I am looking for like-minded people to create a musical group. How to organize a musical group

I am looking for like-minded people to create a musical group.  How to organize a musical group
I am looking for like-minded people to create a musical group. How to organize a musical group

Almost any group, even the most famous, with great difficulty finds the right people into your composition. Don't think this is just for upstart bands, it's a common problem but not everyone knows how to deal with it. Here are 7 rules you should know if you find yourself in a similar situation:

Rule #1:

When you are surrounded by the right musicians, nothing is impossible. You can achieve almost anything you want.

Rule #2:

When you have the wrong people in your group, you are almost 100% guaranteed to get nowhere.

Rule #3:

Most musicians don't really want to make a career in music. Everyone talks about it, talks about what needs to be done, but only a few reach the action. The rest are just talking tongues. Besides playing your instrument, there is a lot of work that needs to be done to get your band moving. But the most popular excuse I hear is: "I'm a musician and I don't care about the rest. The manager should take care of the organization." That doesn't happen. Any business that you start, you have to do it yourself at first. Until you can afford necessary staff. There is nothing to pay the manager - shut up and work on yourself and on your group. If there are talkers in your group, you have already lost before you even started.

Rule #4:

It takes a lot of hard work and effort to keep the band going even after you've achieved fame. You will have to work constantly and a lot and it is not a fact that you will like this work. Therefore, it would be better if you loved music very much, otherwise there will be problems with motivation. And where there are problems with motivation, there is no result. Groups in which 1-2 people constantly do the main work are almost always left out of work. If your bandmates are lazy shit and don't want to do anything but show up to rehearsals and gigs, it's time to give them a chance and this should be their last chance. Either they change, or your group changes without their participation. Alas, such is life. Everything that doesn't grow dies. The choice is yours. Wanna stay good friends And playing for fun with beer is one thing. If you want people to listen to your music and know about you, that's different. This cannot be achieved in comfort. You have to sweat and carefully choose your surroundings. The retinue plays the king.

The most popular plan among musicians is to sit on the fifth point and wait to be noticed. At the same time, do everything the same as always. But if you want to achieve something different than what you already have, then you need to do something else.

Rule #5:

Don't waste your time, energy and faith on talented musicians that will not help you achieve your goal. Yes, it’s nice to play with such people, they quickly get into the matter, but if the person is really not suitable, you will simply lose time and sooner or later you will still have to part with him. Time is the most valuable thing we have on this earth, so don't drag it out and listen to what your heart tells you. Life is one, you have a big dream. Don't let others burn through your dreams and your life. Even if they are your friends, you can't afford to play with them in a band if somewhere deep down you feel that nothing will work out with them.

Rule #6:

The "right" people and musicians are exactly the same people as you. They, just like you, are tired of wasting time on the "wrong" people, many of them have been looking for people like you for a long time. So, not only are you on the lookout, but so are they. And who seeks, he finds.

Rule #7:

Many musicians in successful groups they get tired of their classmates and do not mind changing the team, it's just that there are no worthy offers yet. Don't think that if they're in a good band, they won't listen to you. If you are a good musician, there is a good chance that you will either be able to lure someone over to you, or you yourself will replace some member who has already bothered everyone. Chat and make friends with good musicians. No one knows exactly when the time will come, but maybe you will still play together.

Now imagine that in your group all the guys are great. When people play in a team who do not need to explain obvious things on their fingers, who themselves, without your reminders, are daily engaged in your common group, everything immediately becomes much easier. And your dream begins to become a reality before your eyes.

How to assemble your own musical group, where to rehearse, perform and look for your listener: several young and emerging musical groups told us about the process of their formation and development.

How to find musicians

Three effective ways search for members in a group:

  • Post an ad in a rock shop
  • Create a topic about the search for musicians on the Internet portal www.musicforums.ru and similar sites or find a thematic page with ads in social networks
  • Search efficiency will increase if you attach a demo recording to an offer on the Web. It may not be of transcendental quality - just to understand what the group is

Ginger, guitarist and vocalist for grunge band The Depressounds:

“The best way to take people into a group is first of all people with whom you can communicate normally and with whom you have mutual language. No matter how well the other musician plays, if you can't agree on something, you can't do much, everyone will pull on themselves, and the group will stand still ... "

Ignat Merenkov, flute player of the folk ensemble Fjanda-faela:

“The best way to take on people is to expand your circle of acquaintances in order to know as much as possible good musicians personally ... I heard that many groups experience difficulties and upheavals when there are guys and girls in the line-up and they fall in love with each other, and someone is jealous and suffers, etc. Therefore, many groups try to perform, for example, only with a male line-up, so as not to split the team because of the girl ... Ideal people does not happen, therefore, all the same, everyone must rub against each other. The main thing is that the musical group should have one goal and that it be at least noble.”

