"Caspian cargo" said goodbye to the dual clip (video). Caspian cargo: Why group care - for the better

"Caspian cargo" said goodbye to the dual clip (video). Caspian cargo: Why group care - for the better

Weight(On the left in the photo)
Real Name: Anar Zeynalov
Date of birth: 05.10.1983

Gross (right in the photo)
Real Name: Timur Odilbecks
Date of birth: 05/19/1984
Place of birth: Baku, Azerbaijan

In 2000, two classmates Anar Zeynalov (Weighing) and Timur Odilbeckov (Gross) organized a group of Caspian goods, which later became very popular. Guys were friends from school, and at the time of the creation of the team each of them was 16 years old. The city of Baku, in which rappers were born on the banks of the Caspian Sea - from here and the name of the group was formed. The guys began to engage in adolescence, but at the same time, the weight of the group was already a protruding artist, although the provincial level. The first track guys read under the bits of the slaves of the lamp. For a long time, the guys belonged to the rap, as to the hobby. In 18 years, the weight decided that it was time to declare himself and became interested in solo execution. He laid out his records to YouTube. Caspian cargo's songs describe dashing nineties, and resemble chanson. That is why rap fans are skeptical to the group. Sing the guys about prison is not by chance. In my time Gross served the term in the colony For minors due to problems with light drugs.

The personal life of the artists know a little. Both of them are married, gross has two children. In 20 years, the guys released a full-fledged debut album ringtones for the zone. What is surprising, recording was carried out in Anar's apartment. Bits for all tracks did weigh. Your neighbors made their contribution to the work of the Caspian cargo.

After the post is completed, I thought for a long time, some of the Russian rappers invite to the guest verse in the album. As a result, a cat ball, Slovesky, Raskolnikov, Bratubrate appeared on the record. At the beginning, the Album kg noticed a few, but then the work would be interested in Murovei, Jamal from TGC and even Guf himself. After Fita Caspian cargo with Guf to the guys from Baku came true popularity. Heip's share was thrown into the clips "18+" and "Tabor goes into the sky."

Of course, the guys from the Caspian cargo became a breakthrough of 2015. But since 2016, the guys began to gradually forget. Guys released 2 more albums in 2016 and 2017. And at the end of 2017 announced the collapse of the group.

Together with these artists browsing biographies:

Cash rap team and a very progressive team is a duet from Baku called "Caspian cargo". The biography of the Group says that she has walked in a row very rapidly music leaders In the string style. Despite the fact that citizens of Azerbaijan are members of the Group, it is today the most popular rep-duet among Russian-speaking spectators.

Members of the group

Who is members of the Baku Group "Caspian cargo"? The composition of the collective is quite small: gross (Timur Odilbeckov) and Weighing (Anar Zeynalov). Both they studied in the same school, be friends from the second class. Practice the execution of rap has become even at the beginning of the two thousandth. Their first track was "slaves of rhyme", executed under the instrumental support of the group "Slaves of the Lamp".

Timur Odilbeckov and Anar Zeynalov were born in Sunny Baku. Anuary was lucky to appear on October 5, 1983. Since childhood, he was fond of youth art - hip-hop. For all day, he listened to favorite clips and recordings. Then he began to perform these funny speeches and recorded them on video. Many of them were laid out on Youtube. it good opportunity Compare it early creativity with today's.

The hometown of Timur Odilbeckova also became Baku, where he was born on May 19, 1984. Everyone knows that the capital of Azerbaijan is washed by the water of the Caspian Sea, therefore, the name of the group does not seem so wonderful. So in 2012, the group "Caspian cargo" said for the first time. Against the background of the name of the group, scenic names are very clear - gross and weight.

Formation of the team

How did the first steps of the "Caspian cargo" team did? Biography indicates that he was not to learn how to read Rap in Baku, therefore, therefore, the guys had to put their way to themselves. Stated with a small non-professional studio. The work process on the first job looked like this: Weighing was engaged in writing bits, gross worked out his couplets, then together chose the most necessary one. So the album "Ringtones for the zone" appeared (2013). After his release, the double perception of the group appeared: Some admired the guys, their others criticized. When weighing and gross removed the video, they immediately appeared in front of the audience with charismatic guys with their principles. First noticed the creativity of the guys famous russian rapper Guf.

