Memory Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. Photo Gallery

Memory Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. Photo Gallery
Memory Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. Photo Gallery

11:26 | 10.11.2017

Inna Zolazhkova

"Observer" decided to remember how a famous comedian looked in different years, including death.

reference. Mikhail Zadornovborn in Jurmala in 1948. She graduated from Riga school, then moved to Moscow, where he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a specialty engineer mechanic. In 1974-1978, he worked at the same institute at the Department of 204 "Aviation-Space Heat Engineering" by an engineer, then the leading engineer.

In 1984 he became the head of the department of satire and humor in the journal "Youth".

He made his debut at the television screen in 1982 with a monologue of a student's letter home. The real popularity came in 1984, when Zadornov read his story "ninth car". Stories and miniatures Zadornov read many famous artists from the stage, and since the late 1980s, he began to perform his works. Since the beginning of the 1990s, Zadornov has been the author and leading known television shows, such as "Anshag", "Smecoopanoram", "Satirical forecast", "Mother's daughters".

I wrote about 15 books with stories of different character: from lyrics to satire.

For many years toured in Russia, speaking with humorous sketches and stories.

In early October 2016, it became known that Zadornov was sick of brain cancer.

Today on November 10, 2017 it became known about the death of the writer. About the disease of the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov became known at the end of last year. Doctors diagnosed brain cancer.

In Chelyabinsk, the evening of memory Mikhail Zadornov will be held

On Wednesday, December 13, in the Central Library named after Pushkin in Chelyabinsk will be held the evening of memory of Mikhail Zadornova - a meeting will hold a blogger, a member of the club "Poetic Wednesday" Alexey Borovikov, reports the correspondent of the news agency "Access"

The exhibition "Zadornov: Father and Son" will introduce guests with publications and works of two well-known writers.

Mikhail Zadornov loved to position himself not only as a Satiri writer, but also as an amateur philologist, an amateur historian, as well as the author of documentaries. In memory of Michael Zadornov, a piercing documentary film "To the Father on the Edge of the Earth" was created, the basis of which was the journey to the places, the famous creativity of his father - Nikolay Zadornov, the author of historical novels about the development of Siberia and the Far East by Russian pioneers in the XIX century.

Recall that Mikhail Zadornov passed from life on November 10, 2017 after a long fight against brain cancer. Satirik was 69 years old.

Creepy photo of the changed Zadornov in a coffin

The artist mustache and turned into a deep old man. Oncologist explained what happened.

Since the death of Writer-Satirik Mikhail Zadornova passed 11 days. To say goodbye to him, we remind, they were not everyone - the family spent the chamber ceremony "for loved ones" in the Moscow region, and go to the Panhid to Latvia, where the artist wanted to continue, may not be.

Natives assure that Zadornov with irony referred to their popularity, and therefore did not want to make a secular event from farewell to him. But probably the matter in the other: during the fight against the brain tumor, the writer lost much, and the family did not want Mikhail Nikolayevich to see this. Indeed, judging by the photographs that appeared in the "express newspaper" in the body lying in the coffin it was difficult to find out satiri.

About cancer often say: "He ate him." And in the case of Zadornov, horrely, as an incurable disease ulods a person. Wood cheeks, a bonillion of the nose, an elongated face - in a grain 69-year-old artist looked like a 90-year-old dried old man.

During the last appearance in the public in October 2016, Mikhail Nikolayevich already looked no matter - he was very thin, it was noticeable that he had a little trembled his hands, sometimes he dropped leaflets with prepared jokes. The humorist had to bend and raise them - and each time the audience was encouragingly applauded. "Now I know how to deserve success," the artist laughed at himself.

Two years ago, he had 74 kilograms in 176 centimeters. But in the last months of the disease, as his relatives they say, lost 20 kilograms, and his look was horror. "In case of cancer, a person begins to lose weight very much, by about 11-16% per month, - told oncologist. - The fact is that the development of cancellation makes the body work faster, that is, speeds up the metabolism, which is responsible for the speed of transformation of food into energy. Chemical substances called cytokines affect the operation of normal cells. High levels of cytokines provoked by cancer interfere with the exchange processes between fats and proteins. This leads to the loss of muscle mass, and also affects the brain head center, controlling hunger.

"For me, he was the senior comrade" - the last muse Mikhail Zadornov

The last Museum of Zadornov was actress Marina Orlova. Actress, singer, screenwriter, composer and producer, and also - Last Muse Mikhail Zadornov: All this is about the 31-year-old Marina Orlova, who worked with satirik lately.

Care from the life of Mikhail Zadernaya attracted the attention of another person - his Musa Marina Orlova. The 31-year-old actress, famous thanks to the series on TNT and STS, in recent years worked a lot with satyrik. "Gazeta.Ru" - about Zadornov's cathedrier.

After the death of Mikhail Zadornov, the media, despite the requests of the artist's family, could not resist the hype - the figure was left too important for the Russian pop. Suddenly, the actress Marina Orlova suddenly attracted special attention, which is called the latest Satiri Museum.
31-year-old artist - singer, screenwriter, producer and composer - over recent years worked with Mikhail Zadornov, speaking with him on stage and participating in tour. They met in 2013 on the initiative of Satirik. Having heard the song that Orlova performed, Zadornov called her and offered to work together. "We sang in his humorous concerts. Mikhail Nikolayevich carried out my dream. He was my real, big, intelligent friend, whom I will miss, "shared his memories of Orlov in one of the interviews.

Despite the fact that most of the public knows Marina as an actress of youth series, the musical talent has manifested itself much earlier than the acting - Orlova fell before he began to speak. In three years, she has already written her first "Lullaby" song (which he fulfilled the "native people" in the series 20 years).

In school years, interest in music began to manifest even more active. Changes with classmates Future actress preferred an assembly hall, where she could perform songs of their own essay. At one such concerts, she once noticed the director of the music school, after which he took Marina to his music school without exams in the middle of the school year.

It became known what she asked for zadrons from relatives, before he stopped talking and lost consciousness

As it turned out, several weeks at satiri was amnesia, he did not recognize his relatives who were constantly near. The last week before the death of Zadornov could not speak, then lost consciousness at all.

the symbol of the family told what the death will Mikhail Zadornov was, reports "Russian Dialogue" with reference to "KP". "Shortly before the care of Zadornov said that he wants to go to Jurmala.

