Theater Milorad Pavich: concept and ways of its artistic implementation.

Theater Milorad Pavich: concept and ways of its artistic implementation.

Milorad Pavice
Glass snail
Pre-Christmas tale
The reader himself can choose from which from the two introductory chapters to he start reading a story, and which of the two final chapters complete. From what path he chooses, it depends on what his story turns out and to which end item it comes. In general, if you want, you can read the story with different ways there is many times many times. Rest? Business writer.
Mademoisel Hatshepsut
Mademoiselle Hatshepsut, the saleswoman in the laundry store, woke up again very late and with the feeling of extreme loneliness. She dreamed of a jug with two spouts. In a dream, the wine was tied up with a node and two separate jets threw out at the same time in two glasses.
She immediately understood that it was necessary to do what she usually did when she was lonely. First of all, I looked at the river delta. That day the clouds could not bring bridges over the water. They crawled, wriggling, against the flow along the right bank of the Danube and blocked the winds to the winds at the very mouth of Sava.
Under the evening, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut went to work. She worked in the second shift and returned home late at night. That day she noticed on the corner, the newspaper kiosk is exquisitely dressed Mr. in the winter coat of the black varnish. The girl approached him very close, with his right hand stretched the seller money for the newspaper, and Left extracted the first thing from the right pocket of Mr. The seller immediately filed her newspaper, and she unhinderedly left the crime scene. Mr sat in the color of his coat and drank.
What else should do Mademoazel Hatsepsut was quite simple. On the Square, she pulled a small mirror from the handbag and deepened in contemplation. With his reflection, she was satisfied:
[(Nefertiti face. Original, p. 130.)]
What a pity that its reflection can not stay in the mirror. Wow, how to know, will suddenly stay? Just in case, put at least my subpatch ,? She thought. And she kissed the mirror, leaving the lipstick in it. Having entered the escalator in the underground transition under the square, she imperceptibly crushed the mirror in the bag passing by a woman.
So it was done. Mademoiselle Hatsepsut sighed reliefly. In a women's lingerie, where she worked, she entered the updated, as if after several hours of saunas and massage or after classes on the simulators in the gym. The feeling of loneliness disappeared, as usual when it came in this way. So it was always. It was worth only one thing in a whitewash, and another to give another somedo, and necessarily different people. Without tormenting yourself with a choice, what and who has to steal what and to whom to give. Sometimes circumstances forced it to act in the reverse order: first to give, and then steal. But this time everything went well.
Some time later, when the girl for a minute remained in the store one, she managed to consider that she stole Mr. in a lacquer coat. It was a lighter. Dear and completely new. From a brilliant leather case, branded paper with a warranty. On red-haired camel skin was crushed: Omis IIII. Probably the name of the owner. And on the cover of the lighter, the inscription was engraved: teachers three times in a row, and your cherished wish will be fulfilled.
But more Mademoiselle Hatshepsut did not be able to consider his prey, because the buyer entered the store. Immediately clasping the right elbow with his left hand, she began to consider the included.
It was a young man in jeans, in a blue shirt and brown jacket, in shoes, covered with fluffy fur. Through his hand he was transferred to the raincoat, and he kept a small bundle in his palm, bandaged with a ribbon. First of all, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut drew attention to his pockets. They just fit: mouths spawned a little. His hair, despite his youth, were with the recalcit, but they were broken on five samples, and each of them was going across the head, from the ear to ear. Very slender young gentleman with a strange eye expression.
WON, probably, in a dream, a near-soor,? I thought the saleswoman and asked the visitor than could help him.
He lowered the raincoat and bundle on a table next to her chair and said a warm, shy voice:
? I would like to buy a night shirt. It will be a christmas gift to my wife. She carries the fourth size.
Warm Warm voice can be found at night anywhere in the embroidery, even in the interval between two single female steps, which are in the voids of the street,? So thought Mademoiselle Hatshepsut. She said:
? Are these sizes at the top, on the shelf ,? And drove the folding ladder. Rising upstairs, she felt his eyes. She recorded this look at the level of their hips, and having got down, she tried to imperceptibly to touch the staircase golden bundle, which fell from the table in the chair. Now the bundle was lying separately from the buyer's cloak. The saleswoman hoped that the young man would not notice the absence of his convolution and would forget him in the store.
But then she heard something so unexpected that she settled the staircase and looked at the young man straight in the eye. He also looked at her through several thousand years. His eyes were blue from the thickness of the time through which they looked.
? Perhaps my request will seem supper to you? he said, ? But I have never bought female night shirts. Could you try to try it? Then I understand, whether it is what I need. My wife has about the same figure as Vale
If the bundle was no longer lying on the chair, Mademoiselle Hatsepsut immediately rejected this proposal. And she replied:
? Not you alone appeal with a similar request. Okay. I put it in the cockpit, and you can see. Only first remove the stairs.
Confident that female vision is always faster than male, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut slightly joined the young forest and did not miss the opportunity to quit him in his pocket lighter.
When she appeared in front of him in a fourth shirt of the fourth size, he caught his breath. In his short look, approximately such words were read: West night will be resolved by a new day, and it will be beautiful! F
However, aloud he said sadly the following:
? Sorry, but at all wishes I can't buy this shirt. She is very good! As soon as my wife puts on her before bedtime, I will start thinking about you is so good. Thank you. Good night
With this words, he left the store, putting on a raincoat on the go. Mademoiselle Hatshepsut, beside himself from excitement, spent his eyes. Then, without removing the shirt, she trembling her fingers feverly unfolded a bundle in a golden piece of paper, just in case, trying to keep and wrap, and a ribbon.
There was a box, and in it something magical, the purpose of which she was not immediately able to guess. The charming glass snail filled with silver pollen and sealed with pink wax, from which herself fitted. What sort of decorative candle. Mademoiselle Hatshepsut wanted to light her, but remembered that she was in a night shirt that she was alone in the store and that she had no longer lighter.

