Patriotic War 1941 1945 briefly. Year - year of liberation of our country from fascist invaders

Patriotic War 1941 1945 briefly. Year - year of liberation of our country from fascist invaders

On June 22, 1941 at 4 o'clock in the morning, fascist Germany without declaring the war treacherously invaded the USSR. This attack ended the chain of aggressive actions of Hitler's Germany, which, thanks to the connivance and incitement of the Western powers, grossly violated elementary norms of international law, resorted to the robber seizures and monstrous atrocities in occupied countries.

In accordance with the Barbaross plan, the fascist offensive began on a wide front with several groups in various directions. Army was stationed in the north "Norway"coming to Murmansk and Kandalaksha; A group of army came from East Prussia to the Baltic States and Leningrad "North"; The most powerful grouping of armies "Centre" It was aimed at split parts of the Red Army in Belarus, to master Vitebsk - Smolensky and take Moscow with the go; Army Group "South" It was focused from Lublin to the mouth of the Danube and led an offensive to Kiev - Donbass. The plans of the Nazis were reduced to the application of a sudden strike in these directions, the destruction of the border and military units, a breakthrough into a deep rear, the seizure of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and the most important industrial centers of the southern regions of the country.

The command of the German army extended to complete the war for 6-8 weeks.

In the offensive against the Soviet Union, 190 enemy divisions were thrown, about 5.5 million soldiers, up to 50 thousand guns and mortars, 4,300 tanks, almost 5 thousand aircraft and about 200 warships.

War began in exceptionally favorable conditions for Germany. Before attacking the USSR, Germany seized almost all Western Europe, whose economy worked on the fascists. Therefore, Germany had a powerful material and technical base.

The military products of Germany supplied 6,500 largest enterprises of Western European countries. More than 3 million foreign workers were involved in the military industry. In the Western European countries, fascists awarded a lot of weapons, military property, trucks, cars and steam locomotives. Germanic resources of Germany, its allies significantly exceeded the resources of the USSR. Germany fully mobilized his army, as well as the army of its allies. Most of the German army focused on the borders of the Soviet Union. In addition, imperialist Japan threatened with an attack from the East, which distracted a significant part of the Soviet Armed Forces for the defense of the country's eastern borders. In theses of the Central Committee of the CPSU "50 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution" An analysis of the causes of the temporary failures of the Red Army in the initial period of war is given. They are related to the fact that the Nazis used temporary advantages:

  • militarization of the economy and the whole life of Germany;
  • long-term preparation for the celestial war and more than two years of experience in conducting hostilities in the West;
  • superiority in the arms and number of troops, concentrated in the border zones in advance.

Economic and military resources of almost all Western Europe were at their disposal. The allowed miscalculations in determining the possible deadlines for the attack of Hitler's Germany to our country and the associated omissions in preparation for the reflection of the first blows were played. There were reliable data on the concentration of German troops at the borders of the USSR and the preparation of Germany to attack our country. However, the troops of Western military districts were not given in a state of complete combat readiness.

All these reasons set the Soviet country into a difficult situation. However, the enormous difficulties of the initial period of war did not break the morale of the Red Army, did not lay the persistence of the Soviet people. From the first days of the attack, it became clear that the plan of the lightning war was collapsed. Having used to easy victories over Western countries, whose governments treacherously gave their people to the ripples of the occupiers, the fascists met stubborn resistance from the Soviet Armed Forces, border guards and the entire Soviet people. War lasted 1418 days. On the border courageously fought groups of border guards. The garrison of the Brest Fortress was covered with disadvantaged glory. The defense fortress was led by Captain I. N. Zubachev, the regimental commissioner E. M. Fomin, Major P. M. Gavrilov, and others. June 22, 1941 at 4 am 25 minutes, the fighter pilot I. Ivanov made the first ram. (In total during the war years, about 200 Taranians were committed). On June 26, the crew of Captain N. F. Gastello (A. A. Burdenyuk, G. N. Sneorobogted, A. A. Kalinin) - on a burning plane crashed into a column of enemy troops. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers from the first days of the war showed samples of courage and heroism.

Two months lanced Smolensk Battle. Here under Smolensk born soviet Guard. The battle in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk delayed the offensive of the enemy until mid-September 1941
During the Smolensk battle, the Red Army threw the plans of the enemy. The delay of enemy occurrence in the central direction was the first strategic success of the Soviet troops.

The communist party has become the leading and guiding power of the defense of the country and the preparation of the destruction of the Hitler's troops. From the first days of the war, the party was made emergency measures to organize the aggressor, a huge work was carried out on the restructuring of all work on a military manner, the transformation of the country into a single military camp.

"For warring war, I wrote V. I. Lenin," a strong organized rear is needed. The best army, the most devoted revolution, people will be immediately exterminated by the enemy, if they are not sufficiently armed, equipped with food, trained "(Lenin V.I. Full. Coll. Op., Vol. 35, p. 408).

These Lenin instructions were based on the organization of the fight against the enemy. On June 22, 1941, on behalf of the Soviet government, with a report on the "robbery" attack of fascist Germany and a call to combat the enemy, acted on Radio Peace of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov. On the same day, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was adopted on the introduction of military situation in the European territory of the USSR, as well as a decree on the mobilization of a number of ages in 14 military districts. On June 23, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the Council of Sciences of the USSR adopted a decree on the tasks of party and Soviet organizations in the conditions of war. On June 24, the Evacuation Council was formed, and on June 27 by Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and SCA of the USSR "On the procedure for the export and placement of human contingents and valuable property", the procedure for evacuation of productive forces and the population to the eastern regions was determined. In the Directive of the Central Committee of the CCP (b) and SCSR of the USSR, from June 29, 1941, the party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions were set forth the most important tasks for the mobilization of all forces and funds in the defeat of the enemy.

"... In the war imposed on us with fascist Germany," said this document, "the question of the life and death of the Soviet state decides, to be the peoples of the Soviet Union free or fall into enslave." The Central Committee and the Soviet government encouraged to realize the depth of danger, rebuild all the work on a military way, to organize comprehensive assistance to the front, to enlarge the production of weapons, ammunition, tanks, aircraft, with a forced departure of the Red Army to export all valuable property, and what can not be removed - destroy In the area occupied by the enemy, organize partisan detachments. On July 3, the main provisions of the Directive were set forth in the speech of I. V. Stalin on Radio. The directive determined the nature of war, the degree of threat and danger, the tasks of the transformation of the country into a single combat camp, the full strengthening of the armed forces, restructuring the work of the rear to the Military Pad, mobilizing all the forces to resist the enemy. On June 30, 1941, an emergency authority was created for the rapid mobilization of all forces and means of the country to rebuff and defeat the enemy State Defense Committee (GKO) headed by I. V. Stalin. In the hands of GKO, the entire fullness of power in the country, state, military and economic leadership was concentrated. He united the activities of all state and military institutions, party, trade union and Komsomol organizations.

