Music entertainment in the senior group. Topic: I am a resident of Russia

Music entertainment in the senior group. Topic: I am a resident of Russia
Music entertainment in the senior group. Topic: I am a resident of Russia

Musical holiday For children of senior preschool age, Dedicated to the music of R. Shuman

Hall registration:Silver Christmas trees, candle holders with candles, small tables, trays with floral cards of bed tones, Portrait of R. Shuman.

(R. Shuman's "melody" sounds quietly from the "Album for Youth", the candles are lit, the living room includes children, greet guests.)

Music lounge: Hello, children! I am very glad to see you again in our music lounge. See how beautiful here! (Music is silent.) You fell into the magical kingdom of music, which will tell us about winter. Today, the works of the greatest german composer Robert Shuman. We know well with you that winter road Starts with the distant north. From there, winter winds fly to us and sing their songs, calling to come in winter.

(The hostess of the living room invites children to comfortably sit on the chairs, to cook carefully listen to music as it is taken in the music lounge.)

(North Song sounds R. Shuman.)


Spilled winter:

On the jacket of fros

From transparent ice


All in diamonds, pearls,

In multicolored lights

Pouring around the shine

Whispering spell:

"Lie, soft snow,

On the forest and on the meadow.

Shutter trails

Fall branches!

On the windows, Santa Claus,

Scattering crystal roses.

Light visions

Clear plexes.

You, Metelitsa, Cui,

Horics Creek,

Jumping whirlpool white

In the field of the head!

Sleep, my earth, alloy,

Dreams Magic store:

Wait for passing,

New Dawn! " (M. Foirov)

(The musical work of R. Shuman "Winter" sounds.

By the end of the work, the hostess living room gradually extinguishes the candles. A few moments in the musical living room are dark, then the light will gradually light up.)

You, probably, everyone heard and understood, felt the poet told about winter verses, the composer painted with musical sounds winter picture. Try and you become artists and with different colors And their shades pass the mood, which he expressed the composer Robert Schuman in this work.

(Music work "Winter" again, children pick cards with fit color and lay out the colors gamut on the floor.)

I see that in my compositions you used warm, gentle tones ... What did you get winter?

(Children's responses.)

You are right, winter is different. You got the winter quiet, sad, sad, thoughtful ... But Robert Shuman has another work on winter topic A completely different character. Listen. (The musical work of R. Shuman "Santa Claus" sounds.)

What winter told us music in this work? (Children's responses.)

Yes, there is a cold winter, barbed, evil, frosty, with a purgy, the upgrade of the north wind, angry ... The composer called this musical work "Santa Claus".

Now remember what poems about Santa Claus you know. (Children tell poems.)

Now I will read you a poem about Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed.

I got up icicles links:

"Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?

What would not be me? "

Flew blizzards

Thought: U-U-y!

Slashped: SSS-SSS-CSS!


Forest groaned: mmm-mmmmm.

Oaks ocked: mmmmmm-mmm.

Birch moisons: mmmmmmmmm.

And Santa Claus sorts:

"Way, blizzards!

Rotate below, pine, fir!

All that is in my forest,

I'll fall asleep everything! "

(S. Marshak)

We are not afraid of frost! Remember, children, how fun winter to play snowballs!

Snowballs fly and flicken,

Snowball Face plus,

Snowball eyes blind to us,

Snowballs we all cheerful!

(E. Alekseeva)

(The musical work of R. Shuman "Hunting Song" sounds.)

That ended our evening in the music lounge, dedicated to creativity Robert Shuman! Until the following meetings!

Registration of the Hall: on the central wall - portrait of S.S. Prokofiev. In the hall - stands on which illustrations are placed.

Lead: Dear friendswe invite you to amazing journey on the musical works of Sergey Sergeevich Prokofiev, one of the most famous composers. He began to write music early. When he was 6 years old, as much as you now, he wrote his first play - "Indian Gallop", at 9 years old "Giant". S.S. Prokofiev was a conductor, a writer, composer. He wrote music to operations, ballets, symphony. He also wrote music for children. One of these works is the "Children's Music" album. Let's open this album and get acquainted with good, sunny, music S.S. Prokofiev.


We are music in the thicket of forest call!

MINUT - and the sun over the forest will take up.

Sun will be warm, animals will wake up,

And butterflies will be circling over the edge.

(The melody "Morning" sounds. Children sit on the carpet and, bowing their heads, gradually raise their hands, swing over their heads, then get up. The sun appears - the girl in a suit. She goes in a circle, and children gradually turn over her, shake hands Head.)


Slightly morning lights up, as I already in the garden.