He said to his relatives: they say, everything you can, in the treatment I tried - nothing helps. I just want to live how much God gives, next to you, not in the hospital walls, "the clinic worker said, in which he spent the last days of life a humorist writer.

Nearby intended to fulfill the last will of the patient, but because of the sharp deterioration of the state of health, it was not possible to take it to their homeland.

Farewell to Mikhail Zadornov: Both wives of Satirik conducted it in the last way

Early in the morning in the temple of Alexander Nevsky on Brivibas Street in Riga began a farewell to Mikhail Zadornov. At first, anyone could go to church and say the last "sorry and forgive" to the beloved many people. From 11 to 12 am, the temple was closed so that relatives and loved ones could be with him without witnesses. Then the doors opened again. Of course, in the hall were both wives Mikhail Nikolayevich.

The first spouse, 69-year-old Well, Yanovna Kalnberzin, on which he married in 1971. And 53-year-old Elena Bombina, which became the Museum of the Writer and in 1990 gave birth to his daughter, Elena. The relationship between the two women was even - they did not cross, and scenes of jealousy did not rush each other. The press reported that the general grief was rallied and they had a hand in hand care about Michelovic's sick. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that they were together on farewell to my expensive men.

About a thousand people came to say goodbye to Mikhail Zadornov. While people waited for the opening of the door of the temple, they poured tea and coffee - so that they could get warm. Among those who came, we saw the mayor of Riga Neil Ushakov, a businessman Alexander Shekman, local deputies and entrepreneurs.

Mikhail Zadornova's sister, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, held out of the last strength. The neighbors of a woman told us that she was in a very depressed state. Almost all his life she lived with her mother. She died about fifteen years ago, and her brother left. When the "ambulance" coach arrived to the temple, which was bad to Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

After a goodbye, close on a special bus went to the Jurmala cemetery to say the last words of Mikhail Zadornov. The writer will be buried next to her parents.

Mikhail Zadornov fans in Riga conducted it with applause

The car with the body of Satirik Mikhail Zadornov, whose funeral passed in the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky in Riga, went to the cemetery in Jurmala. The gloves of people spent her long applause, RIA Novosti reports.

When the car went out from the territory of the cathedral, the fans of the writer surrounded it. Many could not hold back tears.

In Russia, Satirik said goodbye on November 12 in one of the near Moscow clinics. At first, the ceremony was held in closed mode, but around the clinic gathered about a hundred people and later they were allowed to say goodbye to her favorite artist.

People stand in line for the Temple of Alexander Nevsky in Riga, to say goodbye to Satyric Mikhail Zadornov. November 15, 2017.

Zadornov was born in July 1948. He made his debut on teleex in 1982, but the real popularity came to him in two years. Zadornov wrote more than ten books, among his works - lyrical and satirical stories, humorings, essays, tread notes and plays. Laureate of Golden Calf Awards, "Ovation".

In Riga, the temple has a queue in front of Zadornov

At the Church of Alexander Nevsky in Riga, where Satirik Mikhail Zadornov, who had left the life of Satirika Mikhail Zadornov, was lined up, a queue of more than 100 people, Gazeta.Ru correspondent reports.

It is noted that in the church itself the place has already ended, and people continue to arrive on the street in front of the building.

The funeral should begin at 12.00 Moscow time.

After the fizz and farewell, the body of Zadornov will be taken to Jurmala and will be buried on the Kemetery of Yaundubults.

Ground Pannie dismissed Zadornov

The scandalous actor Alexey Panin decided to take revenge on the offenders of Mikhail Zadornov. He sharply answered the video block manager Yuri Khovansky.

The artist called the Internet star Pat Moodie and Chepushil. Thus, he reacted into provocative statements of a blogger about the death of the famous satirist. "Some Pathashnik from the ass Leningrad sits with a bottle of beer and talks about Mikhail Nikolaevich. Who are you, ***, chepushal? Where are Zadornov and where are you? And the most disgusting that these people have their audience and have access to media space, "Panin outraged during direct broadcast in the Hype application, reports.

The actor said that Khovansky simply wants to reconsee on the death of celebrities. Panin admitted that he found out about the blogger after his offensive statements about Mikhail Zadornov. The artist assures that before that did not hear anything about the popular Internet worker. We will remind, earlier, wrote that Khovansky allowed himself several times to insult the died satirist. In his Twitter, he wrote that he was absolutely not sorry for Zadornov. According to the blogger, the artist was engaged in propaganda hatred.

"Khokhli, Gays, Americans, Liberals, he considered all unborn and hard lowered, giving it for jokes. Here is God's and "joked" over Michal Nikolaich - everything is in facts, "said Khovansky. When the blogger's subscribers began to point out to him that such phrases are unacceptable, he began to justify: "The meaning was not that I am mad at death, but in the fact that I refuse to show empathy towards a person who felt extremely selectively . He always smirked the same Khokhlov or Americans and said: "They deserved themselves." So deserved. "

On this Khovansky did not stop, and began to express impartial things about journalists. Blider assured that the media distorted his words and put it in a disadvantage. "It's funny to observe how the media pounced selectively quote my tweet about the death of Zadornov. In fact, I put me an instagram model, which during Selfie smiled and wrote that it was not sorry for her, "Hovansky was outraged in his twitter.

Maxim Galkin told Mikhail Zadornov's family and his refusal to treatment

On the morning of November 10, it became known about the death of 69-year-old Mikhail Zadornov. Shortly after this, the spouse of Humorist Elena Bombina and his older sister Lyudmila appealed to medical care. The other day, 41-year-old Maxim Galkin said that he was now going on in the Satirik family, and also revealed the truth about his religion and refusal to treatment.

In 2016, the public learned about the terrible diagnosis of Mikhail Zadornov. For more than a year, the famous satiri fought with a brain tumor, but on November 10, 2017 he died.

Soon after that, the media appeared in the media that medical assistance was needed by the wife of the writer Elena Bombina and his older sister Lyudmila.

The other day, Maxim Galkin appeared in the studio of the program "Let them speak" and told about what is happening in the Satirik family now. According to the wife of Alla Pugacheva, Zadornov always tried to protect his relatives from the annoying attention of the press, because they worried about them.

