You need to draw a drawing on the topic of autumn simple. Draw with children autumn

You need to draw a drawing on the topic of autumn simple. Draw with children autumn
You need to draw a drawing on the topic of autumn simple. Draw with children autumn

Autumn landscape with children: A phased description of drawing, creative tasks for children, examples of children's drawings.

Autumn landscape with children: phased drawing

Autumn landscape is delicious picture. As you want to capture bright colors, Interesting lines, the special beauty of the autumn sky and the motley distortion of the foliage of trees! Let's draw the autumn landscape with children today - autumn tree in the meadow - and perform creative tasks.

This master class was held in children's gardenAnd it presents children's drawings performed by the children of senior preschool age.

Materials for drawing autumn landscape

For drawing autumn landscape With children you will need:

- Paints gouache or watercolor

- White landscape sheet (better for watercolor)

- Tassels

- Palette

- Tetrad leaf, office or newspaper paper

Phased description of the drawing of the autumn landscape with children

First stage. Drawing autumn sky

Prepare for children palette, paints and wide brushes.

- on the palette is white and blue paints and a wide brush (in this case, a flat brush No. 12) draw the sky. It will take half a sheet of paper. The movement of the brush should go from left to right, tear off the brush from the sheet.

At the top of the picture of the sky is more blue, the lower in the drawing, the lighter becomes the background.

How to make the sky lighter:

- Option A: For Guashi. Add white paint To blue.

- Option b: for watercolor. Blind paint. To do this, you do not pick up the paint on the brush, but loosening it slightly into the water and thus blur the paint on the tassel.

To the skyline of the sky in the figure of children will be almost white.

We got the sky background for the autumn landscape.

Second phase. Drawing autumn field

At the second stage, we are drawing the field with yellow-orange paints. I will shift the linen curve. We will apply separate smears of green paint.

Helpful advice: Pay attention to children to mix paints. If for non-dry orange paint go through a brush with green, I get a brown earthy color.

Third stage. Drawing trunk and tree branches

Let's start drawing with children main element Autumn landscape - a tree in the meadow.

Take a thin brush and brown paint Draw a trunk of a tree and branches: first with light lines we plan trees trunks with a brush movement from top to bottom. The branches do not draw symmetrically, but the groza.

We draw the attention of the children to the fact that the trunk in the upper and lower part of different widths, because the tree grows from the bottom and the ground has the widest part of it.

Then the barrel is painted with brown paint.

Along the barrel draw thin lines of black or brown paint of another color, attaching the texture of the bark.

Fourth stage. Drawing autumn foliage stamps

Step one. First we will prepare homemade stamps for drawing leaves with children. To do this, we take the usual office paper or a notebook sheet (of course, you can make stamps and from the newspaper).

For the manufacture of the stamp, you need to tear off and twist a small piece of paper sheet into a tube with a diameter of approximately 7 - 10 mm. Then bend it in half and wrapped with thread. Moreover, it is desirable closer to the scambrel of paper, because during operation, paper splashes and the stamp width will increase. Although this is also your own charm, because the leaflets on the tree do not have the same size.

Helpful advice: It is advisable to use paper that has been used, familiar children with cruelness. After all, the forest is cut down on the production of paper! If everyone saves one blank sheet Paper, tree will save from cutting. This is the economy of the family budget. Teach children K. careful relationship To the world from an early age.

Step second. To coat the resulting stamp fold in the paint of red and make prints, imitating leaves, on the branches of trees.

Step Three. Take another stamp and to dip it in the paint of green and similarly impose the prints of green leaves on a tree crown. Similarly, perform work with orange paint.

Step fourth. And the latest stamps to perform yellow. Of course, the sequence of applying paints may be different - this is the right to choose a child! Optionally, under the tree also put fallen leaves stamps.

Autumn landscape with a tree in the meadow is ready. You can add it any details.

Creative tasks for drawing autumn landscape with children

Drawing of the autumn landscape with children always has the basis of a child's life experience , his observation of nature, viewing paintings on autumn Nature.Photos, listening to poetry, in which poets expressed their autumn mood.

To help you - a few creative taskswho prepare children to draw the autumn landscape.

