Interesting facts about the Middle Ages in Europe. Interesting and unusual facts about the Epoch of the Middle Ages

Interesting facts about the Middle Ages in Europe. Interesting and unusual facts about the Epoch of the Middle Ages
Interesting facts about the Middle Ages in Europe. Interesting and unusual facts about the Epoch of the Middle Ages

Whose clothing was sewn more than 10,000 buttons?

Buttons appeared long before our era, but were used only as decoration. In about 12-13 century, the buttons were again recognized in Europe, but now they also have the functional value of the stroke in the loop, and not only decorative. In the Middle Ages, the buttons became so popular accessory that in their number on clothes it was possible to judge the status of the owner. For example, on one of the outfits of the French king Francis I, I had 13,600 buttons.

Where was the gallows, which could serve 50 people?

In the 13th century, near Paris, a giant giant gangster monophocon was built, not preserved to this day. Monfocon was divided into cells by vertical pillars and horizontal beams and could serve as a place of execution for 50 people at the same time. According to the creator of the construction of De Marigny, the Counselor of the King, the form of many decomposing bodies on Monfocone was to warn the rest of the subjects from crimes. In the end, de Marigny himself was hanged there.

Which era of beer was the most massive drink in Europe?

In medieval Europe, especially the northern and eastern parts, the beer was truly a massive drink - they used people of all classes and ages. For example, in England, beer consumption per capita reached up to 300 liters per year, although now this indicator is about 100 liters, and even in the leading Czech Republic leading on this parameter - a little more than 150 liters. The main reason This was a low water quality, which was eliminated during the fermentation process.

What expression on useless do medieval monks literally performed?

The expression "crowd water in a step", which means a useless business, has a very ancient origin - It was used by the antique authors, for example, Lucian. And in medieval monasteries it was literal in nature: the defeated monks were forced to make the water as a punishment.

Why do MONY Lisa shave hair on the forehead and eyebrows hidden?

In Western Europe, in the 15th century, there was such a woman's ideal: S-shaped silhouette, curved back, a round pale face with a high pure forehead. To fit the ideal, women shaved their hair on her forehead and pluck their eyebrows - just like Mona Lisa in the famous Picture of Leonardo.

When not only people could be accused in the courts, but also animals?

In the Middle Ages there were cases of church vessels over animals in all rules - with prosecutors, lawyers and witnesses. The accused could be any animals from large home-to-locust and May beetles. Pets, as a rule, were tried for witchcraft and sentenced to death, and wild for fence could overcome from the church or prescribe to leave the country. The last similar sentence of Cow was carried out in 1740.

What cruel scenes removed from folk fairy tales Charles Perra and Brothers Grimm?

Most fairy tales known to us under the authorship of Charles Perro, brothers Grimm and other fairy tales, arose in the people of the Middle Ages, and their original scenes are sometimes distinguished by cruelty and naturalness household scenes. For example, in a fairy tale about Sleeping Beauty, a foreign king does not kiss it, but rapes. The wolf eats not only the grandmother, but also to the Polerevni, and the red hat then lures it into a pit with a boiling resin. In a fairy tale about Cinderella, the shoe still managed to try on the shoe, for which one of them cuts off his finger, the other - the heel, but then they are exposed to their singing of pigeons.

Why in the Middle Ages spices in Europe was valued very expensive?

In medieval Europe on the eve of winter, massive slaughter of cattle and meat harvesting began. If the meat is simply salted, it loses its original taste. It is possible to preserve it almost in priority form, the spices, which brought mainly from Asia. But since the Turks monopolized almost all the trafficking in the spices, their price was processed. This factor was one of the motives of the rapid development of the navigation and the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries. And in Russia, due to the harsh winters, there was no sharp necessity in the spices.

Why is only one bronze pre-Christian statue preserved in Rome?

When the Romans accepted Christianity, they massively steal the pre-Christian statues. The only bronze statue survived by the Middle Ages is the equestrian statue of Mark Aureliya, and only because the Romans took it for the first Christian emperor Konstantin.

Who is in the Middle Ages, failing to conquer the castle, bought it?

In 1456, the Teutonic Order successfully defended the Fortress Marienburg, withsting the siege of Polyakov. However, the Order ended the money, and therefore it became nothing to pay with the Bohemian soldiers-mercenaries. As a salary, mercenaries handed over this fortress, and they sold Marienburg to those Poles.

What functions were assigned to samurai women?

The samurai estate in medieval Japan consisted not only of men. It also included women warriors ("Onna-Bugay"). Usually they did not participate in battles, but had armaments to protect the house. They also had a jigai ritual - an analogue of a seppuk in men - only women instead of opening the belly cut their throat. Such a ritual could be made and just wives of the dead warriors who are not part of samurai, with the consent of their parents.

When books in libraries were chained to shelves with chains?

In public libraries of medieval Europe, the books were faced with chain shelves. Such chains were sufficiently long in order to remove the book from the shelf and read, but did not let out the book beyond the library. This practice was spread up to the 18th century, which was due to the great value of each instance of the book.

What was needed to make the Czech settlement to get the city status?

In the medieval Czech Republic localityTo get the status of the city, I had to finally finish the court, have a custom and brewery.

Why did the medieval ladies wear fur from Cunits and Gornostayev?

Medieval ladies wore on her hand or on the neck a piece of fur from cunits, ferrets and mountainous, as well as living lascom to protect against fleas.

Where did women endure her husbands from the cast fortress on their shoulders?

When winning Weinsberg in 1140, King Germany Conrad III allowed to leave the destroyed city to women and carry in their hands what they wish. Women brought their husbands on their shoulders.

Watch 2011.

  • The city of Almaty

Why did the boys dressed in the dresses before?

In the period from 17 to the middle of the 18th century, the rod of the boys in the dress was the norm. And the solution to the question of what to wear is: dress and sharp or breeches and a furout, depended on the age of the child. Why?
It turns out that the clothes of past times did not depend on the floor of the child, as now, but symbolized the degree of dependence of young offspring from adults. And if the boy dressed in the maiden clothes, this meant that he was still not independent to go to the world of men, and he still need to be a matter. As we grow, the elements of worn clothes on the boys replaced or completely disappeared from their wardrobe. So, it was originally allowed to remove the caps and open their hair, to shoot a dress and put on Bridges in 6-7 years. However, if the boys allowed any prank, then they were punished back into the dresses. Therefore, interest to stay in male world He took the top over their cants, and the boys tried to behave well.

  • The city of Almaty

Sunday has become a day off due to the decree of the emperor.

Sunday has become a day off due to the decree of the Roman emperor Konstantin I Great. Further, everything is in detail: 1691 worst worst worshi in 321 should be in 321. This is the intrinsic efficiency of the initial of the Roman Extractor of the Kanstantine I here, which traveled a spherical ukat, to the worship of the outlook.

