Food of RA - Chronology - White people of different nations. Kalashi.

Food of RA - Chronology - White people of different nations. Kalashi.
Food of RA - Chronology - White people of different nations. Kalashi.

It all started with the fact that one of our familiar Englishman on the question "Where best to go in July?", Not thinking, answered: "In the mountains of Pakistan." Mountains of Pakistan were not associated with something pleasant with something, especially since these places that are at the junction of the borders of the three states - Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan, you can't call the most calm on Earth. "And where is now calm?" - asked the Englishman. There was nothing to answer this.

And we heard from him that there, in hard-to-reach valleys, the Kalash tribe, leading his story allegedly from the soldiers of Alexander Macedon's army, which Kalashi is really like the Europeans and that they are known quite a bit about them, because they have recently been fully isolated from external world. "I don't think it's true that you will be able to get to them ..." - added the Englishman. After that, we could no longer go.

Let's fly in Peshawar with a stop in Dubai. We fly a little nervously, because we are trying to remember that good in Russia is connected with the word Peshawar. Only the war in Afghanistan, the Taliban and the fact that it was from Peshawara on May 1, 1960 that the U-2 aircraft flew out, shot down by Soviet air defense. In Peshawar, arrive early in the morning. We are scared.

But it was not scary. After we were quite politely missed through passport control, where russian passports There were no suspicions (although we were noted in some separate little book), we realized that our concerns were in vain - run forward, I would say that it was rare in which country of the world to us more openly and trustfully.

Peshawar surprised from the first minute. Coming through the customs in the building of the airport, we saw the wall completely equally dressed people - long shirts, on the heads - hats that we saw in films about the Mujahideen. And all this wall is solid men.

The majority of the population of Peshawar - the administrative center of the North-Western border Province of Pakistan, in the very north of which was the ultimate goal of our journey, the Kalash Valley, - Pashtun. They are, as we know, do not recognize the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan (the so-called "Durand line" conducted by the British in 1893) and constantly transfers from one country to another. In this part of Pakistan, Islamic traditions are particularly strong, and all women are sitting on the houses, and if occasionally and go outside, they are closed from head to legs in shapeless clothes. That is why the streets in Peshawar are completely dressed in long shirts and dimensionless pants of men and children. Having passed through their ranks, we were picked up by the guide and taken to the hotel. Throughout the journey along the North-Western Border Province, we have never met a person dressed in a different way. Even in the mirror of the advantage of this clothing, ideally suitable for the local climate, we have appreciated the next day. The differences are manifested only in the colors of matter, although the options here are a bit - white, green, blue, purple and black. This uniform creates a strange sense of equality and unity. However, our Pakistani friends assured us that the whole question in the cost - many would change in European clothes, do not be so expensive. It was hard for us to imagine the convenience of jeans at 40 degrees of heat and 100 percent moisture ...

Arriving at the hotel and having acquainted with her director, we learned that during the recent US hostilities in Afghanistan, the hotel business survived the brief era of the Golden Age. Many journalists lived in Peshawar, so that from there to break into Afghanistan, or simply conducted live broadcasts from the city. This short period Brought good money - toilets and bathrooms passed to journalists for $ 100 per day. The rest of the population received dividends, depicting militant demonstrations - there are situations where some event had passed or was not colorful enough, but now 100, and better than $ 200, it is quite able to embellish him and even repeat it ... At the same time, the "golden age" served And the bad service - the TV cameras diverged throughout the light, and the peaceful residents of the Earth had the impression that Peshawar was constantly a bubble boiler, and therefore, since then, foreigners have not seen the foreigners in the local hotels ...

Peshawar has an ancient and rich history. The date of its foundation is lost in the I millennium BC. e. It is located at the exit from the Hibiber Pass, leading from Afghanistan to India, is the main path of merchants and conquerors. In the first century, Peshawar became the capital of the Kushan kingdom and an important center of Buddhism. In the 6th century, the city was destroyed and many centuries were in launch. And in the XVI century, he again acquired importance as the major city center of the Empire of the Great Mughal.

The word "Peshawar" is often translated as "City of Flowers", although there are many other versions of its origin - and the Persian City, and the city of Purrus in honor of the forgotten king Inde, and the like. Himself to peshvarians like to think that they live in the city of colors, especially since in the past he really was a glorious gardens. Nowadays, the rhythm of life in Peshawar is in many ways the proximity to Afghanistan - a huge number of Afghan refugees of the time of another Soviet-Afghan conflict. Officially, their total number is more than 2 million people, but their real amount is hardly possible to determine. Well, the lives of people who left their places, as you know, not easy. Therefore, not all types of smuggling flourish, as well as business for the manufacture of weapons (we even suggested to ride the process of producing cheap cars Kalashnikov, but we did not go). Although most of course employed by peaceful affairs - agriculture and trade. Pakistanis told us that they were not complaining about them in Afghanistan, and when they had to go there, they prefer to issue themselves for the resident of any other state.

And the Pakistan-Afghan boiler continues to boil. Afghans perceive the Taliban as Pakistani aggressors, and not as liberators. Pakistanis is not a joke, the huge flows of Afghan refugees who are forced to help their state. At the same time, Pakistanis offend that Afghans do not feel any sense of gratitude to them - because they do not recognize the borders between countries, respectively, and they do not consider refugees. And deal with who is right who is to blame is not possible.

We walked along Peshawaru ... The city is far from being better. Many houses in the center are abandoned, the streets are not always put in order. At the same time, people on the streets are quite optimistic and friendly. We have never caught suspicious or hostile views on themselves, even on the contrary, we were allowed to shoot almost everything. The distinctive feature of Peshawar is huge old buses. Painted by all unthinkable flowers, with fluttering black scraps of matter (to drive off the evil spirits), they continuously sign up and go through the streets of the city as pirated ships. On the day, when we arrived, the rain was held in Peshawar and the water rivers flowed through the streets to go to the other side, we had to take a taxi.

The food was delicious. For Russian citizens, there is only one problem - it is impossible to buy alcohol in Peshawar, even foreigners, even at the bar of the five-star hotel. Muslim, caught with alcohol, receives a prison sentence up to 6 months.

... in the evening we were already preparing for the next stage of the journey - at 5 am we flew into the city of Chitral - in the mountains of Hindukush, and from there - in search of mysterious Kalash.

The first stop was made on the cemetery, in the city of Charsadd. According to local residents, this is the largest cemetery in Asia. It really was huge - stretched to the horizon himself, and to bury the dead here began before our era. The place is historically very important and even sacred. Here was the ancient capital of Gandhara state - Pushkalavati (on Sanskrit - "lotus flower").

Gandhara famous for his outstanding works Art and philosophical works are one of the most important places of Buddhism. From here Buddhism spread to many countries, including China. In 327 BC e. Alexander Macedonsky after a 30-day siege personally accepted the delivery of the city. Today, nothing is already reminded of time, except that the lotuses are still growing in its surroundings.

We had to go further. Malakand passed ahead. Through it, the road goes to the valley of the Swat River, and further - to the northern regions of Pakistan. The world famous Malakand received at the end of the XIX century, when the British, in order to have a free passage to the chitral, at that time he had already been controlled by the territory, the pass occupied. At the exit of it, it is still located one of the numerous, though former, English forts, which is the name of Winston Churchill. Being a 22-year-old Lieutenant, Churchill served here in 1897, when Fort was attacked by Pashtun tribes. His articles sent to Dail Telegraph (5 pounds per column, which was very many) and praising the Valiant British Army, brought the future prime minister first fame and faith in herself. Then, on the basis of these articles, Sir Winston Churchill wrote his first book "History of the Malakand Field Army." War was terrible. Local tribes declared the British of the Sacred War - Jihad. Despite the brave tone of newsprints, in letters to grandmother, the Duchess Malborough, Churchill wrote quite differently: "I ask myself a question - whether the British have at least the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat war we have here ... Forgotten the word" mercy "is forgotten. The rebels are trying wounded, urged the corpses of the dead soldiers. Our troops also do not spare anyone who falls into their hands. " During this war, British troops used cruel weapons - discontinuous bullets DUM-DUM, which were subsequently banned by the Hague Convention of 1899.

Pretty twisted on the pass (as a consolation, representing how you feel here about 100 years ago, pushing the gun and waiting for a shot of an ambush), we drove into the valley of the Swat river, the place is again extremely important and not so well-studied. According to one of the versions, the first arias came here in the II millennium BC. e. The Swat River (on Sanskrit - "Garden") is mentioned in the Rigveda, the collection of religious hymns of the ancient Indians. This valley is oversaturated with history - here Alexander Macedonsky, who spent 4 battles here, and Buddhism's flourishing (from the II century BC. E. According to IX N. E., when there were 1,400 Buddhist monasteries in these places), and the struggle of the Great Mughal, And a lot later - both the British with local tribes.

And in order to imagine those distant times, not even a special imagination. To help this may well be a local way of repairing roads, which over the past century, it seems, did not change too much. Throughout the path of the group of local residents slowly and really sorrow with Kyloma asphalt and also slowly throw it on the roadside of the road. All this is done manually, and it can be seen that it started yesterday and will not end tomorrow - if only because for the authorities it is one of the ways to support the poorest segments of the population. In profit - everything, except for those who travel on the roads - one of two bands is almost constantly in the process of repair. And this creates noisy confusion, especially when huge trucks and people stuffed buses rushed into a narrow passage. And here is the first one - that's right.

In a word, when we once had already watched the scene, when two people dig one shovel - one holds, and the other pulls her for the rope, a cramole thought came to the head - and that if you pay the locals for the fact that they do not repair the road ...

Road problem here is old as a world. Many tried to cope with her. The legendary ruler of the Empire of the Great Mogolov Akbar sent bricklayers to get to the mountainous areas. The British demanded from local princes to keep the main roads in order to be able to quickly move their troops. What they were answered by sabotage, according to their reasons - in the event of a conflict, while the conciliatory army will be raised in Buaerakov, you can have time to prepare for defense or go to the mountains ...

In the meantime, we drove into another area. In the valley of the River of the Painjor, the city of Timargarh, we got into the onion kingdom. Onion was everywhere. He was sorted right along the road, put in bags that were browned on each other, adding new onion mountain chains to Hindukush. Bags with onions hung from cars, and why not fell, it was completely incomprehensible. It is very cheap onions here - about $ 2 per bag of 50-60 kilograms. The second culture in the region was tobacco, but they were just no time to ask.

Having drove the mountains of Luke and passed the city of Dir, we approached the most complex area Ways - Lavarai pass (Lowari Pass). By this time, the only thing that could save tired travelers is lunch. During our whole journey we ate monotonous (rice, chicken), although very tasty food. Well remembered bread, which in every area do in its own way. Probably, in the best Parisian restaurant, it is fed canceled, but in order to remember the taste and aroma of hot cakes forever, you need to drive 6 hours in the car in the Pakistani road, and then go to the neighbor where the cute and clean hotel came from ...

Here we were forced to transfer from the car in the jeep - otherwise the lavaray would not go. This first was very high - 3,122 meters, and in the life of the inhabitants of the chitral (the purpose of our trip) the role he plays the most important. This is the only reliable link with the outside world, while almost 8 months a year (from October - November to May) the pass is closed.

Our car slowly crawled along the cliff. The sharpness of the feelings gave tremendous trucks, who obviously felt on the road with legitimate owners and themselves were extremely remarkable. Each driver seeks to paint your truck as much as possible. Some of them had even carved wooden doors. Paint the truck, as they say, also with practical goal - So he is noticeable in the dark. Drivers spend on the road to many days, but this profession is considered in these places and honorary, and profitable.

The "Truck" reigned "Truck" revival - for 4 months it is necessary to have time to get products and goods for the semi-million population of the chitrala. Large old (years to 20-30) cars in a hurry, overtaking each other in dust clubs. In our eyes, one of the trucks collapsed on the road. In all directions, some kind of rhocked, which turned out to be rusty, extruded metal banks and canters, apparently intended for mirroring on a large land.

Further on the way, we drove the entrance to an unfinished tunnel leading to chitral. This tunnel is the most important dream of chitrators. Thanks to him, they would have the opportunity to travel from the chitral all year round. Now the life of the chitrals is not easy. Although B. winter time year exists aerial service With Peshawar, in fact, aircraft may not fly months, and in this case the population is cut off from many of the benefits of civilization, the main thing from which are medicine. Thus, the Lavarai passage for chitrarats is literally the road of life. The long-awaited tunnel began to build another 30 years ago, but did not have time to complete, and the political and economic events of the last decades do not allow continuing. True, there was some chance now - on the way we met two Austrian engineers who studied the state of the tunnel. So it is possible that work on its construction will be resumed.

Finally, the Lavarai Passage remained behind. Music (like all the male population of Pakistan) policeman disliked us with his hand and began to train our passports (it was nice, especially if you consider that the overwhelming majority of the local population illiterately). I once again noticed that everyone who met us belonged to us with a welcome and openness.

Some two hours, and we drove into chitral. At the entrance to the city, we met several former English, and now Pakistani forts. On one of them, the large letters were written "We want to die more than you want to live" - \u200b\u200bphrase, resembling the times of the first steps of Islam on the ground.

As you know, in Pakistan, the most prestigious business is considered to be the service in the army, the same of the most respected units of this army are chitral intelligence officers. A day before our arrival in Chitral, President Pakistan congratulates the intelligence officers with their holiday. The chitrathes are famous because they are among the world's best mountain shooters. To do this, they train in any weather, and also are continuously engaged in sports (the main and sacred sport for them polo is a game of the ball with riding sticks). Chitral intelligence officers reacted to us with some suspicion and at our attempts to enter them into the conversation said that they had no right to respond to foreigners. Deciding that this is the authentic professionalism of the scouts, we retreated at a pre-busy position, to the hotel.

The next day we went to study the chitral. The city stands on the shore of a picturesque and very turbulent river. The water in her gray, and when the river lights the sun, it seems that it is not water, and liquid stones rushing somewhere with high mountains Hindukusch. Mountains, by the way, really high, the locals said that six-tailed names are not even names - names have only those mountains that are above 7,000 meters. In addition, there are five eighties in Pakistan (including the second largest mountain in the world K-2).

The city is located ancient fort, owned by the Chitral King. To this day, they own their descendants as private property. The current hosts tolerate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reconstruction of the fort and turning it into the museum, but before it is still far away. There is a magnificent antique mosque here. The main sports facility of the city is a polo stadium, and football competitions are also conducted. The climate in chitral is radically different from Peshavarsky. In the mountains, it is incomparably easier, and the air, despite the more than 30-degree heat, cool. The chitraratians told us about their difficult life in winter: about huge queues on airplanes (sometimes there are up to 1,000 people waiting for flights), about the fact that the drugs find it is not easy for the fact that only three years ago there was no normal connection in the city. By the way, in the mountains there is another pass, through Afghanistan, but now it is closed for obvious reasons.

