Why I am a patriot. Are you a patriot and why? How are things at this time

Why I am a patriot.  Are you a patriot and why?  How are things at this time
Why I am a patriot. Are you a patriot and why? How are things at this time

If a Russian tells you that he does not love his Motherland, do not believe him, he is not Russian.

Yuri Seleznev. Dostoevsky

True patriotism, like true love, never shouts about itself.

Boris Akunin. Death's Mistress

Patriotism as a personality trait - the ability throughout one's life to be devoted only to one's fatherland, to one's people, to be ready for any sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of one's Motherland; attachment to the place of birth, place of residence.

Aut cum scuto, aut in scuto. With a shield or on a shield. In ancient Greece, little Sparta, a country of hardened patriots, was famous for patriotism, stern courage and military valor. There is a legend about a certain Spartan woman named Gorgo. Seeing her son off to the war, she handed him a shield, briefly saying in Spartan: "With him or on him!" This laconic (that is, "purely Spartan" - the Spartans were also called Lacons) parting words meant: either you will return victorious, with a shield, or let them bring you on a shield, as the Spartans carried their dead.

Patriotism is a wonderful personality trait that has no statute of limitations. By virtue of the circumstances, a person can live safely in another country for decades, but his heart is forever given to the Motherland. For her, he is sick and worried. He is unconditionally loyal to her in his soul.

A person does not wind up his patriotism. It comes naturally from within. For example, there is the World Cup or the Olympic Games, and he unconsciously, with surprise for himself, discovers that he is not rooting for the country where he lived for thirty years, but for his Motherland. After the collapse of the USSR, millions of Russians found themselves outside their homeland. You meet with them at the next stage of the biathlon world cup. Who do you think they root for? For Russia. I say: “You’ve been living outside Russia for twenty-three years. Why do you continue to root for her? Answer: - I don't know. Lawless Heart.

Patriotism is when the search for a more preferred homeland is forever completed. The heart has made a choice, cemented it in the soul and it cannot be dismantled anymore. A person is fully affirmed in his choice and now he is not gnawed by doubts, he is in a state of certainty. By delegating his trust to his fatherland and his people, a person shows loyalty to them and, often, puts their interests above his own.

Patriotism - it is like loyalty - once decided on the fatherland and on the basis of your choice, without any doubt, you show steadfastness and invariability to it in your feelings, relationships, in the performance of duties and duties.

At the same time, a person should be aware that he is a spiritual entity. The homeland of the soul is the spiritual world. The soul is eternal. A person living in the material world identifies himself with the body and sometimes forgets that he is here on a short-term business trip. In this life he is Russian, and in the next, for example, he can become an American or an Afghan. All people are soul mates. In the ancient Vedic scriptures, patriotism is rather cool. It is foolish to show devotion to a temporary material place where you live for some 60-70 years. At the same time, you completely lose the awareness that you are an eternal soul that has gone through millions of transformations. In past lives, you could have been English, Jewish or Russian, but you don't remember that anymore. Maybe you just recently lived 100 years in Japan, but for some reason you don’t consider yourself a patriot of Japan. The person is surprised: - How is it in Japan? I have been living here in Russia for fifty years. In other words, there is an identification of one's soul with the body of a Russian, German, Greek, man, woman, artist, plumber.

Can such an identification, such patriotism be harmful? Leo Tolstoy wrote: “Patriotism is an immoral feeling because, instead of recognizing himself as the son of God, as Christianity teaches us, or at least as a free man guided by his own reason, every person, under the influence of patriotism, recognizes himself as the son of his fatherland, a slave to his government and commits acts contrary to his reason and his conscience. " George Bernard Shaw stated: "Patriotism: the belief that your country is better than others because you were born in it."

The patriotism generated by virtues makes a person exalted. Patriotism, provoked by vices, makes a bawler out of a person - a nationalist. It comes directly from pride. Identification of oneself with a certain nationality is, of course, necessary. For personal growth, for improvement and development, a person needs to have in the material world that which is very dear to him, to which he is strongly attached. A person wants relationship, love, care, responsibility and patronage. Patriotism is capable of awakening selflessness in a person, a sincere desire to serve others, devotion and loyalty to the fatherland. It promotes the development of spirituality, conscience and morality. Patriotism subordinates its interests to the interests of the Motherland and is ready to stand up for them better than guns and missiles. Even Napoleon noticed: "Love for the Motherland is the first dignity of a civilized person."