"He always defeated his family from prying eyes.

Now, when he was sick, his relatives were face to face with the annoying attention of the paparazzi and journalists. They were not ready for this, they are quiet, intelligent, modest people. They do not want it, and he also did not want it, "Maxim explained.

"Let them say" - about the life and death of Satirik Mikhail Zadonov. Video

Galkin denied the information that Zadornov refused treatment. Male Primateonna said that Mikhail really applied to alternative medicine, but all this time he passed the course under the supervision of doctors.

Also Maxim told that

contrary to general opinion, in fact, Mikhail studied paganism, while remaining an Orthodox Christian.

According to Galkina, Zadornov baptized more than twenty years ago.

The humorist stressed that the writer's family now dreams that the public does not tolerate the details of his illness, and recalled his work.

In the release of the current show "Let them say" Maxim Galkin told about the last days of Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. He stressed the desire to deceased finding the way to cure. The TV host asked the public to leave a bright memory of the writer alone.

In the recent release of a popular current show on the first channel "Let them speak" the topic of the program was the death of the popular satirik and writer Mikhail Zadornov. The present discussed many facts from the life of the deceased. Many good words were told in support of the family. Partially spoke about the treatment of Mikhail Nikolayevich.

Maxim Galkin told the public about the desire of Mikhail Zadornov, to the last to fight cancer for the opportunity to live. Galkin also confirmed the fact of the treatment of satiri to unconventional treatment methods.

In memory of the writer, Pugacheva's husband asked everyone to stop exciting Zadornov's family with new publications and the lookout of unknown details. According to Galkina, family and relatives are seriously experiencing a bitter loss.

The famous Showman and resident "Comedy Club" was very outraged by the journalist Opus Yuri Singery, who came out after half an hour after the death of Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. Singers called Zadornov, who was strongly influenced by the collision of Russia with the West, the author of one topic. That is why Zadornov in their speeches ridiculed the Americans and exalted the seven of the Russian people. Slepakov praised the journalist of the sister for efficiency, rigidity, advocacy, and even for the content of the article. Because it is very easy to criticize a person who will not be able to answer.

Semen Slepakov admitted that he was not a fan of Mikhail Zadornov. But at one time Satirik's speeches caused laughter not only from him, and his parents, their environments. Semen called Mikhail Nikolayevich really cool satirit, and performances - a real event. Zadornov never went to jumped and ridiculed it just not the Americans, but as far as the Russian people were grooming, finding in the most difficult life conditions. Slepakov says that no Americans are at all trolls, but we. However, he did it so that it was not insulting to us.

Of course, it was good and went to the Americans, but Satiri was not right here, because America is our "guiding star", the sacred cow, which cannot be touched. And here only a nearby person could think that Zadornov is proud of the fact that the bowels of Russia are stored in tights.

Also Semyon Slepakov noted that Mikhail Nikolayevich humor was high-quality, and absolutely nothing was groaning in the fact that he borrowed some ideas. Here the main thing was the feed, because many tried to do the same, but they didn't get completely ridiculous.

Stated the date and place of Mikhail Zadornov's funeral

From November 9, Satirik Mikhail Zadornova, who left the life of November 9, will be buried on November 15 near his father at the Kemetery of Yaundubults in Latvian Jurmala. This was reported by the Zadornov family on his page in the social network "VKontakte".

Relatives expressed gratitude to everyone who supported them in "these hard days."

"Thank you for the warm words, sympathy that you are delicacy. We always knew that Mikhail is an intelligent spectator, "the report says.

It is also clarified that the funeral will be held on Wednesday at 11:00 in the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky in Riga.

Fans are outraged by the act of relatives Zadornov

Not everyone can say goodbye to the Satyrian writer. Natives do not want hypers and other people's eyes.

Farewell to Satyricist Mikhail Zadornov is scheduled for 13 o'clock Sundays, November 12th. But not all will be able to give the last debt to the artist. And it is very indignant of the artist fans.

In Moscow, the mass of decent halls, where it would be possible to put a coffin - the house of writers on the Big Nikitskaya street. Estrada Theater on Bersenevskaya Embankment. There, Zadornov had more than once, played. But relatives for the farewell chose the ritual hall of the Morga private clinic "Medsi", located in the Moscow region. From the Metro end station there you have to get on the minibus.

However. If you can go and succeed, then the Hall itself will be empty if the clinic is, as they say, is securely guarded. Relatives wished to be present only a narrow circle of people - the closest and relatives. For journalists, the entrance to the mourning ceremony will be closed. They say, rearrangers with irony referred to their popularity and therefore should not be made from the farewell to him a secular event. In addition, during the disease, he has changed a lot, lost weight, and their relatives do not want Mikhail Nikolayevich to see such.

After a panehide, Zadornov's body is exclusively terrestrial transport, as he wanted to transport to Latvia. There, the writer will send in the church of St. Alexander Nevsky in Riga. In this temple, in which satirika is baptized 30 years ago. Zadornov will be buried in Native Jurmala in the grave of the Father. Such was the last Will of Satirik.

"Ruor Epochs": How Russia says goodbye to Zadornov

"Part of our culture": how fans said goodbye to Mikhail Zadornov

Fans were able to say goodbye to the writer Mikhail Zadornov, despite the closed nature of the ceremony, which was held on Sunday, on November 12, in one of the near Moscow clinics. Farewell itself was quiet and modest, as the writer's family wanted. Meanwhile, the Russian media space is already boiling passion about how to evaluate the literary heritage of the famous satirist.

During the closed farewell ceremony with Mikhail Zadornov, who held today in one of the near Moscow clinics, gathered near the building fans allowed to say goodbye to the artist.

About one hundred people came to the hospital building. According to RIA Novosti, people had to wait at least one and a half hours - the representative of the artist family first informed the present that, at the request of Mikhail Nikolayevich himself and his family, the ceremony will pass in closed mode.

According to the native satiries, Zadornov "ironically referred to publicity" and always guarded the life of close to "alien annoying intervention."

On the official page of Zadornov in the social network "Vkontakte" a message was published from his family: "You all know about the irony of Mikhail to public. He always guarded his and our lives from someone else's annoying intervention. Please show respect for his desire not to create a bustle around his death, "says in the post.

