Professionally psychological testing. Tips for psychologist

Professionally psychological testing. Tips for psychologist
Professionally psychological testing. Tips for psychologist
how to answer psychological tests?

Often, for funny or for the purpose of self-knowledge purposes, we answer psychological tests ... Sometimes - we are just forced to answer them when taking a job ... So why not understand the secrets of psychological testing?

Psychological test number 0 biased response (I think this test is generally the most important)
If you do not know how to answer such questions correctly - your psychological testing will be equally meaningless:
Do you have a bad mood?
Do you sometimes be wrong?
Sometimes you mistaken?
Does that you offend your loved ones?
Is that you can't focus?
Sometimes you do not have all time to do?

Do you have unsuccessful days?
If you have no more than 1-2 times on such questions? It means you have a tendency to talk about myself not the truth - and this means that you can not go through an interview at a psychologist when taking a job ... So you are not objective ... This means that the psychological tests do not answer you in general ! You too often lie and the results of your tests will be often binding.

Psychological test number 1. Your favorite colors - test Luchera
You need to arrange the cards of different colors in order, ranging from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant. What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining the emotional state. Each card symbolizes the needs of a person:
Red color - need for action

yellow - the need for aspiration to goal, hope

green - the need to self-affirmation;
blue - the need for attachment, constancy;
purple - care from reality;
brown - need to protect;
black - depression.
The location of the cards means the following: the first two - man's desires, 3 and 4 - the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are indifferent relation, 7 and 8 - antipathy, suppression.
Key to the test: in the first four must be Red, Yellow, Blue, Green - What exactly is that, not so essential. The location of the cards is in order close to the original paints a portrait of a purposeful, active person

Psychological test number 2. Drawing lesson
You are offered to draw a house, tree, man. What does it mean? It is believed that so a person can demonstrate his self-perception in the world. In this psychological test, each detail is: the location of the pattern on the sheet (located in the center, the proportional pattern says about self-confidence), a single composition from all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, which type of object will be displayed.
It is also important and what will draw first: home - NEEDS IN SAFETY, HUMAN - CHILDRENCY ON HAVE, Wood - the need for life energy. In addition, the tree - the metaphor of aspirations (oak - confidence, Iva - the opposite is uncertainty); Man is a metaphor of perception of itself by other people; Home - Metaphor of perception of yourself by the person himself (Castle - Summary, Breakdown Hut - Low self-esteem, discontent with himself).
Key: Your drawing must be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and readiness to work in the team, do not forget about such details: the road to the porch (contact), roots at the tree (communication with the team), windows and doors (goodwill and openness), sun (cheerfulness), fruit tree (practicality ), pet (care).

Psychological test number 3. Story
You show pictures with the image of people in various life situations and ask them to comment: what happens; what a man thinks; Why does he do that?
What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of pictures, you can determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words - "Who has it hurts - the one says about that." It is believed that a person designs situations in the pictures to his life and gives his fears, desires, a look at the world. So, for example, if a crying or laughing person is depicted in the picture, it is expected that, commenting on it, you will tell you about your motives of joy or sadness.
Key: It is necessary to control your answers and interpret pictures in the most positive key.

Psychological test number 4. Klyax
- Test Rorschaha
You show pictures with the image of a shapeless blots (usually symmetric) and ask to tell you what you see. What does it mean? This psychological test is something similar to the previous one, he also reveals your true attitude towards the world. Positive interpretation of pictures (for example - communication of people) talks about you as an active, sociable, positive person, negative (in the blossom you saw a monster, a dangerous animal) suggests that you have many unreasonable fears or deep stress.
Key: If the picture is associated with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral key. For example, do not say: "I see people who quarrel", and tell me: "People emotionally communicate."

Psychological Test No. 5. IQ Test

You are offered for a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) to respond to several questions (from 40 to 200) of varying or mathematical tasks to logical puzzles. What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called intelligence coefficient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly questionable (if a person has low indicators - it does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, it may have non-standard thinking or it is simply tritely inattentive), tests have been preserved for many years and increase their popularity. The most common IQ tests isna.
Key: Be the most attentive, there are a lot of questions with trick. If the time expires, and there are many more questions - do not leave them without solving, set the answers at random, something is probably guess.

If you pass tests when taking a job - be calm during the interview ... but do not be hooked up - your motivation must be present but it should not be excised ....

The most important thing! Do not dwell on tests at all.
What you are more frequent than you think original, the less tests about you tell the truth.
The teachers in high school considered the physics of Einstein and the inventor Edison mentally limited ...
Who remembers these teachers now ... and who ultimately got right?

Theoretical and practical psychology is the science of an incredible depth, allowing you to know the secrets of human consciousness. This science never stops and improving every day, more and more in-depth in the study of the human personality and its behavior.

Tests in psychology are one of the methods of studying the human mind. To date, testing varieties is difficult to calculate exactly. A wide variety of questionnaires allows any person to understand himself and learn many secrets of his personality, not referring directly to a specialist.

It is important to note that there are psychological tests for women and men separately, but we will consider the general method of tests in psychology, not having a gender division. Let's deal with the secrets of our consciousness.