For all who will meet, I will find a present.

For Alenka - a fairy tale

Dog girl - caress

Joke - Maple and Dubku,

Support - breeze.

Everyone is a smile and hello.

There is nothing more expensive.

(The play "Walk". Children run to the clearing for a walk: jump, play the ball. Butterfly arrive, children admire them.)

Music leader:

Girls, boys, where are your fingers?

(Hide hands behind your back.)

Figured fingers in the morning

(Move your fingers.)

On a visit to the aet of the launcher.

(Patted your hands.)

On the bench sat

(On the big finger Left hands "Sit down" by every finger right hand.)

Yes in the window looked,

(Folded "windows" before your fingertips.)

I got drunk tea, I play tea,

(Alternate cotton and showing thumbs.)

Sun palm stroked a little,

(Stroking your palm, slightly massaging them.)

Fingers raised - steel rays.

(Straighten and populate fingers of both hands.)

Music leader: Sophisticated your fingers? Now you can play musical instruments. Tell me, please, what is the march?

Children: This is the music that you want to walk.

Music leader: Right. Translated by S. french "March" means moving forward, procession. What is the most often a march character?

Children: Cheerful, clear.

Music leader: Right. Let's act "march" from the Album "Children's Music".

(Children play on flutes, drums, triangles, tambourines.)

In the album "Children's Music" there is a play with the title "Tarantel". This is a cheerful fast, Italian dance.


Right left,

Right left,

Estimated together


With us to dance, let's get boldly

All dance Tarantel.

(The girl performs the improvisation dance. Two children are playing on her tambourines.)

Music leader: In the stain, guys, let's play, "Pota" are beginning to choose to choose.

(Children choose the "spot", they say read. With the beginning of music, run in different areas. "Pota" will catch them.

Sounds play "Snacks".)

After cheerful Game Let's rest a little, sit on the rug.

When S.S. Prokofiev was small, then he like all the children, very much loved to listen to fairy tales. This love he carried through his whole life.

(Sounds play "Fairy Tale".)

In the sky of brilliant stained stars,

The tale of children is rushing.

In her hands twisted

Slim rod gilded.

And above it - a month is clear.

Rushes, rushing to the children a fairy tale.

Children, how Russian fairy tales closer to the spirit of music S.S. Prokofiev?

(Children answer, call familiar fairy tales.)

Along with small piano playswhich are called miniatures, S.S. Prokofiev created entire fabulous performances, ballets. They are executed not one orchestra. Prokofiev wrote music for ballet on the plot of Fairy Tales "Cinderella" S. Perro. His music enriched fabulous imagesMade them brighter, expressive. Let's remember what Cinderella was?

Children: Good, kind, hardworking.

Music leader: Now we will listen to "Waltz" from the ballet S.S. Prokofiev "Cinderella" and see how Cinderella and Prince performs this dance.

(The prince sits on the throne. Cinderella is approaching the throne, makes a bow. The prince gets up. Music sounds from the 2nd action "Cinderella arrival at the ball".)


How am I glad you decided

Our lick is a modest visit.

Allow a stranger,

You will invite you to the dance.

(Sounds "Big Waltz" from the 2nd action. Prince and Cinderella dance.)


I want in this castle

You stayed forever.


I will not forget this ball

But to leave you.

(Clock beat midnight.)


Prince, farewell! Ah, terrible!

Hurry to me. (Goes out.)

Music leader: Guys, and you know what this fairy tale ended. The prince found his Cinderella. It's time for us to finish our journey through the pages. musical works S.S. Prokofiev.

And from sadness and boredom

Can cure us all

Mischievous melodies sounds

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Golden Magic Fish

Maybe the music shine

And in a friendly, with a smile,

Suddenly you look into your eyes.

Maybe the song is a semicade.

We are joking to cheer

And suddenly saturated

In the dance itch.

Let's finish our meeting with a fun improvisation of dances to the music of "Katerina" in the processing of S.S. Prokofiev.

The concert is over. Music suddenly Smallkla. But is it? It seems now she sounds. And will be long. Sound for each of us.

Let the music S.S.Prokofeva live in your memory, softens the heart, wakes up fantasy.

Description of material: I offer you a script musical entertainment « Flower glade»For the children of the senior group (5-6 years). This material will be useful to educators and musical leaders of pre-school institutions.

Musical entertainment scenario for children of the senior group "Flower Polyana"

Integration educational regions : "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Music".

purpose: Summarizing knowledge about summer colors.


Educational: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bsummer colors, consolidate knowledge of summer, learn to establish causal relations;

Developing: develop musically - aesthetic perception, observation;

Educational: educate careful attitude To nature, curiosity.