Problems of songs

What immediately interested the youth group "Caspian cargo"? Themes and problems are listed in the texts, hurt young people for living. Basically, the repertoire is intended for the audience, which has already been spreading goodbye to childhood, but has not yet found his gentlemen among adults. It cannot be said that their texts are deprived of meaning, because in the first song phrases from the novel by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who was a famous Russian dissident. New songs began to appear one after another, the Baku guys began to compete with such performers as Khatyn, Slim, Typsy Type. Rap performed by the team is very diverse. Highly vital theme is the existence of people at the limit possible. The youth sees something in every song, pressing. In their songs, the guys reflect a lot about death, human relationships.

"Ringtones for Zone"

The main discovery of the group was the Album "Ringtones for Zone". Here are the main names of the songs from this album: "To whom I want to look like", " Last bookI impressed me, "the best thing I did this year," "I inspires me" and another 20 others. Everything, what guys are singing in the album, is truly true. "Ringtones for the zone" is the szvuk of the past. Surs The times of the 90s postponed a difficult imprint on the fate of both performers.

Personal life

Many secrets stores the group "Caspian cargo". The biography of participants in the sources mentioned briefly. What is known about gross and weight, how about people? The main advantage of these guys is modesty. Gross in his youth was serving the term in the field of imprisonment (colony for juvenile). This episode from his biography served as the topic for writing many songs. To date, gross has a wife who gave birth to him 2 children.

Weighing at one time was also attracted to meek dates, knows what zone is. Criminal Life became the theme and his texts. The guy does not particularly advertise his personal life, it is known that he is married.

Future plans

What do the performers of the group "Caspian cargo" dream? The biography of the guys indicates that they are preparing for fans of their talent new gifts. Many are famous for them new album "Side A / side in". Hit "Hit" Hit - Write "is particularly popular. Guys plan to continue to successfully tour over the cities Russian Federation. The group is very tight graph concerts. The symbolic name of many performances of the duet is "16 tons". Rows of group fans each day increase.

To hell with a review, I propose an experiment: Turn on the girlfriend a song with debut album Caspian cargo, and next - "Mademoiselle" with just a released "soundtrack to so and not removed film". Ask what group she liked more. Explain that they are recorded among the same people. Describe in the comments below the reaction.

For 5 years, a duet from Baku turned into one of the most extremely fruit existence. popular groups genre. Fools-witness with recognizable style, which marked first serious men on serious tinted machines, and then their companions. It seemed that the circle of listeners expands with each release, but after two solo works that born in the hearts of fans of fears about a possible split inside the collective, the information was followed, that the new plate for the Caspian cargo would be farewell. As a result, it saved the artists from the need to comply with the expectations of their fanbazis and simply gave a map-blanche for experiments. As we have already seen, the old duet listener did not understand and did not accept.

Gross, sprouting most Material, of course, pulled out: Mumbath, new R & B, minimal-trap, Oldskaya Bumbepe - Everything is there. To justify genre scatter, the concept is invented, supposedly this album - music to non-existent criminal drama. Well, just like at the screw, when one of the heroes comes to the former companions and proposes to turn one more, the last Delza. There is something like a script where it is painted, what song which episode corresponds to ("Childhood of Heroes", "Prison. Rethinking", etc.). About such a concept can not be guess, do not read the interview or press release, but the plot, let and in very general features, appears.

The sound was updated, and the hero of the Caspian cargo remained all the same: not the most law-abiding resident of the latitudes, once outlined by the group as a "Firerel district, village Shmalievo". About the world of such people who "collect their harvest, threatening", about their fears and hopes, the duet wrote dozens of songs - and still managed to find new approaches, new solutions, new dramas. I thought that part of the unreasonable Heita to the creativity of the Caspian cargo had always grown up from the fact that their hero was not at all trendy, rather that came out of the three-air crime TV series NTV. Part of the brutate vestt from the song "Heroes of Our Time" seems to be a metaphor, it is a beating. With a relevant sound, this is not so striking.

Masterpiece prychlaine is not going anywhere, this fountain is still inexhaustible. If you choose your favorite, then weighing it "with a frightenment behind the back, like under Pugacheva's Pugacheva / Nonprofessional, Vasya, but it seems like a show", but gross: "We don't hang, we are hanging in a hairs, like Churchhel / my house between Hell and paradise, I call him church-hella. " Last - my favorite in the nomination "Stitch of the Year."

In the repertoire of the group, the mansion always stood touching, stuffing things on a tear like "coming-write", "City of Brides" or "Childhood". Now it is added to them and "warming up", the first verse of which is the transmitting smells and halftone the most real cinema, and the boss of the Weighing is a witty impeller, which closes the topic. This song is better than other shows that they still can sound perfectly together, but in the course of the release he does not let the idea that they are already interested in the musicians. Weighing are organic in the role of a barrier that does not climb into a sharp sense in the pocket of the element, and gross - on the contrary, a romantic who knows how and seeking to cause sympathy and understanding from the listener.