A decent person, being a patriot, shows his best lofty personality traits when it comes to the fate of the fatherland. This is altruism, heroism, and self-sacrifice. The patriotism of a wicked person can become, in the words of Samuel Johnson, "the last refuge of villains." Vicious patriotism is the epitome of expanded selfishness. There is one step from patriotism to nationalism.

Herbert Spencer wrote: “Patriotism in the national sense is the same as egoism in the individual sense; both, in essence, flow from the same source and bring homogeneous disasters. Respect for one's society is a reflection of respect for oneself. " Karl Schurz echoes him: "Whether she is right or not, this is my country: if she is right, I must help her stay right, if not right, help her become right." Our fighter Fedor Emelianenko says: “Motherland is like a mother. She must be loved already for the fact that she is. Our mothers sometimes get sick, and different things can happen in the country ”.

In a word, patriotism is a quality inherent in many people who are under the influence of the energy of passion. The overwhelming majority of such people in the material world. Therefore, patriotism must be treated with sympathy and seriousness. Its social color depends on whether its bearer is vicious or virtuous.

The main thing in patriotism is the irrational feeling of love, that is, unconditionality, causelessness and disinterestedness. I love my homeland without thinking about the reasons. Simply because it is as natural to me as to love my mother and father, as to breathe. It is worth here, perhaps, to cite in full the famous poem by Nikolai Rubtsov "My Quiet Motherland" and the poem by Frolov-Krymsky "We are Russians":

My quiet homeland!
Willows, river, nightingales ...
My mother is buried here
In my childhood years.

- Where is the churchyard? You did not see?
I myself cannot find it.
The residents answered quietly:
- It's on the other side.

The inhabitants answered quietly,
The wagon train drove quietly.
Dome of the church cloister
Overgrown with bright grass.

Tina is now a swamp
Where he loved to swim ...
My quiet homeland.
I haven't forgotten anything.

New fence in front of the school
The same green space.
Like a funny crow
I'll sit down on the fence again!

My wooden school! ..
The time will come to leave -
The river behind me is foggy
Will run and run.

With every hitch and cloud,
With thunder ready to fall
I feel the most burning
The most mortal bond.


One eccentric with a false sad face,

"Huddled" in the cabin of his "Porsche",

He said: “I am ashamed to be called Russian.

We are a nation of mediocre drunks. "

Solid appearance, demeanor -

Everything is cleverly thought out by the devil.

But the merciless degeneration virus

Ingloriously washed away all his insides.

His soul is not worth a half,

Like a yellow leaf from broken branches.

But the descendant of the Ethiopians Pushkin

I was not burdened by my Russianness.

They considered themselves Russians by right

Types of patriotism

Patriotism can manifest itself in the following forms:

  1. polis patriotism- existed in ancient city-states (policies);
  2. imperial patriotism- maintained a sense of loyalty to the empire and its government;
  3. ethnic patriotism- at the base has feelings of love for their ethnic group;
  4. state patriotism- feelings of love for the state lie at the base.
  5. leavened patriotism (hooray patriotism)- at the base are exaggerated feelings of love for the state and its people.

Patriotism in history

The car magnet is a popular way of showing patriotism among all parties in the US 2004.

The concept itself had different content and was understood in different ways. In antiquity, the term patria ("homeland") was applied to the native city-state, but not to broader communities (such as "Hellas", "Italy"); thus, the term patriota meant an adherent of his city-state, although, for example, a sense of common Greek patriotism existed at least since the Greco-Persian wars, and in the works of Roman writers of the era of the early Empire, one can see a peculiar sense of Italian patriotism.

Imperial Rome, in turn, saw Christianity as a threat to imperial patriotism. Despite the fact that Christians preached obedience to the authorities and offered prayers for the well-being of the empire, they refused to take part in imperial cults, which, according to the emperors, should contribute to the growth of imperial patriotism.

The preaching of Christianity about the heavenly homeland and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special “people of God” raised doubts about the loyalty of Christians to their earthly homeland.

But later in the Roman Empire there was a rethinking of the political role of Christianity. After the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire, she began to use Christianity to strengthen the unity of the empire, countering local nationalism and local paganism, forming the idea of ​​the Christian Empire as the earthly homeland of all Christians.

