Constructive drawing based on the geometric figures of Potemkin. VII type is emotive. Features of the testing procedure

Constructive drawing based on the geometric figures of Potemkin.  VII type is emotive.  Features of the testing procedure
Constructive drawing based on the geometric figures of Potemkin. VII type is emotive. Features of the testing procedure

The purpose of the test: identification of individual-typological differences.

Instruction. You need to draw a human figure made up of 10 elements, which may include triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, overlay each other as needed. It is important that all these 3 elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of shapes used is 10. If you used large quantity shapes, then you need to cross out the extra ones, if you used less than 10 shapes, you need to finish the missing ones.

Don't worry, just understand where perspective comes from and where it comes from, and what it does for the observed world. At this level, you will be able to draw whatever blocks you want from your imagination, giving them the intended look. It may sound boring, but remember - you can't draw fantastic creatures well if you can't draw a simple cylinder. Take as long as necessary to fix it, otherwise it would be to try to draw an image of a thousand lines without knowing how to draw just one!

First of all, don't lie to yourself. Even best tutorial will help you if you do. Learn how to create more complex shapes using the simple blocks you mastered earlier. These structures don't have to resemble anything real, so just have fun with them. Now is the time to make sure that you feel completely comfortable using them and that you can build any structure from your imagination.

Material: the subjects are offered 3 sheets of paper measuring 10 x 10 cm, each sheet is numbered and signed. On sheet 1, the first test drawing is performed, then, respectively, on sheet 2 - the second, on sheet 3 - the third. After completing 3 figures, the data is processed.

If the instruction is violated, the data is not processed.

Data processing is carried out as follows: the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a man is counted (for each figure separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds denote the number of triangles, tens denote the number of circles, and units denote the number of squares. These 3-digit numbers make up the so-called drawing formula, according to which drawers are assigned to the corresponding types and subtypes.

Again, if you cannot imagine and draw structural structures, how could you imagine and draw extremely complex living things? Don't be fooled, it won't get you anywhere! Stay here, be patient and don't be discouraged if it takes longer than you expected, after all, that's 80% of what you need to get out of your imagination.

If you manage to find out, you won't say "I can't draw" anymore! If you want to draw horses out of imagination, go for a live horse, find a realistic model, or simply use a large set of photographs with different perspectives of the same horse. Be careful and pretend you have filled your whole body with everyone simple forms that you have practiced before. Answer every question you can ask about it. Study the horse, pay attention to every detail, understand what makes it a horse.

Interpretation of data. Our own empirical studies, in which more than 2000 drawings were obtained and analyzed, showed us that the ratio of various elements in structural drawings is not accidental. The analysis allows identifying 8 main types, which correspond to the typological characteristics described below.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually referred to as a sharp, offensive figure associated with masculine... A circle is a streamlined figure, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. It is easier to build something from square-shaped elements than from others, therefore a square, a rectangle are interpreted as a specific technical constructive figure, a technical module.

Measure with your own eyes, understand the proportions and imagine how the horse would look if they changed. Make a kind of reference sheet, with each side of the body shown as a structure of simplified shapes. Pay attention to all observations and measurements, every little detail that you think is important. Importantly, don't just draw a horse using the one you are looking at as a reference. Your job is to describe it in detail, including all the information you need to recreate each perspective, not study the one that you may be observing at the moment.

Typology based on the preference for geometric shapes allows you to form a kind of system of individual-typological differences

Type I - leader. Usually these are people with a tendency to leadership and organizational activities, focused on socially significant norms of behavior, can have the gift of good storytellers based on high level speech development... They have good adaptation in the social sphere, domination over others is kept within certain limits. Such people usually choose green color(according to M. Luscher) and draw a Christmas tree in the "Tree" test.

Describe appearance, movement, behavior and the sketch of several characteristic poses. This reference sheet is a letter to your future self, sitting at a table and trying to draw a horse without looking at it. Do yourself a favor and answer any questions your future might have. Importantly, our brains do not like simple answers such as "red", "long", "sharp". It is much better when they "merge", which is related to what we already know. Instead of asking "what teeth does a horse have?" ask: "What is the horse riding?"

