Comedy as a literary genre definition. Comedy Definition

Comedy as a literary genre definition. Comedy Definition
Comedy as a literary genre definition. Comedy Definition


Comedy (from Comos - Crowd Walk and Ode - Song) - one of the genres of dramatic genus, in which a comic conflict is depicted, based on any misunderstanding, error, coincidence, and so on.

In comedies are recreated life situations or the characters causing laughter. Therefore, in literature, its genre varieties distinguish: the comedy of the provisions and comedy of characters.

Depending on the organization and evaluation of the substantive material, a lyrical comedy is also distinguished, satirical comedia, Comedy intrigue and comedy of morals.

However, often works comic genre can be attributed to K. mixed typebecause It is in the combination of various comedic principles and techniques that the authors achieve the highest comic effect.

For example, Gogol "Auditor" can be viewed as a comedy of provisions, because It is based on a misunderstanding, and as a comedy of characters, because Heroes are social types illustrating human disadvantages: Mzdomism, stupidity, moral uncleanness, negligence, etc.

It should be mentioned about this kind of comedy called "high". In such works, the comic effect is achieved not by using humorous techniques, causing laughterand irony. They depict not funny, but rather tragic in their absurdity of the situation. The "high" comedians refer to the "grief from the mind" A. Griboyedov.

And in the literature of the middle centuries, the comedy was considered the work of any genre, not even dramatic, which began badly, but safely ended. For instance, " The Divine Comedy»Dante Aligiery.

Source: Schoolboy Directory: 5-11 classes. - M.: AST-Press, 2000

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The comedy in the literature is one of the main, along with the tragedy, the drama genres. It originated B. Ancient Greece. It is considered to be an aristophane (approx. 446 - approx. 385 BC). He was the first to show power in the literature and the possibility of laughter. Aristofan loved in his comedies to expose famous Athenian citizens on laughter, as well as important events political life Athens. The best of his comedy playwright considered the "clouds" play.

What is characteristic of comedy? First of all, laughter. But the laughter is different - good-natured, light, gloomy, angry, destroying ... In the comedy, any laughter grows out of inconsistencies.

There are many options for inconsistencies: between imaginary and true, between the word and the case, between the external and internal. In the comedy "Auditor" of Gogol there are several inconsistencies. The main thing - on the one hand, the insignificant man of Histakov, and on the other - the frightened officials county town. With her fear of revision, they erected Kleskov in the rank of an almighty auditor, created a significant person from it. The inconsistency revealed who is worth it.

The central inconsistency disintegrates on a series of secondary: between the appointment of the position and the form of its execution, like in city or strawberries. He is a trustee bogogenic establishments. But instead of take care of the old men, orphans, robes them. Strawberries - "The man is thick, but thin", "explained Gogol actors.

The inconsistency determines the development of the action in the comedy. It, as well as the dialogs of characters in which there are many kalasburov, funny words And funny intonation, are in comedy one of the most important sources of laughter. Here is the city. In his dictionary, the word: "FINTIRLIUSHKI", "Assius", "Ekivok"; Expressions: "Cook with butter", "ask pepro" and other as colorful.

To draw attention to inconsistencies, the comedy often resorts to hyperbola, pointers, absurd. In the "Revior" there is a unique situation with a unique officer wife who wished to receive compensation for the fact that she was burned by "mistaken". As a result, instead of sympathy, it causes laughter.

Characters in comedies are usually discharged large, with an emphasis on the raised features. For example, in the "Auditor" on the hypertrophied love of gondoing to the ranks. True, the other weakness writer also does not bypass.

In any comedy, no matter how it does not laugh, there is a positive start, although it is not always embodied in a particular person. Gogol, answering perspective critics, that in the "Revolution" positive hero, wrote: "I'm sorry that no one noticed an honest person who was in my play ... it's honest noble face Was - laughter. " It was laughter and revealed all the vices of county officials hiding under the layer of everyday life.

