The eighth (8) house in Vedic astrology: life and death, good and evil. Eighth house in astrology

The eighth (8) house in Vedic astrology: life and death, good and evil. Eighth house in astrology

Each of the houses of the horoscope is responsible for certain areas of life. All together in the complex they describe the completeness of individual human destinies.

Secrets of the eighth house: keys to transformation

VIII House, symbolically corresponding to the fatal sign of scorpion, in astrology is responsible for crisis situations requiring the ability to fight; diseases, injuries, danger; death and attitude to death; Sex and attitude to sex; Interest in secrets, mystic and magic. Another important area of \u200b\u200binfluence of the VIII house is a transformation, that is, the transformation, the exit to a fundamentally new level, which is accompanied by the death of the old state and the birth of a new one. Death itself, as such - this is also a transformation: a bodily shell dies, but the internal content does not die, but undergoes changes, that is, transformed.
Obviously, the transformation as the deep mental process of total perestroika passes through crisis situations. It is in the crisis situation that internal resources are activated for fundamental changes. Transformations allow consciousness to reach a new level. In fact, this is an integral internal growth tool. If a person leaves the necessary changes, resists them, then the crisis in the end falls on it with full force, leading to even more harsh situations.
The position of the VIII house in the signs of the zodiac, as well as the planets, which are located in it, will allow you to determine which situations in the life of a person will run the mechanism of transformation of the psyche; Assist to understand what will contribute to internal changes.

The eighth house in the horoscope

The position of the Sun in the VIII house actually orients a person to initiate crisis situations. Such a person can consciously pull into acute events, checking herself for strength. Basically such people show great interest in the material side of life and financial transactions requiring work not only with their own, but also with other people's money, the transformation mechanism is launched. However, there may be excessive attention to the material to the detriment of high matteries. If such a person is such a thing - ** titles attention to things a thinner plan, it will be able to discover greater insight and ability to secret sciences. The top of the VIII house in Lev points out that the transformation launches in situations related to publicity, glory and power, or in circumstances that require large courage. The moon in the VIII house indicates that the transformation is constantly needed by new ^ emotions. He is experiencing an acute shortage of impressions, acute sensations and can be unconsciously drawn into dangerous situations to compensate for it. Transformation of consciousness occurs through family crises, in situations that give a man sharp experiences. The same applies to the top of the VIII house in cancer.
Mercury in the VIII house speaks about the mind-oriented secrets of secrets and secrets. This is a strong position for a psychologist, the investigator. Abilities for magic, occultism, insight. Transformation launches in the process of mental activity, when a person is deeply immersed in the study of any object. The top of the VIII house in Gemini or Virne also suggests that transformation is associated with intellectual comprehension of being.
The position of Venus in the VIII house suggests that the extreme situations in human life are associated with romantic and affiliate unions. Crisis may be related to fatal love, jealousy. Partners or object of love are launching a transformation mechanism. The same level says the VIII house in the scales. The position of Venus in the VIII house (or the vertex of the VIII house in Taurus) indicates financial crises that launch the transformation of consciousness.
If in the VIII house there is Maas, a person transforms his mind in critical, extreme circumstances requiring fast and decisive actions, physical super passions. The deep restructuring of the psyche can be launched in war in conflict situations, when a collision with danger or death. The top of the VIII house in Scorpio or Aries also gives these instructions. Mars in the VIII house - a strong position for the development of magical abilities.
Jupiter in the VIII house speaks about pulling to esoteric, the occult, the search for sacred knowledge from religious or otherworldly sources. When studying them in the process of travel and collision with other cultures, there is a transformation of consciousness. The same instructions give the top of the VIII house in Sagittar.
Saturn in the VIII house may indicate some cosiness for deep transformations. A person can delay this moment and be afraid to look deep into herself. Transformation occurs in isolation or when performing responsibilities assigned to humans. The same instructions give the top of the VIII house in Capricorn. With Saturn in the VIII house there is a risk of subjected to energy impacts, which people are called a slogony, damage.
The position of uranium in the VIII house suggests that the transformation of consciousness is launched when a collision with the latest discoveries, astrology, studying space. Depubed changes can occur sharply, suddenly. The same applies to the provisions of the VIII house in Aquarius. With a high level of personality development, it may be the ability to foresee dangerous situations.
Neptune in the VIII house has a person to mystics and secrets. Revealing secrets, engaged in spiritual practices, psychology, creativity, a person can reach a new level of consciousness. Caution is that it is necessary to distinguish illusions from reality. Excessive fantasy, inattention or fanaticism can lead to dangerous situations. But the struggle with illusions and deception will contribute to the transformation. VIII House in fish gives the same instructions.
Pluto in the VIII house suggests that the transformation of consciousness occurs in massive crisis situations during social shocks, when a collision with death. The study of death and borderline states, the profession of a surgeon or resuscitator is one of those vectors that will contribute to the transformation of consciousness.
For the Black Moon 8 House - sign of the symbolic monastery. With good aspects indicates magical abilities. With strained - power of coarse instincts and animal beginnings. The transformation launches through their awareness and elaboration, as well as in crisis-related crisis situations.

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The eighth house enjoys a bad reputation of the Death House (Glow-Bhava).

It refers to the collapse and dishonor and may indicate negative traits, criminal inclinations and the stroke. It symbolizes chronic diseases or injuries that have learned death. He can also point to the death of people close to us. The planets in the eighth house cause suffering related to those areas of life for which these planets respond in this horoscope. On the other hand, the eighth house oversees inherited property and may indicate a rich inheritance.

The eighth house is an extremely deep and mysterious site of the map. He can give a man to the deepest turnover and open the secrets of life and death in front of him. It gives a powerful and insightful mind (although not always benevolent) and may indicate genius. It symbolizes the study, invention and discoveries, including in the regions of mathematics and philosophy. It can also give the ability to tantric varieties of yoga and to compound occult knowledge. In addition, the eighth house is associated with distant journey or strange adventures - both on physical and mental terms. This is a transformation house in the broad sense of the word - trans-formation, the consequences of which can be both good and disastrous.

The eighth house characterizes the connection of a person with a dark side of life or with the "bottom" of society. The sphere of its influence includes drugs, prostitution and ability to manipulate other people. The eighth house instills in man strong sexual passions and can make it very attractive for the opposite sex, but it does not always inspire the desire for long-term partnerships (which is connected, rather, with the seventh house).

The eighth house is a house of longevity, allowing to determine the life expectancy of a person. He points to the circumstance of the death of the Horoscope's owner, but at the same time helping him to survive. Negative and positive information that reports the eighth house about us - the main indicators for which one can judge the highest sense of our life.

The material of the book Astrology Provons. David Froley.

Eighth House: Memorious Bhava - Death House

The 8th house corresponds to the sign of water and therefore is considered to be a Moksha home (self-realization or final liberation). Life, longevity, death, testament and inheritance, insurance, finance partner, money from a partner (including alimony), accidents, prolonged diseases, chronic diseases, shame, failure, intuition, occult sciences, secret affairs, sexual power, sexual desires - All these are the indicators of the 8th home.

8th house - Dosthan, or evil and malicious house. It is worse than the 6th house, and almost equal to the destructiveness of the 12th. Planets in the 8th house suffer the same way as the houses they manage. The problems that the 8th home indicates are intense and are not allowed over time (however, aspects and signs should be considered).