  • Watch for autumn sky. What color is it? What color is the cloud? Think and discuss with children, how can you portray such a sky in the drawing of the autumn landscape, what kind of paints you need. Draw autumn sky with a child, coming home from a walk.

Helpful advice:You can take a picture of the sky while walking with the child mobile phone. At home before drawing the sky, consider your photo so that the kid clearly saw the features of the autumn sky and the autumn landscape and handed them in his drawing.

  • Think about how and from what you can do your own stamps For drawing leaves on a tree.
  • Draw Autumn tree in the meadow. Watch on a walk for other autumn landscapes and draw them together with children.
  • Task for children 6 years and older. Read the Children's poem about the autumn - artist. How does autumn draws his picture? How the autumn "paint interfers", as she "tears in a flush pattern" (for example, the child can explain that when the wind blows, then the leaves are falling and the drawing changes, as if the fall of his drawing was broken)? What does the Bagrette "dropped" mean? What picture turned out from autumn? What does it mean "it is impossible to take eye" - which means, what's the painting?

Autumn - artist
Autumn just took up work,
only took out a brush and cutter,
put some kind of gilding,
somewhere dropped the bazhret
and kneaded like solving
Take her so much so?
Then it is scratching, silent paint,
And in the embarrassment will retreat onto the pitch ...
Then it will come from anger and flush
All tears with a merciless hand ...
And suddenly, painful at night,
Write the greatest peace.
And then, collecting together
every effort, meditation, paths,
Draws such a picture
What we will not be able to take eye. (Margarita Aliger)

These drawings turned out in children - preschoolers who painted the autumn landscape in kindergarten in a circle of artistic creativity.

Note - How much different mood is transmitted in the drawings. Someone from the children's autumn landscape is alarming, the wind blows, nature is stressful, the lines are intermittent. And someone got sunny autumn. Do not drive the child in templates - let him express his mood and his perception of the autumn landscape!

Autumn landscape - This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss changes with the child in autumn nature, talk about the autumn sentiments and the different perception of autumn people, poets, artists. Use this opportunity and re-open the world and its beauty along with your children!

Another option of drawing the autumn landscape with children can be found in the video below:

More about drawing autumn paintings with children, you will learn from the articles of the site:

Reading time: 3 minutes

Almost everyone, without exception, the children love to draw, but many parents because of their own laziness and excuses like "dirty himself and everything around will", "I do not know how to draw to show the sample, as you need to do," "he is too small These colors do not give the kids and paints, and sorry ... We hope our marathon of children's drawings on the autumn theme will inspire the work of all without exception. There is from what to choose, dear creators!

We tried to collect the most and ideas for drawing for you, more interesting to organize the child's leisure when it is time for rains, "sad charm" and sitting at home. The ideas of what you can do at home with a child in bad weather read.

Idea number 1

You need to attach dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then paint the sheet with solid strokes with soft color pencils or chalk. A sheet with all the streaks will appear on white paper. Using this method, you can compose compositions: a bouquet in a vase, autumn landscape, etc.

Idea number 2.

A similar way, only the leaves need to grasp wax (a candle or white wax shallow), and then covered with a watercolor sheet of paper. Large planes are conveniently painted with a wide squirrel brush or a foam sponge.

Idea number 3.

Paint is applied to the leaf from the resumption. Then the sheet is applied to the paper and the imprint is made. The effect will be different, depending on which paint to use.

You can come up with many composite solutions: a large leaf imprint can be a crown of wood if you draw a trunk; Several prints are a whole forest!

Speecually looking outprints made of white paint on a colored background. You can combine several techniques, draw the image with pencils or wovers.

Idea number 4.

Blowing out the paint through the straw can be painted bizarre trees. This method gives limitless features for experiments! You can, for example, draw trees on a predetermined background.

Idea number 5.

Baby pour the background yourself or offer color cardboard. The crown of the tree and the fallen leaves let him draw a flip finger in the paint.

Idea number 6.

Croon looks like, if you make it cleaning from color pencils. Dot to apply glue into required places And sprinkle with small chips. The barrel and branches can be blown through the tube or draw in any other way.

Idea number 7.

Convenient (and completely neado) Draw a crown cotton stick. In the same way, you can depict the row of rowan, currant twig or other berries.

