Bachelor is a higher education or not - what is different from the specialist. What is better - bachelor or master? Differences, learning features

Bachelor is a higher education or not - what is different from the specialist. What is better - bachelor or master? Differences, learning features
Bachelor is a higher education or not - what is different from the specialist. What is better - bachelor or master? Differences, learning features

To date, higher education can be obtained with different degrees of qualifications. Previously, universities produced graduate specialists with the same knowledge. Today, people who plan to receive higher education can choose between bachelor, specialist, masterrome and graduateurs.

Choosing a qualifying

Probably everything is clear that Master and graduate student is a certain degree. But what the difference between a specialist and bachelor, knows little people. Let's look at what it is better to choose what needs to be taken into account when choosing a qualification and what benefits each of the training programs. Bachelor, Master, Specialist - What to choose?

Bachelor and specialist - what is it?

To answer the question: "What is better - a bachelor or specialist, or a master", let's look at what these forms of training.

Bachelor - this is, so to speak, the first step, the first degree of higher education. If you have chosen this training program in advance, you will receive only the main knowledge, the basics of the profession. Of course, after the end of the undergraduate, you can pass the necessary exams and go to learn to the master.

The specialty is the traditional training program for the CIS. After studying for such a form of higher education, the student will qualify the "specialist".

How to proceed

Go to study on a bachelor or specialist can only those who have a full secondary education, that is, to go to learn to the Higher Educational Institution, you need to finish school or technical school, college, after which it is necessary to pass public exams. Competition is carried out by their results. As a rule, there is a mixed program in the specialty, which is taken from undergraduate and magistracy.

The difference between bachelor from a specialist

Who is who? Bachelor, specialist, Master. When entering the university, it is necessary to determine what qualification to choose. Much will depend on it: where you go to work, what knowledge you will receive, etc. You need to immediately decide where to go: on bachelor, master or specialist. Now many employers are trying not to take graduates with incomplete higher education, that is, bachelors. Also, Russian companies put forward some requirements, and in international enterprises they may differ. So better - bachelor or master?

A couple of years ago there were no such divisions, and all graduates received one diploma with the qualification "specialist". At this time, a two-level system of higher education began to practice in foreign universities. After that, our educational institutions, using foreign experience, began to use this system. Because of this, in different universities, you can get old and new qualifications.

The difference of training programs

Who is who (bachelor, specialist, master?

  • If you choose undergraduate, then hurt 4 years, and at least 5 years old on a specialist.
  • A student who is studying at the bachelor, at the end of learning will know only the basis of his specialty. The specialty provides for narrower knowledge of the profession.
  • On these qualifications, as a rule, general items are first studying (2 years), and only then the separation is underway.
  • Bachelor, as we have already considered, can only get the basis of your specialty and go to work in this area, but the specialist will receive certain knowledge for one of the areas.
  • After the undergraduate, you can go only on the master, but after the specialist a student can jump one step and learn further on the graduate student.
  • Bachelands allow you to participate in the competition to continue to learn for free on the magistracy. Experts will be able to enter the master only for money, as this is already considered the second higher education.

Bachelor and Master - What is the difference? Now you understand that the difference is essential. Employers also know that experts overlook the highest educational institution with narrower knowledge. Because of this, bachelands are more difficult to find a job. However, the student who graduated from the university and received a bachelor's degree, has all the necessary knowledge and skills.

Pluses and minuses of undergraduate

Bachelor or Master - What is better? Probably, it is strange, but the undergraduate is now very popular. Why is he so popular? Let's consider all the benefits of bachelor:

  • Now in Europe there is a two-level education system, so you can easily go abroad with a bachelor diploma to work already there.
  • The undergraduate is not attached to a specific narrow specialty, so a graduate of the university can choose more vacancies for employment.
  • The duration of training is 4 years.
  • The student during training can choose a narrower specialty and enroll on the budget in the magistracy.
  • During teaching, students provide a delay from the army.

Of course, there are disadvantages in this education system.

Bachelor or Master - What is better? As we have already found out, employers are trying not to take the work of bachelors, as they believe that 4 years is not enough to get professional knowledge. Also, a great drawback is that it is very difficult to enter the master, as few budget places, and training there is quite expensive. When training on a master on a paid department, the delay from the army is not provided.