In the Middle Ages, when loyalty to the civic collective gave way to loyalty to the monarch, the term lost its relevance and re-acquired it in modern times.

In the era of the American and French bourgeois revolutions, the concept of "patriotism" was identical with the concept of "nationalism", with a political (non-ethnic) understanding of the nation; for this reason, in France and America at that time, the term “patriot” was synonymous with the term “revolutionary”. The symbols of this revolutionary patriotism are the Declaration of Independence and the Marseillaise. With the emergence of the concept of "nationalism", patriotism began to be opposed to nationalism, as a commitment to the country (territory and state) - commitment to the human community (nation). However, these concepts often act as synonyms or close in meaning.

Rejection of patriotism by universalist ethics

Patriotism and Christian tradition

Early christianity

The consistent universalism and cosmopolitanism of early Christianity, its preaching about a heavenly homeland as opposed to earthly homelands and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special “people of God” undermined the very foundations of polis patriotism. Christianity denied all differences not only between the peoples of the empire, but also between the Romans and the "barbarians". The Apostle Paul instructed: “If you are resurrected with Christ, then seek something higher (...) putting on a new<человека>where there is no Hellene, no Jew, no circumcision, no uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all and in everything. "(Colossians 3:11). According to the apologetic Epistle to Diognetus attributed to Justin Martyr, “They (Christians) live in their own country, but as newcomers (...). For them, every foreign country is a fatherland, and every fatherland is a foreign country. (...) They are on earth, but they are the citizens of heaven " The French historian Ernest Renan formulated the position of the early Christians as follows: “The Church is the homeland of the Christian, as the synagogue is the homeland of the Jew; a Christian and a Jew live in every country as strangers. A Christian hardly recognizes a father or mother. He owes nothing to the empire (...) The Christian does not rejoice in the victories of the empire; he considers social disasters to be the fulfillment of prophecies that doom the world to destruction from barbarians and fire " .

Contemporary Christian writers on patriotism

Patriotism is undoubtedly relevant. It is a feeling that makes the people and each person responsible for the life of the country. There is no such responsibility without patriotism. If I don't think about my people, then I have no home, no roots. Because a home is not only comfort, it is also a responsibility for order in it, it is a responsibility for the children who live in this house. A person without patriotism, in fact, has no country of his own. A "man of the world" is the same as a homeless man.

Let us recall the Gospel parable of the prodigal son. The young man left home, and then returned, and his father forgave him, accepted with love. Usually, in this parable, attention is paid to what the father did when he adopted the prodigal son. But we must not forget that the son, after wandering around the world, returned to his home, because it is impossible for a person to live without his foundations and roots.

<…>It seems to me that the feeling of love for one's own people is just as natural for a person as the feeling of love for God. It can be distorted. And mankind throughout its history has more than once distorted the feeling put by God. But it is there.

And here one more thing is very important. The feeling of patriotism should in no way be confused with the feeling of hostility towards other peoples. Patriotism in this sense is consonant with Orthodoxy. One of the most important commandments of Christianity: do not do to another what you do not want to be done to you. Or as it sounds in the Orthodox doctrine in the words of Seraphim of Sarov: save yourself, acquire a peaceful spirit, and thousands around you will be saved. The same is patriotism. Do not destroy in others, but create in yourself. Then others will treat you with respect. I think that today we have this is the main task of patriots: the creation of our own country.

Alexy II. Interview to the newspaper "Trud"

On the other hand, according to the Orthodox theologian Hegumen Peter (Meshcherinov), love for the earthly homeland is not something that expresses the essence of Christian teaching and is obligatory for a Christian. However, the church, at the same time, finding its historical existence on earth, is not an opponent of patriotism as a healthy and natural feeling of love. At the same time, however, she "does not perceive any natural feeling as a moral given, for man is a fallen being, and a feeling, even such as love, left to itself, does not come out of the state of fall, but in the religious aspect leads to paganism." Therefore, "patriotism has dignity from the Christian point of view and receives ecclesiastical meaning if and only if love for the motherland is an active fulfillment of the commandments of God towards it."

Contemporary Christian publicist Dmitry Talantsev considers patriotism to be anti-Christian heresy. In his opinion, patriotism puts the homeland in the place of God, while "the Christian worldview implies the fight against evil, upholding the truth completely regardless of where, in what country this evil occurs and avoiding the truth."

