What is a national park. What is the difference between a nature reserve and a wildlife sanctuary

What is a national park.  What is the difference between a nature reserve and a wildlife sanctuary
What is a national park. What is the difference between a nature reserve and a wildlife sanctuary

Many people have heard the phrase "national park", but not everyone knows what it really is. These objects are of particular interest for travelers, especially for those who prefer natural beauty to man-made ones. In this article, we will explain what is a national park, how it differs from the reserve, and we list the most worth visiting sites from the world natural heritage.

What is a national park

A national park is a special area with a natural landscape that is protected in order to limit human activities. By the way, this name can be used not only for the territory, but also for the water area, i.e. absolutely any part of the planet where efforts are being made to preserve its natural primordiality.

The main thing that a traveler needs to know about national parks is that they can be traveled through. In fact, they were created precisely for this, so that a modern person can personally be convinced of the endless beauty of untouched nature. Also, in national parks, you can conduct scientific research, conduct some types of economic activities.

Despite the fact that the concept of a national park is universal, it may have its own characteristics in each country, respectively, the rules of behavior in natural objects may be different, and the traveler should carefully study them before the trip.

At the tenth session of the General Assembly of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, they tried to give a universal definition of the term what a national park is. It was proposed to name common features for such parks:

  • pristine natural system or insignificant human influence on it;
  • large enough area;
  • interest in these places from the point of view of science, spirituality or tourism.

In Russia, for example, a mandatory clause on the presence of completely untouched areas of nature in a national park is mandatory. Those. if there are none, then the site cannot be considered a national park.

Some of the common features common to national park concepts around the world also include:

  • Variety of landscape, flora and fauna. There can also be rare, listed in the Red Book species of plants and animals.
  • Objective beauty of landscapes;
  • The presence of significant cultural and historical events in the area;
  • Clearly perceived tourist potential of the place.

Reserve. Definition

The reserve is an area of ​​an untouched ecosystem, access to the territory of which is strictly limited in order to protect the rare species of animals and plants in it. Thus, the main goal of the reserve is to preserve the natural course of life of all structures that make up the ecosystem.

How the national park differs from the reserve

The main thing in which a national park differs from a reserve is the degree of limitation of human activities... In national parks, quite a lot of activities are allowed - from scientific research to the organization of tourist trips. It is impossible to enter the reserve without special permission from the environmental authorities, and almost all types of human activity are prohibited there. Movement across the territory is strictly limited, any measures that pose a threat to at least any part of the natural system are suppressed. This, by the way, is the difference between nature reserves and reserves, in which only individual populations of the animal and plant world are “exposed” to protection.

What caused such a strict regime of access to the territory?

In the reserves, with a few exceptions, there are rare and endangered species of plants or animals. The situation is often so serious that only a complete ban on human intervention can save a living population. Tourism in the reserves is practically excluded, but various scientific activities are carried out - monitoring the state of the ecological environment, counting animals, training specialists in environmental protection, etc.

As with national parks, the concept of a nature reserve can vary from country to country. In Russia, nature reserves are strictly protected by federal legislation. Any Russian reserve, the definition of which is clearly enough spelled out in legislative acts, is a specially protected area.

In order to preserve rare species of plants and animals, the creation of specially protected areas is being organized: national parks. They are objects of federal importance. In order to maintain order in these territories, funds are allocated from the federal budget.

What is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park? Several aspects can be distinguished. First of all, you need to figure out what these territories are. The difference between a nature reserve and a national park in different countries can be understood if you familiarize yourself with the purpose of their creation.

National park

For the purpose of human activity, special natural areas have been created. In national parks, there is a restriction or prohibition on any business processes. At the same time, human visits to natural objects are allowed. In these areas, both tourists and ordinary nature lovers can appear.

National parks are protected educational and research institutions, which are characterized by special ecological, historical and aesthetic value. The purpose of these sites is environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes, as well as the regulation of tourism.