Victor "Green", vocalist of the punk-hardcore band Terpincode:

“Our initial line-up consisted exclusively of people who had known each other for a long time, but we had to go further, and we had to choose: either friendship or music, since our best and most familiar friends practically didn’t know how to play. It was then that a kind of proverb was born to me: "Friendship is friendship, music is music." Communication and friendship are one thing, but you need to know your worth and be aware of the level of your game, and not be offended if they want to part with you for good reason ... Continue friendship ... "

The most important thing is to ask yourself the question: why do I need all this? If a we are talking about playing simple (or even complex) songs with beer, just for self-entertainment - that's one thing. If creativity is life, then the approach is completely different, it is a more complex, albeit more noble path. Having answered this question for yourself, you need to look for like-minded people. Only then will the group be cohesive, and not a shattered and loose organism.

Where to rehearse?

"Film", RadioLIFE, Jambory: two rock bands and acoustic rock

The difficult search for a rehearsal base led the FILM group to the idea of ​​“doing everything on their own” (which to some extent continues to this day): at Stanislav (Stanislav Erofeev - sound) at home, the guys assembled a home rehearsal and recording studio, where trial demo recordings and band rehearsals. "It was very interesting time, the time of experiments, for example, they achieved a really natural, live guitar overdrive, there was an extraordinary spiritual uplift, forces appeared by themselves! Of course, these feelings have not gone away even now, when something happens for the first time, ”says Vasily Ignatiev.

Rehearsals in kitchens and garages are history. To replace them, everyone is ready to offer the rental of rehearsal points, which are open for musicians 24 hours a day.

According to the leader of the RadioLIFE group, Jan Genov:

“If you have money, then this is not a problem. We do not have our own rehearsal base, we rehearse on a paid basis. Pass disciplined, without beer, girls and drugs. Only members of the group, no strangers. That is why one of the budget items of any group is always set aside for the cost of buying tools, equipment and renting its base.

First concerts

Jan Genov (RadioLIFE):

“The first concerts we held were the opening act for 7b, Valery Gain and the Signs group. With the latter, we played many joint concerts, because we have one director. Concerts in front of a foreign audience are not very pleasant for the group, but for the most part there was no negativity.

One of the least expensive ways to find your listener is apartment houses. Such events do not require an expensive night club or famous concert hall. Performing with a band in a non-top venue is not expensive even for beginner musicians. The average ticket price for such a concert is 450 rubles. Cash receipts after the apartment building go to pay for the rent of the premises, so it is extremely rare to make money at such concerts.

Sometimes musicians perform on a non-commercial basis to promote the band.

“It's different for clubs. Often, festival organizers or art directors and their assistants write to us and offer to perform at their venue. Sometimes we ourselves ask to play in some good location or a good festival. We also have a couple of people we know who organize concerts and festivals for the bands they like. Moreover, they do this, as a rule, purely from altruistic motives, simply because they are interested in it. Special thanks to them!” - says Ivan Vlasov (Jambory).

Acquaintance of the press with the work of the group is also a task. Everyone knows the experience of the Musical Collective of Peter Nalich (MKPN) - the vocalist began his musical career by posting a homemade video on the web. Achieving real popularity in this way is not so easy. According to Yana Genova (RadioLIFE), this process is quite ephemeral:

“I don't think we're popular. The group was formed in the fall of 2011, and all that has been happening so far is the search for yourself. We've played with a lot of rock heroes and even opened for The Rasmus, but that's a normal development process. I think popularity comes when your songs are heard from all the equipment that makes any kind of sound. To what extent RadioLIFE can become one, I don't know yet."

Following in the footsteps of the KINOshnikov, the Film group regularly performs at the Kamchatka boiler house, a legendary place in the center of St. famous people like Viktor Tsoi, Alexander Bashlachev, Svyatoslav Zaderiy, Andrey Mashnin, Oleg Kotelnikov, Viktor Bondarik and many others.

The choice of venue for any event partly determines the atmosphere of the concert. Ivan Vlasov (Jambory):

“In order for a performance to go well, two basic conditions must always be met. Firstly, the organizers (hosts, directors, etc.) must like you, and secondly, you must like them and their event. And here, when finding this balance, the most difficult thing is. For example, we are not always ready to play at beer festivals among various "heavy bands", where often no one cares what you play, the main thing is to be loud. But we are not (yet) always called to play stylish venues among professional jazz-rock bands. However, with regard to the second point, we are sure that everything will be fine soon.”