In the context of the war, the restructuring of the entire economy was of paramount importance. At the end of June was approved "Mobilization People's Plan for III quarter of 1941", and on August 16 "Military Economic Plan for the IV quarter of 1941 and in 1942 by the districts of the Volga region, Urals, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia" Over the five months of 1941, over 1360 major military enterprises were relocated and about 10 million people were evacuated. Even on the recognition of bourgeois specialists evacuation industry In the second half of 1941 and the beginning of 1942 and its placement in the East should be attributed to the number of the most striking feats of the peoples of the Soviet Union during the war. The evacuated Kramatorsky plant was launched 12 days after arrival at the place, Zaporizhia - after 20. Already by the end of 1941, the Ural gave 62% cast iron and 50% of steel. In terms of wise and meaning, it was equal to the largest battles of wartime. Perestroika of the national economy on the military field was completed by mid-1942

The party conducted a large organizational work in the army. In accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 16, 1941 issued a decree "On the reorganization of the political propaganda bodies and the introduction of the Institute of Military Commissars". From July 16 in the army, and from July 20, at the Navy, the Institute of Military Commissars was introduced. For the second half of 1941, up to 1.5 million communists and more than 2 million Komsomolov residents were mobilized to the army (up to 40% of the entire composition of the party sent to the existing army). Venidaya party leaders L. I. Brezhnev, A. A. Zhdanov, A. S. Shcherbakov, M. A. Suslov and others were aimed at party work in the existing army.

On August 8, 1941, the Supreme Commander of All Armed Forces of the USSR was appointed I. V. Stalin. In order to concentrate all the functions of managing military actions, the Supreme Commander-in-chief rate was formed. Hundreds of thousands of Communists and Komsomol residents went to the front. About 300 thousand. The best representatives of the working class and the intelligentsia of Moscow and Leningrad entered into the ranks of the national militia.

Meanwhile, the enemy stubbornly rushed to Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol and other essential industrial centers of the country. An important place in the plans of fascist Germany occupied the calculation of the international isolation of the USSR. However, from the first days of the war, an anti-Hitler coalition began to develop. On June 22, 1941, the Government of Great Britain announced the support of the USSR in the fight against fascism, and on July 12, he signed an agreement on joint actions against fascist Germany. On August 2, 1941, US President F. Roosevelt declared economic support for the Soviet Union. September 29, 1941 in Moscow gathered conference of representatives of the three powers (USSR, USA and England), which developed a plan for Anglo-American assistance in the fight against the enemy. The calculation of Hitler for international insulation of the USSR failed. On January 1, 1942, a declaration of 26 states was signed in Washington antihytler coalition On the use of all resources of these countries to fight against the German bloc. However, the allies were in no hurry with the implementation of effective assistance aimed at the defeat of fascism, seeking to weaken the warring parties.

By October, German-fascist invaders, despite the heroic resistance of our troops, managed to approach Moscow on three sides, while turning off the offensive on Don, in the Crimea, near Leningrad. Odessa and Sevastopol were harvested heroically. On September 30, 1941, the German command begins first, and in November - the second general attack on Moscow. The fascists managed to take Wedge, Yahroma, Naro-Fominsk, Istra and other cities of the Moscow region. Soviet troops led the heroic defense of the capital, showing samples of courage and heroism. In fierce battles, the rifle 316th division of General Panfilov was to death. A partisan movement unfolded in the rear of the enemy. Only near Moscow, about 10 thousand partisans fought. On December 5-6, 1941, Soviet troops were transferred to a counteroffensive near Moscow. At the same time, offensive operations on Western, Kalininsky and south-western fronts unfolded. The powerful offensive of the Soviet troops in the winter of 1941/42 was discarded the fascists in a number of places to 400 km from the capital and was their first major defeat in World War II.

Chief result Moscow battle It was that the strategic initiative was broken from the hands of the enemy and the plan of the lightning war was failed. The defeat of the Germans near Moscow was a decisive turn in the military actions of the Red Army and had a great influence on the entire further course of the war.

By the spring of 1942, the production of military products was established in the eastern regions of the country. By the middle of the year, most evacuated enterprises unfolded in new places. The translation of the country's economy to military rails was mainly completed. In the deep rear - in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, in the Urals - there were over 10 thousand industrial buildings.

Instead of the men who went to the front, women and young people came to the machines. Despite the very difficult domestic conditions, Soviet people worked selflessly, providing victory on the front. Worked on a half - two shifts to restore industry and supply the front with everything necessary. All-Union Socialist Competition, whose winners were awarded Red banner GK.. The workers of agriculture were organized in 1942. Superplant crops to the Defense Fund. The collective farm peasantry supplied the front and rear of food and industrial raw materials.

An exceptionally difficult situation in the temporary occupied regions of the country was. The fascists robbed the city and sat down, mocked over the civilian population. German officials who are supervised at work were appointed at the enterprises. The best lands were selected under the farms for German soldiers. In all occupied settlements, German garrisons were held at the expense of the population. However, the economic and social policy of the fascists, which they tried to conduct in the occupied territories, immediately suffered a failure. Soviet people brought up on the ideas of the Communist Party, believed in the victory of the Soviet country, were not amenable to Hitler's provocations and demagogy.

Winter offensive of the Red Army in 1941/42 It caused a powerful blow to fascist Germany, according to her military car, but the Hitler's army was still strong. Soviet troops led stubborn defensive battles.

In this situation, the National Fight of Soviet people in the rear of the enemy played a big role, especially partisan traffic.

Thousands of Soviet people went to the partisan detachments. The partisan war in Ukraine, in Belarus and Smolensk region, in Crimea and in a number of other places, widely unfolded. In cities and villages temporarily occupied by the enemy, underground party and Komsomol organizations operated. In accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of July 18, 1941 "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops" 3,500 partisan detachments and groups, 32 underground committees, 805 public utilities and district participants, 5429 primary party organizations, 10 regional, 210 interdistrict city and 45 thousand primary Komsomol organizations were created. To coordinate the actions of partisan detachments and underground groups with the units of the Red Army by decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) on May 30, 1942, at the expense of the Supreme Command central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement. Headquarters in the leadership of the partisan movement were formed in Belarus, in Ukraine and in other republics and regions occupied by the enemy.

After the defeat near Moscow and the winter offensive of our troops, the Hitler's command was preparing a new major offensive with the aim of capturing all southern regions of the country (Crimea, the North Caucasus, Don) up to the Volga, the capture of Stalingrad and rejection of the Transcaucasus from the center of the country. This was an extremely serious threat to our country.

By the summer of 1942, an international situation was changed, characterized by the strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition. In May - June 1942, agreements were concluded between the USSR, England and the United States on the Union in the war against Germany and the post-war collaboration. In particular, an agreement was reached on the opening in 1942 in Europe second Front against Germany, which would significantly speed up the defeat of fascism. But the allies in every way tightened his discovery. Using this, the fascist command moved the division from the Western Front to the Eastern. By the spring of 1942, the Hitler's army had 237 divisions, massive aircraft, tanks, artillery and other types of technology for a new offensive.

Intensified leningrad blockadeAlmost daily exposed to artillery shelling. The Kerch Strait was captured in May. On July 3, the Supreme Command gave an order to heroic defenders of Sevastopol to leave the city after 250 days defense, since it was not possible to keep the Crimea. As a result of the defeat of Soviet troops in the area of \u200b\u200bKharkov and Don, the enemy came to the Volga. Created in July Stalingrad Front accepted powerful blows of the enemy. Returning with heavy battles, our troops applied a huge opponent damage. In parallel, the fascist offensive in the North Caucasus, where Stavropol, Krasnodar, Maikop were occupied. In the area of \u200b\u200bMozdok, the onset of fascists was suspended.