Caspian cargo is now a duet of people looking at different directions.

Therefore, I even in some sense, I am glad that I am readable by me goes away. They love to tell stories, and in stories, it is extremely important to the beautiful finals that rap-teams are not indenting us, on a waste of years, as a rule, turning into a parody of themselves or something worse - rivals on Versus, discarding the shadow to their own achievements and bright memory.

ABOUT solo projects Gross and weight still do not even stutter, but whoever believes that the artists of their caliber and creative form can be so easy to leave? And there, what the hell is not joking, maybe and Reunion will happen. I am sure that even Haketers would like it. You know, as it happens - well, just like at the ramp. When one of the heroes comes to the former companion and proposes to turn one more, last Delza.

It's no secret that the team " Caspian Cargo"stops existence. After not the longest, but successful careerThe group participants have achieved a lot of things, got a lot of fans, but the minuses turned out to be weighty advantages. On October 6, the next issue of the program was published " Russian rap from first person", whose main character became Gross, and during the conversation, the artist told about the farewell round of the group " Caspian Cargo", On the collapse of the team and who became the initiator, as well as about writing songs.

"Caspian Cargo"It really disintegrates. Gross confirmed this information. Rapper stressed that the group will not reunite as many teams do now. According to the artist, the decision is finally decided. The initiator of the idea - Gross. The reason is a drop in popularity. According to the artist, it is also necessary to leave the game as beautiful as rushing. The musician noted that the peak of the popularity of the team was two years ago. This is noticeable of comments by listeners, the number of visitors to concerts and media reactions. Now, according to Rapper, the situation is not changing for the better.

Gross It believes that the artist or group must always be relevant. In his opinion, the creativity of the team " Caspian Cargo"It's not so perceived by the listeners. The rapper does not hide that the main topics of the team is criminal. However, according to the artist, it is no longer interested in listeners as before. Rapper does not want to look ridiculous with his themes against the background of more relevant colleagues. Weight Fully supported him in this matter.

"Caspian Cargo"Scheduled a large farewell concert tour, during which the group will visit many cities with a considerable number of tracks. On this creative page The team closes forever. Do not wait for the reunification of the team.

Talking about yourself Grossnoted that he could not adapt to the trend. Rapper long time writes about the same characters by changing their history. Artist likes what he composes, but he sees that it is perceived by people no longer so well, but to write about that fashionable, the performer does not know how.

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Like someone or not, but a group with an unusual look at the title "Caspian cargo" rapidly broke into Russian-speaking of Eastern Europe And rapidly close music leaders in the Rap style.

"Caspian cargo" - at the moment the most successful rap duet on russian sceneHowever, the group members from Sunny Azerbaijan, and by nationality are representatives of the indigenous majority of this country. Their names and surnames clearly indicate that they are Azerbaijanis, however, it is in no way prevents them from understanding the Russian (Russian-speaking) viewer and find full contact with him.

Biography Anar Zeynalova (Weighing) - Participant of the Caspian Cargo Group

Anar Zeynalov, the scenic name of the Weighing, was born in beautiful Baku on October 5, 1983, when the rules of the ball golden autumn. Perhaps the boy and watched the adhesive beauty ancient Citymaybe all the boys did not pay attention to artistic beauty. But, undoubtedly, love for art, even if youth, the underground, lived in it.
Otherwise, why would he be carried away by hip-hop and not just a swing of favorite records and clips, namely own performance. First, for yourself personally and friends, gradually expanding the audience. Some of his videotapes he laid out in Youtube, and now numerous fans have a unique opportunity to appreciate their idol from the point of view of "to" and "after".

Biography of Timur Odilbeckova (gross) - Participant of the Caspian cargo

The real glory found his hero when he went to the scene in the duet in the company with Timur Odilbeckov, now known under the name of Grutto. The Birthplace of Timur was the same sunny Baku, having spread out on the shores of the legendary Caspian Sea. Only he was born on May 19, 1984, for half a year younger than his "brother" in the group.
Learning what place is small Motherland These young, but early performers, becomes clear the name of the group and the origin of their stage names (the hand does not rise, nicknie, nicknamed and the like) is now quite explained.

