Where you can see the cleanest lake in the world. The most transparent water

Where you can see the cleanest lake in the world. The most transparent water
Where you can see the cleanest lake in the world. The most transparent water

Crystal clear water is one of the most impressive natural miracles. Ponds, lagoons, sea or lakes with turquoise fresh water - not uncommon on our planet. And below - a list of the cleanest reservoirs of the world.

Five-color pond, Sichuan, China

This pond is located on the territory of the Zzyuchagoa Reserve, one of the most incredible nature reserves in the world. The untouched nature of the park - lakes and waterfalls, forests and natural miracles - makes it more than a popular destination among tourists. The five-color pond is one of the smallest and most remarkable lakes of the reserve. Contrary to its humble sizes and depths, the underwater landscapes of the pond are surprisingly rich, and the water is transparent. This park is beautiful at any time of the year, even in winter.

Lake Peito, Rocky Mountains, Canada

This is the purest beautiful turquoise lake located on the territory of the Banff National Park. Located in the valley and the lake-feeding lake surrounded by three high mountains - a beautiful panorama! The brightest color of the lake acquires in the summer when the reservoir is filled with streams carrying with the melting glacier. It is easy to get to the lake with a highway called Icefields Parkway, and, in addition to love with magnificent views, in these parts you can go to hikes and kayaking on kayaks.

Blue River, Greenland

Blue River or Peterman is the largest floating glacier of the northern hemisphere. The river takes on the glacier, which connects the ice cover of Greenland with the North Arctic Ocean. This river will definitely enjoy the lovers of catering sports, and harsh beauty is impressed even the most experienced and visiting tourist. Water in the river - the amazing color of the dark aquamarine, and she is also surprisingly clean, because there are no completely contaminant factors. The nature of the banks of the river, which every year changes its bed, untouched, no infrastructure there, so it is not easy to get to the blue river. Tours to the river are available from August, but in the cold and dry winter period from December to April, the most tourists come here.

Surs-D Bay "Argen, Islands La Dig, Seychelles

The bay shores offer us one of the most beautiful beaches of Seychelles - a long strip of white soft sand - and transparent warm water. Large granite boulders are scattered throughout this beach, which draw completely exciting landscapes. Despite its amazing beauty, the bay is almost unsuitable for swimming, as sharp corals lie at her day.

Blue Lake, South Island, New Zealand

The name of the lake in Maori sounds like "Rotomairewhenua", which means, actually, "Blue Lake". They say this is the cleanest lake in the world. Scientists assure that the water of the lake can be considered practically distilled. The blue-purple shade of lake water acquires thanks to rock rods serving a kind of filter for glacial waters that pass through them. In the blue lake it is impossible to swim, but in these parts you can go fishing or hikes in an amazingly beautiful surrounding area.

Laguna National Park Lensois Maraniensis, Maranyan, Brazil

The National Park covers a flat territory covered with impressive sand dunes up to 40 meters high. In the rainy season between these sandy hills, a variety of lagunes are formed with crystal clear, warm and ideal for swimming with water. This is a real natural phenomenon, which is necessary to see with its own eyes! The best time to visit the park is from July to September, since at another time you have no one to catch any reservoirs.

Mediterranean Sea offshore Menorca, Spain

Menorca is one of the Balearic Islands with a population of less than 100 thousand people. A tiny island in the Mediterranean is often referred to as the "Balearic pearl": here are 120 amazing beaches with crystal clear coastal waters, where you can not only swim, but also ride a canoe and kayaks and do snorkeling.

Lake Creuter, Oregon, USA

The Mazama Lake, formed in the crater, looks incredible. The maximum depth of the lake is 594 meters, and this is the deepest lake in the States. In view of several unique factors - in particular, because there are no tributaries in the lake - water is considered one of the cleanest in the world. And the water in the lake is very transparent: visibility up to 20-30 meters! Moreover, in 1997, scientists registered a "clarity of water" record - 43.3 meters.

Pirkaninny ponds, Australia

Unlike other reservoirs on this list, Piccanini ponds on the territory of the eponymous reserve in South Australia are rather unknown pearls. However, if there is permission, you can do diving here. Piccanini's "first pond" is 10 meters deep and with or etched bottom, the pond "the abyss" - the failure of a depth of more than 100 meters with purest water, the visibility of which can exceed 40 meters, and the 35-meter in the depth of the Cathedral pond is located in the grotto of limestone Education.

