Iso New Year's topic. Open lesson by "Merry New Year"

Iso New Year's topic. Open lesson on
Iso New Year's topic. Open lesson by "Merry New Year"

DRAWING LESSON « Grade 2. 2014

Guess the riddle:

On the courtyard snowball goes,

Soon a holiday

New Year.

What New Year?

This is a friendly dance,

It's laughter guys cheerful

Near all elegant chips.

That's what the new year means!

What New Year?

Everyone knows everything:

These are shoes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles.

That's what the new year means

There is another game for you:

I'll start her now.

I'll start, and you finish,

Choir, answer together!

  • Softly glow needles

Coniferous spirit comes from .......


  • Branches weakly rustle

Beads are bright ...............


  • And swing toys

Flags, stars ......... ..


  • Nights of Petrow Mishura,

Bells, ......... ..


  • Fish fragile figures,

Beasts, birds and ..........

Snow Maiden!

  • Belous and Krasnonos

Under the branches of the grandfather .........


  • And, the top decorating,

There shines, as always,

Very bright, big,

Pyatnaya ............


  • Well, the Christmas tree, just Divo!

How is the hardest, like .........


* Here the lights lit on it,

Hundreds of tiny .........


* Doors manifest, exactly in a fairy tale,

Horticulture is worn in .........


Everyone who hears us who knows us

Happy New Year Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and good luck,

Health strong in addition!

Vacation joyful, merry,

But Chur, do not forget about school!

Learn to "4", "5",

Mom's house help!

Wish every home

It was rich in the world and warmth!

Happy New Year,


Sources of materials:

  • Animation - /0-6
  • Riddles about the new year -
  • Poems about the new year -
  • New Year's songs -
  • Phased Drawing of Santa Claus -

Sadiev Venus Galinururovna,

fine art teacher

MBOU "Bolsheldyr School"

"Art". 1 class
Theme lesson: Christmas tree.
Type of lesson: Lesson studying a new material.

Used technology: Technology of problem dialogue.
The purpose of the lesson.The development of aesthetic perception of nature and observation through the transmission of characteristic features, forms and colors.

During the classes

Stage lesson and his goals -Well guys, chur, hill.The lesson begins.We all love to draw,Just need to watch!
- Guys, please tell me what time of year is on the street now?-Is like this time of year, why? - Let's read the poems that are cooked on your tables (children read poetry for groups) -Gue a holiday that we look forward to adults and children.He comes in winter eveningSlag candles on the Christmas tree.He turns round dance.This is a holiday ... (New Year).
Soon, soon the new year!He is in a hurry, goes!He will knock on the door to us:Children, hello, I am!

Without what you can not celebrate the New Year? - So what will our lesson be dedicated to? (Opening a new knowledge). - What are we doing steps when opening a new knowledge? ("What I don't know?", I will find the way ")

- Guys, tell me please, how do people get ready to celebrate New Year?
- What is it possible to celebrate the New Year?
What kind of guest came to us?How is the hardest and slim.Upstairs burning starAnd on the branches snow glitters,And to the top of the topAll in toys and clappers.
What is this guest? (Christmas tree).The topic of our lesson is a Christmas tree.Guys, please see what color is our Christmas tree?
- Before you start painting our Christmas tree, what should we do?(Learn how to mix paint with the help of basic colors, paint our Christmas tree, only then decorate the Christmas tree with toys).Before you Primary colors 1) Red, blue, yellow. 2) - Choose those colors with which you can get green? What color is extra? ? We will give an accurate answer to this question when we try to mix the paints. - Determine what colors do you choose? t. The purpose of the lesson. What to find out what kind of she is a Christmas tree?You already have some ideas by an amazing Christmas tree. - Tell me "What is our Christmas tree?" (green, fluffy, barbed) - H - To answer more fully and accurately on this question, that we have to know what shade is Christmas trees? 1) 1) Mix red and yellow. 2) Mix red and blue 3) 3) Mix yellow and blue 4) - We made up a plan for opening a new knowledge.

Abstract Node on Iso - activities in the middle group "Portrait for Christmas Portrait"

Agrafonova Tatyana Anatolyevna
Place of work: Educator MBDOU DS "Pearl", Volgodonsk
Work description: My abstract will undoubtedly be useful to educators of kindergartens, as well as educators additional formation when working with preschoolers.
Purpose: Child learning to image New Year's Christmas tree using unconventional drawing materials.
To acquaint children with new visual materials and technicians.
Learning to mix colors.
Learning to allocate when drawing familiar geometric forms in objects.
Activate the dictionary of the child with concepts: shade, mixing color, composition.
Develop imagination, shallow motorcy.
Educate accuracy when working with visual materials and tools.
Educating the ability to listen to, perform certain actions on verbal instructions in the teacher.
Materials: Artificial christmas tree with balls; Geometric shapes on magnets (triangles), different sizes, simple pencils, erase, foam sponzhik, napkins, jars of non-flames, gouache 6 colors, white thick paper sheets, better cardboard, plasticine 8 colors, cotton wool, PVA glue.
Preliminary work: Drawing, appliqué of the Christmas trees, learning a song about Christmas tree, reading poems, games with Christmas trees.