Pavice Milorad

Glass snail

Milorad Pavice

Glass snail

Pre-Christmas tale

The reader himself can choose from which from the two introductory chapters to he start reading a story, and which of the two final chapters complete. From what path he chooses, it depends on what his story turns out and to which end item it comes. In general, if you want, you can read the story with different ways there is many times many times. Rest? Business writer.

Mademoisel Hatshepsut

Mademoiselle Hatshepsut, the saleswoman in the laundry store, woke up again very late and with the feeling of extreme loneliness. She dreamed of a jug with two spouts. In a dream, the wine was tied up with a node and two separate jets threw out at the same time in two glasses.

She immediately understood that it was necessary to do what she usually did when she was lonely. First of all, I looked at the river delta. That day the clouds could not bring bridges over the water. They crawled, wriggling, against the flow along the right bank of the Danube and blocked the winds to the winds at the very mouth of Sava.

Under the evening, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut went to work. She worked in the second shift and returned home late at night. That day she noticed on the corner, the newspaper kiosk is exquisitely dressed Mr. in the winter coat of the black varnish. The girl approached him very close, with his right hand stretched the seller money for the newspaper, and Left extracted the first thing from the right pocket of Mr. The seller immediately filed her newspaper, and she unhinderedly left the crime scene. Mr sat in the color of his coat and drank.

What else should do Mademoazel Hatsepsut was quite simple. On the Square, she pulled a small mirror from the handbag and deepened in contemplation. With his reflection, she was satisfied:

[(Nefertiti face. Original, p. 130.)]

What a pity that its reflection can not stay in the mirror. Wow, how to know, will suddenly stay? Just in case, put at least my subpatch ,? She thought. And she kissed the mirror, leaving the lipstick in it. Having entered the escalator in the underground transition under the square, she imperceptibly crushed the mirror in the bag passing by a woman.

So it was done. Mademoiselle Hatsepsut sighed reliefly. In a women's lingerie, where she worked, she entered the updated, as if after several hours of saunas and massage or after classes on the simulators in the gym. The feeling of loneliness disappeared, as usual when it came in this way. So it was always. It was worth only one thing in a whitewash, and another to give another somedo, and necessarily different people. Without tormenting yourself with a choice, what and who has to steal what and to whom to give. Sometimes circumstances forced it to act in the reverse order: first to give, and then steal. But this time everything went well.