Comedy in the literature is divided into two large groups: the comedy of the provisions and comedy of characters. In the first - reader (viewer) laughs at ridiculous situations in which heroes fall; In the second - laughter causes them characters. Most often, both varieties of comedies are connected in one, as it happened in the "Revolution". Here, from a funny misunderstanding (officials accepted an insignificant person for an important bird) flow all subsequent events. And yet the "auditor" is, first of all, the comedy of characters. Because the mistake of officials is explained by the properties of their characters. They are accustomed to take bribes, so they were afraid to death of the auditor. In this "Situation of the auditor" they look ridiculous, but everyone is in their own way, depending on the nature.

If you classify comedies in the nature of laughter, you can divide them into satirical and humorous. "Auditor" - Satirical comedy.

The appointment of the comedy is in the ridicule of what is contrary to the norm of life, but not only. In these works, there is still a lot of fun and entertaining.

Maintenance damage comedy. Next:

  • one of the main genres of drama;
  • "Father Comedy" - Aristophane;
  • nonconformity as the basis of the genre;
  • comedy character and comedy provisions;
  • the presence of a positive start in comedy;
  • hyperbole, absurdity, pointedness as art methods creating comedy;
  • appointment of comedy in the image of phenomena, events and characters, which cause laughter.

Each of us will certainly be able to explain what comedy is. However, if you try to set out the definition of this concept on paper, come across difficulty, because explanations like "it's funny" sounds too simple.

It is known that the understanding of the comic belongs to the rites of antiquity.

What is a comedy concept we will try to bring out.

Comedy subject, its types

In the literature allocate high types of comedy and pun. TO high species Believe such works as "Don Quixote" M. de Servantes.

Types of comic

Before you begin to understand what a comedy is in the literature, consider first comic views.

These include: humor, irony, satire, sarcasm, grotesque.

Humor can be defined as kindly laughter.

The irony is a mockery, which is based on criticism. Among the Russian writers, Irony often used Pushkin, for example, in the poem "Eugene Onegin": "Girls jump in advance", "in the village of happy and horns."

Sarcasm is high degree Irony and translated from greek Means "Rib Meat".

Satira is a method of reproducing reality, whose task is unpleasant criticism.

The grotesque is easy to distinguish from the other types of comic because it is funny difficult to separate from terrible, terrible. This type of comic is characteristic of Gogol ("Nose") and Mayakovsky ("Klop", "Banya").

What is a comedy in the literature? Definition

Comedy S. scientific vision is special view Dramas in which conflict or confronting characters is resolved specifically.

The struggle in the comedy is characterized by the fact that she:

Does not lead to serious consequences;

Aimed at small, mercantile goals;

Conducted funny ways and means.

Comedy Topics

In order to fully answer the question "What is a comedy", it is necessary to understand the features of its subjects.

It certainly depends on the needs and needs of the class, which is its creator. Of course, the creators take into account the interests of those on whom it is oriented.

It is worth noting that comedy heat is very resistant to time impact. For example, since the time of antiquity, the real days has survived the intrigue scheme in when parents oppose the union of young people, but they force them to accept the third party, which helps young arrange happiness.

Types of comedy

To answer the question "What is a comedy" you need to figure out which types of this genre can be allocated.

The first type that should be said is a comedy of morals. She is depicting human characters, their confrontation.

Now we'll figure it out what the comedy is. In it, laughter cause certain ridiculous actions, the behavior of the heroes.

History of comedy.

Comedy existed in antique antiquity. Most. famous author The time is the Aristophane. We reached us about 11 comedies written by this author in 425-388. BC e., for example, "clouds", "frogs". For the animal comedies, the ridiculation of human defects is characterized, clear tracking of the author's assessment of everything that is happening.

Intermedia appears (small comic Pieces), farce (light comedy with external comic devil), Sotta (Satire Acute), Fastahtspil (Maslennic Game).

For the Renaissance, the attention of the authors of that time is most famous for the most famous W. Shakespeare ("Taming of the Shrew", "Sleep in Yellow Night"). The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe works of this author is the thought of the domination of nature over the soul of man.