Node move:

Educator. Guys, an unusual guest will come to us today, and who is this try to guess.
Grow on it needles
Thick and stuck,
And smear bumps,
Sticky, fragrant.
She is under the New Year
You will come to visit!
Slender, fluffy
With golden lights.
Children. Christmas tree !!!
Educator. Sure! Well done!
Oh, guys look, why is our Christmas tree such an elegant?
Children. Responses of children.
Educator. And let's, make a gift to our guest, draw her portrait, and decorate, everyone, as he likes!
Children. Yes!
Educator.First prepare our fingers so that they are clever and fast.
Fingering gymnastics "Christmas tree"
The tree is quickly obtained,
If your fingers are connected.
Locks you raise
Fumbnings you intetrate.
Palms from ourselves, fingers are skipped with each other (palm at an angle to each other). Finger put forward. Lockers to the body are not pressed.
Educator. Guys, look carefully, what kind of figure you remind you of a Christmas tree?
Children. Triangle.
Educator. And if you look, you will see many triangles of different sizes. Tell me how they are located?
Children. Below are large, on top of small.
Educator. Right. And now we draw a pencil 3 triangle of the appropriate size. (Show using magnets on a board and a schematic image on a sheet of paper).

Educator. Guys, look, the Christmas tree was in the air. Is it possible?
Children. Not. The Christmas tree grows out of the ground.
Educator. Our Christmas tree is a New Year, and the holiday is winter, can we see the earth in winter?
Children. Not. Earth hides under the snow.
Educator. Look, what do you look like snow on the table?
Children. Wat looks like snow.
Educator. Now you can put a Christmas tree in a snowdrift. (Children stick with a PVA) oh, and now the whole sheet is white, around the Christmas tree, something is missing?
Children. The sky is missing.
Educator. And what color sky in winter?
Answers children (Blue, light gray, etc.)
Educator. Blue color can be obtained by mixing blue and white paint, and gray white and black. (Children mix color and toned a sponge leaf)
Educator. Oh, something our guest bored. Let's cheer it up!
Horror: "The track is fun ..." (while the gouache dries)
1. On the track fun
Our legs walked
And to the elegant Christmas tree
We came to visit.
Chorus: oh-oh oh, ah-ah
Big tree
Oh-oh oh, ah-ah
That's so beautiful.
2. Under the elegant Christmas tree
They want to dance.
Christmas tree waves,
Chur, keep up!
3. We will stand you all
Only not col.
Bright lights
The Christmas tree is lit.
Educator. What do you think Yehchka liked our song? Now you can finish your portraits. Pay attention to the Christmas tree - fluffy needles! And we can create volume with plasticine. I roll small balls between your fingers and "paint" the Christmas tree. What color plasticine do you need?
Children. Green Christmas tree. (Children attach plasticine inside the contour image)
Educator. And now decorate!
Christmas tree in the room stands
And, bright toys, says with us.
Remembers the Christmas tree with sadness Winter Forest,
Full ring songs, fairy tales and miracles.
Christmas tree New Year, do not be sad, you are in vain -
We are merry, faithful friends.
So sparkle the rainbow festive for us
Be happy, the Christmas tree, as we are now!
Well done boys! What do you think I liked the Christmas tree, portraits that we painted? Educator (referring to the Christmas tree): Christmas tree, do you like our gifts? See how I shone, it means you liked. Then come to us next year. And now the exhibition of our work.

Anastasia Dubonosov

Purpose: Teach children draw a composition on a New Year's theme, develop aesthetic perception, emotional ratio to the image, transfer their mood using bright colors of paints, educate interest in the New Year holiday.

Equipment: B. A3, B. A4, Gouache, Brush, Napkin, Palette, Water Jar, Simple Pencil.

Methodology for holding:

The topic is designed for 2 classes. At the first lesson, the teacher proposes to remember which holiday is approaching. Conversation "What is a new year?". What associations arise when mentioning this holiday? (Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gifts, salute). Reading a poem on a given topic. (You can offer children to tell poem). Work with illustrations. Conversation: What did the artist depicted? What colors did he use? And how can you portray the New Year? (verbal drawing).

Practical work: Selection of the plot, drawing by a simple pencil.

In the second lesson, the teacher suggests a gouache.

Outcome:exhibition of works, discussion.

But what happened to us!

Yerömenko Masha, 8 years old "Christmas tree".

Ilyina Dasha, 7 years old "New Year's toys."

Osipova Masha, 7 years old "Carnival".

Lukash Masha, 7 years old "Santa Claus and Christmas tree."

Belkov Vanya, 8 years old "That's new year!"

Muravleva Daria, 9 years old "on the tree".

Tchilina Marina, 8 years old "My lovers is a holiday."

Barmash Anya, 8 years old "New Year's twig."

Churilova Polina, 7 years old "cheerful snowman".