The main battles unfolded on the Volga. The enemy was trying to master Stalingrad. The heroic defense of the city was one of the bright pages of the Patriotic War. Work class, women, old people, teenagers - the entire population rose to the defense of Stalingrad. Despite the deadly danger, the workers of the tractor plant were sent daily to the advanced positions of tanks. In September, fights for each street have unfolded in the city, for each house.

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Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

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Ural State Legal Academy

Institute of Justice

Department of State and Law History


according to academic discipline

"National history"

on the topic: "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"


Student 1 courses

122 "A" groups

Ushakov Vladimir


Senior Lecturer

Sorokina Olga Nikolaevna

yekaterinburg city

Introduction .............................................................................. p.3

1. Causes of war .................................................................................

2. First period of war ..............................................................................................................................................5

3. The second period of the war ......................................................... ... p.9

4. The third period of the war ......................................................... ... p.11

5. Results and consequences of war .................................................................

Conclusion .......................................................................................... P.15

List of references ............................................................... ... p.16


More than sixty years ago, the victory of our people is a terrible war, which claimed millions of lives. There is no deadlines for bitter memory. Much changes: states, borders, people, estimates of the past. Memory does not change, are still alive in the memoirs of a few already front-line, their combat comrades who fell by the death of brave on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Store the gray widows still stored old photos and letters, carefully turn into a memory short days and cry, recognizing in adult grandchildren the features of the long-dead young husbands. And it does not go out the flame of the eternal flame, burning alive in memory of the dead. R. Christmas said: "Recall everyone, I will remember everyone, I will remember St. ... It is not necessary for it! It is necessary alive! "

Living in the afternoon today, we should not forget that there is a past, remember not only tragic, but also heroic. Memory cannot be cruel, it must be care about the future, to, extracting lessons, do not repeat errors.

In my work, I tried to briefly describe, remember the events of the Great Patriotic War. Chronological framework of work: June 1941 - May 1945. The goals of my work is to consider the causes of war, identify the main periods, consider the main events, military battles and the consequences of hostilities.

Causes of war

By the end of the 30s. The external policy of fascist Germany has sharply activated, which proclaimed its main task to conquer the living space. The ideas of national exclusivity preached by the Nazis were easily assisted by the Germans who considered themselves an offended Versailles, summing up the results of the First World War. This humiliation required emotional and political compensation, which was clearly learned by the National Socialists, who set the idea of \u200b\u200bthe grand German nation in the chapter of their teachings.

Germany initially covered its strategic goals of Germany, a clearly pronounced ideology of the incomprehension of communism. Seeing only the anti-communism of the leaders of the new Germany, the policies of the United States, England, France pushed the Nazis to the military conflict from the USSR, not suggesting that the Hitler would not be limited.

On July 31, 1940, Hitler officially informed the highest general of the upcoming military campaign. In the diary of the head of the General Staff of the Ground Troops of General Colonel F. Galder on this day, an entry appeared: "The beginning (military campaign) - May 1941. The duration of the whole operation is five months." General Staff has hurkedly started developing a strategic warfare plan against the USSR. The planning was based on the requirement of the most rapid, lightning distance of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. On December 18, 1940, Hitler signed Directive No. 21 of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Germany (OKV) about the attack on the USSR and gave it the code name "Barbarossa".

The essence of the plan was to defeat the Soviet troops in the West of the USSR in a short period of time, and prevent the retreat of the combat-ready parts of the Red Army to the East.

In accordance with the plan, the Nazis told the offensive in three directions. The fascist army was divided into the North, Center and South Groups. The first group led an offensive on the Baltic States and Leningrad, the second group fell to Minsk, Smolensk and Moscow, the tasks of the Third Group included the seizure of Kiev, Donbass, Crimea.

The plans of the German command was the destruction of the Soviet Union as a guarantee of the establishment of global German domination.

First period of war

Early in the morning of June 22, 1941, the fascist army unexpectedly invaded the territory of the USSR. The offensive took place over the entire border from the Black to the Baltic Sea. The invasion army numbered 5.5 million people, about 4,300 tanks and assault guns, 4980 combat aircraft, 47,200 guns and mortars. She was opposed to the strength of the five Soviet Western border districts and three fleets, which almost doubled the enemy in a living force, had a slightly smaller amount of artillery, exceeded the enemy in tanks and aircraft, however, mostly outdated samples.

The main blow accepted the troops on the border. The superiority of the enemy over the Soviet troops was fourfold and more. The fascists sought to paralyze Soviet aviation, since their main task was to achieve domination in the air. Murmansk, Riga, Smolensk, Kiev, Zhytomyr and other cities were subjected to bombardments. In the first days of the war, Soviet aviation lost more than a thousand aircraft. Large losses Soviet troops suffered at the occurrence of fascist ground forces.

The first period of war began. Chronologically, it covers the time from June 22, 1941 to November 18, 1942 and is determined as follows: the strategic defense of the Soviet Armed Forces. The defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow. Fulling attempts to the Hitler coalition to crush the Soviet Union in a lightning war.

One of the defensive battles was the battle for the Brest Fortress. In July-August 1941, fierce battles were conducted near Borisov and Smolensk. The Smolensk direction defended the troops of the Western Front, against which the group of the "Center" army operated. On July 16, the Germans managed to take Smolensk, which opened the way to Moscow.

At the end of August, Nazi broke through the defense in the area of \u200b\u200bthe miracle and resumed an offensive to Leningrad. The capture of Leningrad would allow the Germans to solve such military challenges as the elimination of the main bases of the Baltic Fleet, the decrease in the city's military industry.

The entire able-bodied population of Leningrad, starting from June 27, 1941, participated in the construction of defense structures. In the first months of the war, a food problem in the city escalated significantly. Leningrad was surrounded. The blockade of Leningrad began, which lasted 900 days.

The country has become the beginning of the war into a single combat camp, the main goal was to mobilize all the forces on the defeat of the enemy. In the European part of the USSR, martial law was introduced, mass mobilization was declared. Industry has become working in military mode. It was decided to create a military-industrial base in the east of the USSR - in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Work was carried out to move most of the existing enterprises in the depths of the country, east.

The Soviet government was subjected to structural restructuring. The State Defense Committee (GKO) was established, I.V. became his chairman Stalin. A bid of the Supreme Commands was also created, which relied on the military councils of fronts and armies.

One of the reasons for the defeats of the Red Army was an unexpected invasion of fascists on the territory of the country. In addition, the army joined the war in adverse conditions. Although it was quite numerous, its parts were not presented in complete combat readiness. The technical re-equipment of the army was not completed, the reorganization of the industry for military units was also not completed.

The reason for the defeats of the Red Army was the miscalculations in determining the time of the German attack on the USSR, and errors in the events for the reflection of fascist strikes.

By the beginning of the war, the Soviet army under the total technical support was superior to the army of Germany. But even where our troops exceeded the forces of the enemy, the border battles were played. Parts did not have connections with headquarters, and the last - with the GKO and the bid, which made it difficult to educate information about the enemy. The order of the rate to hold the binds occupied in any conditions led to the fact that whole groups of troops fell under the strikes of the German fascist troops and carried large losses. Contributed to defeats the insufficient training of commanders and repression in the army.

The fights were important in the fall of 1941 for Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol. Fighting in Kiev was raised the fascist plan for the "lightning" war. The city has created a folk militia and defense headquarters. Defenders of the city courageously resisted until September 19.

Fierce defensive battles were led by Odessa. Fights went to October 16, after which the Odessa garrison was evacuated to the Crimea.

