Prometheus chained heroes. Myth about Promethea and its reproduction in the tragedy of Eshil "Prometheus Chained

Prometheus chained heroes. Myth about Promethea and its reproduction in the tragedy of Eshil "Prometheus Chained

Eschil (525-456 BC). His creativity is associated with the era of the formation of the Athenian democratic state. This state was formed during the Greco-Persian wars, which were conducted with small intervals from 500 to 449 BC. And we wore liberation for Greek states. It is known that Eschil took part in the battles in the Marathon and Salamine. He described the battle of Salamin as an eyewitness in the tragedy of "Persians". In the inscriptions on his tombstones, composed, according to legend, they themselves, nothing is said about him as a playwright, but it is said that he manifested himself a courageous warrior in battles with Persians. Eschil wrote about 80 tragedies and Satirov drama. Only seven tragedies reached us completely; From other works, small passages are preserved.

The tragedy of Eshil reflects the main trends of his time, those huge shifts in socio-economic and cultural life, which were caused by the collapse of the generic system and the formation of the Athenian slave democracy.

The worldview of Eschil was based on its religious and mythological. He believed that there was an invalid world order, which obeys the action of the law of world justice. A man, volunteer or unwittingly broken a fair order, will be punished by the gods, and thus the balance will be restored. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability of retaliation and the celebration of justice passes through all the tragedies of Eshil.

Eschil believes in the fate of Moir, believes that she will even obey the gods. However, new views generated by the developing Athenian democracy are mixed up to this traditional worldview. So, the heroes of Eschila, not a fireless beings, unconditionally performing the will of the Divine: a person is endowed with a free mind, thinks and acts quite independently. Almost before each hero of Eschila is the problem of choosing a behavior line. The moral responsibility of a person for their actions is one of the main topics of the tragedy of the playground.

Eschil introduced the second actor in his tragedies and the opportunity to deeper the development of the tragic conflict, strengthened the effective side of the theater presentation. It was a real coup in the theater: instead of the old tragedy, where the parties of the sole actor and choir filled the whole play, a new tragedy was born, in which the characters face the stage with each other and directly motivated their actions.

The external structure of the tragedy of Eschila retains traces of proximity to the diffilable, where the parties were spoiled with the parties of the choir.

From the tragedies of the great playwright that came to our time, it is especially allocated :; "Prometheus chained" is perhaps, the most famous tragedy of Eschila, telling about the feat of Titan Prometheus, who gave fire to people and severely punished. Nothing is known about the time of writing and formulation. The historical basis for such a tragedy could only serve as the evolution of primitive society, the transition to civilization. Eschil convinces the viewer in the need to deal with any tyranny and despotia. This struggle is possible thanks to only constant progress. The benefits of civilization according to Eschil-primarily theoretical sciences: arithmetic. Grammar, Astronomy, and Practice: Construction, Mining, etc. In the tragedy, he draws an image of a wrestler, a moral winner. The spirit of man can not be overcome. This is a story about the struggle against the Supreme Divine of Zeus (Zeus is depicted by despot, a traitor, a coward and a cute). In general, the work is striking the briefness and insignificant content of choral parties (deprives the tragedy of the traditional spectacle genre for Eschil). The dramaturgy is also very weak, the genre of the declamination. Characters are also monolithic and static as in other works of Eschyl. In the heroes there are no contradictions, they perform each with one feature. Not characters, general schemes. There is no actions, the tragedy consists exclusively of monologues and dialogues (artistic, but not completely dramatic). According to the monumental-pathetic style (although the actors are only gods, pathestism weakened, long conversations, philosophical content, quite calm). The tonality of the praise and rhetorical declamation to the only hero of the Prometheus tragedy. Everything elevates Prometheus.

The development of action is the gradual and steady discharge of the tragedy of the personality of Prometheus and the gradual increase in the monumental-pathetic style of the tragedy.

Eschil is known as the best expressant of public aspirations of his time. In his tragedies, he shows the victory of progressive began in the development of society, in the state device, in morality. The work of Eschila had a noticeable impact on the development of world poetry and dramaturgy. Eschil-champion of enlightenment, this tragedy enlightenment, attitude to mythology critical.

»Antique drama

© Dmitry Lobachev

Analysis of one ancient drama.
Eschil, "Prometheus chained"

Antique (especially Greek) drama in itself a unique phenomenon - for more than five centuries she dominated theatrical stage. This drama was a language of his time: she was the basis for literature, philosophy to the dene case, for the transfer of mythological plots and a special worldview of the ancient people.

The antique drama is the mind of the minds, souls and thoughts of the whole historical era, when humanity was still young. This is more than a monument of the era - this is the heart of the whole world, whose value for us for us forgotten, but it is not exhausted, already not to mention the antiquity laid the basics of the world that we know today. And, despite the fact that I am against all kinds of deification and exaggeration of antiquity in the history of Europe, it is worth a recognition that this basis is real, and its influence is significantly, at least as a defining factor in the development of culture, thanks to which we have become those who we are Today.

But the antique drama interested me not only because it is a historical monument and the "soul of time", and also because the roots of this phenomenon go beyond the limits of the Krestomatiy-Greek literature and culture. The basics of the Pieces of Eschila, Euripid, Sophoclas should be sought in much earlier, archaic times. It is from this archaic, a pre-classical era originate the complex mythological, cultural and psychological foundations of ancient Greece.

Initially, the drama was only actions - the worship of God to Dionia. To each of the gods, the Greeks will find their own shape of worshiping and circulation. Dionysius was the god of viticulture and the symbol of the life-giving nature, so the worship of him often became more like a drunk as a divine service. However, all the same, over time, worship acquired their features, such as a mandatory choir, or actors, accompanied by costume satirs that were to accompany Dionysius.

Even by itself, this tradition is already very eloquent - it indicates the relationships that were established between the Greeks and their gods. Strong the word relationshipbecause Unlike the Late Rime and Christian tradition, it was a relationship people to the gods and gods to peopleWhen the deities directly took part in the life of people, not being an abstract-elevated value.