Contemporary criticism of patriotism

In modern times, Leo Tolstoy considered patriotism to be a feeling "coarse, harmful, shameful and bad, and most importantly - immoral." He believed that patriotism inevitably breeds wars and serves as the main support for state oppression. Tolstoy believed that patriotism was deeply alien to the Russian people, as well as to the working representatives of other peoples: in his entire life he had not heard any sincere expressions of the feeling of patriotism from representatives of the people, but on the contrary, he had heard expressions of contempt and contempt for patriotism many times.

Tell people that war is bad, they will laugh: who does not know this? Say that patriotism is bad, and most people will agree to this, but with a small proviso. -Yes, bad patriotism is bad, but there is another patriotism, the one we hold on to. - But what is this good patriotism, no one explains. If good patriotism consists in not being conquering, as many say, then any patriotism, if it is not conquering, then certainly retaining, that is, that people want to keep what was previously conquered, since there is no country that would not be based on conquest, and it is impossible to keep the conquered by other means than by the same ones by which something is conquered, that is, by violence, murder. If patriotism is not even retaining, then it is restorative patriotism of the conquered, oppressed peoples - Armenians, Poles, Czechs, Irish, etc. And this patriotism is almost the worst, because it is the most embittered and requires the greatest violence. They will say: "Patriotism has bound people into states and supports the unity of states." But people have already united into states, this deed has been accomplished; why now maintain the exclusive devotion of people to their state, when this devotion produces terrible disasters for all states and peoples. After all, the very patriotism that brought people together into states is now destroying these very states. After all, if there was only one patriotism: the patriotism of some Englishmen, then it could be considered unifying or beneficent, but when, as now, there is patriotism: American, English, German, French, Russian, all opposed to one another, then patriotism is no longer connects and disconnects.

L. Tolstoy. Patriotism or Peace?

One of Tolstoy's favorite expressions was the aphorism of Samuel Johnson: Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. In his April Theses, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ideologically denounced the "revolutionary defencists" as compromisers with the Provisional Government. University of Chicago professor Paul Gomberg compares patriotism with racism, in the sense that both presuppose moral obligations and human ties primarily with representatives of "their" community. Critics of patriotism also note the following paradox: if patriotism is a virtue, and during a war, parties are patriots, then they are equally virtuous; but it is for virtue that they kill each other, although ethics forbids killing for virtue.

Ideas for the synthesis of patriotism and cosmopolitanism

The opposite of patriotism is usually considered cosmopolitanism, as the ideology of world citizenship and "homeland-world", in which "attachment to one's people and fatherland seems to lose all interest from the point of view of universal ideas." ... In particular, such oppositions in the USSR during Stalin's time led to the struggle against the "rootless cosmopolitans."

On the other hand, there are the ideas of a synthesis of cosmopolitanism and patriotism, in which the interests of the motherland and the world, their people and humanity are understood as subordinate, as the interests of a part and a whole, with the unconditional priority of universal human interests. Thus, the English writer and Christian thinker Clive Staples Lewis wrote: "Patriotism is a good quality, much better than the selfishness inherent in an individualist, but universal brotherly love is higher than patriotism, and if they come into conflict with each other, then brotherly love should be preferred"... The modern German philosopher M. Riedel finds such an approach already in Immanuel Kant. Contrary to the neo-Kantians, who focus on the universalist content of Kant's ethics and his idea of ​​creating a world republic and a universal legal and political order, M. Riedel believes that Kant's patriotism and cosmopolitanism are not opposed to each other, but mutually agreed, and Kant sees both in patriotism, so also in the cosmopolitan manifestation of love. According to M. Riedel, Kant, in contrast to the universalistic cosmopolitanism of the Enlightenment, emphasizes that a person, in accordance with the idea of ​​world citizenship, is involved in both the fatherland and the world, believing that a person, as a citizen of the world and earth, is a true “cosmopolitan” in order to “contribute to the good of all the world must have a penchant for affection for his country. " ...