The defensive battles in the Crimea began in September-October 1941. The defense of Sevastopol was the longest, it lasted 250 days and entered the story as a sample of long and active defense of the Primorsky city and a major naval base left in the deep rear of the enemy. For a long time, having robbed the significant forces of the German fascist troops and inflicts them a big damage, the defenders of Sevastopol overturned the plans of the enemy command on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front.

The heroic defense of Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol, the Smolensk battle contributed to the disrupting the German-fascist plan of the "lightning" war against the USSR. But at the end of September - early October 1941, the enemy resumed hostilities in the Moscow direction. The battle for Moscow began 1941-1942. GKO decided to create a Moscow defense zone. They defended Moscow part of the Western, Kalininsky and South-Western fronts.

Numerous attacks on Moscow were repulsed, defensive battles continued until December 5, 1941. The Red Army was able to move from defense to the offensive. During the offensive, which began on December 6, 1941 and the German troops lasted until the end of January 1942, for the first time in World War I, were defeated. The battle for Moscow was the decisive event of the first year of war. It was finally dispelled by the myth of the invincibility of the German army.

In 1942, the Fascist Command has set itself the goal of defeating the troops of the South-Western and South Fronts, to go to the Don and create conditions for the attack in the Caucasus to seize the important oil and bread areas of our country.

In May 1942, Soviet troops switched to the offensive north and southeastern Kharkov, did not fail here.

At the end of June 1942, the fascists made an offensive on Voronezh, but were stopped and turned to Stalingrad. On August 25, 1942, Stalingrad was translated into a siege. Soon fierce battles on the outskirts, and then in the city itself.

The German generals described the Stalingrad battle as "the poor description of the battle, which has become a symbol of the struggle of two hostile worlds." On November 19, 1942, Soviet troops were transferred to the offensive. The German army was surrounded. By January 31, 1943, the German group was divided into two parts - North and South. At first, the southern part capitulated, then North (February 2, 1943).

The meaning of the Battle of Stalingrad is primarily in the fact that it laid the beginning of a native fired during the war.

In general, the first period of war was the hardest for the Soviet people and its armed forces. The troops of the fascist army seized a part of the Soviet territory, at which about 42% of the population lived before the war, 30% of the gross production of the USSR industry was produced. However, Germany did not achieve the goals of the War from the USSR.

The second period of war

The second period of the voons chronologically covers the time from November 19, 1942 to the end of 1943 and is determined by this: a radical fracture during the Great Patriotic War.

After the Stalingrad battle, the strategic initiative firmly moved into the hands of the Soviet command. The ratio of forces has increasingly changed in favor of our troops. The number of the Red Army increased, and the forces of the Germans gradually weakened. The defeat of the fascist troops near Stalingrad and the subsequent offensive of the Soviet troops in the Transcaucasian, Leningrad and Volkhov fronts laid the beginning of a massive expulsion of the enemy from the Soviet Earth.

After the victory under Stalingrad, the foreign policy relations of Germany with other countries agreed. The liberation struggle intensified in the anti-fascist European countries.

In December 1942, the Troops of the Transcaucasian Front began to step in the Nalchik area. In 1943, almost all of the North Caucasus, Rostov, Voronezh, Oryol and Kursk region were released. On January 18, 1943, Soviet troops broke through the blockade of Leningrad.

Already in the winter of 1942-1943. The German command began to actively prepare for summer fights. The fascists decided to strike in the Kursk Arc area, to surround and destroy the troops of the Voronezh and Central Fronts, focused on the Kursk ledge.

The Soviet Supreme Commander became aware of the preparing operation, it also focused forces for the offensive in the area.

The battle on the Kursk arc began on July 5, 1943. She was divided into two periods: the first - defensive battles, the second - a period of counteroffensive.

At the Kursk direction, the Soviet command concentrated large forces. The Kursk protrusion defended the troops of the Central and Voronezh fronts, which were 1337 thousand people, 3306 tanks, 2900 aircraft. In the rear of the fronts there were backup troops, which counted 580 thousand people. In general, over 4 million people participated in the battles on both sides. 30 selected divisions of the enemy were defeated. Particularly heavy battles were carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bProkhorovka, where the Soviet tank troops defeated the largest fascist group.

After the victorious completion of the Kursk battle, Soviet troops in September 1943 began the battle for the Dnieper. The main task was to force the river, the seizure of the bridgehead for the subsequent onset and liberation of the Right Bank of Ukraine.

The German command has set itself the goal of creating an indevertinary "East Shaft" on the Dnieper. But the Nazis failed to capture there. After the defeat at the Dnieper, the fascist army could no longer be able to lead large offensive operations.

The battle on the Kursk arc and the battle for the Dnieper was completed by a radical fracture during the Great Patriotic War. The ratio of forces in favor of the Red Army changed dramatically. After the Kursk battle, the German command from the offensive passed to the defense almost throughout the front.

The front of the national liberation struggle of the nations of Europe was further expanded and the front of the national liberation struggle was intensified, in this regard, the battle on the Kursk arc had great international importance. After the Kursk battle, Soviet troops continued the offensive.

From the very beginning of the war in the rear of the enemy, the partisan movement began to unfold. Already in the first months of the war, in almost all territories occupied by the fascists, underground organizations emerged to combat invaders.

In the territories engaged in the fascists, a powerful partisan movement unfolded, by the end of 1941 3,500 partisan detachments participated in it. In 1942, at the expense of the Supreme Command, the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement was formed to lead the partisan detachments.

The activity of Partizan was aimed at undermining the food, technical and human base of the fascists. For this purpose, the partisans exploded bridges and railways, spoiled communication, destroyed warehouses. The Hitler's command was forced to throw a troops against the guerrilla. In 1943, the partisan movement increased significantly and became more organized. Especially wide scope, it acquired in Belarus and in Ukraine.

As a result of the victories of the Red Army, the prestige of the Soviet Union in the international arena and its role in solving the most important issues of world politics increased.

Third period of war

The third time of the war chronologically covers the time from January 1944 to May 9, 1945 and is determined as follows: the defeat of the fascist unit, the expulsion of the enemy troops outside the USSR, exemption from the occupation of European countries, the full collapse of fascist Germany and its unconditional surrender.

By January 1944, the German fascist troops continued to occupy Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, a significant part of Belarus, Ukraine, Leningrad and Kalinin regions, Moldova and Crimea. The armed forces of the fascist bloc have over 10 million people. However, the position of fascist Germany deteriorated sharply. By the beginning of 1944, about 6.7 million people were numbered in the current army. The enemy moved to a tough opposition defense.

By the beginning of 1944, in the current army of the Soviet Union, there were over 6.3 million people. The overwhelming superiority of the Soviet Armed Forces over the German-fascist troops in the forces and means (with the exception of artillery and aviation) has not yet been. The enemy continued to keep a number of important Soviet naval databases in his hands, as a result of which the possibilities of basing and operations of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets were limited.

In December - April 1944, Soviet troops during the offensive at the right bank of Ukraine defeated the fascist grouping and went to the state border in the foothills of the Carpathians and in Romania. Leningrad and part of the Kalinin region were liberated, the blockade of Leningrad was completely removed. In the spring of 1944, Crimea was liberated.

In the summer of 1944, the Red Army launched a powerful strategic offensive in Karelia, Belarus, Western Ukraine and Moldova. During the offensive, Belarusian territories were liberated in Belarus, most of Lithuania and Latvia, the eastern part of Poland. Soviet troops approached the borders of East Prussia.

