Interpretation of drawings from geometric shapes. Practical psychology. Projective techniques

Interpretation of drawings from geometric shapes. Practical psychology. Projective techniques
Interpretation of drawings from geometric shapes. Practical psychology. Projective techniques

Test "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes"

Rafologist from San Francisco Ann Mahoney was proposed a test in which it was necessary in order to prefer to position the figures (circle, square, triangle) and a broken line. In the initial interpretation of the proposed figures, the following formula was assumed. The circle is a symbol meaning approval, sensuality, friendly attitude, playfulness. Square means a sense of security, the predominance of logic, practical approach to reality, the desire to create a solid base. The triangle symbolizes aggression, it prefers people who put their own success above emotional involvement and cannot stop in one place. The broken line means the presence of imagination; Those who dominate, appreciate individuality and reject the routine. They are often passionate about foreign culture, philosophy, poetry, music and evaluate other people based on internal qualities, not from their social status.

IN domestic literature There is a modification of this test, made by A. V. Libin. The interpretation given in this book is based on this publication and its own empirical material.

The purpose of the use of the test:detection of individual-typological differences.

Material:the subjects are offered three sheets of paper size! 0 x10 cm, each sheet is numbered and subscribed. On Sheet number 1, the first trial figure is performed; Further, respectively, on Sheet No. 2 - the second, on Sheet No. 3 - the third. After performing three drawings, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the material is not processed.

Data processing is performed as follows: The number of triangles speared in the image of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image is read (for each figure separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds indicate the number of triangles, dozens - the number of circles, units - the number of squares. These three-digit figures are the so-called "pattern formula", according to which drawing drawing to the corresponding types and subtyps, which are presented in the table (see below).

Interpretation of data. Own empirical studies in which more than 2 thousand figures were obtained and analyzed, showed that the ratio of various elements in constructive drawings is not accidental. The analysis makes it possible to select 8 of the main types that the typological characteristics are described below.

Note. Types are the most distinguished characteristics of individuality; Subtypes included in this or that type in general features Related with type characteristics, however, have their own specific features.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle usually belongs to the "acute", "offensive" figure associated with male start. Circle - Figure Stipped, more consonant with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. Of the square shape elements, it is easier to build something easier than others, therefore the square, the rectangle is interpreted as specifically technical structural figures, "technical modules" (Fig. 1-3).

Typology based on preference geometric figuresAllows you to form a kind of "system" of individual-typological differences:


1 -Y Type - "Head".These are usually people who have a tendency to senior and organizational activities. Focused on socially significant norms of behavior, may have a gift of good narrator based on high levels speech Development. Possess good adaptation in social sphere, Dominance over others is held in certain boundaries. Usually choose green color (According to M. Lusheshru) and draw a Christmas tree in the Test Test.

Formulas for drawings: 901,910, 802,811,820,703,71,721,730, 604,613,622, 631,640.

The most rigid dominance over others is expressed at the subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - in 703, 712, 721, 730; When exposed to speech on people - verbal leader or "Teaching Subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level mental Development. With a high level of development, individual features are developed, implemented, quite well realized. At a low level of development may not be detected in professional activity, and attend situationally, worse, if inadequately situations. This applies to all characteristics.

2nd Type - "Responsible Artist"- It has many features of the type "manager", but there are often fluctuations in making responsible solutions. This type of people is more focused on the "ability to do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demanding to themselves and others, highly appreciates the rightness, that is, characterized increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often suffers from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overvoltage. Formulas for drawings: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550. 3rd type - "anxious and consuming"- It is characterized by a variestic brazium of abilities and gifts - from thin manual on-ists to literary talent. Usually, people of this type of SNO within one profession, they can change it on

absolutely opposite and unexpected, have also a hobby, which is essentially the second profession. Physically do not tolerate mess and dirt. Usually conflict because of this with other people. Different with increased vulnerability and often doubt. We need soft prubing.

Formulas for drawings: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460.

In addition, the 415 - "poetic subtype" - usually persons having such a formula of the picture possess poetic gifting; 424 - Subtype of people recognizable by phrase: "How can I work hard? I can't imagine how much you can work. " People of this type are characterized by special care in the work.

4 -D type - "scientist".These people are easily abstract from reality, have a "conceptual mind", they differ in the ability to develop "for all occasions" their theories. Usually possess spiritual equilibrium And rationally think over their behavior.

Formulas for drawings: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

The subtype 316 is characterized by the abilities to create theories, the benefits of global, or carry out greater and complex coordination work; 325th - characterized by a great passion for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among persons engaged in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theatrical-spectacular director, animation, etc.