Idea number 8.

Highly unusual picture You can make using foil. On the cardboard sheet, lay a jumped leaflet (you can somewhat) with streaks up. Cover it with a thin foil and carefully, so as not to break, scream with your fingers to stick out the drawing. Cover the dark paint foil (you can use the gouache, acrylic, Tepe, mascara) and let it dry well. Very carefully, sweat the picture with a rigid washcloth washing. The protruding bodies of the leaflet will be slaughtered, and in the recesses there will remain dark paint. Now you can make work in the frame!

Idea number 9.

Those who love invoices will probably like to fill various silhouettes with patterns. Draw or circle an autumn leaf pattern, divide it into small planes as stained glass. Let the child fill each piece with different pattern. You can do that gel handle, Flomasters.

Idea number 10.

A similar task can be performed in the technique of routine (scratching). A sheet of smooth (rosged) cardboard paint and grasp wax (candle). Can be used to create background wax crayons. Cove the surface with black ink and dry. Scratch the drawing with a sharp object.

Idea number 11.

Using a rigid bristle brush or toothbrush, make a spray paint. This method is suitable for drawing the crown of trees, creating compositions based on plant prints.

Good afternoon, today I want to put interesting ways to paint the autumn landscape in one article. You will see many pictures on the subject of autumn from different artists. Each of them found its author's autumn technique. You will be able to appreciate their approach, understand how to develop your style in painting paintings and create your own autumn composition. Let's look at the autumn landscapes from the masters, whose paintings we found on the Internet.

Picture of autumn alley.

(autumn in the park)

Alley, surrounded by autumn trees, often inspires artists to try to convey all their beauty. On this topic to make the first acquaintance you immediately with two artists. Both paint the autumn alley - and completely different.

The first 2 paintings belong to the artist Leonid Afre ... Look it impossible not to know - even without a signature of his canvases are guessed according to the characteristic "square" smear. Wide brush prints leave square traces. The whole picture consists of a slightly uneven lubricated squares.

Especially here (the picture fall below) is well distinguished squares of smears not top of the canvas.

And here bottom part (where it displays a wet-filled with water almost a mirror sidewalk. It is worth considering ... to learn how it draws water. Reflection in water lubricated with horizontal refractive color and light.

And here's another artist Graham Herken - His feature is a special scattered light, evenly highlighting the entire autumn landscape. Matte senesevo-blue haze, against the background of which uneven outlines of orange orange klex autumn contrasts. Everything is uncomfortable and thin.

Autumn in pictures

how to draw autumn light.

The brightest autumn is on a sunny day. She is golden. She is shining. It is impossible to describe in words ... But is it possible to convey this shine, this is the sun in the picture.
Let's see how the artist Leonid Afremov does.

On a sunny day, autumn leaves They are highlighted by the sun and shine like Japanese lanterns ... scatter through themselves a clear and even glow.

And these are these glowing leaves and you can depict the desired shades on the palette. Please note that Aframa even dark red leaves have the effect of the luminescence (internal illumination by the Sun).

On a sunny day, when we look into the distance, through the rays the sun of the blinding of us - the distance seems to us whites and luminous. It was the same way that Leonid Afremov was painted in the picture below. Transferring this foulness to the sun with white and yellow strokes.

But the second already familiar artist Graham Herken (Master of Blue Hummers) ... Look like he handed over the light (by choosing his already blonde tone of the background) and throwing a light ash and lilac shadows on the smiling sun.

And now let's get acquainted with the third artist Frank Wilson. This picture is very interesting. On it we can learn how to make a sunny light strip and throw it between the trees - on the side of the road.
And pay attention to how the trees trunks are highlighted from the side of the branches ... they are twisted the sun.

Picture Autumn road.
landscape of small forms.

Draw a small piece of autumn is not easier than a review landscape. It would seem a small piece of road. And on it can be conveyed autumn mood with paints on the canvas.

You can simply draw the road with the leaves on it, the stretching grass on the side of the sidelines and a number of autumn trees. This is a classic image of the road in autumn.

And it is possible to complicate the task and transfer the relief of old stone steps ... to eliminate them with autumn foliage and transfer the spirit of autumn.