Some time later, when the girl for a minute remained in the store one, she managed to consider that she stole Mr. in a lacquer coat. It was a lighter. Dear and completely new. From a brilliant leather case, branded paper with a warranty. On red-haired camel skin was crushed: Omis IIII. Probably the name of the owner. And on the cover of the lighter, the inscription was engraved: teachers three times in a row, and your cherished wish will be fulfilled.

But more Mademoiselle Hatshepsut did not be able to consider his prey, because the buyer entered the store. Immediately clasping the right elbow with his left hand, she began to consider the included.

It was a young man in jeans, in a blue shirt and brown jacket, in shoes, covered with fluffy fur. Through his hand he was transferred to the raincoat, and he kept a small bundle in his palm, bandaged with a ribbon. First of all, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut drew attention to his pockets. They just fit: mouths spawned a little. His hair, despite his youth, were with the recalcit, but they were broken on five samples, and each of them was going across the head, from the ear to ear. Very slender young gentleman with a strange eye expression.

The first is the first time

Action first a second time

Glass snail

Performance in the first two actions


Girl (Hatchepsut) - saleswoman in a lingerie store.

David (Seymouth) is an unemployed architect, just a divorced, attractive appearance, with an early seedy, his hair on his head is broken on five samples from the ear to ear; From time to time shows signs of kleptomania.

Woman - ex-spouse David.

Male in black (Tutmmos III).


Artists - Verutep participants (Cave Action).

Another saleswoman, bartender, café visitors, passers-by participate.

In the "action of the first for the first time" all light and musical instruments are aimed at monitoring the actions of David and allocate them. In the "action of the first for the second time" they are directed to the girl, fixing every movement. "The first for the first time" is his story, and "the first action first time" is its story. The same scenes have different lighting, different rhythm of action (male and female rhythm), in addition, his story takes place in one, and her completely in another city. In general, the same actors must be in the main roles.

In the performance three times there is a complete stop of action for about twenty seconds. Everyone must measure, as if it was a stop-frame in the film, the impression should be created that the performance is stopped. After such a pause, as if awakened from sleep, the artists continue to play.

Christmas carols at the end of this drama are authentic, the director must choose those that are more suitable for him. As the cave act should look like, you can read in my book "History of Serbian Literature Baroque Period" (Belgrade, 1970. P. 274-278).

The first is the first time

Scene I.

Shopping center under the glass roof, in it many boutiques. All boutiques in the shopping center are elegantly decorated to Christmas tree and Christmas. D Evushka approaches the kiosk at the same time with a man in a black lacquer coat. While a man in black buys a tube tobacco, the girl with his right hand stretches the seller money for the mod magazine. What is done by her left hand - not visible.

Girl, buying a magazine, goes away, and a man in black sits on the nearest white bench, next to him puts a hat and gloves.

With the help of matches, it reappes the tube to which the luxurious female ring will come.

In the direction of the bench, on which a man sits, is elderly Mister, accompanied by a woman of thirty years old. She carries a grid with Christmas gifts, packed in multicolored paper. A woman who is accompanied by an elderly gentleman looks at a man in a black lacquer coat. A woman and an elderly master pass by the benches, but they immediately come back. Woman hesitantly appeals to a man in a black lacquer coat.

Female. Let me introduce myself. Mr. is standing next to me, a foreign writer. He does not own our tongue. I am his translator. He would like to contact you with one request.

Male in black. Yes?

Female. No, no, you did not understand. My lord and I are not lovers at all.

Male in black. Not?

Female. Not. Between us there is something like tides and patches of mutual attractiveness. Any tide immediately comes down to no with a tide. This is the whole thing. Who are you on the sign?

Male in black. A lion.

Female. You are not from our story. But you could help us.

Male in black. Where?

Woman and writer sit on a bench next to a man.

Female. Where is not a problem. The problem is like.

Male in black. Like this? Maybe you buy a weapon?

Female. God forbid!

Male in black. What kind of zodiac do you have?