The 8th house is mainly considered as a home of death, as it rules the cause and type of death. He also destroys everything that comes into contact with it. However, in fact, he is a home home (along with the 3rd house).

A good 8th house gives a long life, bad - short. The strong 8th house indicates a person who will be energetic and full of vitality. It is noted that all world champions in boxing are the most significant horoscope factor - the 8th house. Mohammed Ali, in whose map five planets in the 8th house, just could not be knocked out.

Among other things, this house manages the money of a marriage partner. Therefore, it detects problems that may arise in the marriage due to the cost of money. With regard to alimony, he shows that a woman can get after the divorce. Also, a former husband, if his 8th house is extremely amazed, will be forced to pay more than it can.

The 8th house is Moksha's house, so it excites interest in Moksha or final release. More than other Moksha houses (4 and 12th), it is associated with secret or occult knowledge.

Karaka or an indicator of the 8th house - Saturn.

The ruler of the 8th house is

In the 1st house. Unhealthy, unattractive appearance, exposure to accidents, bad for the marital life (since the owner of the 8th house aspects the 7th house), painful nature, life difficulties, may be a court of law, difficult childhood is an unfavorable start of life; prolonged diseases if other indicators confirm; Spirituality, asceticity, interest in occult subjects.

In the 2nd house. Poverty, unhappy family life, bad speech, leaning to lies, bad education, poor eyesight in the right eye, poor nutrition, limited imagination, problems with the throat. Long and active life, since the owner of the 8th house aspects his own home from this position.

In the 3rd house. Stressful relations with brothers and sisters, their lives are difficult, desires do not work, fearlessness, cowardice, little adventure, unsuccessful efforts, defect in the right ear, lack of talent or indifference to music, dancing and drama, no literary abilities.

In the 4th house. The owner of the Moksha House in another house Moksha gives spiritual nature. Difficulties associated with the mother, mother does not leave inheritance, misfortune, little earthly comfort, problems with cars, breaks in education, difficulty getting a scientific degree, problematic completion of cases, little real estate, career problems (the owner of the 8th house aspects 10 -y house from this position), there is no own home or land, occult items can be the road to heart, strong intuition, long life, good sexual potency, by the end of life a person becomes more spiritual and ascetic.

In the 5th house. Few children, friction with children, sluggish mind, mental problems, lack of peace in mind, difficulties in passing exams, bad investments, immorality, injustice, unhappy love affairs, no loan from previous life, long life, benefits from partner income, income from Insurance companies, good sexual potency.

In the 6th house. Unhealthy, victory over enemies and rivals (malicious planet in the 6th house - well), bad classes, bad employees, short life, poverty, no help from uncle.

In the 7th house. Problems in marital life, divorce, unhappy or unsuccessful partnership, the spouse may have difficult life or chronic diseases, the spouse is not confident.

In the 8th house. Planet in the Swakletra (own home). Long life, vitality, energy, sense of life completeness, receiving wealth from marriage partner. Money from wills, inheritance or insurance policies. Spiritual inclinations, studying occult items, good for moksha, strong intuition, mentalness,

good sexy potency, sexy attractiveness.

In the 9th house. Long life, bad relationship with your father; Father has a hard life, or he will die early; There is no good luck, there is no favorable problem resolution, indifference to religion and philosophy, challenge, lack of help from the older or guru. This is a bad position, as it spoils Bhagia Bhava - good luck house.

In the 10th house. There is no success in the definition of your Dharma, the problems in the career, the achievements of a person pass unnoticed, the career of the change, the lack of good luck and fame, the commission of bad acts, misfortune, interruptions in education, difficulty getting a scientific degree, long life. This is a bad position, as the 4th house also flies due to aspects of the 10th house.

In the 11th house. Long life, poverty, trouble with older relatives, their lives are difficult, a person has bad friends, ascetic or spiritual friends, bad relationships with relatives, little favorable opportunities, difficulties in the performance of desires and in the implementation of ambitions. There may be revenues from the wills, inheritance or insurance companies.

In the 12th house. The owner of the Moksha House in another Moksha House gives a strong spiritual nature. This is a great position for meditation, asceticism and spiritual life. A lot of spending and debt, short life, no income from a marriage partner, weak sexual potency. Diseases of the anus, left ear and left eye. Difficulties in foreign countries.

8th house - Moksha house, meets the final liberation

Life expectancy, types of death, death experience, testament, inheritance, insurance, general finance, money partner, alimony, sexual attractiveness, occult sciences, secret cases, intuition, accidents, opportunity to get a partner for marriage, chronic or prolonged diseases, sexual Power, reproductive system, venereal diseases.

Book material Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrolories. James Brah

The owner of the 8th house in the houses of the horoscope

The owner of the 8th house in the 1st house

This is an undesirable location indicating a man of weak health, experiencing anxiety from authorities or disputes with higher-level, from debt and due to illegal sexual relations. They will be interested in the study of spiritual issues and psychology.

The owner of the 8th house in the 2nd house

A person will make the sudden loss of money and premature death of relatives. This person can be involved in illegal financial activities, the tone of his speech is often critical; Nutrition is incorrect, messy.

Host of the 8th House in the 3rd House

In the fate of a person with this planetary combination, there will be: loss of courage, disputes with brothers, diseases associated with hearing, the use of gross, insulting speech.

The owner of the 8th house in the 4th house

As expected, this will lead to early separation from parents, or separation from them, to a compulsory visit to unwanted places, sinful intentions in the heart, to the waste of money for cars and short-lived property.

Master of the 8th House in the 5th House

You can expect a small number of children, perhaps the loss of one child, such a man is dying, susceptible to gastric diseases, is experiencing love for poor and humble people.

The owner of the 8th house in the Bh house

Such a location implies problems due to various diseases; Service for unworthy people, losses from thieves.

The owner of the 8th house in the 7th house

It is possible a marriage disorder, cooperation with dubious people, a disease or to imprisonment while traveling. This person may fail in business.

The owner of the 8th house in the 8th house

This person may have a thieves or slanderous veil; will live long; can get a good inheritance, has certain opportunities in the insurance business; It is capable of hypnotically influenced other people.

The owner of the 8th house in the 9th house

This person will follow the detailed order of life. Such people suffer from a marriage partner who can leave them and have children from someone else. They are experiencing difficulties in relations with their father, but inherit property.

They can feed the conversion to the consequences and prescriptions.

The owner of the 8th house in the 10th house

Along with the spot of reputation, this person will have trouble in career. These people can do difficult, heavy for execution of things; Back diseases, poverty periods and unexpected profits associated with whose death are expected.

The owner of the 8th house in the 11th house

The presence of problems associated with elder brother, friendship with famous people, rumor complaints, strange ways to meet the needs of their feelings.

The owner of the 8th house in the 12th house

A small lifespan, unworthy of money; You can also predict a tendency to deception and interest in obtaining religious education.

Book material Vedic Astrology. Tom Hopka

Eighth House in Vedic Astrology

In order to find out the location of the planets in homes, you need to make a natal map. Use the side widget for compiling a natal map (on mobile devices the widget is at the bottom of the page) - enter the date, time and place of birth and click the "Natal Horoscope" button. Detailed values \u200b\u200bof the planets in homes are described on the pages of this section.

