From what the singer Katya Light died. Katya Ogonosk Biography, photo, personal life Kati Spark, daughter

From what the singer Katya Light died. Katya Ogonosk Biography, photo, personal life Kati Spark, daughter
From what the singer Katya Light died. Katya Ogonosk Biography, photo, personal life Kati Spark, daughter

Irina Krug is not only the famous and loved by many of the Russian Chanson. This happy, beautiful woman is the mother of three wonderful children, namely the eldest daughters of Marina Glazko, the sons of Alexander and Andrey. As you know, today it is the owner of the prestigious Prize "Chanson Year". However, on the way to stunning success, she had to go through many unpleasant moments and overcome complex obstacles.

Biography Irina

Ural Chelyabinsk is a city in which Irina appeared on March 29, 1976. The singer always responds about his homeland only by the most kind and good words. At certain moments of life, the singer "covers" pleasant memories of bright and joyful days spent in this work town.

Happy childhood

In Maiden, Irina Krug wore the surname of the eyewhich she changed in a marriage on Vorobyev.

Biography of Irina Circle is quite interesting and diverse. The girl was born in the usual and no outstanding family. She had a drawing mother, but his father was military, so there was no violation of order and discipline in the house.

At the cute girl Ira, like many of its peers, there was one dream - to become an actress and glorify the whole world. Its creative inclinations and abilities to art were noticeable to the naked eye from early childhood, so, not thinking, the parents sent her to learn to theatrical circle. At that time, he was in the Chelyabinsk House of Creativity.

However, an irresistible desire and a restless desire to participate in theatrical performances not for all relatives and acquaintances were understandable and justified, because in reality Ira differed:

  • timid character;
  • indecision;
  • insecurity.

Even during the school lesson, an awkward embarrassment was thrown into the board.

Being a famous actress, it turns out, it was not the only cherished desire of the future singer. If her girlfriends, playing in the dolls, tried to sew beautiful outfits to them, then the girl was more interesting to pass the teeth. And, it should be noted, this desire was not gone without a trace. Even now singer Chanson does not disregard people with snow-white smiles.

In addition, the future star saw herself with a successful figure skater. Translations that broadcast competitions are beautifully moving on the ice of the figure skater, have never been skipped by a girl. The reason for visits to the roller with girlfriends was not only a cheerful pastime, but also a great opportunity:

  • learn new movements;
  • improve the already acquired skills;
  • feel yourself a star scene.

But how much the tears had to shed a girl when she heard that the visit to figure skating classes is impossible. Irina Krug, the age of which at that time became the only obstacle on the way of implementing her cherished dream, could not accept a long time with its failure. The only support for her was the parents who comforted it could.

Youth and first disappointment

School years were for the mercy of the most memorable, because it was on the walls of the school that the girl met her first love. Its chosen was the high school student in which she fell in love without a memory. On her happiness, these feelings were mutual. The couple was confident that these feelings were real and forever.

Shortly after graduation, the life of young beauties change dramatically. All dreams of acting career go to the background. The purpose of an attractive girl becomes the creation of a family, so it gets married. The birth of the Marina daughter became for Irina the greatest moment in her life.

Ira soon becomes a student of a trade technical school, which at that time was considered a very prestigious educational institution. Immediately after his end, the girl takes to work at the youth department of the Central Department Store fashion department. From time to time she had to advertise expensive cars. However, this profession did not bring any pleasure to the girl. Irina had a completely lack of interest in work, so gradually she began to be disappointed in her choice.

Husband Ira learned on a dental technology, in which the girl herself saw for himself a sign of fate, because she came about this profession from childhood. But a woman could not live with this man under the roof, since good and sensual relations between the spouses began to fade in very soon. The kindness and loyalty of the husband was replaced by anger, imbreediness and misunderstanding. The cause of all this was the use of spouse of narcotic substances. In addition, the woman began to learn about the treasures of her husband.

Youth is a time when you can change something and turn your life in the right direction. So Irochka tried to "bring her husband's feelings". For some time she all goodbye to him, sorry him. The point of boiling was the moment when a man swung on his wife with a knife. Without sustaining such bullying and fearing for the life of your daughter, Irina decided to leave.

At that time, the parents of the girl no longer lived together, and at the divorce father left his mother's one-room apartment. She was empty, as the mother's mother got married a second time, so Ira with his daughter switched there.