Female. Cancer.

Male in black. Kanzer. Rectacking Alpha Zero nine hours. Border value seven fifty-five meters. Delta decline ...

Woman and writer. Bravo!

The writer leans towards a woman and somehow whispers something to her ear. A woman also in a whisper in his ear translates his words a man in black.

Male in black. I am you, and you, with it at the same time? Not.

Woman translates again.

Male in black. He is you, and you me? Not.

The woman again begins to translate what the writer told her, but a man in black interrupts her.

Male in black. Yes, I know, I know. I am, and he is me, or me and you, and his ... There can be no speech!

Again translation.

Female. Mr now suggests me, and he is.

Male in black. And what if he and you and me, and at the same time?

Female. Do you have any other combination?

Male in black. There is.

Female. What?

Male in black. You accept from me as compensation for your works with this Mr. A small gift. I would like to give you a ring with my tube.

Female. Ring? To me? I just just divorced ... I guess what would have to do ...

A man in black puts on a finger to a woman with a ring and at the same time something whispers to her ear. A woman with a confused view rises from a bench and leaves. A writer and man in black remain on the bench. A moment of uncertainty. A man in black rises, lifts a hat in a skill and departs from the bench. A man in black catch up with a woman and takes her at hand. They go fast, without words.

Scene II.

Flat woman. As soon as a man in black and woman enter the apartment, it happens extremely stormy and as a shortest love scene, ending with a loud cry of a woman. A man in black, standing up a woman's nose, is going to immediately remove, but already on the go, it hurts himself on his pockets, loudly exclaims:

Male in black. My lighter! Where is my lighter? Have you seen my lighter in a yellow case? It's not you whistled her?

Rudely searches her, then all the Christmas gifts shake out of the grid, it turns into them, not finding lighters, rapidly pops up from the room. Woman crossing, rolls in a chair.

Female. So much noise from nothing. Think, what a miracle is a lighter!

Locks a cigarette, resting in a chair. Takes one of the gifts in a red box, tied with a bow. Carefully unpacks her, pulls glass snail from crystal. The snail is filled with an aromatic pink powder, and the hole is shusted with a wax tube with a phytylene, so it can be used as an aromatic candle.

Woman (sniffing glass snail). How wonderful now make these elegant candles! It is also necessary - a glass snail that emasculates the fragrance when they set fire to the wick. Charm!

Woman presses the button on the answering machine and records the message.

Message for my ex-husband. Have you been here again? I want to remind you of the terms of our contract. You can still come to my apartment, but only when I don't have a house. And you know perfectly well when I miss. You can watch TV, you can drink anything, but I forbid you to take food. In addition, you should not get anything from here, as it is typical of you. Otherwise, I will immediately change the castle and I will inform the police about what disappeared from my apartment.

Woman turns off the answering machine and pulls out a plug out of a glass snail in the form of a candle. Plugs in the ashtray an aromatic pink powder. Then takes another bag, unpacks it and pulls out a bubble from it, on which a label with a skull and crossed bones. Picks up a bubble to the eyes and reads.

Explosive of a big destructive power! Flameless!

Silver explosion powder from a bubble in snail and gently inserts a tube from wax with a wick. Packs snail into a red box with a bow.

Fine, so from the candle it turned out a bomb.

Here you need to emphasize the snail of any ominous music, which throughout the play will sound whenever the snail appears. A box with snail. Woman puts on a table typical of an architect - on the table there are paper, everywhere the plans and images of Egyptian pyramids and temples are hung on the walls, on the bookshelf a huge number of books about Egypt. This is the working office of her ex-husband. Woman coming out of the apartment. Box with a bow envelop twilight. In the depths of the scene, a metal handle of the entrance door is visible, on which we flash the glare of the setting sun. Handle ...

Glass snail

Pieces of Milorad Pavic are a collage of various historical and mythological times, through which the author penetrates. They are not revealed not to the realities of history, as it may seem at first glance, and skillfully created asifations, compositions from the dissonant elements.

The literature of postmodernism refused traditional classical causal relationships in the narration. When creating works, the authors use nonlinear principles, new technical techniques, original forms. It illustrates the work of the Serbian writer M. Pavic.