The chitrators are proud of their history - in the past, the chitral was one of most important milestones On the Great Silk Road. Other an important event In history was the opposition of Russians with the British in the XIX century. At that time, the sympathy of the local population was divided - some were for Russians, others for the British. The British scared local residents with Russian soldiers and actively built forts, and after the formation of the Turkestan region in the 1880s, the roads were blocked. The border of the Russian Empire took place very close to Tajikistan from here only a few tens of kilometers.

... Our main goal is the village of Kalashov - was very close, in two hours away. And we moved towards the mysterious descendants of the warriors Alexander Macedonsky. I had to go very narrow gorges. Mount Hindukusch was closed, as if not wanting to let us in the Kalash valleys. In the winter, to drive along these roads is really a problem, and 20 years ago the road was not at all. You could only get to the villages on foot. Electricity Kalasham spent only 7 years ago, and it is not always, especially frequent interruptions in the winter. Finally, they reached the largest village of Kalasha Bumborot, besides her there are two more large villages of Rumbur and Brier - about 3,000 people live in them.

Kalashi is not a Muslim, they have their own religion about which we will also tell, so Kalash girls do not hide their faces, and this circumstance attracts many tourists from Pakistan here. In addition, girls since childhood must wear beautiful embroidered dresses and very picturesque national decorations. The first, with whom we had the opportunity to meet, was thirteen-year-old Zaina. She is studying in the 8th grade of the local school and sometimes work as a guide. Zaina - a friendly girl, although even thoughtful, from her we learned a lot of interesting things.

First, it turned out that the boombed is not one village, but a lot of different with unlike names, and Brun, and Batikik, the same in which we were called the Caracal. The boombed is the name of the valley, where the purest river is flowing. Secondly, the Zane never heard about Russia in life. How so, we were upset: "Moscow! Petersburg! Russia! ", In response to this, Zaina only smiles uncertainly. At first we tried to convince our Jamil Guide, that he incorrectly translates. To which he was offended, he says in 29 languages \u200b\u200bof Pakistan (not counting Japanese and English) and that there may be no mistakes - the word "Russia" he said at five local adverbs. Then we had to accept, although we firmly decided to get to the origins of this ignorance: we saw that the majority of men go with the radio, the main source of knowledge for most Pakistanis. Zane explained to us that the news is listening to men, the girls are only music. This explanation was arranged, but we still wonderedly asked what they were taught at the local school. It turned out that the school was built by the Greeks.

While the whole world doubts greek origin Kalash, the Greeks themselves actively help them. We then saw a school - a gift from the Greek people, and the hospital. Therefore, it did not surprise us when to the question of which countries she knows, the rider firmly replied: "Greece!"

We went to visit her, where we were hospitably met her father, mother and grandmother. They together began to convince us that Kalashi lead their origin from the warriors of Alexander the Great Army. This old story is transferred from the mouth of the mouth for many years - there are no written sources from Kalash.

The legend says that two warrior and two girls who are broken from the Greek army came to these places. Men were injured and could not move. They placed the beginning of the Kalash people.

Kalashi lived a lot of centuries isolated. We asked about a recent story with the violent appeal to Islam - you can find articles on this topic. The young answered confident that they did not see anything like that, the elderly answers were more evasive, but they also assured that some tough measures would not remember. The transition to Islam occurs when the Kalash girl marries Muslim, which happens infrequently. And although we have noticed the inscriptions to Muslims for the Muslims of the Entrance to the Kalashi, purely everyday relations between the two peoples seemed to us more than tolerant.

A more than a father of the Cosnan showed how the sport is played by Kalash. For us, it looks like a variety of laptians, golf and baseball at the same time. Play it in winter, two compete. The key is hit on the ball, then both of this ball are looking for. Who found first and ran back - he won. The account goes up to 12 points. It cannot be said that we very well figured out the intricacies of his rules, but they realized that the main thing in this game is a sense of the holiday. Residents of one village come to visit another - to play, and then the receiving party prepares treats at all.

And we learned that within a month, just at this time, there is an annual holiday of Rat Nat, that is, the night dance, which the inhabitants of other Kalash villages come, as well as tourists from Pakistan, and that today we can see him too. With poorly hidden joy, we assured that we will come.

Grandmother of Care with pride demonstrated to us the decorations that she does. An important detail of the female toilet is beads. By how the woman is dressed, you can find out how many years she is married. For age, for example, indicates the number of beard threads. Women and marry Kalashi in love. The girl herself chooses the future husband. It usually occurs in the spring, during dances. If both agree, the young man must kidnap - such is the tradition. After 2-3 days in the groom's house, the father of the bride comes, and immediately after that the celebration of the wedding begins. No less original in the Kalash and the divorce procedure - a woman can escape with another man, but at the same time he must give her ex-husband to her dowry, and in double size. And - no offense.

A distinctive feature of Kalash - a large number of holidays. In the spring, in May, their main holiday Joshi - everyone is dancing, get acquainted with each other. Joshi is a holiday in the interval between the hard work - the grain is already sown, and the men have not left the mountains to the pastures. In the summer, the participation is celebrated - it is necessary to hide the gods in late August to get a good harvest. In winter, in December, the main holiday of Chomus - animals solemnly bring sacrificing and men go to the sacred mountain. In general, holidays and family events so much that during the week I must have something happening.

Kalaksha has sacred places for dancing - Jeshfort. Those that we have seen are decorated in the Greek style - columns and painting. There are main events in the life of Kalash - commemoration and sacred. Purches turn into a noisy holiday, accompanied by pearfish and dancing, which continues for several days and where hundreds of people come from all villages.

There are special premises - "Basali" - for feminine and "unclean", that is, women during menstruation. All other strictly setting is prohibited even to touch the door or wall of this room. Eating there is transmitted in special bowls. The fever falls there 5 days before the birth of a child, and comes out after 10. "Basali" reflect one of the main features of the Calashtsev worldview - the concept of purity. Water, goats, wine, grain and sacred plants - "Chists", while women, Muslims and chicken are "unclean." The women, however, constantly change their status, and in the "Basali" fall at the time of the highest "uncleanness" (in this case it is not about hygiene).

On the holiday of Rat Nat we managed to get only in the evening of the next day. On the eve I went to search for dancing, but began to rain rain, which was not very good for the holiday. In addition, our new buddy Ceph drowned in Ariak jeep, or rather, his part. And since in the dark, we could not pull the car, I had to wait for the next day. At that moment it became clear that it was time to drop the local gods, and at the same time make friends with the local population, so we asked Kalashi to prepare the main festive dish - goat. The feast passed violently, because Kalashi, not being Muslims, drive a moonshine from apricots, strong drink even for our standards.

But on the holiday of dances, we still got. He took place in the pitch darkness, occasionally illuminated by the outbreaks of our cameras. Under the blows of the girl's drums sang a strange, rhythmic song and spilled 3-6 people, putting hands on the shoulders to each other. When the music is a little poketed, an elderly man with a long stick in his hands began to tell something with a measured, guy voice. It was a teacher - he told the audience and the participants of the holiday legend from the life of Kalash.

RAT NAT lasts all night before dawn. Among the audience, in addition to the Kalashov themselves, Pakistanis were sitting from various districts of the country and Peshavarta, and the inhabitants of Islamabad. We all were disturbingly watched with black and red shadows twisted under the sounds of the drums. At first only girls danced, but closer to the morning you joined the young men - there are no prohibitions here.

After all that we saw, we decided that it would be good to summarize our knowledge about Kalashi life, and turned to the elder. He told us about the difficulties that had accompanied the Kalash for only 20 years ago, when they were in complete isolation. She told that Kalashi eat and still very simple: three times a day - bread, vegetable oil and cheese, meat - on holidays.

About the love of Kalashov Elder told us on his own example. In his life, he married three times. The first time he fell in love, but the girl was very beautiful and ran away with another. The second woman was very nice, but they swore all the time, and he left. With the third wife, they lived for a long time, she gave birth to his son and daughter, but she died. He gave all his wives along the apple - they had a huge value, since earlier one apple was worth the whole goat.

On our question about religion Elder answered like this: "God alone. I believe that my spirit will come to God after death, but I don't know, there is paradise or not. " Here he thought. We also tried to imagine the Kalashi paradise, because from the bunnies heard that heaven is the place where the rivers flow from milk, every man will receive beautiful girl, and the girl is a man. It seemed the impression that Kalashi had his own paradise ...

From research scientists, it is known that there are really a lot of gods from Kalash, and various gods and goddesses are revered in different villages. In addition to the gods there are also many spirits. IN lately The questions of extraneous Kalashi often answer that they believe in one God, apparently, then that the difference between their religion from Islam is not too glanced in the eyes.

Shamans played a big role in the life of Kalash. The most famous of them - Nang Dhar - could pass through the rocks and instantly appear in other valleys. He lived more than 500 years and had a significant impact on the customs and beliefs of this nation. "But now the shamans disappeared," the elder told us sadly. Let's hope that he simply did not want to disclose all the secrets to us.

He said to farewell: "How did I come from, I don't know. How many years old, I also do not know. I just discovered my eyes in this valley. "

The next day we went to the neighboring Valley, Rumba. Rumba is less than the boombed, although this Kalashi conglomerate also consists of a variety of small villages. Upon arrival we found that there is another difference. Residents of this village belonged to us with much less hospitality than the inhabitants of the Bumboro. We were not allowed to enter homes, women hid their faces from the camera. And there were several reasons for this.

It turned out that it was in this village who lives the most famous representative of Kalash Lakshan Bibi. She made an amazing career for his people - became the pilot of the aircraft and, using its popularity, created the Foundation for the support of the Kalash people - to help local residents and to promote their rare cultures around the world. The cases went pretty successfully, and, as it often happens, some rumburges began to suspect Lakshan Bibi in the assignment of funds allocated by foreigners for their needs. Perhaps the inhabitants of Rumbura rejuvenated the rich house Lakshan Bibi, which we saw on the entrance to the village, - it, of course, is very different from the rest of the buildings.

Rumbunds are generally very reluctant to communicate with foreigners. But the latter are experiencing increasing interest. We met in the village of two Japanese. It must be said that representatives of the rising sun's country are very actively involved in a variety of projects and in Pakistan as a whole, and in the Kalash valley in particular. In the village of Rumbur, for example, they develop projects to create additional sources of energy. It is interesting, this village is also the fact that a Japanese lives in it, married to the local resident, name is Her Akiko Wada. Akiko has been studying the life of Kalash from the inside for many years and recently published a book about them and their customs.

In general, the cooling of Rumbunds to foreigners, which happened this year, reflects numerous contradictions in the life of all Kalash. Now in the boombed, for example, there is an active construction of new hotels. On the one hand, the influx of any means could change the difficult-to-wear ride for the better. On the other hand, tourists, as a rule, "blur" local culture, and Kalashi cannot not see what they themselves begin to conflict among themselves. Probably not very nice to be the object of research. Tourists are trying to photograph Kalash in the most unexpected places and at the most inappropriate time.

By the way, in one of the scientists of books "Fatigue from photographs" is called the reason for the other transition of Kalash girls in Islam. Add to this Islamic environment and difficulties experienced by Pakistan himself, and then it becomes clear that life in the valley does not become easier. Nevertheless, not everything is so bad. Somewhere from October to April of Kalashi in the valley remain alone - the road falls asleep with snow, airplanes, as we already know, fly from the case to occasion - and they continue to live granted by themselves.

Kalashi store a lot of riddles - their origin is completely and unclear. Some researchers tend to the fact that in the valleys next to the chitral, they appeared, fled from Afghanistan from the policy of violent Islamization and the seizure of land conducted by the Afghan Emir Abduurrahman-Khan in 1895-1896. Politics this khan started after whole area On Gindukushe, "Kafiristan" ("the country of incorrect"), moved to him after the British border (the notorious "Line Durand") between the then India and Afghanistan. The region was renamed "Nuristan" ("Country of Light"), and the tribes tried to preserve their customs were fled under the English Protectorate.

Other scientists believe that Kalashi themselves were invaders and occupied this area somewhere in the depths of centuries. Among the Kalash is a similar version - they believe that they came from a distant country, but where this country was located, it is unlikely to be able to install now. Lee Kalashi descendants of the soldiers of the Army Alexander Macedonsky, it is also unknown. It is indisputable only that they are clearly different from the people around them. Moreover, in a newly conducted study, the joint efforts of the Vavilov General Genetics Institute, the University in Southern California and Standford University - on the collection and processing of a huge amount of information on the genetic relations of the world of the planet Kalasham are devoted to a separate paragraph, which says their genes are really unique and belong to the European group.

And after a meeting with Kalash, it became no longer important, they have a relationship to Alexander Great or not. Apparently, because for some moment we ourselves became Kalash - among huge mountains, stormy rivers, with their dances in the night, with a sacred focus and sacrifices of the rock. We understood how difficult it was not easy to preserve their beliefs and traditions to a small, lost among the mountains of the people, constantly experiencing an increasing impact of the outside world.

We asked for goodbye from the elder about the meaning and features of Kalash national clothes, for which Muslims called them "black kafirs", that is, "black incorrect." He began to patiently and explain in detail, but then he thought for a second and said the following: "You ask what our female worn is worn? Kalashi alive, while women wear these dresses. "

We, leaving the land of Kalash, headed on - to the province of Punjab, and then on the border between Pakistan and India.

Kalashi - Mysterious people from the past

Few people know that direct descendants of the ancient Greeks live in Pakistan. The people whose faces seemed to be descended from ancient VAZ, calls themselves by Kalashi (Kal'as'a) and confess his own, distinguished from the Muslim environment, religion.

Kalash girl
(Photos from Wikipedia website)

The fact that this religion is difficult to say in detail. Kalashi themselves are evading questions about their religion, which is most likely due to the concerns of the religious genocide, to which this people were subjected to Muslims not so long ago (according to some information, Kalashi, which constitutes only 3,000 people today, at the end of the 19th century There were no less than 200 thousand people numbers). They often say to visitors that they believe in a single God-Creator, who is called deso (in the ancient Greeks Deos), although the number of gods they worship much more. Find out in detail what Pantheon Kalash failed. According to one information, among their gods can be found familiar from Childhood Apollo, Aphrodite and Zeus, the other sources say that these opinions are unfounded.