The era of classicism makes fun of man-made vices, ignorance (comedies of the Mo-Ling, for example, "imaginary pain").

Enlightenment calls for comedes to turn to common sense.

The era of romanticism gives us a comedy, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe impossibility of the Peace of Peace. In the XIX century, the features of the comic conjugate with ideas about the es-a-thethic ideal, which includes common ideas about human life. In Russian literature, this tendency is manifested in immortal works DI. Fonvizina, A.S. Griboedova, N.V. Gogol.

For the literal tours of the 20th century, socio-household co-media is characterized (V. Mayakovsky, M. Bulgakov).

This article considers in detail the question of what a comedy is. It should be noted that this genre is the most popular in our days and uses special love, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and the opportunity to see comical in life makes our everyday life and easier.

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If you have already frankly got films, stuffed with beats, vulgar jokes, then this selection will be like a sip of clean air.

website Intends to your attention 12 witty comedies, which force the viewer not only to laugh, but also think. In addition, they charge positive and help relax.

Burn After Reading

Cast: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Francis McDermannd, John Malkovich, Tilda Suinton

The agent of the CIA resigned decided to engage in writing memoirs and suddenly - such a failure - lost a disc with the secret data in the gym locker room. There he finds a short-sighted coach Ched and, together with a friend, Linda begins to blackmail the unfortunate agent. As a result, no one understands what is happening, but each character continues to bend its line. Comedy film with a completely unpredictable plot and unmatched humor.

Cast:Robert De Niro, Billy Crystal, Lisa Kudrou, Chazz Palminary

Paul Vitty - influential mafios, sort of godfather, Which suddenly began to take nerves. All wards gangsters are horrified: how to help the boss? Ben Sable appears on the scene very much - ordinary psychoanalyst. Now he must urgently conduct sessions of therapy with a floor, which in vain trying to cope with depression. Dangerous, in general, the worker.

Shaun of the Dead

Cast: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Kate Eshfield, Lucy Davis, Dylan Moran

In the life of Sech, everything goes awry: he is 29 years old, he works by the seller in the household appliances store, quarrels with neighbors around the apartment, and he also throws his girlfriend. And here, as unclear, the whole London covers a zombie epidemic. Sean, along with each other, go to the war path to save close and survive themselves. Brilliant British comedy with absurd humor and tragedy droplet. Also in the picture you can see the busy metaphor, according to which we all are a bit zombies.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Cast: Robert Downey - ML., Val Kilmer, Michel Monkhan, Corbin Burnsen

Harry is an unsuccessful thief, by chance that the alarm button in the toy store. Running off the crime scene, he gets on film processing on a detective film. He is invited to Hollywood. To prepare for the role, Harry, along with a private owner, goes to the task, after which it turns out to be drawn into the investigation of the real murder. A sparkled criminal comedy, in the course of which some incredible nonsense is going on, but watch it funny and interesting.

Intolerable Cruelety.

Cast:George Clooney, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jeffrey Rush, Billy Bob Tornton

Charming wedding chain in the face of Catherine Zeta-Jones is trying to blow up another rich, but the efforts of a brilliant lawyer, the hero of George Clooney, turns out to be nose. The impoverished young lady tolerates the cunning plan of revenge, and no suspect club continues to admire this fatal woman. An ironic film with its special charm and unique humor.

Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman, Ian Makshane, Woody Allen

The deceased British journalist Joe, even after death, cannot forget about the work. Being in purgatory, he recognizes the sensational news about the killer from London. But how to tell about this world? With the help of the American student journalist who came to England, a Sondra, with which Joe is binding during the performance of one mage. Sandra rushes into a chance of a sensation. Light elegant cinema that will give a good mood.

Bienvenue Chez Les Ch'tis

Cast:Cad Merad, Dani Bun, Ann Marivilin, Zoe Felix

Philip, boss post office in the south of France, does everything to be transferred to paradise near Marseille. But for a minor violation of him for 2 years refer to Berg in the north of France. For people from the south, this is a polar region with beings speaking in incomprehensible language. However, Philip detects there a wonderful place, hospitable people and new friends. A charming film with exquisite and cute French humor.