Pavice - Writer-Postmodern - uses symbols in his works, images, mythologies, culture stereotypes, which turns it to a special way of cultural thinking.

The undoubted merit of Pavic is that he gave the conceptuality and harmfulness of almost religious doctrine to the fact that before the formulation of the canons of postmodernism, was repeatedly understood in the literature, and in painting, and in the movies. Remember even the Polish director of Kshyshto Keshelevsky, his picture "Train": a young man has time to sit down in a train, and his life is so; The young man does not have time to sit down in the train, and his life is formed by Edak. Multivariance of development, the crossword of accidents - the same option offers a pavice, but for him this technique, in contrast to Keslevsky, is not an episode, but the ideology of creativity. Such a plan was implemented in the "Metro-" glass snail ": a miraculous lighter in one of the narration options performs the cherished desire, in the other - no. If you prefer the final tragedy, the hero will make fire three times in a row, as the inscription on the case offers. Then the lighter will explode and will take the lives of those who are too persistently achieved by the fulfillment of cherished desires.

For the first time playing Milorad Pavic "Glass Snail" was printed in the journal "Foreign Literature" in 1998. In the future, this play entered the collection with the same name "Glass Snail". Piece "Glass Snail" - a product of several separate parts, two options for the development of one story shown with a little different sides.

"Mademoiselle Hatshepsut, the saleswoman in the shop of the lady's lingerie, dreamed of a jug with two noses: the wine was tied up with a node and two separate jetings threw out at the same time in two glasses." So begins the play of Milorad Pavich "Glass Snail".

Very unusual in the play that Milora Pavice represents his reader. He is trying to appeal to male, and to the female start in man. The reader is given a choice, the choice of the end that is closer to him. The play is built in such a way that each reading can choose from which from the two introductory chapters it start reading a story, and which of the two final chapters complete. From that whose path he will choose, it depends, what his story will turn out and to which end item will come. The main characters of the "glass snail" remained alive and happy if the action tells the woman, and in the story of men, the heroes perish. Thus, the author wanted to emphasize a large difference between two perceptions - male and female. The text is non-linear action, the same situations are constantly repeated and you need to see what the key item has changed.

In the "action of the first for the first time" all light and musical instruments are aimed at monitoring the actions of David and allocate them. In the "action of the first for the second time" they are directed to the girl, fixing every movement. "The first for the first time" is his story, and "the first action first time" is its story. The same scenes have different lighting, different rhythm of action (male and female rhythm), in addition, his story takes place in one, and her completely in another city. In general, the same actors must be in the main roles.

Milorad Pavice gives directors and leadership to the Council, how to make it possible to transmit more fully and emotionally all of them conceived: "In the play three times there is a complete stop of action for about twenty seconds. Everyone must measure, as if it was a stop-frame in the film, the impression should be created that the performance is stopped. After such a pause, as if awakened from sleep, the artists continue to play. Christmas carols at the end of the drama are authentic, the director must choose those that are more suitable for him. How should the cave action should look like, you can read in my book "History of Serbian Literature Baroque Period" (Belgrade, 1970. p.274-278) "," Here you need to emphasize the snail of any ominous music, which throughout the performance will sound all Once, as soon as snail appears. "

Not all scenes in the play from the "first action for the first time" go to the "first action for the second time." The meeting in the shopping center of the writer, women and men in black is only in the history of the man, in the history of the girl, a woman and writer meet once in the church, despite this, the girl pulls the wallet from the writer and sends him a woman (scene IV). In general, if we talk about the writer, then it is possible - this is Milorad Pavice himself, whose name is found in both versions, but in different situations. It is from his book that the girl reads the quote: "Always equally. One thing is stealing, another to give. And do it with different people. Without choosing, to whom. Sometimes, in terms of the situation, it should be done on the contrary: first to give something and only after that steal something else. " In the history of David, there is a scene III in a cafe, where he meets the guy with the surname Christmas tree and pulls out the garden knife from him from his pocket, which then appears in the stage of VIII in the history of the girl, before that we do not remember it. But in the female version there is a scene VI - the representation of the artists, which then appear in the girl's apartment. It is also worth noting that the story of the girl is transmitted by an emotional language than the story of David. So both meetings in the boutique of David and the girl, their dinner is transferred to different words and with different emotions. It is possible that it is because the main character is a girl, a saleswoman in the laundry store, lives with a feeling of extreme loneliness. Evenings, she works and then returns home late. After the girl "exchanged things" in the shopping center, it seems that she felt the renewed, the feeling of loneliness disappeared.