Methodological techniques: conversations with children, reading poems, game situations.

Song of Yuri Antonova sounds "Do not flit flowers." Children enter the hall, are seated.

The course of entertainment.


How light land at dawn

And open everything for fairy tales.

In pearls she in silver,

In Emeralds, she in diamonds.

Silence was aligned.

The most first ray of dawn

So it ended the time of sleep,

All the flowers are waiting for the word.

Do you like flowers guys like? What kind of flowers do you know?

Music leader. What colors do I right you now?

Performed song "Summer Flowers" (Music by E. Tilicheeva, Words L.Nekrasova)

Children share the impressions of the song.

Lead. Listen, how beautiful wildflowers are beautiful!

Children read poems.


Dandelion from the track

In a lush hat

With a long leg.

I found him in the forest,

But he did not take it:

Only take it in a bouquet,

Doonet wind - no caps! (L. Agracheva)

Only sunshine will go up -

Mac in the garden will bloom.

Butterfly - cabbageditsa

The flower goes down.

Watch - and the flower

More on two petals! (E. Feyerabend)


Nekazy, inconspicuous

He shakes his head

Not silver, not copper

Blookol blue.

Bell silent -

This little flower,

Chimes, overflow

Does not pave a breeze. (E. Ilyin)

Bumblebee heavy, striped,

The whole day flew in the garden.

He didn't just flew so

He painted flowers in the garden.

He grumbled: - "hard work!

After all, the colors in the garden there is no score! " (E. Feyerabend)

Lead. Well, when the colors are not counting! This means there are a lot of them and they are not torn. They admire!

I spell a soybean about that.

That the whole earth is our common house -

Our good home, spacious house. -

We all live from birth in it.

I'm still talking about

What we have our house should save.

Let's prove that it's not for nothing

We hope for us. (R. christmas)

Leading. Let's go to the forest cleaner, play, rest. And we will go there not by train, not by car, but on horseback riding. Take the reins - and in a good way!

(children "jump" on the horse in the forest)

Leading. And in the forest is good, warm, birds sangs. And the colors are apparently invisible !!!


Hello, white chamomile,

Hello, pink bash!

On the flowers we will see

At the gland to sit.

Flaw in our forest

Different flowers:

Mac, Chamomile, Vasilka

Blue eye.

I took my wagon

And the flowers poured.

There will be water to drink flowers,

Will grow well!

Basket boys took,

Beyond mushrooms ran.

Brought home boys

Only leaves yes bumps.

Lead. How many boys brought cones !!! I think we will play with them.

Game with shishes. 1. Relay with baskets. 2. Game "Cleaning Forest"


Do not want guys,

Guess my riddles?

But not only to guess

And still draw.

"Riddles - Drawing" (children listen to the riddles and draw a rational)

1. Wedge - Wedge,

We will unfold - damn. (Umbrella)

2. We all like it,

Without it, we cry

And barely appear.

Having taken away, hiding.

It hurts it bright,

And bright and roast! (The sun)

3. Red Maiden.

Sits in the dungeon,

Spit on the street. (Carrot)

4. Scarlet, sugar,

Kaftan green, velvet. (Watermelon)

5. Stand in the rays of sisters

Golden eyes

White cilia. (Chamomile)

6. Host Antoshka

On one leg. (Mushroom)

7. There was a ball Bel,

The wind reanged

The ball flew away. (Dandelion)

Leading. All you know the game "The Sea is worried." And since we are in the forest, on the clearing, we will say: "The grass pegs", and we will depict flowers. Different, most beautiful!

Game of imagination.

(Children move to the music when music ends, children freeze and depict any flower)

Leading. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Keep poured reins and pockey!

(Sounds "Horse", music M. Luzhverger, children move to music)

Lead. What did you like in our journey?

(Children share impressions)


For sale in goodbye I want to tell you:

Do not flip flowers, do not flit,

Let it be an elegant earth.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten № 17"

Musical leisure in senior group

"Journey to the musical train"



Anthropova N.A.

arzamas 2017.

Children's age 5-6 years

A type classes are musical leisure

Materials and equipment: Interactive board, tape recorder, audio recordings Games on musical instruments, chairs

Used didactic games: "Top", "Cockerel, chicken, chicken", "Make a pattern (rhythmic pattern)", "loud-quiet", "Guess what I play"

Purpose:development musical abilities and deepening the presentation of children about the means musical expressiveness



    Deliver joy to children

    Develop fantasy in children, imagination

    Educate love for music, develop aesthetic feeling

    Give children an idea about the timbre of a variety and its meaning in music.