Each national park is surrounded by a zone with a restricted nature management regime. All this land is subdivided into territories in which various protection regimes operate, for example, reserved, recreational, economic and regulated use zones.


The main goal pursued by the creators of national parks is the need to preserve natural objects, territories of cultural and historical significance, and organize regulated recreation zones. The main task is to restore previously disturbed natural, historical and cultural complexes, as well as to introduce special scientific methods for protecting the environment. What is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park? The latter does not prohibit tourism and recreation.


In order to preserve natural resources, specially protected areas and water areas have been created. What is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park and a wildlife sanctuary? First of all, the fact that it is a territory where absolutely everyone is protected. These include soil, water bodies, fauna and flora.

In order to visit the reserve, a special permit is required. Any economic activity is prohibited within this zone, there are no industrial enterprises. They also do not plow the land and mow the grass, it is impossible to organize hunting, fishing, picking mushrooms and berries on the territory.

The federal law, which prescribes the status, transfers land and water areas to the permanent use of reserves.

The main task

Maintaining the diversity of biocomplexes is also one of the primary goals of the reserves. In these territories, various scientific research is organized and environmental monitoring is carried out. Also, the main tasks of the nature reserves include the processes of environmental education and assistance in training specialists in the field of environmental protection. This is a nationwide program that includes more than a hundred protected areas in Russia. The laws of our country grant them the status of specially protected natural areas. What is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park? In the first case, it is completely limited. There is no such prohibition in national parks, but there are also restrictions.


There are territories in which certain species of flora and fauna are protected. These institutions are called sanctuaries, which can be visited by anyone. A permit for partial economic activity is valid here. Setting up tents, resting places, driving a car or motorcycle is prohibited here. It is forbidden to make fires, walk dogs, and also hunt some animals in the reserves.

What is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park and a wildlife sanctuary? Based on the above, we can conclude that protected areas fall under the strictest control and protection. In contrast, tourists are only welcomed to freely visit national parks and reserves.

A country of unique natural complexes

Tanzania is a very interesting and distinctive country in an ecological sense. Twelve national parks, thirteen wildlife sanctuaries, and thirty-eight protected areas have made this country a top destination for tourism enthusiasts.

How is a nature reserve different from a national park in Tanzania? As in other countries, these are huge territories in which an incredible number of animals and birds live. Untouched natural complexes are protected by the state. Poaching is strictly punishable by law, and visitors hunting for rare species of animals are expelled from the country. There are nature reserves in Tanzania and national parks, working here a large number of rangers and veterinarians. They recount the number of livestock and also track the annual migration of animals.

What is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park and a nature reserve?

First of all, it should be noted that each project was created with the aim of preserving natural areas from the aggressive impact of human economic activity. The differences are only in the measures to limit such interference. Reserves are under the strictest control; they are completely or partially isolated from economic use. A visit to these complexes takes place in agreement with the curators of the zone.

In national parks, any economic activity is almost completely excluded, but visits by tourists are not limited. Zakazniks, in contrast to nature reserves, are the territory of natural complexes, where not the entire object falls under protection, but its individual components. These can be representatives of flora and fauna, as well as historical, memorial or geological values.

Natural objects in our country

What is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park in Russia? All these areas represent traditional and effective forms. The main difference between the projects is that land and water areas are in permanent use of reserves. It is curious that this phenomenon is typical only for our country.

Thus, in this article, we examined how a reserve differs from a national park or wildlife sanctuary. Regardless of the name and purpose of objects, it should be remembered that their appearance is associated with the threat of extinction of certain biocomplexes. It is necessary to take good care of nature not only in the territories of reserves and national parks, but also outside them.

State nature reserves- these are specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water, mineral resources, flora and fauna) completely withdrawn from economic use, which have environmental, scientific, ecological and educational significance as samples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places of conservation of the genetic fund flora and fauna.