Decent attention is a religious aspect, since the religion has a principle that orders the composition and affecting the stylistic layer of the text. The action of the play unfolds on Christmas Eve. That is why you need to pay attention to the scene VI from the "action of the first a second time", where the Christmas presentation is played by a group of street artists. The idea is allocated - punishment for acts. "Muslims burn on fire here, in Christian hell, there will be to burn and you. But Jewish sinners get into your Ice Islamic Jenem. As for Christian sinners, their path lies in Jewish Sheol, to us, Jewish demons. Such is the fate of all whose blood did not pass through all the forty celestial thresholds and did not become pure righteous blood. " The chief hero is assigned the biblical Hebrew name David, the remaining heroes remain unnamed.

There is not just mythology, but also mysticism, fantasy. But the historical material is also felt. The author himself said: "I do not see the difference between the past and the future. If you are standing at a certain position, you will feel the past and future. Our literature should not be engaged in the past, no future, she should do a person, that is, his thoughts, mind, emotions, intuition, fantasy, inner and external energy. The task of literature, I think it is to appeal to a variety of levels of perception. And then the reader will not be boring, every time he reading a new work, he will feel as if he fell into another room. "

Postmodernist writers often turn to the archetypes of historical memory. But in contrast to realists, historical events do not reproduce, and the historical facts are freely interpreted to create artificial cultural models and literary misstitution, freely synthesizing them with myths and legends, as well as elements of fiction. Thus, and Milorad Pavice creates some "symbolic reality" on the pages - game space in three planes between myth, historical realities and artistic fiction, as well as its own history.

The author of the master playing with the reader, involving it in the game space. Reality is not a reality, history is not a story. The reader is out of time and space and itself becomes part of this "symbolic reality". In the cultural field of postmodern works of the realities of history, they are closely intertwined with myths, legends and elements of fiction. It is almost impossible to distinguish fiction from history.

Present and past twisted in the play. The author firmly connects two stories. The story of David and the Girls and the history of Hatsepsut and Saintmut, who were not destined to be happy in the past, and they try to fix it in a new and modern life.

For four thousand years, the main characters go parallel roads, live their lives and, contrary to the statement that the parallel does not intersect, are still found. Both heroes are very alone, and therefore, having met, they attract each other. "What are you doing when you feel lonely on Christmas Eve in the evening? Is there any way that does not feel anything, disappear from this light? "- asks David a girl. And it is at that moment that David seems to be that they met already, he speaks of her daughter, but everything translates into a similar joke.

It is very interesting how they remember their past life, daring in the girl's apartment: "Through the stone of those buildings that I love, which I know well, or that I build, one memory penetrated into me. Yes, in addition, and you, too, remember, "" Several thousand years ago you rules Egypt. You were the queen of two nips. You called Hatshepsut. You were the only one of the female Pharaohs, who led the War for the land, where the fragrant oil was prepared, and you loved the shade of blue, which is called "Atlantis." I was your court architect and loved you even then. But we were not lovers. They only became tonight ... We were waiting for it for almost four thousand years. "

In the play, the author created an interesting image of a man in black. In general, the image of a "black man" is one of the most mysterious images of Russian and world literature. Almost in all cases, a black person comes to remind of debts. Creative people are dressed in a gift, a big talent. And they must use it. Otherwise, a black man comes and presses until the Creator takes or not achieve timely payments on the loan. He is closer to time and fate than to death or the devil. This image is a relatively constructed plot of madness of many artists and poets. .