In the autumn of 1944, the onset of the Red Army in the southern direction was direct assistance to the Bulgarian, Hungarian, Yugoslav and Czechoslovak nations.

In general, the Soviet Armed Forces in 1944 held about 50 offensive operations that had enormous military-political importance. As a result, the main groups of the German fascist troops were defeated. Only over the summer and autumn 1944, the enemy lost 1.6 million people. Fascist Germany lost almost all of its European allies, the front approached its borders, and in Eastern Prussia stepped over them.

The offensive of the Red Army was so powerful that at the beginning of February its individual compounds went on the approach to Berlin.

In January - the first half of April 1945, East Prussian, Vistul-Oderskaya, Vienna, East-Pomeranian, Lower-Silesian and Upper-Silesian offensive operations were implemented by the Soviet troops. Their result was the defeat of the main military groups of the German-fascist troops and the liberation of almost all Poland, a significant part of Czechoslovakia, all of Hungary, the eastern part of Austria. Soviet troops came to Oder.

The Berlin Operation, the final strategic offensive operation in the Great Patriotic War, was the Berlin Operation, conducted by the Red Army on April 16 - May 8, 1945. In the spring of 1945, the military actions of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, the United States, Great Britain and France were held in Germany. The main forces of the Germans (214 divisions and 14 brigades) were still concentrated against the Red Army. Soviet troops numbered 2.5 million people, had 4,1600 guns and mortars, 6250 tanks and self-propelled artillery installations, 7,500 aircraft. The Naval Provision of the Berlin Operations carried out the forces of the Baltic Fleet and the Dnieper Military Flotilla.

At the first stage of the Berlin Operation, the defense of German troops at the turn of Oder-Neyce Rivers, enemy groups on the most important directions were dismembered and destroyed. The troops of the 1st Belorussian front under the command of G. Zhukov and the 1st Ukrainian front under the command of I.S. Konveva joined the west of Berlin and surrounded the main forces of the enemy.

May 2, 1945 Berlin was taken. During the Berlin operation, the largest grouping of German troops was destroyed. Soviet troops defeated 70 infantry, 23 tank and motorized divisions, most of the aircraft, captured about 480 thousand people.

As a result, fascist Germany capitulated. In the suburb of Berlin Karlshorst, representatives of the German command signed on May 8, 1945, the act of unconditional surrender. On May 9, 1945, Soviet troops completed their last operation. They defeated the grouping of the German-fascist troops surrounding Prague.

Results and consequences of war

The military-political results and the lessons of the Great Patriotic War are huge. The victory of the peoples of the Soviet Union over the fascist Germany had a huge impact on all the post-war development of mankind. Honor and dignity, national statehood and independence of the Soviet Union were defended. Humanity was delivered from the threat of fascist enslavement.

The Great Patriotic War was the hardest of all world history wars. She claimed about 27 million lives of Soviet people, some of them are a civilian population who died in the Hitler's death camps, as a result of fascist repression, diseases, hunger. The material damage caused by the USSR was 30% of its national wealth, and in areas undergoing occupation, about 67%. This damage is made up of losses caused by the destruction, destruction and theft of production assets, from military expenditures, including related to the restructuring of the economy.

The victory in the war went to the USSR a very difficult price.

In May 1945, the USSR came out of the war not only with the joy of victory and the hope of his peoples for the future, not only with new territorial acquisitions, but also with a deformed economy, with a one-sided development of the military-industrial complex, with a violated social structure of society, with another More damaging than before the war of the social sphere, with the rooted habit of leadership to act orders and coercion, intolerance to dissent, excessive confidence in the inexhaustibility of the country's strength and resources.

But after all, the war proved the superiority of the socialist building over the capitalist. The moral and political unity of Soviet people, patriotism, friendship of peoples, the fair goals of the war gave rise to mass heroism at the front, the work feat of the people in the rear.

In the people's consciousness, Victory Day was hardly the most bright and joyful holiday, meaning the end of the bloody and destructive of the wars.


So, the Great Patriotic War was the largest event of the history of the 20th century. It was not only a fierce armed struggle of opposing forces, but also a decisive confrontation with the aggressor in the economic, political, diplomatic spheres, in the field of ideology and psychology.

The price of victory, as part of the price of the war, expresses a complex complex of material, economic, intellectual, spiritual and other efforts of the state and the people incurred by them damage, damage, losses and costs. These are also relevant consequences not only in the social and demographic plan, but also in the foreign policy and economic spheres of international relations that stretch out for many years.

The Great Patriotic War swallowed huge material resources, ruined the habitat of people, damaged nature, left for many centuries I undertake my memory. This bloody fight claimed millions of human lives. She ordered many, but at the same time I cried the fate of people, coolly changed their lives, bringing them the flour of suffering, deprivation, bitterness and sadness.

In other words, war and victory in it demanded from our country and its people of unprecedented costs and victims of various nature.

The ideologists of imperialism seek to substantiate the causes of the emergence and nature of war, to humiliate the role of the USSR and exaggerate the role of Western powers in the defeat of fascism. The defeat of Germany, they explain the mistakes and miscalculations of Hitler, the huge size of the territory and the numerous population of the Soviet Union, harsh climate, bad roads and other reasons. But after all, the truth is obvious: the victory is achieved in the struggle, where the main armed force was the Soviet Armed Forces. Moreover, it was the Soviet Armed Forces that fulfilled their international mission, putting the major severity of war on their shoulders.

The main lesson, which was issued as a result of large-scale hostilities, - any war requires mobilization of human and material resources, suffering to people. Consequently, you need to refrain from solving problems with the help of military force.


1. Artemov V.V. The history of the Fatherland: from ancient times to this day: a textbook. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

2. Barsenkov A.S., Vdovin A.I. Russian history. 1938-2002: studies. benefit. - M.: Aspect Press, 2003.

3. Kirillov V.V. History of Russia: studies. benefit. - M.: Yurait-Edition, 2007.

4. Munchaev S.M., Ustinov V.M. Russian history. Textbook for universities. - M.: Publishing Group Infra-M - Norm, 1997.

The opposition of the Russian people of the aggression of Germany and other countries, striving to establish a "new world order". This war has become a fighting of two opposing civilizations, in which the Western World set it to the complete destruction of Russia - the USSR as the state and the nation, the seizure of the considerable part of its territories and education at the rest of its parties subject to the Germany. To war against Russia, Germany pushed the Jewish-Masonic regimes of the United States and England, who seen in Hitler to the instrument of their plans of world domination and destruction of Russia.

June 22, 1941 German Armed Forces consisting of 103 divisions, including 10 tanks, invaded the territory of Russia. The total number of them numbered five and a half million people, of which more than 900 thousand were the military personnel of the Western allies of Germany - Italians, Spaniards, French, Dutch, Finns, Romanians, Hungarians, and others. This treacherous Western International was granted 4,300 tanks and assault guns , 4980 combat aircraft, 47200 guns and mortars.

The Russian Armed Forces opposing the aggressor of the Russian Armed Forces of the five Western cross-border military districts and three fleets were twice the enemy in a living force, and in the first echelon of our armies there were only 56 rifle and cavalry divisions, which were difficult to hide with the tank corps of the Germans. The aggressor had a big advantage of artillery, tanks and aircraft of the latest designs.

According to the nationality, more than 90% of opposing Germany, the Soviet Army amounted to Russians (Velikorsosa, Malorods and Belarusians), why it could be called the Russian army without exaggeration, which does not diminish the settlement of the contribution and other nations of Russia into opposition to the general enemy.

