Drawings of children on the topic on May 9. How to draw a tank with a pencil phased

Drawings of children on the topic on May 9. How to draw a tank with a pencil phased
Drawings of children on the topic on May 9. How to draw a tank with a pencil phased

For the day of the Great Victory, many cultural and educational institutions conduct thematic exhibitions of drawings. What to portray in Figure by May 9? Read in this article.

If you decide to make a congratulatory drawing in the form of a postcard or poster, you can depict festive or military attributes, such as:
  • flowers (traditionally carnations);
  • fireworks;
  • five-pointed star;
  • eternal flame;
  • orders and medals;
  • st. George Ribbon;
  • flag;
  • pigeon, symbolizing the world;
  • tanks, aircraft, warships;
  • soldiers
In the picture you can depict any plot related to Victory Day, for example:
  • The hero of the Great Patriotic War hugs or gets flowers from the kid;
  • laying a wreath on a fraternal grave, to eternal fire or monument;
  • return of soldiers from the front home (Favorite girls and Moms meet heroes);
  • awarding heroes with orders and medals;
  • soviet soldiers establish a national flag on the Reichstag building;
  • victory Parade on Red Square.
If you do not have drawing skills, you can copy ("redraw") image. It is more convenient to do it with the mesh. If the original picture in the book or magazine is enough on it using a simple pencil and ruler to draw a grid like a notebook "in a cell", for example, with 1x1 cm cells (as you are more convenient). Suppose the whole picture fit into the mesh 10x15 cells. On the work sheet (gallery or watman), draw the same mesh, but with the desired scale. That is, the cells are still 10x15, but if you want to get an image 5 times more, then the side of each cell must be 5 cm (that is, proportionally). Now redraw the picture "Carefully". First draw a completely one cell, then adjacent and so until all the image appears on your "canvas". On a computer for this purpose, you can use the Paint program:
  1. Starting a graphic editor: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "Paint".
  2. Open the source image "File" - "Open", specify the path.
  3. Activate the "View" tab, check the box near the "Mesh line" item.
  4. If the resulting mesh is fine, you can draw your own "line" tool. Click on the "Home" tab, click on the "line" (in Figure 2), now draw large cells, but keep in mind that they all must be square.
Boys prefer military drawings on May 9 with tanks and airplanes. To simplify the task, use step-by-step patterns of combat vehicles.

Option 1

Airplanes on May 9 can be decorated with red stars, symbolizing the Soviet Army.

Option 3.

Salute paint is very simple - it is similar to the splashes of colorful droplets on paper flying away from the center.

Even kids will be able to draw salute! Mom you need to make a blank from straws for drinks:

  1. one edge of the tube to be cut into thin longitudinal strips of 3-6 cm long;
  2. bend them to 90º, it turned out some kind of chamomile;
  3. take advantage of her like a brush - plunder well in the paint and leave the print on the sheet of paper.

A five-pointed star can be drawn, for the first time, put 5 points on a sheet of paper - these are the tops of the future star. Mentally numb them in order, for example, clockwise. Now consistently connect the vertices through one (1 and 3, 3, and 5, 5, and 2, 2, and 4, 4, and 1), without taking the pencil from paper.

Option 1

So that the star was geometrically correct, draw a circle, mark 5 points on it, between which 72º, connect them, as described above, erase the extra lines.

Option 2.

Draw a circle, spend 5 diameters, angle between each pair - 36º. At the intersection of each odd radius with a circle, tick the tops of the future star, and in the even radius put the point in the middle. Now consistently connect these points, as shown in the figure.

Carnations or flowers by May 9th.

Publications are shown 1-10 of 230.
All sections | Victory Day, May 9th. Drawing classes, drawings

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Nine-May, all Russia celebrates the Great Holiday - Victory Day. In order to tell about the holiday in the game form, and at the same time prepare a gift to veterans, draw a drawing along with your child.

Drawing is an important element necessary for the harmonious development of the child. With the help of the picture, he learns the world around and is trying to reproduce it with understandable and accessible images. Psychologists argue that up to 8 years old should not teach a child to draw, point out errors, thereby impose on him his own vision of the world.