Pros and Cons Master

What is better - bachelor or master? After the 4th year, students have to make a difficult choice: graduate with a bachelor's diploma or continue learning in the magistracy. Let's look at the advantages of the master:

  • In the magistracy, you will additionally need to study for 2-3 years. This is a plus for young men who can be called in the army.
  • Masters can demonstrate all their knowledge, show the deposits of a scientist and declare themselves in scientific circles.
  • After a graduate, you can go to study in graduate school.
  • Master at the end of training will receive certain narrow knowledge of the specialty, which are not at the bachelor and there is partly at a specialist. After studying in a specialty, you can work only in Russia, since there are no such diplomas abroad, which cannot be said about the masters.

But in the magistracy there are disadvantages:

  • To finish the magistracy, it will be necessary to pass public exams and protect the dissertation, which is much more complicated than the graduation work.
  • During graduate study, you need to make various scientific publications in certain journals and research.


You need to choose a learning program based on your goals. What is better - bachelor or master? Undergraduate gives us general knowledge for a certain direction, while the specialty and graduate will provide their students specific professional knowledge for a narrow specialty. Remember that when studying for a bachelor's time that you spend on study, decreases. Evaluate your financial opportunities, as it is rather difficult to get to the budget in the magistracy, and training there is quite expensive. On the undergraduate to get to the budget easier. As a rule, only 20% of the bachelors go to learn to the master at the expense of the state.

If you do not scare the prospect of engaging in scientific activities, you need to choose a magistracy or a specialty.

Also, if you are planning to work in international companies, you need to get a bachelor's degree or master's diploma, unfortunately, the specialty will not give you such an opportunity. You need to choose for yourself what is better - bachelor or master.

Often, people wishing to arrange their work abroad are faced with a problem related to the acquired formation, namely, they have to undergo a tiring procedure for its confirmation or completely retracted.

Although now there is a Lisbon Convention that all countries included in it should receive specialists with diplomas of those countries in which they passed training, but in fact everything happens exactly the opposite.

Due to the fact that abroad there are no such concepts as "Doctor of Science" or "Engineer", in our education system had to make some transformations. It became necessary so that our specialists can work out without difficulty and extra cost in foreign countries.

Bologna Declaration was signed in 1999, that the process of obtaining higher education in all countries should be the same and have two levels, that is, at the end of four years of study, the student receives a bachelor's degree, and at the end of the remaining two years - Department of graduate student. Russia and Ukraine were acceded to this declaration. In Russia, this system officially entered into force in 2009.

Although the bulk of higher educational institutions switched to a new two-level education system, but some of them still remained faithful to the old "traditions" in training.

What is the difference between undergraduate from a specialist

To obtain an answer to this question, consider in more detail what the specialty is and what is undergraduate.

  1. The undergraduate is considered the first level in obtaining higher education from two possible. The second stage is the magistracy. It is worth noting that, unlike the first, the second level is considered optional, and after receiving the bachelor's diploma, the student can begin its career.
  2. The specialty has long been a long-known traditional education system. Namely, what is well acquainted to all past years.

Based on this, many modern students are concerned about one question: how best to get a diploma - while studying under the system of undergraduate or by system of specialist? To answer this question, consider what the differences in the above systems.

The main differences of undergraduate from the specialist

Although the bachelor is considered to be a complete higher education, it is mistakenly entitled to incomplete higher education. By passing the process of obtaining higher education according to the undergraduate system, the student instructs all the necessary knowledge for the specialty that he chose for himself. This training can pass both in full-time and in the correspondence. After receiving a diploma, the student becomes a choice: to start the process of its employment or continue learning at the second level (in the magistracy).

Consider the advantages of undergraduate:

  • with such a system of studying, a diploma falls, with whom you can get a job abroad;
  • it is possible to continue receiving education abroad and there is already a master's degree;
  • with such a system, the student receives a certain time that it can spend to accurately decide on the question as to whom he wants to become, and if necessary, change the school.

The shortcomings of undergraduate include:

  • the erroneous opinion of many people, in particular potential employers, that bachelors are significantly losing in front of experts;
  • the missing number of places in the magistracy, where it would be possible to undergo training for free;
  • in case of incompressation, the "budget" has to pay a fairly high amount for training;
  • you can enroll in graduate school only after receiving the Master's Diploma.

The specialty is considered well acquainted for the bulk of people of five- or six-year-old training in the higher educational institution.