Verto, without a declaration of war, focusing in the direction of blows overwhelming superiority, the aggressor broke through the defense of the Russian troops, seized the strategic initiative and domination in the air. The enemy occupied the considerable part of the country, advanced to 300 - 600 km.

On June 23, the main command was created (from August 6 - the bid of the Supreme Command). All the fullness of the authorities focused in the state defense committee created on June 30 (GKO). From August 8, I.V. Stalin became the Supreme Commander. He gathered around himself outstanding Russian commander G. K. Zhukov, S. K. Tymoshenko, B. M. Shaposhnikova, A. M. Vasilevsky, K. K. Rokossovsky, N. F. Vatutina, A. I. Eremenko, to . A. MERETSKOV, I. \u200b\u200bS. Koneva, I. D. Chernyakhovsky and many others. In his public speeches, Stalin makes a bet on the sense of patriotism of the Russian people, calls for him to follow the example of heroic ancestors. The main military events of the summer-autumn campaign 1941 were the Smolensk battle, the defense of Leningrad and the beginning of his blockade, the military catastrophe of the Soviet troops in Ukraine, the defense of Odessa, the beginning of the defense of Sevastopol, the loss of Donbass, the defensive period of the Moscow battle. The Russian army retreated 850-1200 km, but the enemy was stopped at the main directions near Leningrad, Moscow and Rostov and switched to defense.

The winter campaign of 1941-42 began a countertime of Russian troops in the Western Strategic Direction. In the course of it, a counterattack under Moscow, Lyuban, Rzhevskoy-Vyazemskaya, Burvenkovsko-Lozovskaya and landing Kerch-Feodosian operations were carried out. The Russian troops took off the threat to Moscow and the North Caucasus, facilitated the position of Leningrad, fully or partially liberated the territory of 10 regions, as well as over 60 cities. The strategy "Blitzkrig" collapsed. About 50 enemy divisions were defeated. Patriotism of Russian people played a major role in the defeat of the enemy, which was widely manifested from the first days of war. Thousands of folk heroes like A. Matrosov and 3. Kosmodemyanskaya, hundreds of thousands of partisans in the rear of the enemy Already in the first months, the moral spirit of the aggressor is strongly folded.

In the summer-autumn campaign 1942, the main military events unfolded on the southwest direction: the defeat of the Crimean front, the military catastrophe of the Soviet troops in the Kharkiv operation, Voronezh-Voroshilovgradskaya, Donbass, Stalingrad defensive operations, the battle in the North Caucasus. In the north-western direction, the Russian army held the Demyan and Rzhev-Sychev offensive operations. The enemy has advanced by 500 - 650 km, went to the Volga, seized part of the passes of the main Caucasian ridge. The territory was occupied, where 42% of the population lived before the war, a third of gross products were produced, there were more than 45% of the sowing areas. The economy was translated into military rails. A large number of enterprises were relocated to the eastern regions of the country (only in the 2nd half of 1941-2593, including 1.523 large), 2,3 million was taken out of cattle. In the 1st half of the year 1942, 10 thousand aircraft were released, 11 thousand tanks, OK. 54 thousand guns. In the 2nd half of the year, their release has increased by more than 1.5 times.

In the winter campaign, 1942 - 43, the main military events were the Stalingrad and North Caucasian offensive operations, breakthrough of Leningrad blockades. The Russian army has advanced to the West for 600 - 700 km, freeing the territory of more than 480 thousand square meters. km, defeated 100 divisions (40% of the enemy forces on the Soviet-German front). In the summer-autumn campaign 1943, the decisive event was a Kursk battle. Guerrillas played an important role (Operation "Rail War"). During the battle, 38 thousand settlements were released for Dnipro, including 160 cities; With the capture of strategic bridgeheads on the Dnieper, the conditions for the offensive in Belarus are created. In the battle for Dnipro, partisans conducted a "concert" operation to destroy the communities of the enemy. In other directions, Smolensk and Bryansk offensive operations were carried out. The Russian army passed with battles to 500 - 1300 km, crushed 218 divisions.

In the winter campaign 1943 - 44, the Russian army held an offensive in Ukraine (10 simultaneous and consecutive front operations united by a common intention). Completed the defeat of the Army Group "South", went abroad with Romania and moved the fighting on its territory. Almost simultaneously unfolded by the Leningrad-Novgorod offensive operation; Leningrad was finally discharged. As a result of the Crimean operation, Crimea was liberated. Russian troops advanced to the West for 250 - 450 km, freed ok. 300 thousand square meters km of territory, published on the state border with Czechoslovakia.

In June 1944, when the United States and England realized that Russia could win in war and without their participation, they opened the 2nd front in France. This worsened the military-political position of Germany. In the summer-autumn campaign 1944, Russian troops held the Belarusian, Lviv-Sandomir, East Carpathian, Yasno-Chishentine, Baltic, Debrecensky, East-Carpathian, Belgrade, partially Budapest and Petsamo-Kirkenes offensive operations. The liberation of Belarus, Malororsia and Baltic (except for some regions of Latvia) was completed, partly Czechoslovakia, forced to surrender and entered into war against Germany Romania and Hungary, were released from the occupiers of the Soviet Polar, and the Northern Regions of Norway.

The 1945 campaign in Europe included the East Prussian, Vistul-Oder, the completion of Budapest, East Pomeranian, Lower Silesian, Viennese, West Carpathian, Vienna and Berlin Operations, which ended with the unconditional surrender of fascist Germany. After the Berlin Operation, Russian troops together with the 2nd army of the Polish troops, the 1st and 4th Romanian armies and the 1st Czechoslovak Corps held a Prague operation.

The victory in the war strongly raised the spirit of the Russian people, contributed to the growth of his national self-consciousness and faith in his own strength. As a result of Victory, Russia returned to himself most of what was rejected by her as a result of the revolution (except Finland and Poland). It was returned to the historical Russian lands in Galicia, Bukovina, Bessarabia, etc. Most of the Russian people (including Malorusov and Belarusians) again became one in one state, which created the prerequisites for the compounds of them in a single church. The fulfillment of this historical task was the main positive result of the war. The victory of Russian weapons created favorable conditions for Slavic unity. At some stage, Slavic countries united with Russia in something like a fraternal federation. The peoples of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia for some period aware of how important the Slavic world to keep together in the fight against the encroachment of the West to Slavic lands.

At the initiative of Russia, Poland received Silesia and a significant part of Eastern Prussia, from which the city of Königsberg with the surrounding territory passed into the possession of the Russian state, and Czechoslovakia returned to the Sudechean region seized Germany earlier.

The great mission to save humanity from the "New World Order" was given to Russia with a huge price: the Russian people and fraternal peoples of our Fatherland paid for these 47 million people (including direct and indirect losses), of which about 37 million people were actually Russian (including Malororsov and Belarusians).

Most of all died not by the military, directly participating in hostilities, but civilians, the civilian population of our country. The irrevocable losses of the Russian army (killed who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences, missing, who died in captivity) make up 8 million 668 thousand 400 people. The remaining 35 million is the lives of civilians. During the war years, about 25 million people were evacuated. In the territory occupied by Germany, it turned out to be about 80 million people, or about 40% of the population of our country. All these people became "objects" to implement the nuclear-naochetical program "OST", were brutally repressions, sitting from the Germans organized by Germans. About 6 million people were grieved in German slavery, many of them died from unbearable conditions of existence.