Before you sit down the baby for the drawing, tell him about the topic of the upcoming holiday, the feat of the Russian people and the dedication of the soldiers, tell us about your relatives who fought, about their merits. Show photos from the front and listen to military songs, all this will help to find the necessary mood. Explain that on this day we always say "Thank you" to veterans, and any veteran will be pleased to get a sincere children's drawing.

What to draw a picture on May 9?

Execution technique can be any, for example:

  • gouache
  • watercolor
  • colour pencils
  • watercolor pencils
  • feltolsters
  • wax pencils
  • chalks

To work, take the paper of a small format A4 or A3, better if the paper is dense, then the drawing will look better and will continue for a long time.

You can also draw a drawing and on a computer, there are many programs with which you can easily create an image and you can make adjustments to it. The graphics tablet is also a great option for creating drawings using digital technologies.

Figure by May 9 stages

Not only to children, but also adults want to show themselves and paint, but not everyone has an artistic talent. To make the drawing, as in the picture, draw a phased, constantly referring to the instructions. For example, to draw the following steps to draw the Georgievskaya ribbon:

  • Put a clean sheet of paper, a simple pencil, a ruler, washingal gum and a felt-tip pen of black and orange colors.
  • In the center of the drawing, you spend two parallel lines at an angle of 60 degrees, between the lines of the approximate distance of 2-3 cm, then you need to spend two more lines that will cross the first lines at an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in the figure.

  • Remove the extra lines, as shown in the figure, and connect the top ends of the two extreme seasons, the same seated should be connected and the internal ends of the lines. The lower ends pairly join the straight line, erase the extra contours.

  • now over the entire length of the drawn ribbon, spend 3 black thick lines

  • the rest of the space is filled with an orange marker and the St. George Ribbon ready. To finish the drawing, you can add the inscription "Congratulations on May 9!".

Military drawings on May 9

Since the feast is military, then cards and drawings, which are presented at the festival mainly on the military theme. You can portray a soldier, tank, hard hat, automatic or plane.

To draw a military aircraft Follow the instructions:

  1. Draw the aircraft housing in the form of a lying concess, in the middle of the cone, make a lines of fastening the wing
  2. From this line in different directions, draw two wings, erase the extra lines from the distant wing, because part of it closes the case of the aircraft
  3. In the tail of the aircraft, draw a vertical stabilizer
  4. Draw a cockpit of a streamlined shape, towering over the case,
  5. Draw a screw in front and stars on wings
  6. Coloring the resulting drawing

Easy picture on May 9

The easiest picture on May 9 is a star. It needs not so much to draw, how much to build by reference points:

  • With the help of a circulation, draw a circle and run two lines passing through the center that will separate the circle on the 4 smooth segment.
  • Now on the circle you need to note the reference points between which the same distance.
  • Point 1 is on the intersection of the line and circle at the highest point of the picture to find a point 2 and 3. Check the circus to point 1 and take the circumference of the same radius as the first circle, the places of crossings of the circles litter the pencil to find points 4 and 5 Alternately from point 2 and 3, spend two more circles.

  • Will erase the extra lines from the picture, mark only 5 reference points on which the entire picture will be built.
  • Connect them as shown in the figure and erase the extra contours.

  • To the drawing turned out to be bright, pull the star.

Pictures on the topic on May 9

To make a good drawing, you can draw it in stages or use the translated stencil. If you have a beautiful picture at hand, you can translate it through the glass and then just paint.

To select a theme for your drawing, browse popular pictures on the Internet, postcards, or use the most popular phased schemes for drawings on May 9, which are given in the following.

Tank on May 9 drawing

To draw a tank you will need a simple pencil, a washing gum and pencils of green and red or gouache.