5 -Y-type - "intuitive".People of this type have severe sensitivity nervous systemHighly by its extractiveness. It is easier to work on switchable ™ from one activity to another, usually perform "minority lawyers", followed by new opportunities. Have increased sensitivity to novelty. Altruistic, often take care of others, possess good hand skills and figurative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical species of creativity. Usually produce their moral norms, possess an internal self-control, react negatively to encroachments concerning their freedom.

Formulas for drawings: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

Subtype 235 is often found among professional psychologists or persons with increased interest in people's psychology; 244th - has the ability of literary creativity; 217th - ability to inventive activities; The 226th - great need for novelty, usually puts very high achievement criteria for itself.

The 6th type is "inventor, designer, artist."It is often found among those with a technical vendor. These are people who have a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in the most various species technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often intro-verticted, as well as intuitive type, Live with our own moral norms, do not accept any effects from the side, except self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Formulas for drawings: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

Subtype 019 meets among persons who speak the audience; 118th - type with the most strongly pronounced constructive capabilities and ability to inventions.

7-Y-type - "emotional".Have increased empathy towards other people, they are hardly worried " brutal frames Movie, "can be" shed out of the rut "and shocked cruel events for a long time. Pain and concerns of other people find their participation, empathy and sympathy for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result it becomes difficult to implement their own abilities.

Formulas for drawings: 550,451,460, 352, 361, 370,253,262,271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190.055.064, 073.082.091.

8th Typehas a tendency opposite to emotive mutype. It usually does not feel the experiences of other people or belongs to them with the inattention and even strengthens the pressure on people. If this good specialist, then he can make others do what he thinks needs. Sometimes it is characterized by the worn, which arises is situationally, when, due to any causes, a person closes in the circle of his own problems.

Formulas for drawings: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406. 307, 208, 109 1.
Comment to the test.

Despite the relative unreliability of the diagnosis, this technique can serve as a good mediator in the process of communication of the psychologist consultant with consultable. By informing the individual-typical characteristic, on the basis of the features of the image constructing, set the following questions (which should usually be an affirmative answer):

  • 1 With the coincidence of these formulas with formulas of types 1-6, one of the interpretations, at the discretion of the psychologist, can be considered as an additional.

    if there is a neck- "Are you a wounded person; It happens so that you are too easy to offend? ";

  • ears -"Are you considered a man who can listen to?";

  • pocket on the body of the man -"Do you have children?";

  • on the head of the hat in the form of a square or triangle in one drawing -"You seem to make a forced concession and annoy it?"; In the presence of a hat in all three images - "Can I say that now you are experiencing a" strip of a stolen position "?

  • fully painted person:"Do you think yourself with a sociable person?";

  • only one mouth on the face- "Do you love to talk?";

  • nose alone:"Do you choose the smells, do you like spirits?";

  • images mug on the human body -"Are you currently taking care of the older close?";

  • images of a triangle on the body of a little man- "In the circle of your concern, it is necessary to give any orders to anyone?"
So, in the process of commentated communication, you can establish trust contact with the interlocutor.

An example of interpretation

In fig. 4 A variant of the test of structural drawings of men from geometric shapes is performed. The first drawing has formula 334 and refers to the type of "scientists", for which the ability to quickly abstract from the specific and generalizations leading to explanatory theories are characteristic. These are usually people who are about anything - everyone knows, everyone is trying to develop theories and concepts. They have a synthetic species of art: theater, movie, stage, circus, possess some eccentricity in behavior, acting.

The second pattern has a formula of Figure 551, which is not correct, i.e. the amount of numbers is greater than 10, which often happens when scattered attention.

The third pattern has formula 433, which corresponds to an alarming-alert type for which the desire for purity and order is characterized; In men, this is often expressed in the cult "clean shirts". Dirt and disorder in people of this type cause physical dislike. Have a large range of gifts - from literary to thin hand skills. They are usually closely as part of one profession, when it change, they

92 Practical psychology. Projective techniques
often doubted their capabilities, need to be milded.

In the first drawing, it is drawn (accented by hatching) of the neck, which is often the case of people distinguished by high vulnerability; On the other two, the person is partially drawn that the cup means a higher interest in the interlocutor. In general, it is possible to note graphic abilities, as well as a significant size of the figure, which indicates the normal physical condition and the absence of fatigue.

The first drawing is the dominant type, the second is the type that is present as a state, and the third - future prospects.

Test "Non-existent animal"

M Etodique proposed M. 3. Dzucarevich. In its nature, the test "non-existent animal" refers to the number of projective. For statistical audit or standardization, the result of the analysis can be presented in descriptive forms. According to the composition, this test is indicative, as the only method of research is usually not used and requires a combination with other methods as a battery-tool of the study.