Try to write your answers in this form: "They have because." Our memory is a web of related information, and it works best when used this way! The day after sketching the reference sheet, redraw it by clearing it. Make sure everything is obvious, even to those who have no new memory of horse watching. Draw a horse using the checklist and check if everything you need is there. If not, look elsewhere for information and update the sheet.

Picture formulas: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640. The most severe dominance over others is expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - at 703, 712, 721, 730; when speaking on people - verbal leader or teaching subtype - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level mental development... At a high level of development, the individual features of development are realizable and well understood.

Get yourself a portfolio or briefcase, or whatever you like to store documents, and post a checklist there. Congratulations, you just completed the first stage! Give yourself two or three days off, but no more. Try drawing a horse using the information in the reference sheet, but without opening it. It can be very difficult, but you will see that you already remember some of them. When you're done, get a checklist and fix the bugs, paying special attention to them and letting you know why you created them.

Check again for unanswered questions and update the checklist if necessary. Repeat the previous step from time to time. Start with short intervals and then give yourself more breaks. Every time you make fewer mistakes and one day you will no longer need a reference sheet because your active horse memory will be completely healed! When your portfolio is full, your active memory will be!

At a low level, they may not be detected in professional activity, but to be present situationally, is worse if inadequate to situations. This applies to all characteristics.

Type II - responsible executive- has many traits of the "manager" type, being disposed to him, however, hesitation is often present in making responsible decisions. This type of people is more focused on the ability to do business, high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and exactingness towards oneself and others, highly values ​​righteousness, that is, is characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. They often suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overstrain.

Note that creating the perfect complete reference sheet would be very difficult and time consuming, for example, you would need to examine the bones, tendons, muscles and veins of a horse in order to draw realistically from imagination. Fortunately, as long as you don't go for hyperrealism, this is not necessary. On the contrary, the simplifications you make when analyzing a topic will create your own style!

Now, your brain hates wasting space and energy on information you don't need, and apparently you don't need something that you don't use. You can draw a horse out of your imagination just fine, but don't stop using your active memory for a while, maybe a month, maybe a year, and it disappeared. Fortunately, if you've followed the learning process correctly, you should easily update it with a reference sheet. However, keep in mind that you cannot "learn" how to draw from imagination requires constant practice once and for all!

Picture formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

III type - anxious and suspicious- characterized by a variety of abilities and giftedness - from fine manual skills to literary giftedness. Usually, people of this type are cramped within the framework of one profession, they can change it for a completely opposite and unexpected one, also have a hobby, which in fact is a second profession. Physically intolerant of clutter and dirt. Usually they conflict over this with other people. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and often doubt themselves. Need encouragement.

You have an amazing conclusion from this article: you always extract from a link, be it a link in the form of a photograph or memory. Now you see that romantic vision talented artist drawing amazing creatures from the imagination is wrong - the artist must have had his fair share of drawing from reference before reaching the level you are currently seeing.

So you cannot make something out of imagination - you simply do not have a reference to it stored in your mind. And this is really good news for you - no matter how talented you are, you can learn a way for free, creative drawing. It takes time, it takes effort, but the payoff is worth it!

Formulas for drawings: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460. In addition, 415 is a "poetic subtype" - usually persons with such a drawing formula have poetic giftedness; 424 is a subtype of people recognizable by the phrase “How can this work badly? I can't imagine how it can work badly. " People of this type are distinguished by special care in their work.

Write while on the phone or while waiting for an answer. Without realizing it, it becomes part of a routine that we repeat over and over again. While these random drawings may not tell us exactly how we are, they can indicate some character traits that we unconsciously express. We prefer to draw some shapes more than others because some of them more accurately reflect our innermost perceptions.