Also, Mikhail Zadornova also stressed that they did not agree to "public discussions of his life and death in various talk shows and other television programs, in print media and on the radio."

The event was closed not only for fans of the talent and creativity of Zadornov, but also for journalists - security did not miss the press on the farewell ceremony.

The ceremony lasted for almost two hours.

After friends and loved ones were forgiven with the artist, the fans were allowed to honor the memory of the deceased.

The open part of the ceremony at the request of relatives was very modest and occupied about 20 minutes, ITAR-TASS reports. The came the flowers to the photos of Mikhail Zadornov, after which the hall was closed, and everyone asked to leave the territory of the hospital complex.

"He was so man for me that washed in his heart. He was always close to the people, understood the problems, endured them in a satirical form, did not offend anyone. He was a nationwide favorite. Such humor, probably, no one else will. I considered my duty to come here, "said RIA" Novosti "by one of the versators of Zadornov, a young man named Mikhail.

The desire of fans to see the last time with the artist was expected.

In cases when it comes to the death of a similar scale, the farewell ceremony is usually carried out in the Central House of Lithuania: In April, I was kept here on the last path of the poet Evgenia Yevtushenko, in May - Journalist and blogger Anton Anton Noste, in July - Daniel Danierey film critic .

Unlike devotees of satiri fans who came to the hospital building, representatives of the creative community responded to the death of Zadornov in different ways.

So a well-known journalist Yuri Saprykin called Zadornova by the author of one topic.

"His grinding injury from the collision with the West, not military, and psychological, shock from" departure to a foreign trip ". 100 grades of sausages, streets wash with shampoo, in the entrances purely and light bulbs burn, "wrote Saprykin in his article.

According to him, Satiri's ridicule over Russian curvature "is replaced by admiration for the Russian smelling - conditional" Americans ", fanatically the following instructions and laws, look like a stupid."

Saprykin also recalls one dialogue from an old story in the journal "Youth": "As a patient of a mental hospital presents, which is the interview in scouts:" Do you speak language? - In excellence! - You will stick brands for envelopes! ". "Very similar to a brief summary of all" geopolitical research "Zadornov," writes a journalist.

The article by Saprykin, for his part, sharply responded by the author of humorous songs, the star Comedy Club Semen Slepakov, expressing the opinion that the journalist is unlikely to understand Zodornov's jokes.

"Well done. First, promptly. Secondly, the chlestko, rigidly and meaningful. Without any snot there. Died? Well, on - catch! " - Posted on his page on Facebook Slepakov.

According to him, "Zadornov was a really steep satyrik." "His concerts were an event that collected the entire country from the screens and eight years ago, on a hundred again, they gave the Nefig ratings to the Ren-TV channel. He was not vulgar. He was witty. He had a coolest feed. He wrote a huge amount of quality material. He was very different from his fellow humorists, whose names will not pronounce Vueu, "said the actor.

Slepakov clarified that Zadornov criticized the United States in the 90s, when "Russia" scary wanted "to be friends with the Americans, and they are" fun ... we are on the head. " According to the humorist, "maybe not because of such as Zadornov we have problems, but because we do not appreciate the fact that we appear? This is the same part of our culture, as - in no way. Not Gogol, of course, but the rugers of the era. "

"I somehow hardly imagine that after the death of George Carlin in America, a similar article came out about him. It makes only pleased that after the death of Yuri Saprykin, no article will not come out if he, of course, does not make a self-supersion in a crowded place. God forbid. I apologize for the sharpness, "wrote Slepakov.

The post caused an ambiguous user reaction: Some remembered the unsuccessful speeches of Zadornov, others thanked Slepakov for the fact that he had to protect satirika.

Mikhail Zadornov died on the 70th year of life. For a long time, he was treated from an oncological disease. According to the will, the body of Zadornova will be delivered to Latvia, where he will be buried in the grave of Satirik's father - at the Yaundubult cemetery in Jurmala.

Earlier condolences to the family of Zadornov, in connection with the death writer, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed himself.

"Mikhail Nikolaevich was a talented writer, a master of a sharp word and instant improvisation. He possessed his position, system of values, a very personal look at what was happening. All this was in his books, stories, miniatures and monologues, "- reported on the website of the government

Several dozen fans of Zadornov gathered at the hospital, where the farewell ceremony passes

The farewell ceremony passes the hospital in the suburbs.

Several dozen fans of Mikhail Zadornov gathered at the hospital in the Moscow region, where the farewell ceremony with the artist passes. The ceremony is in closed mode.

According to TASS, residents of Moscow and other cities arrived at the hospital to say goodbye to Zadornov.

"When I found out that today there will be a farewell with Mikhail Zadornov, I decided to come here. I listened to the speeches of Zadornov with great pleasure on television and radio, several times was at his concerts, "said Sergey Ananyev, a resident of Klin.

People who are present at the ceremony admitted that Satiri's speeches had a serious impact on their lives.

According to the last will of Satirik, his body will be delivered to Latvia, where he will be buried next to his father.

In the Russian Federation today will be held a closed farewell ceremony with satyrik Mikhail Zadornov

In Russia, today will be held in a closed part of parting with Satyrian writer Mikhail Zadornov, who died on November 10 at the age of 69, reports TASS.

According to the report, the farewell will begin at 13:00 (Moscow time) in the ritual hall of the Morga Clinical Hospital "Medshi", where Satirik lived his last minutes.

The guards of the medical center are already in complete readiness and are not allowed to the territory of the institution of journalists.

"At the request of Mikhail Nikolayevich himself and his native farewell ceremony will be held in closed mode. Only close friends and relatives will take part in it, "the representative of the clinic security service, duty at the entrance, noted the publication.

As you know, after the farewell ceremony, Zadornov's body, according to his last will, will be delivered to Latvia, where he will be buried next to his father.

"You all know about the irony of Mikhail to publicity. He always guarded his and our lives from someone else's annoying intervention. Please show respect for his desire not to create a bustle around his death, "- quotes the publication of the message of the Satirik family on his official page in VKontakte.

In addition, native Zadornov noted that they did not give consent to "public discussions of his life and death in various talk shows and other television programs, in print media and on the radio."