Work in the department store did not bring sufficient income to feed himself and a little daughter. A neighbor on the entrance suggested a future singer's work at the Malachite restaurant. It was not easy to get there, but the woman silent the Word for the girl, after which Irina began her new job.

Football meeting

The meeting of Irina and Mikhail Circle occurred in the restaurant, where the girl came to work as a waitress. In one of the wonderful evenings, the pop singer Chanson came to the establishment of dinner, and Irina instructed to serve his table.

A young waitress immediately liked Mikhail, so he, without thinking, suggested that she join his friendly and successful team. For the girl, it was a blow to lightning in the middle of a clear sky, I was tormented by questions:

  1. Why glorified by the entire country artist need an ordinary waitress from Chelyabinsk?
  2. Is it possible to find educated and experienced people in whole Moscow?

From such a tempting offer, she had to refuse, explaining this fact to the fact that she had no one to leave his young child. Mikhail answered nothing to this and just left the city. However, in a very soon, the singer returned to the city, and this time Ira simply could not disagree this work with such high payment.

New Life and Work

Irina herself in the autobiography says that her new and entertaining life begins after she left her mother's daughter with stepfather and left for Moscow. As the circle promised, Irina got the job of costumes with a decent salary.

After a while, Irina began to notice the gods of the singer on himself. She felt that Michael was not indifferent to her. Mikhail himself could not immediately admit Irina in his sympathy, since he frangles many times on his life. Living together in the same house, they did not come closer for a long time, but were just friends and partners.

After some time, Mikhail and Irina came together, and in 2001 they signed. Being married to Mikhail Krug, Irina really felt his beloved and happy woman. In the new house she liked to do everything: and clean, and cook. For the sake of his beloved man, she was ready for everything.

In addition to Ira, her daughters of Marina and Mikhail, Dmitry, the son of the artist from the first marriage lived in the house. Ira immediately settled to him soul. Happy family life gradually removed Irina from touring life. She became a caring and loving wife.

Soon Ira got pregnant. In 2002, the Sasha's son was born in the spouses. But this joy was overshadowed by a terrible tragedy that happened right in the house of Mikhail and Irina Krug. The cause of death is a gunshot wound her husband, which occurred in the house in the middle of the night.

Creativity Irina

At first, to fulfill the songs of your dead husband, Irina refused flat. He considered it a very responsible occupation that she could not cope with him. However, wanting to keep the bright memory of a beloved person, Irina is still deciding to continue his great deal.

Today, the famous singer constantly tours, pleases his fans and fans of the deceased King Chanson wonderful songs. People really loved her and attend her concerts with great pleasure.

Personal life

The personal life of Irina Circle after the death of her husband was struck only in a few years. Somehow in the hairdresser Irina met an attractive man. They were Sergey Belousov. A young promising businessman with big hopes and great future could not help.

In 2006, the couple decided to get married, and after 7 years, the woman was creating Belousov, the birth of the son of Andrei.

The eldest daughter Marina is studying at the institute, and the son of Alexander is studying at school and is very passionate about sports.

Biography of Irina Circle, personal life and children of singers have always represented and are of great interest for the simple people. Today it is a successful, and happy woman. Irina is engaged in his favorite thing, gives his fans wonderful songs and, of course, he managed to raise their favorite children.

All his free time Irina Krug prefers to give his family. Home comfort, a calm atmosphere and love of loved ones - that's all you need a young queen of Russian chanson.

ATTENTION, only today!

This year turned 15 years since it is not with us the legendary chanson Mikhail Circle. Bard was shot in his own home in the Tver region, where he was with the whole family. A lot of programs were taken about this crime, the series was released, a large investigation was conducted, but the cause of the murder was still not disclosed.

According to one version, the attackers wanted to rob the circle, and on the other were the performers of the registered murder. After the death of Mikhail, his wife Irina continued his spouse's work, becoming a singer in the genre of Chanson.

The story of their love resembles a fairy tale about Cinderella. The difference is one thing - in the case of Mikhail and Irina, there was no Heppi-End. In 1999, the artist of the Russian chanson Mikhail Vorobiev, known under the pseudonym of the circle, visited the Chelyabinsk restaurant "Malachit", where he notifies the young cute waitress named Irina. She really liked the artist, but he did not dare to romantic courtship, but he suggested the beauty of the costume screen in his team. The girl immediately agreed. The circle took her to himself in Tver, and working relationships after some time turned into love. At that time, Irina had an unsuccessful marriage behind his shoulders, and the four-year-old daughter Marina, which Mikhail accepted as his own. In 2001, they signed. But happiness lasts just a year. 2002th brought Irina as greater joy and tremendous grief. The fruit of them appeared on the world with her husband's love - Sasha's son, but not one and a half months from his birthday, as Mikhail was killed. Artist of Hits "Vladimir Central", "Come to my house", "Konker", "Girl-Pai" was 40 years old. Irina could not come to himself after a great loss, but then she decided to continue his spouse, becoming a singer.