Anger Management.

Cast:Adam Sandler, Jack Nicholson, Marisa Tome, Louis Gusman

The usual modest clerk is terribly lucky. The guy on charges of attacking the aircraft's flight capacity sentenced to treatment with a psychiatrist. But it seems that his psychiatrist himself is a little wrong. And how to learn how to manage anger in the company of such an insane mentor? A film that charges positive and pleases an excellent playing of actors.

Cast: Paul Jamatti, Thomas Hayden Chechch, Virginia Madsen, Sandra about

Miles, failed writer working school teacher Literature, takes his best friend, who came into circulation of actor Jack, on tour at California Winery. This journey will open their eyes to many things and may even change their lives. Sloppy, life, funny, in some places, somewhere philosophical is a great film to brighten over a cloudy evening.

Comedy - this is dramatic genre Literature, in the center of which is a comic funny event. The comedy is opposed to the tragedy in the sense that the tragedy is a high genre of literature, and the comedy, on the contrary, a detailed, professional genre. The comedy, like the tragedy, originated from the ancient rituals, in which the participants of the rite played certain situations, entering into the dialogue with each other.

Flag of genre

The fundamental, genually-forming sign of the comedy is laughter. Aristotle defined the funny, comic as a certain mistake and disgrace, which does not cause harm and suffering to anyone. Specificity comedy the best way Opened in its comparison with the tragedy. If in the center of the tragedy is unresolved tragic conflict, then in the center of the comedy - the ridiculous situation. Tragic hero Always sublime, it is filled with a rich world of feelings, emotions, experiences. He puts his life on the card, he pursues noble goals. Comic character, on the contrary, proper, ridiculous, funny, stupid, vicious, defective, in most cases devoid inner world, a sort of space, not understanding that it is ridiculous.

Examples of comedy works

In the comedy, low human qualities are ridiculed, such as nonsense, meanness, naivety, shortness, robustness. Most bright examples Comedy B. domestic literature are "auditor" N.V. Gogol, "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboedov, "Lady" D. Fonvizina, "Banya" V.V. Mayakovsky.

After a hard working day, I want to return home rather, go to your favorite soft sofa and include some funny movie. Frankly inkish, absurd, but incredibly scolding tapes will scribe your evening without straining for the brain.

Real Game

Pseudocumental cinema about three neighbors and part-time immortal vampires, which are just trying to survive in modern worldwhere there is a rent, facingontrol in nightclubs, destructive sunlight And other troubles.

Bobro to cut!

The head of the post office wants to receive an appointment to the south of France and for the sake of this is ready to even give himself for the disabled wheelchairs. The flag is revealed, and the hero in the punishment is sent to the North of France, to the places that tell all sorts of horrors. The chief of mail should be learn to understand his new fellow countrymen and to reconcile with local nras.

Soldiers failure

The whole film is one big steer over Hollywood. Here everything will be ridiculously and everything, from the love of Americans to the sequel to the Oscar Award. The usual viewer will just laugh, and more attentive will appreciate each joke.

Once in Ireland

Literally the first moments of the film already give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of Sergeant Jerry Boyla. Becoming a witness to the accident of drunken teenagers, Boyle, instead of checking the condition of the victims, the first thing she shares their pockets for the presence of narcotic drugs, and, having found an acid march, immediately puts it into her mouth, with the words: "What a beautiful fucking day".

A little pregnant

A successful journalist once on drunk spends the night with a loaf-fat man and "flies" ... In the virtual list of atypical Romoms, "a little pregnant" occupies one of the leading positions, as it offers the viewer a realistic laure-stop, without well-minded frills and contrived passions.

Four lions

What can be expected from a comedy in which four shahid from the UK are trying to blow up the Internet? Yes, perhaps, nothing should be expected. The film is strongly not recommended to those who are not ready to laugh at questions racial, religious and intellectual affiliation.