"To paint consciously is the same as to unconsciously paint a picture of yourself, a self-portrait." We must distinguish between random and permanent scribbles. The first are drawings that we do once and do not repeat again; permanent drawings are our favorites that we don't stop drawing when we find a piece of paper. These pictures demonstrate how we are internally.

IV type - scientist.

These people easily abstract themselves from reality, have a conceptual mind, and are distinguished by the ability to develop all their theories. Usually possess peace of mind and think through their behavior rationally.

Picture formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370. Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global, or to carry out large and complex coordination work; 325 is a subtype characterized by a great enthusiasm for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, and medicine. Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theater and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

Traces of unconscious scribbles

According to the shape, pressure and location of the traces that make up these unconscious scribbles, we can identify some of the traces of emotions and feelings that are hidden within us. The main meanings are as follows. If there are no decorations or reliefs, we are talking about people who suppressed their feelings and tried to cope with everything through the mind. If they have shading, they show that the person is in the process of weakening their beliefs. Drawings with some completely white or black parts show that the person has a lot of doubts. Hard and well visible traces: When a trait is strong and well visible, it reveals an agonizing, obsessive person who over-focuses on his problems. If the line almost rips apart on paper, there is a lot of anger and repression. Irregular or zigzag strokes reflect impulsivity: people build up tension and release everything unexpectedly. They are usually very passionate people who give great importance affective aspect.

Forms of unconscious doodles

Geometric footprints: they correspond to simple geometric shapes... ... An appropriate analysis of these drawings can be done by examining the features and the forms they take.

Type V is intuitive.

People of this type are very sensitive. nervous system, its high depletion. Easier to work on switchability from one activity to another, usually advocate for the minority. They are highly sensitive to novelty. Altruistic, often caring for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imaginations that enable them to practice technical types creativity. Usually they develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, that is, they prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments concerning their freedom.

Depending on the design, these are basic values. If the arrows go from left to right, they show that the aggression is directed at others; if they go from right to left, the aggression is directed at oneself. Curved arrows identify people who can muster their strength to achieve their goals. Spirals: They correspond to self-centered people who are focused on their own interests. The spirals that end on the left side indicate that there is a problem of the past that has not yet been overcome; if they end up on the right side, the person feels very afraid of being alone and of a great need to be outgoing in order to break their imprisonment. Stars and Crosses: These show a great need to be the center of attention in their social environment. If the star has many points and the center is empty, they are reflective and prone to melancholy. In turn, the crosses show a person with a great sense of guilt and who has a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. People's numbers: This is a sign that a person feels helpless in front of others or does not believe that they are able to take responsibility, especially if the numbers are too small. When the drawings of people are very schematic, such as "balls and chopsticks", it reflects a lot of insecurity, fear of approaching people and the need to close oneself.

  • Arrows or Arrows: Usually indicates an aggressive component.
  • We are talking about impulsive people with a great tendency to take action.
From an evolutionary point of view, one can capture the maturation of child design, which goes hand in hand with the child and which is a manifestation of the stage at which it is located and the skills that he masters and improves.

Picture formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280. Subtype 235 is often found among professional psychologists or individuals with an increased interest in psychology; 244 has the ability to literary creation; 217 has the ability to inventive activity; 226 has a great need for novelty, usually sets very high achievement criteria for itself.

VI type - inventor, designer, artist.

Often found among those with a technical streak. These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in different kinds technical, artistic and intellectual creativity... More often introverted in the same way as intuitive type, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any influences from outside, except for self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Picture formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046. Subtype 019 is found among people who know the audience well; 118 - the type with the most pronounced design possibilities and ability to invention.

VII type is emotive.

Have increased empathy for others, have a hard time brutal footage film can be unsettled for a long time and be shocked by violent events. The pains and concerns of other people find participation, empathy and empathy in them, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Picture formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

Type VII has the opposite tendency to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the feelings of other people or treats them with inattention, or even increases the pressure on people. If this good specialist then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes he is characterized by callousness, which arises situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in a circle own problems... Picture formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.