in PICS.


"This is Solomon Schomon Schomon, a school of ballroom dancing, you are told. Two steps left, two steps to the right, step forward and two back. " You have listened to the anthem of crayfish, you can sit down. This is the "step forward and two backwards" - this is our chitinos. Care and indecisive crayfish is a parable in the towns, on the one hand, but balm on the heart for stability lovers, on the other. Cancer even on treason to go uncomfortable. Not from moral considerations, but exclusively because of paranoia - who knows this mistress, she is baba. And in women, as you know, the entrance - the ruble, the exit - three. Well, her to hell.


The lion, of course, smart and the charm, what pretty. When his name is "Simba", and you look about him cartoon. In life, it is a tyrant, despot and a madman with a zero threshold of tolerance to the disadvantages of other people and a tendency to morality, pumped to the level of "God." The lion sitting in the cage can create an illusion of safety, but the watchman neglected to atoms does not even have time to notice how the illusion dispelled. The lion is very easy to calculate, not even knowing the date of birth of Visazawi. The species sign of this lion is a conversation with complex suggestions, in which the word "I" is found in any segment between commas. On the other hand, in our capitalist century vanity - not a vice, but a powerful career engine. And Dante with his circles of hell is all literature and lies.


Before expressing yourself on the topic: "What's in my head", start with a simple - try to understand that in the head at the serial killer. Does not work? With the Virgin, all the more, will not come out. If you present a Virgin, like a cute, slightly old-fashioned creation that embroiders on the chains and knits the scarf, you will find a good amazement when you find the needles under your nails, and in the eye. Virgo perfectly mimicrates to get the most delicious, most beautiful, place of the gender and this is this sympathy in bed. And gets. And who did not hide - so it is not the Virgin of Wine, it's you who have worked the ears.


The fact that the remaining signs are called "manic-depressive psychosis", the weights are called "character characteristics". Patience and precisses for weights are incomprehensible funny words from the tusty book of Ozhegov. Scales can burn any idea, throw all possible resources for its implementation, to have a bunch of people and ... to cool down, chanting a new idea. Treason for weights The condition is quite organic and not causing a flour of conscience, because they are not going to destroy the family, it became not to blame, yeah. But the scales are fantastically charming, and everything comes with hands. Q.E.D.


Remember the parable: "Transfer me, turtle, to the other beach, I will not take you"? But stung because Scorpio. Scorpions are ruthless, revenge and constantly fall in love with someone for life. But the main problem is that in scorpions, too, someone in love with all life, and, much more often than Scorpio himself. Therefore, they are champions in the number of broken hearts per square kilometer of a love boat. They are sitting on Goa and instead of swimming, inexorable hand expand and expand the ban list in their social networks.


"Save the puppies of Dalmatian, they will drown !!!". There are no equal in the genre "everyone to regret and feed." Therefore, there are excellent strong ropes from the Sagittarius, on which those disappointed with cruelty and lies, reigning on the planet, the Sagittarius are lying all the time to hang. But do not hang, because who, if not, will I save the Far Eastern Leopards? Sagittarov loves employers very much, because at the Sagittarius you can hang any scope of work, and it does not even picnet. And everything will do, even a carcass, even a chuck. In general, at first glance, Sagittarius - Milyaha. How, how ... The main problem of surrounding Sagittarius lies in its excellent memory. And the complete absence of impairedness. If the stranger gun is sent to you in the dark door and says: "Remember me, you called me in a kindergarten called me?", Be sure that this is a shooter. Knowledge of this, of course, will not save, but do not have to do, dying, whisper: "For what?".

Text: Alexander Smilanskaya

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We all accustomed to the fact that the zodiac sign was entrenched for each sign of the zodiac. But any of them is able to appear from a completely unexpected side!

Nice small. Executive, fulfilling their promises. And you are unlikely to find a more loyal friend than Aries. The worse you have a situation, the kind he will support you and save you. At the same time, it doesn't matter, whether he knew you from the diaper or you just studied in one thread on the course at the university. These people know how to get elected to the truth, even when you tighten all the hatches of your soul. They will definitely find a loophole and show friendly participation.