Where does psychological testing applied?

Psychological tests with answers are applied in the following cases:

  • To establish the characteristics of the human person.
  • Psychology tests for students help determine the future specialization of the younger generation.
  • As a method to help identify the specifics of the development of the child.
  • If it is necessary to confirm the professional suitability of the subject.
  • To confirm mental health.

In fact, a test in psychology is a huge area, and they are applied in different spheres. But we will focus on the first task - the features of the person - and we will try to take the most accurate personality features as accurately as possible.

Test Aizenka

Personal psychology tests occupy a large area in this science. The first questionnaire, which should be able to better understand himself, is the Aizenka test, or, in other words, the study of the temperament of a person. There are 4 main types of temperament: phlegmatic, and melancholic. How to pass psychological tests? To determine which of the types you can assign yourself, you should give answers to the next 57 questions. You need to answer only "yes" or "no".

  1. Do you like to be in the epicenter of activity and fuss?
  2. You are prone to feel concerned about what you do not know what you want?
  3. Do you feel about people who are not climbed by the word in the pocket?
  4. Tasted to unfortunate mood drops?
  5. You try to bypass noisy parties and holidays, and if you are present on them, then you try to be as far away from the center of attention?
  6. You always do what you will be asked about?
  7. Do you often attack a bad mood?
  8. In quarrels your basic principle is silence?
  9. Is your mood change easily?
  10. Do you like to be in a circle of people?
  11. Does such that you can't fall asleep because of anxious thoughts?
  12. Can you be considered stubborn?
  13. Do you consider you a dishonest person?
  14. Do you talk about you that you are a non-flowing person?
  15. Better work - alone?
  16. Poor mood - a frequent and unreasonable guest?
  17. Do you think yourself an active person in the very epicenter of life?
  18. Can it be the cause of your laughter?
  19. Do you have such a fortune when something is tired of the throat?
  20. Do you feel confident only in familiar and comfortable clothes?
  21. Is it difficult for you to focus?
  22. You have no problems with the expression of your own thoughts in words?
  23. Are you often immersed in personal meditation?
  24. Are you a person rejecting prejudice?
  25. Do you consider yourself a fan of the drawing?
  26. Mostly your thoughts about work?
  27. Is it important for you to eat delicious?
  28. When do you want to spoke, is it important for your interlocutor in a good spirit?
  29. Do not love to take in debt?
  30. Like whether to boast?
  31. Do you consider yourself sensitive to something?
  32. Do you preferably a homemade gathering alone than a noisy holiday?
  33. Do you have a strong concern?
  34. Do you build plans much earlier?
  35. Do dizziness happen?
  36. Answer messages immediately?
  37. Are you going better if you do them yourself than with a group?
  38. Do you have a shortness of breath even without exercise?
  39. Do you consider yourself a person who can quietly move away from the generally accepted rules (within the norm)?
  40. Worried about the state of your nervous system?
  41. Do you like to build plans?
  42. It is better to postpone tomorrow what can be done today?
  43. Are you afraid of closed spaces?
  44. Are you initiative with the first meeting with a person?
  45. Do strong headaches happen?
  46. Are you a commitment to the fact that many problems can decide?
  47. Are you suffering from insomnia?
  48. Slopes to lies?
  49. Does this happen that you say the first thing that will come to mind?
  50. Finding into a stupid situation, do you often remember her and worry about her?
  51. Are you closed?
  52. Often fall into unpleasant situations?
  53. Are you an avid story story?
  54. The main thing is not a victory, and participation is not about you?
  55. Are you uncomfortable in society, where are people above you on social status?
  56. When is everything going against you, do you continue to act?
  57. Do you greatly cover the excitement before an important thing?

Now finish with the key.

The key to the test

We will define in several factors: extroversion - introversion, level of neurotism and a scale of lies. For each coincidence with the answer 1 point is credited.

Extraversion - introversion

Answers "Yes": 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.

Answers "No": 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51.

As you noticed, some issues are missing. This is not a mistake, it should be. Complete with the key to this item. Take a look at the circle (see Figure below) - the horizontal line indicates an extroversion scale - introversion. The greater the number of points on this sign, the more you are prone to extroversion and vice versa. The number 12 is a medium value.

Nourotism scale

The neurotism scale on the same circle has the designation of nonstability-instability. Here it is necessary to verify only the answers "Yes."

Answers "Yes": 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 52, 35, 38, 28, 52, 55 , 57.

The neurotic scale helps to determine the stability of your nervous system. It is located vertically and work with it the same as in the previous paragraph.


The liah scale is not displayed on the circle, but for its definition several questions are specially highlighted.

Answers "Yes": 6, 24, 36.

Answers "No": 12, 18, 30, 42, 48.

It is worth noting that, responding to similar psychological tests with the answers, you must first of all be extremely honest with yourself. The key to this scale is as simple as possible: if you gain more than 4 points on this item, it means that you have been inscribed in some issues. Mark 4 and below indicates the norm in the answers.

In some interpretations there is a division into psychological tests for women and men, since the beautiful half of humanity is more inclined to emotionality, which may have a minor impact on the test results.