Small video presentation about Kalash

In history about Kalash, it is amazing not only that in the Muslim world they managed to preserve their religion, but also the fact that they are not at all like the people around them, but are similar to Western Europeans, among them a lot of people with blond hair and blue and green eyes . All who visited Kalash village, celebrate the extreme beauty of Kalash women.

Old Man Kalash

It is appropriate to tell about what the people and how it was in Pakistan, in the hard-to-reach district of Hindukusch, just a few kilometers from the borders with Afghanistan and Tajikistan, near Pakistansky from district Center Chitral.

Documentary film about Kalash - Part 1 and part 2

According to the most common version, Kalashi - the descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonsky. On the way to India, he left a barrier detachment in the rear, which, as a result, did not wait for her owner, and they remained living in these places. If Kalashi and have their roots in the conquest campaigns of Alexander the Great, then the legend looks more believable, according to which Alexander specially selected 400 of the most healthy Greek men and women and settled them in these hard-to-reach places in order to create a colony in this territory.

Kalash girl with chicken in his hands

According to another version, Kalashi - the descendants of the people who have seen in the mountains of Tibet in the process of a large resettlement of peoples during the invasion of the Aryans to Industan. There are no uniform opinions on their origin about their origin, but in conversations about this issue with alien, they more often prefer the version of Macedonian origin.

Kalash girl
(Photos from Silkroadchina)

A more accurate explanation of the origin of this nation could give a detailed study of the Kalash language, unfortunately, still poorly studied. It is believed that he belongs to the Darque language group, but on the basis of which this attribution was made not entirely clear, because More than half of the words from the vocabulary of Kalash language has no analogues in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Darque Group and the languages \u200b\u200bof the surrounding peoples. There are publications in which it is expressly said that Kalashi speak an ancient Greek language, but it is unknown. The fact is that the only one who helps today to survive in extreme high-mountainous conditions - modern Greeks, whose money was built by the school, hospital, kindergarten, and several wells are broken.

The study of Kalash genes did not reveal anything concrete. Everything is very incomprehensible and Zybko - they say that Greek influence can be from 20 to 40%. (Why was it possible to conduct research, if similarity with the ancient Greeks can be seen and so?)

Busy Kalashi agriculture. Families are taken equality of floors. Wolne's female get away from her husband, but at the same time, her previous husband should receive from a new redemption in double size. From the oppression of women, there is only insulation of women in a separate house during menstruation and childbirth. It is believed that at this time the woman is unclean, and it is necessary to isolate it, it is forbidden to communicate with it, and they are sent to them through a special window in this house. The husband is also free to get away from the unloved wife at any time.

Another interesting video presentation about Kalash

About the location is worth something else. The people of Kalash lives in several villages scattered in three mountain plateau in the area, which Pakistanis is called Kafiristan - the country is incorrect (about this in detail in an interesting article in MN). In this country, there are still few no less exotic peoples in this country, by the way.

Cemetery (photos from

Religious cults of Kalashi are sent in special places. The basis of the cult - sacrifices of animals.

Kalashi Kalashi their dead at the cemetery, while the coffins do not close.

The most impressive, according to all those who visited Kalash village, are hypnotizing viewers dancing of Kalash women.


Like many small nations today, this unique people are on the verge of extinction. Modern civilization, bringing into the alpine villages of the Kalash, the temptations of the modern world, gradually flushes young people from their villages.

According to Kalash referee, the world will exist until Kalash women make their dances. Who knows, perhaps these little girls (see below) the latter, who in 30 years will be able to dance them.

Kalash kids dance

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White people Pakistan

The people who speak in Darque language also lives in Pakistan - in the Alporn district of Hindukusch, in three small isolated mountain valleys: Bumburet., Rumbur. and Birir., in the area called chitral (Chitral), on the border with Afghanistan. They are called kalashamiwhite tribe Pakistan. They really look very similar to the peoples of the North of Europe. Among them are very often there are people with light skin, hair and eyes and often - blue-eyed blondes. With all this, there are Kalashi with the Asian appearance characteristic of the region.

The number of kalaks today is not more than 6 thousand people. They live, carefully keeping their culture and faith of ancestors. They managed to survive and preserve their religious and ethnic identity in the Islamic world, despite for violent Islamizationwhich was started in 1320 when Shah Nadir Rice (Shah Nadir Rais (or RAEES)), The ruler of the Gilita is the most important city on the Great Shelkov, won Kalash and began to pay them forcibly into Islam. By the way, the ancient rulers of this city and the territory of Gilit Baltistan had a title R.then they began to be called Hindouras. (Hindu RAS)that may mean that they were Hindus, and in the 13th century they accepted Islam and changed the dynastic name of Ra-Rais (RA-RAS-RAIS) on Trekovan (TRAKHAN). The energetic Islamization of Kalash lasted until the beginning of the 20th century and put them on the edge of extermination. In the 18-19 centuries, Muslims were deployed against Kalash real genocide - cut out thousands. Everyone who refused to contact Islam or secretly continued to profess their religion, at best, expelled from fertile lands in the mountains, but most often - physically destroyed.

Nevertheless, they managed to preserve and preserve their culture. How? The leader of Kalasha Siallla Gian is responsible for this question. (Saifulla Jan): "If someone from Kalash will contact Islam, then he can no longer live among us. We holy keep their identity. " However, Islam is not going to retreat from them. To date, three thousand Kalashov are accepted Islam (chikhami ( sheikhs.)) Or their descendants, which is more than half of the population speaking Kalash. They live near Kalash villages and retain their tongue and many traditions of their ancient culture.

What kind of culture, which is so careful and selflessly trying to keep the handful of white people, drove on the Hindukus's alpine plateau? First of all, this is the religion of Kalash, which, along with the pantheon of the gods, religious buildings and religious rites, is very reminded, as is now taken to be expressed, pagan. One of the researchers who left testimony about the life of white tribes, lost in the mountains of Hindukush, was an English doctor George Scott Robertson Sir George Scott Robertson (1852-1916))which served in Afghanistan during the Second English-Afghan War 1878-1880. In 1888, he was addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India THE INDIAN FOREIGN OFFICE) In the position of a surgeon in the guilite in North Pakistan. At the same time, going from Chitrala, he took a journey, which lasts about a year, according to Kafiristan - so Muslims called Nuristan (now the province of Afghanistan) (from Kyafir - incorrect) - the territory where white people lived. He described his impressions in the book "Kafira Gindukusha" (The Kafirs of Hindu-Kush)which was published in 1896.

Robertson was not the first researcher who was interested in the pagans of Kafiristan. Before him, Portuguese Missionary Jesuit visited him Bento di Gashwho traveled from Lahore to China, as well as a British traveler Colonel Alexander Gardner. All of them were still able to catch a unique ancient culture located on the territory of 10-20 thousand square kilometers in the Heart of Asia, from all sides of the surrounded and close to Muslim peoples and defending the right to their existence for several hundred years.

From the observations of Robertson for the religious and ritual life of Nuristans and Kalash, it was concluded that their religion is a modified zoroastric And reminds the cults of the ancient Arius of the times of Rigveda. The reason for such a conclusion was the worship of fire and the funeral rite. They were not buried in the ground, but left in wooden coffins in the open air, because in zoroastrism, the corpse is considered bad. Death is "work" evil spirit ARIMAN (Angra Manya), so in the dead man a large concentration of evil forces. And so as not to desecrate the elements that Zoroastra are honored - fire, land and water, they leave their dead in open coffins until only white bones remain, which were then stamped into the ground.

In addition to fire, Kafira is worshiped by wooden idols. Gods and goddesses have a lot of gods. The main thing is the Creator's God, who has several names - Imra, Mara (Death) and Diseau (Dezau (Dezaw)). Also very worshiped God of war Gisch. In addition to them, there are other gods - the god of the Middle Earth - Munham Malik, the god of the Manda harvest, the goddess of the home focus of Jestes, the goddess of childbearing Dzalik and others. In addition, each village had his own patron woman. Kalashi also honors various anthropomorphic spirits that live in the invisible world of spirits. For example, mountainous perfumes - Per and Varoti (the first - female, the second - male), who live high in the mountains and descend on the mountain meadows in the spring. Kalashi believes that they help in the hunt and murder of enemies.

Kalash's rituals are carried out in specially built temples. Famous Soviet and Russian archaeologist, doctor historical sciences IN AND. Sarianidi (1929-2013) So describes the Kalash Temple: "... The main temple of Imra was in one of the villages and was a large construction with a square portico, the roof of which was supported by carved wooden columns. Some of the columns were completely decorated with sculptural heads of the rams, others had only an animal head carved in a round relief, whose horns, whipping the barrel of the column and crossed, climbed up, forming a peculiar openwork grid. In her empty cells there were sculptural figures of funny men.

It is here, under a portion, on a special stone, blackened from the dressed blood, and numerous animal sacrifices were performed. The front facade of the temple had seven doors, famous in that each of them was still arranged on one small door. Large doors were tightly closed, only two side opened, and even that in particularly solemn cases. But the main interest was the sash of doors, decorated with fine carvings and huge embossed figures that were portrayed by the Sitting God. Especially amazing the face of God with a huge square chin, reaching almost the knees! In addition to the figures of God, Imra Facade of the Temple adorned images of huge heads of cows and rams. From the opposite side of the temple, five colossal figures supported by its roof were installed.

Walking around the temple and admiring him with a carved "shirt", look through a small hole inward, which, however, you need to make a sneak, so as not to offend the religious feelings of kafirs. In the middle of the room in a cool dusk can be seen directly on the floor square focus, in the corners of which poles are installed, also covered with amazingly thin threads, which is an image of human faces. On the opposite wall, the altar was arranged, framed by images of animals; In the corner under a special Baldakhin there is a wooden statue of God himself. The remaining walls of the temple are decorated with carved caps of the wrong hemispherical shape, planted on the ends of the sixth ... Separate temples were built only for the main gods, and for those minor, one sanctuary for several bodies was erected. So, there were small chemisters with carved windows, of which the faces of different wooden idols peeking out ... "

Kalashi are excellent wood cleaners. All their furniture they always made themselves - beds, chairs, tables, and decorated them with symbols that are so familiar with Russian people. They decorated their different types, including the swastika. The same Vedic symbols used Russian wizards for decoration, for example. Researchers note that chairs and tables were not in everyday life of local Aboriginal-Muslims. They appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the 18-19th centuries, but did not come true, but kalashi used tables and chairs for centuries.

Currently, Kalashi, like Darda. Live hard and scarily. They live in houses from several floors, which themselves build from stone, wood and clay. The roof of the lower house is the floor or veranda of the house of another family. The entire setting of the house consists of a table, chairs, benches and clayware. There are no electricity and television of Kalash. They are engaged in agriculture, growing wheat and other grains on the land cleared from stone, but the main role in their livelihood plays cattle, mainly goats, which give them milk and milk products, wool and meat. With the distribution of homework, Kalash has a clear separation between male and female. Men are engaged in the main work and hunting, women only help them, performing less labor-intensive work (weeding, daughter, household). The man is the head of the family and takes all significant decisions, both in the family and in the community. Kalashi live by communities - it is easier to survive.

Kalashi work all week, without weekends, but regularly celebrate 3 main holidays: Yoshi (Joshi) - holiday sowing at the end of May, learning (Uchau) - Harvest holiday in the fall, and comus (Caumus) - Winter holiday of nature gods, when Kalashi ask Gods to send them a soft winter and good spring and summer in the middle of winter. During the sickness, every family scores a goat as a sacrifice, whose meat is treated for everyone who goes to visit or will meet on the street.

The issue of the origin of Kalash still remains open. In Pakistan, it is believed that Kalashi are descendants of the warriors Alexander Macedonsky and in connection with this, the Government of Macedonia built there "House of Culture". However, this is just beautiful legend which is not confirmed by genetic analysis. Another version states that Kalashi are the autochthonous population of Nuristan, which in Afghanistan. Someone says that Kalashi migrated to Afghanistan from a distant place in South Asia, which is called Ciam (Tsiyam)which goes on the folk songs of Kalash.

However, it was established that Kalashi migrated to Chitral from Afghanistan in 2 V to AD. And to 10 V AD. Kalashi ruled mostly to today's chitra. And yet their origin continues to be a mystery, as well as the origin of the Nurstan residents, the people of Hunza and some ethnic groups of Pamir people and Persians who also have north European appearance.

White people of Afghanistan

In June 1985, American Journal Neszhnl Jiography National Geographic Published on his cover a photo of an Afghan girl, surprisingly readers with a piercing eye of the amazing color of the sea wave and the European-like features of the face. In 1984, photographer Steve McCarri STEVE MCCURRY) Collected materials about the Afghano-Soviet war and attended refugee camps in the Afghan-Pakistani border. In camp nasir bug (Nasir Bagh) He photographed several children in elementary school, including this girl.

Later, showing negatives, Steve saw how an extraordinary appeared shot. However, nor her name, nor the place where she used to live, he did not ask, was known only to her approximate age - 12 years. So a photograph on the cover and called - "Afghan girl". Steve was looking for her in 17 years, in 2002 found in the deaf village of Afghanistan. She was already about 30 years old. Why "about"? She herself did not know the year of her birth. Called her Sharbat Gula. (Sharbat Gula). She was married and had three daughters. It took place from Pashtunov, who are considered the descendants of the ancient Cambodia from the royal tribe of eastern scythians - Sakov, who invaded Bactria (the territory of modern Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan between the Gindukush mountain chain in the south and the Fergana Valley in the north), Sogdian and Northeast India in 2 V to AD, organized an Indo-Scythian state and rules There are six centuries - up to 4 c. AD By the way, they got to, in fact, Cambodia - Countries that previously, in Soviet times, we were known as campauccia. Here, from where, among the modern Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the heart of the Islamic world, were white-skinned, light-eyed "Europeanoids".

There are no female images, as all adult women wear a barge. And the Gula, which Steve photographer, after he found it, asked her husband's permission to open her face. In roller PASHTUN BEAUTY You can see several more images of Pashtuns.

Descendants of the ancient Cambodia, that is scythians (Sakov) It is also considered to be some tribes in the Afghan province Nursan. And indeed, there, in the north-east of Afghanistan live white-eyed light-eyed people - Nurstan, whose fate is closely related to Kalash.

Nuristan translated as Country of Light, And before, the place where these people lived were called Kafiristan (from Kafir - wrong). Both names, apparently, are given Muslims, and how the inhabitants themselves called him, unknown. Nuristans, who are now numbered 120-140 thousand people, are resets in the hard-to-reach valleys of the southern slope of Hindukusha. The Nuristanians resisted Islamization since the Gaznaya Ruler (Gazni - City in Afghanistan) Mahmoud Gaznevi began to commit a conquest basis under the flag of jihad, including 17 trips to Northern India from 1001 to 1026, up to the end of the 19th century. Muslims gradually squeezed them into the mountains, some of them went to chitral in the 15th century and formed Kalashsky nationality, mixed with Darda. The remaining cafes not only climbed into the mountains, retreating, but also raid on Muslim subliming land and robbed them, thus responding to violent attempts by Islamization.