Group members RadioLIFE I was lucky to perform at the most legendary metropolitan venue of the B2 club and in an informal setting at the CLEVERCLUB anti-cafe.

“I notice that the audience that accepts us and starts going to concerts are people with a very rich inner world and I don't consider myself superior to them. I am pleased to see such a viewer, because they are honest and any of our wrong steps can work in the negative. Therefore, thanks to our listener, we are set to develop and are obsessed with the desire to go further,” summed up Yan Genov.

How to choose the right guitar

  1. Why a guitar at all? First you need to determine which tool is right for you, up to the most exotic options. But the guitar is still the most common choice, so let's dwell on it in more detail.
  2. It must be understood that for different styles and different tools are required. Anything that is suitable for heavy styles is not very useful for a jazzman or folker. How to define "your" guitar? Very easy to pick up and play! Ask permission from the seller, take tool after tool and try, try ...
  3. Internet portals: www.musicforums.ru, www.guitar.ru, etc. For beginners, this may be the best option, because prices are often much lower than in stores. The main thing is that the seller provides an opportunity to “listen” to the instrument.

Ivan Bochkarev, leader of the punk band "Turbohoy":

“For starters, of course, an ordinary, not “cool” tool will do. The group is just being formed, they will try to play together, invent songs and so on. In fact, for a rehearsal, they don’t need good tools. All this is necessary for recording and concert. For growth, you need to buy “cool” guitars, go to a teacher to learn how to play, and so on.”

“It's best to buy a guitar from someone who understands them, especially if they're used. But I would still take the instrument itself in the store: if you buy an inexpensive one, then it will not be much more expensive there. And sometimes used guitar pedals can be bought twice cheaper. The question of rehearsals rests on money. But this does not mean that one should strive to play at the most professional rehearsal facilities under the menacing eyes of professional sound engineers. In my opinion, the atmosphere of the repbase is important here. If your group is comfortable here, the mood is creative (or just a bohemian mood, that's how anyone likes it) - then the base is yours.

Another thing is that removing a point is generally a matter of money. And if only one person, for the sake of whose ideas everything was created, realizes this money business, then something is definitely wrong in the group. The group is a common thing. Therefore, each of its participants must be ready to invest in it. Fabulous contributions are not required here. If the group is standard of four people, then 200 - a maximum of 300 rubles per rehearsal from each will solve the problem.

Victor "Green", vocalist of the punk-hardcore band Terpincode:

“Great guitarists have learned to play with a thin rag between the strings and the neck, and not on steep bases. Well, if you are closer to the question, then you need to focus on the device, because if the music is heavy and you are more or less something of yourself, then it will be completely inconvenient to play it where the Kraski group has just rehearsed before you. Here everything is purely individual. For some, sound is important when choosing, the apparatus, for some, the area ... ".

Consider drawing up a contract between group members. It is difficult to get four or five musicians to agree with each other on everything. One member who is not able to perform or participate in rehearsals can ruin the entire team. Such a "contract" will help protect the name, money, songwriting, equipment, etc. if someone leaves the group.

  • Solving this issue now will help to avoid quarrels in the future. Be aware that group members may not like it. Therefore, make sure they agree before drawing up a contract.
  • Ask an unbiased party to help draft the contract (or get templates from the internet). If one member of the group draws up a contract, it will look like he has more power than the rest.

Find a rehearsal spot. Will it be a basement? Or a garage? Will you store all your tools there? Get permission from the owner of the space you and your band have chosen for rehearsals.

Rehearse! It takes time and effort to become a good band. Rehearsals also ensure that you and your bandmates develop rapport. In addition, recording time is expensive. The better you rehearse, the faster you can get into the studio. As a musician, you probably don't swim in money.

  • A good work ethic is essential to success. If someone is unwilling to rehearse, they can become a dead weight that must be dropped. Make your rehearsals regular - the band should be a priority if you're serious about it.
  • Start writing songs. Write as many songs as possible without sacrificing quality for quantity. Remember that if you want to headline a concert, your repertoire must consist of at least 11-12 songs in order to meet the allotted time.

    • The opening band should have 4-5 songs, so prepare 5 good songs to warm up already more notable bands at first.
    • You may want to register copyright for your songs. You can do this on the site Copyright.ru. . This is a fairly simple process. All you need is to fill out an application and sign a contract.
  • Choose a group name. You can choose a name that has deep meaning or one that just sounds cool. Usually all members of the group decide together what to call it. It is best to choose short and concise titles, they are easier to remember. It's called building a brand! Another tip - do not use names that are already used as trademarks. Unless you want to become a band celebrating a product.