In "Glass Snade", the image of a man in black is also an image from ancient Egypt, once he, being Pharaoh Tathmos III, killed Tsaritsa Khatsepsut - a girl. And perhaps I was going to kill her in this life, but the girl gave the following interpretation of this event: "... a man in black for us is not dangerous. After all, everything has already happened. He already killed us. And can't kill again. No in the light of anyone who could kill the same person twice. This does not happen ... In addition, he was late. Already translated over midnight. Today is christmas. And in Christmas are born, and not kill ... "It is possible that this phrase tells the reader that this night will happen a miracle and the most daughter will appear - Niferu. And the man in black turned out to be a random guest, he is no longer dangerous and tells about the terrible secret of the lighter.

Thus, the second version, the women's version ends well, and the main characters remain alive, they have a chance for a happy future that did not work out for four thousand years ago. The symbol of the snail in the play is a symbol of death, because it is she becoming a terrible tool to kill David, who chooses a woman, although she looks "wonderful." The author himself tells us the danger emanating from the snail, emphasizing her in the play by sinister, anxious music. The whole play "Glass Snail" is a product of several separate parts, two options for the development of one story shown with a little different sides.

In the play, the girl must pass his way to believe and love. Believe in that story about the second, or even the first, life. And David should do everything for this.

As a master of nonlinear prose, Pavice gives the reader the right to choose reading, and at the same time the right to choose not only the development of action, but also the characters, principles, solutions of heroes. Then what they should be, they do not author, but the reader itself.

Milorad Pavice is a sign figure of literary postmodernism. It creates structures: each of its work has its extraly pattern. Countless images are involved in the narration. The writer builds a story using the techniques of myth-making and out of time, speaks of a person in connection with the historical context, uniting the day in the literary playing space today with the past and future. On the one hand, his texts do not have a fixed start and end, he disassembles the game space to the components, on the other, it appears hope for the coexistence of different worlds, restoring a kind of individually justice.

But, at the same time, the world of artistic culture created by the writer, the method of its existence in culture is a system of signs and symbols, and about what is hidden behind them, what realities, we can only build assumptions. Milorad Pavlya managed to create its own archetypical model of culture, in his work, the literary space of postmodernism is determined by symbols, komi, images, archetypes, mythologies.

The text of the play "Glass Snail" can be read in one sequence, can be in another, and you can generally choose your own way of reading. You can even add a book, good, the author not only does not prohibit it in a brief afterword, but even recommends. "My book is nothing more than an exercise, a music etude offered to the reader in order to work out a new way of reading. So in this book, any reader can upload your own love story. "

Pavice Milorad

Glass snail

Milorad Pavice

Glass snail

Pre-Christmas tale

The reader himself can choose from which from the two introductory chapters to he start reading a story, and which of the two final chapters complete. From what path he chooses, it depends on what his story turns out and to which end item it comes. In general, if you want, you can read the story with different ways there is many times many times. Rest? Business writer.

Mademoisel Hatshepsut

Mademoiselle Hatshepsut, the saleswoman in the laundry store, woke up again very late and with the feeling of extreme loneliness. She dreamed of a jug with two spouts. In a dream, the wine was tied up with a node and two separate jets threw out at the same time in two glasses.

She immediately understood that it was necessary to do what she usually did when she was lonely. First of all, I looked at the river delta. That day the clouds could not bring bridges over the water. They crawled, wriggling, against the flow along the right bank of the Danube and blocked the winds to the winds at the very mouth of Sava.

Under the evening, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut went to work. She worked in the second shift and returned home late at night. That day she noticed on the corner, the newspaper kiosk is exquisitely dressed Mr. in the winter coat of the black varnish. The girl approached him very close, with his right hand stretched the seller money for the newspaper, and Left extracted the first thing from the right pocket of Mr. The seller immediately filed her newspaper, and she unhinderedly left the crime scene. Mr sat in the color of his coat and drank.

What else should do Mademoazel Hatsepsut was quite simple. On the Square, she pulled a small mirror from the handbag and deepened in contemplation. With his reflection, she was satisfied:

[(Nefertiti face. Original, p. 130.)]