Finally, the Nuristans were conquered in 1896. Afghan Emir Abduur Rahman took a winter campaign to Kafristan, who was previously considered in the inaccessible in the winter. The hike was successful for Muslims, the mountaineers lost both the political independence, which was used until that time and religious - were addressed to Islam, and their land from Kafyristan - countries became incredible since that time became Nuristan - The country of light, refers to the true Muslim faith. It is not difficult to assume what kind of blood methods this turning was performed. In the first time in Nuristan, Vera ancestors were secretly preserved in the hope that her previous life would return, but the generations that grew up in paganism were leaving, and the people who accepted Islam became more and more, and the original religion of Kafirov went into oblivion. At the end of the 20th century, Nurstan residents have undergone genocide Once again - now from talibanwho captured Afghanistan.

However, the ethnographers still managed to write some, myths, describe and even draw some rites and religious structures with solar signs, as well as kalash. The figures show the entrance to the valley of Bashgul, the grave of the Kafiristan leader of the tribe in the Vaigul Vaigul Valley, the shutters of the Kafir house, the dance of Kafir women dedicated to the gods while men in the campaign. It is noteworthy that women at the same time wore a horned headdress, with horns, slamked from human hair. Nurstan residents believed that the birth of a four-year goat was God's fishery and brings good luck. Robertson wrote that as soon as men go hiking, women leave their affairs in the field, gather in the village and begin the dance, which continues most of the day and the whole night. We are familiar with another horned headdress, which is also obereg - this is .

In addition to the above-mentioned George S. Robertson, who wrote the book "Kafira Gindukusha", its contribution to the preservation of krafir rites for the history of the introduction and the Norwegian ethnographer Georg Morgetierne. In 1929, he filmed a rite of sacrifice of fire in Nurstantsev, which was very similar to the Rigveda described in Rigveda.

Yes, and the cosmology of Nuristanians was similar to Aryan. The universe was divided into three worlds: Urdash - the world of the gods, Michdash - the world of living people, Yurdash - the world of the dead. They confessed I. cult horsewho was not used in the farm. There were many gods in Nurstan Pantheon. God Imra-Yamra-Mara - The Supreme God of all Kafirs-Nuristanians, the Creator, who revived his breath of other gods, Mr. Life and Death. He is also the God of Heaven and Tuch. He placed the sun and the moon in the sky. This he gave Kafir scot and dogs, wheat and tools for processing the soil and learning their economic activities. Another God was called Mundzhem Malik - King of the Middle World. He was periodically killed, and he was reborn in his son, whose name was also. Winter is dedicated to this God. God Mon (Mandy) - demonoborets. He also sent rain to Earth and was intermedied between people and gods. God INDR (Intere) - the patron saint of viticulture and the manufacture of wine, replaced by Kafirov. God Gish (Givisch) - God of war. God Vushum - God of justice and wealth. Goddess Desan - The main female deity.

Nurstan residents have also been a lot of secondary gods: the goddess of Sanju, responsible for the wheat repository and the stocks of the fuel milk, the goddess Nirmali, who represented the "unclean" side of femininity, was acquainted by childbirth and menstruation, God Bagisht - a patron of Waters, God Nong - the lungs of the Winter Courage, Goddess Kschumai - Lady of Alpine meadows and wild goats and patroness of the harvest of grains and fruits. However, all this has long passed, and now Nuristan residents "there is no God, except for Allah ...".

The style of life in Nurstan residents changed little. Men continue to do what they were engaged in breasting century - shallow cattle, goats, and women grow barley and millet, harvest food and firewood. Also common gardening (apples, apricots), viticulture, Bortfreathe, collecting wild fruits and berries, crafts. They continue to live childbirth and tribes.

"Among the Nurstantsev is known at least two types of social gradation. There are element ranks: the top of the social hierarchy is jaster (elders, they could become both men and women), and kaneashi (a kind of candidates for elders). Dedication to Jasta was accompanied by a special ritual treat. Public gradation of men-heroes: Kafir who killed at least one enemy received a name shurmoche. When he returned to the village, the neighbors met him with welcoming cries: "Eh Shuroy-Shuri-Shuro!" Relatives and neighbors rendered honors to him, shoved him with grains of wheat, tied up with four sinks over his shoulder with four sinks, the head was crowned with the Sultan Pheasant.

Man who killed seven enemies received the title leamoch. The highest was the title porosh - Man perfect in everything, brave, rich, hospitable. Nurstan residents had two slave strata - bari and lane (LAVAL), the first elements of which are preserved to the present. Bari - hereditary slaves - artisans, their status is immutable. Free Nurstan not joined them in marriage, did not take food. Bari usually settled on the outskirts of the village, they were engaged in forging business, weapons, metal and stone dishes were made. They did not attend the mosque and did not perform Muslim rites; There are assumptions that they are the descendants of the oldest Propup population of Nuristan. Slaves - Lane existed exclusively at the Kantos tribe; These were free people who fell into slavery for debts. Paying a redemption, they could gain former status. Slaves - Bari and Lane Free Nurstan could sell, give as a dowry.

A family. Gifted women outside the village, in a special place. Returned seven days after childbirth. The name of the children were given only when they were 12 years old (the name of his father or grandfather), then they did not wear pants (to a specially produced rite they could not wear pants within Nuristan). The marriage was in the contract between the fiancé or parents of the groom and the father of the bride. For the bride paid the redemption of her father. Before the bride came into the house of the groom, she also received a sum of money. At the wedding, competitions were arranged in running, pulling the rope, the pushing of stone and the struggle. Women and men were separate during the holiday. The wife was understood as the ownership of her husband, he could sell it at any time anyone.

The funeral. If ledge or paismach died, then the coarse sculpture of the deceased and one of his slaves was made of wood or straw (or - one of the neighbors, a free person) took him on his back and some time jumped (danced?) On the streets of the village. Then the corpse was placed on a high place, it was available for universal ferris. After seven days and nights, he was buried in a coffin with a weapon (if it is a man) or decorations (if it is a woman). The insides were removed and put in the clay vessels, buried separately. Wooden sculpture of the deceased was put on the grave. The funeral was accompanied by a ritual meal, which included Smyry - barley cakes, constructed in the funeral oil. In the grave of women placed a pot with Smyry ... " LM Mint "Races and peoples."

Slices of Aryan heritage can be found in Beluzhistan - Areas, which is located at the junction of the Middle East and Industan regions. It includes the provinces that are part of neighboring states: Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. Belukhistan is famous for its embroidery and carpet, in the ornaments of which we can easily learn the elements that embroidered embroidery Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

However, people with signs of the White race live not only in the north of Afghanistan. There is a province in this country Herat, one of the largest provinces of the country, which is located in the West and borders with Iran.

Most likely, these are representatives of the Uzbek community of Herat, which is very extensive and has long lived there. Since what time? For example, a very revered Uzbek poet, a philosopher and statesman Alisher Navoi. He lived there in the 15th century (1444-1501), who lived there all his life, however, then it was Timurid Horacean. Last Photography - These are children from Jellabad that in the west of Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, there is another people, among which there are often people of the European appearance. It - khazar or khazareitsa.

The descendants of those Khazars, with whom the prophetic Oleg wanted to understand? Remember Pushkin: "How is the prophetic Oleg who is selected to dismiss unreasonable Khazara"? Or the descendants of those whom the prince of Svyatoslav broke? It is not known, but scientists insist that Khazar is the peoples of Mongolian origin and they are considered descendants of Genghishana. The latter, by the way, explains the "Caucasian" Khazar. After all, it is already known that Gengizhan was not a Mongoloid, which reflected Western authors in their works. For example, depicted in "The book about the diversity of the world" Italian merchant Marco Polo (1254-1324) and also painted it in French engraving Pierre Duflo. Despite the impressive difference in time between work, in both cases there are no mongoloid features in the appearance of Genghis Khan.

Among the residents inhabiting modern Iran, in the overwhelming majority of their quite eastern outlook, the celebrid people with European features of the face, with blue or green eyes, are very noticeable.

Very often, among ordinary Iranians there are people, the most of the Slavic species itself, and even with Rusia's hair.

Many light-eyed and among Iranian actresses, actors, models, musicians and media persons. For example, Claudia Links. (Claudia Lynx)called "Goddess of Persia" - Singer, actress, model and together with all this certified translator. Mohamed Reza Golzar (Mohammad Reza Golzar) The actor and musician. Pars Parsfar Parsa Pirouzfar) - actor. Leyla Milani LEYLA MILANI KHOSHBIN) - Model, actress and TV presenter. Mohamed Rez Gafari. (Mohammad Reza Ghaffari) - actor.

Also white people constitute a lot of stake in the highest political elite of Iran: the speaker of the Iranian parliament Ardashire Lariddani ARDASHIR LARIJANI), mayor Tehran Mohamed Bacher Galibaf (Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf), Chief Advisor to President Mohamed Ramin (Mohammad Ramin), Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Constitution, Ayatolla Mohamed Yazdi (Mohammad Yazdi), grandson leader of the Islamic revolution Ayatollah Khomeini, Hassan Homney (Hassan Khomeini).

Although, you must admit that about the last Shah Iran, Mohammed Reza Pekhleviawhich overthrew in 1979, this will not say. However, given his pedigree, it could not be. The fact is that the Persian Dynasty of Pehlevie consisted of only two people of the Father and the Son and the rules of only 54 years (from 1925 to 1979), while the previous Kadzhari Dynasty Rules for more century With a quarter (1796-1925), but was overthrown by the father of the last Shah, the reserve of Pekhlevie. He took place from the humble family of the military - grandfather and father served in the Persian army. After the death of the father in the family, discord began due to the inheritance. Mother Reza was the youngest of the wives and therefore the most powerless. She had to pick up her son, leave the house of her husband and leave Tehran. There the boy at the age of 14 was enrolled by ordinary in Persian Cossack Brigadawhich was created according to the sample of Russian Cossack regiments, armed and trained under the guidance of Russian officers, and has served to the general. By the way, I commanded the Persian Cossack Brigade Russian officer who submitted directly to Shah. And in 1916, the recent becomes the commander of the Kuzvinsky squad of the Cossack Brigade. All his remaining life he walked in Russian Cossack shape.

Interesting the history of the creation of the Persian regiment. Since the end of the 19th century, Russia and England competed for influence on Persia, which led the leadership of the country to the decision on the modernization of the army. It was initial to modernize the Persian sun at first, but they were not too hurried to raise the combat capability of Persians, because they did not want to create problems themselves, wanting to take the country under their "protectorate". Persian oil was attracted. Seeing that the British is not a sense, Shah Nasser-Ed Ding in 1879 asked Russia to help in creating a combat-ready military formation that could actually fulfill the tasks set before him. That was done by the Lieutenant Colonel of the Russian General Staff Domantovich.

However, the United Kingdom did not leave their attempts to take control of Persia. For example, in 1919, the diplomats of the British Crown transferred to the Government of Persia a multiple bribe, which entered into an agreement. As a result, Persia has almost completely turned into an English protectorate. Scandal broke out, the sterling government resigned. The next government is also palo. The reason became a categorical refusal to transfer the Persian Cossack Brigade with English officers. In general, the only way out remained.

In February 1921, Pekhlevi's recent was headed by a campaign of 2 thousand Cossacks for Tehran, organized a military coup, removed the dynasty of Kajarov, freed Persia from political dependence on England and forced English troops to get out of the country. In the future, it produces a series of radical reforms aimed at making the country strong and independent. With Soviet Russia, he did not have a relationship. He did not love the Bolsheviks in the same way as his colleagues - the Cossacks. Although Russia and Russian was invariably with great sympathy. By the way, shah knew English perfectlyYes, and on his military and state views significantly influenced the Russian military school, which he passed. It was he who demanded that foreign states began to officially use self-calf states - Iran, instead of used before the name Persia. Here is such a father from the last Shah Iran.

As perfectly seen, the last Shah is difficult to call the Europeanoid, did not get light-eyed, nor blondes. However, he tried to pick a European appearance for himself. He married three times. First wife Shah, Favsiwas an Egyptian princess, the daughter of the king of Egypt Fuada I. It was an incredible beauty woman, dazzling blue-eyed brunette. They got married in 1939, but life did not work with her. A daughter was born in marriage, Shah needed a heir, and after 6 years they divorced.

It is saying that in 1949, Shah did the proposal of the famous actress Grace Kelly, but she rejected him, fearing that Shah would ban her to take off and makes Muslim. By the way, coming out married Prince Monaco Rainier, she had to do what she feared in the case of Shah - to leave the cinematographic career at the insistence of her husband.

The second wife of Shah Mohammed Reza in 1951 became (half of German origin). She was a daughter of the representative of the noble tribe of Bakhtiyi (Bakhtiari) From the South Iran, which in the 1950s was an Iranian ambassador to Germany and his wife-German Eva Karl, who fed in Russia. Shah Mohammed Madly loved the green-eyed beauty to the cattle, but, unfortunately, they did not have children, and Shah needed a heir. He thought about taking the second wife, who would give birth to him the Son, and also offered to change the Constitution of Iran, so that after his death the throne inherit the brother. Against the first option was the coolant, and against the second - Majlis. In 1958 they divorced.

The third wife Shah became Farns Diba, Azerbaijanics from the notable and rich family of Tabriz. Her grandfather in the father's line at the end of the 19th century was the ambassador of Iran at the court of Romanov. She gave birth to Shahu four children. But not only by this he entered the history of Iran. The widowing Empress Iran, Pekhlevie Farah, was a very highly educated woman, besides the Persian freely owned by Azerbaijani, English and French. Always fashionable and elegantly dressed. Together with her husband actively participated in the modernization of the country, struggled for the rights of women than the discontent of the Shiite clergy caused. Thanks to its activity, a lot of museums opened in Iran. In addition, she returned to the country and once exported creations of national artists.

In addition to the fact that Shah tried to raise the production of Iran to a modern level, not limited to the sale of oil, launched a huge construction in Iran - the plants, roads, bridges were built, tried to hold reforms in agriculture, having endowed the grounds of the Peasants almost at the expense of the state, he tried to make Iran as a secular state as possible. In addition, he even brought the chores not from Hijra for a short time (the year of resettlement of the Prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Medina, from which Muslims lead their summer), and from the beginning of the Ahemenidov dynasty (1976 from the Nativity of Christ authorities). However, it was forced to cancel this unpopular innovation.