Eighth house


experience of living together; Power and confidence in partnerships

The seventh house proclaimed the concept of agreement and equality in partnerships. The eighth house turns these concepts into reality. It symbolizes the execution of what was proclaimed, just as a honeymoon is the result of the marriage ceremony.

Trust and faith in a partner here occupy a central place. Without trust, true partnerships are impossible, and. Of course, a true union is impossible. Without faith, openness is impossible, susceptibility is impossible. The recoil-and-production process is very often turning into a fight, which is conducted from defensive trenches. However, where there is faith and trust, magic may occur.

The second house symbolizes self-esteem. The eighth house symbolizes the opposite process, an assessment through partnerships. This is an indirect assessment of themselves in joint with other existence. This assessment can literally mean the judgment of the partner, but it is more likely that this is a judgment produced by the person itself based on the perception of the partner's reactions.
The state of the 8th house shows how important the value for a person with which he owns with a partner, and also indicates a way to create a union in partnerships.


secrets of death of the ego and revival with the help of intense interaction with other people

To be worthy of joining the Union, you must sacrifice certain parties to your personal life. Sometimes this change is only superficial, and the other time is fundamental. In rare cases, development requirements lead to total human change.

In any case, something in you must die. Thus, the 8th house symbolizes the "death experience", which is experiencing whenever the identity capitulate before a more extensive reality located outside the ego. In traditional astrology, this experience is often understood as literal, physical death, however it is more appropriate to include the experience of the death of the ego, followed by a revival, but at a higher level.

The state of the 8th house indicates not only on the features of the experience of death / revival, but also on the characteristic way to create such a transformation with the help of other people.

Sexy merger

true Sexy Union, Tantric Liberation

The eighth house is the last of the three "sexy" houses. The first is the 2nd house, focusing clean sensuality, selfish pleasure. 8Thore was the 5th house, where the courtship was turned out, as a result, in the performance of the creation of love. Both of these houses are under the horizon, so they are subjective or personal.

The eighth house is the house of the Western hemisphere, so it is focused on interacting with people; However, it is above the horizon, so it symbolizes the objectivity of sexual experience. The second home is the scope of the birth of pleasures. The 5th house builds a risk and excitement pulse, and the 8th house is the culmination of joint relations, their implementation, transforming the liberation of orgasm.

Of course, the orgasm can relate to the 2nd or 5th houses (in the 2nd house as pure pleasure, in the 5th - as the culmination of the masterly executable performance), but the highest and most powerful capabilities of the orgasm relate to the 8th house .

In addition to bodily contact, except for successful courtship and even except the magic of biological birth, there are also higher spheres, no matter how they seem like. To open these areas, it is necessary that the ego is died for a while, for this purpose, the process of death / revival is built into the structure of the nervous system. The task is to free yourself from the former restrictions, beliefs or values, reset the old skin, go beyond the "I" at the time of the connection with non-reputable (symbolized by divinity, which is manifested in intimate relationships of the beloved).

The state of the 8th house reveals a characteristic way to use the identity of these intangible, occult or spiritual possibilities.

Focused intuition.

eranny knowledge in the specific context of interpersonal relations

The eighth house is the second home among the three intuitive "houses (the rest is the 4th and 12th). The emotional locator is emphasized here "tuned to intuitive perception.

From the point of view of logic, the intuition of this type works best when the relationship between the seer and the object is installed in advance. But in real life everything happens differently. You can "take" a lot of information about a person who you barely familiar; With whom you did not conclude a "contract" did not sign "agreements", with whom only the simplest imperceptible hint of true relationships. From the occult point of view, we could say that this person, from which such an extensive flow of information comes to you is a person with which you have already established relationships in space different from the space of ordinary life.

The state of the 8th house indicates natural style and the importance of the relationship-oriented intuitive contacts in personality life.

Joint property

real legacy created by relationships between people; Joint finance, ownership or property

All partnerships are managed by material resources, and by definition, these resources are in joint ownership. Earth, property and ownership - all this refers to the 8th house, if part of partnerships. Thus, any inheritance or gift derived from the family or as a result of marriage is the scope of the 8th house.

It can be added that the money itself is a symbol of joint property, since the monetary system is a way of formalizing and simplifying a commodity exchange occurring in accordance with the rules established by society. The eighth house symbolizes all the money earned in partnerships, while the 2nd house symbolizes the money mined exclusively by their own personal labor. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bincome articles, both homes need to be considered, because in all kinds it is required both the buyer and the seller.

In one of the analyzing systems of these houses, it is assumed that the 8th house is a source of money - where they come from, while the 2nd house is the area of \u200b\u200bspending money - how they spend them. However, remember that this is only the theory of interpretation, and not a rigidly established rule.
The state of the 8th home indicates the identity relationship with joint possessions, as well as on the strategy of circulation of these resources.

Sun in the eighth house



The position of the Sun in the 8th house indicates that the topic of personal assessment through partnerships is central in your life. The experience of presence next to someone is not just interactions with a person, but a true merger with him - the experience is so important that everything else will pale compared to him. You are connected to a source of vital energy through trust relationships.

Belief in your partner in parallel raises faith in itself; Incorrectly select partners, and you stop your development "faithful" partner will work with you in order to achieve the state of the Union. You sacrifice yourself not for each other, but for the sake of something in common and deeper than the ego. When the unity is accompanied by a feeling that you are more and more becoming yourself, know what you are on the right track. The task is to create productive unity with a person - do not depend on it and not separated, but to connect on the basis of trust, respecting at the same time your own way in life.


Relieve all your nature to transformation. It is impossible to flirt with this process, because if you become on this path, it changes the essence of your life orientation itself. This process is similar to the sunny eclipse. The radiance of your universe is temporarily goes out, and this is not so easy to go. If you can not digestly die, then you are not able to live normally.

You came to the ground not in order to live one life; You came to live a lot of lives, consistently, and every life is built on the remaining life of the previous, and all this happens during one earthly life in one body. Normal life is not for you, so do not try to create it, it can only arise when choking the living thing that is hidden inside you. You need to live in a stream of unusual, extraordinary. Forget about the gray partness: strive for love and interest in life.

Sexual merger.

The psychological liberation of the sexual union occupies a central place in life. Orgasm opens the doors to space - this is especially brightly happening in the case of a gradual increase in emotional and physical arousal - where you forget about who in whom it penetrates where women and male indistinguishable, where loving and beloved people merge into a completely special creature, 8 more than a person.

This is a liberation that can take its beginning in a biological environment, and end in the spiritual sphere. Needless to say, release most effectively when your hearts are open when you and your partner truly love each other. During sexual relations, focus on the center of your being and fill yourself with warm inner light.

Focused intuition.

Intuition reveals your divinity. The intuitive apparatus is given to you from birth, and all that is required of you is simply putting it into action. You are able to penetrate any person you want to focus because your locator is very powerful. Trap - You can stun what you catch in another person. It is difficult for you to distinguish between the sophisticated perception of other people and your own experience, which is able to put you into confusion. The task is to act in accordance with what you feel without touching the source of these sensations. Complete your premonitions. Right to full clarity. The award will be heartfelt.

Joint property.