From the existing literature it can be seen that the examination procedure is not standardized (used different sizes Sheets for drawing paper, in some cases the drawing is performed by colored pencils, in others - in one color, etc.). The generally accepted system for evaluating the drawing does not exist.

Instruction:"Come up and draw non-existentanimal and name it nonexistenttitle. "
Indicators and interpretations

Position of the drawing on the sheet.Normally, the drawing is located in the middle line of the vertically supplied sheet. The sheet of paper is best taken white or slightly cream, black. Use the medium soft pencil; It is impossible to draw the handle and felt-tip pen.

Position picture closer to upper edge Sheet (the closer, the more pronounced) is interpreted as a high self-evaluation, discontent with its position in society, insufficiency of recognition from others, as a claim for promotion and recognition, a tendency to self-affirmation.

The position of the drawing at the bottom - the return trend: insecurity, low self-esteem, depression, indecision, disinterest in its position in society, in recognition, lack of a tendency to self-affirmation.

Center for Figure(Head or replacing it detail). The head is rotated to the right - a steady trend towards activities, effectiveness: almost everything that is considered is planned - it is carried out or, at least, begins to be carried out (if it is not even communicated to the end.) The subject actively passes to the implementation of its trends.

The head is rotated to the left - the trend towards reflection, to reflections. This is not a person action: only a minor part of the designs is being implemented or at least begins to realize. Often also fear before active action and indecision. (Option: no tendency to action or fear of activity - should be solved additionally).

The position of the face, i.e. the head is directed to the drawing (on itself), is interpreted as egocentrism.

On the head there are details corresponding to the authorities of feelings - ears, mouth, eyes. The value of the "ears" details are direct "interest in information, the significance of the opinions of others about themselves. Additionally, according to other indicators and their combination is determined whether the subject is tested for the conquest of a positive assessment or only produces to evaluate the corresponding emotional reactions (joy, pride , resentment, disadvantage), without changing your behavior. A linked mouth in combination with the tongue in the absence of drawing of the lips is interpreted as a large speech activity (talkative), in combination with the drawing lip - as sensuality; sometimes both together. Outdoor mouth without drawing Language and lips, especially crushed, interpreted as ease of concerns and fears, distrust of mouth with teeth - verbal aggression, in most cases - protective (snardled, it goes away, rude in response to the negative properties, condemnation, censure). For children and adolescents are characteristic of the drawing of the crumpled mouth of the Gloa Form (fearlessness, Elevation).

Special importance attached to eyes. This is a symbol of a person inherent fear experience: emphasized with a sharp drawing of the iris. Pay attention to the presence or absence of eyelashes. Eyelashes - exteroid-demonstrative behavioral manners; For men: feminine character traits with the drawing of pupil and iris coincide rarely. Eyelashes are also interested in admiration for the surrounding external beauty and manner dressing, giving it much importance.

Increased (in accordance with the figure as a whole), the size of the head suggests that the test value appreciates the rational start (possibly erudition) in itself and others.

There are also additional details on the head, such as horns - protection, aggression. To determine the combination with other signs - claws, bristles, needles - the nature of this aggression: spontaneous or protective-respond. Feathers are a tendency to self-agracement and self-defining, to demonstration. Mane, wool, like hairstyles - sensuality, underscores of its sex and sometimes orientation on their sexual role.

Carrier, reference part of the figure(Feet, paws, sometimes - pedestal). The foundation of this part is considered in relation to the size of the whole figure and shape:

a) the foundation, purification, rationality
decision solutions, ways to conclusions, formation of judgment, support
for significant provisions and meaningful information;

b) the superficiality of judgments, frivolity in conclusions and non-
conversion of judgment, sometimes the impulsiveness of the adoption of
(especially in the absence or almost absence of legs).

Pay attention to the nature of the combination of legs with the case: the connection is accurate, carefully or casually, weakly connected or not connected at all - this is the nature of control over their reasoning, conclusions, solutions. Simplicity and single-directional feet shape, paws, any elements of the reference part - the conformity of judgments and decisions in decision-making, their standardity, banality. A variety in the form and position of these parts - the originality of installations and judgments, independence and non-bait; Sometimes even creative start (respectively, unusual form) or dissent (closer to pathology).

Parts rising above the figure of the figure.Can be functional or decorating: wings, additional legs, tentacles, shell details, feathers, bows like curls - Kudrey; Flower-functional parts - Energy coverage different regions human activity, self-proliferation, "self-proliferation" with indeligate and unintelligible oppression of others, or curiosity, the desire to participate as in more Affairs of others, conquering itself places under the sun, passionateness of their activities, the courage of enterprises (according to the value of the character detail - wings or tentacles, etc.). Decorating details are demonstrativeness, the inclination to pay attention to the attention of others, manneriness (for example, a horse or its non-existentity in Sultan from Pavlinich Feather).