And the reasons for the reaction, as well as the preservatives of the tenmen, there was a dream. The Pymsky Introducer has been lacking in the worst of the battle of the Battle of the Battle of the Battle on the Soul, and there is a certain name, gluable, so with this knowing it is like a drink. So and changed. In the worst, Kanststantin, who has become a vrachi, and the email has been indirect. Increased by the visionary and coordinant successor, the self-consistent authority of the physician spent in the worship of the days and brought the one's way.

With the TEM, the worst is a wonderful day, and the living people make it easy to communicate with Begin and taitrifying the ceiling seams. One-way in a rather, and that in strings, the State Religion is the Islamic, in the worst male, people are on well, and there are dwarf days.

  • The city of Almaty

How are dentistry and an electric chair, what a holiday dedicated to the teeth are celebrated annually in China and for what medieval dentists used frogs?

Ancient Japanese dentists removed their teeth with bare hands.

And here are some tips from the harsh medieval dentists: to strengthen the discharged teeth, bring a frog to the jaw, and to alleviate the pain in the gums, let them in the teeth of a person who deceived the violent death. The wonderful thing as an electric chair was also invented by a dentist. Almost 130 years ago, he was invented by Dentist Albert Southwick from the city of Buffalo, New York. Initially, he thought electricity could be used in his medical practice as an anesthetic.
Before in the 19th century, the technology of making artificial ceramic teeth was invented, teeth soldiers who fell on the battlefield were used as a material for dentures. After the Civil War in the United States, British dentists received whole barrels of such goods.
Not so long ago, dentures were a popular wedding gift in Britain. Apparently, the British decided that they would still rather soon lose their teeth, so they began to accelerate the process with the removal of teeth in a relatively young age. Mao Jedun, like many modern Chinese him, refused to clean his teeth. Instead, he rinsed the mouth of tea and chewed tea leaves. "Why clean? Is the tiger someday brushing his teeth? "He said. Isaac Newton's tooth was sold in 1816 for 730 pounds sterling (approximately $ 1048 today), after which it was inserted into the ring that bought his aristocrat.
All chewing muscles can develop strength in 390 - 400 kg, the force of chewing muscles on one side is 195 kg. If you are right! most Food You are chewing on the right side of the jaw, and vice versa, if you are left-hand, then on the left. If one of the same-timing twins do not have enough tooth, as a rule, there is also no such tooth from another twin. American dentists use about 13 tons Gold per year for the manufacture of crowns, bridges, tabs and dentures. To increase interest in preserving healthy teeth and gums among the twelve-millionth population, in China, a national holiday was installed, the name of which can be translated as a "day of love for their teeth" and which each year of September 20th.

By the way, according to the legend of Mao Jedun, like many modern Chinese him, refused to brush his teeth. Instead, he rinsed the mouth of tea and chewed tea leaves. "Why clean? Is the tiger someday brushing his teeth? "He said.

  • The city of Almaty

Fact about five-fingered coins.

Interesting the story of five-phrank coins, which in 1804 Napoleon I released into appeal. These coins were large and had a fair weight. The population of France did not take them from banks. To correct the created position, Napoleon came up with a witty way. A check of 5 million francs was invested in one of five-franc coins by his order, which gives the right to receive this almost fantastic amount from the State Bank.
In the near future, the entire release of five-phrank coins was in circulation. The excalist searches of the treasure coin began. There was no more oriforn lottery in history.
But still a check on 5 million francs, signed by Napoleon personally, was not brought to the bank. Is there such a coin? This question is answered: "Napoleon should be trusted." Also known. At the beginning of our century, the French government confirmed the fact of the release of the coin with the check, but guaranteed only 5 million francs and interest paid for payment for more than a hundred years. Where is this coin? The mystery is never revealed.

  • The city of Almaty

Why in ancient Russian man wore a bell with him?

In the old days, the Russian man always wore a personal bell tape. It was the same needed accessory as in our time. mobile phone. And on this, our ancestors were their reasons.

The bell greatly facilitated the search for a person if he got lost in the forest. In addition, the ringing of the Bubenz, by reference, scared the wild animals and poisonous reptiles.

Stake's time was believed that the trill of the bell distilts evil spirits. And they were in the past times at all no less than now.

The horse hung on the neck of the horse, set up an animal to a certain rhythm, to knock off the wolf or other troubles that could not suddenly appeared on the path.

With the help of the bell treated a lot of pigeons, for example, migraine and melancholy. In addition, it was believed that the ringing of the bell perfectly awakens a person after a sleepless night and stems after abuse of hard drinks.

The bell used when making important life solutions. To do this, it was necessary to continuously ring over his ear in a few minutes. The first idea that arose after Trell was worshiped true.

  • The city of Almaty

The shortest war in the world.

This frequent war lasted only 45 minutes and entered the Guinness Book of Records.

At the end of the XIX century Zanzibar was under the rule of Britain. In 1896, the new Sultan Zanzibara Khalid Ibn Bargash tried to get out of control, looking for support from Germany. He collected a small army of two and a half thousand soldiers and pulled out an old gun of the XVI century from the basements. The British in response put forward an ultimatum, which expired at 9:00 am on August 27, according to which Zanzibars must have to capitulate.
In response, those watered the gun on their only ship - the Yacht "Glasgow" and fearlessly reached the sea, towards five English frigates. Exactly in an ultimatum designated time, the imperial fleet opened fire on the shore. Five minutes later, "Glasgow" replied and immediately hesitated with a cross-fire with two ships. The Zanzibarskaya ship continued to shoot all the time until disappeared under water. After half a temper, only masts "Glasgow" were visible from under the water, and the coastal structures were practically destroyed. However, the Zanzibarsky flag continued to wave on the palace flagpole. The fleet resumed shooting. Fifteen minutes later, the shore was completely buried, none of the gun responded. The top of the flagpole was destroyed and the flag was not visible anywhere. Sultan ordered the soldiers to leave the battlefield, and asked asylum himself in the German consulate. The shelling lasted 38 minutes, about 570 people died from the Zanzibar side, and he entered the story as the shortest war in the world.
After the war, the former Sultan lived in Dar-Es-Salama until 1916, when the British grabbed him. He died in 1927 in Mombasa.

2. In the 19th century it was not accepted when a man invited the same lady to the dance more than 2 times. By tradition, after 2 dance, the cavalier had to make an offer.

3. Gloves, as it turned out, was a strictly homely element of clothing, even despite the fact that there were a lot of them (ballroom, for hunting). In crowded places, worn gloves was indecent.

4. It is difficult to believe, but in the 20s of the last century in the schools of the USSR it was not decent to write correctly. For excessive literacy, letters per person could even convey.

5. In England, still ugly knit in places of crowd of people. But, nevertheless, conversations about it became popular, especially among the male part of the population. It was the third theme discussed in the bars immediately after football and politicians.

6. For a long time for guests and residents of Bulgaria, it was ugly when a man drank less than 1.5 liters of beer per day. The fact is that in this country such a alcohol is quite small, and too moderate drinking could consider non-sensibleness.