One of the levels of your life goal is management, responsibility, benefits from handling money, property and possessions. Based only from the position of the Sun, it is impossible to say anything clear to any material situation or about your reaction to money; It is necessary to take into account the sign and aspects. We can only say that your financial situation and the reaction to money directly affect your life goal.

You can own the power you, apparently, did not ask, or you may need to be needed, desperately wanting to get it; But in any case, the power of joint resources will eventually be yours. Trap - not to notice how many people are exposed to your influence. The task is to fully own this power. Use it consciously regardless of the "squabble" method.

Moon in the eighth house



The position of the moon in the 8th house indicates hunger in intimate relationships. This basic need is not similar to a contrasting commitment. Let's say more, it is not related to agreements and obligations and is associated with other reality. The basis of joint relationship is the emotional expression of sympathy and intimacy, the openness of these feelings.

Trap - to be too depending on your partners that feed you by these feelings, believing that partners will empathize to you, regardless of whether you give them something in return or not, open or not. The challenge is to go on such contacts that satisfy your emotional need in a temporary, but real union, and avoid interactions that are "closed" or take a lot of strength.


Heat and emotional softness - the need for security and self-confidence, however, by definition, the death of the ego creates a sense of danger even in the safest atmosphere. For you, safety is hidden in intimate, intimate danger. Other people feel this danger, feeling the tension of your feelings. You are perfectly catching supernatural in human sensations. You do not need to do anything to be susceptible to the supernatural; You are tuned to it from nature, thanks to the unconscious locator. Live so that some day released some, a very small part of the ego and did not allow our emotions to become explosive. The task is to create a sustainable existence through the grima of regular and continuous changes.

Sexual merger.

Your deep sexual impulse temperamental; It is automatic way to maintain homeostasis. You need not so much in simple proximity or intimate contact, but in the deep sensation of emotional soothing. You need safe exemption, since it is in the liberation of orgasm you begin to relax and remove the protective mechanisms. You can live and work with partners who do not at all provide external security, or it is very weak, but when it comes to the sexual alliance, then security should exist.

Trap - emotional dependence on the lover. You will be attracted to him in the release of release, so make sure not to "stick" to the partner, just as the child is "sticking" to the mother. And equally do not educate the dependence in your sweetheart. Let the needs are satisfied, but do not fall on the hook. Task - feel the entire rich range of emotions that arise in sexual relationships; Raise mutually relaxing relationships.

Focused intuition.

Your intuition is automatically omnipresent, it is impossible to ignore it. You have an increased sensitivity to the sensations of other people, especially when you are emotionally involved in the relationship. People are better begin to realize their own needs when they are near you, and that's good. However, when you are near other people or want this, then your own needs can overflow you or the needs of people can be dominant in your emotional perception. Trap - subordination to these needs and loss of contact with true messages of your intuition task - to protect your integrity, even if a flurry of emotions are collected.

Joint property.

You are depending on the advantages created by partner relations or family inheritance; You spend a lot of strength, work overtime for their protection. You can not say that you feel very serious responsibility for them, rather, you have so closely identify yourself with partner relations that you take the role of the educator. You are able to support your partner in a certain period of life, and if it is fulfilled with trust and respect, this experience can be the most fruitful for you. Choose a partner who deserves confidence in money circulation, because suspicions can drive you crazy. Trap - loss of safety sensation due to lack of resources or money. If you become meditated about what you do not have, then you "deliver" your need to such an extent that you will become unfortunate. Task - Fill your life with tangible proof of mutual virtue and respect.

Mercury in the eighth house



The more contacts, the closer you approach your intimate world. However, the interaction does not have to be built on complete agreement. Although conflict in relations is unnaturally the symbolism of the situation of many planets in the 8th house, but here it contributes to your excitation.

Since the disagreements are purely mental, and not emotional, then as a result, relations become more intimate. However, do not really rely on those ideas in which you are sought with your partner. Also, do not forget the tendency to reason about the proximity, without sacrificing anything for the true Union. The challenge is to use the connection of your mind to the mind of another person as a kind of "Clamp of Radar Intuition", indicating the way to the real merger of your souls.


Your thoughts lead you to the border of the self-imaging of your personality, and although it may seem strange - that your brain brings you out of yourself - but it is really the most natural process in the world for you. Develop a vision of the scientist; Explore all transformation processes occurring in the world around you. Ask people about the significance of change for them; Learn the language of these changes and put yourself in the same conditions. And remember, not enough to think about the transformation.

What you learned and learned, you need to make your own life, to shift the focus with the scientist on the experimental rabbit. In the end, you yourself are your best experiment. The initial task is easy: to learn with the help of your rational mind syntax transformation. The real trick is the ability of your mind to teach your heart.

Sexual merger.

Your nervous system is sensitive to sexual contacts. She is intertwined with a nervous system of a loved one. The excitation is really hidden in an extensive network of nervous sensors, which ultimately combine in the brain.

The conversation is often more sexy than touch, because you wish to merge with the mind of your loved one. You quickly move from the state of activity into a state of passivity and vice versa, and although it can be delighted with your beloved, but equally able to prevent sustainable voltage increment required for liberation. Sexual feelings may arise suddenly, even in an unsuitable setting. Equally, you are able to think about any joke immediately after the climax of sexual relations, and there is no need to say that such thoughts spoil the mood. Satisfy the interest of your curiosity to the intersection of Niagara Falls in Barrel - your mind is a barrel, and sexual energy is a waterfall.

Focused intuition.

You are not so much a person with highly developed intuition, as one who is very interested in intuitive experience. Intuition is an invisible and very uncertain process, and although you have all the means to be physically sensitive, but it is not easy for you to completely open your strength. You are standing aside, wanting to check intuition, confirm its rationally and objectively.

Trap - a simple discussion and talk about the possibilities, and not the real use of your intuition. Task - customize your nervous system so that you can hear the thinking of other people, or at least distinguish the patterns of their thoughts, if not the words themselves.

Joint property

Your mind is engaged in uninterrupted accounting calculations, traveling resources, reproaching property. It can be quite natural experience rechargeing your nervous system, and in this case you enjoy change; Either an existent nervous system, and then you gradually deprive yourself with imaginary crises. The point is not how much you have, but in how you manage the ownership. Let the money in turnover - and your own, and the money of other people you manage. Realize how to spend a great part of the time on resource reflections, for the handling of money and possessions is a game that you need to recharging. The essence of the task is not to acquire and lose, but play.

Venus in the eighth house



To be close to another person is true pleasure for you. Singing for love - very valuable experience for you. But first, make sure that love really exists before sacrificing, and secondly, be sure that another person also loves you. Do not decline it to the union, because it leads to a trap of inevitable treason and the loss of harmony. Instead, use each kind sense to build intimate relationships. The task is to understand that even personal love is the result of the interaction of two individualities; This is something that happens not from the separate life of every person, but the combined harmony of their connection with each other.


Venus loves rituals in all forms, even rituals complete the ego. The possibility of revival has its own aesthetic design, so you are readily participating in this process. You are susceptible to psychological change, for you are much more than just a physical body. Trap - faith in the fact that changes will not affect the values \u200b\u200bthat are significant for you now. You believe that you will remain the same what exist in the present, but you will have more extensive opportunities to enjoy the charms of life. To some extent, such views are beneficial for you, but in general it is completely stupid attitude to our own development. The task is to understand that death means a complete refusal of old ways to understand that there is pleasure, in favor of new values \u200b\u200band, fortunately, new pleasures.