Sea Weddell, Antarctica

This outstanding sea off the coast of Western Antarctica is so transparent that he "shines" to a depth of 80 meters! These are indicators of distilled water.

September 18 marked World Water Quality Monitoring Day. This day is designed to remind society about the problems of pollution of water resources around the world. Everyone is invited to hold a number of simple tests to determine the quality of water of local water bodies, and the results publish on the World Water Quality Monitoring Day site. (In the photo: Lake Königssee, Germany. Open sources)

In this post, I remember the 3 cleaner reservoirs in the world.

1. Baikal (Russia)

And let's start with such a native Russian heart of the lake, like Baikal. This is a miracle of Russia in the southern part of Eastern Siberia. Baikal can be undoubtedly attributed to the deepest and clean lakes in the world! The area is 31,722 km², and the average depth - 744 m. The water is very transparent here - during the period of the year, transparency reaches 40 meters. ( photo: Open sources)

2. Lake of five colors (China)

Local residents say about this Lake, located in Sichuan Province, so: "Nothing on Earth can be compared with Jijujigo." Water in the lake is so clean that the trunks of fallen trees can be considered at the bottom. A specific color that changes depending on the time of year, water acquires due to mineral salts and water plants. ( photo: Open sources)

3. Lake Königssee (Germany)

It is a lake, 7.7 km long and 5.22 km² area, located in the south-east of Bavaria and belongs to the National Park of Berchtesgaden. Formed as a result of the melting of glaciers. Königssee enters the top three of the deepest lakes of Germany (the average depth is 98 meters). Places yourself - a real paradise for the photographer! The surrounding mountains create stunning landscapes. ( photo: Open sources)

Would you like to swim in the lake with crystal clear water, the most pure worldwide? Alas, you can only admire such water. And where can this be done, tells Travelask.

The cleanst lake in the world

The most important reservoir is located in New Zealand in Nelson Lakes National Park. He has several names: the older in the Maori Rotomairewhenu tribe language, which means "lake of peaceful lands." But tourists it is known as the blue lake.

Water in this reservoir is so clean that you can observe everything that happens at the depth of eighty meters. The lake is amazingly beautiful and has a blue-purple shade.

Such a color provide waters of glaciers who pass through rocks and thereby cleaned.

The blue lake was known for the peoples of Maori. It was always considered sacred, there were various rituals and rites on the cleansing of the soul. Interestingly, during rituals in this lake could be immersed only to men, and all women's rites were held on another reservoir.

God's bath

Rotomairewhenua has another name - God's bath. It is located at an altitude of 1200 meters from the sea level and "feed on" the waters of the neighboring Lake Constance. Water in the reservoir is quite cold: about 5-8 degrees. However, even lovers of such a refreshing water is categorically forbidden to enter it. After all, this is a real natural reserve that is carefully guarded.

Therefore, even for the usual photo report, you need to coordinate the visit to the lake with the authorities. And only once it was allowed to immerse themselves under the water to one photographer dive for photography.

Scientists believe that the lake was formed about 7500 thousand years ago. Despite such a big age, it retained its original purity. Moreover, the blue lake can be as clean for several more years, if they are protected and the environment.

Nelson Lakes Park

Nelson Lakes - New Zealand National Park, it is located in the northern part of the South Alps. The park was opened in 1956, he spread on the square in 1020 square kilometers.

In Nelson Lakes a very diverse flora. There are many beautiful places: both in the mountains and their foot. Some of them are difficult and subject to experienced tourists only, but there are corners who visit regularly for picnics and fishing.

In the Southern Alps there is the highest mountain of New Zealand - Cook.

Its height is 3754 meters.

There are many lakes in the park, they are fabulously beautiful. On the territory of Nelson Lakes there are environmentalists who are trying to restore the population of birds, lizards and some plants. In general, New Zealand is famous for its nature: it is believed that one of the cleanest countries. 25% of the country occupy exactly parks and protected areas, followed by intently.

2 and 3

Baikal is right in second place. He is also very transparent water, and the bottom can be seen at a depth of 40 meters. The third place occupies a lake of five colors in China.

