Soldiers Easy Figure War in School. How to draw a pencil war in stages

Soldiers Easy Figure War in School. How to draw a pencil war in stages
Soldiers Easy Figure War in School. How to draw a pencil war in stages

Drawing is definitely a creative process. Beautifully depict one or another thing, man, animals and much more maybe not everyone. Unfortunately, those who do not work something, throw away the idea of \u200b\u200bsomething in the future to draw, thinking that all this is useless and will not really succeed. You can actually learn how to draw and you need, if a person really like this occupation. The main thing is to find a desire and time to do this. There are many materials where step by step is described how to portray the thing or person you are interested in. The information set out in this article will also bring you on a step towards success in drawing.

How to draw a soldier? Easy way

In this article we will analyze the way to draw a soldier. This character, by the way, is not the easiest example, because in its outfit there is a large number of complex elements for the image. However, in this lesson, we will not go deep and complicate everything. Let's try to draw a soldier in the form of a cartoon caricature or hero.

In order to show without any problems what you need to understand how to draw a soldier in stages. After all, if you understand what is going on, then immediately everything becomes clear and simple.

So, proceed. Prepare everything you need in advance. Since here we will describe how to draw a soldier with a pencil, you will need a simple pencil, blank sheet and eraser.

The first stage. Draw the foundation

To begin with, I will show a big round head. In the middle will conduct an arc.

We get a face and helmet on your head. Next, draw the torso. We start drawing it from the head and gradually expand the book. Avoid sharp corners. All edges must be rounded. It turned out the base from which you can continue to repel and draw the remaining details.

Stage second. Apply the outlines of a person

In the middle of the face we draw two large circles. It will be eyes. Draw pupils. We depict the mouth curved down the line, which will give the soldier a little formidable appearance.

I will not draw your nose. It gives some piquancy character and emphasizes that we are still caricature. We portrait your hands. One of them is starting to draw from the bottom of the head, slightly expanding at the end. Raised at right angles with hand with an oval, which will be connected to the torso thick line. Later we put the machine gun in this hand. Immediately adjust the helmet and at the bottom of the torso. Make out the outlines.

Stage Third. Create military style

Finish the drawing, depicting the feet of the soldier. They should be well harmonized by proportions with all other parts of the body. Do not paint them too thin. And finally, that the resulting person had a military view, it is necessary to add some elements that are associated with this. We begin to make up clothes in a military style. This is done with the help of wavy lines. Dorisite pockets, belt. Immediately depict the machine with rectangular shapes and the oblong dula.

After all the details are drawn, it will be necessary to remove unnecessary strokes with the plant. After that, circle all the elements of the soldier of the thick line in order to give clear contours of the image.

This method of the image of the soldier is very simple. Anyone can draw it. Under all the steps described above, you must have everything. In the future, you can paint it into any suitable color, and as a result will be an unusual, original soldier. And about how to draw it, you will know only you. Such an interesting image of this character will attract the attention of others and will undoubtedly be appreciated. We hope you have no questions left and no more problems with how to draw a soldier.

From the name it is already clear what we are talking about. We will learn how to draw a pencil war Phased. It will be not star war and Darth Vader and not even the shooter game, but the most real thing is that there is a war! Three soldiers in the trench, with a bunch of military equipment. In order to draw all this, you need a lot of knowledge about the military. You can certainly sit down to play WOT, but in the end, you do not draw so much. Who does not know this such a super Action with the participation of tanks, which gathered the theragigic mass of gamers in our country. By the way, the yellow-beholders are fond of this. It seems that they have half of the population engaged in sports, judging by the number of 2012 Olympic medals, well, and the second mired online took. For the fact that half of our population has been nervously twisted in the LCD monitor for two years, in parallel to shry the gamers' mouse with fatty fingers from dinner and pour the clave of coffee ... Together, say "Thank you" Wargaming! Although God is with him. Now we distract from tanks and try to draw military actions with the participation of these. Ahead of five steps.

How to draw a pencil war in stages

The step is first first to make people in motion. Heads, position of the body, hands, legs.
The second step is now thinking that it will be around our soldiers: this is a fence, stones, logs. Show their contours.
Step the third dress of our warring: helmet, pants, boots. We supply one of them bag. The nearest to us draw a face profile. We envelop the fence of barbed wire.
Step fourth add details: spiny on the wire, belts on the clothes of people, shovel, etc.
Step five will perform hatching. On the clothing in the seed grounds - darker plots. Dimming areas on the poles. Well, here are the soldiers against the background of a military and completely non-living landscape.
See similar to military Drawing Lessons.