Explanation to the Aizenka circle

Tests are completed by defining the type of our temperament. Take a look at the circle again and find the point of intersection of the two previous marks. The new (third) point will be located in a quarter, symbolizing the type of your temperament.


People of this temperament are considered cheerful. They are often the leaders of the group and lead people, radiating activity and movement. The mood of these people is always positive, they are easy to make new acquaintances, they feel comfortable among the new circle of people.

Sanguinics need constant change and novelty. This is the most real need, since if you force a Sanguinik for a long time to make a tedious matter, his cheerfulness will go out, the person will become sluggish and inactive. Because such people are easily moving with place in place and give new acquaintances.


Flegmatics are calm people. It is difficult to bring them out and make your emotions. Flegmatics control all their actions, they rarely miss something out of sight and think about every step.

Influence the change of mood phlegmatics is not so simple due to their composure. But people of this temperament must try to be more active and prevent excessive immersion in their thoughts, which may entail a bad mood.


Cholerics live outbreaks. Emotions of them can be changed by clicking, like lifts, and decays of activity. Such people are taken for any cases, but sometimes they cannot complete them due to lack of energy.

Choleric emotional and hot-tempered, therefore can easily collapse with any person. Such personalities need to control themselves more.


Mental processes of melancholic proceeds are extremely slow. To withdraw these people from the state of mental equilibrium is almost impossible. Such a person feels uncomfortable in a large company, in the group their performance falls. Melancholic is more comfortable to work alone.

Such a person scares something new. Melancholics rarely share their experiences and keep everything in themselves.

On this type of temperament, you can finish. Your first step in the knowledge of yourself is perfect. Consider interesting tests on psychology further.

Test Luchera

Psychological tests in colors are widely used by experts in work not only with children. They are no less informative to evaluate adult personalities. This test in psychology is a way to understand its current mental state. Lucher's questionnaire is based on 8 colors. Interpretations of this study there are many, as well as variations of the most interesting test on psychology. But we will focus on a brief, but no less accurate version:

  1. Prepare a sheet and handle.
  2. Take a look at the picture (see above). Before you - 8 colors. You need to choose the most preferred and pleasant color for you at the moment. Please note that you do not need to correlate the color you choose with your favorite color in clothing, environment, with fashion trends, etc. Your choice should be as impartial and independent of your personal preferences. You make a choice only on the basis of current desires.
  3. Next you need to continue the choice on the same principle: you choose the most pleasant color from the remaining. The order of choice of colors is recorded on paper.

This is the first stage completed. But on this we do not stop and go to the second stage:

  1. We again use a new piece of paper and handle.
  2. You can surprise it, but we repeat the same procedure again. Before you - again 8 colors, and you start alternately choose the most pleasant color. You should not try to relate your previous and current selection - mark pictures as if you see them for the first time.

Now we have completed the implementation of psychological testing. Why was it necessary to spend the same procedure twice? The answer is simple: your first choice (quite often, this test in psychology is applied to evaluate the personality) - this is what you want. The second stage displays a real reality that may differ from your desires. We turn to interpretation.

Let's decide that it means each position:

  1. The first you choose the value determines those tools that you reach the target set for yourself. No matter if you have any specific intentions at the moment, because we are studying what is laid in your subconscious now.
  2. The second position characterizes the very goal of which we achieve.
  3. Next, we consider pairs of positions. Rooms 3 and 4 characterize your feeling from the current situation.
  4. The 5th and 6th position is the display of your neutral attitude towards these colors. In certain situations, these positions may be considerable significance, since they reflect the action or the need that you deliberately postpone the background until better times;
  5. The 7th and 8th numbers are what you feel sharp antipathy.

Understanding what each number means, you can go to specific definitions.

Value of flowers

First of all, all colors used we can divide into two groups - the main and additional. The main group includes blue, blue-green, orange-red and light yellow. With the normal state of the consciousness of a person and his mental peace of mind, the absence of internal conflicts occupy the first 5 positions.

Additional shades - purple, black, brown, gray. These colors refer to a negative group that displays hidden or obvious fears, anxiety, dissatisfaction with the situation.

Blue - a symbol of calm, satisfaction. Finding it in the first place in the initial stage of our test indicates the need of a person in a state of rest and the absence of tension. In the second embodiment, symbolizing reality, the choice of blue is the most favorable outcome. It displays that at the moment you are peaceful.

Blue-green. Color reflects confidence and stubbornness. The position of this color suggests that you need or another needs confidence in yourself and in your environment. If this color is located in the second test in the last positions, this indicates the weakness of the personality and the need to support a person.

Orange-red is the color of action, excitation and sometimes aggression. Depending on the location, it speaks of the state of readiness for active actions and combating problems.

Light yellow is a color of fun and sociability. In a duet with blue gives the most successful combination.

Psychological test tests will help you create a exact picture of your current mental state.