At the same time, zapovedniks are nature conservation, research and environmental education institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

Natural resources available on the territory of state natural reserves are provided to them for unlimited use. All property of the reserve, including natural complexes and objects, is state property and cannot be the subject of any transactions for its alienation.

Withdrawal or other termination of rights to land plots and other natural resources of the state natural reserve is prohibited.

The reserves are entrusted with the following tasks:

Conservation of natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain in the natural state of protected natural complexes and objects;

Organization and conduct of scientific research, including keeping the Chronicle of Nature;

Implementation of environmental monitoring within the framework of the national system for monitoring the natural environment;

Environmental education;

Participation in the state ecological expertise of projects and layouts of economic and other facilities;

Assistance in the training of specialists in the field of environmental protection.

The most characteristic feature of the legal regime of the state nature reserve is that any activity that contradicts the specified objectives and rules of its special protection is prohibited. The stay on the territory of the reserve of citizens who are not employees of these reserves or officials of the bodies in charge of these reserves is allowed only with the permission of these bodies or directorates of the reserves.

In accordance with international programs for the protection of the natural environment, biosphere reserves have been created in our country. They are part of the international system of biosphere reserves that carry out global environmental monitoring.

National parks- these are natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, which are intended for use in nature conservation, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

As well as reserves, national parks are nature conservation, environmental education and research institutions. Their property is state property, provided to them for unlimited use, withdrawn from civil circulation and is not subject to privatization.

The main tasks of national parks are:

Preservation of natural complexes, unique and reference natural sites and objects, as well as historical and cultural sites;

Environmental education of the population;

Creation of conditions for regulated tourism and recreation;

Development and implementation of scientific methods for nature protection and environmental education;

Environmental monitoring;

Restoration of damaged natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects.

Thus, unlike state nature reserves, national parks fulfill not only nature conservation and scientific tasks, but also recreational and educational ones: they create conditions for recreation and tourism of the population, familiarization with natural attractions.

For these purposes, the national park is given a differentiated regime with the allocation of various functional zones:

Reserved, within which any economic activity and recreational use is prohibited;

Specially protected, within which conditions are provided for the preservation of natural complexes and objects and on the territory of which strictly regulated visits are allowed;

Cognitive tourism, designed to organize environmental education and familiarization with the sights of the national park;

Recreational, intended for relaxation;

Protection of historical and cultural objects, within which conditions are provided for their preservation;

Visitor service, designed to accommodate overnight places, campgrounds and other tourist service facilities, cultural, consumer and information services for visitors;

For economic purposes, within the limits of which the economic activities necessary to ensure the functioning of the national park are carried out.

Any other activity that may damage the natural complexes and facilities of the national park and contradict its objectives is prohibited, including the development of minerals, disturbance of the soil cover, change in the hydrological regime, provision of horticultural and suburban areas, construction of roads, communications and other unrelated facilities. with the functioning of the national park, deforestation, hunting and fishing, traffic, the organization of mass sports and entertainment events outside specially designated places, etc.

State nature reserves- these are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and the maintenance of the ecological balance.

State nature reserves are intended for the preservation of some natural objects or the reproduction of natural resources in combination with the limited and coordinated use of others. At the same time, the territories on which the reserves are located may not be confiscated from the owners, owners and users of land plots, in contrast to the territories of reserves and national parks. At the same time, the indicated subjects of rights to land plots located within the boundaries of the zakazniks are obliged to comply with the special protection regime established on their territory and bear responsibility for its violation provided for by law.

State nature reserves can have a different profile, according to which the following types of reserves are distinguished:

Complex (landscape), intended for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes (landscapes);

Biological (zoological and botanical), intended for the preservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural relations;

Paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects;

Hydrological (bog, lake, river, sea), intended for the preservation and restoration of valuable water bodies and ecological systems;

Geological, designed to preserve objects and complexes of inanimate nature.

The legal regime of state nature reserves is characterized by the fact that on their territories, any activity that contradicts the goals of creating a reserve or that damages its natural complexes and their components is permanently or temporarily prohibited or restricted.