In this special "style" of ancient Greek religion, the root of the characteristics of worship - the desire will like to become equal to Him. For example, the Olympic Games, which were held as religious festivals, where the desire for perfection was a way to like the gods, or the same festivities in honor of Dionysius, where a person tried to become the same careless-grind, like the god of vineyards. Actually, a person always wants to become God, at least through one or two "Divine" features: allocation, infallibility, immortality, etc. And if Christianity built the divine to the inaccessible pedestal, where a person can hope for an approach to God only after death, and therefore he often experiences his own insignificance, the Greeks, like other pagans, received more gentle: their gods are approximate to people, they are more "available »For people, with the same weaknesses and features. The ancient Greek, striving for perfection, did not experience so strong disappointment. The unique pantheon of "compromised" gods, whom the easiest person probably exceeded in moral qualities.

Another very important moment of any appeal to the highest strength: be it cult, prayer, ceremony or confession. Man referring to God, first of all, draws himself to himself. In this case, God, or any of the highest strength, is just a mediator between the thoughts of the same person. It is difficult for a person to confess something to myself; Often it is why people go to church or to a psychotherapist. But in the face of God, a person is able to open, because he confesses something not himself, but to him, God, to someone else who hears him. Therefore, any appeal to the highest strength is the appeal, first of all, to itself.

Naturally, the Greeks were not the first to teach us this psychological law, just as obvious as denied, because he exposes a person at the time of his greatest vulnerability - when dealing with God.

But what's the paradox - what believing in the omnipotence of the gods, the man doubted his own greatness - forgot that he himself and the creator of his God.Would God be without faith in him? Is God forgiven, until a person does not voluntarily decide the severity of the awareness of the offense and sin? In this process, everything primarily depends on the person. Looking for - will find, thirsty - yes implies.

Man and there is a first-pool of all religious - mystical, but to realize this, to understand and adopt the breed of Divine Establishing from the very Personality of a believer, many need a lifetime, or, for example, Pascal, meeting with death. In his "memorial", he writes wonderful lines: "(My) God Abraham, God James, God Isaac - but not the God of philosophers and scientists." Pascal speaks of God as a subjective personality, such, which is understood not at the level of towering chips of philosophy, theology or sciences. Shoot God into the bookshelf, determine your place in a difficult hierarchy - isn't it the main attempt on the Divine essence itself - directly leading us to the Nietzschean "God - dead". That killed God mortals.

However, leave for the time of the gods, back to the ancient drama.

The tragedy of the ancient Greek playwright of Eschil, presented in 444-443 BC. e. For the abduction of fire, Hephaestus is caught by Prometheus at the order of Zeus to the rock under the supervision of power and power. The prisoner is visited by oceanids, their father Ocean, Tsarevna Io (Zeus's beloved), in his wandering over the world accidentally hitting the rock. Prometheus tells them what he did for people, spilling out the fire from the gods, curses Zeus and prophesies.


Power and power- The servants of Zeus.

Gefest- God of fire, the patron saint of blacksmithing craft and the most skilled Blacksmith Olympus.

Prometheus- In ancient Greek mythology, one of the titans, a defender of people from the arbitrariness of the gods, the king of Scythians.

Ocean- in the ancient Greek mythology, the deity, elements of the greatest world river, washing the earth and the sea, giving the beginning of all rivers, sources, maritime currents; The shelter of the sun, the moon and stars.

And about "Daughter of the Arguiv king, a priestess of the Argyss Gen, seduced Zeus, and then to hide from his wife.

Hermes- God trade, profit, reasonableness, dexterity and eloquence, and the god of athletes. Patron Glastejev, ambassadors, shepherds, travelers.

Oceanids -nymphs, three thousand daughters of the Titanium of the Ocean and the Tefids.

[The text is cited by: "Antique drama" ed. T. Blancher - M., 1969, Translation S.Aapt]

From the first rows we are welcomed by almost mourning procession - Power and power (Zeus's servants) are spent to the lonely rock of Prometheus so that the Olympic god-blacksmith Hepesty challenged him to a rock, fulfilling the order of Zeus.

From the very beginning, Hepesta is very big doubts about the execution of the sentence of Zeus. Despite the crime - Prometheus kidnapped fire and gave it to people - he honors the hero: "And I'm really God, I'm like that, to harsh these rocks to be squeezed?". Respect for Prometheus, he appears at Hephasta by no means because he stole, but because he remained faithful to his beliefs - "Here is a humanity of your fruit", "says Hephaest. But equally to the stubborn and inexperienced Zeus - "You will hang out forever."

Prometheus was likened by the gods of his act and the value of the truly "divine" of his punishment - "He must hang forever" and "There will be no hour that you have not languished with the new one."

Let me immediately hold the parallel, with which the reader probably had already been ahead of me - namely, the torment of Christ, they "did" from him "the Son of God", allowing you to rise on the third day. Christ became the Son of God, the Savior, just overpowering through the torment and death: now, it is preparing to do and Prometheus, literally "enveling" divinity through deprivation.

It is worth adding a philosophical note to this that a person is checked "on strength" not the magnitude of perfect or action, but the willingness to incur pay for him, whatever terrible and fatal, it was not. For example, to endure the wounded without a threat to my own life - this is one thing, but to make the same thing, but under fire is another, already feat and readiness to part with life, i.e. To such, even the most unfair "melted" - determines the effectiveness of the personality.

This moment takes us to the limits of a very important issue, the question of responsibility and choice - i.e. Our freedom. Prometheus solves the issue of freedom and choice unambiguously - going to the end, let and condemn themselves on flour, actual death.

He is free, because in his choice preferred to convey the fire and did not stop in the face of the punishing Zeus. And it is now, being chained to a rock - as it is not paradoxically, it is more free than the same hefesta,which is subject to Zeus, but not follows his own freedom. For Prometheus - Death - actually conscious payback - for Hephasta Promethev Flour - order. In his flour, Prometheus is psychologically free, ultimately, more than hefesta himself, although it is he who cares him to a rock.

Before you see Prometheus, Hfees exclaimed: "How I hate my craft!". Power, responds quite logical: "It (Craft - D.L.) - And? After all, the mind tells you, then not your art of this pain. " Hephaesty, directed by force and power (literally) Zeus - only the tool, the artist of someone else's will. But at the same time he cannot remain indifferent, compassionates, sympathizes Prometheus. And now there is a new question, as they say, between the lines: whether the performer is guilty? Is the one who performs the criminal order? Obviously, yes, hepesta feels guilty, not only Zeus, giving Prometheus on flour, but also performer, in essence, executioner. Can we judge the performer who performs their duty, is it guilty of a tool playing only their role? .. But and Hephaeta had a choice, like Prometheus.