As a result of the war, the genetic foundation was significantly undermined by the Genetic Fund of the most active and viable part of the population, because it was primarily the strongest and energetic members of society, capable of giving the most valuable offspring. In addition, due to falling fertility, a dozen million future citizens missed the country.

The huge price of victory is harder for the whole on the shoulders of the Russian people (including Maloros and Belarusians), because the main fighting was carried out at its ethnic territories and it was to him the enemy was especially cruel and merciless.

In addition to the tremendous human losses, our country has proven tremendous material damage. No country in his entire history and in World War II had such losses and barbaric destruction from aggressors, which collapsed on Great Russia. The general material losses of Russia in world prices amounted to more than a three million dollars (US National Income for several years).

The Great Patriotic War

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 -

The liberation war of the Soviet people against the fascist Germany and its allies (Hungary, Italy, Romania, Finland); The most important partWorld War II .

Direct preparation for the attack on the USSR Germany began in 1940 (plan "Barbarossa "). Together with European Allies, Germany focused 191.5 divisions to attack the USSR; The enemy forces numbered 5.5 million people, about 4.3 thousand tanks and assault guns, 47.2 thousand guns and mortars, about 5 thousand combat aircraft, 192 ships. Germany planned against the USSR "Lightning War" (Blitzkrieg).

The efforts of the USSR in the 1930s to create a collective security system were not crowned with success. A non-aggression pact with Germany (August 1939) allowed to delay the beginning of the war. However, those signed, as well as at the conclusion in September 1939, the Treaty on Friendship and the border with Germany, the secret protocols were incompatible with the norms of international law, undermined the country's prestige. The country's defense capability was undermined by the totalitarian regime of socio-economic policies, mass repressions that were engaged and military personnel, as well as large miscalculations in military construction, in determining the likely time of the beginning of the war, the main wines in what falls onI. V. Stalin And his closest environment. By June 1941, the Red Army had 187 divisions; It was approx. 3 million people, more than 38 thousand guns and mortars, 13.1 thousand tanks, 8.7 thousand combat aircraft; In the North, Baltic and Black Sea Fleets, there were 182 ship and 1.4 thousand combat aircraft. Soviet troops were not fully equipped with a personnel, tanks, airplanes, anti-aircraft products, cars, engineering techniques; Troops and team members had a low level of preparation.

22nd of June 1941 Fascist Germany treacherously attacked the USSR.

The main command was created (from August 8 - the bid of the Supreme Command).

The winter campaign of 1941-42 began a counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops in the Western Strategic Direction.

In the winter campaign, 1942-43, the main military events were the Stalingrad and North Caucasian offensive operations, breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad.

In the summer-autumn campaign 1943, the decisive event was a Kursk battle.

An important stage in the development of international and intersportal relations was the Tehran Conference (November 28 - December 1 1943).

In the winter campaign, 1943-44, the Red Army had an offensive in Ukraine (10 simultaneous and consecutive front operations united by a common idea), completed the defeat of the South armies group, went on the border with Romania and moved the fighting on its territory. Leningrad was finally discharged. As a result of the Crimean operation, Crimea was liberated.

In June 1944, the Allies opened the 2nd front in France, which worsened the military-political position of Germany.

August 9. 1945 USSR, fulfilling allied obligations, began military actions against Japan. During the Manchu operation, Soviet troops defeated the Kwantung Army, South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands were released.September 2 1945 Japan signed an act of unconditional surrender.

May 9, 1945 at 0 hours and 43 minutes Moscow time signed an act of unconditional surrender of Germany.

For those who want to learn more:

Since early September 1939, the short peace period was over between two large wars of the twentieth century. Two years later, a majority of Europe with a huge manufacturing and raw material potential turned out to be under the rule of fascist Germany.

A powerful blow was wound to the Soviet Union for which the Great Patriotic War began (1941-1945). The summary of this period in the history of the USSR cannot express the scale of the sufferings transferred by the Soviet people and the heroism.

On the eve of military testing

The revival of the power of Germany, dissatisfied with the results of the First World War (1914-1918), against the background of the aggressiveness of the party who came to power, headed by the racial superior Adolf Hitler, with its ideology, made a threat to the new war for the USSR more and more real. By the end of the 30s, these moods were increasingly penetrated into the people, it was more and more clearly understood and the all-grade leader of the huge country Stalin.

The country was preparing. People left for construction in the eastern part of the country, military plants were built in Siberia and in the Urals - Doubles of the manufacturers from Western borders. The defense industry was invested significantly more financial, human and scientific resources than in civilian. To increase the results of labor in cities and agriculture, ideological and stringent administrative means were used (repressive laws on discipline at factories and in collective farms).

The army reform was the adoption of the Law on Universal Military Responsibilities (1939), an ubiquitous military training was introduced. It is in rifle, parachute circles, in the airluts at Osoaviahima began to study the military affair of future soldiers-heroes of the Patriotic War of 1941-1945. New military schools were opened, the newest types of weapons were developed, the combat compounds of progressive type were formed: armored and airborne airborne. But the time was not enough, the combat readiness of the Soviet troops was in many ways lower than the Wehrmacht - the Army of Fascist Germany.

Great harm brought suspicion of Stalin in relation to the power ambitions of the highest commander. It resulted in monstrous repression, twisted to two thirds of the officer corps. There is a version of the planned provocation of German military intelligence, which stood under the blow of many heroes of the Civil War, which became victims of cleaning.

Foreign policy factors

Stalin and leaders of countries wishing to limit European hegemony Hitler (England, France, USA) could not create a single anti-fascist front before the war. The Soviet leader in the desire to postpone the war tried to contact Hitler. This led to the signing in 1939 by the Soviet-German Covenant (agreement) on non-fire, which also did not contribute to the approach of antihytler forces.

As it turned out, the leadership of the country was mistaken relative to the value of a peace agreement with Hitler. On June 22, 1941, Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe without the announcement of the war attacked the Western borders of the USSR throughout. It became a complete surprise for Soviet troops and a strong shock for Stalin.

Tragic experience

In 1940, Hitler was approved by the Barbarossa plan. According to this plan on the defeat of the USSR, the seizure of his capital was given to three year old months. And at first the plan was performed with accuracy. All participants in the war remember almost the hopeless mood of the mid-summer of 1941. 5.5 million German soldiers against 2.9 million Russians, total superiority in arms - and in a month Belarus, Baltic States, Moldova, almost all of Ukraine are captured. Losses of Soviet troops - 1 million killed, 700 thousand prisoners.

The superiority of the Germans in the skill of the management of troops was noticeable - the military experience of the army, who had already had half of Europe had already affected. Skillful maneuvers surround and destroyed whole groups in Smolensk, Kiev, in the Moscow direction, begins the blockade of Leningrad. Stalin is dissatisfied with the actions of his commander and resorts to the usual repression - the commanded by the Western Front commanded the treason.

War of people

And yet, Hitler's plans collapsed. The USSR quickly rose to military rails. Created a bid of the Supreme Commands for the management of armies and the unified management body of the entire country - the State Defense Committee, headed by the All-Fusion Chief of Stalin.

Hitler believed that the Stalinist methods of leadership of the country, illegal repressions regarding the intelligentsia, military, wealthy peasants and wholes will cause the collapse of the state, the appearance of the "fifth column" - as he was accustomed to Europe. But he calculated.