I walked a very difficult way, "Irina admits. - I left myself a pseudonym Misha, because I really liked him. But this is only so it seems that, having a famous surname, it is easy to achieve success in music. On the contrary, I was more difficult for me. Because from all sides, everyone was stuck, they said: "Why did she do it?" I lived in a removable apartment in Khimki, there were financial difficulties, I was not needed anyone. It was very difficult, but I tried to go ahead.

The names of the songs of Irina speak for themselves: "The first autumn separation", "Where are you?", "Love Story." Many compositions she devoted Mikhail. Four years after his death, Irina remained alone. But in 2006, a new feeling came to her life. She married a businessman Sergey Belousov, and after eight years she gave him the son of Andrei. But in a conversation with our correspondents, Irina admitted that recently their life with his spouse is not laid.

Now a very difficult period in my family, - Irina sighs, lowering his eyes. - Most likely, my husband and I will disperse.

It turns out that after the death of Mikhail Irina never gained harmony in love. But but all three of her kids near and every day they please mother with his successes. And 16-year-old Sasha is so at all rushing to the scene.

I have all the children are busy, the actress praises. - The middle of the school, older, is already 22, it works, younger 4, goes to the kindergarten. Sasha really wants to sing. Misha has a lot of musical material, I would like to fulfill my son. But while he likes rap. Yes, I understand that for chanson, he is still very young. I am no producer, I will try, of course, to help my child in everything and give the right advice.

Irina loves his children so much that for many years, despite its creative success, refuses to work on New Year's Eve. Huge fees she is always ready to exchange on a quiet home evening with sons and daughters.

Glazko Irina, better known as Irina Krug, was born in 1976 in the city of Chelyabinsk. Father was a military man, because discipline always reigned in their home.

Since childhood, Ira came about the creative profession, and therefore was a regulance of the Chelyabinsk House of Culture. The family of Irina Circle is little covered in the network, more information about it as about Mikhail Croge's wife.

Husband Irina Krug

Nothing unknown about the first wife of Irina, the second husband of Irina Krug - Mikhail Circle (real name Vorobyev).

Couple met in a cafe. Then Irina served Mikhail's table. He immediately noticed her. Before leaving, he invited the girl to work on him as a costume. The girl refused, because she has a little daughter. But the singer was not one of those who give up at the first failure. A few days later, Irina called the circle manager and persuaded again to accept an offer to work. And she agreed.

It will not be superfluous to say that the relationship of Irina and Mikhail began very slowly. Mikhail has already come repeatedly on love rakes, she fished more than once, therefore did not hurry, I looked at Irina. They lived in the same house, but were only employees and friends. Apply to each other by name and patronymic. Only after some time began to get closer.

When their relationship was turned into love, the circle was not in a hurry with a proposal of a hand and heart. And sign in the registry office decided spontaneously. The couple went to the store, in sportswear, as suddenly, Mikhail made an offer Irina, and they decided to immediately sign in the registry office, which was nearby. It was romantic as Irina recalled.

A year after marriage, the Son was born from the spouses. Unfortunately, all the joy of this event overshadowed the tragedy, which happened in a month and a half - Mikhail Circle died at the hands of bandits.

In 2006, Irina comes out the third time married. Its chosen is the businessman Sergey. Irina knew that many condemn her for it, but she, being a young mother of two beautiful kids, really needed a man, in love, in support.

Biography and personal life Irina Circle

After the death of her husband, biography and personal life of Irina Circle became interesting to many. At the same time, she stayed with her daughter and his chest sick without her husband. She even had to leave the house and first time to live on a removable apartment, as in the house where the tragedy occurred, she could no longer be.

Mikhail Circle did not perceive seriously the desire of Irina sing. Once, he bought her karaoke so that she was quenched her thirst. It is still unknown why he did not consider the opportunity to work a duet.