Optimist, pessimist, realist

Consider the last, but no less interesting test on general psychology. It will finally finally determine who you are a cheerful optimist, sad pessimist or a wise realist. It is necessary to answer the questions only "yes" or "no":

  1. Are you attracted to traveling?
  2. Do you like to learn something new?
  3. Do you have any problems with sleep?
  4. Are you a hospitable person?
  5. Do you have a tendency to predict problems in the future?
  6. Your friends have achieved in life more than you?
  7. Do you like to play sports?
  8. Fate often gives you surprise?
  9. Are you worried about the current state of the ecology?
  10. Scientific progress delivered planet too many problems?
  11. Is your profession selected successful?
  12. Do you often use insurance?
  13. Are you a mobile person? Do you easily move to another place if you offer the case?
  14. Do you consider yourself a pretty?
  15. Are you worried about the condition of your body?
  16. Does not bother you in an unfamiliar team?
  17. Love to be in the center of events?
  18. Is there friendship without mutual benefit?
  19. Do you have your own personal signs?
  20. Everyone builds his fate himself?

Having responded to 20 enough simple questions, we turn to the key.

For each matching key, put 1 point.

Answers "Yes": 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13-20.

Answers "No": 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.

0-5 points. You definitely pessimist. And you obviously exaggerate your adversity and problems, because life is full of black stripes, but not white, but you see everything in black. Take a look at a different way - the world is not as dark as you think.

6-10 points. You are upset about what is happening. Everything is not so around, although you continue to fight. Life presents all new surprises, and friends cope with them better than you. Yes, you are pessimistic look at life, but you have reason for it. However, it is not necessary to be upset because of small losses and vital troubles - you are perfectly cope and go in the right direction.

11-15 points. Your view of life is obvious and real. You do not exaggerate the seals, but do not get drunk from the joy of victories. You can envy your life to be laughing, because you realize and look at life confidently. Continue in the same spirit and do not retreat!

16-18 points. You are an optimist, in any problem you see your advantages and try to pay any situation in your favor. Nevzpectors do not bypass you by side, but you know how to relate to them, your life is shining with paints.

19-20. This optimist as you need to search. You do not see problems, the whole world for you is a solid rainbow. But maybe it is worth looking for life without pink glasses? After all, sometimes frosting leads to sad consequences.

Thus, we completed tests on personality psychology. Of course, three questionnaires are not enough to know the deep world of man, but you have already risen the path of self-knowledge and a lot of learned about the features of your character and mental state.

But do not forget that the test in psychology is not an easy-to-peeling stick, which everyone can take advantage. Only psychologist will be able to give accurate information. Interesting tests in psychology are only an additional method of research personality. They give only a relevant cut of the study under study. And many psychological tests, questionnaires stored on the Internet, do not display real validity at all.

Sad mood, feeling fatigue and loneliness do not leave? Disorders follow one after another? Stop. Pay five minutes to this test, and you will learn what caused your failures, how to deal with them and regain the optimistic perception of life.

Stress has become your constant companion? Because of him, you have a headache and irritability appeared? It seems to you that you are able to not react to small troubles, but your condition is worse? Answer questions about this online test, and you will receive a professional assessment of your emotional stability.

Do you use communication? What are the features of your social orientation? What activity is suitable for you? Can I trust the organizational work? This test can be checked by employees and identify their own ways of development without attracting psychologists.

Are you ready to let in your life sunlight, fun mood and happiness? What prevents tune in to positive, remove the cargo from the soul and give yourself to relax? How to get satisfaction from every day of the day? All questions of this express test are formulated so that to make the subject think about their reactions, thoughts, habits. Answer them and, perhaps, many situations will not seem so dramatic, and the way out of them will become the key to the present happiness.

People daily, responding to this or that situation, decide how to be. Suppose this is a simple topic or a difficult question, which should be thought of. In some people, the answer is formed immediately, they are impulsive, so they immediately express their opinion. Others, on the contrary, are quite restrained, they should be thought out, weigh everything in advance before you promise. And how do you act in this case? Relying on what, make a decision? The answer to this simple question will be able to learn by passing the test.

The test for selfishness will help make a portrait for which you will determine the degree of your egocentricity, learn how much you love yourself and cultivate your identity. The social factor of the modern world provokes the presence of egoism in man, without him people lose face. But such pride should be in moderation, otherwise self-confidence leads to the collapse of unfulfilled hopes. To get a clear drawing corresponding to your ambitions, it should be truthfully answered the proposed questions.

Such psychological tests with answers allow you to find out the level of your belonging on this or that matter, but the correct answer you will receive only in the case of honestly selected options. The psychological test for the golden middle gives the opportunity to reveal your sociability. From it, learn how quickly you get acquainted, find common topics for conversation, raise friends.

Whether it is an adult or a child, in life he occupies the position of the lead, followed by others, or a slave, coming for someone. It does not matter, a man is or a woman, the perception of reality is equally acting on people. Life experience, teenage maximalism can reverse the situation by making a leading leading or vice versa, break ambitions. Truthful answers to questions in the test will allow you to get a realistic result, say, who are you?

Our online testing will determine the level of expansive intelligence present in the person. The picture will become understandable and faithful if the correct answers will be given to all questions. Detection of accurate test interpretation is based on fast responses that come to mind. Rely on your intuition, go through testing and get the result that will show your emotional level, whether it goes to you.