In this lesson you can learn to draw a soldier with a pencil and your own patience.

Earlier, we have already drawn drawings for military topics:

In the drawing of a soldier, you can also use the lesson "", but this is already for an in-depth understanding. So, proceed.

First we make the basis of the markup, such a skeleton for the body of our soldier. From above - oval in the form of a head, then it connects with the body of two trapezes, then the leg line and also the hands of the hands. Whether it turned out like in the picture below? Moving on.

Within oval, we need to draw a face-face of a soldier. First, placing oval railway lines, we draw ears on the sides. Along the horizontal line, we draw eyes and eyebrows, just below - the nose and mouth. Add your ears lines, draw a bit of a short hair of a soldier.

We draw a pilot from above. Add it top, as well as the star. Take the neck.

So, our head is ready, you can try the gates and shoulders to our comrade.

The next step will be drawing its shape, or rather its top. We draw stray and belt.

At the top of the form, you should also depict pockets, butt and star on the belt.

Now you need to draw the bottom of the pants. Pay attention to the folds.

Do not forget also to draw and the hands of our soldier in shape. We draw the sleeves in gradually, and then draw palms. Beginners will not be too easy to draw detailed hands, so everything is very sketchy.

It remains only to draw boots.

Step-by-step instructions for practical drawing of tanks, airplanes and helicopters.

Objects necessary for work: a pure white sheet of paper of good quality, a pencil with a stylist of medium hardness or soft, eraser. Circle, mascara, pyrshko, brush, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen - at will.

Choose a sample of military equipment that you want to draw.
Light touches of the pencil, without pressure, very carefully and carefully apply the strokes on the paper that make up the initial (first) "step" - usually it is in the upper left corner on the scheme you have chosen.
Then make the second "step" - also without push, and just as carefully. Watch not only behind the direction and curvature lines, but also over the distance between them, that is, their mutual location. The size of the picture must correspond to the size of your sheet of paper - to be not too small and not too large. The first "steps" seem to be least complex, but it is necessary to perform them with special accuracy, because any error made at the beginning of the process can spoil the final result.

New for each "step" of the line is shown in the scheme more fat, so that you feel it easier to recognize what exactly you should add to your drawing at the next stage.
Continue the work is still light, thin strokes. If some line turned out unnecessarily thick or dark - brighten it with an eraser: spend them along the line without a special pressure, not seeking to erase it completely.

And a few more tips.
Remember that with all the seeming complexity of some objects, they can always be reduced to simple geometric forms: ball, cone, pyramid, cube, parallelepiped, cylinder.

Well, of course, let's say, the ships do not exist by themselves, but as a rule, organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Therefore, the elements of the landscape - the sea, river, rock, even if only slightly scheduled, - significantly revive and enrich the drawing.

Having finished the application of light strokes, that is, by completing eight "steps", shown in the selected scheme, and making sure that all the elements of your drawing correspond to the desired image, circle them with confident movements of the pencil with the desired pressure. After this final finish, the drawing can be considered ready. If you wish, you can strengthen the contrast of the lines using the mascara (using a thin bruster or steel flip), a ball handle or a felt-tipper. When the mascara, the paste or ink is dried, remove unnecessary traces of a pencil eraser.

Remember: if the first attempts to draw do not lead to the desired result - continue trying. This is very important - not to lose perseverance, patience, enthusiasm. In the end, your efforts are crowned with complete success - at that moment you may not immediately believe yourself, but you will still be pleasantly surprised to achieved.

We sincerely hope that your drawing skills will improve and for a long time spent on the reconstitution of images of all these terrible and in its own way beautiful samples of the equipment will not be disappeared.

Draw a rocket ship (Russia) l

Draw a system of salvo fire "Katyusha" (USSR)

Draw a torpedo boat (Russia) R

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Phased drawing of a soldier

Each soldier should always be neatly dressed and have always cleaned and a good toilet to battle. We proceed to drawing a soldier. Arisuum oval for the head and two long lines converging from oval.

Draw two ovals in the top of the rectangle. These ovals will be contours for the hands of a soldier.

On the left oval add another oval with a slope to the right so that the hand gives honor. Add another oval on the second hand. In the bottom, we draw two more oval for the feet of the soldier.

Draw a basic shape for a soldier rifle and other elements.

Add a feature on face and improving the body of a soldier. On the uniform you draw a military pattern.

Check the sketch of the soldier. Call a drawing with a black marker and erase all unnecessary lines

R Askrasim shape of a soldier in green and brown. Rifle and shoes in black color.

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