Two years after the tragedy, Irina releases its first album "The first autumn separation." And after two, the second album of Irina Circle called "You, My Last Love" (words and music M. Krug). For albums, Irina used found unused texts and songs of her husband.

Irina Circle quickly gained popularity, of course, not without the help of the late spouse, but without his talent it would not have succeeded.

In the world of Chanson, she became very famous, millions of fans appeared over several years of singer's speeches.

Even before the career, the career of the singer Irina Krug received a higher education, since in early youth was not able to do this, but I really wanted.

With the third husband Sergey Belousov, Irina had another child - Andrei dreams.

Despite three children, Irina not only finds time for concerts and tour, but also to care for themselves. The secret of the harness of Irina is the absence of fatty and fried food in the diet. Also, Irina is grateful for his figure genetics, because it decides a lot. Of course, as a large mother and singer, it is constantly in matters, but did not speak more than a wish to play sports for maintaining physical health.

Children of Irina Krug

From the first marriage from Irina Circle Daughter Marina. She graduated from college (specialty - hotel complex) and entered the Institute for Higher Education. Son Alexander (from Mikhail Krug) is studying at school. He is engaged in several sports at once. He has a very good voice, as Irina noticed. When Irina Circle takes him with him at the rehearsal, then the boy often interests the drums.

Journalists constantly ask Irina about the future of the son of Mikhail Croge, she would like him to go to the footsteps of his father. On this Irina always answered that if the boy would show interest and talent, then approve the desire to continue the family tradition.

Junior Andrey 4 years. Children of Irina Circle and her husband is the most valuable. In their family there is a tradition to sing the anthem of the country for the New Year under the battle of the Kurats. Even Irina admitted that after the appearance of the youngest family member, she felt great trepacy that was rather connected with age.

The husband helped Irina in every way with the baby, especially in the first months. Also, she noted a considerable help of her mother and mother-in-law.

Of course, it is difficult to part with children during the next concert or tour. But Irina loves her children, and profession. Therefore, every time he experiences departure and misses the family. But all the free time Queen Chanson dedicates the family and prefers to rest at home. Noisy companies and parties are not for her. Homemade comfort, love of people close to her - the most important thing, then where she draws strength and inspiration.

Irina Krug is perhaps one of the most famous women-chanson Russian pop. It is known, first of all, by what is a widow famous Mikhail Croge. Irina won the music awards several times, receiving various awards. It became really famous after the death of her husband, when he released her debut album dedicated to her husband.

Many difficulties with whom she happened to face, did not break it, and quite the opposite - they gave the strength and allowed to win fame not only in his native Russia, but also beyond.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Irina Circle

Since his musical debut, Irina was able to conquer a rather large army of fans. And many of them are interesting all the details about this woman. Some even love to compare themselves with idols, because they want to know her growth, weight, age. How many years Irina Circle is a question, probably quite logical. Since at first glance it seems that it is older than actually looks like.

Now the singer is 41 years old, and it looks really younger. If you look at the photo Irina Circle in youth and now, you can see that the difference is very small. Excellent appearance helps to maintain a good figure - with growth in 166 cm. Weighs Irina just 50 kg.

Biography of Irina Krug

The date of birth of Irina is the 29th of March 1976. The singer's hometown is Chelyabinsk. Her father was a military man, and the mother is a drawing man.

Biography Irina Circle interests from early time. Since childhood, parents celebrated an interest in great art from Irina. Like most girls of those years, she dreamed of becoming an artist, to act or act in the theater. To bring the girl's dream to bring up, parents gave it to study at the local theatrical circle. In addition to acting, the future singer was very fond of figure skating and quite often went to the rink. Where not only just rolled, but also tried to perform some tricks or figures. But the professional figure skater did not come from it - Irina did not take the selection by age. With the end of the school, the life of Irina turns away from the legs on the head, forcing you to forget about the career of professional artist.

After the graduation Ira married and gave birth to a daughter - Marina. Unfortunately or fortunately, this marriage was short-term and fragile. The husband who worked as a dentist suddenly became interested in drugs. After the divorce Irina had to make money on their own in order to have enough and for the child.

At the age of 21, Irina began working in one of the most prestigious restaurants in the waitress. There was a meeting that became turning in her life.

Mikhail Circle took her work to her, and after just a few years, from the costume screen, she first became his beloved, and then his wife. The daughter of Irina Mikhail has fallen. Before getting married, they lived without stamps about the year.

And once in the summer there was a famous tragedy - the circle killed unknown bandits in his house.