The appearance of people defines their sexuality, so we always know the man in front of us or a woman. Brain activity in men in the resolution of complex tasks, the connection of erudition, is carried out in the right of the hemisphere, whereas most women are involved both brain halves. There are also exceptions, guys have a brain, working on the female principle, and the girls, on the contrary. And what type of your intelligence belongs to what kind of type will tell our test.

The day is not dimensionless, they consist of 24 hours, which can be fruitful and have a lot of time or real estate on the sofa. The activities of some people involve constant movement, they are tired, but the final result is zero. To find out, whether you use your time fruitfully, it is enough to go through the test we offer and, based on the results, correct your life.

Each different exhibition, each and the same situation responds in different ways. Some are more detained in emotions, others show hotness for any occasion. These special interesting psychological tests will allow you to determine the degree of your ferventness, as far as emotional. Perhaps, having received the result, some will think, they decide to measure the dust, because he often prevents comfortably to live a person in real life.

Time is the only thing that cannot be returned, so it should be used rational. The rapid cycle of events makes it clear on situations that absolutely not needed, and give less time to really necessary things. Do you know how to make the right choice, let your time in the right direction? The exact answer to this question will give this psychological test.

Not everyone can manage to manage its internal ambitions, often our desires and perception of the world will drastically differ in the way we are presented to others. Fear of being incomprehensible pushing a person to choose a compromise version that fully dismisses his judgment. To know yourself, live in harmony, where internally, I am completely combined with an external manifestation, that's what everyone needs. This free test will help learn what it bothers you to become yourself.

Teenager, student and adult, falls into the situation where he feels not in the best way. Perhaps the circle of people has significant mental abilities, and a person simply does not understand their jokes, can not parry. Or a teacher, a senior friend, pressure on a person morally, and he can't find the words in time to brilliantly give the answer. Sometimes people themselves make the laugh, unsuccessful, asking an incorrect question. And which of all these nonsense is yours, find out by passing the test.

Psychological analysis using different systems shares people, one of the options for classification: the introduction of a right or left cerebral share. When information is received, solving complex tasks, reading, both hemispheres are launched, but one of them still prevails. The projective analysis of the answers to the proposed questions will allow you to determine the dominant share of your brain with accuracy.

The system of self-defense is in each, and it is laid since childhood. An example of this girl who protects his toys from someone else's encroachment. With age, the psychology of protection changes taking into account the acquired knowledge and arranged priorities. The geometric square of the personal space for everyone is different than it is already, the less in harmony, not only with the outside world, but with himself. These short psychological tests will tell how wide is your personal territory.

Draw a picture in the mind extremely simple, but it is more difficult to exacerbate her. Everyone has a mental thinking process, when all problems are solved in thoughts, mountains are collapsed. And in reality, draw a picture and incarnate the conceived happens not at all. Some individuals are so impulsive that they first act, laying their heads, and then think. And what type of people belong to you?

Each has an individual spectrum of work, for the execution of which he must bear personal obligations. An example of this organizational moment when an individual performs the task given to him, but he will make it or not, depends on his personal responsibility. Stability of such reliability is laid from childhood, but periodically it can change relative to acquired or lost values. And how much are you mandatory, are reliable?

For many, the association with the word buzz causes thoughts about alcoholic and drugs. But this is not quite the case, a parent may have a parent from the success of his Chad or a conscript who received the news of the demobel. The funny, does not mean something, it is the state of top satisfaction from the received information or work done, but it is not worth the psychotropic substances either, some of them are pleasure. And what is your predisposition to Kaif? Can you resist the outlined prospect of getting pleasure?

The correct perception of the situation is extremely important, not only your behavior depends on this, but also the situation that will result in subsequent. Animal instinct of some people does not allow to correctly appreciate and choose the desired solution, they, seeing part of the picture, begin to act without finding out everything to the end. Some have a subconscious, helping to make the right conclusions, others have been transferred to humorous notes. And how do you act, can you give an adequate assessment of what is happening?

This testing is designed to establish post-traumatic disorder obtained due to transferred complex moral, physical and spiritual injuries. These psychological tests are used for students of military universities, soldiers who visited hot spots, even the child may pass, if he experienced any violence. The test shows the degree of vulnerability of an individual, paints his psychological portrait in this direction.

This unusual collection of tests will allow you to know ourselves as a person, understand what exactly drives the specific individual. Passing testing everyone learns about its full psychological state, emphasizes the pros, will reveal, in which direction it can be achievements, and will also try to correct the negative sides. An important point of testing is not only the knowledge of his personality, but also relations in groups of people.

The perception of information from everyone individually so that it is better absorbed, you should know your type of modality. There are people for whom everything is better perceived visually, reading books, drawn schemes on paper. Another should not only see the process, but also touch it, to touch it, it is a tactile type. And who are you, perhaps the diagnostic test will say that you are an audial, then for you the best sensory perception is carried out in the rumor range.

Often, the male floor does not understand female and vice versa, and all due to different type of thinking and perception of situations. Not every wife can understand her husband, being for a long time in marriage. A popular test will allow you to reveal the soul of the woman's thinking, it will indicate how much it is approximate to male thoughts, and therefore has thinking formed in the male direction.