This picture complements power that says: "Do not bother me for my harsh, solid and cruel moral." In other words: for Zeus and his power (here it is simply personalized) - it is intended to be a tough and demanding nature. The law of severe, but he was the law - the Romans said. The authorities have no choice, she is furious, she cannot be another a priori, while Hephaesta in front of her \u003d a zeus face was the choice. And in fact, Hepesti makes it, but not in favor of his authentic desire. However, the tragedy also is that Hephaestus will have to live with it that in reality would lead to neurosis and obsessive states.

Throughout the prologue, while power, strength and gefesta is silent nearby. But it is necessary to hide from sight of how he immediately "comes to life" and, first, begins to marry the sky and all living things - "Glit that God's gods made!". But very soon, Prometheus shows the wonders of composure, and says very "existential" things: "Painted Ropot! All to be demolished, I know well. Unexpected will not be pain. " He knew the torment for which she was consciously. And if it is a conscious choice, then "There will be no pain. With the greatest ease, I must make my own. "

From the point of view of psychology - this phrase is a reference standard. Herie Hephaestus, contacting the psychotherapist, would talk about the flour of conscience, that I "I" protested him against his choice, I would have served the Prometheus on a group therapy session, showing that the choice made is conscious and meaningful - Even in the face of flour and death - means a real and genuine life.

In a long monologue, one more quality of Prometheus opens: his choice is not just "His", his choice is meaningful. His current torment, therefore, also make sense - and this is his greatest support - torment is not meaningless! Iskra, which he secretly burned, became "All art teacher" and " the beginning of the good. " But, despite the existential authenticity of his life, all other feelings are promoted, and fear, experience, resentment breaks out. And there was a special heroism in this when Prometheus prefers torment and torture (although it is afraid of any other), and consciously walked to her, making a choice, giving his life a goal and meaning, which ultimately costs more than fear Of death.

Prometheus experiences mixed feelings: he agrees, dreaming about the fact that Zeus will pay for this humiliation, he does not lose his temper: "You are bolders, you do not give up ... no better to hold a language?" - They tell him Oceanids. What is this? The courage of the doomed? Bravery in the face of possible death? Protective reaction providing a psyche in a critical situation or a secret hope for the best outcome? - "Softe, give way, will make the need. He is then mad anger then. "

But the enlost of Prometheus has another reason. Punishment - and he knows it, although unfair, but is accompanied by a crime, from the point of view of Zeus. Those. Zeus is valid for its logic. But what is really true, regarding the logic of both - and Zeus, and Prometheus is the betrayal of the first. After all, according to Prometheus, Zeus: "I owe the great lord of the gods!" - He fought for Zeus against Kronos, thanks to him, a hero, Zeus, chained to the rock, came to power. And after all this, the martyr will ask about his acts and punishment.

Let us turn, at least partially, to the position of Zeus. Despite the fact that Zeus does not directly appear in the drama, he is present invisibly, in the role of a certain priority, rock, fate. Zeus really "Nechals of the Unfortunate Human Tribe", And wanted "New kind of raise" Naturally, they won't call him a moral act, but he has a Supreme Divine - his morality - and its borders are much wider; And therefore, Prometheus, disturbing for people, looks in his eyes if not stupid, it is clearly not clear. Zeus, notices to the tartar of his father of Kronos, actually - the fatherland - crossed the "Forbidden Dam."

[The struggle of Zeus and Kronos - when the Son takesn the Father who wanted to eat him in the literal sense - indicative. The module of the struggle of the Son against the "unfair" father is typical and the first example is the uprising of Lucifer; Whose revenge motifs were similar, although the reasons are different. In any case, this is a pretty important point that the revenge, whatever noble and justified it, is not a guarantee of justice. As Winston Churchill said: "Killing the killer, the number of murders will not change." This is the same thing that the revenge itself is not able to satisfy. Only the ability to forgive, and not to revenge, can bring peaceful satisfaction and peace. As often, the Avengers became even worse than the overthrown and punctators punished them. But the ability to forgive does not cancel, of course, the need for justice. But the words "revenge" and "Justice" are different words.]

What is the punishment for Prometheus? Earlier, we said that this flour is identical to death (symbolic death): But the main thing is that death has many pretties. We are talking about death, assuming exactly the physical end, which is true only half. After all, "death" - the concept of artificial "brought" to the culture for the designation and explanation of the phenomenon of non-existence - the state of the opposite of being. Secondly, even in a simple, internal level, explain what death is very difficult. Death is eternal unknown, and this uncertainty we have suffered the most.

But the problem is that death is different: and for many it has opposite properties and values. So, someone would prefer the physical death of spiritual (mental) death (eg, betrayal or someone, or something). We can talk about death in three dimensions - spiritual (spiritual), personal or physical (bodily). Prometheus is free to make a choice - between the death of spiritual and personal (which would mean to allow Zeus to kill people) and physical death - suffering and torture.

Hepesty, for example, as I said above - makes his own choice - between corporal punishments and meal of conscience, he chooses the latter. But the death of spiritual, personal has one difference from physical death - it is actually infinite. The "killed" spiritually people can experience the deepest flour of conscience and torture of the soul. Hepestore, who preferred the execution of the order of Zeus, knows about his fault and responsibility for the evil deeds; He will again and again "die" sincere, eating herself from the inside.

Physical death - God does not threaten God. But he is not even death, but impotence, helplessness: "Torture me wrap on the stone rock." Inaction when Prometheus only passively observes the world around - true torture. The case of God is to create, to achieve acts - and this opportunity at Prometheus was taken away. But what does this sufferers call for us?