Each applicant before choosing an educational institution must decide who he wants to be a bachelor or specialist. Each of these forms of learning has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

The division into the bachelor and the specialty began from the moment the Russian Federation in 2003 joined the development of the Bologna process in the country. But in Russia there are still universities with the previous form of education, which gives the opportunity to pass only the specialty.

What is the difference between bachelor and specialty?

In universities supporting the Bologna education system, there are two levels of education system. The first level is undergraduate, which lasts 4 years of study. The next level is the master's system, but it is optional. The bachelor's degree confirms the preparation of complete higher education.

The specialty is another form of training, classical, which acted throughout Russia until 2003. Training at a specialist occurs within five years, after which the student receives a complete higher education.


Bachelor gives basic knowledge. Contrary to the opinion of the majority - the undergraduate is a complete complete higher education, and to act in the magistracy is completely optional in order to go to work. The term of study is 4 years, not 5, as in the usual specialty.

Learning in the undergraduate is not particularly different. The student also gives a test and exam session every semester. But in this form of training, the program is more saturated, more material goes to an independent study.

This is due to the fact that the term of learning has become shorter, but was compensated by the load. Of course, at the end of the fourth course, graduation qualifying work has been rendered.

Takes the protection of the State Attestation Commission, which assigns the graduate the degree of "bachelor". If this seems not enough, then you can enter the magistracy to obtain a degree of candidate of science.


  • At the end of the undergraduate student gets a diploma of a European sampleWith the help of which he can act in a magistracy to any country in Europe.
  • Saving time For higher education.
  • Ability to change University or specialty.



The specialty is considered a more traditional form of training in the Russian Federation. Common, and profile knowledge are also given here. On the daily form of training, the duration is 5 years, on the correspondence - 6 years. At the end of the training, the category "specialist" is assigned.

After that, the specialist receives a complete higher education and can get a job. But also has the right to enter graduate school or magistracy. But it should be borne in mind that in the Russian Federation a specialist is almost on a single strap with a master when working to work.

The specialty in a habit is considered to be more complete formation than the bachelor. But it is worth recognizing that in fact the difference between them only in the number of years of study. The specialty also has its pros and cons.



  • For a longer learning time, relatively with undergraduate.
  • Recognize the diploma of a specialist abroad is almost impossible. The fact is that there are categories "Bachelor", "Master", "graduate student". Therefore, after receiving the category of a specialist in a magistracy to the budget, it is impossible, since you did not graduate under the undergraduate. Upon admission to a paid form, learning will be considered the second highest.
  • In the case of admission to the magistracy, the guys lose delay from the army.

What will be the diploma after undergraduate / specialist?

When training at the Bachelor's Student, the second semester of the fourth course will be protected by a bachelor's diploma to the Commission and get a diploma for full higher education. After receiving a bachelor's diploma, it is not necessary to enter the magistracy in the native university.

You can act in any university of the country and even Europe. In addition, you can do any specialty if your own soul. But when entering the magistracy, as in any arrival it is necessary to take exams. Based on a bachelor's diploma to the magistracy, do not accept anywhere.

Upon admission to the specialty, a daytime student of training in the second semester of the 5th course protects the thesis to the Commission and receives a specialist diploma and a complete higher education. If the correspondence form of training is then the diploma protection is made at the end of the 6th course.

After that, you can safely get a job or enter the magistracy. A specialist cannot with his diploma to enter a budget in a magistracy abroad, as this is the privilege of bachelors. For a specialist, the doors are open to employment in Russia, employers are preferred.

Who is easier to get a job?

It directly depends on where the graduate is going to get a job. If in Russia, the employers will prefer specialists here, and bachelors will be happy abroad. But everywhere there are exceptions, everything depends on the approach of a particular employer.


  • Bachelor's best will suit those who need to reduce its learning time (A need or desire to earn independently), as well as those who sees their future abroad.
  • The specialty is better for those who plan to continue their educational or labor activities in Russia, work in state bodies or educational institutions.
  • After the undergraduate, it is not necessary to enter the magistracy, Since this is a complete higher education.
  • Bachelor's Diploma is a European sample diploma
  • The specialty suggests better, but also longer preparation.
  • In Russia, the employer will rather receive a specialist than bachelor.
  • Both after undergraduate, and after graduate, the student has the opportunity to continue learning.By enrolling in the magistracy.