Recall, Zadornov died in the morning of November 10 after a long struggle against the oncological disease. The subtle irony made it the most popular and recognizable humorist in the Soviet Union, whose monologues did not stop even for the New Year's congratulations to the President, but with the beginning of the 2000s its popularity began to fade.

Public opinion: Zadornov was the most effective means against depression of the 1990s

Writer and Satir Mikhail Zadornov Died on the 70th year of life after a long fight against the oncological disease. Members of social networks and colleagues remember humorist.

Evgeny Petrosyan, humorist, TV presenter: Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov - a unique phenomenon in the genre of humorous. In addition, it was one of the most witty people in the genre, I believe that he was a philosopher in humor, helped people practically navigate in life.

His humor helped us understand what is the meaning of the current moment in a particular area of \u200b\u200bour life. As an artist, he did not die, he will remain a long-decade of useful people, so he will live.

Semyon Altov, writer, satirist: I remember the time when we were close. Together performed, starred in the cinema. It was a man with a huge energy. No one of us, people working in this genre, was not. He gave his energy to people. Millions of people. Probably she ended.

Nikolay Kamnev, businessman, blogger: Interestingly, by the time of the departure of Mikhail Zadornov, Russia became like the West in many household damns, which struck him 30 years ago, and the American institutions really look like a misfortune. Bright memory. Man and Satyric, whom I remember since the time of the program "around laughter" with Ivanov.

Mikhail Kovalev, political analyst: The greatest merit of Satirik Zadornov was the fight against the curse "Russia for sad". He put in this his personal "I", not only the acting.

Emma Lavrinovich, Director of the BKZ Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky": We worked with Mikhail Nikolayevich for a very long time. We had a unique story when we held creative meetings with Zadornov for several years in a row, and every month.

When we offered him such a format, he was very surprised: "How is it? Once a month? And the audience will be?! " I answered: "Do not worry, Mikhail Nikolaevich! I feel that there will be ... "

And once a month he came to St. Petersburg, always collecting the full halls. Very and very sorry. Unwittingly think that the best of the best leaves. And it is very sad.

By the way, coming to Petersburg even in his personal deeds, Mikhail Nikolaevich still called our administrators. And we ordered him a hotel, met him ... In general, we always found time to talk with him.

Alexey Bogoslovsky, blogger: We all knew that he was dying from cancer. Death was not unexpected. I still feel sorry that he left life. We are accustomed that there is someone to apply to us, to make it up with our jokes, talk about the serious problems of life, and now it is not. Zadornov was a phenomenon at the Soviet and later Russian stage, and a self-sustained phenomenon, which could not be closed, refusing to him in other people's texts. He had his own texts, their images, their thoughts.

Therefore, all sorts of attempts to compare it, for example, with Khazanov just humiliate Zadornov. In the last two decades, he, in fact, was the only satyrian and humorist, the rest of the claimants (except the killed fighter with Evdokimov's corruption) simply bung off and picked up under the pressure of restructuring. It is hard to remain a person and be at the same time in the first rows in our time, but Zadornov it was able.

Egor Kholmogorov, Publicist: It seems the only of the Poznovtsky Satiriks Pleiads, he belonged to the national majority: moreover, there was the son of a well-known Soviet writer, the author of the novels about Nevelsky and Muravyov-Amur.

The descendants will undoubtedly appreciate its role as in the destroying ridiculation of Soviet reality, and - to an even greater degree - in the formation of Putin's anti-American consensus.

His "Well, the Americans are stupid", perhaps the most effective means against the nationwide Russian depression of 1980-1990. After ridicule Zadornov over the Americans, a simple viewer again wanted to live, and live in Russia.

Then he was fascinated by a birthday, encrypting and folk etymology. The latter was a shade, but in search of the Pranodina Rurik, even though I was skeptical to cruel, there is nothing token, on the contrary, very useful.

Died Zadornov as a good Orthodox Christian, having confronted and coming. Yes, the Lord stops him with the world, does not charge for sins and pay for good deeds, in particular for putting his ambiguous talent to the service to the Russian people.

Alexey Zhivov, public figure: the only Russian - so I would call this outstanding writer, thinker, humorist. Yes, Zadornov wrote books.

Where in the midst of the sparkling humor, he always overtakes grind the evil and acute social philosophy of the Russian man. And these books should be read.

The toastness of the Russian mind Zadornov started the ship of his life in different harbor. He is the first and only one who formed the Russian civilization discourse on the mass stage. Having highlighted our Russian peculiarity and excellence in the pretty attractiveness, which can be laughed, but can not be loved.

Zadornov's life is love. Love for your father, to the Motherland, to the Russian people. To Russian history.

Zadornov alone bit the Norman theory, again, not like a dusty and unpopular historian, but as one of the most famous Russian humorists. And brought a rustle to the entire historical and cultural world.

Galkin spoke about the last meeting with Zadornov

According to Galkina, Zadornov called him a year ago and spoke about the illness.

TV presenter Maxim Galkin spoke about the last meeting with Mikhail Zadornov. Satirik said he wants to say goodbye. Galkin wrote about this on his page in Instagram.

"A year ago he called me and told about his diagnosis, he said that he would call everyone who dear to him to talk and say goodbye, even at such moments he was faithful to himself," Galkin wrote.

Galkin said that a personal meeting with Mikhail Zadornov was held about a month ago. Then Galkin visited him. According to the word TV presenter, they communicated and joked. Galkin added that Zadornov asked him to tell something "funny" after his death, but as the TV presenter noted, at such a moment it is hard.

The network appeared "farewell" video about Zadornov - if Russia is, then I will be!

The network appeared touching "farewell" video about the Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov

A close friend of Mikhail Zadornov Harry Polish published a touching "farewell" video of the artist. White Snagging Video was placed by Polish on the page "VKontakte".

On frames of video recordings show moments from the life of Russian satirika. Also, Mikhail Zadornov himself reads the videos of Evgenia Yevtushenko's poem "go white snow".

It is noted that the classic composition of Beethoven "Moon Sonata" also sounds in the video. Her Russian humorist fulfills the piano.

Mikhail Zadornov died on November 10 aged 69 years after the fight against the oncological disease. Farewell to the artist will take place on November 12, in Latvia.