Career Group Caspian cargo

Music road so young diving Not much differed from climbing the heap hip-hop parades of them, the so-called colleagues in the workshop. Joint creative quest began in 2000, the musicians themselves now celebrate them as early and unprofessional. The Rapper School in Baku was not observed in risen, so it was not particularly learning from anyone. The unprofessional studio has become the birthplace of the first tracks. But even such records made, in fact, amateur, could not remain unnoticed by the recognized leaders of rap music. And the first who drew attention to the "new" - Guf, who offered to perform a song together and remove the clip. Fresh voices, charismatic guys who have their own principles - the heroes of the clip Weighing and gross appeared so. Someone immediately asked the duet "Caspian cargo" for banners russian rapSomeone began to resent and criticize the guys at all posts and comments. Undoubtedly, the music and texts have thrown over the living, the guys talked to young people in their tongue, threw their problems and topics, tried to look for answers to the same questions that seek everyone who gone with childhood, but not yet found faiths in an adult world.
In addition, the first clip, shot in the company with Guf, clearly made it clear that the guys were not from the street and not from the gateway. They have heavy artillery in the form of Russian classical literature. In the track "All for one dollar" used monologues and phrases from the novel by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the great Russian dissident who received Nobel Prize. The question remains open, whether guys read the novel, or carefully watched the eponymous series "In the first round", but it doesn't matter. Another important thing is that the favorite group can push fans to internal development, reading the best samples of world literature (culture). Following the first joint song (which the current rappers are called Fit) are followed by the following, where the company Baku guys make up megapopular performers of hip-hop, including Sliem, Typsy Type, Khatyn and others.

Guys, so sincerely dropped in texts and execution, in fact, on male, restrained and do not rush to everyone and tell everyone about your life and personal problems. And in the press, and in the endless spaces of the Internet, there are very few information about them, it is even more difficult to find out that from what is written is true that the fiction of the heroes, that Ideumano devoted fans. So, on the basis of their texts, permeated by Bloom Romance, many believe that the guys, at least one of them, gross, had problems with the law. Some Internet sources report that, being a minor, he once served the term. Currently Timur - beautiful husband And the father of two children, it is unlikely that he would like the heirs to know about the not very pleasant past. Weighing, according to the same authors, did not have been noticed in such a reprehensible, although his texts on the verge of legality and crime. Tattoos that could tell about the past life guys are not visible.

Life on the verge reflected in the texts is only one of the problems raised by the guys in his work. They are not young boys, not teenagers. These are adults who have already formed the characters who have the full right to express their thoughts about global problemsWith which everyone faces individually, possibly suggesting the output.

From the last achievements - the track "Silence", a joint projectIn which the team "Caspian goods" and Liman, a rap artist from Yekaterinburg took part. Rapper on his page in social network Thanked All those who participated in the record, naturally, the first words of gratitude received gross and weight. Their creativity, namely, the composition "coming - write," was presented on one of the Internet portals in the twenty of the best tracks of 2014 in the style of hip-hop, in the comments, the listeners rated it as "the most severe male song." The same hit is seen in the 50 list. best songs of the year. In one of the interviews dedicated to the main results of the past 2014, the guys responded to many questions and showed non-real knowledge of various policies, economics and cultural life Not only Russia, but also the entire planet. The most interesting and touching was answers to the question about the act of the year. Weighing philosophically replied that the main thing for him was to remain a person. For gross, it was most difficult to congratulate your soul mate with the next anniversary of their relationship. Moreover, he decided to do it in public, from the stage, during one of the speeches. He admitted that he was very worried, why was confused in words, and gently noted that his beloved did not expect such a act from him, and therefore he was confused.

Creative Plans for Group Caspian Cargo

Currently, the Caspian Cargo group is preparing a gift to fans of his talent, the new album "Party / Low Grand" will appear, the installation of Gleb Pokolov has been commissioned by assembly. Fans hope that the new recorded material will not be worse than previous albums. What is interesting, there are no people recklessly lovers in their work, everyone finds something their own, one or another composition, album or clip. Deadlied fans support the group, trying to advise, rejoice in luck and actively comment on both texts and their attitude towards them.

Currently, they actively voted for the victory of favorite performers in the "hit year" competition, which is held according to NR, where recognized monsters of Hip-hop appeared to the Kaspian cargo competitors, like Basta, Rem Digga, already famous Gufa, Sliema and Ptakhi . From the guys from Baku, het "Retire - write". The beginning of 2015 will delight the fans of the group dense touring schedule, fans have the opportunity to visit the nearest major localitywhere the concert will be held, and do not try to get to the capital. What is especially pleased that geography covers not only the European part of the Russian Federation, but also its inhabitants, including Khabarovsk and Vladivostok (February), Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg (April). In March 2015, Caspian cargo will perform in the club with symbolic name "16 Tons". The performance is positioned by performers as a special concert, in which only the most rarely executed duet hits will be performed. This event is particularly valuable for the participants of the group, and for their numerous fans.