With the approach of summer, we are increasingly dreaming to plunge into the cool and clean rail. True, not always available beaches are pleased with impeccable cleanliness. There is, however, on the ground of a place where water is really transparent and practically intact civilization.

In today's dozen we collected the most pure reservoirs in the world. Yes, not all of them are suitable for swimming, but to enjoy the contemplation of the bottom through the 40-meter water stroke - a special pleasure.

This crater lake is famous for pure water and deep blue. The lake was formed more than 7,700 years ago. One of the attractions of the crate is a huge log, which for more than a hundred years vertically floats over the entire surface.

9. Beach Tank Tank (Borneo Island)

The water here is so clean, which can be seen every blade in algae covering huge boulders. This beach is unpopulated among tourists, because the occasion to the water is very uncomfortable. It was this circumstance that made it possible to preserve the water crystally clean.

8. Lake Masha (Japan)

The Akan National Park is considered one of the purest in the world. The lake is at the foot of the Mountain of the same name. The transparency of the water is amazing here - it reaches more than meters. In order for tourists to appreciate local beauties, there are several viewing sites for them.

7. Flooded Cave of Red Stone (Australia)

This place is very like to visit tourists, looking at the smallest pebbles at the bottom of a rather deep lake. The transparency of water slightly reduces light ripples arising from the waterfall located nearby.

6. Peito Lake (Canada)

The purest lake located in the Banff National Park was formed as a result of a glacier melting at an altitude of 1860 meters. One of the "raisins" of the lake is a tropical turquoise color of water.

5. Lake Baikal (Russia)

It can boast unusually transparent water. In places you can see the bottom located at a depth of over meters. The special purity of the water of Baikal reaches in the spring.

4. Lake of five colors (China)

Unusual lake is in Sichuan Province. The bottom of the lake is covered with trunks of fallen trees, which can be considered in all details, thanks to crystal clear water. Lake underground sources nourish the lake, the heat of which does not allow it to freeze even in the harsh winters.

3. Lake Jenny (Wyoming, USA)

The reservoir was formed about thousand years ago in the process of melting glaciers. By the way, the lake received his name from the Indian girl who married British pioneer Richard Lee.

2. Rio Sukuri (Brazil)

This river is so clean and transparent that the illusion is created, as if floating in the water fish flush in the air. Together with the sword-ray greenery, the Sukuri River creates a very picturesque landscape attracting tourists. One of the most popular entertainment on Sukuri is a swim with a mask and a tube.

1. Lake Königssee (Germany)

This one is purest water bodies Formed as a result of the melting of glaciers. For movement on the lake only ships with electric motors, rowing boats and pedal catamarans are allowed. In the middle of the lake, you can hear an unusually clean and clear echo, which is promoted by the surrounding mountains.

Water of a fascinating azure color, having visibility for several tens of meters - some water reservoirs are still distinguished by incredible environmental performance. They miraculously managed to avoid the harmful influence of civilization, for thousands and millions of years the water in them remains crystal clear. Some of the purest lakes and the planet rivers are in incredibly hard-to-reach places to see them, tourists need to overcome a difficult path. Others, on the contrary, have long been the centers of tourist life, which does not prevent them from maintaining their unique environmental performance. All the purest water bodies of the planet are incredibly beautiful and, of course, deserve the attention of the most sophisticated travelers.

Lake Creuter, USA

In the United States in the territory of Origig, there is an incredibly beautiful lake Church, it was formed in the crater of an extinct volcano. For the whole world, this lake became famous for a unique water of deep blue, which is considered one of the cleanest in the world. According to scientists, this lake has formed more than 7.5 thousand years ago, its average depth is about 350 meters. The size of the lake is also very impressive, its length is about 9.6 km, and the width is about 8 km.

This lake is one of the deepest not only in the United States, but also in North America. A few years ago, a national park was formed around a unique lake, in whose territory there are interesting excursions today. The main event for travelers is to rise to the crater of the extinct volcano, this is the only way to see the beautiful lake with its own eyes. Recent years, an amazing nature reserve annually visits about 400,000 tourists from around the world.