Does he call for revenge? Is he ready to fulfill her? Not! He knows, believes that Zeus will be lowered, but he does not crave to revenge himself. Prometheus urges us to be compassionate: "Bed is someone else's seeing, because it is not tired, worshiped with the unfortunate from one to others." Recall - "The bell calls? He calls you. " Prometheus reminds of the responsibility of the individual, personality - in this case - Oceanid is responsible for common goodness or injustice. Be compassionate - it means to share your own liability for the grief, for pain, for disasters. Almost Sartrovskaya thought ... After all, we are to some extent responsible for the "evil" in this world, like all of us are responsible for "good." And compassion is a step to such responsibility, it is a division of total grief, making the cross of the flour of another. And it cannot be liable to be decisive in the eradication of all injustices, but evil, as well as good, who sympathizes a person from whether it becomes personal, the matter of everyone. And in itself, we can fight evil; We ourselves can feel good.

The ocean that goes to the promoter is hard to look at his torment. But understanding that it is melted on misfortune - the weak fourth, the ocean says: "Do not persist in anger, poor martyr." Sleep on your misfortune, maybe each, but not everyone can take responsibility for it and find meaning in it. Ocean reminds "Do not persuade in anger", After all, Grove Prometheus is meaningless. He is only able to allaches consciousness.

The ocean wants to help Prometheus, but the last, contrary to everything, does not want new victims: "I will not put trouble on others" and "Empty zeal, simplety stupid." But the Marine God is stubborn, he wants to understand why Prometheus refuses possible help. Perhaps the reason for the concerns of a chained martyr not only in the words about the danger for the ocean? Maybe he himself craves punishment, because in the depths of the soul, hope to gain the desired meaning of being. Suffering, as a path to consciousness, suffering as a gift, not as a tragic posture, as part of a person and his minigration.

"The shameful flour is broken, you were confused, and the Spirit fell like a bad enemy, before my own disease" - Speaks him. The leader of the choir acquires his thoughts about those benefits that he gave people, as if reminding, in the name of which she suffered chained to the rock of Prometheus. He also responsible for "the ability to anyone - before the fate of nothing." Fate to see him suffered paths, full of fatal turns, uncertainty, meaninglessness and grief. Reflecting almost in Schopenhauer, who saw a happy fate - is that it is less unhappy than others. But it is through overcoming these disasters that it is likely that confirmation of its true divine start. And probably, Zeus will have to go through something similar as Prometheus says - "Zeus from the predetermined will not leave fate."

Then one of the beloved Zeus comes to Prometheus - Io, turned hero in a cow. "Who chained you to this rock?" She asks. In response, she hears concise: "Hufesta's hand, and Solution Zusovo." IO knows that Prometheus can tell her about the future, but he moves out every possible way from the answer: "It's not a pity to tell me, I'm afraid only to upset." IO expect wanderings and torment, she regrets that he did not commit suicide. But Prometheus notes that she is still free of him, because death and that fate is not given to me, and death would have freed me from Muk. "

The value of existence is to be able to create their own choice, and even in the face of death remain free - this phenomenon of moral freedom is very important for the context of the drama. This moral freedom of Prometheus appreciates anyway more than freedom of non-freedom of Hephaesta or other ceremonies of Zeus.

Io suffers, her torment is too strong, and Prometheus, seeing this, decides to help her. Next, almost therapeutic intervention is followed, in which Prometheus chained to the rock prophesies about its future: So, Zeus will be overthrown, "Who will make it against the will of Zeus?" - "One of your descendants, my savage". "What do you say? My sibling will save you? ". Naturally, it distracts little from the thought of future sufferings, but at least Io now knows what for her to tolerate deprivation and violence from Zeus. She acquires some kind of purpose, and the meaninglessness of her position acquires its value. The child generated from Zeus and the child will be those who will plunge Zeus, i.e. Zeus will suffer from himself, from his stupid passion.

This meaning found by Promethem in its sufferings, as the therapeutic strategy of combating deprivation of fate is very effective. Yes, fate, like death can not be defeated, but it is always possible to find our own unique meaning in this struggle. Only so, the girl, turned into a cow - in a dyeing pet, ready for swapping, you can not lose the human appearance of the soul.

But with his revelation, Prometheus attracts the attention of Zeus. As before, he doesn't directly appear, but his will obey other gods - and the Hermes appear before us - "The servant is true, autoclase of the new."

Hermes - the same servant of Zeus, as well as Hephaest; But if the grief at least showed his discontent, then Hermes jariously fulfills the orders of the Supreme God and arouses the real interrogation about his predictions.

Prometheus frankly despises Hermes - his execution, his attitude to Zeus. Yes, and Hermes do not honor the prisoner : "To you, the strokes and the struggle obesely, the gods traitor ..."It would seem that two gods - the blacksmith and the messenger - both are equally performed by the will of Zeus, and both shared responsibility for perfect injustice - but one of them at least internally opposes the evil, the other turned the service to the target, putting it above all other moral and ethical dilemmas .

We see that Prometheus despises the gods who came to him - Hephasta, Hermes - lost their own Divine essence, becoming servants. As mentioned above - the essence and the beginning of the Divine - do not execute orders, but to create, create. And precisely this art of Prometheus taught people, the possibility of acting creation was as the basis for the preservation of the human tribe, this spark, the free creation, which he stoleed from the gods, from now on, moved to people. But was it stolen, or did this symbolic element of the gods themselves flooded, leaving to the ministry Zeus?

"In your troubles, you mean, and you blame me?"- Interested in detached Hermes, who does not fully understand what exactly his fault is, because he didn't even attach the promoter to the rock. He still did not understand what divided the responsibility for the deed with everyone. "All, speaking, in the truth, I hate, the gods, that good poet me evil". He despises servants of Zeus, who exchanged divinity for ministry.

We give our freedom often and voluntarily, sacrificing it, because freedom means a choice, but a choice - responsibility, and responsibility - implies anxiety for its own existence. That is why, we were not, however, they were easier to refuse our own freedom, in favor of existence without anxiety.