To ensure the functioning of the reserves, their administrations are created.

Every day, the negative influence of man more and more affects nature. This leads to the fact that many species of plants, animals, fish and even insects are on the verge of extinction. In order to protect them, the government is introducing special bills to regulate the environmental situation in the country. Thanks to them, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and reserves are under state protection.

But if everything is more or less clear with national parks and reserves, then what are reserves? What is their purpose? How do they differ from other natural protection zones? And what is their role in preserving the environment?

What is a nature reserve?

The reserve is a part of the natural massif, protected from the harmful influence of humans. But unlike the reserve, not all living creatures and plants are protected here, but only certain species of them. This is often necessary in order to restore the former population of these families, or to eliminate negative factors.

Also, on the territory of the reserve, any human activity that can adversely affect protected species is suppressed. For example, if animals are protected, then hunting is prohibited on them, if fish, then fishing.

The main differences between the reserve and the reserve

So, let's fully understand the difference between state sanctuaries and nature reserves. Indeed, this is precisely the fine line that defines the very essence of this natural protective zone.

And one should start with the fact that, unlike a nature reserve, any wildlife sanctuary is a temporary phenomenon. That is, after the population of a protected species returns to normal, measures to protect it will be removed. True, such changes occur very slowly, which is why almost all state nature reserves have existed for a rather long period.

In addition, if any human activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, then in our case things are a little different. So, within the limits of the reserve, only those branches of agriculture and industry that are capable of harming protected species are subject to restrictions.

Types of reserves

Today on the territory of the Russian Federation there are about 70 reserves of federal significance. Their approximate area ranges from 170 thousand km². All of them are divided into special categories, which determine their primary tasks.

So, state nature reserves can be:

  • Hydrological. That is, aimed at the restoration of water bodies and hydrological complexes.
  • Biological. In this case, only certain species of flora or fauna will be protected.
  • Landscaping. They protect large areas of cultural, natural or relief value.
  • Paleontological. That is, protecting individual sources of minerals or their complex deposits.

In addition, all of the above types of reserves are divided into two subgroups: permanent and temporary. In the first case, the validity period of the legislative acts protecting this territory does not have a time frame. And in the second, the period allotted for the restoration of protected species is predetermined in the accompanying documentation.

Zoological reserves

One of the subspecies of biological reserves is zoological. Its main task is to protect animals from the negative impact of the environment and humans. That is, it is designed to increase the population of a certain species of animals. But how is this goal achieved?

First of all, a moratorium on hunting is introduced, and at any time of the year. In addition, environmental services constantly monitor that no one violates this prohibition. It should be noted that they quite often have to deal with poachers, because the increase in the number of animals sooner or later attracts their attention.

In addition, various techniques are also being introduced on the territory of the reserves to improve the life of animals. For example, gamekeepers build various kinds of feeders that can provide animals with food even in the most hungry winters.

Botanical reserves

A botanical, or plant, reserve is another subspecies of a biological conservation area. As the name suggests, its main task is to protect certain plant families.

At the same time, in contrast to the reserve, the reserve protects plants from any negative influence: be it a person or nature itself. For example, if a protected species is threatened by herbivores, then it is protected from them.

Also, a person sometimes independently regulates the rate of reproduction of plants. To do this, he can use artificial fertilizers, modified seeds or chemicals that protect crops from pests.

Landscape reserve

So, a landscape nature reserve is a certain part of the territory that bears an aesthetic or geological value. By and large, such nature protection complexes are open to any kind of human activity. Except for those that can somehow change the landscape or relief of a given area.

For example, in a landscape reserve, agricultural and land reclamation work, as well as any types of construction, are prohibited, unless they are aimed at preserving this section of the territory.

It should also be noted that these objects do not have a fixed lifetime. They can be compared to exhibits in a museum, the main purpose of which is to educate people.