Crystal clear lake attracts not only inquisitive travelers, but also ecologists, as well as researchers. A few years ago, a group of scientists spent an interesting experiment here. The fact is that initially no species of fish in Lake Church were not found, Ecologists decided to hide some kinds of trout and salmon here. Their experiment was completely successful, today the lake is inhabited by fish. Tourists are even allowed to be given here to comply with the only condition - they must use an artificial bait.

Lake Zyuratkul, Russia

In Russia among the Ural Mountains there is an amazing lake Zyuratkul, it is located at an altitude of 724 meters above sea level and is the most highly mountain lake of the Urals. The maximum depth of this lake is relatively small and is about 12 meters, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 13.5 square meters. km. Today, an amazing lake is considered one of the cleanest in the world, despite the fact that the water in it is not clear. It has a turbid tea tint, it is explained by the fact that many flowing in the lake of the streams originate in the swamps.

The territory next to Lake Slavna is not only its natural beauty, but also historical objects. In the course of the study, scientists discovered several important archaeological locations, the tools of labor of primitive people were raised here and a giant geoglyph was found. For local residents, Lake Zyuratkul for hundreds of years was a holy landmark, a lot of interesting legends and believes are connected with it.

In the forests located on the shores of the lake, hundreds of years ago spent their rituals Old Believers, while walking along them and today you can see unusual monuments carved from wood. On the territory of the National Park, Zyuratkul created excellent conditions for recreation. There are several equipped camping zones here, so in the warm season, travelers can linger in these picturesque places for several days. Hundreds of different excursions are carried out here, during which you can see the most significant natural sights, as well as unique historical districts.

Pirkaninny ponds, Australia

In Australia, the System of Ponds is the same name in Australia, which has recently been considered a favorite holiday destination from divers. In total, there are three ponds in the system, they all differ crystal clear water. However, each of these ponds has its own unique features. The "first pond" is the smallest, its depth is only 10 meters. Much deeper is the "abyss" pond, its maximum depth is 100 meters. Water in this pond is crystal clear, visibility in it can reach 40 meters.

The most unusual and interesting of the three ponds is considered the "Cathedral", its depth is 35 meters. This pond was formed in a grotto of limestone education, he is most popular with divers. There is a system of ponds in a special swampy zone, which is notable not only to its water bodies, but also unique vegetation, as well as fauna. There are several rare bird species in this swampy terrain, which attracts not only ornithologists, but also tourists.

On the territory of Piccanini Park, there are many pedestrian trails for tourists, as well as several excellent viewing platforms from which you can admire the beautiful ponds and their surrounding landscapes. Piccanini National Park was formed in 1969, its area is about 8.6 square meters. km. Since several years ago, the ponds were open to snorkeling and diving lovers, today environmentalists with special care control their purity. Those who want to swim in these pure ponds will need to keep some formalities.

Lake Masyko, Japan

In Japan, on the territory of the island of Hokkaido, there is another crystal clear lake - Masyuko. It is located in the Natural Reserve of Akan, on all sides of the lake surrounded by incredibly beautiful mountain arrays covered with thick vegetation. This crystal clear lake was formed in the calder of the active volcano, the water in it has a shade of a saturated blue color due to a special mineral composition. Every day, in the framework of organized excursions on the National Reserve, this beautiful lake is visited by hundreds of tourists.

During a walk through mountainous areas, they will be able to see many rare plants, animals and birds, it is interesting to walk in these colorful places in the summer. However, there is its charms in visiting the reserve and in the winter. On the territory of the National Park there is another crater lake - sly, it also has its own unique features. The thing is that there are several hot springs in it, which do not allow some areas of the lake to freeze even in winter. This feature attracts many heat-loving birds to the water reservoir, we always winter swans-clikuna.

The main feature of Lake Masyuko is that it does not flow in it, and does not flow too. Researchers believe that it is this feature of the lake that allows him for hundreds of years to maintain its crystal purity. It is also worth noting that there are several interesting miniature villages on the territory of the reserve, in which you can get acquainted with the life of local residents and acquire interesting souvenirs.

Lake Bowman, United States

In the United States is an amazing lake Bowman, which is also known thanks to its purest water. It is located in Montana, in the territory of the Gleisher National Reserve. Despite the fact that the reserve is rich in the variety of natural attractions, he is still visiting a very small number of tourists. This largely contributes to the preservation of a unique ecosystem here. Lake Bowman has an impressive scale, its length is about 11 km, and the width is about 1.5 km.

