The film "House" (forbidden to show). The film "House" (forbidden to show) Who removed the movie

The film
The film "House" (forbidden to show). The film "House" (forbidden to show) Who removed the movie

Documentary picture "House" Shot in 2009 by the French by the French by Sunzon and Jan Artus-Bertrav carries absolutely no extremist or immoral plans, nevertheless, the film was banned by 36 countries of the world.

The incredibly spectacular film of the legendary Yanna, Artus-Berran demonstrates the audience the true beauty and greatness of the planet Earth. The endless river Okavango and the mighty volcano Kilimanjaro, the virgin landscapes of Iceland and the Ice expanses of Antarctica - the entire infinite palette of the paints of the living world from a bird's eye view.

This is our common house, which is as amazing as defenseless before the destructive activities of man. The destructive consequences of industrial occupation, man-made catastrophes and military actions cause inexorable damage to the planet, revealing the viewer with a real situation.

The whole film was shot from a helicopter to the Cineflex high resolution chamber. For 18 months, the film crew visited 53 countries of the world. At the same time, in some countries, for example, in China and Saudi Arabia, the director was denied air filming. In India, half of the filmed materials was confiscated, and in Argentina, Artus-Berran and his assistants had to spend a week in prison.

The birth of the film was preceded by 15 years of work, during which 500 thousand photos were created.

Why the film "House" is prohibited

"House" is a kind of aesthetic shock, capable of motivating many impressionable audience for active actions. This is especially true of youth. Such a movie can lead to the intensive growth of environmental groups, including radical sense. While their number and number of participants are small, the threat of a political situation does not arise. If the ranks of the defenders of nature will be actively replenished, such communities may well be a hindrance to many projects of different countries. Such movements may arrange elemental rallies and interfere with the deforestation of forests, buildings in eco-zones.

Fearing these phenomena, some countries banned the "house" to show. The prohibition exists in order to disrupt it. So considers the director's composition of the painting. Besson always nontrivially approaches the implementation of its projects and in this case deliberately limits a number of countries in the "House" movie.

According to unconfirmed information, there is an agreement of authors with individual governments. Reverse ribbons are agreed by the parties. This is done in order to revive the interest of the public and motivate the viewer in search of a movie through "illegal" resources. It is worth noting that the creators of the film have achieved. The popularity of the non-commercial picture is uncomplicably great in comparison with the allowed film documentary.

Where to watch the movie "House"

Forbidden in many countries The "House" film is freely available for viewing on

The duration of the film is 1 hour 52 minutes. Happy viewing.

We present to your attention a documentary film "House"prohibited to show in 36 countries of the world. What is so forbidden in it?

The answer is simple - it is shown true. The truth about the state of the ecology and nature of our planet. The truth, which the people in 36 countries of the world are forbidden!

IN film "House" The audience reveals the real situation - the destructive impact of industrial production, a man-made catastrophe, the consequences of hostilities - all that causes an irreparable damage to our common house. That is why he was banned.

"House" - an amazing film! Capturing, spectacular shocking. From a bird's eye view, before you will appear all the indescribable grandeur and the true beauty of the planet Earth, its endless expanses and remote corners. You will be visible in almost all corners of the globe - from the ice landscapes of Antarctica to the fiery eruptions of the Kilimanjaro volcano - in 53 countries of the world!

Shooting lasted whole year and a half. During this time, more than half a million (!) Rare photos were made. All video frames were removed on a helicopter with a special highly sensitive camera that allows you to cover the most smallest details.

The creators of this exciting masterpiece had to go through a lot of obstacles - a ban on shooting in China and Saudi Arabia, the confiscation of almost half of all filmed materials in India and even a prison for the entire film crew in Argentina.

But it was worth it! The film was presented on June 5, 2009 at open sites at the same time in the 87th countries of the world on World Environmental Day. It was translated into 9 languages, including Russian.

The creators of the forbidden film "House" deliberately abandoned its commercial use, and it spreads absolutely free. This is what the director said this, Jan Artus Bestrand: "That profit, which we expect from the film, is not calculated in dollars or euros, but in the number of people who will look like."

Film "House" watch online

Friends, I suggest you see and think. To think about what we all live in one common house called Planet Earth. And only it depends on how it will be dirty and dying or clean and blooming!

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House-film forbidden to show in 36 countries of the world

Country: FranceGenre: Documentary. Duration: 01:52:58.the result of the joint creativity of two matters of contemporary art - the world famous photographer of wildlife YNNA Artyus Berranand cult director Luke Bezon. USA

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Philosophy that trading engine progress is invented by merchants - selflessness engine of knowledge and love

santos300ify 2 days Back
I cried when I watched such a beautiful movie! We are ruined our nature. Sorry to lose such beauty!