Sexual merger.

The fragrance of the sexual union is a powerful aphrodisiac, gentle and exquisite, very strong magic drink. For you - this is a sugar glaze on a cake of life. Female qualities are focused here: hug, softness, susceptibility. Regardless of that man you or a woman, your beauty encourages other people to enter into an alliance. You know how to offer yourself your beloved person, fully reveal, but there are traps. You can be seductive, exposing the appeal at the attractive susceptibility mask to catch the trap of who you need. You can even seize yourself, believing that you are open, whereas in fact - no. Remember, sexy vanity is your enemy, not an ally.

The task is to understand that the aesthetic and physical pleasures of the Union really standing if they are acquired in contact with the right person, at the right time and in the right place. Under these conditions, the enjoyment of complete release leads to your update.

Focused intuition.

Your intuitive abilities are aimed at finding a special purpose, to intercept the vibrations of personal love. You also appreciate physical sensuality in other people. If you find it in another person, the pleasure fills you, makes your inner world vibrate more harmoniously. Trap the use of such sensitivity exclusively for your own needs, and not for the joint benefit, your and other people. The task is to open yourself invisible worlds that have existed around us, the worlds of unpreicable beauty.

Joint property.

You may want to get inheritance money, or marry a rich man. In any case, the struggle for money is what you can not realize. Even if you have no money, you think that you deserve them, for possession of money, according to your presentation, is the right given to you from birth. Regardless of whether you are mistaken or not, this consideration permeates all the decisions you accept.

The trap is self-satisfying superiority, the tendency is not to notice the real suffering and deprivation in the world. Indifference can excite dislike in humans. The task is to use all the resources for expressing love and grace. This process can interfere with family or friends, but it should not be stopped until you fill in love the whole world. You are able to be an open-heart teacher, regardless of whether you get anything for your work.

Mars in the eighth house



You feel hidden in your beloved value. She fills you with a desire, and you strive to penetrate the shell of an external person to treasure in the depths of the human soul. But often you ignore the borders of the person. In fact, the stronger the boundaries, the stronger you can try to break through through them. This is a deadly trap, because the treasures of the Union are purchased only when both people are safe, bringing themselves to sacrifice each other.

If you hardly want to destroy the boundaries of people, they will simply strengthen the protection against you. The result is an incessant war, dispute, and not intimate contact. Realize the impact of your male strength, the relics of your pressure. Let the heat of your desire will awaken susceptibility in another person. The task of ferventness, and not warlike behavior to earn access to the inner sanctuary.


You are able to be the perfect spiritual warrior, a knight-crusader who goes to a duel with a dragon ego. Trap - distorted interpretation of victory and defeat. If you kill the dragon, but your ego is surviving, then you suffer a spiritual defeat. Then it is asked: what is a dragon? You are a shell with a thermal head of the homing head, which is looking for a goal outside. But often heat comes only from you. Everyone as in the famous Pogo saying: "We met the enemy, and this enemy - we ourselves."

Not conquest, but interpenetration produces transformation. The task is not to wise, follow your desire and know that the desire itself will make changes in the course of the case.

Sexual merger.

You are "charged" with sexual passion. The desire of the compound continuously flares in the lower chakras. When the desire is awakened, it is rarely sold out. You often forget about everything, focusing only on it. The desire can manifest itself as "access to the goal" of the orgasm, not paying enough attention to the partnerships themselves, but also it can mean the simplicity of proximity. In any case, the trap consists in the presentation that you do not put barriers to the connection, but a loved one. This leads to an explosion of anger, as soon as it comes to sex. Remember that the transformation of your loved one in your enemy is the defeat of yourself. Task - Learn to the correct merger. Passion and dust are your arrows, desire is your bow.

Focused intuition.

Suddenly, for other people, you throw yourself out of your body and rushing to intuitive contact with them. Every person you need is wanted by a sharp beam of your locator trap - violation of someone else's right of ownership. Internal thoughts of people, feelings and desires are often dangerous, often they do not have an accurate reflection of their real "I", and therefore are certainly personal. Learn to intuitively enter into those areas that are open or not blocked. When you enter into someone's inner sanctuary, you can get into the cesspool, and what will discover there may not be pleasant. The task is to hone your sensitivity to the sharpness of the razor blade. Use this tool as a surgeon, removing blockages, or as a loving person, filling your beloved virtue.

Joint property.

You are very susceptible to the topic of money and, probably, you wish to have them more than you have now. Instead of equipping your life with simple and focused efforts, you rush to those people who already have money or, obviously, wish wealth. But be careful: money, property and ownership can easily cause battles in your family, so v, social or love relationships. Observe these conflicts, otherwise you can kill love the task to work together with other people over the development of goals that can be achieved in partnerships and turn into a single flame lights of your aspirations.

Jupiter in the eighth house



The position of Jupiter in the 8th house suggests that you have many opportunities to gain personal assessment generated in partnerships. You can achieve the Union with almost every person, for internally you are open to this state. Contacts can often be ephemeral, but, nevertheless, they are effective, and you should afford a luxury to absorb an assessment about yourself in each interaction trap - the inability to develop deeper intimate relationships with a person. The task is to realize that the world is your sink.


You are aiming to develop and change with enthusiasm, which is not equal in comparison with the symbolism of the position of any other planet in the 8th house. However, there are traps here. You can master a simplified look at the change: the more, the better. Since you are essentially not the owner, then you do not consider it necessary to sacrifice something.

Since you are not "attached" to something, then why should you refuse something? What you need to refuse is from your pride. The death of the ego means that this is: sacrificing excessive pride. The task is to choose true humility instead of fake pride, and not to feed your ego for a false humble mask.

Sexual merger.

The liberation achieved in the sexual alliance seems like the most natural process in the world. You reach it without much effort, because your sensitivity to the virtues of sexual relations is strong and well developed. Every sexual contact must be captivated even more and enthusiastically. If this does not happen, then you get bored with your loved one, you turn into an observed observer and soon you begin to look for more exciting sexual relationships.

Two traps. First, you can make such high demands on sexual relations that your partners are difficult to achieve, and in the end they can repaid from you. Secondly, you really want to be free, and you are able to take away from your loved one, aspiring to intense. Do not distinguish too quickly, by this you will sacrifice transforming efforts. The task is to let the experience of the merger supply you with real wisdom. Undoubtedly, you feel about sexual relationship with healthy curiosity and pleasant surprise, unless there are no opposite instructions.

Focused intuition.

Your intuitive radar covers all space at once. You scan it in search of something interesting; Your mental sensitivity extend far beyond the narrow frames of those who are recoverable in another person. You can be fascinated by the meaning of messages coming from outside the human space, but you need to distinguish true messages and occult nonsense. Trap - dilute resources, believing that only your intuitive vision can specify you "faithful" problem solving. Do not belong to specific work: a comprehensive dependence on your forebodings can be summarized in a critical situation. The task is to use your intuitive radar to come into contact with your highest "I" reflected in other people and carrying your true wisdom.

Joint property.