7. During the tea ceremony in Japan's homes very big role Plays a pose sitting at the table. The pose, when a man sits, crossed his legs in front of him, and sitting, stretched to the side. Most often, the Japanese drink tea by pouring his legs.

8. In Russia, in 19-20VV, it was ugly to take the land under the cottage, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich was less than 12 acres.

9. Following the rules of good tone, in the Boyar estates during the conversation did not follow to the interlocutor of the invention. If someone came into the living room, it was unknown to inspect him from head to feet. So it was possible to put a modest person, and especially a woman, in a very awkward position.

10. The inhabitants of Thailand are not accepted when talking to touch the head or pat on the shoulder when talking with another person. This refers to the manifestation of tenderness, which in this country is indecent to show in humans.

In the Middle Ages, the "moment" was understood as a completely specific unit of time - 90 seconds, no more and no less. And now in our time the concept of "moment" has become somewhat more vague. For the first time, the term "moment" used John Treviz in the 1398th year, writing that one hour consists of 40 points. But nowadays, under this word, a very short period of time is understood, and no one remembers his initial meaning.

Wedding traditions and rituals of medieval Europe

The wedding was always a joyful and bright event. However, in ancient, and often quite rude times, this holiday was rather harsh. Many ancient and medieval traditions are perceived now as barbaric, wild or just funny

However, be that as it may, and the marriage remained an enviable goal for both men and women. But why was it so important? For a girl, the Union with a man was often the only opportunity to get social protection and save good reputation. The man at the same time almost always got rich dowry, and sometimes the lands that belonged to the family of his wife.

In the Middle Ages there were fewer old bachelors than in our time. Weddings were committed more often and occurred at an earlier age than now. A unmarried person in some cities could not count on a rise. So, for example, in the last quarter of the XV century, the law was published in Augsburg, according to which the bachelor could not become Ratman.

In the shops, the custom was gradually established, because of whom a unmarried person could not get the title of the Master. Widowers and widows also mostly married and married. Widowers entered into a new marriage later by some 6-8 months after the death of his wife, although the widows were supposed to remain those in the continuation of the whole year, which was called the "year of crying and grief" but they got married earlier than this period.

Girls 14 or 14 and a half years already married. Wrapped eight-year-old. The gain was considered at that time the main act, the church marriage only fastened it. Watching and the engagement consisted of three critical moments. First of all, they persuasioned a gift that will be made by the bride with the bridegroom, and about the dowry, which will be given for the bride. After that, the father gave his consent to the issuance of his daughter married, and the bridegroom was to marry. Finally, the father of the bride and the bridegroom hit hands, and the gain was considered to be accomplished.

Over time, the obligations that were previously oral began to be recorded. Such a contract was drawn up in the presence of witnesses. An ordinary fear in a unborn house, in the town hall, or even, is especially strange in our opinion, in the monastery. In Nuremberg in 1485, whatever festivities in the monasteries were banned. Pirushki, who followed the hoop, were accompanied by dances and a drip.

But the time passed the time to accomplish the wedding, the "High Time" was approaching, as the wedding day was called. The case was commonly late in the fall, "when the Hittermen and the cellar are full, when the time of peace comes and for the village, and for the sailor." In other cases, guests invited guests to the wedding itself, they were engaged in these faces, purposefully for this case elected by the bride and groom.

They traveled to the riding, accompanied by several riders, they were delivering with themselves such a person who was heard for Balaguore, able to speak in addition and rhymes, which was supposed to give the whole embassy especially a cheerful character. (Such a balagen was called Hangelein or Hegelein.) It happened that those participating in the embassy dressed up, and thus arranged something like a masquerade.

Loved to convene guests more. In order to limit the size of the festival and expenses, they are absorbed, urban councils prevented large assemblies and installed the normal number of guests, the more invited was forbidden.

A few days before the wedding or even on the eve of it there was a solemn procession of the bride into the bath, where they danced and danced. This custom is similar to our "earned".

Finally the sun was rising, desirable day. In some places it was Thursday, on other Friday. The marriage was ordinary and even in the morning, shortly after the dinner. The wedding celebration was opened by the processions accompanying the bride and groom in the church.

They went to church not together. The bride was driving with girlfriends, and sometimes also with the diamonds, in the crew barned by the four. On the bride - a red satin dress, a rich collar, ornate silver belt. She has a light crown on her head, shrouded with pearls.

Pearls and magnificent gold sewing covered her shoes. The groom with their marched riding riding. And before the bride, and the musicians with flutes, violins, pipes and drums moved before the bridegroom. It goes without saying that these processions were made and on foot in cases where the church was close.

Imagine only a similar procession. Music, multicolored and new clothes, funny faces, speaking, laughter, a look of the medieval city's panorama, and at the top of the blue sky, silver clouds and a bright sun, illuminating the whole picture with its golden rays! When the procession approached the cathedral, the latter as it would welcoming it bell ringing. So that the ponaroscience is not lazy and did not bother, he was treated wine

1051 happened significant event - Wedding in the Reims Church of King Henry I ...

The procession approached the catalog. Hospitably revealed his main entrance. Stone images of saints surrounded by the stone lace and flowers as if they were revived at the brilliance of the Sun, in the presence of such a living collection, and graciously looks at the people passing under them.

A wonderful spectacle represents the inside of the Gothic Cathedral. Spacious, height, groups connected to each other of high columns that support the string arches, intertwining the pointed arches of a high ceiling - all affects you, elevates your feelings, your thoughts, as if it raises you all higher and higher. Only a few times begin to look at, getting mastered with individual parts of the grand whole.

Only here you stop the eyes and on the high altar in the deepening of the apse, and on the luxurious preaching department, decorated with sculptural images and a high canopy, only here you notice the sculpture under the upper huge windows, bordering the wonderful lace the whole middle oil, only here you start looking at the multicolored images on glasses. The colossal rose *** above the entrance, the whole composed of multicolored glasses, cares your attention for a long time. Involuntarily thinking, unwittingly deepen into yourself.

"When you," says one foreign researcher, "entering these bold vaults, you feel that you are covered, the new homeland will take you. It spreads around you the atmosphere of melancholic dreaminess. You feel your liberation from a miserable slavery created by worldly affections, but at the same time you feel stronger, more extensive connections. It seems that God, who is trying to imagine our limited nature, lives in fact under these arches and descends here to direct communication with humble Christians who adopt in front of him.

Nothing reminds of human dwelling, everything is forgotten here that surrounds our miserable existence. The one who will erect this house is Silen, great, Dive; As the father of merciful, he takes into his habitat of us, weak, small, poor ... Medieval Christianity found a flexible and expressive, naive and thoughtful language in the Gothic style, which spoke to the soul, performed by Saint Ups, shouted his inexpressible poetry into it. "

The wedding procession penetrated into the inside of the temple. The groom with the bride goes to the Chief Altar. The sounds of the organ thunder over them, fill the entire cathedral. Sacredness began, and soon swept over the words of the priest; "I combine you in a marriage in the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit" ("Ego Conjimgo Vos in Mat-Rimoiium in Nomine Patris, Et Filii, Et Spirit! Sancti"). And again sold the body.