In pre-revolutionary Russia this idea was defended by Vladimir Solovyov, polemicizing with the neo-Slavophil theory of self-sufficient "cultural-historical types". ... In an article on cosmopolitanism in ESBE, Soloviev argued: “Just as love for the fatherland does not necessarily contradict attachment to closer social groups, for example, to one's family, so devotion to universal interests does not exclude patriotism. The only question is in the final or supreme yardstick for assessing this or that moral interest; and, without a doubt, the decisive advantage should here belong to the good of the whole of humanity, as including the true good of each part "... On the other hand, Soloviev saw the prospects of patriotism as follows: Idolatry regarding one's own people, being associated with actual hostility to strangers, is thereby doomed to inevitable death. (...) Everywhere consciousness and life are preparing for the assimilation of a new, true idea of ​​patriotism, deduced from the essence of the Christian principle: “by virtue of natural love and moral obligations to his fatherland to believe his interest and dignity mainly in those higher benefits that do not divide, but unite people and nations " .

Notes (edit)

  1. in Brockhaus and Efron contains words about P. as a moral virtue.
  2. The example of public opinion polls shows that the majority of the respondents support patriotic slogans.
  3. "Culture Shock" of August 2, discussion on Russian patriotism, Victor Erofeev, Alexey Chadayev, Ksenia Larina. Radio "Echo of Moscow".
  4. on the VTsIOM website.
  5. An example of the interpretation of patriotism: "Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov: 'Patriotism is love for one's country, not hatred for someone else's'" - Interview of Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church Dimitri Smirnov to Boris Klin, Izvestia newspaper, September 12. Among the theses of the interviewee: patriotism is not associated with a person's attitude to state policy, patriotism cannot mean hatred of someone else, patriotism is cultivated with the help of religion, etc.
  6. Informational material of VTsIOM. 2006 Public Opinion Report on Russian Patriotism. In this report, there is no common understanding of society about patriotism and patriots.
  7. An example of the interpretation of patriotism: The virus of betrayal, unsigned material, an article from a selection of the website of the ultra-right nationalist organization RNU. Contains the opinion that it is the responsibility of a true patriot to support anti-Zionist actions.
  8. Georgy Kurbatov Evolution of the city's ideology, spiritual and cultural life of the city. Archived from the original on November 19, 2012. Retrieved November 12, 2012.
  9. See English. Wikipedia
  10. http://ippk.edu.mhost.ru/content/view/159/34/
  11. http://kropka.ru/refs/70/26424/1.html
  12. Epistle to Diognetus: Justin Martyr
  13. E. J. Renan. Marcus Aurelius and the end of the ancient world
  14. Alexy II. Interview to the newspaper "Trud" / November 3, 2005
  15. O. Peter (Mescherinov). Life in the church. Reflections on patriotism.
  16. D. Talantsev. Heresy of Patriotism / Treasure of Truth: Christian Journal
  17. http://az.lib.ru/t/tolstoj_lew_nikolaewich/text_0750-1.shtml
  18. Paul Gomberg, "Patriotism is Like Racism," in Igor Primoratz, ed., Patriotism, Humanity Books, 2002, pp. 105-112. ISBN 1-57392-955-7.
  19. Cosmopolitanism - Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  20. "Cosmopolitans". Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia
  21. Clive Staples Lewis. Just christianity
  22. http://www.politjournal.ru/index.php?action=Articles&dirid=67&tek=6746&issue=188
  23. Universalism of Human Rights and Patriotism (Kantian Political Testament) (Riedel M.)
  24. Boris Mezhuev
  25. [Patriotism]- article from the Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  26. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb. , 1890-1907.

see also

Patriotism- (from Greek patris- fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, pride in its past and present, the willingness to subordinate one's interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland and its people.
National Sociological Encyclopedia

Patriotism- love for the fatherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests by their actions.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • Patriotism is a moral criterion that distinguishes a noble person from a low and spiritually developed person from one who is in spiritual lethargy.
  • Patriotism is an objective assessment of the situation and actions of a native country, combined with an optimistic view of the vector of its development in the future.
  • Patriotism is pride in all the achievements of one's people and the awareness of all their historical mistakes.
  • Patriotism is the willingness to sacrifice the personal for the sake of achieving the public good.

Benefits of patriotism

  • Patriotism gives strength - from the realization that hundreds of generations of his ancestors are invisibly behind a person's back.
  • Patriotism gives joy - from the realization of the merits and successes of their country.
  • Patriotism gives responsibility - for the family, people and homeland.
  • Patriotism gives confidence - due to a sense of belonging to the fate of the country.
  • Patriotism gives freedom to act for the good of one's country.
  • Patriotism gives respect - to the history, traditions and culture of a country.