Untrety, herself on his mind - this is also about the Taurus. However, it is worth knowing it closer, and you will understand that you are a person-holiday. Tales can, like a French franger, easily making out of nothing, a hat, scandal and salad, to build a holiday from the girlfriend. In principle, in order to please others, they don't even need a red date in the calendar. There is a mood in the shower, it means that you need to give a holiday with your loved ones and relatives. Tales also remember all those good things that you did for them. And they are able to be grateful.

In the twins, the role of the guy's shirt. A person who will treat everyone around while in his pocket will not be left only to Arkan. But this is an impression, believe me, deceptive. Gemini as no other can count money. They clearly know how many money they have in the budget and how much they can at the very moment to lower the beautiful life. Probably, that is why among them there are quite often excellent strategists and financiers.

The amazing feature of these people is the ability to listen and understand everything that you want to convey to them. What do not say, and now it is the most real talent! In addition, raks can immediately separate the grains from the whores, the main thought of the flow of consciousness, delirium and lies. If a friend is required help, cancer is unlikely to remove. He will capture the time in his tight chart, sit down next to, exhale and take it to listen. And then also the tips will give.

They are smart, rational. But often prefer not to share their richest life experience. They understand that every act inevitably follows the consequences - and these are their scary. Meanwhile, it is precisely those people who can brilliantly solve crisis situations. But, as we remember, they are not credo. If you do not call, the lions will come to the aid only when they can already be saved. So do not hesitate, come to them and boldly ask how to be. Just do not forget: do it very penetrating and respectfully. Before us, all the same lion itself!

They quickly converge with people and can arrange to themselves. They will never say a girl: "I'm not talking to strangers on the street." Virgin can look like so much, so turn the course of the events in your side that the stranger itself will say both the name and surname, and the address. The charm of the virgins may be bottomless. By the way, it is among this sign of the zodiac quite a lot of fatal women. Maybe not gliding the beauty, but possessing a breathtaking charisma.

This is brilliant seams! They can plan events ahead and further. Life from them, as a rule, follows the same trajectory with some reservations. When we say about the scales, as a crash, it is a lie. They are romance and tireless inventors. Scales are usually able to keep all the prices in the head, the work schedules of the necessary institutions, as well as all discounts and promotions. Thanks to this, they can organize anything - whether it is a vacation or a dinner dinner, while spending the minimum of money and time.

Everyone has already become accustomed to the fact that scorpions are people who are able to get their own insension. Meanwhile, they usually become crazy parents. Who would have thought! Yesterday, they wrinkled noses when mentioning a dirty diaper. And today, they themselves read the parent forums and choose the diapers models in which the ass will not translate. And so in everything! Scorpions with all meticulously study every aspect of the life of their Chad. At the same time, they try to make the child feel excessive guardianship.

If there is a notion of "sexy charisma" - it is about the Streltsov. Here there are something inexplicable in them that as a magnet attracts representatives of the opposite sex. Sagittari women are usually gentle and feminine, and men are strong and always ready to substitute their strong shoulder. Maybe a strong Family Sagittarius you will not offer you, but the time spent with him, you will definitely remember how one of the most joyful and happy.

In these people, literally the abyss of the desire to help others. They are not always ready to advertise their desire, but if it is possible to work in a shelter for homeless animals, to give a chef concert in the nursing home or collect money in need - it is Capricors who will be among the first respondents. And, of course, they will never be distorted to talk about their good deeds. And this is another virtue of Cascorn.

Talents are different. Here, Aquarius, for example, is the talent forgive. He is physically not capable of angry and blow someone. Even if he was strongly offended. He will raise up his hand and wave on everything. For there are much more fascinating classes in the world than the offense. Be confident in the most difficult circumstances, he will not remind you of what you got stuck somewhere.

Probably fish at once two hidden advantages. They are kind and generous. And it is very connected with each other. They will always comfort, will always help you find a way out of a difficult situation, and at the same time not that they will not ask for their works any thanks, but also their last shirt in the load will be given. And then a couple of months will cope: how do you live and don't you need to help with something?