Returning to the master Gramma Herken - see how interesting it depicted wet road. Her grey colour Matte mirrors ... in which the transparent reflection of the trunks of trees was frozen.

But the artist, whose signature I did not find in my picture in my own way painted the autumn road - her blurred torn edge - all of the horizontal long smears (like oil lubricated with a finger).

And the dark blue depth of water ... black strokes, white strokes ... All this transmits the last autumn rain.

Picture of autumn.

How to draw rain.

Autumn time rains. They make autumn brighter, glossy. Now autumn is not only at the top in the foliage, but at the bottom - in the asphalt mirror.

You yourself will find your color refractive style and lines in the water ... Try ... Create. This can be done in different ways. Wear more often after the rain, look at your eyes, imagine that this reality is drawn by someone, amazed the accuracy of the color-selection, contrast, beauty of the lines, remember and try to transfer to the colors seen.

Another artist. Another style. Dmitry Spyros is also a blue haze (skyscrapers). And the wet asphalt is already made differently. Smoother, less ridden wine glare (than in the picture of Aframa, above)

Picture of autumn evening.

How to convey the autumn twilight.

The artist Grez Herken thickens twilight - in his own way. Its ordinary flushing background is darkened ... it becomes not so transparent, clouds. And the remaining paints (for the trunk and foliage and herbs he takes a few tones darker than when draws a sunny day.

Artist Leonid Afreov - everything is more complicated. The mosaic begins here - the dark and light smear war. The proportion is important in these puzzles - the more dark "square" smears, the darker the autumn evening.

And then (the photo below) of Afremov takes the reception of the haze ... On the distant plan, he has a gloomy nebula ... And believe me, it consists of the same puzzles of square prints.

Picture of autumn

Trees in the water.

Reflection of autumn in the water stroit of the river or lake. Artists love to draw mirror glare of orange trees reflections. Such drawing of autumn trees with a reflection from in water even in school is carried out. Usually draw like this ... (photo below) The classic of the genre is distant opposite from the artist.
You can draw such an autumn landscape ... But it will be boring. For you. Forty trees, small strokes ... Non-specific forms and waving water.

Let's try another autumn landscape with water. Just for beginners draw autumn.

Immediately advise - draw the bridge. It is the bridge that will become the main effect in your picture and no one will peer in the correctness of other web elements, for example. Whether the reflection of the tree coincides with its original on land. The bridge will hide any shorter artist's shortcomings. Draw bridges over autumn rivers.

If you do not really come out the bridge itself - do not be sad. Unsuccessful episodes of the bridge can be hidden by simply having thrown a tree branch in the foreground of the picture (as it is done on autumn picture down below).

It looks good in the picture of the stream with a stony small bottom and trees on the shore. But this is a difficult job ... Here all the errors will be visible as on the palm.

But the picture with the autumn twilight of the water - see how the light, background, reflection of water is darkened here.

And here the most interesting picture below. Autumn in the form of one tree and its reflection in black water. Here is this contrast of black depths and gold shine - just calling your skill. Can you pass it?

Autumn landscape


Often draw landscapes - as if from afar. From the mountain, the hill. And you can draw near. As a photo clicked from a few steps. What fell into the frame - then in the picture.

Here are the trunks of Birch ... but there are no tops. Do not need. This allows the artist close-up See the bark, foliage, bitch, and betray this texture of wood and foliage.

Let the autumn landscape in the picture be closer. Addict to the viewer.

And you can lie on the back - and see the autumn landscape from the bottom up. Like this.
So see, and so draw autumn.

Pay more attention to one object - let it be more rosary - in focus.

Autumn paintings

even from two artists.

Here beautiful pictures Artists who have drawn simply. But in their simplicity, charm and Mastreman.
Meet Christian Bergeron.