This and other reforms caused cliqule discontent and in 1979 Shah was overthrown on the wave of the Islamic revolution. Islamic fundamentalists led by Ayatollah Homney came to power, and Shah was forced to leave the country and died in exile in Cairo next year. It is noteworthy that the British, who, together with the Americans, were true, had 50% of Iran's oil business, privatically asked Shah not to ask them to political asylum, otherwise it would have a negative impact on British relations with the new Islamic Republic. Shah was bitterly disappointed with the behavior of Western "partners", but shelted did not ask ...

He had to wander around the world in search of refuge: Morocco, Bahamas, Mexico, USA, Panama. No less Merzko accepted with overthrown Shah and his other partners - the United States. They allowed him to stay at the Bahamas for 3 months, provided that he would not make any statements and take any steps. Also, the Carter Administration reluctantly issued him permission to visit New York.

Shah urgently required an operation from the progressive lymphoma found in 1977. After treatment, Shaha quickly sprouted from the country. US did not want friction with new power Iran. Oil income, you see. Unfortunately, Shah took a re-operation. Two American official flew out to Panama, where he was, and demanded a renunciation from the throne for the operation. Shah refused and at the present invitation of the President of Egypt, Anvara Sadata flew to Cairo. He died in the hospital and was buried with military and national honors. His body rests in the Al-Refiy Mosque in Cairo. The widow of Shah Mohammed Pekhlevie, the Empress of Farah, became the regen with the Son, and when it turned 20, he became cut-shah II. However, after time, the mother advised the son to forget about the throne of Iran and lead the life of a private person. This ended the story of the last Persian dynasty, which 2500 years The existence of the country was at least 20.

In all this story, the efforts of the last Shakhov return to the very long roots of Iranian statehood. The first shah dynasty of the Pehlevie changed the name of the country. In 1935, he appealed to the League of Nations with a request to call the country Iran (ERAN), but not Persia. He substantiated this by the fact that the inhabitants themselves call their country "Irani" (country of Ariyev), and Persians are one of the ethnic groups. The area from which they comes from - Pars (Farc) was the center of political power in the period of the empires of the achemenides and the Sassanids. Called the country of Aryev Persia by the name of one area greek After the empire was conquered by Alexander Macedonian in 330 g BC

Indeed, the state of the Ahemenide dynasty (550-330 BC) was called Aryanam Xsahram. (Olders. state Aryev.), and in the era of the Zoroastrian Dynasty of Sasanidov (224-651 AD) to Arabic conquest, Persia was officially called Eransahr. (ERANSHR) - the kingdom of Ariev. Some researchers ( Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis and Sarah Stewart, for example, in your book Birth of the Persian Empire) It is believed that Iran's conquerors tried to remove from the official appeal of the country's name as a kingdom or country Ariyev. For example, Greek rulers were dealing to withdraw from circulation - Aryanam Xsahram., and Muslim conquerors tried to remove Eransahr..

However, completely destroy the name "Aria" Still failed, although the names of the Aryan empires were committed to oblivion. Instead of them greek maps The names of the territories appeared - Ariana, Aria. For example, Greek mathematician, astronomer, geographer, philologist and poet, head of the Alexandrian library Eratosthen Kirensky (276-194 BC) at the place of Persia showed territory called Ariana. (Ariana). Justice to say that this map was reconstructed in the 19th century Sir Edward Banberry EDWARD HERBERT BUNBURY (1811-1895)). He wrote a two-volume ductomier under the long name "A HISTORY OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY AMONG THE GREEKS AND ROMANS FROM THE EARLIEST AGES TILL THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE" (The history of the ancient geography of the Greeks and Romans from the early ages to the fall of the Roman Empire) and published it in 1879. Yes and greek astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, mechanic, optical, music theorist and geographer clawdiy ptolemy (approx 100- ok. 170), which, like Eratosthen, at one time he worked in Alexandria, also pointed out the area ARIA in Persia. His cards were published by Sebastian Münster in 1540 in Ptolemy Geography.

Strabo (64/63 BC - OK. 23/24 AD), Greek historian and geographer, also wrote about Ariana: "The name of Ariana extends to part of Persia and Mussels, as well as on Bactrians and Sogdians in the north ; For they speak in almost the same language, but with small differences ... residents were called Ariani.».

Interesting and the fact that "Ariaramna" Ariyaramna was an old Persian name and came from aRYA. (Aryans) and raman (joy, peace) and meant "the one who carries the world of the Aryans." The name Ariaram was wore in different ways historical sources: Great Darius of the Great, Commander Darius of the Great, Wiel, at the courtyard of the KSEX, Three Cappadociars (Sovr. Turkey) Tsar, the priest of the cult of Mithra, whose gravestone was also found on the territory of modern Turkey. In Crimea, in Kerch, grave stones were found, on one of which the rider was engraved and the inscription "Daiskos Son Ariaramna", and on the other "Ariaramn Son Ariarat".

We can only guess, for what reason the last dynasty wanted to become the successor of the Percian Empire's first-stop holders - ariyev. A possible reason may be the fact that, wishing to build from the Middle East's crooked state, stuck in the Middle Ages, progressive and strong, which could not become an object of world politics, a political and economic toy in the hands of the main players, but an equal subject, Shah understood As the example should be appropriate. And the best and inspirational example than the Persian Empire of two and a half thousand years ago of the Board of the Aryan Dynasty Aheremenidov (705-330 BC), it was difficult to find. The country's succession by the successor of the state, which hundreds of years carried the greatness of Iran in world history, approving that the country has more than a two-year-haired experience of statehood, was a very strong move in the country's revival plan.

If so, then you need to pay tribute to the person who was born in the village and began his career with the ordinary Persian Cossack Brigade, and evil tongues and at all argue that at first he was a twin from a Russian officer. The picture is the future Shah Iran and the founder of the Pekhlevie dynasty, Reza-Han. With his colleague on the Persian Cossack Brigade, the 1910s. Researchers argue that on the neck of the future ruler of Iran - russian award, Namely, the Order of St. Stanislav 2nd degree, although in the biography of Shaha, the fact of his awarding by any Russian awards was noted.

And the rates rates were impressive. Special lifting Iran survived from 1963 to 1978. The insistence of the economic boom began. The people got the opportunity to sigh freely, women were removed by Chadra (the example of the sisters of the last Shah - Princess Ashraf and Shams, who removed the barge back in 1934). These are the successes that the last Shah achieved:

1. The growth rates of industrial production (per year). For this indicator, Iran at Pekhlevie held 2nd place in Asia after Japan:

1962-1968 – 8,8%

1968-1972 – 11,5%

1973-1978 – 26%

2. GDP growth rates (per year):

1961-1966 – 6,7%

1967-1977 – 10,8%

3. The growth rate of GNP amounted to more than 10% year. From 1960 to 1970, it increased 4 times and reached $ 15 billion. GNP (per capita) rose from 1963 to 1978 100 $ / year before 1521 $ / year.

4. GDP (per capita) increased from $ 174 in 1953 to $ 2,400 in 1979.

5. The population of Iran has increased from 1966 to 1977. by 7.9 million people - from 25.8 to 33.7 million.

6. Revenues from the extraction and sale of oil for 2 years (from 1972 to 1974) increased 8 times: from $ 2.4 billion in 1972 to $ 20 billion in 1974. From 1973 to 1978. The treasury received from the sale of oil over $ 100 billion.

7. By 1970, 1.5 million peasant families (about 9 million people or half of the entire peasant population of Iran) received land-in-law as a result of land reform, during which the state redeemed land in landlords and sold them to small-earth peasants at the price 30% below the market (in installments).

8. The Fund for Agricultural Development increased its budget from 1968 to 1974. 4 times: from 1 to 4 billion rials.

9. Thanks to the "Corps of Reconstruction and Development", agricultural production in the period from 1964 to 1970. increased its volume on 80% Also increased in cost by 67%.

10. The area of \u200b\u200birrigated lands increased from 2 million acres in 1968 to 5.6 million in 1977, thanks to the construction of many dams and the nationalization of all water resources.

11. The number of higher educational institutions has increased with 16 In 1960 148 In 1974. The number of private kindergartens increased from 202 in 1966 to 366 in 1973. The number of technical educational institutions has grown from 1960 to 1975 64 before 508 . From 1964 to 1972, a diploma of 1.5 million people were trained with the "enlightenment building".

12. A free and compulsory 8-year-old education for all children under the age of 14, as well as the free distribution of milk to schoolchildren. In 1974, a system is introduced free higher education. By 1975 over 60% population were competent (in 1964 - only 30% ).

13. 100 thousand students were sent to study abroad. They issued money amounts in debt, with the condition of returning only 25% of the total amount.

14. From 1973 to 1975, the volume of banking investments increased at 5 times.

15. Iran had a strongest army on the entire Middle and Middle East (400 thousand people + 40 thousand Shah Guard). The world's most powerful fleet in the world, the most committed in the "Third World" rocket system air defense system. In the number of Air Force and High Park, Iran exceeded all NATO countries, except the United States.

16. Urbanization of the country was complete. If in 1966 in the cities lived 31% population, by 1978 - more 50% .

17. 15 automotive factories were built, producing both a variety of Western and Eastern car models (Lincoln and Toyota) and their own production cars ("Paikans").

18. Tehran built several major highways, like Western Highways - "Shavei".

19. From 1974 to 1978. Built 9 nuclear reactors 2 were in the construction process.

20. Iran's foreign debt at that time was 0$ .

21. The unemployment rate was less 1% .

22. As of the state of public, Iran occupied the 9th place in the world. For 3 years, "Corps of Health" has cured about 10 million people.

23. 6 million people were included in the Social Security Program adopted in 1975, which is to provide up to 100% of the total wage during retirement. By the beginning of the 1980s, the program should have included all population Iran.

24. Food is introduced for needy mothers and all newborns under the age of 2 years.

25. Subsidies were allocated to maintain sustainable prices in the food market.

26. In 1963 women received the election law.

27. There are more than 9 million trees in the country, 70 thousand acres (280 km) of "green belts" have been created around the cities and along major highways.

28. The Iranian passport allowed to visit more 100 countries, incl. all European, without a visa (now - only 14 )…»

When Islamic fundamentalists came to power, with secular rights and freedoms were finished, completely different orders were established in the country. Ayatolla Homneywho came to power on the wave of the Islamic Revolution, refused the course of technological modernization of the country and planned to return to the economic and social standards "Trune-Islamic Society." In Iran, in his opinion, "Nast West, nor the East, and Islam" should have established. Such a spill led to the fact that in 10 years (from 1979 to 1989) Iran lost everything that the Shah stubbornly built. Then, however, they came homeless - the war with Iraq was aroused, and emphasized the export-oriented economy. And the people about the secularity of the state had to forget.

- In 2001 there were 575 violent suicides "Honor", 375 of which through fire. (We will explain that this kind of suicing serve so that the guilty redeemed the guilt for immoral action, most often for marital treason).

- Iranian women who refuse to wear hijab are subject to imprisonment for a period of 2 months.

"Punishment for married treason: a woman is buried on the neck in the sand and clogged with stones to death.

- Only in Tehran is being subjected to physical and secular violence of 4,000 prostitutes by age from 10 to 17 years.

Baby execution:

- Iranian legislation permits fatherland For boys from 15 years old, and for girls - from 9.

- Since 1990, Iran is executed, at a minimum, 46 children under 18.

- Iran is the only country in the world in which adolescents were executed in 2008.

- During the reign of Ahmadinejad, the indicator of children's executions increased by about 300%.

- To date, more than 100 continuous criminals expect executions.

Not in vain the last shah so tried to dissociate the Islamic "traditions", that even the calendar of the other introduced, which, by the way, was extended by almost 1,300 years old (and rightly) the history of the country, but such trifles were completely for religious fans. Islam was rooted in Iran from the 15th century, despite the fact that the country was trying to conquer Arabs, starting from the 7th, but Persians stubbornly led their reconquist. So 30 years of Shah reforms, of course, could not turn out 400 years of dominance in the country of Muslim ideology, and the old calendar returned.

Yes, with a calendar from the board of Ahemenides, Shaha did not work. But it turned out with state symbolism. Another Shah Reza-Khan in 1925 ordered to make a new crown, instead of the so-called "Kiani Crown", which shahs of the previous dynasty for a long time were used.

As a basis, one of the crown of the Sassanid dynasty was taken, which rules in Iran over 400 years (224 to 651 AD). Why one From the crown? Because the Iranian archaeologists counted in 32 Sassanid rulers more than 100 types of crown of this period, judging by images on coins, bas-reliefs, silver products, etc. Crowns, as they believe, not only showed the cultural, economic, social and historical realities of each board, But the characteristics of each monarch. Main Motive Crown - Sunwhich worshiped Aria. Sasanids were Zoroastrians. As you know, Zoroastrians worshiped fire, but not only. Approximately 1 in AD. In Zoroastrism, the cult of Mithra, one of Ahura Mazda's nearest assistors, was gradually on the fore. And the miter, among other things, was the god of the Sun and Light, and he was often portrayed as the Sun-Sun Gun Manager. So, in the crown of the new Iranian Pekhlevie dynasty the sun In the form of a huge 60-carat yellow diamond and rays from white diamonds were located in the center. In general, decorations from the treasury of the previous Shah on a new crown weighing 2 kilograms went a lot: 3,380 diamonds (1 144 carats), 5 emeralds (200 carats) and 368 pearls. This crown was used only twice - during the coronation of the cuts of the Pekhlevie on April 25, 1926 and Mohammad the cuts of Pekhlevie October 26, 1967

Aryan symbols Present on the coat of arms of Iran, the personal coat of arms of Shah and his wife, Shahkan (the so-called Empress Iran), as well as the Prince. In addition, the full title Shah, or rather Shainshaha (king kings), and this is an ancient Iranian title of the Supreme Ruler, who also used Ahemedides (705-330 BC), was: his imperial majesty of Shahinshi Ariamehr (last word means "Sun Arya").

So, creating a new imperial emblem of Iran in the late 1940s, the young dynasty of the Pahlavov puts himself the goal to conclude a 2500-year-old continuous statehood of Iran.

In the center of the coat of arms - a round shield, separated on the cholryra part. In the first quarter there is a running lion, carrying a golden sun on his back and holding a silver sword in the right paw. a lion and The sun There were one of the main symbols of Iran, in the period from 1846 to 1980, and in general it became a famous symbol in Iran from the 12th century.