  1. Draw a housing of a tank that consists of oval (caterpillars) and two truncated pyramids (cabin)
  2. Then draw the wheels from the caterpillars, the tank blow
  3. Draw a chain on caterpillars, cabin, stars on a tank and small details
  4. Color the tank with green pencil

Figure Carnations by May 9

The symbol of May 9, of course, are cloves that are very easy to draw if they act according to the scheme:

  1. Draw a long wand for the future stem, a triangle and a circle for the future flower
  2. Draw on the stem small progencies in the form of triangles
  3. On the flower head, designate smooth lines of petals
  4. Add detail, petals lines make zigzag
  5. Color the drawing with pencils or watercolor

Figure Salute by May 9

Children and adults, everyone is waiting for salute, this is not just a symbol of the end of the holiday, but also a stunning spectacle. People gather together on the viewing sites and roofs of the houses to admire bright lights in the sky. Salute can be called one of the simplest drawings, because in fact it is just splashing.

  1. Spend an oblique line
  2. At the upper end of this line, draw splashes flying from the center
  3. Add bright colors and stars and salute ready

You can act on a simpler scheme, apply paint (watercolor or gouache) to the brush and shake over the paper, scattered drops are very similar to salute. Use several different colors so that the drawing is bright.

Little kids can draw salute with air markers, it is only a lot of lean and bright splashes will seem on the leaves.

Figure of the Eternal Flame by May 9

A more complex on execution may seem drawing of the eternal flame, but if you work in stages, then you will succeed:

  • Draw an oval, 5 rays depart from it, a different length, as shown in the figure, is the top face, the stars ribs

  • To the star turns out to be volumetric, repeat the contour at a distance in half acetimeter and draw bends with straight lines

  • Draw the fire with smooth lines, as if blown up in the wind, if desired, the drawing can be painted

What to do with a drawing on May 9?

Options for further fate in the drawing can be quite a lot:

  1. Give a grandfather or grandmother, great-grandfather or great-grandfathers who participated in the Great Patriotic War
  2. To give veterans that are going on the main square of the city on May 9, together with the carnation
  3. Send to exhibition drawings, which often suits the local administration on the eve of the holiday
  4. Turn into a beautiful postcard and give again
  5. Decorate the wall in the room
  6. Save for memory in the album with children's drawings

Draw a picture on May 9th is a great way to spend time with a child fun and informative. Come up with an interesting story and paint the whole family!

Video: Drawing veteran on May 9

Thematic drawings are a mandatory element of preparation for any holiday. On the eve of May 9 and children, parents, and teachers are covered by creative search for new ideas and forms. However, well-friendly plots can be found interesting, choosing another coloring method, for example. Consider the most interesting options.

What to draw

Based on the topic of creative tasks, it is easy to guess that the content of the picture may be all associated with:

  • military equipment;
  • weapons;
  • scenes of battles.

In addition, it is important to remember that Victory Day is a holiday, so without a parade and salute do not do. In addition, the fireworks is a suitable topic for creating drawings in non-traditional techniques, for example, spray technique, fingerti.

To make brightness drawing salute can be made on a black background

What and how to draw

As for the materials, the drawings can be made:

  • paints - and for traditional, and for non-traditional techniques for children of any age;
  • pencils - universal material, which, for example, younger reoxoites is convenient for coloring;
  • flomasters - to give a drawing of brightness and induction of contours;
  • waxing crayons - the children of middle and older preschool age are usually armed, to make their works brighter.

Picture selection of Victory Day

Given the fact that the creative tasks on the topic "Victory Day" receive children of all ages, the selection is appropriate to divide into three groups: for kids of 1.5-4 years, 4-5 and 5+.

For younger doshrolov

In working with this age category it is better to access the finished plots that you only need to paint. That is to coloring. For this, pencils or paints are used. An important nuance: as in the case of pictures on other topics, you should not pick up pictures with small details or too multicolored - the kids will be difficult to focus on the plot. Typically, children of this age group are offered such stories:

  • postcard to the Victory Day (with a number 9, cater and / or star);
  • georgievskaya tape made by pencils (task - not to go out for the contours of the painted plot);
  • salute (usually in a finger technology).