Tails.Express the attitude towards their own actions, solutions, conclusions, to their verbal products - judging by the fact that these tails are rotated to the right (on a sheet) or left. Rotated to the right - attitude to their actions and behavior. Left - attitude to their thoughts, solutions; To the missed opportunities, their own indecision. The positive or negative color of this relationship is expressed by the direction of the tails up (confidently, positively, cheerfully) or the falling movement down (dissatisfaction with itself, doubt in its own rightness, regretted, said, repentance, etc.). Pay attention to the tails consisting of several, sometimes repeated links, especially magnificent tails, especially long and sometimes branched.

Contours of the figure.Analyzed by the presence or absence of protrusions (type of shields, shells, needles), drawing and darkening of the contour line. It is protection against others, aggressive - if it is made in sharp corners; with fear and anxiety - if the dimming, "blurring" of the contour line takes place; With fear, suspicion - if shields are delivered, "barriers", the line has doubled. The direction of such protection - according to the spatial location: the upper circuit of the figure - against the higher, against those who have the opportunity to impose a ban, restriction, to force, that is, against the older in age, parents,
posters, chiefs, managers; Lower circuit - protection against ridicule, non-recognition, lack of authority from subordinate subordinates, younger, fear of condemnation; side contours - undifferentiated danger and readiness for self-defense of any order and in different situations; The same - elements of "protection", located not along the contour, and inside the contour, on the body of the animal. On the right - more in the process of activity (real), on the left - more protection of your opinions, beliefs, tastes.

General energy. The number of pictures depicted is estimated - whether the required amount is only required to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe invented non-existent animal (body, head, limb, or body, tail, wings, etc.): with a filled outline, without hatching and additional lines and parts, simply primitive Contour, or there is a generous image of not only necessary, but also complicating the design of additional parts. Accordingly, the more component parts and elements (in addition to the most necessary), the higher the energy. In the opposite case - saving energy, the asthenicness of the body, chronic somatic disease (the same is confirmed by the nature of the line - a weak web-like line, "takes" pencil on paper without pressing it). The inverse nature of the lines is a pressure line - is not polar: it is not energy, but anxiety. You should pay attention to the sharply sold lines visible even on back side Sheet (convulsive, high muscle tone drawing hands) - sharp anxiety. To pay attention also to what the item, which symbol is made in this way (i.e., what alarm is tied).

Evaluation character lines (dubbing line, negligence, inaccurability of compounds, "islands" from the lines that are on each other, hovering the parts of the pattern, "blick", deviation from the vertical axis, the stereotype of lines, etc.). The assessment is carried out in the same way as when analyzing the pictograms. The same is fragment of lines and forms, incompleteness, disagitation of the picture.

Thematically animals are divided into threatened, threatening, neutral(Lion's similarity, hippopotamus, wolf or bird, snail, ant, either proteins, dogs, cats). This is a relation to your own person and to its "I",the idea of \u200b\u200bits position in the world, as if identifying itself to significance (with a hare, buckashka, an elephant, a dog, etc.). INthis case, the drawd animal is a representative of the drawing.

The likelihood of a person drawn to the animal, starting from the animal setting into the position of the two paws, instead of four or more, and ending with the dressing of an animal in human clothes (pants, skirts, bows, belts, dress), including software. "Crying face on face, feet And the paws in the hands - indicates infantality, emotional immaturity, respectively, the degree of severity of "aligning" of the animal. The mechanism is similar (and parallel) the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables, etc.

The degree of aggressiveness is expressed by the number, location and nature of the angles in the figure, regardless of their connection with one or another image item. Especially weighty in this respect, direct symbols of aggression - claws, teeth, beaks. It is also worth paying attention to the emphasis of sexual signs - udder, nipples, chest with a man-like figure, etc. This is a relation to the floor, right up to fixation on the problem of sex.

The circle figure (especially - not filled) symbolizing expresses the tendency of docklessness, closure, closeness of his inner world, unwillingness to give information about themselves around, finally, the reluctance is to be tested. Such drawings usually give a very limited amount of data for analysis.

Pay attention to the cases of "montization" of the mechanical parts into the body of the animal - the formulation of the animal to the pedestal, tractor or tank tracks, tripod; attaching to the head of the propeller, screw; Mounted in the eye electrollamp, in the body and limb - handles, keys and antennas. This is observed more often in schizophrenia patients and deep schizoids.

Creative opportunities are usually expressed by the number of elements combined in the figure: banality, lack creative start Take the form of "finished", an existing animal (people, horses, dogs, pigs, fish), to which the existing detail is only attached to the drawn animal become non-existent - a cat with wings, a fish with feathers, a dog with flips and t. The originality is expressed in the form of building a figure of elements, and not entire billets.