The young came out of the cathedral. The groom went ahead and, reaching the house of his father-in-law, did not enter the house, and was waiting for the young. When the latter approached the house, he met her. The servant brought a tray with a wine flask and a glass. The glass filled with wine managed to all those present, after them drank a young, and the newlyweds behind him. Drinking wine, she moved the cup through the head. After that, one of the Schafers took off with a newlywed hat and covered her head his young wife.

This rite as it would enjoy her power. Now she was the first to enter the house, and after her everyone else. Of course, first of all the young took congratulations. Ladies and girls approached the bride, men - to the bridegroom. Then wedding gifts were made. At one wedding celebrated in the middle of the XV century, it was concluded with newlyweds thirty silver bowls and cups, a necklace, a gold belt and more than thirty golden rings.

During congratulations and offering, music played, sang songs, and so time passed to lunch. The beginning of the latter was announced by the drumbo. After lunch, the dances began, lasted until midnight. During the rest, candy, wine, beer and other treats were broadcast. With the onset of midnight, a new procession was made.

The bride was assigned to the rest appointed for this. Mostly, she was accompanied by relatives and shower, but it happened that all those present were made. Ahead carried candles, playing music, in one word, it turned out the impression of a big celebration. The young led one of the chaffers. When the procession came to the flower, the Schaefer seated the young and removed the shoe from her left. This shoe was then transmitted to one or several bachelors, former at the wedding. It must be assumed that the wish was spoken by this gift, so that he receives him as soon as possible.

The next day the day began with the fact that the young were exchanged with gifts (Morgengabe). Gifts generally accounted for an integral ownership of the wedding: Given: each other newlyweds, guests brought guests, the guests of the bride, in turn, gave various things to guests and servants, sent money and food to the poor, wandering students, the guard of the main city tower, servants at the town hall, the servant of the cellar attending the bridegroom, his teacher, the buyer; Do not forget the executioner and graveters. City councils constantly sought to reduce the costs connected to weddings, and, by the way, limited the wedding celebration in the afternoon.

So it was, for example, in Nuremberg. The city council of this city, determining the exact number of persons invited to the wedding, allowed to invite persons who were not at the wedding, mostly friends of the bride and her familiar ladies, the other day after the wedding. For this, breakfast was satisfied, the main dish of which was the scrambled eggs; It served a variety of cookies, vegetables, cheese, wine, but the scrambled eggs first and decorated with artificial flowers. Evening of the second day ended with a very original "kitchen dance" (Kiichentanz).

Included, contrary to the rulings of the city authorities, the guests became the audience. Dancing servants, and each of the servants had any subject of his specialty, as, for example, a cook - a spoon, head of wine - a mug, and so on on the third day after the wedding, if, however, the last one happened in the summer Cheerful walk in the Gar-Tenfahrt.

All wedding celebrations ended with the fact that newlyweds took them own house. But there have been cases when a young long time with her husband lived in the house of their parents. Often, such accommodation provided for a contract. Before us is documentary news. One Burger from Frankfurt (Sifried Volker) chewed his daughter (for Adolf Knobuluha) and promised to keep young in his house, on his dependent, four more years after the wedding ("In Sinem Hust In Siner Koste Zu Halten") or, otherwise The case, to pay them 50 guilders per year in the continuation of the same period of time.

Wedding customs

In some countries there were such customs as departure groomon the territory where he met with the future worst and her friends per day, then the groom was obliged to carry the bride home.

It happened so. When two crowds come closer, the friends of the noble groom threw the darts in the friends of the bride, but it took place from a very long distance, so injuring were very unlikely. Although this case is known in the history of the era, when Lord Hoout lost his eyes at such a custom.

There is another custom in which the groom, coming to the house of the girl, demands it to immediately issue. The environment of the bride responds with refusal and the fight is asked for a girl. The girl then jumps on the horse and jumps away from this brawl. The groom with his retinue rushed into the chance. Then, when this chase is bored with everyone, the groom captures his bride and goes out with a sense of satisfaction in native places, where this rite ends with a large and grand pyrome. Sometimes in such purses for the bride takes part a large number of of people.

On wedding traditions for the groom were arranged various contests.It could be physical interference that prevented the groom get to the goal. But there could be intelligent games ( verbal duels) or poetic things on a specific topic.

Once, a long time ago, in order to marry, the bride had to first ... buy. As a measure of the price, at the same time, livestock was first used, later - a crop, and even later - a symbolic coin that bride with witnesses threw on the scales brought by the bridegroom. From ancient times, there was another way to find a narrowdown - to paint it from the parental home. The tradition of the abduction of the bride, reflected in the epic of many nations, lived to the present day, transformed into a symbolic state of parting with his home.

In medieval Ireland, there was some diversity in marriage forms: there were marriages - abductions, temporary and other marriages, but the main marriage was marriage under the contract between families. The feelings that the bride and groom were tested to each other were not much importance, a successful bargaining was important for the bonus and redemption for the bride. Nevertheless, there were many rites that somehow compensated for the dryness of the marriage contract. For example, the rhodiers of the bride met the groom with a mixed hostility. Racing wickets, rope barriers and other obstacles blocked the path of the groom into the church and return to the house of the bride. To successfully reached the goal, he had to pay redemption.

Adrien Moro. After wedding

Such an important element as wedding in church He began to be held approximately from the XIII century. Previously, the medieval priest could spend this wonderful rite in any place like. The priest read on the wedding of the prayer, after which he asked young, whether they want to be together and carry all the sorrows and joyful events together before God. If the newlyweds confirmed their mutual consent, the marriage union was.

Then, according to custom, the priest conducted a prayer service that suits perfect love, the same thoughts in young, life, devoid of defects, and the birth of Chad. When the priest finished the wedding ceremony, he joined the hands of happy newlyweds.

With the advent of Christianity, an indispensable component of any wedding was wedding in the church. Before you go to get married, young people followed the blessing of the parents. Secret marriages caused public condemnation, and it was assumed to believe that such families are not waiting for anything good.

The history of wedding dresses is also curious. So, white dress The bride is a symbol, but not chastity, as it is accepted to believe, but joy and prosperity. Very long white color was just one of the traditional festive flowersAnd the brides at the wedding put on pink or red dresses. The change in the tradition occurred only in the 17th century, and the legislators of the new wedding fashion, according to different versions, are the English Queen of Victoria or Anna Austrian.

The symbol of the innocence of the bride performs the Fata, who came from the ancient Roman wedding bedspread. That is why those women who were already married before will cost wedding ceremony without Fata. Another attribute of the bride, the wedding wreath in the past was made up of plants, which, according to believing, had magical power. Such wreaths were not thrown away after the ceremony, and carefully stored for a long time.