All further narration is, the Prometheus and Hermes dialogue actually . They are simultaneously similar and are opposite to each other, two extremes of being, drove into one place, chained - one chains, another order - to the same rock. "What is the benefit of you, did you think?"And to the question of the enemy, Prometheus answers: "Everything weighed a long time and thought out."This is part of its choice. He knew what she was. But now the question concerns not only the actual torment, but also not the desire of Prometheus to open the secret of the prophecy of Zeus, and this is part of his little celebration - God can conquer his body, but not a mind, not will. Zeus will not recognize anything and will languish in the ignorant. At the same time, Hermes are calm - it doesn't concern it all, it is just a tool in the hands of Zeus, and "powerless frenzy" chained to the rock of the martyr for him nothing more than the problem of opposing two began: "reasonable" (to which, apparently, He considers himself) and "careless" (i.e. Prometheus). " Raskin the mind, "says Hermes," don't think that the stubborn temper is more worthy and better than careful. "Again the choice in front of the Promethem, to which he himself and compel - to aggravate his position, silence and concealing the mystery, or tell everything that he knows. The choice is complex, but not for the chained chains to the rock - "Let them go to the tartar to the tartar, the body of my body will notify in the darkness."And again - it is the body, but not a soul, no will - which God cannot break and punish and punish.

Hermes warns that for refusing to speak, Prometheus will comprehend the punch of Zeus himself. He addresses the chorus, but they refuse to leave the hero in such a hard hour: "To say that Zeus unexpectedly hit you, now you are not entitled." Choir, not acting by any direct act, nevertheless, expresses the right idea: "Fear indifferent". They will not be indifferent to the flour of Prometheus, they are ready to compare and not leave it at an hour of testing. Hermes also leaves a unlikely Prometheus. Immediately hears the roar, and the Prometheus falls under the ground. His last words were: "I suffer without guilt - look!".But his spirit is adamant, and he defended his absurd freedom, because his second choice was between the torment and ... torment.

It is at this hour that we know the true nature of loneliness - when no one can divide the flour Prometheus, despite the compassion and sympathy, and no one can help him. Just like no one can fully realize the flour and the mountain of another person. At the time of the strike of Zeus, he is one - alone in the rocky sharpening, although many were in front of them: both the choir, and Hephesi, and Hermes, and Io ... But it is at this moment that the present ("existential") loneliness is aware of the face of symbolic death.

So, the drama ends. And even though the story of the Prometheus itself is far from completion, we are presented here the most important episode of his fate. Not at all the abduction of fire, and not the battle with the titans of Kronos - namely, this unfair payback is its main and fateful accomplishment. He faces, with the understanding of his own freedom and non-free others; He sees what the choice and the meaning of life, and how is the life of other gods meaningless. Would ask him - in the name of what is Zeus Hermes? .. Prometheus sees what death and life is, and what is the last without understanding the limb and meaning. Finally, Prometheus meets loneliness - all understood, but not aware of anyone.

And as I would like to say that the drama teaches us anything, but the moment of "learning", there is no place, rather, rather we want to see some kind of morality, some conclusion and teaching. However, chained Prometheus only a sample, like a picture, or as rather, like an outline of it in the sketch. The fate of the hero is not an example at all; And we have to live our unique destinies, except with which Prometheus faced is the same, that for us, that for the heroes of the ancient narrative.

© Dmitry Lobachev, 2016
© Published with the permission of the author

greek Lyrics Lyrics Tragedy

Unlike the Persians, mythological heroes, majestic and monumental acts in the remaining tragedies of Eschyl, and the conflicts are captured. Such is one of the famous creations of the playwright, the tragedy "Prometheus chained".

There is reason to believe that it is only part of the extensive intention of Eschil and enters the tetrallogo, i.e. Cycle of four dramaturgical works. In addition to the named tragedy, "liberated by Prometheus" and Prometheus Firemen, as well as the fourth work, whose name is unknown, was part of the tetrallog. The plot "Prometheus of the Charter" is based on the ancient myth of the Titan of Promethea, the benefactor of mankind, which had invaluable services, and his confrontation with the All-Commission Zeus.

The action begins among the desert rocks, in Scythia, by the sea. Hefest, the God of a blacksmith, and two allegorical figures - power and power, lead to the chain of Prometheus and piercing it with a chest with an iron wedge, nourish to a rock. Already in the first replica of strength personifying the bad service by the Supreme Divine, is explained by the viewer, for which Tritan torture:

He kidnapped for mortals. For the guilt of mine

Let now go with the gods,

So that the Zeusovo majority recognized

And so that you can love dangling people.

While Hephaestus expresses the sympathy of Prometheus, "crying" about his "misfortune", the Zeus, the servants, coarse and unceremonious, with visible pleasure perform their warded work. The body of titanium becomes "iron everything is emoted." While the execution is nevertheless, it stores a stoic silence. And only when his tortures leave, gives the will feelings:

I do not see the end of the end. Painted Ropot!

Everything to be demolished

I know well. Unexpected

There will be no pain. With the greatest ease

Accept I owe your own. After all, I know the same

That there is no stronger strength than the all-in-law rock.

And nor silence or talk about fate

Its impossible to me. I'm in the yard of trouble tormented

Due to the fact that people had honors.

Eschil calls Prometheus in the word, invented it invented: Philanthrop. Literally, it means: the one who loves people. Or maybe more precisely: friend of people. Loving humanity, Titan, inapprequate to the "Tirani of Zeus".

Prometheus is reconciled from loved ones from people. He is alone with nature that he sympathizes. Hearing his lamination, oceanides, twelve nymph, daughters of the ocean arrive at it. The nymphs are compared to the promoter, but they are weak and muggy, the wrath of Zeus is afraid. Turning to them, Prometheus reminds of what humanity has been treated.

During the struggle of Zeus with the older generation of the gods of Prometheus, he had an invaluable service "Great Lord of the Gods". But he pays for him in black ungratefulness, because:

This disease is visible to all rulers.

Inherent - never trust friends.

Zeus in the tragedy - the incarnation of cruelty, which without the bias reports Prometheus:

Destroy people

He wanted even to raise a new race.

No one except me resist

Did not. And I dated. I am a tribal mortal

From death in Aida saved Savior.

For this and cry with such flour.

Prometheus lists the benefits that he made in relation to people. We have a story of humanity, his spiritual and intellectual growth, the development of his material culture. Turning to the chorus, Prometheus says:

Better you obey

About the troubles of men. Mind and restness

I'm in them, Dotola stupid, wake up.

Shadows of dreams

Like people were, all their long century

Nothing. Sunny did not build

Houses from stone, did not know how to carpen

And in the dungeons ants ogrokali.

They lived without light, in the depths of the caves.