These are the autumn landscapes in the paintings today you have found on our website. You can now inspire work best masters And draw your painting of autumn.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Absolutely any novice artist sooner or later thinks about how to draw an autumn landscape. It is this time of year that makes nature unusually bright and beautiful, inspiring painters to create truly magnificent landscapes. Of course, learn how to draw the autumn landscape in stages, best, doing sketches from nature somewhere in the park or outside the city. But, if there is no such possibility, you can use photos. But to understand how to draw the autumn landscape in gradually for beginners without nature or the photo, most likely, will not work. After all, drawing a landscape on imagination, you can easily allow various errors.
Before painting the autumn landscape with a pencil, it is worth preparation:
one). Pencil - you can use both the usual, but well-sharpened pencil, and mechanical;
2). A handle that has a gel black rod;
3). Colour pencils;
four). Eraser;
five). Leaf of paper.

If everything you need is already prepared, you can start learning how to draw the autumn landscape with a pencil phased:
1. Picture light lines of the horizon line and make a fence;
2. Draw the outlines big trees and small bushes;
3. Draw a fence;
4. Follow the two birch trees and schematically depict them to foliage. Note a path leaving in the distance;
5. Circuit the drawing with a handle, specifying the details. Drawing bushes and trees, avoid excessive detail - do not draw every leaf. In the sky, draw a large cumulus clouds. Draw a bird on the fence;
6. Using eraser, remove the pencil sketch;
7. Green shades, yellow and light brown shadow grass;
8. Pencils of gray-brown gamma Skin the path and stones;
9. Black, gray and brown pencils creep the trunks of trees;
10. Using pencils of bright, saturated tones, paint the foliage of bushes and trees;
11. Gray and brown pencils color the fence;
12. Green, yellow and orange tones filled the forest away;
13. Sharp the blue pencil. Blue I. violet shades Slightly cloud clouds.
Now the drawing of a bright autumn landscape is completely ready! Realizing how to draw an autumn landscape, you can paint it with paints. For this, such paints are best suited as watercolor and gouache that have extremely bright shades, easily mixed and economically spent.

I will not venture to call your story, how I wrote Autumn Landscape Watercolor, a master class ... In my opinion, a master class is when you already paint some plot, you have a clear action plan and you have the right to teach others.

I am autumn forest At the pleaire, I am writing extremely rare, well if one or two etudes per year, so every time it's the same search for me as for a beginner watercolor.

However, the last etude was quite successful, in my instagram he was successful, and I promised that I would show the stages of writing this etude. I fulfill a promise.

Marina Trushnikova "Autumn Forest", watercolor, 22x25 cm

I consider this demonstration to show not only to show you how I painted the autumn forest with watercolor in stages, but also voice your reflection, why I did one or another step in work.

I believe understanding "why" usefulthan knowledge "how the author did it."

I'll start with the description of the materials, because anyone will ask ... 🙂

Etude "Autumn Forest". Materials:

I draw on watercolor paper Arshes, 100% cotton, density of 300 g / m, the texture of grain fin (average grain).

Paints "Nevsky Palette":

  • Indian yellow
  • Indian golden
  • Venetian red
  • Lilac Hinakridon
  • Blue
  • Sepia
  • Large round, squirrel
  • Middle round with a thin tip, synthetics
  • Thin brush with elongated pile (brush liner or eye-needle)

What is the complexity of drawing an autumn landscape with limited space?

That is why I began to stretch with caution and ready to spoil everything ...

Let's see how I managed to maintain the integrity of the perception of the picture and not to put watercolor.

How to draw autumn landscape watercolor in stages:

Preparing paper for drawing watercolor

I consider this moment technologically important.

Experimed by I came to the following version of paper preparation at the plenier: Moisten reverse side Etude, wait for paper stretching and attach sheet with painting scotch tack. From above the sheet remains dry.

So the sheet will not go wave, the paint will be evenly spread inside the paper layer, will not form sharp boundaries.

At home I watched both sides of the paper, but there is no time to wait for drying.

Figure autumn landscape

Perform easy picture. In this case, it is not complicated. It is important to find the land line and arrange the main trunks of the trees.

Everything small parts I prescribe immediately with a brush.

Figure I did not take pictures, for it was not confident as a result. After the first fillings of my head, the work plan was ripened, and I started photographing the steps. Therefore, then there will be a photo.

First fill

  1. I start writing an etude of the autumn landscape from a light layer of the sky behind the trees.

I perform a very liquid fill with a gradient from the pale-blue in the top of the sheet to a slightly warm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe horizon line.