This is a fabulously beautiful lake consider one of the most transparent in the world, today tourists are provided here all the conditions for organizing an interesting holiday. They can not only take a walk along the reserve, but also spend a few days in a tent camp. A lot of fish lives in the lake, which is allowed to catch tourists, and in some zones of the lake you can swim.

Located on the shore of the lake, the campground works only in the warm season, it is perfectly equipped. Toilets and even showers are equipped on its territory, they are taking all measures to keep the ecology of these places. Today, the main guests of this "resort" are local residents, although, in recent years, Lake Bowman also attracts a sufficient number of foreign travelers. To get to this wonderful lake is not difficult, in terms of the reserve the road is held.

Lake Sheosar, Pakistan

In the northern part of Pakistan, there is a fabulously beautiful lake of Shereosar on the territory of the Deosa National Park. Popularity in tourists it won precisely because of its crystal clear water, for hundreds of years this lake remains one of the purest water bodies of the planet. The maximum depth of this lake is 40 meters, its length reaches 2.3 km, and the width is 1.8 km. This lake is located in a very hard-to-reach mountain area, at an altitude of 4 142 meters above sea level.

For travelers, they organize both automotive and hiking excursions by the nature reserve. You can get to a hard-to-reach mountain area on the jeep in just a few hours, while the hiking transition is usually at least two days. Nature lovers are best stroll through the Nature Reserve, there are several specially dedicated areas on its territory, where you can equip a tent camp.

The best time to visit the beautiful lake and walks on the reserve is the period from the beginning of June to the end of September, at this time the surrounding Plateau lake covers bright colors carpets. One of the main inhabitants of these picturesque places are butterflies, there are several dozen species here. Already in November, the beautiful valley and the lake hides under his backstop snow, he only comes off only to May. In the cold season, the tour of the reserve is not carried out.

Lake Peito, Canada

In Canada, one of the purest lakes should be sought in the territory of the Banff National Park, Lake Peito is located here. This lake is located in an incredibly beautiful foothill area, its area is about 5.3 square meters. km. The lake length extended 2.8 km, and its average width is only 800 meters. First, this amazing lake discovered the traveler Bill Peito, in honor of his lake lake and got his name.

One of the main features of the lake is its unusual form if you look at it from the height of a bird's-eye, it resembles a huge wolf head. Water in the lake has a rich turquoise tint, which also attracts attention. Every year the lake is replenished with water from nearby glaciers. Mountain streams bring with them the smallest particles of minerals to the lake, which make the color of water so unusual. Now on the shore of the lake for tourists is equipped with several comfortable leisure bases, here you can relax a few days and enjoy natural splendor.

These places of fishing fans are especially attracted, in the lake there are rainbow trout, salmon, pike and other types of noble fish. Those who want to go fishing in this wonderful place should take care of the acquisition of a license. A variety of rest guests of the reserve can be exciting walks, extensive forests are located along the shores of the lake. Here you can see many rare animals and birds, and in the summer period in the reserve bloody trees bloom.

Lake Baikal, Russia

In the south of Eastern Siberia, there is a world famous landmark - Lake Baikal. This is the world's largest freshwater tank and the deepest lake on the planet, its maximum depth is 1,642 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 31.7 square meters. km. The lake is interesting not only in itself, it is surrounded by unique natural landscapes. Here lives a lot of unique endemic animals, and you can also see the mass of the rarest plants.

Lake Baikal has a tectonic origin, water in it is considered one of the purest in the world and is home to valuable fish species. One of the main features of water is the high oxygen content, while the amount of mineral substances is very small. Lake Baikal is both one of the coldest in the world, the temperature of the water in it even in the summer months does not rise above the mark +8 degrees Celsius.

One of the main unresolved issues related to the lake remains the theory of its origin. According to scientists, its formation provoked tectonic activity, the age of the lake is at least 25 million years. Huge interests for researchers are inhabitants of the lake, there are more than 2,600 species here. More than half of the aquatic inhabitants are endemic, they can not be found in any other reservoir of the world. One of the most important environmental problems of Baikal is wastewater. Many rivers fall into the lake, water in some of them is contaminated with industrial waste.