I will not know the loyal that winter goes

Or spring with flowers, il abundant

The fruits are summer - there was no reason

They have nothing, as long as I amters of stars

And the hidden way of sunsets did not told them.

The wisdom of numbers from sciences is the main,

I am consumed for people and the pringe of letters,

The essence of all the arts, the basis of all memory.

I am the first one who traveled animals to the yoke,

And to the clamp, and to the Blouth, so that they got rid of

They are people from the smoother work.

And horses, obedient occasion.

The beauty and brilliance of wealth, I'm in the carts.

No one else like I linen wings

Courts supplied and safely but the seas drove.

That's how many tricks for earthly people

How from suffering from these very much to be saved.

Prometheus also turned out to be a skillful healer, a manufacturer of drugs from diseases, "mixtures of painful", an interpreter of signs, a opener of wealth, hidden in underground depths: gold, iron, copper.

Thyrania Zeus, who attended to "destroy the whole genus of human and a new plant", manifests itself in an episode with IO. This is one of those creatures that visit Prometheus. Io was the priestess of the gera. Unhappy, she seduced Zeus, "Terrible Lover." They were taken by Gera, but Zeus, to avoid the scandal, turned the hand to the hand in a white cow. In fact, he threw IO. The gera is located on a cow blinddly, which is constantly stating Io, forcing her to wander in the light, not finding peace. Prometheus predicts the IU "Future Sea of \u200b\u200bInsome Muk", she is removed in the rubber.

But Zeus has a limit. Above Zeus - Moira, personifying fate, even gods are subordinate to them. Prometheus makes it clear that he knows the future of Zeus. He conceived to enter into a new marriage, but the wife "will deprive his heavenly throne." "He's threatening a torment", heavier than him, Prometheus. "It is not long over the Gods over the Gods," Titan is convinced. Prometheus does not reveal his secrecy to the end, does not call the name of a woman who can destroy Zeus. But the omnipotent Olympia is not used to arms out in desires and passions.

And yet, having heard the word Prometheus, Zeus is alarmed. He sends Hermes with a proposal to open him the secret in exchange for the liberation of the chained titanium. The conversion of Prometheus with Hermes is one of the climax episodes of the tragedy. The servant Zeus Hermes would try to incline Prometheus to reconciliation. It alters the threats with the backups. But invariably comes to the inflexibility of Prometheus:

So I really become gods to be afraid of new, tremble, rob?

How wrong! Dear on which you

Here came, returning back soon:

None of your question I will not answer.

In the collision of two characters, in front of the "Half" Hermes, Prometheus acquires the features of the believer:

All, speaking of truth, I hate

Gods, what kind of good I spoke evil.

In vain exhorts Hermes Prometheus to be bowed to his father, to donate from "madness", "reasonable, soberly look at his misfortune," to replace the opening of mystery to freedom. But nothing hesizes the imbiberation of Prometheus exclaiming with pride: they still can not kill me.

Having achieved anything, Hermes flies. This follows the revenge of Zeus. There is a thunder and underground roar. The final monologue Prometheus begins in words:

I have already gone, not words. Earth stopped,

Thunder rinsing, in the depths of her deaf

The last words of Titan: "I suffer without guilt - Look!" The final remark of the playwright: "The blow of zipper. Prometheus falls through the earth" - puts the final point in this dramatic situation.

The tragedy was permeated by the thiranobor paphos. Prometheus crossed in a truly heroic figure not only the benefactor of people, but a fighter with the absolute power of the father who is capable of any crime.

Unlike the "Persians", the tragedy about Promethea represents a step forward in the development of dramaturgical technology. The tragedy contains the main elements of the dramatic work: the plot, conflict, images that differ in monumentality. Through all the work passes the confrontation of a friend of people Prometheus and Tirana Zeus. It is significant that the antagonist Prometheus does not appear on the stage. His name constantly sounds, his orders are rushing to fulfill his workflow, his will defines the development of conflict. But the viewer so never sees herself. In this taking an unmistakable artistic taste of Eschila. The playwright seems to appeals to the imagination, the imagination of the audience, offering everyone to present the appearance of the Supreme God, this embodiment of the tyrannoe careal. Recall that in "Iliad" there is no description of the beauty of Elena, the most beautiful of the Ellen women. However, it is shown what impression it produces on others, at the elders of Troy.

Following Eschil, the image of Prometheus inspired a number of great artists words. He is the hero of one of the early poems Goethe. Prometheus Byrona, written in 1816 in Switzerland, is a passionate call for resistance to any form of oppression. This ancient myth was interested in Bairon from orphanage. Under his pen, Titan appeared as a symbol of "fate and power." For another great poet Romance, a contemporary and friend of Bairon, Shelley, the author of the dramatic poem "liberated by Prometheus" (1819), the image of Titan was, on the contrary, painted into life-affirming, optimistic tones. His liberation from MUK meant Shelley the beginning of the "Golden Age" of mankind, the liberation and harmonious development of all the creative forces of people in unity with nature. Inspired the image of Prometheus and composers: Sheet, Scriabin.

Only in Russian poetry of the XIX-XX centuries. The image of Prometheus was made by many poets: among them Baratsky, Kyhelbecker, Ogarev, Benedictov, J. Polonsky, Fofanov, Bryusov, Vyach. Ivanov, etc.

Analysis of the tragedy "Prometheus chained"

Eschil (525-456 BC.). His creativity is associated with the era of the formation of the Athenian Democratic State. This state was formed during the Greco-Persian wars, which were carried out with small breaks from 500 to 449 BC. And we wore liberation for Greek states. It is known that Eschil took part in the battles in the Marathon and Salamine. He described the battle of Salamin as an eyewitness in the tragedy of "Persians". In the inscriptions on his tombstones, composed, according to legend, they themselves, nothing is said about him as a playwright, but it is said that he manifested himself a courageous warrior in battles with Persians. Eschil wrote about 80 tragedies and Satirovsky drama. I just got completely seven tragedies; From other works, small passages are preserved.

The tragedy of Eshil reflects the main trends of his time, those huge shifts in socio-economic and cultural life, which were caused by the collapse of the generic system and the formation of the Athenian slave democracy.