The second quarter is the so-called Faravahar. - Winged disc, the main symbol of Zoroastrianism, which initially represented the "overwhelmed sun" (symbol of power and divine origin), and the human image was added to it later. Faravhar was adopted by the Persian Dynasty of Achhemenidov (648-330 BC) at Babylonian as a symbol of the Supreme God - Ahura Mazda. Thus, in the coat of arms of Pekhleva, Faravhar symbolizes the era of the achemenides. Also in the upper corner of this quarter is the sun.

In the third quarter of the coat of arms Zulfir - Sword with a split on the end of the blade. He was taken away by the Prophet Muhammed, who got him when the trophies section, a closet of how Muslims won the battle of Mecca. According to the legend, the sword Zulfikar has magic power and magic properties. Zulfikar's sword symbolizes the Arab-Muslim conquest of Iran and Islamic (Shiite) history of the statehood of Iran (651 - to this day). From above the sword is the golden five radius star.

In the fourth quarter is located Simurg - mythical bird of justice and happiness (according to other information - winged dogwhose body is covered with fish scales, and the tail is peacock). It symbolizes the era of two dynasties - the Parfyan kings of Arshakids (250 G. BC - 224. AD) and the Persian kings of Sassanids (224-651). It is noteworthy that the Skif, Sakov and Sarmatov had a similar deity with a similar name - SEMARGL - Heavenly Dog.

And in the center of the big shield of the imperial coat of arms - small with the image of the mountain Demavend. (the highest point of Iran), because of which the sun rises. Yes, the young dynasty of the Pahlavov unequivocally gave it to understand that they were - on the side sun, not the moon. Big shield hold two gold lions. In Heraldry Lion is a symbol of strength, courage and generosity. However, not only therefore the Pehlevie dynasty placed it on his coat of arms.

Lion is also a symbol of Ariii And it seems like their defender, source of power, wisdom and power. It is noteworthy that when decorating the Palace of Aheremenidov in Persepole, a variety of and multiple images of Lviv were also used. For example, on the front staircase, the lion was depicted into the bull, that some researchers belong to the symbolic scene of the spring equinox and that the city itself was built exclusively for conducting the main Zoroastrian holiday in it - Nampow - New Year.

Shahkan (Empress) Was yours personal coat of armswhich with his symbols also addressed the era of the achemenides. Its main element was the image of the famous gold bracelet from the Amur Damine class (otherwise the treasures of the OX) (5 V. BC). Like cylinder Kira Great, which is now stored in the British Museum, this bracelet is known in the whole world and is business card Agemenid culture. By the way, the British were cleared and sent Kira's cylinder to the celebration of the 2500th anniversary of the Persian Power, which Shah organized in 1971. The cylinder is really an amazing artifact. He himself is clay and on Him Clocking is carved decree, which can be viewed as the world's first known declaration of human rights. This decree established religious and ethnic freedoms, the ban of slavery and any oppression, the departure of the ownership by force or without compensation. And the conquered lands themselves decide whether the authorities were to obey Cyrus. This is such a document was used as the main element of the official holiday emblem.

Coat of arms of Empress Her crown crowned, which she was crowned in 1967. And the bracelet in the Scythian beast style is made in the form of two griffins, although not quite ordinary. Instead of a lion and eagle milf, on the bracelet, the mix of a mountain goat, lion and birds. There is still such interesting moment. On the Persepole bas-reliefs, you can find images of people who carry the king of offerings in the form of similar bracelets from the Amur Disclade. In the coat of arms of the Kronprintern Iran, a double-headed bird - an eagle or falcon - with a solar symbol on the chest.

Currently, the emblem of Iran is a stylized inscription "Allah" by Arab-Persian letter and consists of four crescents and swords that symbolize the Islamic Symbol of Faith - "There is no God, except Allah" and 5 pillars Islam - the main prescriptions of Sharia, mandatory Muslims .

The five pillars of Islam include: Shahad (Declaration of Faith: "I testify that there is no God, except for Allah, and testify that Muhammad is a slave and envoy of Allah"), Namaz (five daily prayers), Uraza (post during the month of Ramadan), Sold (religious tax in favor of needy) and hajj (pilgrimage in Mecca).

As we can see instead of Lviv, the Sun and other Aryan solar signs, Iranians were imposed on some unbroken wands of the lunar cult sects of the second level of Judaism, and, in addition, Muslim orthodoxes were resolutely arrived at the very memory of the existence of the great empires of Arii in Iran.

Midiy Empire

What were it for the empire? The very first Aryan empire was Midiy. Starting from 2 thousand BC. At the Iranian Highlands - a huge territory, which is currently occupied by Iran and Afghanistan, from north of the waves came the Aryan tribes, including escaped from adverse climatic conditions. They came from different places, from land from Dnieper to the Urals. They gave this land their name - Ariana. Time passed. Some tribes settled in the West and created the state MitanniSome gone to the south of Iranian highlands, some turned into North India.

Historic science can tell little about them. For example, it was a tribe cassites. They are also called kossei, kissy or kashshi (Akkad.). They lived in the mountains of the huge mountain range of Iranian Highlands, vomit in 2-1 thousand BC. In the middle of the 18th century BC. Cassites invaded Babylonia, and to the 16th century. BC. Severe all the country and ruled it from 1518 to 1204. BC, by forming his dynasty, the so-called Coussic dynasty). Scientists find it difficult to call their ethnicity, as well as in which language they spoke. Although there are some few archaeological finds that allow us to suggest that cassites were also arias. For example, a cash cylindrical seal with a proven.

In addition, some scientists, for example, a German solo Hans Friedrich Karl GunterThe language was determined as Indo-European ("Rasology of the Jewish People"). Cassites used chariots and engaged in horse breeding (which is a kind of "calling card" of Ariev, who in those distant times called conquerors on chariot). The names of the rulers of Cassites were also Aryasi: Surias, Indas, Maruttas, what the British historian and the archaeologist writes about Vir Gordon Child In his book "Aryans - founders of European civilization."

At the beginning of 1 thousand BC. The second wave of Ariyev arrived, much more numerous. Part of Aryan tribes - Sogdians, Skif, Saki, Parfyan and Bactrians - continued to conduct a nomadic lifestyle, but two tribes - medidians and persians Selected settled and settled in the valleys of the pan. The mussels settled in the north, and the Persians in the south. Rather, the Persians first settled to the north-west of Mididians, but the Assyrians squeezed them to the south and south-west. Generally, the mussels and the Persians often fought with Assyria In 9 and 8 centuries. BC, who sought them to conquer. The middiy tribes were conquered by Assyria at the beginning of 8 V to AD, but in 673 BC. e. They rebelled, defeated Assyria and created their own state with the capital in Ekbataan (Sovd Hamadan in the west of Iran). United the tribes and built the capital of the leader by name Dius (Persian. Dauccu). His son Fraorth (Perse. Fravartysh), according to Herodotus, was not satisfied with the middle only, but conquered the Persians and other nations of Asia and even walked the war to Assyria. So in the empire gradually entered Uranta, Northern Mesopotamia, Parphy, Persia and part of Malaya Asia (modern Turkey). The middiy kingdom extended almost to the ind river. From the little city of the ending-Danannik Middi turned into a strongest power of the Middle East.

His successor Kiasar (PERS. Hwahatsatra) finally defeated the Assyrian state. Kaiacsar died in 584 BC His son Astiag (Persian Ishtuvega) was forced to defend his kingdom from Persians. After a long reign (about 30 years), Astiag suffered a defeat in the fight against Kyrom. (Kurush) - the founder of the Persian state, which by the mother belonged to the Midiy Tsarskoe Road (he was the grandson of Astiaga). Middi has become one of the satrapy and paid tribute to Persians, like other conquered peoples. Movies paid 500 talents with gold, and more horses. After all, the mussels were considered the best riders and have long been engaged in horse breeding. They were famous for their "notices" horses that divorced on the Nisea Plain and in Horassan. It was in the mussels that Lucerne's feed grass began to cultivate the stern grass, which was called "horsepower". In addition, 50000 tsarist horses passed on the Midiy pastures on the way from Babylon to the Caspian gate. Horses, by the way, they paid as Dani, still Assyrians. The capital of Musia, Ekbatan continued to be considered one of the capitals first Persian, and then the Parthian kings, where they preferred to spend the hot summer months. The mussel empire existed not long - from 678 to 559. BC. Strabo (64/63 BC - 23/24 AD), Greek geographer and historian, called her Great MidDia:

"The Great Musiard in antiquity, after destroying the Syrians's power, dominated all Asia. Subsequently, however, during the Astiage, Cyrus and Persians deprived her so great power, nevertheless, it continued to preserve greatly to preserve the Pradhedov glory. Ekbataans were the winter capital of the Persian kings, as well as Macedonian, who after the subordination of Persians owned Syria; And in our time, this city provides the same amenities and security to the parfian kings. " (Strabo. ED. A. Meineke, Geographica. Leipzig: Teubner. 1877). He also pointed on language similarity Midwood and Scythians. (Strabo x 2, 8, 14).

According to Herodot (484-425 BC) The mussels included 6 tribes: Buzi (The Busae), Parethashen The ParetoCeni), Streaky The Strukhat), Arizanty (The Arizanti), Budy (The Budii) and magic (The Magi). Of these, only one tribe does not cause issues regarding accessories to the ariams. It - arizantywhose name originated from ARYA. - noble I. Zantum - tribe, clan.

The "Aryoism" of the rest is more difficult to prove, although most of them are consonant with the names of Scythian tribes. For example, a mussel tribe budy Connected with the name of Budinov - Black Sea Scythians. Paretaches were called nomadic tribes that settled in pareatene, the mountain region between Persia and Mondia. Some researchers associate them with paralympics, which Herodotus called "royal Scythians", which lived between the Dnieper and the Seversk Donets and in the Steppe Crimea.

By the way, Iranian "Paradate" denotes the heroes of the archaic myths on the first dynasty of the kings-civilizers existing on earth and denotes "First Consights", "Institutes of the First Social Norms". Who were there buzi, It's not clear yet. Believe that the name comes from Persian buza.What is an aboriginal, autochthonne, that is, it turns out that they were not arias, although what their self-calf and how it was really unknown. But the Slavic Chojani, and Bosnians, and Boslovans, and the leader of Ants Bead Beloyar, and Vasily Buslaev, who were many later mussels, come for memory.

Another riddle - street. Their name consonantly appeared later by the Sarmatian tribe satarovwho lived in Crimea in 2 V AD And the last mussel tribe - magi.. They were Castow of the priests of Zurvanistov - the currents that came out of Zoroastrianism, and were supposedly presidentially from Sumer.

That the mussels were ariaThe archaeological finds are evidenced. First, this is the use of solar symbols and including swastika. In addition, in the decoration of many things the main motive is the so-called "Scythian Images" - deer, panther, the head of the griff, the hare, the ram, made in the Scythian style. The photo shows: Necklace I Millennium BC, found during excavations in the province of Gilyan, which in the north-west Iran. Golden Cup. From the Kaladash region. X in. BC. Archaeological Museum. Tehran. Golden decorative suspension 8-7 V to AD North-West Iran. The grave of the mussel king of kaasar with a carved sun over the entrance. Golden bowl from Hasanla (Hasanlu) - Archaeological excavations in the north-west Iran. Museum of Bastam. It has a swastika, but all available photos of this bowl on the Internet are made so that it is not visible. Only on one old and not very high-quality photography, probably scan from the book, you can see the swastika on the thigh of the lion.

But how did the mussels look like? On the wall of the Apadan Palace in Persepole, there are embossed images of the mussels (so defined historians), but they are all executed in the so-called "Assyrian style" - with curly hair and beard and in profile, and in drawing with black hair and beards. It seems like a similar "Eastern-integrated" race.

"However, Bactrians themselves, mussels and Persians remembered that their Aryan ancestors looked differently. So, according to legends, famous Zaratusta I wore a generic name SpitamaWhat meant "white". Actually, the ancient custom of Persians paint the beard and hair henna in a fiery color (because of what Turks called the Iranians "Kyzylbashi" - redhead) there is nothing like the appeal to the red-haired primortion.

The above is confirmed by Paleogenetics: So, according to a group of researchers of the Strasbourg Institute of Judicial Medicine, the study of the remains of protorans - carriers of the Andronovsky culture of Southern Siberia, most of them had blue or green eyes, pale skin And bright or red hair (newspaper, 05/13/2009). " (Alexey Vinogradov. "Russian mystery. Where did the prince of Rurik come from?").

Empire Ahemenidov

Aryans-Midyan They were raised for a while. A huge territory remained under their control a little over 80 years. Aryan tribe came to replace them persianswho together came to Iran. About Persians mention another Assyrian inscriptions 9 in. BC. For example, in the inscriptions of the Assyrian Tsar Salmanasar III, which historians date 843 BC, stated on the region of Parsua - the Assyrians received tribute from the 27th kings. Most likely, these were breeding leaders. This territory approximately equal to the modern Iranian province of Farce, the name of which is an Arabisian form from the word of Pars, who meant the country, and the people of Persians, as well as their capital Persepol. The same asiery sources of the end 8 V to AD. Mention Persumash country, and in 714 BC The recording of the Assyrian Tsar Sargon II includes Persians as subjects of this king.

By the way, to say, the name of this king means " tsar True"And sounds like Cherryukin (, That is, the king was pronounced on the Akkadian king - SAR (though, on the site of the Africatic "C" stands the hissing "sh"). For example, the title "Tsar Sumer and Akkada" on Akkadsky was uttered sAR SUMERI U AKKADI. However, not only the title of Assyrian rulers looks like sounding to Russian " king" The main deity of the ancient Assyrians was the god of war Ashsur - Vedic Asur, and in the ancient texts of the Luvians Assyria called Asuriana, some of the territories of which a lot later began to be called the grain and further Syria..

It is known that Surya - This is the Vedic God God. In addition, according to the information of the Greek historian of Kefalion, the fourth king of Assyrians was the king named Aria. So the Empire of Assyria was not semistry, as many oriental scientists want to introduce it. For the Semitic King hardly wore the name of Aria, and the name of the country and the Supreme Gods - Vedic, if semites initially created Assyria, they would give their own names and the supreme gods. Simply in Assyria was the same as in other countries around the world - to the autochthonous population, in this case, seventians, seveled white people, they brought them statehood and knowledge, they became rulers, Cast of warriors, clergymen and higher managers.