As you can see, each of the forms of training have their pros and cons. When choosing, it is necessary to rely on your future plans, desires. If there are doubts about the choice, it is better to learn about the experience of graduates, they can best determine how the path of undergraduate or specialist was.

Most often, the difference consists only in the duration of training, and the load is about the same everywhere, because obtaining higher education is always a complex educational process with passing, exams and diploma, regardless of where a person learns.

Study - an important part of our life. Most organizations require higher education. And after the end of the 11th grades, questions arise where to act, what direction to choose and what form of learning is better. Almost everyone knows that the magistracy is a higher level of education. But what is the different undergraduate from the specialist? It is worth understanding each of the forms of learning in more detail.


The average learning time is 4 years. However, in some universities (and sometimes in specific cases, for example, after receiving the younger specialist), the duration can be changed to a smaller or most side. After graduation, there is an opportunity to enter the magistracy. However, it is possible to immediately get a job in the institution, requiring higher education. Bachelor, if desired, is able to protect the candidate. But it is quite difficult to do without passing graduate school. They are taken at the end of the Master.

Pupils of different countries that have learned to bachelor can apply for recognition of their diploma in another state.

On this form of learning there are enough advantages and minuses. So, the pluses can be considered:

  • the possibility of obtaining a diploma of the European sample and, if desired, is a real possibility of admission to the magistracy in other countries and prestigious universities;
  • the ability to change both educational institutions and specialty.

However, there are cons:

  • part of the employers believe that they have undergraduate to work for work;
  • training in the magistracy is expensive, and the number of budget places is significantly less than graduates of the undergraduate;
  • there is no possibility to immediately enroll in graduate school.

This type of training of specialists was introduced in 1996 (in Russia). This type of training came from other countries and gained widespread.

The diploma is assigned after the protection of the graduation work. The latter surrenders a specific commission on a specific area.

After receiving a given degree, it is possible to protect such an extent as a candidate of science. However, this requires a certain scientific work.

Bachelor is considered the first step of a multi-level education system.


The form of training that was greatly distributed in Russia. Duration - 5 years. Man at the end receives a diploma of a specialist. Unlike undergraduate, the specialty provides the opportunity to act as a magistracy and immediately to graduate school. It is also possible to enter posts requiring higher education.

What about choosing a specialty? The specialty has a smaller choice of professions than undergraduate, since this is a narrower direction of preparation. Although this form of training includes not so few possible specialties. However, when choosing, it is important to know whether there are training of specialists in this direction.

Specialty: Advantages and Disadvantages

This preparation form also has its advantages and disadvantages. So, to the first one can attribute:

  • the fact that employers are more beneficial to the work of specialists, as they consider (which, in principle, is true), that this is more complete training;
  • there is an opportunity to immediately enroll in graduate school.

Cons of this form of study are:

  • in other countries, a specialist diploma may not be accepted;
  • training in the magistracy only paid.

It is possible that in a short time, this type of training completely outlines itself and cease to exist. However, if in Europe it has already disappeared, then in Russia and the CIS countries are still preparing "specialists".

In addition, in the case of moving to countries where there is no such type of training, as a specialty, you will have to retrain again.

Differences between the specialty and undergraduate

What is the difference between undergraduate from the specialist? Bachelor is considered to be basic education. And some companies do not want to take bachelors to their positions, as they consider such a form of learning "unfinished higher education." Although it is more prejudice.

What is the difference between undergraduate from the specialist? The main difference of these forms is the duration of training. Also a rather important aspect is graduate school. Undergraduate does not imply opportunities to enter there, unlike the specialist. An important factor for those who look at wider prospects is the spread abroad.

Undergraduate program and specialist: that they have a special, which is better

A student studying on a bachelor's program receives fundamental training according to the chosen educational program. But the specialist receives not only her, but also a special specialty. He also has a narrower specialization in this profession.

Therefore, the choice of direction depends on the further purpose of a particular person. Thus, training at the specialty provides not so much education, how much is the development of a particular profession, therefore it is not possible to expand their skills by choosing another profession. But the undergraduate will provide, rather, education for any orientation, which makes it possible to work in different areas on similar / related professions.

It is also worth assessing how much admission to the magistracy and graduate school is. It all depends on the purposes you need to achieve.

In fact, for many countries (with the exception of Russia and the CIS countries), the bachelor is the same specialist, but a little more multidisciplinary.