2. Below is the surface of the Earth. I give a stretching from a pale solution Venetian red to her mix with an Indian golden in the bottom of the sheet.

When I write the land, then leave the lumen between the horizontal brush strokes, so that there is a light effect on the lying leaves. This gives highlightness and airiness.

How to draw autumn trees with spray

Since the trees here are in the counteratt, against the light, the long leaves are glowing more, they are bright, and the front is dark.

It is very convenient when you draw the autumn landscape with watercolor, because we are moving from light to the dark.

therefore i draw the crown, gradually enhancing the tone of foliage. I start with Indian yellow, then I give a mixture with an Indian golden, and at the end the brightest crushing leaves I will write just an Indian golden.

I adore this paint from the "Nevsky palette" - it is very juicy and allows you to give both bright and dark shades of yellow!

And now, attention, as I painted the crown to get away from the detail!

I splashed her!

To repeat this focus, take a large soft brush that takes a lot of solution, and shaking, splash the paint from it on wet surface Etude.

This method does not give you a hard to control the image of foliage, eliminates the detail.

Paint on wet paper begins to divert larger stains.

My second layer of spray is darker and slightly, the paint breaks less, the stains are more manifested:

But cotton paper makes itself felt - it is still wet, and the paint spreads well enough.

To restore more lumen between the leaves, I adjust the paper napkin to the wet layer. She dries, and chooses a part of the layer:

When the layer is slightly lower, I splash the brightest crushes of Indian golden leaves.

By the way, as you can see above, while I waited for the foaming crowns, I wrote the earth with fallen leaves.

How to draw the surface of the earth in the autumn landscape

Remember the simple rule that will allow you to portray the land of the underlying, and not standing end, horizontal surface.

The earth in the foreground should be darker than in the removal.

Those. At the bottom of the etude, the color of the earth should be much darker:

For the image of the Earth, I used a mixture of Venetian red and sepia. In the foreground, the sepia share is more so that the color was darker.

Draw autumn forest watercolor:

Tree trunks

I start writing tree trunks. Peering into the color of Berez, I understand that they are in the shade of pink!That is why you need to draw at the plenier - no photo will show you such thin color nuances!

Therefore, as the basis of the birch trunk, I take the Venetian red.

For dark notes and trees of other breeds I use a mixture of blue with sepia.

At the same time, a larger solution of this color I write an array of trees in the distance, in the lumen between the trunks.

To separate the trunks of trees from a distant plan and show the right light, I scratch the map light lines along the contour of the trunk on the left:

In the main color of the trunk, as he slightly dries, fit black marks.

Tree branches

Krone dried. You can draw branches. To do this, I use a thin brush with a long pile, which allows you to make calligraphically light flying lines.

Crown trees. Using spray

Once again I return to spray.

By concentrated solution of Indian yellow, I do a spray on the crown birches. Now the specks do not blur. Therefore, splashes deliberately. For this tapping a large brush with paint about the tree of another brush.

I add spiled leaves on the shrub foreground. I use Indian Yellow for this.

Final Stages of Drawing Autumn Landscape:


At the end of work, you must definitely remove it from it and see if there is a fraction that you can combine?

In my case I did not like the rhythm of the trees on the right. (When I painted them, a local alcoholic came up to me and tried to buy this etude for 100 rubles. 🙂 I promoted and spanking the trunks, as I saw them, without thinking about the composition ...)

Therefore, I decide to darken the background behind the trunks and thereby combine the obvious strips of trunks into a larger mass. So the viewer will be more attracted to the left side of the etude, where clearly visible sunlight Through trees.

Therefore, at the end, I strengthened the dark tones of black barks of birch and noted on the trunks.

(If drawing trees and landscapes with them is predicted to you, pay attention to the master class below!)

So let's summarize.

I solved the complex task of etude with limited space due to the correct distribution of the tone: long-range plans are light, close to dark. This helped the right light.

So as not to go into fraction most I led the work in raw, I used spray instead of drawing the crown with strokes.

For the harmonious perception of the landscape, do not forget about the stage of generalization and about the alignment of accents the darkest and brightest color.

If you were useful for such a demonstration, do not hesitate to write a comment. This will give me an understanding that I am on the right track.