Your attitude to wealth is opportunistic. You can't get acquainted with very many people or have too many friends if you want to be rich. Trap - the omission of some favorable opportunities is only because they require you hard work. Why apply effort when interaction, communication with people is much entertaining? Remember, favorable plans and inexhaustible wealth are different things. The task is to develop a truly philanthropic attitude to your relations related to wealth. The world is really your "sink", but do not forget to pierce the bed every time after harvesting. Similar "Taxation" keeps your happiness and happiness of the world.

Saturn in the eighth house



The position of Saturn in the 8th house speaks of a strong sense of responsibility in intimate connections. It may indicate a hard work for the creation of long-term intimate relations. Or it indicates anxiety. You can fear what exactly you are responsible for every failure in partnership, and not just for problems in the relationship itself, but also for any problems that arise in your partner's life. You can not trust the action of other people, believing that they will drop you immediately as soon as they feel good enough of your shortcomings.

These concerns are not groundless - it is necessary to explore them with attention. Enclose the long-term agreement and fulfill the obligations gradually, step by step. Even when you feel the onslaught of intimacy, remind yourself about the need for slow movement. Trap - a desire to get from others that you were not given. The task is to carefully choose partners, and then take a hard work.


Mail your sensitivity to other people's reaction, your fears and fears that you will criticize or humiliate for what you change is not fast or not well or not well. You know beautifully not only what should be changed, but also how to make these changes. Do not follow blindly rules and schemes that come to you from outside; Forcing changes due to the fear of rejection will not bring anything good. At the same time, do not refuse work on changing yourself only because other people pushes you to transformation. The task is to be responsible for itself as you are, and not for what you, according to your ideas, should be. Keep calm, do not protest, at the same time, continuing to gain strength through a measured movement forward. Your fear of death of the ego is strong only by the power you send them, so you celebrate the most tiny victories over inertia. And most of all, gently and all-friendly contact yourself. You can change, the time works for you.

Sexual merger. You want sexual relations to be tangible, and not essential, but this desire is so demanding that it can suppress the ability to acquire such experiences. You fear that if you "release" yourself, then you destroy yourself, so you hold back. The closer you come to the execution of desire, the stronger you pull back.

Sometimes you can't achieve liberation, and you consider it a personal failure. This is not true. This is the result of excessive heavyness, too much seriousness. You suspiciously consider the desires that the beloved person takes towards you. This is your protection against fear of rejection. The task is to patiently develop sexual relaxation ability. Do not forget the path leading to the top of the mountain is long, the path is long. And only remembering this, you can enjoy the view that opens from the top of the mountain.

Focused intuition.

You feel that you are not enough just to have intuitive abilities; You often need impeccable knowledge. These are too big expectations. You also fear the consequences of intuitive perception, believing that other people will kill the messenger. Finally, you are afraid that you are in DSUs. Crazy, that intuition is unrealistic and that you have become a victim of one of the types of self-deception. For each trap, your real anxiety costs, but none of them are true. The task is hard to work on the development of intuitive abilities and slowly develop faith in the fact that invisible worlds actually exist and can have a greater pragmatic value.

Joint property.

Money means responsibility, regardless of your many of them or little. Often you come across disappointments - the reward for your patience is not so big as you hoped. Fortunately, Saturn is improving over the years, like a great guilt, and it can give you a powerful almrempy meaning. However, this can be achieved when you carefully dispose of resources that provide you with partnerships. Money easily falling into your hands is like the money fake: you should reject the plans (a little enrichment. The task is to be a small piglet that builds a house from bricks.

Uranus in the eighth house



Intimate relationships are the peak type of experience. You spend a lot of time to observe the Union, and not to participate in it, steadily supporting a third-party position. In this case, you are not able to change personal assessment by interaction with other people. Then, suddenly, the spark runs between you and partner; It explodes, throws you, like a rocket from the starting position, and rushes you to the skies of the Union. Trap - mutual exception, incompatibility, the trend of denial is different image of thinking, regardless of your condition. The task to respond to the call of intimate contact whenever your life is fixed in the swamp of bone habits, perfectly realizing that these revolutionary unions are undoubtedly short, but respecting them.


At one point in time, you are the person you know, and the next moment you are a stranger for yourself, the alien from another world. These states are rarely delayed for a long time. Let's say more, they reflect the process of your formation; The foresight of the one you can, in the end, become. What characterizes both states is the readiness for solitude so that you do not pull the usual relationship with people. The task is to comprehend that such a final reality is cleared from illusions as a snake from old skin. Remember these basins, let them, like a compass, send you to maturity.

Sexual merger.

Why do you explode in sexual ecstasy at one point in time, but remain coldly standing away at another moment? You do not know what to answer. These issues affect your individuality and manifestation of your will. When you are in your usual volitional state, then you can persist to abandon sexual relationships. When you become susceptible to more subtle vibrations of consciousness, emanating from your depths, only then you accept the full gifts of tantric power.

Sexual Union, no matter how rare it is, there is a sudden awakening of your sensitivity. In this liberation, you acquire an updated feeling of your uniqueness, humble respect for the power, which is spilled in the surrounding space. The task is to take this power when you connect to it; Respect himself, your partner and the space for the gift of sexual magic.

Focused intuition.

You are charming, you are disappointed by intuitive perception. At times, you are a skillful magician. In other times, you are zero, denying your own miracles. You do not want to be a trained seal, responding to mosquitoes, even on your own. Intuition is manifested by itself by shocking you and other people with their unpredictability.
Your mental concentration is so humising that you often get information about other people's people, and not about those who are most close to you. In some sense, the distance increases sensitivity.

Trap - the unrest of personal gain from sudden outbreaks of intuition. The task is to give everything that you would receive, allow your intuition to follow where she wants, and not try to develop it, or drive into the framework of ordered use.

Joint property.

With money and possessions, unpredictable situations happen, especially if these are funds of your partnerships. You can find and linger the condition, often in one night, so expect surprises. It is very good if you earn money by non-standard ways, because the storage of your talents in the bag is from a series of outgoing situation. The weakening of attachment to money and possessions removes your fears for them.

The trap - excessive way - to subradiate outward pressure for you is not peculiar, and you may be incredibly stubborn when you press you, however, you are also graceful bending when you feel the freedom of relationships. Finally, you are striving to play the game with money according to your rules and although this is valuable your quality, but in the end you can get into trouble. The task is to realize that you are purchased and what is lost.

Neptune in the eighth house



The position of Neptune in the 8th house suggests that intimate relationship is a straight road to the Space Center. You are all the time ready for such a relationship; You only need the best contact to reveal, open the entire depth of the soul. But beware of the traps. Your boundaries are not durable; At times, they are generally unlikely to exist, and, entering into the union, you lose yourself. This intimate contact in the form of circular - he always leads you to yourself. If you use this contact for flight from yourself, then you have nowhere to return - there is no "I" that could meet you, and as a result, chaos or disappointment is formed. Do not seduce your fantasies of immediate merge, no matter how easy it is to you.

The task is to continuously approve the true spirituality of the interpersonal union. Invite God and realize his presence in human intimacy, even when cynics reject such an opportunity.


You are attracted by the idea of \u200b\u200btranscendence. You wish to forget about the Earth, sneak in spiritual bliss. However, you forget about reality. Ecstatic vision alternate with nightmares. Which of them is a reality, and that only dreams? Paying a giant attention to every aspect of personality development, you create imaginary transformation that decisive imaginary problems. Remember that the real growth of personality occurs in this life, and not outside it.