As for the suit of the groom, then one of his mandatory elements - Boutonniere, that is, the flower in the loaf of the jacket, - also came to us from the Middle Ages. As a medieval knight in battle, the colors of the ladies of his heart should be selected for the boutonniere, one of those flowers from which the bouquet of the bride should be chosen.


At the wedding feast in England, the main role was assigned a cake prepared by the bride. He was the most important outcome of the celebration, after his young wife was cut - she was announced that "the house mastery appeared." Also in medieval England, the guests themselves had to bring buns, which were in a huge pile, and the bride and groom tried to kiss on top of her.

Peter Bruegel. Peasant Wedding

The belief read that if they overcome the last obstacle, their joint life will be happy and rich. In the reign of Charles II, all these buns were in one large cake. According to the legend, he had some French culinary team who regretted the spouses who did not even see each other, because of huge number Patty. He decided that it would be much better to cover the "guest gifts" with icing and arrange them on a special multi-tiered stand. So there was an idea of \u200b\u200ba "multi-storey miracle."

The fact that a wedding cake must be present at the wedding, not by chance. Wedding Pie from a long time symbolized abundance, many rites were associated with it.

In medieval England, guests brought cakes with them, clung to them in the center of the table, and the groom with the bride tried to kiss over the mountain of pies. By the way, it is from this mountain and a tradition to make a wedding cake will certainly be multi-tiered. Of course wedding menu different countries It is very different, however, the concepts with which something or another dish is associated, everywhere is similar, because people seek to find happiness everywhere and gain loyalty to love and marriage.

Yang walls. Wedding Tobias and Sarry

The wedding loaf is mentioned in many old Russian books, the mass of customs is connected with it and will accept. But the other cake, nice, belongs to the disappeared tradition, and there is a little known about it. Meanwhile, in 1800, the wedding table was unthinkable without a unbreaked cake: without him, the chances of the marriage for good luck were considered minimal. Then it assume that the figures that decorated the wedding cake, only the remnants of those more frank symbols of the marriage union and fertility, which in the same time they sculpted from Dough and placed on wedding bread. The echoes of this tradition of the figurine of the bride and groom at modern wedding cakes.

The shape of the unbelieving cake was invariably round, like the Sun-Summal of Light and Happiness.

By the way, in Russia (and not only), in addition to the bride's cake, as it is customary to call the main decoration of the wedding table, there was a fiancian pie. It was usually so called a knot with a figure of the groom from the dough. This is now common is not so widely widespread as before, but still can sometimes be seen at the wedding and the groom's cake. Sovage and superstitions concerning the wedding cake-cake. In Yorkshire, it was considered once That the bride, which personally cuts the wedding cake, risks remain childless. To this day, in all counties, when the bride cuts the cake, the groom helps her with her left hand.

In 1475, in the church of St. Martin, the Son of the ruling Duke Ludwig IX conducted under the crown of the daughter of the Polish king Casimir II. Groom Georg and the asked Bride Hedwig saw each other for the first time - parents brought them in their state considerations. But what kind of magnificent and majestic was this wedding. Many chronicles have been preserved, in which all festive expenses are documented. 323 bulls, 285 pigs, 1133 Hungarian rams, 625 newborn lambs and 1537 barathkov, 490 calves, 11,500 geese and 40,000 chickens went to preparing the wedding fever. The holiday cost 60 thousand guilders, in terms of about 12 million of today's euros.

Wedding pellets

If the crumb from the wedding cakes will turn through the wedding ring three times and put under the pillow, then in a dream you will be narrowed (or narrowed).

Variation on the "Wedding Pellet under the Pillow" is another northern ritual. The oldest resident of the village stands on the threshold of the house, which includes the bride, and throws a wedding cake through her head. Those of the guests who will be able to get a piece of this cakes, at night should see the narrowed

Bitted dishes

There is an English wedding belief: "The number of happiness intended to newlyweds depended on the number of fragments.

In East Riding (Yorkshire), the bridegroom served a large dish with pieces of wedding cakes. The groom should have thrown a dish through the head of the bride, where his contents were raised by children. If the dish was not broken from the fall, the groom's friend was supposed to be trapped by his foot, because the number of happiness was depended on the number of fragments, the amount of happiness intended to be newlyweds.

Julio Rosaty. Wedding

"Unbelievable doors"

"Run to the unintelligible doors". In the north of England, where traditions live longer than anywhere else, the custom "run to the unbelieving doors" has already outlived itself, but still stored in memory. He was recorded Heralluell. "Ranged to the unbelievable doors" Young people from neighboring houses who wanted to get a prize from the hands of the bride. Standing among church gates, they waited for the end of the ceremony, and then the chairs ran to the doors of the unborn home. The winner was usually awarded one of the unblit garters; Later the prize was the ribbon, which the winner all day wore on a hat.

"Unsessively armchair"

The bride, which was not sitting in the "unbelief chair," will never have children. (Namemberland).

Obviously, it should be added that this superstition is preferably in Jerroo district. And the chair, most likely, was originally called the "bed of trouble" (Bede "s chair) and belonged to the misfortune (673 -735). He is kept in the sacristy of the church, and all the brides rushed there immediately after the wedding to sit in this chair.

This ritual was supposed to protect his spouses from infertility. For many centuries, no marriage, concluded in this church, was not considered complete, while the bride does not sit in the chair. Credited, it seems very rough and durable, made of oak; Its height is 4 feet 10 inches, it has a straight back and something like armrests on the sides.

Another "unbelieving chair" exists in Wortion (Lancashire).

To him, too, at one time brought brides after the wedding.

First night right.

This pagan custom has long been alive in medieval Europe. The married peasant gave his young wife to Mr. for defloration. The case is known when the monks of the St. Feobart Monastery bought from the local feudal village, and with her and the right of the first night. Monks with the effort performed the duties assumed until the bishop of Toulouse intervened.

The first night or the right of the first night (Jus Primae Noctis, Recht der Ersten Nacht, Herrenrecht, Droit de Cuissage, Droit de Prélibation) - the usual right of feudalists to use the first marriage night of their fortress women when they are married.

This most shameful manifestation of serfdom is the subject of a dispute among scientists: some researchers (Schmidt) completely reject the existence of such a custom, as the phenomena of a legitimate, but most of the facts indicating the undoubted existence of the "first night right". It was distributed in almost all European countries; Rechains reach our century. Even persons belonging to the clergy, as the feudalists widely used this right to which there are many instructions from the zealous researcher of this issue.

So, for example, the canonons of the Saint-Victor Cathedral in Marseille was officially allowed to enjoy the first marriage night of their fortress girls. The same Collin de Plancy cites the fact of the sale of the first night's right to one owner in Orleans for 5 Su, another feudal - for 9½ Su.

Regarding the origin of this right there are various opinions. Some, like Voltaire, see in it the inevitable consequence of slavery: "A person who can dispose of another person, as an animal that has power over his life, can just sleep with his wife."