Olga Solodova. 1 day ago
There is a way out: planting forests. This is the only effective way to combat warming. One square meter of the green leaf per hour absorbs 360 khana solar energy. In the forest, the square meter of the square accounts for 5kv. Green leaf meters, which absorb solar light12-16 hours per day. Over the forest is cool - it rains. Favoring water does not roll, goes to the roots in the ground, then to the springs, rivers. Where there are forests, there is a lot of fresh water. Carbon dioxide - fertilizer for trees.

This is a videoIST on 021012 V.Namchuk (PR) and Shell deceive inhabitants of the village of Merry

Aquilon117 4 hours ago
Where such information come from
In response to CLUBVEGA2002

Liubov Mozolevskaya. 7 h. Ago
Wonderful movie! And, as it is not regrettable, but it is impossible to disagree that most of humanity does not understand it threatening, and those who have hung over us., In fact, the reason that we are ourselves. What is money? And how much do you need them? It's not worth stopping and thinking where we rush and what our carelessness and the desire for profit can lead us ...

teihwas. 8 h. Ago
Heard, heard. The fact that no one has reproduced the working version of this "generator" heard? Or tell?
In response to ABIRVALGMAN

tEIHWAS 9 h. ago

And in what countries this film is prohibited and for what reason? The author on the scandal decided to increase popularity.

Adam Musaevich. 10 hours ago
Who is interested in the film and music for him, see the "House. Travel Story" in Wikipedia. It does not turn out here.

Andrei Vasyuk 13 hours ago
Here it is necessary to show in schools !!

Roland Woods. 17 h. Ago
With Nature nothing happens. Life on Earth existed 10,000,000 years old and it originated almost from nothing. As the author of bestsellers, American film actor George Karlin said, everything wakes up with the planet, these are fucked people. " The earth will throw us away from themselves at any time and we can prevent this only living in harmony with nature. Harmony is about the same as respect. As one Japanese saying, you can only kill what you can eat.

Clubvega. 2002 18 hours ago
In addition, it was necessary to show how consistently killed all people on the planet, how they destroyed their families, how to make a flam of clones, killing and impact on the suppression of the adequate perception of the world by people.

sansan999999. 19 h. Ago
Who said that he is prohibited in 36 countries of the world?

Google source Results: Approximately 72,500 (0.33 sec.)

Why is the "House" film is prohibited to show in 36 countries of the world?

    What if people start thinking? Because if they begin to think, it will gradually begin to reach the fact that they made them almost a faceless consumer of whose task to consume and not thinking about anything and anyone, to consume even more.

    Documentary picture House is prohibited in 36 countries of the world because such a movie can lead to the growing environmental groups. And if the defenders of Nature become more, such communities may prevent many projects (affecting the environment) in different countries. Fearing this, some countries banned this film to show.

    Globalization destroys the ecology of the Earth. 20% of the population consume 80% of resources - they use these resources of Barbarus, without thinking about the consequences, violating the ecological balance, which will inevitably bring to the catastrophe. The authors of the film show us that you can save the planet if you refuse to globalize the use of natural energy sources and compensate damage caused by the Earth's ecology.

    The film was filmed for 15 years from the helicopter. The director had over 50 countries. In some, he had problems: imprisoned, confiscated video records, threatened.

    And all because people cannot recognize the fact that we destroy the planet!

    Now the age of consumption. For the system is ideal that person who always wants to consume.

    And for consumption it is necessary to constant production. And without resources it is impossible to produce.

    And resources are not infinite. So our planet dies. And we are with her.

    Every year we make more and more holes in the rubber boat, which is already almost drowned.

    For me, this film is a call to think about your needs. In my opinion, everything comes down to ensure reasonably use their feelings. Do not desire just immediately and in general, and if I need it all. Think what I really need. If each person becomes reasonable to dispose of what he has, everything will be fine. All problems, in fact, from insatiable greed. I think a person first needs to be understood with himself, hence his attitude to the world as a whole will change. The film is very worthy, he gave me the opportunity to seriously think about the problem of mankind and himself in this world.

    Probably just this film (home) tells the truth and it is based on truth. That people themselves destroy their ecology, pollute e simply nothing is practically done to purify ecology and many do not want to show all the truth to their people here it is prohibited.

    It is strange if he is really forbidden - the scientists have long been talking about problems in the ecosystem and even predict how much humanity is left, and no one does to do it for them, and people themselves, without scientists, understand that the nature of nature is applied. Maybe the fact is that the film is quite heavy for perception and, perhaps, hits heavy thoughts on susceptible people, and this is the reason ...