The name can express a rational connection of the semantic parts (flying hare, "Befacot", "Mukhozher", etc.). Another option is word formation with book-scientific, sometimes Latin suffix or ending ("Ratoletius", etc.). First - rationality, specific installation in orientation and adaptation; The second - demonstration, directed mainly on the demonstration of his own mind, erudition, knowledge. The names of superficial sound, without any understanding ("Liali", "Lisha", "Gracecher", etc.), marking frivolous attitude towards others, the inability to take into account the danger signal, the presence of affective criteria for the basis of thinking, advantage of aesthetic elements in judgments over rational. Ironically-humorous names are also observed ("Rynochurka", "Puzradd", etc.) - with respectively irony-indulgence to others. Infantile names are usually repeated elements ("Tru-Tru-labor", "Lu-Liu", Couscous, etc.). The tendency to fantasy (more often of the protective order) is usually expressed by the elongated names ("AberoSinothyriron", "Gobarniklatamine", etc.).

The satisfactory convergent validity of the methodology is shown by establishing communication between the results obtained from its help, and the data of other personal techniques on the patient survey material psychiatric clinic and persons passing trade in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P. V. Yan-Shin, 1988, 1990). Validity is also confirmed by differentiation of neurosis patients and healthy (T. I. Krasko, 1995). "N.ZH." - One of the most popular picturesque techniques and is widely used by the psychologists of the CIS during examination of children and adults, patients and healthy, most often as an orienting technique, that is, such, the data of which allow you to put forward some hypotheses about the identity features.

This original test is taken from the book "Graphic Methods in Psychological Diagnostics", announced above.

The purpose of the use of the test is to identify individual-typological differences.

Instructions: "You need to draw a person figure made up of ten elements, among which can be triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or reduce these elements (geometric shapes) in size, put each other for a friend as needed. It is important that all these three elements in the image of the person are present, and the total number of the figures used was equal to ten. If you used when drawing large quantity Figures, then you need to smoke unnecessary, if you are used by the figures less than ten, it is necessary to draw the missing. Follow the picture according to this instruction. "

The subjects are offered three sheets of paper with a size of 10x10 cm, each sheet is numbered and signed. On Sheet number 1, the first trial figure is performed; Further, respectively, on Sheet No. 2 - the second, on Sheet No. 3 - the third. After performing three drawings, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the material is not processed.

Data processing is performed as follows. It is read by the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image (for each figure separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds indicate the number of triangles, dozens - the number of circles, units - the number of squares. These three-digit numbers are the so-called figure formula, according to which drawing to the appropriate types and subtypes, which are presented in the table.

Own empirical studies in which more than 2 thousand figures were obtained and analyzed, showed us that the ratio of various elements in constructive drawings is not accidental. The analysis allows you to get 8 basic types that are complied with typological characteristics described below.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually attributed to the "acute", "offensive" figure associated with the male beginnings. Circle - Figure Stipped, more consonant with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. From elements of square shape to build something easier than others, so the square, the rectangle is interpreted as specifically technical constructive figure, "Technical Module". A typology based on the preference of geometric shapes allows you to form a kind of "system" of individual-typological differences.

The system of individual-psychological differences identified when performing structural drawings based on preferences of geometric figures 901 802 1 ---- 1 703 1 604 505 406 307 208 109 910 811 712 613 622 514

325 217 226 118 127 136 019 028 037 820 721,

730 631 532 433 334 235

640 541 442 343 244 145 046

550 451 352 253 154 055 064 073 082 091

I type - "Head". These are usually people who have a tendency to senior and organizational activities. Oriented on socially significant norms of behavior, may have a gift of good narratives based on a high level of speech development. Have a good adaptation in the social sphere, dominance over the others hold in certain boundaries. Usually choose green (according to M.Lu-Shar) and draw "Christmas tree" in the test "Tree".

Formulas for drawings: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

The most rigid dominance over others is expressed at the subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - in 703, 712, 721, 730; When exposed to speech on people - verbal leader or "Teaching Subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. With a high level of development, individual features are developed, implemented, quite well realized. With a low level of development, may not be detected in professional activities, but attend situationally, worse, if inadequately situations. This applies to all characteristics.

The II type - the "responsible performer" has many features of the type "manager", being an expectation of him, but fluctuations are often present in making responsible solutions. This type of people is more focused on the "ability to do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demanding to themselves and others, highly appreciates the right point, i.e. Characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overvoltage.

Formulas for drawings: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

III type - "alarming-consuming" - characterized by a variety of abilities and gifts - from thin hand skills to literary giftedness. Typically, people of this type are closely as part of one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected, have a hobby, which is essentially the second profession. Physically do not tolerate mess and dirt.