Photo Gallery: Collection of coloring on the topic "Victory Day" for children 1.5-3 years

In the picture there should be no more colors
Coloring with the inscription It is better to offer older children, in 3-4 years old painting the star, kids try not to go out for the contours of the picture

Photo Gallery: Examples of finished drawings for junior groups

Tychka cotton wand salute turns out less natural than when drawing with fingers in the figure Salute Children It is convenient to use finger technique Salute can be an element of collective appliqués on the topic of Victory Day The basis of this picture is a template for coloring

For the middle group

For the guys, 4-5 years old coloring is still relevant, markers are added to the paints and pencils, which children are not only painted, but also reduce the contours of the drawings, for example, the outlines of military equipment. Wax chalks are added to give the brightness of the composition, for example, to color lilac bouquets, festive fireworks. By last year's plots added:

  • military equipment (tank);
  • obelisk.

In the middle group, children are practiced in the creation of collective drawings. And if the weather allows, then such a group pattern can be a postcard for the Victory Day, made by colored shallow on the asphalt. Plots for such drawings are selected multicolored, but simple, for example, salute, Georgievskaya ribbon. Complex elements - tank, inscriptions - performed by adults.

Drawings on asphalt require active assistance to adult, as children are difficult to navigate on the scale of the drawing, moreover, an option is possible when the guys only paint the picture, and the contours draws a teacher or parent

Photo Gallery: Selection of Coloring for the Middle Group

In the middle group, children learn to paint people, their costumes
For coloring pictures with a dove and a star, you can use wax chalk painting of military equipment especially attractive for boys to paint the eternal fire. Children use gouache and tassels of different thickness: medium and thin

Photo Gallery: Samples of finished drawings on the topic "Victory Day" in the middle group

To perform the pattern of parachutists, the gouache drawing is used can be a task of a project on the topic, in this case, parents can be connected to the task, for example, for drawing the elements of the composition Children can make an outline with colored pencils, without prior applying contours, simple coloring with markers requires a clear observance of contour boundaries

For senior group

Children 6-7 years old draw more complex plots, for example, the victory parade with the image of military equipment and people. In addition, the guys draw illustrations for the stories of the Second World War, in particular, the paintings of the battlefield with soldiers. It is a drawing of a picture of the war, it can become a project assignment for senior preschool on the eve of Victory Day.

In the field of FAMP, an excellent score training will be the creation of thematic pattern, for example, a tank, by cells.

Photo Gallery: Examples of drawings on cells

The cage from which the drawing begins is indicated by the point of the aircraft to draw simply, since the entire picture moves one way from the starting cell to complicate the task, the drawing can be "composed" immediately in color

Photo Gallery: Samples of finished drawings for senior preschool age

If the picture is made with wax crayons, they can also describe the contours of the image. It is important that the children try to withstand the proportions in the figure. The figure of the picture of the Victory Day. Children come up with an additional task to the figure may be a description of its plot drawing on the Second World War. received knowledge

Drawing Schemes on the topic "Victory Day"

Consider step-by-step instructions for children of different ages.

How to draw tank

The age of children is 4-7 years old.

Kids may have difficulty drawing smooth lines, so it may be necessary to help adults.


  1. Draw an elongated oval.
  2. Top to give a trapezoid to it without a lower base.
  3. On this trapezium we extend one more.
  4. Show another line parallel to the base of the trapezium - the thickness of the caterpillars of the tank.
  5. Dorify the gun, wheels, detail the tank case.
  6. We draw a star, draw the wheels of the wheels.
  7. Color drawing.

Video: Draw a tank

How to draw an aircraft

The first option is suitable for children for 3-5 years.

In this picture of the aircraft, children are practiced in creating symmetrical elements


  1. Draw a vertical oval, a narrowed down.
  2. Testing on the right and left of the wings.
  3. Draw the porthole.
  4. We carry out the line of the middle of the military car.
  5. Detail the tail part.
  6. Color drawing.

The second option of the image of the aircraft is more difficult, therefore recommended for children 6-7 years. In the image of military aircraft, sharp corners and clear lines prevail.

This is a complex version of the picture of the aircraft, since it has a lot of small parts, symmetrical elements


  1. We take a ruler and draw the main lines of the machine case.
  2. On the horizontal line, we draw a small rectangle - a pilot cockpit.
  3. On the wings, we show the flaps.
  4. We supply the contours of the machine.
  5. We make the contours of the "nose" are curved, and the pilot cabins are rounded.
  6. Take the wings, rockets.
  7. Detail the tail.
  8. Color drawing.