Lake Moreein, Canada

In Canada, there is a famous glacial lake Morain, it is located on the territory of the Banff National Park. This lake is completely small, its area is only 500 square meters. meters, and the maximum depth reaches 14 meters. At the same time, on the beauty of this lake it is difficult to find equal. The discoverer of this unique natural attraction was the explorer Walter Wilcox. When he discovered this lake, then half an hour to admire it. Later in his manuscripts, the scientist noted that these were the happiest half an hour in his life.

It is located in the lake in a very hard-to-reach mountain area, so no one knew for a long time about his existence. Water in the lake, which during the melting of glaciers from year to year fills it, has a saturated sapphire hue. Against the background of the surrounding mountain arrays, the lake looks just fantastic. The best time for visiting the lake is considered to be June, at this time there is a peak of the melting of glaciers, the lake reaches its maximum sizes.

Visit Lake Morein Travelers can only from May to September, the rest of the year the mountain road is closed for security purposes. You can get to the lake without difficulty by car, closest to it, a large settlement is the city of Calgary. Recent years, organized excursions are carried out to the lake, a bus runs along the tourist route. At half an hour from the lake there is a small mountain village, to visit which within the framework of the excursion will also be very interesting.

Lake Jenny, United States

In the northwestern part of Wyoming is Jenny Lake, today it is part of the Grand Triton National Park. This lake also has a glacial origin, it is located at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level. According to researchers, the lake formed about 12,000 years ago, its maximum depth reaches 129 meters, and the area is about 482 square meters. km. Despite the fact that this lake is one of the cleanest in the world, it is allowed to move on motorboats, which actively uses not only researchers, but also tourists.

The main route formed on the shores of the lake is called Jenny Lake Trail, excursions here are carried out not only in daylight, but at night. Not far is the most beautiful Casqueid Canyon, which is also an important attraction of these places. The name of the lake has a very interesting story. In 1872, one of the first major expeditionary groups worked on the lake, whose head was Richard Lee. This beautiful lake was subsequently called in honor of his wife Jenny.

Another attractive feature of the reservoir is the diversity of fish species, a few years ago, fishing fishery was allowed. The most cherished fishermen is trout to go on fishing here, you need to get a special license. Traveling through these places to tourists is allowed only accompanied by excursions, among the inhabitants of nearby forests a lot of predatory animals, bears are found here. As many years ago, today the National Park attracts hunters, and climbers love to rest.

Lake Pukaki, New Zealand

In New Zealand, there are also many wonderful lakes worthy of the attention of tourists. One of them is worth looking for the island of South, there is a beautiful lake Pukaki. This lake of glacial origin became known to the whole world due to the rich blue color of water, which, among other things, is also incredibly clean. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 178.7 square meters. km, it is located at an altitude of more than 500 meters above sea level. This fabulously beautiful reservoir pulled out 15 km long, and its width is about 8 km.

A few years ago, Lake Pukaki became part of a large hydropower system, the specialists took care that such use of the reservoir in no way affects its environmental performance. For local residents, the appearance of the hydraulic node has become a real breakthrough, it was thanks to the lake that they finally received stable electricity.

Not everyone knows that the original ice lake was very small, its maximum depth was no more than 25 meters. When in the 40s of the last century, a hydraulic station began to build, the lake volume was significantly increased. Initially, a small island was located in the center of the lake, which was flooded as a result of expanding the scale of the water. Water in the glacier lake is always very cold, so it's not all bothering in its crystal clear azure water. Even in the midst of the summer, its temperature is not more than + 7 degrees Celsius. Local residents with the lake are associated with many beautiful legends, it received its name in honor of one of the mythical warriors.

Lake Tahoe, USA

In California, there is an amazing freshwater lake Tahoe, it is located in the picturesque foothill area of \u200b\u200bSierra Nevada. This lake is well known to tourists, in the immediate vicinity of it there are several popular ski resorts. Lake Tahoe is the second in the ranking of the deepest Lakes of the United States, its average depth is 305 meters, and the area has about 495 square meters. km. From among the most beautiful lakes of the world, Takho is considered one of the most easily accessible, large roads are held around the perimeter of the reservoir.