Irina found some of her husband unneanged songs and decided to issue an album where these songs would sang. Irina has never been engaged in vocals. Mikhail himself dreamed of a quiet old age, because she also did not want his wife to associate her life with show business.

Assistance in the recording of the album was given a longtime friend Mikhail - Vladimir Bocharov. In 2004, Irina Krug debuted. In just a year later, the singer was awarded the Music Prize "Chanson Year". In two years, Irina released another album.

In 2007, Irina married Sergey Belousov's businessman. She continues to perform on musical competitions and festivals, winning all new awards and premiums. Its audiography consists of eight albums, with which she still stands, and all its concerts are going to Achlags. An interesting point that from time to time, Irina performs songs who once sang Mikhail Circle himself. As if giving to understand in such a way that the memory of him is alive.

Personal life Irina Circle

Personal life Irina Circle for quite a long time was the subject of media discussion. Among other things, when she went to the crown once again, he fell under a squall of accusations that she betrays the memory of the former husband. Irina explains it as a way to return to a measured life, and again let love in your heart.

Soon after the wedding, Irina and her husband are moved to Moscow, they have a joint son. For Irina, this is the third child. Often Irina says that Mikhail is often dreaming. Sometimes she asks advice from him when it makes it difficult to make a choice.

Family of Irina Krug.

As mentioned earlier, the parents of Irina Circle were in no way related to art. And the Father, and the mother of Irina belonged to the working professions, but they supported the daughter's thrust to the world of the beautiful, and helped at least a little talent. But the first marriage of which the parents of Ira were not delighted with the dreams of the acting Olympus.

Currently, it can be said that the family of Irina Circle is her third husband and three wonderful children born from each of her husbands. From Michael Circle Irina also gave birth to a son.

Children of Irina Krug

In total, Irina has a circle of three beautiful children - an adult daughter and two little sons. It is also impossible not to add that during the second marriage in the house of the circle there was also the native son of the singer - Dmitry. Irina gave birth to Mikhail another son - Sasha. Irina was glad that at least the second child would be a calm and full life, because the woman remembered how at the end of the nineties she had to be constantly in search of work better to grow a little marina.

All the children of Irina circle found a common language with her third husband, which could not not please her.

Son Irina Krug - Alexander

The son of Irina Krug - Alexander was born in 2002, in the second marriage of Irina with Mikhail Krug. Sadly, the newborn Sasha could not sufficiently get acquainted with the daddy, and he really did not have time to take up the birth of his native son. Sasha was only a month when Mikhail died.

After the tragic death of Mikhail, Alexander remained with his mother, and when Irina went under the crown again, he quickly got off his stepfather, so there are no problems with the upbringing.

Son Irina Circle - Andrey

The son of Irina Krug - Andrew was born in the third and last marriage of Irina with Sergey Belousov. He was born only in 2013 and almost four years old. In the network you can find several pictures where the whole family is full.

According to the singer, Sergey took them from Andrew from the hospital on a luxurious limousine and a bouquet of flowers. It is not surprising that the woman was in the seventh heaven from happiness. It is noteworthy that with younger child Irina was almost never on maternity leave, and returned to work already at the end of the year.

Daughter Irina Circle - Marina

The daughter of Irina Krug - Marina became the firstborn, then still the future singer. She was born in the first marriage, who also quickly and collapsed, leaving Irina with the baby on his hands and without a penny in his pocket. Woman grasped for any job, only to feed her daughter.

When Irina moved to live to Mikhail, she took Marina, which the singer himself was only glad. There is information that the circle even officially adopted Marina. Now Marina Circle has already grown

Former husband Irina Circle

The first time Irina married actually only after school. Although the girl's parents were not delighted with such a hasty, Irina herself then this marriage seemed very successful. The former husband of Irina Circle, although the name remains unknown, was a led from a decent family and worked as a dentist. But very soon after the appearance of the daughter of Marina, a man began to eat alcohol and drugs. This was the reason for the collapse of a short and unhappy marriage.

Relatives rumored that in part in this is to blame and the early age of the future chanson. There is information that currently this person is already dead.

Former husband Irina Krug - Mikhail Circle

Even many of those who have not listened to Chanson, all the same at least once heard the name of the recognized King of Chanson. They met in the prestigious restaurant "Malachit", where Irina worked as a waitress at that time. The meeting was very excited by Iru, because she heard that Michael was rather overwhelmingly in the food, and could even roll the scandal if something did not like something.