V. Polenov. Law of Mr.

Others explain the origin of the right of the first night by the fact that the serfs could marry and marry not otherwise, as with the permission of their Mr.. Villalan to get such permission was to go for some "concessions"; Other gentlemen gave their permission only under the well-known kind of conditions, and from isolated cases, Malu-Low the custom turned into the right.

Once this kind of explanation is fair for individual cases, but the fact of the existence of the right of the first night in various countries and of various nations Indicates more ancient origin of this custom. Bahofen, Morgan, Engels are seen in the right first night the balance of group marriage.

In the era, when a steam family was already started to develop, men retained the right to all women of their tribe. With the gradual development of culture, the circle of people eligible for women is becoming less and less, the implementation of this right is limited in time, and finally it comes down to one marriage night, first for everyone, then only for the head of the family, for the priest, the commander And for Señora - in the Middle Ages.

"Jungferzins" (submit virginity), preserved until the most recent days of feudalism, the very name testifies that it was a direct continuation of Jus Primae Noctis. It is also significant rite, according to which Mr. on the day of the wedding of his fortress, after the wedding, was supposed to step over a marriage bed or put his foot on it.

To this symbolic confirmation of the right to the first marriage night, the characteristic decree of 1486, published by Ferdinand Catholic and confirming the very fact of the existence of JUS Primae Noctis; "We believe and declare," says Decree - that the gentlemen (Senory) cannot also, when the Kret is marrying, to sleep first night with his wife and in his domination in the wedding night, when the bride lay down in bed, walk through the bed and through Mentioned woman; Lord can also use the daughter or son of the peasant, for a fee or without a fee "

(Cited in the Catalan original from Sugenheim, "Geschichte der Aufhebung der LeibeiGenschaft", SPb., 1861, p. 35).

When it came out of the use of the right of the first night - it is difficult to say, since it is not in all countries it has resisted the same long. In France, this classical country of feudalism, in 1789 there were isolated cases of using this right - however, cases that ended sadly for the feudalists.

In 1855, 6 years before the cancellation of serfdom, the secret adviser to Kshadovsky was tried and awarded to the cash finity for using the right of the first night.

Black widow

You could get free from the burden of an unsuccessful marriage in the case of a sudden death of her husband. In this case, the widow received freedom and even the opportunity to re-marry. Some wives skillfully used this right, deciding to kill their husbands. Black widows - exactly so called such women.

For example, the Italian Teof Di Adamo was a representative of the whole ancient poisonist dynasty. Like all of her relatives, she was engaged in the production of poisons under the guise of cosmetics - Oddleolon and Padradets. Some historians believe that the French Prince of the Duke of Anjoui and Dad, Roman Clement XIV, are the most famous victims of theofania.

In France, the most famous black widow was Marquis de Brenville. She poisoned not only her husband, but also the Father, two brothers, sister and even several of their children.

One of the most famous poisoning of the XIX century also occurred in France. In 1840, Marie Lafarge poisoned her husband arsenic, but was caught and convicted. The Lafarge's case was the first in world judicial practice when the accused was sentenced on the basis of toxicological examination.

Of course, not all were solved for the crime. Many women tried to get a divorce officially. As a rule, these attempts ended in nothing. Only the church could dilute the spouses, but she was not interested in this.

The church sought to marry a special character. About the reasons for this there are different opinions among the researchers, but the main thing is that the church seeks to marry the character of a non-estate: it was argued that the marriage is of a non-reliable nature, and the church was very carefully followed by the fulfillment of the conditions that were necessary for the marriage. And often the church participated, directly tracked the situation within the marriage itself

Vasily Maximov. Family section

It would seem that there were more chances in such matters with their money, connections and titles, but also the Queen could not terminate the marriage. The spiritual power preferred to close the eyes even on scinting cases.

So it happened with the famous marriage of the princess of Euprakssee Vsevolodovna from Rurikovich's Ryurikov and King of Germany Henry IV. Unable to endure the mockery of her husband, the princess appealed to the clergy with a plea to release her from this union.

"The church had to be a divorce for a divorce, some reason, she could not take, just so dilute people, in any case in that era. Here the church has arranged something like hearings about it. And these hearings are often often almost pornographic. character because she talked about the things of monstrous really. We still do not know what she said is true, and what - no, I do not have the role of the referee to judge what is true, and what is no , and, of course, my heart leans after all the same to the Russian princess, and not to the Emperor Henry. But, nevertheless, in something she, maybe, he was shaken, because so monstrous (there is black Mesa, And Sodomy, and anything), "says Fyodor Asspensky.

This marriage was never terminated. Aristocrats received approval for divorce only if the spouses argued that they were in close relationship. For example, if they accounted for each other by second or four-world brothers and sisters. But the cheating of the spouse has never been considered a good reason to cancel marriage. This behavior was not even condemned in society.

It was possible to become a reason for condemning infidelity only if a wife was clicked in it, especially if this happened in medieval Europe. Adultery, as you know, was a grave crime and mortal sin. But even when the adulterhers became the property of publicity, the spiritual power was prone to blame in this in the first place a woman.

Chalnitsa and tempted

For the Middle Ages, it was generally characteristic of a special attitude towards the weak floor: each woman, first of all, was the embodiment of evil, the damnitz and the temptress. The man was often a victim involuntarily seduced by her charms. At the same time, the accused in seduction could be not at all seductive, but for the verdict of the church, it did not matter.

The harlot could very cruelly punish. This torture is called "Iron Virgo". It was installed in the center of urban areas for everyone's review, so that the townspeople knew what an unenviable fate waits for adulterers.

"The metallic sarcophagus, in which the traitor was placed, the growth was measured in such a way that the eyes turn out to be at the level of these metal slots. Then the sarcophagus was closed, and the spikes pierced her torso. The spikes are made so that they do not hurt her vital bodies. ",

The history of the origin of this monstrous torture is rather mysterious. No one exactly knows where when and who was invented by this metal sarcophagus invented. And most importantly - what kind of goals he originally served. In the chronicles of European capitals about the "Iron Verine", there are almost no mention, and the information that still find is very frantic and confused.

"Immediately" Virgo "appears only in the XIV-XV century in Nuremberg in Germany. Again, rumors are very controversial. That is, it is used at first, it is used as something closed, they say to see the" virgin ", you need to go through seven basements, that is, Open seven doors, and then you can still meet it.

But in the same early Middle Ages there are evidence that such a sarcophagus was used for infidel wives, including in Sicily, let's say, in the same Palermo, "explains Pereverzev.

Unlimited medieval husbands could legal grounds control intimate life His wives. Thanks to such devices, like a belief belt. By the way, the key was manufactured in a single copy.

Thus, going to the example in a long trip, the spouse could in the literal sense locked his wife and get a hundred percent guarantee of her devotion. After all, it was impossible to remove the belt without his consent and participation.

"The belt of loyalty, everyone usually represents, maybe it is such a stereotype, and when they make reconstructions in museums, it is this place in the belt - it is considered the main thing, it is made in the form of such a pike mouth. That is, you know, the pike teeth are very flexible. , bent inside and very sharp.