Usually conflict because of this with other people. Different with increased vulnerability and often doubt. We need soft prubing.

Formulas for drawings: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460. In addition, 415 - "poetic subtype" - usually persons having such a formula of the drawing possess poetic gifting; 424 - Subtype of people recognizable by phrase "How can I work badly? I can't imagine how it can work badly. " People of this type are characterized by special care in the work.

IV Type - "Scientist". These people are easily abstract from reality, possess a "conceptual mind", differ in the ability to develop "on all" their theories. Usually possess mental equilibrium and rationally think over their behavior.

Formulas for drawings: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370. Subtype 316 is characterized by the abilities to create theories, according to

global property, or exercise greater and complex coordination work; 325 - Subtype, characterized by a great passion for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among persons engaged in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theatrical-spectacular director, animation, etc.

V Type - "intuitive". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high depletion. It is easier to switch on switchability from one activity to another, usually perform "minority lawyers", followed by new opportunities. Have increased sensitivity to novelty. Altruistic, often take care of others, possess good hand skills and figurative imagination, which makes it possible to engage technical species creativity. Usually produce their moral norms, possess an internal self-control, i.e. Prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments relating to their freedom.

Formulas for drawings: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280. Subtype 235 - often occurs among professional psychologists or persons with increased interest in people's psychology; 244 - has the ability literary creativity, 217 - has the ability to inventive activities; 226 - A great need for novelty, usually puts very high criteria for achievements for yourself.

VI type - "Inventor, designer, artist". It is often found among those with a "technical vest". These are people who have a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engage in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. It is more often introverted, as well as an intuitive type, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any effects from the side, except self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Formulas for drawings: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046. Subtype 019 - meets among persons well-owning an audience; 118 - type with the most significant constructive capabilities and ability to inventions.

VII type - "emotional". They have increased empathy towards other people, they are seriously worried about the "cruel frames of the film", can be a long way to be "shed out of the gauge" and be shocked from cruel events. Pain and concerns of other people find their participation, empathy and sympathy,

they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to implement their own abilities.

Formulas Pictures: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

VIII type - has the opposite trend emotive type. It usually does not feel the experiences of other people or belongs to them with the inattention and even strengthens the pressure on people. If this is a good specialist, then he can make others do what he considers it necessary. Sometimes it is characterized by "worn", which occurs is situationally, when, due to any causes, a person closes in a circle of his own problems.

Formulas for drawings: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.

Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes "Method


Projective graphics research methodology. Designed to identify individual-typological differences.

The subject is offered consistently three times (on separate sheets) to draw a person's figure, each time composed of 10 elements, among which can be triangles, circles, squares. "The degree of freedom" of the subject is that it can use a different number of circles, triangles and squares, but the total number of figures should be 10 in each figure.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle usually refers to the "acute", "offensive" figure associated with the male beginning. The circle - the figure is streamlined, more consonant with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. From the elements of the square form to build something easier than others, therefore the square, the rectangle is interpreted as a specific technical structural figure, "technical module".

Eight main types of personalities stand out:

1. "Head".

2. "Responsible performer.

3. "Anxious and consumption"

4. "Scientist".

5. "Intuitive".

6. "Inventor, designer, artist."

7. "Emotive".

8. It has the opposite tendency to emotive type.

This technique is used in domestic psychodiagnostics. The most complete data was obtained in studies E.S. Romanova. His own empirical studies in which more than two thousand figures were obtained and analyzed, showed that the ratio of various elements in constructive drawings is not accidental. It believes that a more subtle analysis of the obtained data is possible, which allows to allocate the "second level" typology, in which 63 subtypes are distinguished with the corresponding psychological characteristics. The results obtained were compared E.S. Romanova with indicators Lucher Color Choice Test, temperature indicators for questionnaires G.Aizenka,V.M. Rusalova (see temperament Rusalov Questionnaire) and with dough data "Wood".


Features of the test procedure:


The subjects are offered three sheets of paper with a size of 10x10 cm, each sheet is numbered and signed. On Sheet No. 1, the first trial figure is performed, then, respectively, on Sheet No. 2 - the second, on Sheet No. 3 - the third. After performing three drawings, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the data is not processed.


"You need to draw a person figure made up of 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, apply to each other as needed. It is important that all these three The element in the image of a person was present, and the sum of the total number of the figures used was equal to ten. If during the drawing you used a larger number of figures, then you need to smoke extra, if you are used by the figures less than ten, it is necessary to draw the missing. "

Musical conversation:

The technique can serve as a good mediator in the process of communication of the psychologist-consultant with controlled. By informing the individual-typical characteristic, on the basis of the features of the image constructing, set the following questions (which should usually be an affirmative answer):

• In the presence of the neck - "Are you a wounded person, it happens that you are too easy to offend?"