At the same time, Mikhail decided to invite Irina to his caretaker. Of course, she did not believe, and went about a month before she agreed. And it is worth noting that the director of the establishment itself contributed to this.

The second marriage of Irina again lasted not long. Having lived about a year in civil marriage, they finally decided to legitimize their relations in 2001. And almost a year later, Mikhail shot the gangsters, who all went to his house at night.

It is impossible not to mention that the former husband of Irina Krug - Mikhail Circle has already been married earlier and he has another son.

Husband Irina Krug - Sergey Belousov

The present husband of Irina Krug - Sergey Belousov is a rather famous and successful person. They and Irina got married five years after the death of the circle. Of course, many immediately began to blame singer in insulting the memory of the former husband. But Irina herself tried to present it in a different way. She will remember Mikhail, with whom it would be and whatever the last name, but she needs to try to live on and try to open his heart for a new love.

Sergey Belousov quickly managed to find a common language with the children of Irina, and for many years they live in Moscow with one family.

Irina Zolaya circle

It is impossible not to mention the topic as "Irina Circle Naked." It must be said that this theme is quite actively discussed on the network, and not only the fans of Irina. However, we immediately note that even the most skilled hacker will not be able to find such pictures of naked Irina.

All that is available to the eyes of fans and other sophisticated users is Photoshop, retouted snapshots and other similar fakes, which, one way or another, demonstrate naked Irina circle of its fans and not only. Moreover, it is not necessary to be a professional for creating such fakes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Circle

Like most artists of modernity, Irina Krug does not want to lag behind the fashion, because he created a personal profile in the popular social network Instagram. There fans will be able to find a lot of photos and videos from everyday and not only the life of Irina.

Of course, her profiles on social networks contain a sufficiently large amount of data that can tell the fans about the concert and personal life of the singer, as well as her biography. Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Circle are directed, mainly to help new admirers take a closer to the idol.

This is the name of "Katya Spark", they probably heard even those who have never been fond of chanson. In the late 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s, the singer was greatly popular. However, the song of Kati Spark turned out to be very short. She left his life a few months after noted her 30th anniversary.

Music family

In fact, the star of the Russian chanson, of course, was called not Katia Spark, but Christina Pozharskaya (Penhasov). She was born in the south, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the village of Dzhubga. And it happened in 1977. Christina's mother was a dancer, and his father was a musician, so it is not surprising that the girl was engaged in a music school and attended a ballet studio.

Hardly finished high school, the girl went to conquer the capital. There she began singing on stage. At first, in its repertoire there were ordinary pop songs. But such performers grabbed the stage and without Christina. Repeated this, the singer quickly switched to another genre.

Glory without money

In the mid-1990s, the Soyuz Soyuz Soyuz Sologchn launched a new chanson project, whose participant as a result of competitive selection and became Christina. Thanks to this singer managed to become famous. At first, she took a pseudonym Masha Sha, but later replaced him to another - Katya Spark. For the popularity of Katya acquired and the criminal past. Allegedly she was sitting in prison on the 211st article (a man died as a result of a car accident). Spark itself desperately supported this legend. But, as it turned out, it really was just a legend.

Despite the explicit success on the stage, according to loved ones, Pozhaska never sucked his fame and did not suffer from what is called "star disease." Moreover, she did not even earn any serious funds on his singing career. By the end of Christina, Kristina lived in Moscow on a removable apartment and an even account had no wealth. The only treasure was for her daughter Lera, which was born in 2001.

Death in the hospital

On October 24, 2007, the headlines of various publications were sent to the headlines about the death of Kati Spark. Everywhere it was reported that the singer died as a result of severe and prolonged disease. In fact, according to the official version, Christina has a stop of the heart. How this stop was caused, it is unknown.

According to some reports, the light was sick with epilepsy and entered one of the Moscow hospitals after another seizure. The doctors revealed in a patient a disturbance of the kidney function, there were suspicions and liver cirrhosis. It was in connection with the latest diagnosis in the media we had rumors that Christina suffered to alcohol addiction. However, such allegations about themselves, the lights also heard during his lifetime and whether they dispersedly refuted them.

The singer was buried on the Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery of the capital. A decent monument to establish nothing to do. Only 3 years after her death, thanks to a charitable concert, the money on the monument was collected. The singer's plate is depicted in full growth and engraved its stage name, under which Katya Spark and learned the whole country.