That is, in his mouth pike something very well, and back it does not leave. Here everyone wants the belly of loyalty to be arranged for such a principle so that he does not just fencing it from love Utyakh, but so that he can also expose, could, so to say, catch the adulteration ", -

Iron Belt Wounded the skin, provoking infectious processes. Many wives are painfully died of diseases, and without waiting for their husbands. But in the history of marriage, other ways of using a belt of loyalty are also known.

"Someone Conrad Eychstedt publishes a book in 1405, that is, the beginning of the XV century, the book, just going on, on European fortification facilities. That is, imagine it all sorts of protection of the walls of urban, these are all sorts of devices to reflect attacks on these walls, and so on .

And in this book, he first sketches the belt that he sees in Florence, this belt is worn by Florenty from attacking them, from sexual harassment, "says Pereverzev.

In ancient times, society was extremely patriarchal, and the attitude towards treason was largely imposed male psychology. Studies of scientists have shown, in the mind of a man His own infidelity is not perceived by the terrible act, often he is not inclined to associate his adventures with serious feelings.

The proximity with another woman can only be a physiological act, and nothing more. But if they change him, it is already regarded not as a harmless prank.

"Men more painfully usually perceive such events as treason, because, again, we remember the biological component - women give birth. And in this case, there is a kind of threat to their reproduction: aggression, that is, an encroachment into the territory for the future"

However, the special attitude of men to the treason does not mean that the woman belongs to it easier. Just on the contrary, at all times the betrayal was a deep tragedy, which was experiencing hard and painfully. Such a strong emotional answer is due to physiology.

"During the sexual relationship, a woman is more produced by oxytocin - a hormone responsible for affection. And the woman literally rotes with his soul in his chosen one. And in these cases, of course, mental health is affected, because it is also reactive depressed, and anxiously - Fobic disorders, and, of course, self-esteem, very often happens, it falls substantially "

Over modern couples no longer communicate public opinion. The current laws, in contrast to medieval, allow you to quickly and easily dilute. Today, lovers can live in free unions at all. But does such evolution face the collapse of the Marriage Institute?

Why are large holes made in the walls of many medieval churches?

In the medieval churches of Western Europe, agoscopes were equipped with special holes in the walls through which it was possible to listen to what was happening inside and see the altar. This was done for the fact that the leased and other patients, as well as the servants retired from the church, could see and not lose their spiritual consolation.

Whose clothing was sewn more than 10,000 buttons?

Buttons appeared long before our era, but were used only as decoration. In about 12-13 century, the buttons were again recognized in Europe, but now they also have the functional value of the stroke in the loop, and not only decorative. In the Middle Ages, the buttons became so popular accessory that in their number on clothes it was possible to judge the status of the owner. For example, on one of the outfits of the French king Francis I, I had 13,600 buttons.

Where was the gallows, which could serve 50 people?

In the 13th century, near Paris, a giant giant gangster monophocon was built, not preserved to this day. Monfocon was divided into cells by vertical pillars and horizontal beams and could serve as a place of execution for 50 people at the same time. According to the creator of the construction of De Marigny, the Counselor of the King, the form of many decomposing bodies on Monfocone was to warn the rest of the subjects from crimes. In the end, de Marigny himself was hanged there.

Which era of beer was the most massive drink in Europe?

In medieval Europe, especially the northern and eastern parts, the beer was truly a massive drink - they used people of all classes and ages. For example, in England, beer consumption per capita reached up to 300 liters per year, although now this indicator is about 100 liters, and even in the leading Czech Republic leading on this parameter - a little more than 150 liters. The main reason for this was the low water quality, which was eliminated during the fermentation process.

What expression on useless do medieval monks literally performed?

The expression "crowd water in a step", which means a useless business, has a very ancient origin - it was still used antique authors, for example, Lucian. And in medieval monasteries it was literal in nature: the defeated monks were forced to make the water as a punishment.

Why do MONY Lisa shave hair on the forehead and eyebrows hidden?

In Western Europe, in the 15th century, there was such a woman's ideal: S-shaped silhouette, curved back, a round pale face with a high pure forehead. To fit the ideal, women shaved their hair on her forehead and pluck their eyebrows - just like Mona Lisa in the famous Picture of Leonardo.

Why in the Middle Ages spices in Europe was valued very expensive?

In medieval Europe on the eve of winter, massive slaughter of cattle and meat harvesting began. If the meat is simply salted, it loses its original taste. It is possible to preserve it almost in priority form, the spices, which brought mainly from Asia. But since the Turks monopolized almost all the trafficking in the spices, their price was processed. This factor was one of the motives of the rapid development of the navigation and the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries. And in Russia, due to the harsh winters, there was no sharp necessity in the spices.

Who is in the Middle Ages, failing to conquer the castle, bought it?

In 1456, the Teutonic Order successfully defended the Fortress Marienburg, withsting the siege of Polyakov. However, the Order ended the money, and therefore it became nothing to pay with the Bohemian soldiers-mercenaries. As a salary, mercenaries handed over this fortress, and they sold Marienburg to those Poles.

When books in libraries were chained to shelves with chains?

In public libraries of medieval Europe, the books were faced with chain shelves. Such chains were sufficiently long in order to remove the book from the shelf and read, but did not let out the book beyond the library. This practice was spread up to the 18th century, which was due to the great value of each instance of the book.

Why did the medieval ladies wear fur from Cunits and Gornostayev?

Medieval ladies from the highest European society wore clothing with fur finish or whole stuffed Mornostayev, Soboley and Cunits on top of the dress for Bloch's bait. Another way to combat these insects were special boxes with slots - flells. In a twisting box, a piece of fabric, impregnated with resin, blood or honey, and climbing the muffins were adhesive to such a bait.

Why were the stairs in the towers of medieval locks were spinning clockwise?

Screw staircases in the towers of medieval locks were built in such a way as to rise over them clockwise. It was done to ensure that the tower defenders have had an advantage during a hand-to-hand fight, since the strongest hit right hand You can only apply right to left, which was not available to the attacker. However, if most men in the family were left-handed, they built castles with a reverse twist - for example, the fortress of Valenetnight's graphs in Germany or Ferrichrst Castle in Scotland.

The era of the Middle Ages is full of riddles. And the farther she moves, the more interns the fiction. How to figure out, understand where the truth, and where is the lie? We will open the veil of the mysterious centuries and focus on interesting facts about the Middle Ages.

What is it for the period?

What is Middle Ages? This is a period of time from 500 to 1500, although exact dates still not installed. What interesting facts about the Middle Ages in Europe report modern historians? It is noteworthy that at that time there was no central authority or government. It was an intermediate time between the fall of the Roman Empire and Renaissance. Official ideology during the early Middle Ages became asceticism. A person had to cook himself during his lifetime to the afterlife and spending time in prayers and repentance. Influence of the church by public life Slightly weakened from 800 to 900 year.