    Movie house It seems no one forbidden to view in America, Europe, just unpopular to such tapes, and are not recommended for the show only on a commercial principle, we do not recommend that you show at the massive meetings of the people. The film is beautiful, in many ways truthful, places becomes scary. Shots were conducted in 53 states using helicopters and an HD camera was used. The work has been done by the titanic, although the part of the captured simply did not hit the screen, part of the countries prohibited aerial photography on the territory, somewhere and was withdrawn (India), even got a film crewing group (Argentina). Sun time The question of truthfulness in the materials obtained about each country, did not smoothly and the premiere of the film, criticism accompanies the film and so on, the truth does not like anyone.

Humanity should not be a threat, but hope for the restoration of the balance!

Hello, friends!

Have you heard the most sad news of the last days: in Kenya died only in the world of northern white rhino male? Now there are only two female on the entire planet. By the way, the animals of this type are the largest on land, after elephants, of course.

Scientists, of course, hope to save the view from full extinction, applying artificial fertilization, but who knows it will turn out or not. Such are doing.

What do I care about Kenya with her rhino, you ask? After all, they are not even fluffy and not at all cute. None, except that all living things, including these rhinos - my neighbors, and even more - we are part of a single world. We have a common house. The only one. House, balance and order in which we support (someone deliberately, and someone and no) all together. And people, since they are tops in the pyramid of evolution, are also responsible for this!

Forbidden Movie House (Home)

HOME is a French documentary, released on screens in 2009. It is almost completely removed from the helicopter, and tells about the environmental disaster threatening our planet with you.

This is a project for the joint creativity of Luke Samon and the photographer Jan Artus-Berran.

Cinema noteworthy for a number of reasons:

  1. This film is distributed completely freely and free. The creators of the film did not pursue any commercial purposes.
  2. In some countries, the film crew was denied air filming.
  3. Half of the filmed materials about India seized power.
  4. And in some places, Artyus-Bertranda and Ko had to sit in prison to sit.
  5. "Home" has been translated into 9 languages: Arabic, English, French, German, Netherlands, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Kurdish.
  6. It has the strongest reviews I've ever seen:

      The film "House - a date with the planet" is not for nothing that is prohibited to show in 36 countries of the world.

      Documentary House: Shock therapy for worldview.

      This endlessly beautiful and at the same time a sad film should see everyone!

      This film has changed my worldview.

      This film should see each. A film about our common house, which is so defenseless in front of a person.

  7. Does not lose relevance to this day. Even on the contrary, he is more and more relevant. Unfortunately.

As for me: I will not say that from this documentary, I learned something fundamentally new. And so it is clear that our planet dies. Everyone knows about it. Not everyone just applied efforts, at least minimal to change at least something. This project is the last attempt to reach us.

The house is a very contrast film. Seriously. On the one hand, we are showing a bird's-eye view of a terrific beauty of landscapes and greatness of our planet. And with another ruined ecosystem, destructive consequences of industrial activities, man-made disasters, the consequences of hostilities and the plight of people in some corners of our common house. Thus, the authors show the real state of affairs.

Why is the movie house forbidden?

You know, there are two opinions:

    he is not prohibited at all, just once, someone, wanted to make such a siphip to turn the views;

    "HOME", indeed, in 36 countries are prohibited.

I tend to first, however, I can be mistaken. But still, no serious sources confirming information about the ban on the film "House" are almost three dozen countries, I did not find it.

However, justice for the sake of, I note that the reasons for the prohibition, after all, are available. You will make sure that as soon as you browse this movie. No, there is no extremism and amorality, fence in God. The purpose of the film is to draw attention to environmental issues. Then why prohibit the film with such a good promise?

Everything is simple. "House" is a very powerful tape. Truth. I also read me as horror, although I did not report anything fundamentally new. This is such a power of cinema. And you know, practically everyone who watched the film was impressed.

And now imagine how this movie can motivate the impressionable, active, young people who are concerned about the problems of the environment. Exactly:

    the number of radical tuned groups of eco-protector will increase dramatically;

    the rallies and protests will begin, people will interfere with construction in eco-zones, cutting down forests, industrial facilities and much more.

Well, it seems like, the goals are good, but you understand that the mess can begin, and not every state, especially what is in the risk area, wants to deal with it. But this is one of the versions.

On the other, the prohibition of the film is agreed. That is, the director himself agreed with some governments about the ban. Logic is simple - the forbidden fruit, oh, like sweets.

Whatever it was, the authors have achieved their own. This movie is very popular, even after almost 10 years after the release. So I strongly recommend it to view. You will not regret. And it may even change their attitude towards our shared home.

Film "Home" Online (HD)

That's all. Happy viewing!