Expressions of patriotism in everyday life

  • Geopolitics. The formation of national states is one of the manifestations of the patriotism of every nation.
  • Liberation wars. It was patriotism, as the basis of solidarity in the face of the enemy, that helped the peoples to win the most terrible wars if they were not aggressive.
  • Military service. Willingness to defend the Motherland from an external enemy is an integral sign of patriotism; a person who has chosen military service shows patriotism.
  • National customs, traditions. An example of the "everyday" manifestation of patriotism can serve as the unique national costumes of different peoples.
  • National culture. Russian folk songs, epics of the Yakut people, Scottish bagpipes - all these are examples of patriotism expressed in the cultural heritage of different peoples.

How to develop patriotism in yourself

  • Family education. Parents who show love and respect for their country and instill these feelings in their children raise their children as patriots.
  • Interest in national culture and traditions. In order to love your people, you need to know them; deliberately studying the history of his people, a person fosters patriotism in himself.
  • Awareness. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements of one's country; interest in information associated with all aspects of the life of society and the country - creates the basis for the development and manifestation of patriotism.
  • Traveling in your own country. The best way to get to know and love your homeland.

Golden mean



Nationalism, xenophobia, chauvinism

Winged expressions about patriotism

Don't ask what your homeland can do for you - ask what you can do for your homeland. - John F. Kennedy - It seems to me that the feeling of love for one's own people is just as natural for a person as the feeling of love for God. - Patriarch Alexy II - A patriot is a person serving the motherland, and the motherland is, first of all, the people. - Nikolay Chernyshevsky - My friend, we will devote our souls to the Fatherland with wonderful impulses! - Alexander Pushkin - It is important that you are ready to die for your country; but more importantly, you are willing to live your life for her. - Theodore Roosevelt - A.S. Tsipko / Values ​​and the struggle of conscious patriotism The author raises the question of the nature and features of Russian patriotism. Based on the point of view of the philosophers Berdyaev and Frank, he opposes "leavened patriotism" to conscious patriotism, which is based not on myth, but on historical truth. Patriotism is the spiritual core of the peoples of Russia The book is dedicated to patriotism - a feeling that is inextricably linked with Russian history and to which the Russian state owes much of its formation and existence.

Do you love your homeland? - the question is like a bolt from the blue. Silence. The facial expression is as if a husband's wife, after 50 years of marriage, suddenly asks: "Do you love me?"

Do you love your homeland? - the question is like a bolt from the blue. Silence. The facial expression is as if a husband's wife, after 50 years of marriage, suddenly asks: "Do you love me?"

Often we don’t think about how we feel about the country in which we live. They say something in the news about the importance of instilling patriotism in children, about the fact that programs of patriotic education of the younger generation have been adopted at the federal level. They say yes they say, "and Vaska listens and eats."

Sometimes, however, you feel like a patriot when you support a Russian sports team, you sing the anthem. You will hang the St.George ribbon on the car in honor of May 9th. You will remember, you will sigh: "Here, they say, there were patriots before, they gave their lives for the Motherland, but now ... the wrong people went, the patriots degenerated."

Often you stand in a huge queue at Sberbank, you get into an open hatch on the road, an icicle falls on your head from the roof, and instead of words of love for our homeland we say something completely different. We scold Mother Russia. Is this also a form of patriotism?

Are there patriots who justify the brutal reprisal against the Tajik janitor by their concern for their homeland: do you need to cleanse your homeland of dirt?

Is it possible to be a patriot in some situations and not in others?

As you can see, with the manifestation of patriotism among adult Russians today, an ambiguous situation has developed. Most adults do not understand the essence of patriotism, to say nothing of children, what kind of education of patriotism in these conditions takes place in them.

They echo, by and large, their parents and teachers. When necessary, the patriots: they told the veterans to give flowers - they gave them, to go to the parade - they went, but few people are interested in what is going on inside the children. A beautiful picture is important.

Can we talk about patriotic education, if in family conversations, in ordinary life, children now and then come across the conversations of adults condemning today's Russia, with its corrupt government, a resource-based economy, a spiritless society?

With the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, we will try to understand the essence of patriotism and patriotic education.

What is patriotism

To understand a phenomenon, the first step is to analyze its concept. In Wikipedia we find the definition: "Patriotism (from the Greek. Compatriot, fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate his private interests to his interests."