The worldview of Eschil was based on its religious and mythological. He believed that there was an invalid world order, which obeys the action of the law of world justice. Hells, voluntarily or unwittingly broken a fair order, will be punished by the gods, and thus the balance will restrict. I have the inevitability of retribution and the celebration of justice passes through all the tragedies of Eshil.

Eschil believes in the fate of Moir, believes that even the gods obey her. However, new views generated by the developing Athenian democracy are admitted to this traditional worldview. So, the heroes of Eschila, non-unreasonable creatures, unconditionally performing the will of the Divine: a man is endowed with a free mind. , Think and acts quite independently. Before each hero of Eschila, there is a problem of choosing a behavior line. The human consistency of a person for his actions is one of the main vehicles of the playground.

Eschil introduced into his tragedies of the second actor and the possibility of a deeper development of the tragic conflict, the strengthevous side of the theater representation. This was a real coup in the theater: instead of the old tragedy, where the parties of the only actor and choir filled the whole play, a new tragedy was born in which the characters were born Faced on the stage with each other and themselves motivated their actions.

The external structure of the tragedy of Eschila retains traces of proximity to the diffilable, where the parties were spoiled with the parties of the choir.

From the tragedies of the great playwright that came to our time, "Prometheus chained" is particularly distinguished, the most famous tragedy of Eschila, telling about the feat of Titan Prometheus, who gave fire to people and severely punished. Nothing is known about the time of writing and formulation. The historical basis for such a tragedy could only serve as the evolution of primitive society, the transition to civilization. Eschil convinces the viewer in the need to deal with any tyranny and despotia. This struggle is possible thanks to only constant progress. The benefits of civilization, according to Eschil, are primarily theoretical sciences: arithmetic, grammar, astronomy, and practice: construction, mining, etc. In the tragedy, he draws an image of a wrestler, a moral winner. The spirit of man can not be overcome. This is a story about the struggle against the Supreme Divine of Zeus (Zeus is depicted by despot, a traitor, a coward and a cute). In general, the work is striking the briefness and insignificant content of choral parties (deprives the tragedy of the traditional spectacle genre for Eschil). The dramaturgy is also very weak, the genre of the declamination. Characters are also monolithic and static as in other works of Eschyl. In the heroes there are no contradictions, they perform each with one feature. Not characters, general schemes. There is no actions, the tragedy consists exclusively of monologues and dialogues (artistic, but not completely dramatic). According to the monumental-pathetic style (although the actors are only gods, pathestism weakened, long conversations, philosophical content, quite calm). The tonality of the praise and rhetorical declamation to the only hero of the tragedy Prometheus. All elevates Prometheus. The development of action is the gradual and steady discharge of the tragedy of the personality of Prometheus and the gradual increase in the monumental-pathetic style of the tragedy.

Eschil is known as the best expressant of public aspirations of his time. In his tragedies, he shows the victory of progressive began in the development of society, in the state device, in morality. The work of Eschila had a noticeable impact on the development of world poetry and dramaturgy. Eschil-champion of enlightenment, this tragedy enlightenment, attitude to mythology critical.

Content: With Titan Promethem, the benefactor of humanity, we have already met in the poem of the Gesiod "Theogony". There he is a smart sly, who is satisfied with the delegation of the sacrificial bullish meat between people and the gods so that the best part goes to eat people. And then, when the angry Zeus does not want people to boil and fry meat, and refuses to give them a fire, Prometheus kidnaps this fire with secret and brings people in half a cane. For this, Zeus is caught promoting to the post in the east of the Earth and satisfies the eagle to devaway his liver. Only after many centuries hero Heracles will kill this eagle and release Prometheus.

Then this myth began to tell otherwise. Prometheus became magnificent and elevated: he is not a sly and thief, but a wise provider. (Prometheus itself means "Spring".) At the beginning of the world, when the older gods, Titans, fought with younger gods, Olympians, he knew that the power of the Olympians did not take, and offered to help the titans of cunning; But those, relying on their strength, refused, and then Prometheus, seeing their doomed, switched to the side of the Olympians and helped them won. Therefore, the disgrace of Zeus with his ex-friend and the ally began to seem even more cruel.

Not enough, the promoter is open and what will be at the end of the world. Olympians are afraid that as they overthrew the Titans in their time, and they will ever be overthrown by new gods, their descendants. How to prevent it, they do not know. Knows Prometheus; Then Zeus and Torzet Prometheus to take out this mystery. But Prometheus is proudly silent. Only when Zeus Son Hercules is not yet God, but only a worker-hero - in gratitude for all the good, which Prometheus made people, kills the Torzing Eagle and facilitates Prometheus of flour, then Prometheus in gratitude opens the secret, how to save the power of Zeus and all Olympians. There is a maritime goddess, beautiful fetis, and Zeus seeks her love. Let him do not do this: the fate is scheduled that the fetis will have a son stronger than their father. If this is the son of Zeus, he will become stronger than Zeus and overthrow him: the Olympians will come to the end. And Zeus refuses the thought of fetide, and Prometheus in gratitude frees from execution and takes on Olympus. The fetid was married for a mortal man, and from this marriage she had a Hero Achille, who was really stronger than not only his father, but also all people in the world.

That's the story and made his tragedy about Promethea Poet Eschil.

The action takes place on the edge of the Earth, in the far Scyfia, the medium of the wild mountains - maybe it is the Caucasus. Two daemon, power and violence are introduced to the stage of Prometheus; The god of Fire Hepesty must peel him to a mountain cliff. Hephasta is a pity comrade, but he must obey the fate and the will of Zeus: "You have been recruiting to people over the measures." Hands, shoulders, the legs of the Prometheus are enormous with shackles, the iron wedge is driven into the chest. Prometheus silent. The case is done, the executioners leave, the power throws contemptuously: "You are a suit, here and fishing, how to escape yourself!"

Only left alone, Prometheus starts talking. He turns to the sky and the Sun, the Earth and the Sea: "Take a look that I suffer, God, from God's hands!" And all this for having kidnapped fire for people, opened the way to the decent man of life.