Sisters Mora and Kate - have long been adults and independent women, but when they find out that their parents decided to sell the house where their childhood passed, the heroines behave at all as little girls. In the process of parsing their own things, they find their diaries, remember youth and decide to open years ago and arrange a grand party before the house will be sold.

Hands-legs for love

Edinburgh, 19th century. A couple of fraudsters are on the verge of bankruptcy, and then their guests deigned to die and not paying Rent. Friends decide to shove him in a barrel, to dare until the landfill and leave there. On the way, however, they were a little mounted and came to drink in the pub, where in a random conversation they found out that one doctor issues three pounds for a fresh corpse, and if lucky, then more.

Sorokalenny virgin

The main character is a storekeeper in the home appliance store, collecting comics and superhero toys and never knew the proximity to the woman. He lives modest life Chasty eccentric and even ready to build up and die innocent, but his friends take it ...

Zombies named Sean

Twenty-one-year-old lobotryas sean all free time Conducts either in the local bar with his friend Ed, or at home, playing video games. The neighbors do not like the Bardak in the house, and his girl Liz complains about the lack of attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that Sean does not pay attention to media reports in which the impending strange epidemic is said.

Bed party in Vegas

As it is not difficult to guess, the female answer " Bachelor", Wherein the sending opponent, if not in a knockdown, then in a confused pose. The story of how the unfortunate, the life of which is full of small problems and large badness, was able to issue best girlfriend Marry and create hated fun.

Pineapple express: I sit, smoke

The story of how two concrete ukurkov accidentally become witnesses to murder and start in running from the mafia, in parallel abundantly and hourly using a unique, the most dear grade of grass. Trail of this weed and leads mafia to fugitives.

Type cool legples

Another comedy for the evening away from thoughts and problems. From all thoughts, in general! Many weapons, blood and shooting. The most real life problems are the rescue of the swan, the victory over the gang in a separate village, as well as the swollen hippies near the supermarket.

Zack and Miri remove porn

Two the best friends - Zack and Miri - decide to engage in porn business and remove a full pornographic film, and in the course of the shootings are aware that they are experiencing a big and bright love to each other ...

Million years before our era

Classic comedy, which does not need anything from you, except for presence. Incredibly wonderful stupid, which in good translation Make you call each other Gogi, be proud of your wife, and will also tell about how they lived before. Very earlier.

Everything is crazy about Mary

The main character, TED, a complete loser in every sense of the word. In his youth, he meets the "girl of his dreams", Mary, from which everyone go crazy. Surprisingly, he managed to achieve her attention and arrange to go to her prom. Unfortunately, the date is canceled. Time passes, but the hero cannot forget the only Mary, and he understands that he should find his beloved.

Gender: Secret Mother

A pair of English guys flying from a foggy albion to the United States in order to visit the Comic-Con festival. During the trip, a strange car suddenly begins to follow, which tolerates an accident right on their eyes. An alien floor comes out of the car. He asks for help from Gicks, who are not confused agree to help him, only here "people in black" do not sleep ...


If you do not know what the perfect American comedy looks like, see the "spy". If you do not know what the perfect feminist comedy looks like, look at the "spy" again. History of the Specgen Central CIA Susan Cooper, which is gradually turning into superspion and fire-babo from the fault.

We are legends

The police officer's passionate will not immediately notice that it became suspiciously quiet. Prostramosiv, he is surprised to make sure that the streets of Paris besides him and the flying thief there is no one else. Not tourists, no cars, no dogs. Ideal french comedy. About eccentrics that fall into ridiculous situations, they react completely to them and kill the logic inside out.


The owner of a small London casino learned that his institution robbed. Footprints who lost the fear of the raiders who are surprising with major prey, were straight to the airport, but because of the smoking volcano, their plane was planted at all where they expected. The glorious city of Vilnius, of course, saw anyone, but there was no such disassembly with the participation of steep English guys on his streets.