The source of growth is the responsibility of the task - to change your understanding of the spirituality itself. Connect holiness with common sense, with everyday life. You are a priest from nature, but you get the most important lessons when we take your own life and the life of every person around you.

Sexual merger.

The sexual alliance with a loved one is easy, Magic and majesticly seductive. Here the tension of the feeling arising from sexual contact is emphasized, since emotions are more important than physical contact. You surround yourself with the passion of your belly, wishing to dissolve in bliss. However, you sometimes use sexual relationships as a drug to get out of real life. Return, which inevitably happens after the fading of romantic illusions, not only annoying, but also painfully. Do not register too high and do not leave your partner. Of course, try to subside in emotions with all my might, but do not leave the land. It is better to support her spirit outfits. The challenge to exalted the Earth to Heaven: to free the holiness contained in matter, and make it shine.

Focused intuition.

Invisible intuition flows are truly ocean. In fact, you must consciously limit the flow of mental information coming to you. Otherwise, you will be flooded with avalanche of images and feelings, outgoing one God knows where. Separate the true messages from "White Noise". You must develop clarity and clarity of perception and the ability to interpret what you are taking. Is there any difference between personal fantasies - hopes, gold, fears, anxiety, and feelings that seem to come from other people? Are they real or is it only a reflection of your subconscious? Your borders, the shell is a sick question, so the task is to stay open, but at the same time improve the ability to distinguish, distinguish between you and other people.

Joint property.

You believe that money comes to you from the inexhaustory horns of abundance, and you are an intermediary of God, distributing these wealth, usually in order to save the world. Your motives are at the same time clean and corrupted - you want the resources coming from family or other partnerships to be used for good deeds, but at the same time you hope that part of the funds will fall. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work for the sake of money is unacceptable for you, since you believe that they should come to you exclusively thanks to your kind heart. When you love, then you are generously treating failures; You also need to follow the waste of money, for you may believe that money will help you conquer recognition and approval. The task is to share with people what you own, and at the same time maintain faith in what the universe will provide you.

Pluto in the eighth house



You persecutely reject intimacy with one people, others will attract the manic, in their presence your sensitivity becomes extremely powerful. Your behavior of boomerang returns to you: people often react to you in the same way - either all or nothing. You enhanced the thin power of intimate relationships, although you are often mistaken in the source of this power, believing that it comes from another person. This is not true. Its source is a joint relationship, fed by something mysterious, located within you. The main trap is an attempt to control the power of the subconscious, which usually leads to a disaster.

The task is to be susceptible to unconscious energy sources. The power will still be present in joint relationships, but no one will prevail nor obey. And then the whole will be greater than the amount of parts, and the mystery will reveal itself.


You simultaneously love and are afraid of the tension of the joint relationship, for you enchant the mysterious sides of life. When, in the end, you give yourself to the power of these relationships, then your personality literally can change the word. Old habits, former ways of thinking and feeling will disappear completely, so it is quite difficult for you to even imagine that they once existed. However, do not forget how you were just. Real transformation requires a gradual transition from one state to another, not a one-time jump. Task - take a change without resistance. Transformation is characteristic of their special laws that differ from the laws of ordinary life. Let the death of the ego occur in their own way and at one time.

Sexual merger.

Sexual relations, surprisingly, can be the usual most of the time, despite the manic desire for them. You suffer from "Fresh" intimacy, but subconsciously you are preparing to the deep process of basic liberation. Suddenly you enter into rhythmic sex tensions, you explode like a volcano. When you find the relationship you need, there is no longer a return for you. You can only subjugate your will to something deeper and powerful, respecting the power, erasering your past and revealing new meaning "I". The trap, as usual, is to control. Do not suppress yourself and do not strive to dominate your loved one. The task is to believe that after the "black hole" of the sexual alliance will absorb you, you will be revived updated, just like a doll reborn into the butterfly.

Focused intuition.

Invisible information is constantly absorbed by your subconscious. She is there in the frozen state, like water in Iceberg, nine tenths hidden in the depths of the ocean. Then, at some point in time, any experience of joint relationship releases all the information at once. You enter the phase by non-submitted in the power of sensitivity, having enough strength and pressure to break the life on the part - sometimes the life of other people, and sometimes your own. Trap reckless resistance to deep intuition streams, causing an earthquake. Task - Let your understanding of the Universe change as you distribute what happens through you.

Joint property.

You are prone to extremes in relationships and behavior when money and partnerships are connected to each other. You can be a greedy gold detector that are interested only in that you can squeeze out of partnerships and not want to pay attention to everything else. But you can be selfless with the same ease, creating other people such powerful support that exceeds their most violent dreams. This is not subordination of debt, but the motivating desire for recognition and wealth. Explore these motives, otherwise they can spoil your life and destroy partnerships.

It is a trap. The task to learn how to transmute the desire for gold, to understand the alchemical processes occurring both in the field of money and in the field of psychology. Learn to convert what is not valuable, in what has tremendous value, and, using assimilated knowledge, turn yourself into something cleaner and more exquisite.

The eighth home of death and rebirth. The eighth house is one of three mystical houses in your card (two others are the fourth and twelfth) and very difficult to understand. Sometimes it is called the house of spiritual rebirth, it controls the forces associated with sex, birth, death and afterlife. He patronizes inheritance - material and spiritual. Money belonging to your partner, taxes and debts also enter the sphere of influence this house. The eighth house can prompt you the circumstances of your death, although its exact time remains a mystery. He patronizes surgery related to revival. This is a house of supernatural forces and occult knowledge.

Jointing the 8th house, we achieve the end of the zone again. The eighth house is the last house of the second group consisting of four houses; This "water" house indicates the climax of relations between individuals. In the 7th house, the vertices are reached by the close relationship between people in the field of contracts and obligations - promises. But one thing to promise, say, "I love, respect, I am", and another thing is to really fulfill what is promised.

If the 7th house can be viewed as a marriage ceremony, then the 8th house symbolizes the honeymoon and everything that comes to us for a long living together. The eighth house considers the yield of the personality beyond the limits of his own shell in order to merge with what is beyond. In particular, this refers to the experience of the conclusion of the Union with other people and to all the areas of life without exception with them.

Since the eighth house is a subsequent house and is located opposite the 2nd house, then the quality of this house is the value - the value of the interactions. But the Plutonian nature of the 8th house requires a refusal of individuality for the sake of gaining new value, significance. If you want to go to a new level of development, it is better than you are, if you want to improve your life with the help of a union and merging with other people, then you must donate something, something must die. Thus, in the classic interpretation, the 8th house is associated with death.

This is not a simple leaving life, but the way out of itself and returns inside yourself, recreation of the struggle of birth. This is death and rebirth; The process that is carried out with the help of in-depth partnerships and search for what requires transformation. Such a process does not always occur literally in the presence of another person, but the aura of his influence is always near, when you reach the edge of the symbolic rock with the name "Lovers jump", will the beloved person jump with you? Or you will post the temptation. You will be deceived and you jump alone, or worse than that. Does your partner encounter you? The paradox is that you must trust the partner and still you should jump one.