Video: Draw a Military Plan

How to draw a soldier

The age of children is 6-7 years old.

For the picture of the soldier, it is not necessary to achieve the absolute symmetry of the lines, as the image should turn out "alive"


  1. Draw a circle - the head of the soldier.
  2. Two short lines show the neckline.
  3. Take a trapecy to the neck - torso. We draw attention to the fact that the bottom line should be shorter than the top, that is, the shoulder belt.
  4. We draw legs, make the boots rounded lines.
  5. Smooth lines show hands.
  6. Add a cap.
  7. Color drawing.

How to draw Obelisk

The age of children is 5-7 years old.

Figure Obelisk can be supplemented with landscape elements.


  1. We start from the bottom platform. Draw a hexagon.
  2. To the lower face, we draw a narrow rectangle.
  3. From the corners in the middle we spend two vertical lines.
  4. We carry out a line connecting each of these lines with the lower line of the rectangle.
  5. We draw two high rectangles, making narrow sides under the tilt.
  6. At the top between rectangles draw a circle with a star.
  7. On the bottom platform, we draw a star of the eternal flame with a flame.
  8. To the side sides of the platform are drawn along the rectangle, on which we write the dates of the Second World War.
  9. We supplement the drawing by the elements of the entourage: trees, asphalt, sky, sun.

How to draw war

The age of children is 6-7 years old.

To impart brightness to the image drawings, you can use gouache


  1. Blue color draw reservoirs.
  2. Gray show smoke.
  3. With the help of red and black, draw the explosions.
  4. Schematically show the soldiers: one on the parachute descends, one lies, one goes. Man draw this: line of the torso, two lines of legs and arms, head - circle.
  5. Gray show a shot down fascist plane, black schematically draw our plane with a red star.
  6. We draw the spikel wire coils with a thin tassel (can be marked with a stomaster).

How to draw a parade of victory

The age of children is 5-7 years old.

In the picture of the parade and salute, you can combine pencils or wax crayons and paints


  1. We draw the Kremlin wall with "cloth".
  2. Take a tower with a clock and a star.
  3. In the foreground, we draw three tanks: oval divide along in half, testing the cabin from above, to which we add a cannon.
  4. In the cabins we draw on the star.
  5. To the first left tank draw the flag.
  6. Color pencils (or wax crayons).

Video: How to draw a soldier pilot

Video: How to draw eternal flame

Pictures of the Victory Day are a traditional type of work as part of the study of the appropriate topic. The plots are selected depending on the age of children and their abilities. At the same time, coloring remains up to date, as well as drawings on cells. Creative tasks on the topic of victory helps to consolidate the knowledge of the guys, thereby contributing to the upbringing of pride in the great feat of the Soviet people.

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In this lesson you can learn to draw a soldier with a pencil and your own patience.

Earlier, we have already drawn drawings for military topics:

In the drawing of a soldier, you can also use the lesson "", but this is already for an in-depth understanding. So, proceed.

First we make the basis of the markup, such a skeleton for the body of our soldier. From above - oval in the form of a head, then it connects with the body of two trapezes, then the leg line and also the hands of the hands. Whether it turned out like in the picture below? Moving on.

Within oval, we need to draw a face-face of a soldier. First, placing oval railway lines, we draw ears on the sides. Along the horizontal line, we draw eyes and eyebrows, just below - the nose and mouth. Add your ears lines, draw a bit of a short hair of a soldier.

We draw a pilot from above. Add it top, as well as the star. Take the neck.

So, our head is ready, you can try the gates and shoulders to our comrade.

The next step will be drawing its shape, or rather its top. We draw stray and belt.

At the top of the form, you should also depict pockets, butt and star on the belt.

Now you need to draw the bottom of the pants. Pay attention to the folds.

Do not forget also to draw and the hands of our soldier in shape. We draw the sleeves in gradually, and then draw palms. Beginners will not be too easy to draw detailed hands, so everything is very sketchy.

It remains only to draw boots.