The lake was formed in the place of the geological fault of the earth's crust of about 3 million years ago. Today, great interest is not only the lake itself with water of fantastic heavenly color, but also the coniferous forests surrounding it. Here you can see many rare breeds of pines and fir, as well as rare types of shrubs and herbs. The lake was discovered relatively recently, in 1844, his discoverer is Lieutenant John Frymont.

He explored these mountain areas in search of the river, and discovered an incredibly beautiful lake, which after a few years scientists were investigated from around the world. Most tourists began to visit these places after 1960, when the Winter Olympic Games were held at one of the local resorts. Since those times, a beautiful tourist infrastructure remains here, today there are comfortable hotels near the lake, and there are also many ski descents of various difficulty levels. It will be interesting to rest and fans of hiking, at any time of the year next to the lake spend exciting excursions.

Blue Lake, New Zealand

One of the cleanest and unusual lakes on the planet with a complex name Rotomairewhenua is located in New Zealand, translated from Maori's language name means "Blue Lake". This miniature freshwater lake is located in the Nelson National Reserve, it is part of the complex lake system. Ecologically became detailed to explore in detail only in 2011, they accidentally discovered that the water in the lake is extremely clean.

Visibility in it can reach 80 meters. From year to year, the lake nourishes water from nearby glaciers. Still with mountain peaks, it passes through a variety of natural rocks that act as a natural filter. In many respects, it is due to its purity, the water in the lake has an amazing shade, which varies during the day from deep blue to light purple.

One of the first specialists who showed interest in the lake was the hydrologist Rob Mirriles. Having admired crystal clear water, travelers must strive through the surrounding reservoirs and mountain arrays. Near the lake there are no tourist bases, you can find travelers here extremely rarely. The main visitors of these picturesque places are researchers and environmentalists, not so long ago, as a result of a large study, water in the blue lake was equated by properties and quality to distilled water.

River Petermann, Greenland

Some rivers are amazing water purity. An excellent example is the River Petermann, located in Greenland, a wide range of travelers, she is known under the unofficial name of the blue river. The location of the river is the eponymous glacier, which in the summer is tapping and forms a lot of small streams. All of them converge into a single river, the water in which has a rich blue shade.

Incredibly beautiful and clean river represents a huge threat to world ecology. In recent years, the Glacier Petermann began to melt four times faster, which contributes to a significant increase in the level of waters of the world's ocean. According to researchers, in the coming years, the glacier will melt even more intensively, which may entail serious environmental disasters. In the meantime, crystal clear river is of great interest for scientists. They can evaluate the composition of the glacial waters, which were in the frozen state of millions of years.

Conventional travelers at this remote corner of the world with an incredibly harsh climate will get very difficult, it is possible to do this only together with organized by expeditionary groups. Now environmentalists are trying to take all possible measures to minimize the influx in the world ocean of the Water Glacier. In the coming years, he can lose up to 100 square meters. Milometers of ice, such a quantity of water would have enough for 10 years to provide a large megalopolis.

Sea Weddell, Antarctica

The coast of Western Antarctica stretches the beautiful Lake Weddell, which is also among the purest water bodies of the planet. Its name is in honor of the discoverer J. Weddell, who made an expedition to these places in 1832. The sea area is 2,900,000 square meters. km, and its maximum depth reaches 6,800 meters. In addition to the incredibly beautiful water of heavenly shade, the sea is characterized by a huge amount of ice floes that are swimming in it all year round.

This beautiful clean sea has become a house for thousands of water inhabitants, there are huge populations of whales, seals and fish, and the typical inhabitants of these places are penguins. Today, Weddell Sea is considered the cleanest in the world. The last major study of its water took place in 1986, the average visibility was estimated at 79 meters, which corresponds to the indicators of distilled water.

Not all research groups are solved on this sea, not to mention ordinary tourists, drifting ice are a huge threat to ships. Many natural and physical phenomena are connected with the Northern Sea. Water in it never freezes, despite the fact that its temperature can reach -25 degrees Celsius. Weddell Sea is the coldest and clean sea of \u200b\u200bthe planet. To see it with his own eyes, travelers need to be part of one of the research expeditions, but they are extremely rare to this harsh sea.

based on OrangeSmile.com.