Parental debt foundation into the consciousness of the child certain views of good and bad action, the person will be used by them. His life well-being and respect in society is fully dependent on the presence of honor and presence of dignity. The determination of the honor for everyone is different, someone considers the right disrespect for the elders, and another disinterestedly will come to the rescue, it will definitely perform the promised. And how much in your soul this virtue, find out by passing this test.

The ability of people to adapt to the rhythm of life, the ability to feel the hour for lunch, dinner, reduce performance on weekends and enter into a wheelchair, is the presence of an internal chronometer. I was hungry, the lunch time, there was fatigue, it's time to rest, even the figure installed on the morning alarm clock does not upset such people, they independently wake up before the call. Our collection of tests on psychology will help to figure out whether you have inside a chronometric rod.

The interpretation of wisdom is ambiguous in understanding its appearance. It happens a girl, from an early age it takes wisdom, trying to reconcile parents. Some are sure, the ability to be wise becomes affordable as a result of practically acquired knowledge. Whatever it was, the task of our test is to determine the share of wisdom in each particular individual. Go through testing and find out how wise you are.

The ability of people to adapt to other, more successful, exaggerated representation of their advantages, demonstrating outfits, expensive cars, is a game of public. There is a question why people do it when they are not? The key is in their psychological character and depends on the mortgaged or acquired mentality. And what is your orientation in this area, tells the test.

An exciting psychological test in drawings will tell you about the emotional childhood of the child, his feeling of reality. You will find out whether your child feels lonely, what is his self-esteem, whether he is comfortable in the family.

This curious psychological test for mental state will help you understand that with your emotions it will not, will analyze the mental mood. Do you really have significant problems, or you are just tired of the fuss.

The psychological test on associations will help assess the level of your imagination and fantasy, the ability to think figuratively. You will learn whether you are brilliant or have stereotypical thinking.

The unusual psychological test desert will show the degree of your contact, the relationship model with the surrounding people. It will help you understand if you have close friends. Test results will help evaluate themselves from.

Non-standard psychological test Cat Martyn will show your intellectual level of development. In addition, according to testing, you can judge the intelligence and educationalness of the respondent.

A simple psychological test is a house, a tree, a person will help determine your inner self-assumption of oneself towards house, work, friends. As far as you are comfortable and convenient for you. Maybe it's time to change something?

Test for psychological deviations will show if you have and the degree of their seriousness. All items must be answered extremely honestly, assembled, without thinking and without analyzing the options for answers.

An amazing psychological test is a non-existent animal, will reveal your internal problems. Tells about the quality of your life, your psychotic. Whether you are a realistic or prefer to live in fantasies.

Uncomplicated psychological tests on paper with a handle will show the degree of your dexterity and ingenuity. Test results will help you assess you the level of ownership by your body, will identify violations in coordination.

Forbidden psychological test tells about the presence of paranormal abilities. Test results will help you understand their magnitude, strength and focus. Have you possess the gift of telepath, psychics or abilities to telekinesis.