But we were distracted. Let's return to Persians. In 553 BC. The ruler of Cyrus Pars II (PERS. Kurush), named subsequently Great, made a coup and sat down on the Midyady throne. Cyrus was from the kind of Agemenidov, named so by the name of the Rodonarchist - Aheheren, leading kind in the Persian tribe, called Pasargadi. At the same time he was the grandson of the mussel ruler Astiaga (Ishtuvega), Mother's daughter named Mandana was married to a noble fellow named Cambis (Cambuca). Herodotus tells about this, as well as the fact that Astiag ordered the child after a prophetic sleep. He dreamed that grape vine rose from the womb of his daughter and this vine was then rushed across all Asia. Magy-interpreters of dreams explained to him so that his daughter's son would be king instead of him. He ordered his ruler Harpague to kill the newborn, but it turned out that the boy got to raise the shepherd, and then when he reached the teenage age, everything opened. Garpag paid for non-fulfillment by the life of his son. The cruel king ordered to kill the boy and prepare a dish from him for the Father, he did not suspect and ate his son. When everything was revealed, he decided to take revenge and helped Kiru conquer the Midy Throne.

It's amazing how much the legend of the Persian Tsar Kire and the dream of the Midy Tsar Astiaga was popular in medieval Europe. On the Internet, you can find a lot of miniatures of 14-15 centuries, illustrating it. The pictures depict: Miniature "Astiaga's sleep", 1420-1440, Madrid, National Library of Spain; Miniature "Astiaga's sleep" 1330-1340, Vienna, National Library of Austria; Miniature "Cyrus, the grandson of the Astiaga, King of Mussels, Flavored Animal", Master Beadico (BUCICAUT MASTER), France 1410-1430; Miniature "Astiaga's sleep", France 15 V.; Miniature "Astiaga's sleep", 1482, Cathedral in Brixen, South Tyrol, Northern Italy. It is noteworthy in these miniatures what the characters on them are displayed - europeanoidsAnd women are all - with light rusia, even greasy, hair.

Cyrus was very popular in medieval Europe, he was portrayed not only on medieval miniatures, but also on engravings. The figure shows engraving "Cyrus, King of Persia" From a set from a creech, engraving "the greatest rulers of antiquity" 1590s, flemish artist and engraving Adriana Colrta (ADRIAEN COLLAERT. (1560-1618)). They depict Ning, King Ninevei, Kir, King of Persia, Alexander Macedonian and Julius Caesar (Metropolitan Museum, New York). Kira was portrayed even on the stained glass shoes of Christian temples. The picture shows the stained glass window in the Protestant Church Saint-Pierre-Le-Jeune In Alsace, France. Long novels also wrote about the Persian Tsar, such as "Artamene or Kir Great" (1649-1653) George and Madelene de Schuderi. This loving adventure novel of the 17th century is generally considered the longest novel that ever was published, which is not surprising. It took 1,954,300 words for writing it, and 13,095 pages were fitted in 10 volumes.

More Cyrus, together with other Persian kings, Cambiz, Godarim and Middlers, got into the Nuremberg Chronicle - the Rarest Book of 1493 of the publication, which contained the chronicle bible Stories from the creation of the world, which was illustrated by 1809 drawings painted manually. These books were an example for other books - Simply put, they wrote off all the others - therefore they were called the wisen Latin word incunabula, What means "Start, cradle". The book was published in Latin and the German language. Foreign circulation - Latin books were in different calculations from 1,400 to 1,500 copies, and German - up to 1000.

The creator of this chronicle is considered Hartman Shadel (1440-1514) - a person is very wide interests - a doctor, a humanist and historian, and he also loved books very much. His library, which served as the basis for the Nuremberg Chronicles, has 370 manuscripts and 670 printed books - a huge number of "information carriers" for a private person. Or was he not a private person? Unfortunately, who was actually Mr. Wesond, and why he took up the writing of the sample of biblical history for the peoples of Europe, we most likely never know. And yes, in the Nurembern Chronicle, all the Persian kings are depicted with European appearance, however, like the other characters on page 69 "Chronicles", including MARDECHEY, Ezer and Judif. One nehemosis, for some reason, got semistry appearance.

Another interesting image of Kira - on the collection of engravings, which was published by Guyoma Rui, the French Humanist and a large publisher of books in Lyon, in 1553. The collection is called long and intricately: "Assembly of images notable in the world of people, with the addition of their lives taken in the abbreviated form from the best selected authors" (Lat. Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum a Seculo Hominum, Subectis Eorum Vitis, Per Compendium Ex Probatissimis Autoribus Desumptionis). The collection contains about 950 portraits of historical personalities performed by the method of xylography in the form of medals. Among them are the characters of the Bible, ancient and medieval history, starting with Adam and Eve.

However, with the image of Kira there is one oddity. Usually, the medals were written on the medals and some of the Buva is whether whether the ranks, whether the ranks and "posts". Moreover, on all medals that can be discussed on the Internet, the names of the individuals were written completely on one side, even such long as Artaxerx. And, "Position" historical face, Type king, Rex, priest / holy and sometimes even his "nationality", was placed on another. So the oddity is that a short name "Cirus", and written through i. , not through y. , Divided for some reason in two parts. Happened Ci Rus . So, maybe Kira actually called Rus (he and on Persian it is pronounced Ku-Rush), and CI means some position, belonging to anything or something else. The same is visible on the engraving of Adrian Colonta. If you look closely at the inscription at the top "CY RVS MAIOR" then it can be noted that the gap between CY. and RVS. much more than interbustry, that is, it is two different words. Enough to remember the image of the cross with the grave of everyone known king Artur. - The main knight of All Britain, which was led by William Camden in his book "Britain" (1586). On this cross it is clearly read Rex Artu Rius. , i.e King Horde Rus.

The plot of the beads of Cyrus Massagetskaya (Scythian) Tomiris was especially popular. Everyone knows this story, told by Herodot. "Cyrus, moving the Araks River and delving on the territory of Massagets to one daytime transition, on the advice of the Lidian Craces, arranged a trap massageets. Persians, left a camp with a margin of wine, who defended the non-spa part, and the main troops moved back to the river. Massagets, as soon as the enemy defeated, they apled and began to sneak, and satisfied with food and wine, fell asleep. Persians, having come, killed many of them, and even more captured, among others and the son of Queen Tomiris, who commanded Massagets, whose name was Spargalis. Having learned about this, Tomiris sent a message to Kiru: "Blood-blood Cyrus, ... Give me my son and go from this country with impunity ... If you won't do it, I swear to you with the sun, Massagette's Lord, I will see you with blood, although you are unsaturated". Captured Spargapis persuades Kira to remove the shackles from themselves, and when he was released and as soon as he was able to own his hands, deprived himself of life.

Tomiris is the same when Cyrus did not obey her, having gathered all his army, joined Kirome to battle. Most of the Persian troops were destroyed right there on the spot, and his head of Tomiris was thrown into a wine bag filled with human blood and said: "You're a live and won your victory in the battle, destroying the cunning of my son. I, as you threatened, weeping with blood ... " (Dovatur AI, Kallistov DP, Shishova I.A. "Peoples of our country in Herodotus History." - M., 1982).

The pictures depict: thumbnail "Tamaris, Queen Massagetov kills Kira of the Great, Founder of the Persian Empire", Master Beadico (BUCICAUT MASTER), France 1390-1430. Miniature from theological work in Latin in the poetic form "Mirror of human salvation" (Speculum Humanae Salvationis), 1324, in which events Old Testament Serve, prototype for events from the New Testament. Picture of Rubens (1577-1640) "Queen Tomiris before the head of Kira." Note that Rubens drew the Masaghetsky Queen in kokoshnikAnd its courtesy are more like Russian boyars. Picture of Victor Volfoya ML. ( Victor Wolfvoet The Young (1612-1652)). "Cyrus's head was brought by Queen Tomiris." Painting "Queen Tomiris from Kira's head" Mihil Koksi (1499-1592), Flemish artist of the Late Revival Age.

Although there are evidence and opposite to what Gerodota tells. These Persians entered the camp specially left by massagets, they came up there and fell asleep, and the warriors of the Tomiris killed sleeping warriors, including Kira. About this tells Polyen, Greek writer of Macedonian origin 2 in. AD, the written author of "Strataghem" (8.28).

Actually, in the biography of the Persian Tsar Kira Many mythological plots, which may question the very fact of the existence of such a person. His grandfather Astiagu dreamed of the same dream as the prince of Gostomysl and Father's companion Wilhelm's father's conqueror about growing from a womb of a plant that covers all Asia / hail / England's crown. Astiag welded the son of Harpaga just like tantalum her son Pelopa to check whether Zeus is omnounce. He was breeding with their milk animals like Romulus and Rem. However, Cyre wrote not only Herodotus, but also an ancient Greek historian Keesiwho lived in 5 V to AD. And she spent 17 at the courtyard of Artaxerx II. He wrote the volume of "Peach", consisting of 23 books, which described not only the history of Persia, but also Assyria and Mussels. Original sources about Kira are really little, but they are. This is the so-called "Cylinder Kira", where the list of his victories, his gracious things and ancestors, and several private Babylonian documents are listed.

To the question: why the Persian King Kir (Persian Kurus) was so popular in the Middle Ages in Europe, simply. In 14-15 centuries, and this is almost the middle of the last night of the weld, in Europe already reigned christianity - Lunar cult (the cult of Osiris, Dionysus, etc.), who finally defeated the sunny cult of life, the last stronghold of which - - the church destroyed to the cross campaigns in 1209-1215. Everything that has been connected with them, with Vedic knowledge and knowledge at all. Carefully destroyed and was replaced by the "right" information, for example, the biblical creation of the world and the other primitive folklore, as well as the substitution of the real history of mankind - biblical, that is, the history of a single tribe - Judaian. It so happened that the Board of the Persian Tsar Keira was shifted in the "Great" story of this tribe.

You know, as it happens, you are looking for something completely different and in the search for this you open something new for myself.

Meanwhile, in the valleys of the tributaries of the River Chitral in the mountains of the South Gyindukus, the unique people live in Pakistan, numbering only about 6 thousand people. The people are called - kalashi. . The uniqueness of the people, from all sides of the Islamic neighbors surrounded by Islamized neighbors, is that a significant part of it still confesses the pagan religion that established on the basis of Indoran religion and substrate beliefs. And if more recently, this people were subjected to genocide from the Islamic majority and fled at the beginning of the 20th century to defense British EmpireNow, now he is the opposite under the protection of the government of Pakistan, for attracts tourists from all over the world.

Religion of most Kalashov - paganism; Their pantheon has a lot of common features with a reconstructed proto-Indo-European pantheon. At the same time, about 3 thousand Kalashov - Muslims. The transition to Islam is not welcomed by Kalashov trying to preserve their identity. The light hair and the eyes of part of the Kalash are explained by the preservation of the original Indo-European Genofond. Along with the Kalash, also representatives of the Hunza people and some ethnic groups of Pamir residents and other peoples of the region also have similar anthropological characteristics.

By Max Loxton (C)

The belief is common in Pakistan that Kalashi are descendants of the warriors Alexander the Great.

While the whole world doubts the Greek origin of Kalash, the Greeks themselves actively help them. The legend says that two warrior and two girls who are broken from the Greek army came to these places. Men were injured and could not move. They placed the beginning of the Kalash people.

According to another version, Kalashi - the descendants of the people who have seen in the mountains of Tibet in the process of a large resettlement of peoples during the invasion of the Aryans to Industan. There are no uniform opinions on their origin about their origin, but in conversations about this issue with alien, they more often prefer the version of Macedonian origin. A more accurate explanation of the origin of this nation could give a detailed study of the Kalash language, unfortunately, still poorly studied. It is believed that he belongs to the Darque language group, but on the basis of which this attribution was made not entirely clear, because More than half of the words from the vocabulary of Kalash language has no analogues in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Darque Group and the languages \u200b\u200bof the surrounding peoples. There are publications in which it is expressly said that Kalashi speak an ancient Greek language, but it is unknown. The fact is that the only one who helps today to survive in extreme high-mountainous conditions - modern Greeks, whose money was built by the school, hospital, kindergarten, and several wells are broken.

A distinctive feature of Kalash - a large number of holidays. In the spring, in May, their main holiday Joshi - everyone is dancing, get acquainted with each other. Joshi is a holiday in the interval between the hard work - the grain is already sown, and the men have not left the mountains to the pastures. In the summer, the participation is celebrated - it is necessary to hide the gods in late August to get a good harvest. In winter, in December, the main holiday of Chomus - animals solemnly bring sacrificing and men go to the sacred mountain. In general, holidays and family events so much that during the week I must have something happening.

To the Kalash genocide at the end of the 19th century. Muslims their number reached 200 thousand people. It is possible that

Kalashi! This is the people such in Pakistan. And not just the people, but the descendants of the ancient Slavs!

Comparatively recently, the ancient settlements of immigrants from Russian lands in Pakistan mountains opened. That in these southern edges We live Muslims for a long time we know. But what among them, or rather autonomously, the people live next to them, who even before the birth of Christ came presumably from the Tver lands of our Motherland?

So. I tell about this amazing people - Kalashi. They are only about 6 thousand.

Scientists faced with riddles of history all the same begin to come to the conclusions that people who built Indian and Sumerian temples, the Pyramids of Egypt, came from Russia. Rather. From the Russian lands came those who brought knowledge and experience how to do it and why. And this is countless confirmation. Let me remind these articles - the history of hyperborea, Russian and Sanskrit, who came up with a horoscope and others.

And here is a new riddle. How, tell me how these beautiful people got with beautiful Russian lips on the border of Pakistan with Afghanistan?

Okay, only the similarity would be external. After all, Kalash Belolisians, Seruoglazas, blue-eyed, unlike Pakistanis and Afghans.

They retained all the legacy of their ancestors - traditions, life, culture, practically in integrity. Moreover, it was traditional for the ancient lands of our northern - Tver and Vologda. But they say not in the Darisian languages \u200b\u200binherent in today's accommodation. And they say ... or rather. Almost half of the words of their tongue are an old Vologda Tim.

In Kalash language, the basic vocabulary composition of Sanskrit is very well preserved, for example:

Another very interesting barcode. Kalashi is eaten only at the table, sitting on the chairs, - excesses that have never been inherent in local residents and appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the XVIII-XIH centuries, but did not fit. And Kalashi, the time of centuries used the tables and chairs!

Presumably that they came to these lands since the time of the Prophet Zarasuchra, i.e. 3500 years ago. The facts say that the Prophet Zaksrastr, who created the oldest religious doctrine on Earth, took place from the Kimmerian (Kimra, the most ancient city of Russia) of the genus and the peripetics of his biography are of the most direct attitude towards the pistory of Russia.

English doctor Georg Scott Robertson, who visited Kalash in 1889 and who lived there for about a year, left the materials about the life of Kalash and their religion. According to his observations, it is reasonable to argue that their religion - resembles transformed Zoroastrianism and the cults of the ancient Aryans.