Zadornov's family made a handling

Mikhail Zadornov's family asked "not to create a bustle around his death."

The report says that Satirik's relatives "Nobody gave their consent to public discussions on his life and death in various talk shows and other television programs, in print media and on the radio.

Family Zadornov also thanked everyone who supported the artist in the difficult period of his life. Mikhail Zadornov died on November 10 aged 69 years after severe illness.

"Symbol of People's Yumor": Mikhail Zadornov remembers in social networks

After a long fight against the oncological disease Last Friday, Russian satirik and the writer Mikhail Zadornov died in the 70th year of life. The artist remembered the audience for the famous monologues about the Americans, but in his youth dreamed of becoming a physicist-a bowl or a designer of space ships, managed to contact the Russians with New Year's congratulations instead of Boris Yeltsin and make friends with the president.

"This is a person who knew how to joke without vulgarities and the following topics," the user twitter Evgeny Kareyev writes.

"Thank you for the emotions! For laughter. For joy. For a part of the sense of humor. Do not forget this, "said Dmitry Petrunin.

"Mikhail Nikolaevich is now above the clouds ... I often thought that it was quite fair to apply the old Soviet slogan:" The mind, honor and conscience of our era. " The person who remained faithful to himself and his people, despite anything. There will be no such anymore, "wrote Eugene Zhukov.

Others recalled his most famous aphorisms and statements.

Mikhail Zadornov became famous for monologues, ridicuing the western lifestyle, and comparisons of residents of Western countries with Russians. Born in July 1948 in Jurmala. In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), specialty - "Mechanical Engineer". In the same year began to be published. For some time worked at the Institute Engineer.

Also was the artist of Student Agitteater Mai "Russia". Then he became the head of the department of satire and humor in the journal "Youth". He made his debut on teleex in 1982, but the real popularity came to him in two years. Zadornov wrote more than ten books, among his works - lyrical and satirical stories, humorings, essays, tread notes and plays. Laureate of Golden Calf Awards, "Ovation". Liked a blog on the Internet.

The condolences to the native and relatives satiric expressed Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Russian politicians and cultural figures.

Mikhail Zadornova, as his family reported, will be buried in Latvia.

In the network condemned the blogger, rudely commented by the death of Zadornov

The 27-year-old video unit and the Khovanski-comic-comic comedian, which has more than four hundred thousand subscribers in Twitter, criticized after he "commented" the death of the writer Mikhail Zadernaya.

As the named, personally, he did not feel sorry for him, since the writer rigidly ridiculed individual groups of citizens - for example, Americans, Ukrainians and gays. Those, according to the comedian, "in recent years we have promoting only hatred."

Such a position did not find an understanding from part of the readers of the Blog of Khovansky, who indicated Stenaer on the controversial of such statements. At the same time, some criticized the blogger in an extremely rough, expressive manner.

Further, he continued his thought is still near posts. In particular, noticing that he was "funny to watch how the media pounced selectively quote" his "tweet" about the death of Zadornov. "In fact, exposing it" to the instagram model, which during Selfie smiles and wrote that she was not sorry for her. "

As Khovansky's blogger explained, the meaning was not that he was mocking over death, but that he refuses to "exercise empathy towards a person who experienced this empathy.

To which the blogger immediately indicated that he seemed to begin to justify. And what to kick the dead - much safer than kicking alive. Some suggested that the blogger will also soon grably finish - from the liver cirrhosis.

Inspired by the nation: to death Mikhail Zadornov

That is why Zadornov was so popular, and his jokes became sayings. He inspired. Did not lower, but raised. His humor was towering.

Mikhail Zadornov died. Died at the age of 69 years, the cause of death became the brain tumor, he refused the treatment in June, deciding before his death just to be in a circle of relatives.

WITH FATCHANT ALL? Everything. Now - not about death, but about life.

As the gray-haired old people remember, there were time in the distant 90s, when there were no "Comedy Club" nor large-scale comedian show like "Ural Pelmeni" with a whole mobile theater, nor others who are familiar to us, "humor manufacturers". And there was only KVN and humorists from the broadcasts "around laughter" and "Mentopanoram", whose creativity was part of the audio cassette. Who will come to mind to listen "Comedy Club"? I think there are slightly such brands. And then the humor was another - relating not to the hypocrite, but, first of all, to the literature. And where words - there, besides the game them, there is always a sense.

Zadornov understood that all hundred. And therefore took a special place at that time.

Here, let's say, everything is clear with Petrosyan - well, humorist and humorist: facial expressions, lumps, winkings, intonation. Even the verb arose "Piece". And zadornov? A serious face, no crushing, voice is not that serious, but certainly not clown. Yes, of course, it was not a matter of voice and not in behavior - and in the texts themselves.

Probably, with Zadornov, it turned out strange, in our national spirit, thing - on the one hand, he was, of course, a humorist, and on the other - a social philosopher, or something. Someone who reflexed over our identity is even using the humor as a method for this. But, which is characteristic, it turned out very cool: we all remember what a mixed feeling of shame and pride are experiencing with his long listings "This is just our people can come to mind ...". Ten years later, the phrase of this type will be entry into the series of "Our Rashi", but it will lose its important accent - the nonsense pride of the smeared people will disappear, which are not drown in water, and they do not burn in fire. And only the evil sarcasm will remain without bright irony.

But what else could we be proud of in the 90s - in a troubled time, when we, the people, the country, suddenly lost almost everything? Only the fact that it did not kill us, did not put on his knees, did not make you whine and cry. Zadornov cheerfully told each phrase: you will not be broken! We are not swallowed and digest! And it really raised confidence. That is why Zadornov was so popular, and his jokes became sayings. He inspired. Did not lower, but raised. His humor was towering. He argued: cannot such a nonsense, inventive and restless people as we have long remain in a distress. And he believed! And many other humorists, by the way, were engaged in the opposite: Khamski was picking up in folk shortages, diligently creating the image of the people of stupid, oblique, lazy.