Tests for self-testing

Here are the tests for non-professional use. Anyone can independently test themselves with the help of test data. To the results obtained according to tests, it is impossible to be too serious. However, they are good to expand the "inner horizon", the development of self-criticism, the source of ideas for self-improvement. Polish doctors from the Institute of National Health, together with cholerological and psychologists, a test was developed for determining the tendency of a person to some diseased diseases. Are you inclined to plan your time and do not be in the power of external circumstances. The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the level of honesty, the openness of the subject. Designed for professional psychological diagnostics. The Questionnaire "Honesty" is well combined with the questionnaires in which the lies scale are not laid: at low shows the square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag - hardworking, leadership, transition, harmony, creativity. Equal or unequal union. Many of us, well-proceeding people, are able to estimate their degree of activity and show it in accordance with their own potential. At the same time, many people who are endowed with the nature of great vital activity, but do not implement it and do not even know about its existence. Anankast has a powerful strength of unjustified resistance to circumstances. Instead of adapting to them, he tries to keep them unchanged by anything. But in life everything changes, much in it relatively or at all does not matter for human existence. Diagnosis of a tendency to artistical professions. Diagnosis of a common psychological climate in the family. Primpusted people love comfort before doing something, they will "die seven times." Others rush through the life of a breaking head: they are all nipple! They are able to risk everyone, even if the success of the enterprise is not guaranteed. If you are a girl or a young woman who is sometimes very difficult to deal with his feelings for another person (young man), then we hope that this test developed by Professor Kovalev to some extent will help you understand your feelings. This test will help for self-analysis in determining the nature of the relationship with the spouse. Irritability. How much sex and related to him are important for you and your life? Evaluate every fifth anniversary of your life in the degree of saturation important events for you. Aggressive or peace-loving. If the number of points coincides with your age, then everything is in order. For those who prefer creative activities, it is desirable that the psychological age does not guide to passport. Whether there is a significant creative potential in you, which represents you a rich choice of opportunities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then you have a wide variety of creativity forms. Choleric. Sanguine. Phlegmatic person. Melancholic. The level of general communicative tolerance is evidenced by what you do not know how, or do not want to understand or accept the individuality of other people. The individuality of another is primarily what constitutes a special one: given from nature, brought up, learned in the habitat. Wiened cruelty in relations to people, in judgments about them. Open cruelty in relations to people. Ronated negativism in judgments about people. Rustling, that is, the tendency to make unreasonable generalizations of negative facts in the field of relationships with partners and in observing social reality. ... Exhibitionism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, polygamy, perversion, animalism, narcissism, voyeurism. Test for women. Body health. Wellness. Relationships with friends are very important. What are you from you? Some experts argue that each of us can learn a lot on the initials. Impassable. Excitability. Some people are very difficult to look at yourself from the side. Many seems to be that they are "Dushi", they are pleasant in communication, the interlocutors are pleased to communicate. In fact, it often happens that we underestimate the feelings of the near, tearing and insult, without noticing. This test (the so-called questionnaire Liri) is very popular among professional psychologists due to the convenience and informativeness. Try to experience it and on yourself. There are people who are always alert - nothing can surprise them, stunning, put in a dead end. It is the opposite - people are scattered and inattentive, losing in the simplest situations. The purpose of this test is to help deal with internal experiences. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe test is to find a keyword that will help unravel the ballot of human problems. The keyword is just that end of the thread for which you need to grab to unravel the ballot problems. This test is developed by English psychologists. He will help you find out how stocks you are in gifts. Are you good and attentive to others? Are you able to give the last shirt to whom it is more necessary? What dominant from the organization in which you work, male or female? To find out enough to answer a number of questions. Your dominant psychological protection strategy in communicating with partners. Nebrotization level. Are you a woman from which men can lose their heads? Shyness. Self-analysis of manners laugh. What is your management style: directive, collegial or affectionate. If you are a pedestrian, then this test is not for you. Otherwise, you will not hurt to learn about yourself, whether you are a good driver or not. The proposed test drawn up by a French psychologist is simultaneously an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the education of boys and girls. Captain or passenger, lead or slave, leader or subordinate? Test for women. Contact people feel free in any company. They will easily get acquainted with unfamiliar men. The level of conflict. Sixteen types of functional asymmetry of the brain. Amateur amateur or not, hedonist or ascetic? There are eight types of love for partner: pleasant, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, rocky, perfect love, lack of love (or very weak). With this short test, you can determine which type of love You have with the VA, this test is widely used in America to diagnose the entrepreneurial vein. For wriggles, you can judge the personality of a person: joy, shyness, attention to detail, honesty, intelligence, good nature, disappointment, anxiety, aggressiveness, nervousness, surprise, indifference. Character self-analysis. This table for assessing husbands, candidates for husbands - offered American and Canadian sexologists. A decent man must score at least 100 positive and no more than 45 negative points. A questionnaire aimed at self-esteem observation. Are you a reliable person? Or you can not always rely on you, you are somewhat, as they say selfish? The technique is intended exclusively for personal use. It will help to identify people in their surroundings prone to fraud. What is independence? This and the ability to take responsibility for yourself at the right moment, this and decisiveness combined with a sober approach. Can you assign themselves to people who are ready to boast of their independence, self-sufficiency? "Who is looking for a treasure - rarely finds him. And who is not looking for - never finds." It is persistent people who clearly seen goals and persistently seeking them achieve some success in life. Is this perseverance in you enough? Unprofessional test for studying the level of motivation to personal wealth. This test is designed to help understand the subtle question, whether you are too self-confident man. With this test, you can test your ideas about the nature and behavior inherent in people of different floors, knowledge of social stereotypes. Analysis of the drawings that are made during boring meetings or simply from nothing to do: different patterns in notepad, on a piece of paper. This test will help you to figure it out, if you really have a touchy, as you sometimes hear. Or you yourself tolerance itself. Anxiety level. Are you just a pessimist or a painful pessimist? Are you a healthy optimist or unbridled frivolous? What is he, father of the family? .. To find out better, the wife must answer 24 questions. Rational Hange or Brown Breedry. Most people spend at work about 8 hours a day and communicate with their colleagues no less than with relatives. Therefore, relations with colleagues are an important element of a person's life. Bad relationships with colleagues can not only damage the career, the case, but also for a long time to withdraw any Chelowka from equilibrium. This test for the assessment of stress resistance was developed by the scientist -Psychologist of the Medical Center of the University of Boston. Attitude to the current work. Probability of masturbation. The possibility of exhibitionism. The predisposition to deformed relations with peers. Wrestler for the truth or adaptable? Designed for self-test. Evaluation of own entrepreneurial abilities. Sometimes a person is difficult to look at itself from the side. This test is designed to find out how far you are in communication. In countries paying close attention to the study of worksholism, such as Japan, USA and Canada, are used semi-structured interviews to identify workmanism. One of these interviews is the questionnaire proposed by B. Killinger. It has long been noticed that men and women often differ in their behavior. The experiences of psychologists showed that in the presence of other people these differences are doubly manifested. It is explained by the fact that we are accustomed to playing the roles of men and women's roles. As Shakespeare used to say, "the whole world theater, and the people in it are actors." Do you know your role? Casual and meticulous or dreamy and scattered? The self-analysis of the degree of jealousness. Are you determined? Answer the test, and, probably, after that you can boldly answer this question. The level of ambitious and career readiness. Is there some tendency to manipulates or engrams have become familiar with the emotion manifestation spectrum. Impulsiveness. Emotional excitability. Affectiveness. Reproducibility of untreated experiences. The overestimated hypertimia usually leads to a non-critical manifestation of activity. The personality claims more than knows how and does it, she strives for everything to take, to criticize everyone, tries to attract attention to at any cost. Excessive energy interferes with a clear and logical thinking, so hypertimika often "enters". The level of unmotivated anxiety. The test is designed for self-testing. Diagnoses the presence or absence of self-development syndrome, that is, the tendency to self-dissemination, self-aggression, self-removal. Leaning to reduced mood. A tendency to frustration. Template to cyclotimity. Next to euphoria. Next to the exaltation. This test is compiled by American doctors. I advise you to answer the most sincerely, not a cry of soul. It should be paid to the fact that the results of this test are not the final "diagnosis". Maybe you need to change your lifestyle in something. Sometimes it is useful to be a rigid leader. Here, however, we need a sober assessment of the characteristics of the style of its leadership and its nature. To help you in such a self-esteem, American experts were developed a simple, but useful test. It is based on the thesis that each manager has two types of mental resources: d-resources and in resources. ... The degree of tension in the relationship. The level of respect for the senses of the partner. Ability to give up. The test is designed for self-testing. Do you have a real passion for traveling or are you home? The questionnaire is designed to identify the level of anxiety of a person in relation to its own errors. Indirectly also helps to judge the attitude towards the opinions of others, about the desire for objectivity, the tendency to self-deception and the use of psychological you are inflexible and, sorry, stubborn? The hardness of your belief is perfectly combined with the great subtlety, the flexibility of your mind? According to Karl Gustav Jung, there are two options to adapt to the world around. One of them is expansion: constantly communicate, expand contacts, business connections, take everything that gives life. Such an extrovert. Introverts, on the contrary, limit their contacts, closes in themselves, as if hiding in the shell. Very unsure of yourself, confident or too self-confident? Questions to your husband. Questions to my wife. Are you a good diplomat? Do you lead an authoritarian discussion, powerfully and unceremoniously? Your behavior does not receive an unambiguous assessment in the team?