    Development in children musically auditory abilities, a comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent height of musical sounds and their interaction.

    The development of children's ability to reproduce a rhythmic pattern in cotton, slap, stench, on a musical instrument and with movements.

    Expansion in children of musically - sound ideas and enriching their musical experience.

Input part

On the interactive blackboard The image of the steam room appears, the sound of the locomotive sounds the background.

Educator: Guys, see who came to visit us. Who is it? What is he doing? (Train)

Educator: This train is not simple, he is musical and we can go to it in music journey With various interesting stops. Do you want to ride on this train?

Educator: Then take place, it's time for us to go.

(Children are seated on chairs)

Main part

Educator: In order for our musical train, it is also fast, let's drink a song about him:

Rides driving steam locomotive

Audible, hear wheel knock

And in the trailer sit

Many little guys


All today pumping

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun gets up ..


Educator: So we got to the first station. Stop.

Our first song "Song". What do you think that we will do on it?(To sing songs)

Educator: That's right, we will sing songs on it. And in order to choose a song, I have a magic top. We will twist it and the shooter will show us about whom we will sing a song.

Didactic game "Wolf"

Game traffic: Driving, or children in turn turn the top of the arrow. On the circle of which pictures for familiar songs are depicted. On which picture the top will stop, about that children sing a song.

Educator: How much good songs We know, and it's time for us to continue our journey.

Rides driving steam locomotive

Audible, hear wheel knock

And in the trailer sit

Many little guys


All today pumping

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun gets up ..


Educator: So we got to the second station. Stop.

Our second game "Game". What do you think that we will do on it?(Play)

Educator: That's right, we will play in the game "loud-quiet," which is very similar to the game "hot-cold".

Game traffic: To begin with, we need to choose an object that we will hide and leading. We tie your eyes and send the door to do not see what we do. At this time, children in the group hide the selected item so that it would be seen at first glance. Then the name is leading. Instead of the words "hot and cold", the children of the song will be prompted by a leading place where the subject hides. If driving away from him, the children sing quietly if it approached closely singing very loudly.

Educator: Who wants to be leading? (If the children are shy, then you can choose from the reader.

Music and didactic game "loud-quiet"

Educator: You very well get a song to suggest where the object is hidden and look for it. And it's time for us to continue your journey.

Rides driving steam locomotive

Audible, hear wheel knock

And in the trailer sit

Many little guys


All today pumping

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun gets up ..


Educator: So we got to the third station. Stop.

Our third Station "Notes". Look at us meeting our acquaintances - Cockerel, chicken and chicken. Want to play with them?

Didactic game held "Cockerel, chicken, chicken"

Educator: Well done. And we have to continue your journey

Rides driving steam locomotive

Audible, hear wheel knock

And in the trailer sit

Many little guys


All today pumping

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun gets up ..


Educator: So we got to the fourth station. Stop.

Our fourth station "Instrumental". What do you think that we will do on it?(To sing songs)

Educator: At this station we will guess musical instruments.

Game "Guess the Tool"

Game traffic: The tutor alternately includes audio recordings of musical instruments, and children guess and imitate the game on this tool. One of the children shows an image of a tool from the didactic game "Musical Instruments".

Educator: Guys, what is the name of a game of several musical instruments? (Ensemble) Do you want to play an ensemble?

The game is being played "Ensemble"

Game traffic: Children choose to ourselves musical instrument And remember it. The teacher includes audio recording with a game of several musical instruments. When a child hears his tool, he begins to imitate the game on the instrument. As soon as his party ends, he stops "playing".

Educator: We have a wonderful ensemble, and we have to continue our journey

Rides driving steam locomotive

Audible, hear wheel knock

And in the trailer sit

Many little guys


All today pumping

Soon there will be a turn

Where the sun gets up ..


Educator: So we got to the last station. Stop.

Our fifth station "Dance". What do you think that we will do on it?(Dance).

Educator: Boys, invite girls to a cheerful dance.

The song of the dance "is becoming more in a circle, dance with me a friend ..." Children are dancing.

Final part

Educator: So it came to the end our journey on a musical train. Did you like it? What is remembered most? What kind of stations do you even want to visit?

Educator: The next time we will definitely go to a new journey on a musical train and visit new stations and meet new friends, and until we have to say goodbye to him. Goodbye a train !!!

Entertainment consists of music numberswhich children prepared on spring holiday. Music - didactic games were carried out throughout school year. The hall is decorated with balls, on the main wall of the picture with the image of musical instruments, multicolored notes.