The - "Are you considered a person who can listen to?"

Camers on the body: "Do you have children?"

• On the head of "hats" in the form of a square or triangle in one drawing: "You seem to make a forced concession and annoy it?"; If there are "hats" in all three images: "Is it possible to say that now you are experiencing a" strip of a stolen position? "

The problem of the painful person: "Do you think yourself with a sociable person?"

Other mouth on the face: "Do you like to talk?"

The nose only: "Do you choose smells, do you like spirits?"

Maging a mug on the body: "In the circle of your concern, it is necessary to give any orders to anyone?".


Data processing is performed as follows: The number of triangles spent in the image taken in the image, circles and squares (for each figure separately) is calculated, and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds will indicate the number of triangles, dozens - the number of circles, units - the number of squares. These three digits make up the so-called "pattern formula", according to which drawing drawing to the appropriate types and subtypes.


I type - "Head".

Formulas for drawings: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

II type - "responsible performer.

Formulas for drawings: 406, 415, 424,433, 442, 451, 460.

IV Type - "Scientist".

Formulas for drawings: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

V Type - "Intuitive".

Formulas for drawings: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

Formulas for drawings: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

VII Type - "Emotive".

Formulas Pictures: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

Formulas for drawings: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.


A typology based on the preference of geometric shapes allows you to form a kind of "system" of individual-typological differences (see Table 1).

Table 1

The system of individual and psychological differences identified when performing structural drawings based on preferences of geometric shapes


I type - "Head".These are usually people who have a tendency to leadership and organizational activities, oriented on social and significant norms of behavior, can have a gift of good narratives based on a high level of speech development. Have a good adaptation in the social sphere, dominance over the others hold in certain boundaries. Such people usually choose green (according to M. Lushera) and draw "Christmas tree" in the test "tree".

Formulas for drawings: 901,910, 802,811, 820,703,712,721,730, 604,613,622,631,640.

The most rigid dominance over others is expressed at the subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - 703, 712, 721, 730; When exposed to speech on people - verbal leader or "Teaching subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. With a high level of development, individual traits of development, implemented, are quite well aware. With a low level, it can be detected in professional activities, but to be situationally, worse, if not adequately situations. This applies to all characteristics.

II type - "responsible performer"- It has many features of the type "manager", being located, but hesitations are often present in making responsible solutions. This type of people is more focused on the "ability to do the case", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demanding to itself and others, highly appreciates the right thing, i.e. Characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overvoltage.

Formulas for drawings: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

III type - "alarming"- characterized by a variety of abilities and gifts - from thin hand skills to literary gifts. Usually, people of this type are closely as part of one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected, have a hobby, which is essentially the second profession.

Physically do not tolerate mess and dirt. Usually conflict because of this with other people. Different with increased vulnerability and part doubts themselves. We need soft prubing.

Formulas for drawings: 406, 415, 424,433, 442, 451, 460. In addition, 415 - "poetic subtype" - usually persons having such a formula of the drawing have poetic gifting; 424 - Subtype of people recognizable by the phrase "How can this be bad work? I can't imagine how it can work badly." People of this type are characterized by special care in the work.

IV Type - "Scientist". These people are easily abstract from reality, possess a "conceptual mind", differ in the ability to develop "on all" their theories. Usually possess mental equilibrium and rationally think over their behavior.

Formulas for drawings: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370. Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, the benefit of global, or exercise greater and complex coordination; 325 - Subtype characterized by a great passion for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among persons engaged in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theatrical spectacular director, animation, etc.

V Type - "Intuitive". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high depletion. It is easier to switch on switchability from one activity to another, usually perform "minority lawyers", followed by new opportunities. Have increased sensitivity to novelty. Altruistic, often take care of others, possess good hand skills and figurative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical species of creativity. Usually produce their moral norms, possess an internal self-control, i.e. Prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments relating to their freedom.

Formulas for drawings: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280. Subtype 235 - often occurs among professional psychologists or persons with increased interest in people's psychology; 244 - has the ability to literary creativity; 217 - has the ability to inventive activities; 226 - A great need for novelty, usually puts very high criteria for achievements for yourself.

VI Type - "Inventor, Designer, Artist". It is often found among those with a "technical vest". These are people who have a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engage in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. Frequently introverted, as well as an intuitive type, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any impacts from the side, except self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Formulas for drawings: 109,118,127,136,145,019,028,037,046. Subtype 109 meets among persons who speak the audience; 118 - type with the most pronounced constructive capabilities and ability to inventions.