According to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, the secret of patriotic education is as follows: love is the basis of paternal feelings, principles, and a warm attitude to the Motherland. Love for your country is the flip side of hatred. Where there is hatred, there is no love.

Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov remarked quite correctly: "Patriotism is love for one's country, not hatred for someone else's.".

Where does patriotism begin?

Patriotic education is the education of love for the Motherland. Love for the Fatherland, for the place where you were born and raised. The upbringing of patriotism begins in childhood. A child comes into this world with properties assigned to him by nature - vectors that are initially at the basic level of development of their properties. Such a small animal with archetypal behavior. At the animal level, patriotism is the protection and defense of your territory, ensuring your survival.

"While we are burning with freedom,

While hearts are alive for honor,
My friend, we will devote to our homeland
Souls are beautiful impulses! "

A. S. Pushkin

Or it doesn't fill up.

Classics of patriotic education

Traditionally, it is believed that patriotic education is an integral part of school and family education. In addition, the kindergarten is engaged in the patriotic education of preschool children. At school age, historical social disciplines, the educational system of the school with the help of additional education, and various extracurricular activities are called upon to educate patriotism.

So, they invite veterans. They remember significant historical dates. They hold concerts, exhibitions, excursions to places of military glory. They are raising patriots.

It is believed that children's public associations and patriotic clubs play an important role in the patriotic education of the new generation.

Confusion and vacillation

If we consider modern pedagogical approaches to patriotic education, then their fundamental principles are the continuity of generations, knowledge of history, and tolerance.

Realizing that in practice most of the youth are consumerist, extremely cynical about their homeland, they often show their patriotism, joining the ranks of skinheads, officials even thought about introducing separate lessons of patriotism.

Can you imagine the USE in patriotism? Patriotic education is ... and options a, b, c. So far, they have limited themselves to introducing a course on secular ethics or the foundations of religion. We tried the old formula of the Minister of Education of the times of Nicholas I SS Uvarov - “Autocracy. Orthodoxy. Nationality "- to resurrect in modern realities. To foster patriotism in children, respect for state institutions through religion.

However, attempts to improve the quality of patriotic education remain unsuccessful.

Poll results

Young people justify their anti-patriotic sentiments by the fact that the words of adults are strongly discordant with their deeds (are there many children of officials serving in our army?). The most important problems in our society, instead of being solved, are either hushed up, or polished, or ridiculed, but not resolved, therefore, the education of patriotism cannot have the proper effect:

    Then what is the point of living in Russia? (The Golden Youth votes with their feet.)

    And what did the Motherland give me? (Because I am a Russian, my bank account has not been replenished, as, say, in the United Arab Emirates.)

    Come in large numbers here ... Drive everyone with a filthy broom from Russia. They prevent me from living well.

So, the fact remains: despite the long post-Soviet attempts to educate a new generation as patriots of their country, we see a complete fiasco. A large number of adolescents are either nationalists, or have a very mercantile attitude towards their homeland, or plan to emigrate. Patriotic is not in vogue.

New laws, programs on patriotic education are good, competent, but, alas, they do not work. Hostility, hatred in society only grows like a snowball.

The reasons for such a deplorable state of patriotic education in our country are revealed by Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology".

Born and become a patriot

Patriotism is love for the Fatherland, for one's people, for one's history and culture. From the point of view of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, patriots are not born, but become, that is, all people are initially born with innate properties that a person will have to develop until puberty inclusively and realize during his life. Together with the correct development, the education of patriotism takes place. At the same time, the conditions of upbringing and the environment are essential for the fulfillment of natural desires.

A person becomes a person only in society, the greatest pleasure, as well as grief, is brought by a person's communication with another person. Accordingly, the level of development of the society, of the collective, into which the child falls, is very important for his personal development, for him to feel the fullness of life, since there are created (or not created) conditions for the disclosure of his potential.

Patriotism is a property inherent in people who possess. For them, the life values ​​are home, family, homeland, justice, loyalty, decency, honesty, friendship, brotherhood.

And if in Soviet times favorable conditions were created in society for the successful implementation of anal people (they could easily get a good education, marry a decent, "clean" woman, gain honor and respect at work), today it is extremely difficult for them to survive.