Required Material:

Musical instruments: spoons, tambourines, maratas, bells, rumbas, metal phones; Cardboard image of a house with 5 windows, cards with musical instruments (5 cards), tanagram with musical instruments, 2 easels, magic box.

Music material: B. Smetana "New Year Orchestra"; "Baynovskaya Kadril" arr. M. Jordansky, Russian People's Song "Whether in the garden", Latvian People's Melody Obr. J. Cupidis.

Children go to the hall to calm music and sit on chairs.

(Near each group on the tables are decomposed musical instruments).

Music leader:Hello guys! Very glad to see you! Today's concert dedicated to musical instruments! Each of us has a house in which we live, in which we are comfortable and warm, in animals the same has their own houses, who has a nora, who has a hollow. Guys, what do you think, where does the musical sound live?
Children: The musical sound lives in musical instruments.
Music leader: Right, musical sounds Live in musical instruments. And musical instruments sound starting when the musicians play them. The team of musicians, which play together - call the orchestra. What do you know orchestra?
Children: Spirit, folk, pop, symphony.
Music leader: Well done, and what is the name of the orchestra in which performers are musicians children?
Children: Children's noise orchestra!
Music leader: Well done, our concert opens children's noise orchestra of the senior group.

The 1st senior group performs the "fun orchestra" of the composer B. sour cream.

Music leader: Guys, I have a magic box, what is in it, let's see (open a box, colorfully decorated, and gets one of the riddles), it is riddles, from a tank notebook.


Children: Drum!

2. They beat each other,
And they sing in response
And shine like two kopecks -
Musical ... (plates)

3. The tool plays a fun
There are fur, keyboard from him.
If you play at least a little bit,
Everyone will recognize the tool - ... (harmonica)

Music leader:

Maracas, Maracas,
I'll be attending us now for us.
We will all dance
Maracas play!

1st medium group Performed Russian folk song "In the garden, whether in the garden" on Maracas

Music leader: I suggest play with musical instruments.

Musical relay. "Play on the metalfone"

2 teams participate. Metal phones are exhibiting for 2 tables. Children are successful to the tool, spend a wand 2 times and run back.

Music leader: (calls the bell)

Ding Ding Ding, my bell
Melodious my bell
Bells churn
Very sleeper he.

The 2nd average group performs the "Latvian People's Melody" with bells

Music leader:Guys, each person has their own individual voice that distinguishes him from others, that, each musical instrument has its own individual timbre, its coloring.
Look, I have a fabulous musical house, a musician lives in every window, and on which musical instrument it plays, we will now try to guess with you.

Music game "Music House"

Sound musical fragments On various musical instruments, children, defining a rumor which tool sounds, find its image among cards and insert it into one of the houses of the house.

Music leader: Guys, I had trouble, who had cut the cards with musical instruments and I do not understand how to collect them. Will you help me?

Game "Collect the Tool"

2 easels, cards with musical instruments cut into 4 parts. There are 2 people and collect tanagram with musical instruments.

Music leader: Guys, let's imagine that we are true musicians and show how musicians play various musical instruments.

Plastic Song - Game "Musicians"

Music leader: Guys, I have another mystery in my casket.

For lunch soup eating,
By evening "Conspiring"
Wooden girls,
Musical sisters.
Play and you are a little
On beautiful bright... (spoons)

Children2 of the older group perform the "Baine Kadril" of the arr. M. Jordansky.

Music leader: See what I see? These are some unusual musical instruments. Guys, can you tell about them?

Presentation "Musical Instruments with your own hands"

Children with parents created various musical instruments with their own hands. Several children come out and tell about their instrument.

Music leader: Look at this musical instrument, what it is not usual (approaches the guitar made of cardboard and raises), it seems there is something in it (opens, and there is a sweet prize for children).

So we and visited the world of musical instruments, tell me the guys: Different tools? (Yes), and all of them are beautiful? (Yes)

Every musical instrument is special and your external species And his unique Temmer Color!

Today you all perfectly performed, and I want to congratulate you all!
Children go to the music from the audience.

List of references:

1. Kaplunova I. "Our cheerful orchestra»From the series" Ladushka ", St. Petersburg 2013.
2. Commissioner L.N., Kostina E.P. "Visual funds in music upbringing preschoolers: benefit for educators and music leaders»M.: Education 1986
3. Suvorova T. Rhythmic Mosaic Part 2, Part 4 Methodological manual for music leaders, Moscow 2001.
4. Zheleznova E. "Rides, rides, steam locomotive. Cheerful lessons For kids "№42 CD 2010.