Well, of course, about the "stupid Americans." Who remembers the speeches of Zadornov, in which he beat this topic - they will not give to sit: speaking about "stupid", he meant not idiots, immaculates and fools, but simply - ordinary, too straight and boring people thinking. And in contrast with them, the image of the Russian "Ivan-Durak" took the image, which for each complex situation will find an extremely non-standard solution. Yes - crazy, yes - similar to the "Hindu code" in programming, but workable! Otherwise, we can not - we have such a life that templates, even the most correct, can not be trusted, how not to drive on our wonderful roads a miracle car on autopilot.

And when the country rose from his knees, recovered from the shock of "wild capitalism" and gradually healed better - Zadornov resurrected popularity. It is logical: as a humorist - he was a "crisis manager". The crisis went into the past - and the uniqueness of his talent was not relevant.

It is probably necessary to mention in two words about its "pens" in the field of "non-traditional philology". This, not when children will be said, of course - a quiet horror. This side Mikhail Nikolayevich is better not to remember. But, in spite of everything, there was patriotism in this - extremely quaint, of course, but still active and sincere. The man built his fantastic picture of the world around his native language and native land.

It's a shame that Zadornov became a victim of this deadly tumor. Already at the age of 60, he easily sat on the twine, was a taut sport man, vigorous and cheerful. He would live for years to a hundred ...

Sleep quietly, Mikhail Nikolaevich! You did a lot of good!

Satir Mikhail Zadornov can be buried in Latvia. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the nearest surroundings of the artist.

"So far it is not for sure, but most likely he will be buried in Latvia next to his father," the agency's interlocutor said.

Earlier it became known that the humorist Mikhail Zadornov died on the 70th year of life in the Moscow clinic after a long illness.

In October, he reported that for the state of health, a number of concerts before the New Year were forced.

The last will of Satirik Mikhail Zadornov was published

Shortly before his death, the Russian Satir writer, humorist Mikhail Zadornov expressed the last will.

1 Materially support and not let the Russian-speaking library named after Nicholas Zadornov in Riga.

2 To be buried in one grave with the Father.

3 To transport the body after death only by land transport, "said Satirik's last will.

Mikhail Zadornov died

On November 10, the writer-humorist Mikhail Zadornov died. A few days before death, he accepted Orthodoxy and passed the rite of compassion. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia Recent years he was seriously ill, he had a brain tumor. In 2016, Zadornov conducted an operation that helped for a while to improve the state of the artist.

Mikhail Zadornov was 69 years old, reminds TASS. In the summer of 2016, due to the exacerbation of the disease, satirik canceled tour.
Satirik was married twice, in his second marriage he had a 27-year-old daughter.

Zadornov was born in 1948 in Jurmala. He is the author of a dozen books in the genre of lyrical and satirical stories, travel notes, essays. Since the early 1990s, Zadornov has been the author and leading various TV shows, such as "Anshan", "Mortar", "Satirical forecast", "Mother's daughters". In 2017, Mikhail Zadornov was banned from entering Ukraine.

About the date and place of farewell with the artist is not yet reported.

TV channels changed the grid of broadcast due to the death of Zadornov

Russian TV channels changed the netting grid due to the death of Satiri's writer Mikhail Zadornov, reports RIA Novosti.

In particular, Zadornov will dwell on today's program "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether "on" Russia-1 ".

"Malakhov changed the theme, the whole program is dedicated (Zadornov)," said VGTRK press service.

Ren TV, who collaborated with a Satyrian writer since 2005, will show the documentary film "Memory Mikhail Zadornova" and his project "Veus Oleg. Different experience. " This was stated in the press service of the channel.

Putin expressed condolences in connection with the death of Zadornov

Mikhail Zadornov recently suffered from severe oncological disease.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the words of condolences in connection with the death of Mikhail Zadornov. About the death of satiri in the 70th year of life became known in the morning of November 10th.

"The president expressed deep condolences in connection with the death of Mikhail Zadornov," the news of the press secretary of the head of the state of Dmitry Peskov quotes RIA.

Mikhail Zadornov recently suffered from severe oncological disease. Some time ago, Satiri decided to repeal all concerts.

Vladimir Vinokur suggested not to rush with messages about Mikhail Zadornov

Actor, Parodist and Pedagogue Vladimir Vinokur suggested not to rush to reports about the death of Satiri's writer Mikhail Zadornov, reports the radio station "says Moscow".

Earlier TV presenter Regina Dubovitskaya said the agency of urban news "Moscow" that Zadornov "really" died.
Vinokur, for his part, said that he talked with Dubovitsky a few seconds before the call of the Radio Station correspondent, and she did not know the details of what happened.

"You will never believe television and radio. Twenty seconds ago I talked with Regina Dubovitsky. She has no idea, "the artist said.

He reminded that the opera singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky recently "buried", but "thank God, he is alive."

"That's even NTV now reported, and I believe that this is a competition, who is faster. I still can not get through his wife, I can not call him, "Vinokur added.

It was also reported that the representative of Zadornov did not confirm and did not refute the information about the death of the writer.

Kobzon spoke about the death of Mikhail Zadornov

People's Artist of the USSR Joseph Kobzon confirmed the death of Satirik Mikhail Zadornov. Reports about it RT.

According to the famous artist, Zadornov died in the evening of November 9th. Kobzon said that both hemispheres of the brain were affected by Satirik.

"He was absolutely incurable, he was amazed by both hemispheres of the brain. Last night he died. Very sorry. He was an honest voice, without any politics. Tragic that such people go ", - told Kobzon.

Previously known TV presenter Regina Dubovitskaya commented Ren TV The news of the death of Satirik Mikhail Zadornov.

Satir is treated for a long time from the oncological disease. In the summer of 2016, he was forced to cancel all the tours due to the exacerbation of the disease.

Zadornov was born in 1948 in Latvian Jurmala. He was a member of the Russian Writers' Union. For his life, he wrote more than ten books in the genre of lyric and satirical stories, travel notes, essays.

"The whole country knew him and loved": humorist Lukinsky about Mikhail Zadornov's death

The famous humorist Nikolai Lukinsky expressed his condolences to his relatives and close Mikhail Zadornov, who died on the 70th year of life after a long illness.

According to Lukinsky, Zadornov loved the whole country.

« We express our condolences to deep. The whole country knew him and loved. The kingdom of heaven, eternal memory! It is difficult, of course, in words to express the measure of his talent. This, of course, immense loss"," Said Lukinsky.