What a pity that its reflection can not stay in the mirror. Wow, how to know, will suddenly stay? Just in case, put at least my subpatch ,? She thought. And she kissed the mirror, leaving the lipstick in it. Having entered the escalator in the underground transition under the square, she imperceptibly crushed the mirror in the bag passing by a woman.

So it was done. Mademoiselle Hatsepsut sighed reliefly. In a women's lingerie, where she worked, she entered the updated, as if after several hours of saunas and massage or after classes on the simulators in the gym. The feeling of loneliness disappeared, as usual when it came in this way. So it was always. It was worth only one thing in a whitewash, and another to give another somedo, and necessarily different people. Without tormenting yourself with a choice, what and who has to steal what and to whom to give. Sometimes circumstances forced it to act in the reverse order: first to give, and then steal. But this time everything went well.

Some time later, when the girl for a minute remained in the store one, she managed to consider that she stole Mr. in a lacquer coat. It was a lighter. Dear and completely new. From a brilliant leather case, branded paper with a warranty. On red-haired camel skin was crushed: Omis IIII. Probably the name of the owner. And on the cover of the lighter, the inscription was engraved: teachers three times in a row, and your cherished wish will be fulfilled.

But more Mademoiselle Hatshepsut did not be able to consider his prey, because the buyer entered the store. Immediately clasping the right elbow with his left hand, she began to consider the included.

It was a young man in jeans, in a blue shirt and brown jacket, in shoes, covered with fluffy fur. Through his hand he was transferred to the raincoat, and he kept a small bundle in his palm, bandaged with a ribbon. First of all, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut drew attention to his pockets. They just fit: mouths spawned a little. His hair, despite his youth, were with the recalcit, but they were broken on five samples, and each of them was going across the head, from the ear to ear. Very slender young gentleman with a strange eye expression.

WON, probably, in a dream, a near-soor,? I thought the saleswoman and asked the visitor than could help him.

He lowered the raincoat and bundle on a table next to her chair and said a warm, shy voice:

I would like to buy a night shirt. It will be a christmas gift to my wife. She carries the fourth size.

Are these sizes at the top, on the shelf ,? And drove the folding ladder. Rising upstairs, she felt his eyes. She recorded this look at the level of their hips, and having got down, she tried to imperceptibly to touch the staircase golden bundle, which fell from the table in the chair. Now the bundle was lying separately from the buyer's cloak. The saleswoman hoped that the young man would not notice the absence of his convolution and would forget him in the store.

But then she heard something so unexpected that she settled the staircase and looked at the young man straight in the eye. He also looked at her through several thousand years. His eyes were blue from the thickness of the time through which they looked.

Perhaps my request will seem supper to you? he said, ? But I have never bought female night shirts. Could you try to try it? Then I understand, whether it is what I need. My wife has about the same figure as Vale

If the bundle was no longer lying on the chair, Mademoiselle Hatsepsut immediately rejected this proposal. And she replied:

Not you alone appeal with a similar request. Okay. I put it in the cockpit, and you can see. Only first remove the stairs.

Confident that female vision is always faster than male, Mademoiselle Hatshepsut slightly joined the young forest and did not miss the opportunity to quit him in his pocket lighter.

When she appeared in front of him in a fourth shirt of the fourth size, he caught his breath. In his short look, approximately such words were read: West night will be resolved by a new day, and it will be beautiful! F

However, aloud he said sadly the following:

Sorry, but at all wishes I can't buy this shirt. She is very good! As soon as my wife puts on her before bedtime, I will start thinking about you is so good. Thank you. Good night

With this words, he left the store, putting on a raincoat on the go. Mademoiselle Hatshepsut, beside himself from excitement, spent his eyes. Then, without removing the shirt, she trembling her fingers feverly unfolded a bundle in a golden piece of paper, just in case, trying to keep and wrap, and a ribbon.

There was a box, and in it something magical, the purpose of which she was not immediately able to guess. The charming glass snail filled with silver pollen and sealed with pink wax, from which herself fitted. What sort of decorative candle. Mademoiselle Hatshepsut wanted to light her, but remembered that she was in a night shirt that she was alone in the store and that she had no longer lighter.