Hate the invaders of a man in the trenches, women from the machines, old men and little children. Wars of this scale affect the fate of each person, and universal voltage of forces is required for victory. The victims for the sake of common victory were brought not only because of ideological motivations, but also due to congenital patriotism that had roots and in pre-revolutionary history.

Battle near Moscow

The first serious disgrace received under Smolensky. Heroic efforts on the capital was detained there before September.

By October, the tanks with crosses on the armor go to Moscow, having the purpose of the seizure of the Soviet capital before the onset of cold weather. The most difficult time during the years of the Great Patriotic War has come. Moscow is declared siege (10/19/1941).

In history, the military parade will forever remain in the anniversary of the October Revolution (07.11.1941) as a symbol of confidence that Moscow will be able to defend. The troops and left Red Square directly to the front, which was 20 kilometers west.

An example of the resistance of Soviet soldiers was the feat of 28 redarmeys from the division of General Panfilov. For 4 hours, they detained a group of breakthrough from 50 tanks at the Dubosek road and died, destroying 18 combat vehicles. These heroes of the Patriotic War (1941-1945) are only a small part of the immortal regiment of the Russian army. Such a self-sacrifice gave rise to an enemy doubt in victory, strengthening the courage defending.

Recalling the event of the war, commanded by Moscow by the Western Front Marshal Zhukov, whom Stalin began to nominate for the first roles, always noted the decisive importance of the defense of the capital to achieve the victory in May 1945. Any delay in the enemy army gave the opportunity to save the power for the counterdad: the fresh parts of the Siberian garrisons were transferred to Moscow. Hitler did not plan to conduct war in winter, the Germans began problems with the supply of troops. By the beginning of December, there was a fracture in the battle for the Russian capital.

Native turn

Unexpected for Hitler The offensive of the Red Army (December 5, 1941) discarded the Germans for a half hundreds of versts to the west. The army of fascists suffered the first defeat in its history, the platform of the victorious war failed.

The offensive continued until April 1942, but before irreversible changes during the war there were far: large lesions were followed under Leningrad, Kharkov, in the Crimea, the fascists came to the Volga under Stalingrad.

When historians of any country mention the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the summary of its events does not do without the Stalingrad battle. It is at the walls of the city who wears the name of the sworn enemy Hitler, he received a blow that brought him in the end to the collapse.

The defense of the city often walked in hand, for each block of the territory. War participants celebrate an unprecedented number of human and technical means attracted from both sides and burned in the fire of the Battle of Battle. The Germans are lost a quarter of troops - one and a half million bayonets, 2 million are our losses.

Unprecedented persistence of Soviet soldiers in defense and uncontrolling rage in the offensive together with the increased tactical skill of the command provided the environment and capture of 22 divisions of the 6th Army of Feldmarshal Paulus. The results of the second military winter shocked Germany and the whole world. The history of the war of 1941-1945 changed the move, it became clear that the USSR would not only endured the first blow, but also inevitably strike a powerful retaliatory strike.

The final stage of the fracture in war

Several examples of the colonical talent of the Soviet command contains the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). The summary of the 1943 events is a series of impressive Russian victories.

Spring of 1943 began with Soviet offensive in all directions. The configuration of the front line has raised the surroundings of the Soviet army in the Kursk region. The Offensive Operation of the Germans called "Citadel" had this particular strategic goal, but the command of the Red Army was provided for reinforced defense in the places of the alleged breakthrough, at the same time preparing reserves for counteroffensive.

The German offensive at the beginning of July managed to break through the Soviet defense only sites to a depth of up to 35 km. The history of war (1941-1945) knows the date of the beginning of the largest oncoming battle of combat self-propelled machines. Room July Day, 12 numbers, in the steppes under the village of Prokhorovka began the battle of the crews of 1,200 tanks. The Germans - the newest "Tiger" and "Panther", among the Russians - T-34 with a new, more powerful cannon. The defeat, inflicted by the Germans, knocked out offensive weapons of motorized buildings from Hitler's hands, and the fascist army moved into strategic defense.

By the end of August 1943, Belgorod, Eagle, was dismissed, and Kharkov was released. For the first time in the years, the initiative seized the Red Army. Now the German generals had to guess where she would begin fighting.

In the penultimate military year, historians allocate 10 decisive operations, which led to the liberation of the territory captured by the enemy. Until 1953, they were called "10 Stalin's blows."

Great Patriotic War (1941-1945): a summary of 1944 military operations

  1. Removing the Leningrad blockade (January 1944).
  2. January-April 1944: Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya operation, successful fights on the right bank of Ukraine, March 26 - access to the border with Romania.
  3. Crimea's liberation (May 1944).
  4. The defeat of Finland in Karelia, getting it out of the war (June-August 1944).
  5. The offensive of the four fronts in Belarus (Operation "Bagration").
  6. July-August - Fights in Western Ukraine, Lviv-Sandomira operation.
  7. Yaszo-Chishene operation, defeat 22 divisions, withdrawal from Romania and Bulgaria (August 1944).
  8. Assistance to Yugoslav Partizanam I.B. Tito (September 1944).
  9. Liberation of the Baltic (July-October of the same year).
  10. October - the liberation of the Soviet Porcerer and Northeast of Norway.

End of enemy occupation

By the beginning of November, the territory of the USSR in the pre-war borders was released. The period of occupation for the peoples of Belarus and Ukraine has ended. Today's political conjuncture makes some "figures" to present German occupation almost as good. It is worth asking about this from the Belarusians who have lost from the actions of "civilized Europeans" of each fourth.

Not in vain from the first days of an ingenic invasion on the captured territories began to operate guerrillas. The war of 1941-1945 in this sense was the echo of the year, when other European invaders did not know peace on our territory.

Liberation of Europe

The European liberation campaign demanded an unthinkable cost of human and military resources from the USSR. Hitler, who did not allow and the thoughts that the Soviet soldier will enter into German land, threw all possible forces into battle, put the old men and children under gunsion.

The course of the final stage of war can be traced by the name of the awards established by the Soviet government. Soviet soldiers, liberators received such medals of the 1941-1945: for (20.10.1944), Warsaw (7.01.1945), Prague (May 9), for taking Budapest (February 13), Königsberg (April 10), Vienna (13 April). Finally, the servicemen were awarded to Berlin's assault (May 2).

... and came May. The victory was marked by signing on May 8 Act on the unconditional surrender of the troops of Germany, and on June 24 a parade was held with the participation of representatives of all fronts, species and childbirth of the troops.

a great victory

Hitler's adventure cost mankind very expensive. There are still arguing about the exact number of human losses. Restoration of destroyed cities, the establishment of the farm demanded many years of stubborn work, hunger and deprivation.

In different ways, the results of the war are now also evaluated. Geopolitical changes that occurred after 1945 had different consequences. Territorial acquisitions of the Soviet Union, the emergence of the socialist camp, strengthening the political weight of the USSR to the status of the superpower soon led to the confrontation and growth of tensions between allies in the Second World War.

But the main results are not subject to any audit, do not depend on the opinions of politicians seeking immediate benefits. In the Great Patriotic War, our country defended freedom and independence, was defeated by a terrible enemy - a carrier of monstrous ideology, threatened by the destruction of whole nations, the peoples of Europe were delighted with him.

The participants of the battles go to the story, the children of war are already the elderly, but the memory of that war will live, while people can appreciate freedom, honesty and courage.