Sick cancer Zadornov made a statement

Satir Mikhail Zadornov accused the media in speculation, lies and disturbing the facts relating to his health. He wrote about this on his official page in the social network "VKontakte".

Zadornov thanked their readers and viewers for their support, and some media accused the publication of incorrect information about his health.

According to Satirik, none of his friends will discuss on television or tell me in the press about his health, and those who do it caught in PR.

Zadornov reminded that last fall he himself reported his illness, as well as the need for serious treatment and cancellation of all performances. In his opinion, only he himself should be the source of all such statements, since the patient's condition is his personal matter, which should not become the subject of discussion in the press.

"It is unpleasant to me, and my relatives. For normal treatment, I need peace of mind, and I would like to hear me, "the humorist wrote.

Also Zadornov said that treatment in the German clinic was successful. Now he continues to be treated in the Moscow clinic.

In October 2016, Mikhail Zadornov canceled all concerts in connection with the disease. He explained that he found "the most serious ailment." He did not speak about his character of Zadornov. Later there was information that the artist is sick brain cancer.

The disease of the Russian comedian was incurable.

The state of one of the most famous Russian Satyrian writers of the Russian Federation Mikhail Zadornov, who is sick of a serious oncological disease - brain cancer, hopelessly. The humorist refused to help the staff of medical institutions, since the treatment ceased to benefit.

At the moment, Mikhail Zadornov is in his home in Latvia on the bank of the Riga Sea in the city of Jurmala. In this city, he was operated, a course of chemotherapy, as well as procedures for recovery.

Native and close Russian humorist report that the state of health saticar is gradually deteriorating, despite the help of the doctors of Europe. Zadornov refused intravenous drug infusion and spends time in a circle of their loved ones.

Doctors say that they did everything that could, but the state of Zadornov does not improve, but only, on the contrary, it becomes every day, worse and worse, noted a close man from the environment of a humorist to one of the Russian publications.

"Misha melts in front of her eyes. Neither European technologies nor Cains of medicine helped. All just hands are diluted and sighs hard. Say, made everything that in their power, "the source from the close environment of Zadornov said.

Mikhail Zadornov is dying: the latest news about the state of health Satirik voiced Kobzon

The state of health for today Mikhail Zadornov does not foreshadow nothing good, admitted the famous singer Joseph Kobzon.

On the Ukrainian website "Peacemaker" there was another lunch against Russian artists introduced into the "black list" of the enemies of Ukraine. At this time, the grave authors tied the oncological disease of Joseph Kobzon and Mikhail Zadornov with their patriotic position.

"Still do not believe that the support of Russian aggression and entering purgatory is the first step towards severe and painful death? Do you have few examples? Ask Zadornov and Kobzon, "the site says.

On November 10, 2017, we left a wonderful writer and the unique Satir Mikhail Zadornov. In 2016, the playwright advertised the news in the media that he was ill against an oncological disease, although Mikhail himself knew about the submission long before that. He was a strong man, so no one said anything and did not complain, for this reason, the brain cancer progressed and metastases were formed. Only in 2016, he went to a survey to Germany, where he was given an accurate diagnosis, and soon it was operated on.

After surgery, doctors reported that the chances of recovery are small, but he continued to fight and passed a course of chemotherapy. All last year he was actively treated and communicated with fans, occasionally played and gave an interview.

Mikhail Zadornov Last concert 2016-2017:

Most of the last year of his life, Zadornov spent at the cottage in Yurmol and sometimes flew to Germany to see the dynamics of treatment that did not expect anything good. But the fans believed in the best outcome and constantly supported it on the Internet and in life.

As Satirik's relatives say, Mikhail has come to accept the approaching death in recent months and just spent time with loved ones and enjoyed the nature of his native land.

The last large speeches of Zadornov took place in 2016:

Despite the fact that most viewers went to his concerts to laugh, the playwright himself notes that it was secondary for him. For Zadornov, it was important to communicate with their audience, to understand what they live and what they believe.

Mikhail died in her house early in the morning on November 10, he was 69 years old. It is known that just a couple of days before the death of Zadornov managed to take Orthodoxy, although only paganism recognized all his life.

Mikhail Zadornov was on the one hand a rather rigid person, but with another kind and cheerful, which recognized the close satiries themselves. At his work, several generations grew and in Russia it is quite difficult to find a person who would not have heard the surname of Zadornov and his jokes about Americans. He left behind only bright memories that will still be kept in the souls of each of us. Bright memory!

Since the death of Writer-Satirik Mikhail Zadornova passed 11 days. Not everyone to say goodbye to him, we could not everyone - the family spent the chamber ceremony "for loved ones" in the suburbs, but to go to the Panhid to Latvia, where the artist wanted to continue, may not be.


Natives assure that Zadornov with irony referred to their popularity, and therefore did not want to make a secular event from farewell to him. But probably the matter in the other: during the fight against the brain tumor, the writer lost much, and the family did not want Mikhail Nikolayevich to see this. Indeed, judging by the photographs that appeared in the "express newspaper, in the body lying in the coffin it was difficult to find out satiri.

About cancer often say: "His cancer ate him." And in the case of Zadornov, horrely, as an incurable disease ulods a person. Wood cheeks, a bonillion of the nose, an elongated face - in a grain 69-year-old artist looked like a 90-year-old dried old man.

During the last appearance in the public in October 2016, Mikhail Nikolayevich already looked no matter - he was very thin, it was noticeable that he had a little trembled his hands, sometimes he dropped leaflets with prepared jokes. The humorist had to bend and raise them - and each time the audience was encouragingly applauded. "Now I know how to deserve success," the artist laughed at himself.

Two years ago, he had 74 kilograms in 176 centimeters. But in the last months of the disease, as his relatives they say, lost 20 kilograms, and his look was horror. "When cancer, a person begins to lose weight very much, by about 11-16% per month, - told website oncologist. - The fact is that the development of cancellation makes the body work faster, that is, speeds up the metabolism, which is responsible for the speed of transformation of food into energy. Chemical substances called cytokines affect the operation of normal cells. High levels of cytokines provoked by cancer interfere with the exchange processes between fats and proteins. This leads to the loss of muscle mass, and also affects the brain head center controlling the hunger.