Abstract Classes on the visual arts "New Year's fairy tale", 3-4 class

Compiler: Stepanova Tatiana Sergeyevna, teacher of fine art, Debezskaya Sosh, Village Debnes, Udmurt Republic.
This abstract will be useful to teachers of additional education, teachers of visual art for the design of the New Year's exhibition of drawings at school. The occupation is designed for 3-4 classes (for children of 9-12 years).
- By content:know about the composition of the New Year's drawings, about the methods of transferring a festive mood, about the New Year images of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden; about the features of his drawing;
- By way of work: A portrait of a portrait of a fairytale hero in the drawing technique "from spots".
- to educate careful attitude towards holidays and traditions, to the New Year's heroes - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden;
- to educate love for creativity;
- continue the formation of knowledge about ways to transfer mood through the color gamut, facial expressions, movements of people and animals;
- develop the ability to compare and make a choice, give an aesthetic assessment of artists;
- develop fantasy and imagination, self-creative thinking skills;
- develop the ability to work with various art materials.
Visual and didactic materials: children's New Year drawings, presentation.
Literary Row: The poem of M. Azarian "Soon, soon a new year ...".
Equipment for the teacher: Samples of children's New Year's drawings, computer, projector, board, presentation. For students: Gouache, watercolor, brushes, colored pencils, markers, simple pencil, eraser, sequins, tinsel, rain, format A3.

Travel course:
New Year's background is projected on the screen (slide 1).

- Hello guys! Listen to a wonderful poem:

Soon, soon the new year.
Behind the window the snow goes.
Sparrows tremble under the roof,
Sweet sleeps in Berorga Misha,
At night, frost cracks,
Shipping of finches for the nose.
Christmas trees lined up in a row
Change the forest outfit.
Hatches, snow coats
Golden garlands.
Soon, soon the new year.
Laughter, in the Christmas tree dance.
Santa Claus with a big bag
On the forest goes on foot.
Stars shine him brightly
He has gifts in a bag.
Mandarins, oranges
For the children of Russia.
Waffles, apples, lemons
And malls millions.
As soon as possible, new year,
Devora is already waiting.

(M. Azariants)

Guys, do you already have a New Year's mood? Are you waiting for the new year?

Of course we are waiting! It's very cool, because it brings us joy, gifts, magic, congratulations to relatives and friends! But in order for the holiday of the New Year to be bright and cheerful, you need to prepare for it! For example, choose or make self-gifts to relatives and friends, it can be a festive card or a New Year's drawing, a bright fairytale craft, decorated with tinsel and sequins, or a Christmas tree on the Christmas tree! A gift made by your own hands is much higher than bought in the store, because it is made from the soul, diligently and in it we invest fantasy and your New Year's mood! Truth?

So, today we will try to give our New Year's Eve's drip to all teachers and guys who learn in our school! And how do we do it? Very simple - we draw bright, colorful New Year's drawings and edition at the School exhibition "New Year's Tale"! But before proceeding with work, we need to remember how our Russian Santa Claus and Beauty Snow Maiden looks like! You remember? After all, the new year without them can not be magical and joyful! A discussion arises, children discuss the image of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Well done boys! But still it is better to see them vividly! Look at the screen! (Slide 2. The image of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden).

- Guys, how can you characterize them? What clothes are Dress Santa Claus and Snow Maiden? What is the hairstyle in these heroes? How are their moods been transmitted?

Well done boys! But not only Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can be portrayed on the New Year's drawing! And what else can you draw?

Of course, a decorated Christmas fluffy Christmas tree, gifts, symbol of the year 2018 - a dog, various animals and birds, children and adults. Let's see, but how did the new year painted artists on your canvases! (Slides 3, 4, 5). Photos of works of artists: "Before the holiday" and "New Year", Rybakova Irina; "New Year" Alexander Guryaev.

- How is the new year in the works of artists? How is the New Year's mood transferred?

Well done! New Year's mood is transmitted through the color gamut paintings, through the facial expressions of people, their gestures, movements.

Now let's see some children's New Year's work! (Slide 6).

- Children's work is characterized by brightness, emotionality, joy, naivety! And what works will be with us with you! Let's and we will try to portray the "New Year's fairy tale" and transfer the festive mood! First you need to make an outline with a simple pencil, further work in color. The material can be chosen according to your desire - it can be a gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, markers, wax chalk. And the final stage - the decoration of the work with sparkles, tinsel, rain, you can use cotton so that there is a bulk snow! Getting to work!

Practical work. Pupils draw pictures on the "New Year's Tale" theme on A3 format (the material is provided to choose from children - gouache, color pencils, markers, wax crayons, watercolor). The teacher controls the work, advises, sends in the right direction, indicates errors, demonstrates the best work of students. You can enable New Year's music for mood (to choose a teacher).

Guys, great! Now that you have finished work, you can begin to make an exhibition in our school and transfer the New Year's mood to others!

Outcome: registration of the exhibition of children's work on the school bench of creativity together with children.