Another people are interested in what he honors as the "Russian Cross" who has learned, which has anciently decorated at home, embroidery and other objects of life of the ancient Northern Slavs.

Kalashi live near Muslims. But, women - Kalashi do not wear a barge. They apply the image of the "Russian Cross" in the form of a tattoo.

Starting from the 18th century, Muslims were driven and destroyed the Kalashov, professing paganism, selecting fertile lands and knew them into the mountainous terrain of the Pamir. Despite this, Kalashi managed to preserve their originality. They live by communities, closed. Engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture.

It was very difficult to survive kalars during the genocide. And now it is not easier. To survive them you have to assimilate with the local Muslim population.

The chief in the Kalash family is a man. It is he who takes the most important solutions and is always sitting at the head of the table. There are no discrimination. She is a man's assistant. The only thing - before childbirth, the woman moves to another community house - the Tower, where it should give birth. Type of present maternity hospital. Where did this tradition of Kalash come from and do not remember themselves.

Interestingly, Kalashi chase the moonshine, the drink is strong even in Russian standards. And what would you think? From apricot! That's right. There is no stool in order to drive the stool.

By the way. Kalash has a very developed wood carving.

The special perception of the purity of nature and its preservation is a distinctive feature of this amazing people. In general, the cleanliness for them is sacred, as well as the ancient Ruscha, who observed the culture cult. And for the desecration of land and water could get very cruel punishment. The biggest sin from our ancestors was to throw garbage. People who polluted the earth or water despised and could even execute. And what is done now? How land should love us to carry such mockery ... or rather it does not endure.

Apparently you need to read the book of researcher Gennady Klimov "Birth of Russia", in which he is trying to figure out caverzny issues The stories "Who and from where it was?". And as I understand it proves that the resettlement of peoples was not from the south to the north, as masted historians convinced us, but on the contrary, from north to south.

Here it is, for example, describes that in the Tver region there are many remnants of "Varrov" - ring-shaped structures by the type of Arkaim on Southern Urals. Since wooden structures have long been rotted, only trees remained from them. And local historians cannot imagine what the cities of antiquity. If you reconstruct the Kalash dwellings on these shafts, then accurate copies of the Praslavan cities will arise.

The researcher also believes that they are very likely that they are descendants of ancient kimrov. Kalashi profess the variety of Zoroastrian religion. So they moved to the east after Kimrov's defeat in the War with Scythians. Most likely, they left Rus to Iran along with the Prophet Ubushtra.

High in the mountains of Pakistan on the border with Afghanistan, in the province of Nursan, several tiny plateaus are scattered. Locals calls this area of \u200b\u200bChintal. The unique and mysterious people live here - Kalashi. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that this Indo-European on the origin of the people managed to survive almost in the heart of the Islamic world.

Meanwhile, Kalashi confess not Islam, but polytheism (polybetos), that is, they are pagans. If Kalashi were a numerous people with a separate territory and statehood, their existence would hardly have anyone surprised, but today no more than 6 thousand people have been preserved - they are the most miniature and mysterious ethnic group of the Asian region.

Kalashi ( self-calf: kasivo; The name "Kalash" comes from the name of the area) - Nature in Pakistan, living in high-mountainous areas of Hindukusha (Nuristan or Kafirst). The number is about 6 thousand people. They were almost completely exterminated as a result of the Muslim genocide by the beginning of the 20th century, as they confess paganism. Lead a closed lifestyle. They speak the Kalash language of the Darque Group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200b(however, about half of the words of their language have no analogues in other Darodi languages, as in the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples). In Pakistan, the belief is common that Kalashi are descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonian (in connection with which the Government of Macedonia built a focus of culture in this area, see, for example, "Macedonia Gradi Kulturien Centur Kahu Huntsite in Pakistan"). The appearance of some kalays is characteristic of the North European peoples, there are often blue-eyed and blondism among them. In this case, part of the kalaks have a completely characteristic of the region asian appearance.

Religion of most Kalashov - paganism; Their pantheon has a lot of common features with a reconstructed ancient Aryan pantheon. The approval of some journalists that Kalashi worship "the ancient Greek gods" are unfounded. At the same time, about 3 thousand Kalashov - Muslims. The transition to Islam is not welcomed by Kalash, trying to preserve their generic identity. Kalashi are not descendants of the warriors of Alexander Macedonsky, and the North European appearance of the part of them is due to the preservation of the initial Indo-European Genofond as a result of a refusal of mixing with the progress of the non-Russian population. Along with the Kalash, representatives of the people of Hunza and some ethnic groups of Pamir residents, Persians, and others also possess similar anthropological characteristics.

Nordic Kalash

Scientists belong to the Kalash for the White Ross are a fact. Persons from many Kalashi - purely European. White skin, unlike Pakistanis and Afghans. And light and often have a needal eye - as a passport of incorrect Cafira. Eyes have blue, gray, green and very rarely brown. There is another touch, which does not fit into a common culture and life to the Muslims of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kalashi have always been manufactured for themselves and enjoyed furniture. They eat at the table, sitting on the chairs, - excesses that have never been inherent in local "aborigines" and appeared in Afghanistan and Pakistan only with the arrival of the British in the XVII-XIH centuries, but did not fit. And Kalashi, the time of centuries used the tables and chairs ...

Horse warriors of Kalashi. Museum in Islamabad. Pakistan.

At the end of the first millennium, Islam came to Asia, and with him the misfortunes of Indo-European and in particular the people of Kalashov, who did not want to change the faith of ancestors to the Avramic "Teaching of the Book." Survive in Pakistan, confessing paganism, is almost hopeless. Local Muslim communities persistently tried to force the Kalash to accept Islam. And many Kalashi were forced to obey: either to live, accepting a new religion, or die. In the XVIII-nineteenth centuries, Muslim was cut out by thousands of thousands. Those who have not obeyed and at least secretly sent pagan cults, the authorities at best chased with fertile lands, driving into the mountains, and more often - destroyed.
The cruel genocide of the People of Kalash continued until the middle of the XIX century, while the tiny territory, which Muslims called Kafirstan (the land of incorrect), where Kalashi lived, did not come under the jurisdiction of the British Empire. It saved them from full extermination. But now Kalashi is on the verge of extinction. Many are forced to assimilate (through marriage) with Pakistanis and Afghans, taking Islam, it is easier to survive and get a job, education, position.

Kalash village

Life of modern Kalash can be called Spartan. Kalashi live by communities - it is easier to survive. They live in homes that build out of stone, wood and clay. The roof of the lower house (floor) is simultaneously the floor or veranda of the house of another family. Of all the amenities in the hut: the table, chairs, benches and clay dishes. About electricity and television Kalashi know only the first. Shovel, hoe and kylo - they are clearer and more familiar. Life resources they draw in agriculture. Kalashi manage to grow wheat and other grain crops on lands separated from stone. But the main role in their livelihoods is played by cattle, mainly goats, which give the descendants of the ancient Aryans milk and milk products, wool and meat.

In everyday life, a clear and unshakable division of duties is striking: men are first in labor and hunting, women only help them in the least laborious operations (weeding, daughter, household). In the house, men sit at the head of the table and take all the significant solutions in the family (in the community). For women in each settlement, Bologna is built - a separate house where women communities give birth to children and spend time in " critical days". Woman to give birth to a child. Woman Kalash is obliged only in the Bashlengi, and therefore pregnant ladies settle in the" maternity hospital ". From where such a tradition came, no one knows, but other segregation and discriminatory trends in relation to women in Kalash is not observed that he infuriates and laughs Muslims. which are because of this belong to the Kalamas as people not from the world of this ...

Marriage. This scrupulous question is solved exclusively parents of young. They can advise with young, can talk to the bride's parents (groom), and can solve the problem without asking their opinions.

Kalashi do not know the weekend, but they have fun and pretty celebrating 3 holidays: Yoshi is a sowing holiday, the studio of the harvest, and Choymus - Winter holiday of nature gods, when Kalashi ask Gods to send them a soft winter and good spring and summer.
During Choymus, every family scores a goat as a sacrifice, whose meat is treated for everyone who goes to visit or will meet on the street.

Kalashi language, or Kalash - Language of the Dartern Group of Indoran Branch Indo-European language family. It is common among the Kalashai in several Gindukusha Valleys, the south-west of the city of Chitral in the North-West Border Province of Pakistan. Belonging to the Darque subgroup is in question, since a little more than half of words are similar to those equivalent to the meaning in the language of Khowar, which also enters this subgroup. From the point of view of phonology, HEEGARD & MORCH 2004.

In Kalash language, the basic vocabulary composition of Sanskrit is very well preserved, for example:

Russian Kalash Sanskrit Head Shish Shish Bone Athi Asthi Water Mutra Mutra Village Grom Gram Loop Rajuk Rajju Smoke Thum Dhum Oil Tel Tel Meat Mos Mas Dog Shua Shva Ant Pililak Pipilika Son Putr Putr Long Diriga Dirgha Eight Ashta Broken Chhina Chhinna Kill Nash Nash

In the 1980s, the development of writing for the Kalash language in two versions was based on Latin and Persian graphics. The Persian version turned out to be preferable and in 1994 the illustrated alphabet and reading a book on Kalash language based on Persian graphics came out. In the 2000s, an active transition to Latin font began. In 2003, the alphabet "KAL" AS "A ALIBE" was issued.

Religion and Culture Kalash

The first researchers and missionaries began to penetrate Cafyristan after the colonization of India, but under this surround information about its inhabitants provided the English doctor Georg Scott Robertson, who visited Kafiristan in 1889 and lived there during the year. The uniqueness of the Robertson expedition is that they were assembled material on the rites and traditions of kafirs to the Islamic invasion. Unfortunately, a number of collected materials were lost when crossing the ind to India during his return to India. Nevertheless, the preserved materials and personal memories allowed him to publish in 1896 the book "Kafirs of Hindu-Kush" ("The Kafirs of Hindu-Kush").

The pagan temple of Kalash. In the center of the generic post.

Based on the observations of the religious and ritual side of the life of Kafirs made by Robertson, it is possible that their religion is reminiscent of transformed Zoroastrianism and the cults of the ancient Aryans. The main arguments in favor of this approval are the attitude towards the fire and the funeral rite. Below we will describe some traditions, religious foundations, religious buildings and krafir rites.

Labor pillar in the temple

The main, "metropolitan" of Kafirov was a village called "Cammesh". The houses of Kamdysh were located in steps on the slopes of the mountains, so the roof of one house was a yard for another. The houses were richly decorated with a sophisticated wooden carvings. Fieldworks Not men, but women, although men pre-cleaned the field from stones and fallen logs. Men at this time were engaged in sewing clothes, ritual dancing on rural square and solving public affairs.

Priest has a fiery altar.

The main object of worship was the fire. In addition to fire, Kafira worshiped wooden idols, which were cut out skillfully craftsmen and exhibited in the sanctuations. Pantheon consisted of many gods and goddesses. The main thing was the God of Imra. Also very revered was the god of war gisha. Each village had his petty patron god. The world, according to believing, was inhabited by a lot of good and evil spirits.

Single pillar with a stewy outlet

For comparison - the traditional pattern characteristic of Slavs and Germans

V. Sarianidi, relying on the testimony of Robertson, describes the cult facilities like this:

"... The main temple of Imra was in one of the villages and was a large construction with a square portico, the roof of which was supported by carved wooden columns. Some of the columns were completely decorated with sculptural heads of the rams, others had only at the base of the animal, horns in a round terrain Which, whining the barrel of the column and intersecting, rose up, forming a peculiar openwork grid. In its empty cells, the sculptural figures of funny men were located.

It is here, under a portion, on a special stone, blackened from bored blood, and numerous animal sacrifices were performed. The front facade of the temple had seven doors, famous in that each of them was still arranged on one small door. Large doors were tightly closed, only two side opened, and even that in particularly solemn cases. But the main interest was the sash of doors, decorated with fine carvings and huge embossed figures that were portrayed by the Sitting God. Especially amazing the face of God with a huge square chin, reaching almost the knees! In addition to the figures of God, Imra Facade of the Temple adorned images of huge heads of cows and rams. From the opposite side of the temple, five colossal figures supported by its roof were installed.

By walking around the temple and admiring him with a carved "shirt", look through a small hole inside, which, however, you need to make a sneaking, so as not to offend the religious feelings of kafirs. In the middle of the room in a cool dusk can be seen directly on the floor square focus, in the corners of which poles are installed, also covered with amazingly thin threads, which is an image of human faces. On the opposite wall of the wall, an altar framed by images of animals is arranged; In the corner under a special Baldakhin there is a wooden statue of God himself. The remaining walls of the temple are decorated with carved hats of the wrong hemispherical shape planted on the ends of the poles. ... Separate temples were built only for the main gods, and for the minor, one sanctuary for several Goddow was erected. So, there were small chemisters with carved windows, of which the faces of different wooden idols peeking out. "

Labor pole

Among the most important rituals There were a choice of elders, cooking wine, sacrifices of gods and burial. Like most rituals, the choice of elders was accompanied by mass sacrifices of goats and abundant treats. Elections of the chief elder (Justa) were made by elders from among the elders. These elections were also accompanied by the reading of sacred hymns dedicated to the gods, sacrifices and treats the gathered elders in the candidate's house:

"... the priests present on the feast sit down in the center of the room, wound a magnificent turban on his head, richly decorated with shells, red glass beads, and in front of Archie twigs. His ears are minisanied by earrings, on the neck wearing a massive necklace, and on the hand - bracelets. A long shirt, reaching the knees, freely descends on embroidered pants, tired in boots with long-tops. On top of this clothing, a bright silk Badakhshansky bathrobe is taken, a dance ritual actuator is covered in his hand.

Labor pole

Here is one of the sitting elders slowly gets up and, riding her head with white matter, stands forward. He takes off his boots, thoroughly my hands and starts sacrifices. Handbooks of two huge mountain goats, he depends on a stream of blood vessel, and then, approaching the dedication, draws his blood on his forehead. The door to the room will be distinguished, and the servants make huge caravas of breads with branches stuck in them. These caravas are solemnly separated around the dedication. Then after another abundant treat, the hour of ritual dancing occurs. Dance boots and special scarves, which they pull the lower back are distributed to several guests. Pine torches light up, and ritual dancing and chants begin in honor of numerous gods. "

Another important rite of kafirs was the rite of preparation of grape wines. To prepare wine, a man was elected, who, thoroughly kneading his legs, began to press the grape borders brought by women. Grape borders were hampered in wicker baskets. After a thorough crush, the grape juice looked into huge jugs and left for fermentation.

Kapache with tribades