Little conclusion

Now it is clear how the undergraduate is different from the specialist. Some educational institutions switched to the education system called two-level. Such universities do not prepare more specialists. They produce a set of students only to undergraduate and magistracy. However, if the university used to take a set to a specialty, then students who graduated from him will receive a specialist diploma.

It is worth noting that experts will still be more in demand in the labor market for a long time, rather than those who graduated from the bachelor.

But when applying to a foreign company (which often appear in Russia) rather give preference to a person with a bachelor's diploma.

Therefore, it is impossible to say with accuracy, which is better - undergraduate or specialty. Both have enough significant advantages, as well as indisputable minuses.

Sooner or later, before each graduate of the 11th grade, which is planning to enter the university in our country, arises a difficult question, which form of higher education to choose: undergraduate or specialty? Our blogger tells how the highest education is arranged in Russia and it is better to choose.

For those who are preparing for the Chief School Exam

I am a mother of two twins sons. Egor was preparing to enter the journalism, Vanya - on applied informatics or information security. Money to prepare for the exam, as you understand, was spent a lot, so in the question that is better - undergraduate or a specialty, we chose the third - budget, that is, free learning. It was our financial strategy.

I understand that now even more confused you, but when I explain everything in detail, it will become clear what I mean. On the Family Council, we decided that, first of all, we strive for the receipt of budget places, so the choice in favor of the undergraduate or the specialist was put on the second place.

In Russian, it is very simple, the logic was like this: no matter - undergraduate or a specialty - just to get into budget places. Paying for two students at once - it is expensive for any family, with any sufficiency.

As a result, it turned out that journalists in Moscow are already preparing under the Bologoye system undergraduate + magistracy. Egor entered the undergraduate in Ranjigs. With the Vanina Faculty of "Information Security" It was more difficult: somewhere there were specialist programs (5 or 5.5 years old), somewhere a two-level system - undergraduate (4 years) plus magistracy (2 years). But for us when choosing a university, this fact was not the main one.

Your priorities can be placed otherwise, so objectively try to set out all the subtleties of this situation. Knowing all the differences, it is easier to make a decision, and it should be suspended, since these two forms of higher education adopted in Russian universities in some situations are mutually exclusive. For example, if you want to translate from one form of learning to another, you may have problems. For examples, it is not necessary to walk. Our relative recently wanted to translate from the specialist to the undergraduate, and in the native university received a decisive refusal. Not provided by the Charter.

Bologna Higher Education System

So since 2003, Russian universities began to participate in large-scale reform of higher education, namely, began to smoothly move from one training system to another, more modern and, the main thing adopted in the European world. This Bologna System is called, by the name of the famous city of Bologna in Northern Italy. Bachelors produced before, but it was in 2003 that it acquired, if so to speak, a massive character.

The history of the emergence, all the advantages and disadvantages of this system. I will not retell all this, I will only be briefly, that in 1999, on the eve of the beginning of the new millennium, the participants of the Bologna process, namely, 29 European countries, signed a declaration that the higher education of the European Union should be united and two-level: undergraduate and magistracy. Almost immediately the list of countries wishing to join the Bologna process began to grow. In 2003, Russia joined this process. In 2009, such a system "Bachelor's + Master" began to operate in Russia officially. Dates of learning in all countries are different, but we usually have 4 + 2 years, respectively. By the way, it was in 2009 that the exam was mandatory for everyone. Before that was the experimental period.

Today, most Russian universities switched to a new education system, but the classical Russian single-level system, which is called "Specialty" remained. Thus, the old and new higher education exist in our country in parallel, without canceling one thing. As always, we have everything coming to the amendment to the Russian originality, so we went our way. Therefore, today's graduates, as well as their parents (Pa Para-Ra-Ra-Ram) have another additional dilemma: what to choose - undergraduate or specialty?


Let's start with the end - it will be easier. The specialty is to all the familiar system of five or six-year-old continuous training in the university, which was adopted in our country in the USSR and up to the beginning of zero as the main and only possible. The man studied and eventually received a diploma of a specialist. In it, if you remember, it was written: "Specialty of such something." The concept of "certified specialist" is just about it.

Bachelor and magistracy

Who are the bachelor and master? Immediately Harry Potter for some reason the Master of iodine comes to mind.