VII Type - "Emotive". They have increased empathy towards others, they are seriously worried about the "cruel frames of the film", can for a long time to be "shed out of the gauge" and be shocked from cruel events. The pains and care of other people find participation in them, empathy and sympathy for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to implement their own abilities.

Formulas for drawings: 550,451,460,352,361,370,253,262,271, 280,154, 163,172,181,190,055, 064,073,082,091.

VIII type - possesses the opposite tendency to emotive type. It usually does not feel the experiences of other people or relates to them with the inattention or even strengthens the pressure on people. If this is a good specialist, then he can make others do what he considers it necessary. Sometimes it is characterized by "worn", which arises situationally, when, due to any causes, a person closes in the circle of his own problems.

Formulas for drawings: 901,802,703,604,505,406,307,208,109.

Equipment: Three sheets of 10 x 10 cm in size, the sheets are numbered as drawings.

Instruction. You need to draw three figures of a person using for each 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, squares and circles. You can increase, reduce these figures, impose them on each other.

Data processing. For each figure, the number of triangles spent in the image in the image, circles, squares, the results are recorded in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds of triangles, dozens of circles, units - number of squares. Thus, the "Formula of the Figure" is derived, according to which drawing relates to the appropriate types and subtypes.

For example: after counting it turned out that 4 squares were spent, 5 triangles and 1 circle. Consequently, the Formula of Formula is the number 514, which corresponds to the type "Manager".

Interpretation of results.

1st Type "Manager". These are people who have a tendency to leadership work, organizational activities. Focused on socially significant behaviors, may have a good gift of the narrator associated with high levels speech development. Have a good adaptation to the social sphere, dominance over the other hold in certain boundaries.

Formulas for drawings: 901, 910, 802. 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

The most rigid domination is expressed at the subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, "situationally: 703, 712, 721, 730, when exposed to speech on people: verbal leader or teaching type": 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

The 2nd type has many features of the type "Manager"However, often when making decisions, especially responsible, fluctuates.

This type of people is more focused on the ability to "do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demanding to themselves and people, highly appreciates the right point, i.e. Characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin due to experiences.

Formulas for drawings: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

3rd Type "Anxious and Resources"It is characterized by a variety of abilities and giftedness from thin hand skills to literary rigging.

Typically, people of this type are closely as part of one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected, have also a hobby, which is essentially the second profession. Physically do not tolerate disorder and dirt, usually conflict with others because of this. Different with increased vulnerability and often doubt. We need soft prubing.

Formulas for drawings: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460.

In addition, the 415 - "poetic subtype", usually people who have such a formula of the picture possess the poetic gifting: 424 - the subtype of people recognizable by the phrase: how it can be bad work. People of this subtype are distinguished by special care in the work.

4-type "scientist". These people are easily abstract from reality, have a "conceptual mind", they differ in the ability to develop on all "their theories". Usually possess mental equilibrium and rationally think over their behavior.

Formulas for drawings: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

The subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, the benefit of global, or exercise greater focal work.

The 325th subtype is characterized by the passion for the process of knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

5-type "intuitive". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, high degree Her degradability. It is easier when switching from one type of activity to another, usually serve "minority lawyers", followed by new opportunities. Possess increased susceptibility to novelty. Altruistic, often take care of others, have good hand skills and rich imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical species. Usually produce their moral norms, self-control prefers, reacting negatively to encroach regarding their freedom.

Formulas for drawings: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

Subtype 235 is often found among professional psychologists or persons with increased interest in people's psychology;

244 - has the ability of literary creativity;

217 - ability to inventive activities; 226 - has a greater need for novelty, usually puts very high achievement criteria for itself.

6 Type "Inventor, Designer, Artist". It is often found among those with a "technical vest". These are people who have a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engage in the most various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. Most often belong to the type of introverts, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any impacts from the side, preferring self-control, emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Formulas for drawings: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

Subtype 109 meets among people well-owning an audience.

The 118th subtype - has the most significant design capabilities and ability to inventor.

7 type "emotional". They have increased empathy towards other people, they are seriously worried about the "cruel" frames of films, can be abandoned from the rut and shocked cruel events. The pains and care of other people cause them to sympathize and participate that they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result of which it becomes difficult to implement their own abilities.

Formulas Pictures: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

8 Type - opposite "Emotive type". It usually does not feel the experiences of other people or relates to them with the inbidity and even enhances pressure on them. If this is a good specialist, then he can make others do what he considers it necessary. Sometimes it is characterized by the worn, which arises is situationally, when, due to any causes, a person closes in the circle of his own problems.

Formulas for drawings: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.

It must be borne in mind that the first figure is the dominant type, the second is the type that is present as a state, and the third - future prospects.