The test "Assessment of self-control in communication" will show not only and not so much your ability to restrain strong emotions during a conversation (although in part and this too). The questionnaire measures the one on whose feelings and emotions you are targeting during the communication first - on your own or your interlocutors

The "Big Five" (Big Five) is a personality model, designed in such a way that from a set of included in it, it was possible to make a structured and fairly complete personality portrait. Measure the "Big Five" indicators offers a test with the corresponding name - a five-factor personal questionnaire

Legitimized aggression - aggression, approved or conditionally approved by society. However, some people resort to it too often, which can talk about serious internal problems. Measure its level allows the test of legitimized aggression (Questionnaire La-44).

Psychological tests - One of the most interesting and popular sections of this science. Psychology tests attract even those who do not believe in the psychology itself and does not consider it for science. That is why some love to pass free psychological tests online - just to see whether such questionnaires work and how accurate is the characteristic. Of course, it is only a special case and in fact the sphere of their use is very wide.

First of all, the most different psychological tests are large and short, which are a set of pictures or a questionnaire, implying a choice of response from the presented options or providing a wide scope for creativity - use psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists etc. Various tasks and questionnaires will help the doctor to make a diagnosis, and the patient is to understand their problems, identify character features and much more.

In addition, the passage of psychological tests is one of the required stages admission to some educational institutions or operating work In certain institutions (primarily we are talking about medical spheres, strength structures, etc.). Employers in principle love testing candidates to find the most suitable - the one who is best drown in the team and cope with the proposed responsibilities.

Online tests on psychology or "paper" tests of tests are good and for self-diagnosis (Provided that you first pass the test, and then see the decryption). Such questionnaires will tell more about your personality as a whole, about the nature, about your strengths and weaknesses, will give a portrait from the side, that is, they will help to understand how you may be perceived by.

What can test tests on psychology? About a variety of things - almost everything. Some tests give a comprehensive, comprehensive characteristic of the individual (they are often called multifactor). Some are only oriented by 2-3 factors, the most highly specialized focused on one parameter only. Various psychological tests can tell about the character, sociability, features of thinking and perception, emotionality, tendency to certain types of behavior or pathologies.

At the same time, some tests imply direct communication of a specialist and its client / patient. We are talking about those techniques where there are no such options, for example, where the subject needed to draw something or tell about their associations. All the answers here are usually very individual, and their decoding should be engaged in a professional. Other types of tests - primarily psychological questionnaires - it is quite possible pass on. Particularly convenient online tests on psychology, where you need to choose an answer from the proposed options, and the results are calculated by special algorithms.

These are supposed on our website. We selected the most interesting tests on psychology - both multifactorial and more specialized. All of them can be passed completely free and without registration. The results you will receive immediately after the completion of testing (we draw your attention that the algorithm will not calculate the results on the questionnaires not passed to the end or where there are no answers to all questions). For each test, we tried to bring the most detailed and clear decryption. However, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us for explanations.