Everything is quite simple: Higher education is built with two steps. First you enter the undergraduate. Conditions for receipt are absolutely identical with a specialty: bring the scores of the exam together with all documents, if necessary, you will additionally rent creative exams. Four years later, you get a diploma of higher education, in which the "bachelor" is written.

If you want to continue your learning, you must pass the entrance examinations in the magistracy. By the way, at the second stage you can choose any university, it is not necessary the same where he studied on the undergraduate! At the end of the magistracy, you will have a master's degree.

A common misconception that the bachelor's degree is some unfriendly higher education, which will not be taken to work and so on

The bachelor's diploma testifies to the presence of higher education, and the point! (paragraph 2 of Part 5 of Article 10 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ). The difference between the two students who parallel came out of the point A, but go different ways, will, of course, in knowledge. Bachelor learns four years, and a specialist is at least five years (sometimes 5.5 or in general 6). Of course, the program will be different.

It is believed that the undergraduate gives broader knowledge with a blurred specialization, and the magistracy is a more narrow-directional education. There is also a stereotype that the specialty is better education, since all five or six years of study in high school are preparing narrow practitioners. All this is controversial, in my opinion. It took too little time to lead a subject thing on this topic. The process of forming undergraduate training programs in each university is still in the formation stage. The era of change in higher education in Russia has just begun.

9 distinctive features of the Russian undergraduate

  1. After receiving a bachelor's diploma, you can immediately go to work. You have a higher education in your pocket. And point. Training period is four years.
  2. Some specialties do not provide for two-stage learning in Russia. This list got medical specialties, customs, military specialties and others. It is impossible to become a good doctor for four years, this and a hens is clear.
  3. After undergraduate, you can qualify for a budget place in the magistracy, and after the specialist - no. True, it is not entirely clear why after the expert you need to go to the magistracy. In any case, if it "will", it will be considered the second higher education, and it means that it will be 100% paid (such). The exception is only "certified specialists" (incorporated to study until 2008). Delay from the army will not be either.
  4. For the entire period of study "Undergraduate + Master" at the full-time department, you get a delay from the army. The specialty also guarantees a deferment for the entire period of study. There is no difference here.
  5. What with graduateurs? After the specialist, you can safely go, after the undergraduate - no, the passage of the magistracy is impossible. From the magistracy - please.
  6. A specialist diploma in most cases will not be able to confirm abroad, and bachelor's and master's diplomas are possible.
  7. Undergraduate can be graduated from one profession, and the magistracy is on the other. For example, for four years, studies became clear that you are not only interesting to technical objects, but also humanitarian. The magistracy on the humanitarian direction is quite real. Crab variability is an advantage, of course. In fact, you get two higher education diplomas: "Bachelor" + "Master". Once again: "Undergraduate + Master" is two diplomas about higher education, only they are different levels.
  8. Study in magistracy is possible in foreign universities and universities. Here, of course, you will need knowledge of a foreign language, but today it is not a problem.
  9. If you enrolled on a specialty for a budget place, all the years of study you will not pay anything. If after undergraduate you decide to go to the magistracy, then know that the chances of entering the minimum budget (too high competition). It is possible that during these two years you will have to pay for learning. The percentage of budget places is almost everywhere less than on undergraduate. In each university, the statistics are individual.

Disadvantages of the two-stage system in Russia

1. Again an experiment on our students and teachers. While everything will "be found", a lot of time will pass.

2. Of course, you can guess that there are "Sweetheart" with the training programs of undergraduate and magistracy, because universities gave freedom to form them on their own, relying on state standards. We actually began to receive higher education in the Bologna system from 2009, that is, even ten years since the start of the experiment passed. Of course, all this requires manual setting for a long time, so the ideal is only looming on the horizon.

In order to make a full-fledged bachelor's attorney in four years, that is, actually ready to go to the work of a professional, we must very well and clearly build a learning system. Agree that four years - the term is not very big.

In the case of a specialty, as you understand, there are no problems with curriculum, as they went to the inheritance, as they say, from past times. Everything is more stable here and built on classic teaching. As far as classical education is relevant in modern realities - I do not judge, of course. Only time will tell. I am glad that, existing in parallel, both systems involuntarily compete with Durgom. So there are obvious all the pros and cons.

3. Not all universities in the transition to the Bologna system realized that specifically to change. For example, there is little where the Bologna 100-point knowledge assessment system is used in full force. It is nominally, but it acts somehow strange, in my opinion.