They do not know how to adapt, dodge to please the circumstances, quickly change their principles, find benefit from any situation, like those who have a skin vector. - these are "golden heads" (with the upper vectors) and "golden hands", professionals in their field, who tend to work in one place for a long time and polish their skills.

Now in society, skin values ​​are in demand: material goods, a career, and there is also a demand for skin qualities - flexible thinking, the ability to quickly process information, retraining, easy adaptation to changing conditions. Skin men are more valued in the marriage market.

Accordingly, anal people have few opportunities in modern Russian society for full realization, they do not feel at ease, they feel general dissatisfaction.

Getting into the world of skin values, the anal child does not get what he wants - there is no value of strong friendship, honesty in relationships, they do not praise and do not appreciate excellent studies. As a result, the bright sides of the anal vector often do not develop, especially if skin parents are engaged in raising an anal child, who do not understand who is in front of them (urging, scolding for slowness and slow-wittedness), and anal teachers dissatisfied with life. In this case, the feeling of patriotism does not develop and the child becomes a nationalist. He does not love the Motherland, but hates everything that is foreign. This bears little resemblance to a patriotic attitude.

It is much easier today for the analogs who have not found a place in the sun to unite against America, against the Tajiks, against the neighboring republic, than in the name of love for Russia, since it is much easier to develop hatred and rejection of another culture than love for one's own. In a positive state, anal people love their Motherland, are ready to selflessly defend it, serve for the good of the Fatherland.

Thus, the patriotic education of children cannot exist separately from the level of development of the society itself, it cannot work overnight with the help of new laws. After the collapse of the USSR, personal and collective shortages of people with an anal vector, true patriots of the country, who were its powerful rear, ensured the unification of the whole society on healthy patriotism - love for the Fatherland, for a long time accumulated.

Only by creating comfortable conditions for the development and realization of each person in society (both skin, and anal, and others) can we get rid of the collective anchor that does not allow us to educate patriots (and be themselves), as well as look confidently into the future.

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology» 09But I

What is Patriotism

Patriotism is a term used to describe feelings of love and devotion to one's people, nation, country or community. By itself, the term patriotism is very broad and ambiguous. It includes a whole lot of different feelings, and aspects of which we will talk about below.

What is Patriotism in simple words - a short definition.

In simple words, patriotism is love for your country, your nation and your culture. As a rule, patriotism includes such basic aspects as:

  • Special affection for your country;
  • A sense of personal identification with the country;
  • Special concern for the welfare of the country;
  • Willingness to sacrifice oneself to contribute to the well-being of the country.

In some respects, patriotism is a certain social and moral principle that makes a person feel attached to their country. He evokes a sense of pride in his nation, country or culture.

The basis and essence of Patriotism.

As already became clear from the definition itself, the basis or essence of patriotism is selfless love and affection for one's country.

« But, is this so good, and why is patriotism actually needed?»

The answer to this question is very complex and ambiguous. The fact is that if you rely on the fundamental works of various researchers of this phenomenon, you can find that they are divided into two camps.

Some argue that patriotism is a very positive phenomenon capable of developing and strengthening the state, supporting and preserving its cultural traditions and customs. Others argue that such an attachment to their state and specifically to their culture contributes to the development of overly nationalistic and sentiments that do not really fit in with.

We will talk about the connection between patriotism and nationalism later, but now we will continue to develop the answer to the above question. So, if we abstract from the already formed points of view, we can say that all the statements of the adherents and opponents of patriotism are right in their own way. The fact is that there is nothing wrong with the very idea of ​​love for one's country, but everything should be in moderation and go, so to speak, from the heart. But history knows a lot of examples when such love for the fatherland has mutated into fanaticism under the influence of manipulations with the people's consciousness. Many war and other crimes were often justified by patriotism. Thus, we can say that patriotism, among other things, is also an excellent tool for managing the masses. So, answering the question posed above, we can say that patriotism is a very positive phenomenon within reasonable limits, which is necessary for the preservation and development of individual states of nations and cultures.

Patriotism and nationalism - what is the difference.

Indeed, in addition to the fact that these two terms are often used together, and sometimes substitute for each other, there is a difference between them. The main differences in these concepts are that nationalism is love for your nation, your culture, and your traditions, and patriotism is love for the country as a whole, including the minorities inhabiting it with their own cultural characteristics.

It is worth noting that in real life these concepts are indeed quite often intertwined, since patriots in most cases are nationalists, although this is not the rule.