It is the chorus of the nymph - Oceanid. This is the daughters of the ocean, another titanium, they heard the roar and clang of Promethean Okov in their nautical dala. "Oh, it would be better for me to languish in Tartara than to be written here everyone in sight! - exclaims Prometheus. "But this is not forever: the power of Zeus will not achieve anything and will come to ask me about his secret humbly and gentle." - "Why does he execute you?" "For mercy to people, for himself, he himself is much compassion." Oceanis includes their father's ocean: he once fought against the Olympians together with the rest of the titans, but came up, conquered, forgiveness and peacefully splash at all ends of the world. Let them accept and Prometheus, not to be able to unleash him even worse: Zeus Avenue! Prometheus contemptuously rejects his advice: "I don't care about me, take care of yourself:

as if you didn't have to shook Zeus for the sympathy of the criminal! "The ocean leaves, Oceanids sing a compassionate song, remembering in her and Promethev Brother Atlanta, who also suffers at the west end of the world, supporting the shoulders of the copper sky.

Prometheus tells Khore, how old he did for people. They were unreasonable as children, he gave them the mind and speech. They languished concerns - he inspired him hope. They lived in the caves, scaring every night and every winter, - he forced them to build houses from the cold, explained the movement of heavenly luminaries in the change of seasons, he taught writing and account to transmit knowledge to descendants. It he pointed out the ores underground for them, right them bulls in the hust, made carts for earth roads and ships for sea routes. They died from diseases - he opened them the healing herbs. They did not understand the prophetic signs of the gods and nature - he taught them to guess and bird screams, and for sacrificent fire, and the internals of sacrificial animals. "Truly you were the Savior for people," says choir, "How didn't you save yourself?" "Fate is stronger than me," says Prometheus. "And stronger Zeus?" - "And stronger Zeus." - "What fate is destined to Zeus?" - "Do not ask: this is my great mystery." Choir sings a sorrowful song.

In these memories of the past suddenly the future is broken. The scene runs the beloved Zeus - Tsarevna Io, turned into a cow. (On the theater it was an actor in a horned mask.) Zeus turned her to a cow to hide from the jealousy of his wife, the goddess of the gera. Gera guess this and demanded a cow to himself as a gift, and then lowered a terrible oat on her, who drove unhappy around the world. So she fell, exhausted pain to madness, and to the Prometheus Mountains. Titan, "Defender and the Man's Intercession", it regrets;

he tells her what further wanders are coming in Europe and Asia, through the heat and cold, among the savages and monsters, until it reaches Egypt. And in Egypt, she will give birth to a son from Zeus, and Hercules will be a descendant of this son in the twelfth knee, the arrows from Luka, who will come here to save Prometheus - at least against the will of Zeus. "And if Zeus does not allow?" - "Then Zeus will die." - "Who will ruin him?" - "Himself, the idea of \u200b\u200ban unreasonable marriage." - "What?" - "I will not say a word more." There is a conversation to the end: Io again feels the sting of the oat, again falls in madness and rushes away in despair. Choir Oceanid sings: "Yes, we will blow up the lust of the gods: their love is terrible and dangerous."

It is said about the past, it is said about the future; Now the turn is terrible. Here is the servant and the Herald of Zeus - God Hermes. Prometheus despises him as the host of the owners of the Olympians. "What did you say about the fate of Zeus, about unreasonable marriage, about threatening death? Feed, you will suffer bitterly! " - "It is better to suffer than serving how you; And I am immortal, I saw the fall of uranium, the fall of Crohn, I will see the fall of Zeus. " - "Beware: To be in the underground tartar, where Titans suffer, and then stand up here with I wish in Side, and the eagle will peck your liver." - "I knew all this in advance; Let the gods rage, I hate them! " Hermes disappear - and really embossy exclaims: "So far, the earth trembled, / and zipper go around, and thunder thunder ... / About the sky, Oh Mother, Earth, / Look: I suffer innocent!" This is the end of the tragedy.

This tragedy was included in the tetrallogo, together with the tragedies "liberated by Prometheus", "Prometheus-Firemen" and someone unknown to us by the Satirov drama. Among scientists there is an opinion that the first place in the tetraldy was occupied by the tragedy "Prometheus-Firemen". In the nice trilogy (tetralogy) reconciliation of Zeus and Prometheus.

Conflict: The fate of the human race. The main content of this tragedy is thus the collision of the power of the Tirana, the carrier of which Zeus is presented, with a fighter and a sufferer for salvation and the benefit of mankind-promoter.

Tragedy images:

1) Prometheus: basic qualities: courage, resistance, freedom and strong will, humanism, self-sacrifice. Eschil gave the image of Prometheus a completely new meaning. He has Prometheus - the son of the femis-land, one of the titans. When Zeus reigned over the gods, Titans rebelled against him, but Prometheus helped him. When the gods thought to destroy the human race, Prometheus saved people, bringing them a fire stolen from the heavenly altar. By this, he brought his wrath of Zeus. Extremely greater strength reaches Eschil in the form of Prometheus. This is best to see, comparing the image of the tragedy with his mythological prototype, for example, in the poems of the Gesiod, where it is represented by just a tricky deceiver. Eschil is Titan, who saved the human genus, kidding the fire from the gods for people, although he knew that he would comprehend the brutal car; He taught their public life, giving the opportunity to gather from the general, state focus; He invented and created various sciences; He is a bold fighter for the truth, alien compromises and protesting against any violence and despotism; He is a goggle car who hates all the gods, an innovator, looking for new ways; In the name of his high idea, he is ready to adopt the most cruel execution and fully fulfills his great deal. Not the thought of primitive person, but the high consciousness of people V c. Could make such an image. This was created by the genius of Eschil, and now we call people of such a warehouse titans. The image of the Prometheus is what it will be in the centuries: noble, sufferer. Here appeared. Metaphor "Fire of Knowledge".

2) Zeus: the lord of the gods in the "beddown Prometheus" are given the features of the Greek "Tirana": he is ungrateful, cruel and vertegen.

3) Oceanids are weak, but we empathize

4) Io is weak, pathetic, another sacrifice of Zeus.

5) Hephaest is one of those who humble "slaves of Zeus", arrogant, cheeky. Eschil draws a lowness and a selection of gods and freedom of the gods who have respected before Zeus and the freedom of Prometheus, who preferring his flour to slave ministry at Zeus "Despite all persuasions and threats

6) Hermes - shows his experiences for his friend, the author depicts his doubts, bitterness and pain, but he cannot resist the will of Zeus.