Sexual contacts of the 8th house are very powerful. This is not a pure egocentric sensitivity of the 2nd house, not a love performance of the 5th house. This is the highest level, peak of sexual experience, the exemption occurring when the excitement reaches the highest point - the time loss of consciousness at the time of orgasm. Such a connection of sex and death is neither pathological nor joking; This is the highest level of sexual creativity - not a shipment in the physical sense of children, and creation in the psychological sense of the new grain of his "I". The fact that most people remain sensitive only to sexual motives does not necessarily mean that these people are not transformed. In the 8th house for transformation, it is not necessary to be conscious, but you only need to go the way that you are provided.

The eighth house is the area of \u200b\u200bsecrets. What is out of me? Did I die if I go beyond my own shell? Will this be my end or the beginning of a new way? This house is an experimentation area, so it is associated with the spheres of the occultism and intuition.

As for the second house, when interpreting the 8th house, it is appropriate to talk about money, but for this house, as well as for the 2nd house, there is also a tendency to simplify interpretation. The eighth house is the second home that is interpreted too literally, and such a simplified approach prevents the psychological meaning of the 8th house. The eighth house is not for cowardly. To study this house, the power of oak and the flexibility of the willow are required, as we are talking about the change, and not just about changing the form, which occurs many times, but about real, without deception, change - the fundamental modification change.

Each of us many times during the life is given the opportunity to change yourself, but not everyone uses it. Those who are not learning to "die, staying alive" - \u200b\u200band this is the quintessence of the 8th home, - it remains to assure that they will be given the opportunity to learn at the end of life on their own physical death. But they need to know - no one left alive from this alteration. The eighth house defines the zodiac sign

8 House Horoscope gives answers to such burning questions, how to face the danger and extreme situations in the life of danger and extreme situations, extraordinary events. And if so, what exactly and under what circumstances they will occur. What exactly they will be expressed. What events are expected: in adventure adventures, in business or in everyday life (domestic injuries).

Analysis of elements 8 houses will also give an answer as exactly what ways and how successfully the person will overcome, you will win the dangers threatening. And these may be a threat to life due to inter-ethnic conflicts, wars, criminal actions, accidents and just dangerous adventures, interpersonal dislike by other persons.

Planets in the 8th house, their position, their configurations in the horoscope of birth with other planets, as well as the configuration of the planets with cure 8 houses and the position of the ruler of the 8th houses will answer these questions in detail. The more planets in the natal map determined in the 8th house, the greater the dangers and tests to survive a person, the more the more serious and the unquencing of his thrust for the adventures - but the brighter and more interesting his life will pass.

But not everything is so simple with this field. 8 House Horoscope is a place of power in the natal map. This is a window for the most powerful cosmic streams! Analysis of the elements of this house gives conclusion about the person's existing opportunities for survival in the world and in society. What is given to him by nature and fate for self-defense, defense, to implement himself. Someone has strong fists, and he solves questions with physical strength and dexterity and can only count on it. Someone has a strong spirit able to confront any difficulties, and become a leader for many. And someone has financial power, which also allows you to protect yourself. Thus, 8 house horoscope is the power of a person in this world!

Traditionally it is believed that 8 house defines the material, financial position of a person. But in fact, 8 house unlike 2 houses of the horoscope, no cash or material values \u200b\u200bdetermine: it reflects money as a way of power. And if in this society the money means power, then 8 the house really indicates the financial position. But in medieval Europe, 8 houses "answered" for the origin, strength and physical health, that is, what gave power and advantage in that epoch, according to social laws. And in case of money as a way of power, 8 house determines not the property itself, but accumulated funds, potential money: bank accounts, business. Either debts.

With the flawed position of the elements of the 8th house, the role of victim from the authorities, criminal elements, violence on their part is prepared. Sometimes such a person is simply drawn into the struggle for power between other people. Either, if the elements of 8 houses have more than one square or opposition or an element of 8 houses were Moon or Neptune, then this means climbing into debts, the loss of independence, the abnet of creditors.

A complete list of information that can be obtained by interpreting 8 at home:

  1. Financial power. Cashless money, bank accounts. Accumulation, savings, capital turnover. The planets, deterministic in this house, and his ruler - with its nature, position in the horoscope of birth, configurations, as well as configurations to custard 8 houses will be told about the volume, the size of these types of funds.
  2. Contacts with banks and credit organizations. Loans and loans. Debts and debtors. Due to debt. Rent. Loans size, their repayment; improving the material situation through loans or loss from creditors, inventory and loss of property; Profit from loans or search for debtors, ruin, unsuccessful and inefficient investment. The size of the rent and its payment.
  3. Deposits, investments, investments, promotions, securities, business share. Benefit or ruin. Successful investments and acquisitions or bankruptcy.
  4. Insurance. Attitude with insurance organizations. Payment or failure of insurance.
  5. Inheritance. Questions inheritance.
  6. Business. Business development issues, its power, funds. Accounting, balance.
  7. Extreme situations: injuries, accidents, dangers, threats of existence.
  8. Sexual activity, passion.
  9. Relationships with power: patronage by the authorities of the preconditions. Observing, receiving power. Or violence from the power of the property, to disagree.
  10. Magic and mysticism. Spiritual strength. Possession of paranormal abilities or not possessing them. Collision with mysticism or complete materiality of existence.
  11. Frankly powerful enemies.
  12. Death, her character and causes.

8 House Horoscope is associated with Scorpio Sign. With this symbol of life and death. Scorpio emotional sign, relic sign and survival in extreme and complex life situations, in situations other than ordinary. 8 The house indicates just such situations.

Planets in 8 house horoscope

The ruler of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, become true dispositors of 8 houses. Mars is the same survival, struggle for life, overcoming obstacles and barriers, self-defense and self-realization. And 8 houses are methods and the need to protect yourself from the dangers, the possibility of their overcoming and attitude towards them. That is, it directly clarifies the task of Mars: how exactly the person will protect itself and self-realize what methods and methods.

What is significant, more and brighter is Mars in the birth map, the greater the chance of man to overcome all extreme situations, to exit the winner. And in essence of its essential nature, a strong Mars means masculinity, strong spirit and physical fortress and agility. Very severe Mars in the horoscope means a complete victory over all the dangers, which will be quite a lot, and all serious if Mars has squares, opposition, semi-and-half-and-andddrates.

Weak Mars in the horoscope is born foreshadows the passion before difficulties, accepting someone else's power over himself, subordinate position. Dependency on the circumstances.

But the actual power and power determines Pluto. His most powerful position in the natal map predetermines the strongest energy, thirst for power and the ability to achieve it. Not expressed Pluto indicates a person from the crowd, without leadership qualities. Thus, the solution and exit from many situations 8 home depends on the position and configurations of Mars and Pluto.

Neptune, located in the 8th house or the manager of them, if it has squares, oppositions, semi-and-half-and-anddresses, either forming a tense configuration with a cushion of 8 houses, means a collision with mystical and paranormal phenomena.

Jupiter of 8 houses brings wealth and a happy confluence of circumstances, allowing you to avoid many dangers.

The role of the victim was prepared by Saturn in the 8th house or its square to custare of 8 at home. Such a location of Saturn means in its strong position, deceptions and betrayal, loss and theft, and with flawed - violence and displacement.

Venus, located in the 8th house or forging the square to his custard - rocky love, suffering due to sexual attraction.