Early Middle Ages. Interesting Facts

Early medieval is a period from 6 to 10th century. The second name of this stage is "late antiquity", talking about communication with the era of antiquity. That time later began to call just "dark centuries."

Interesting Fact: The period of the Middle Ages was marked by the arrival in Western Europe German tribes, primarily ready and vandals who did not know the cities, european Culture. Many of them were pagan tribes. Cities decline, many were looted, the locals came to flight. Trade went on a decline: to transport goods and trade was dangerous. At this time, the expansion of the Franksky state has begun, which has reached the greatest force in Carlo Great (768-814). Karl Great conceived to create a new Roman Empire.

An interesting fact: in the Empire Karl Great there was no capital. He along with his yard drove from one estate to another. The state began to develop feudal relations. Free people forcibly turned into undermineum. The power of large feudalists who lived in their castles intensified, they became the most frequent owners of their lands. And after the fall of the Caroling Empire of the Earth and were divided between the Lords and Princes, which further strengthened the power of the feudal police.


In the 12-16th century, any European state consisted of cities and feudal possessions. Large feudalists lived in large castles surrounded around the moat and a wall capable of protecting from enemies. After all, at that time it was necessary to defend themselves not only from the external enemy, but also from the attacks of a neighbor who attracted fertile lands. The outer wall went to the ground a few meters so that the subpople could not be made. The thickness of the walls reached 3 meters, the height is up to 6 meters. A holes, loopholes were made on the floor at the top, so that it was possible to shoot from the bow and crossbow. The stone towers were embedded in the walls, from where the observation was conducted.

Inside the courtyard had to be a well, the construction of which was very expensive. But feudalists did not regret money on the water source: It is not known how much the siege of the fortress could last. Some wells had a depth of 140 meters, as feudal locks were built on the hills.

Next to the lock always stood the church and the tower are the highest part of the fortress. Hence the surveillance of the surrounding space, and women and children were hiding here in the event of a siege breakthrough.

The weak part of the walls were wooden gates. To strengthen, they were protected by iron wrought-iron grids. In some castles there were a double gate, which is why the enemy could get into the trap between them.

Interesting facts about the castles of the Middle Ages:

  1. The castles were well adapted to protect the population, but they were very uncomfortable to live: inside there was often damp, twilight, because the sun's rays could not go through small windows, poor air circulation.
  2. The most important pets in the fortress were cats and dogs. They saved the premises from the attack of rats.
  3. In almost every castle, secret moves were created to move imperceptibly from one room to another.
  4. The siege of the castle sometimes lasted several months: the besieged sometimes passed only when hunger began.
  5. A bridge with a lifting construction took place through the ditch, in the case of siege the bridge rose, and a wide ditch interfered with the enemy to come close to the walls.
  6. Windsor Castle is one of the famous medieval castles in the world. After William the conqueror became the king of England, he built Windsor. Today the castle is still used by the English Queen.

Epoch of chivalry

The history of medieval knights is rooted in the ancient world, but the real phenomenon has become popular in medium and late medieval times. The knighthood rises to the Catholic Knight's Order. The first knights appeared at the Vestus, who lived in Italy and Spain. And by the end of the 12th century, almost all the nobles passed the rite of initiation in the knights. Next will be presented interesting facts about the Knights of the Middle Ages.

Knighting rites

Remarkable Fact: It turns out that there was very expensive knight. It was necessary to buy armor, horse, servant. These were mandatory conditions. All these knights had to provide the ruler. He handed them out the land plots that could be leased and to buy everything you need for this money.

Another interesting fact about life in the Middle Ages: Dedication to the knights occurred after the execution of 20 years or 21 years after the presence of a ruler or senor, to which the young man was obliged to serve. The initiation rite was borrowed from the ancient Romans. The senor approached the future knight, who keenly keenly keenly, and hit the sword several times on his shoulder. The young man uttered an oath of loyalty to God and his senor. After the knight led the horse.

This rite was preceded by years of training in Knights: Starting from an eight year old, boys noble origin We studied by the ownership of a sword, onions, horseback riding, secular manneram. Often they were given to training in the family of Lords, where the boys served as a servant and at the same time trained in various martial arts.

Knights - state elite

Ideally, the knight had to distinguish not only noble origin. They should have been Christians, church defenders, samples of courage and courage, care carriers and dignity. The knights performed in the campaign of their Mr. against the other feudal, participated in the Crusades as preachers of Christianity. In the free time, tournaments were arranged, participation in which knights were considered for honor. After all, it was an opportunity to demonstrate his military valor.

And yet, many of the knights were considered revealed by villains, which robbed a simple person to whom they were contempt. In France, with King Charles VI elite state. These were mainly the same aristocrats appearing in the public or in tournaments surrounded by the whole escort. But there were also poor "uninox" knights, standing at the lowest stage of the hierarchy. Each knight, except the king, was subordinate to his lord.

Noteworthy fact: if in the X, XI centuries, everyone could become a knight, then restrictions appeared in the 12th century. In the king, Louis Vi of people from the lower classes were delivered to this noble title, chipped spurs on a dung bunch.


In just two centuries, eight crusades were taken. Their goal was denoted by the protection of the Christian world from enemies - Muslims, but in fact it ended with all the robbery and wake. In gratitude for participating in the camps, the knights received material remuneration from the church, public respect and forgiveness for all sins. The most memorable was the third crusade headed by the Emperor of Germany by Friedrich I, the King of France Philip II and the King of England Richard Lion's heart.

During the crusades, Richard Lion's heart has proven itself as a great military leader and a decent knight. He led the third crusade and showed himself a brave warrior.

Another famous medieval knight was El Sid, Spanish nobleman, bravely fighting against Mavrov in Spain in the 11th century. The people called him the winner, and after death he was turned into national Hero.

Military orders

Military orders played the role of a permanent army necessary to maintain order on conquered lands. The most famous knight orders: Teutonic, the Order of the Templar, the Order of Hospiters.

An interesting fact about the Knights of the Middle Ages: the warriors of the Teutonic Order were fighting with the Russian army headed by Alexander Nevsky on the Lake Church, and were broken.

Sleepy knight

After the end of the crusades, religion has lost its influence on the knighthood. During this period, the knights took part in the central war between England and France.

Palace knight

Subsequently, the knights were palace ministers and played a purely secular role: they took part in the knightly tournaments, the fights arranged due to the excellent lady, wept in secular manners on the bala.

Epidemics in the Middle Ages

Before them, people were powerless. The reasons for their distribution were unsanitary conditions, dirt, bad food, hunger, high density Population in cities. One of the most terrible epidemics is plague. Let us dwell on interesting facts about the plague:

  • In the Middle Ages, namely in 1348, "Black Death" claimed the lives of almost 50 million people, i.e. the third part of the population of Europe. And in multiple cities, the disease rose more than half of the inhabitants. The streets were empty, the war stopped.
  • Doctors were powerless before this disease, did not know how to treat, who is her pedestal. Vinyl people, cats, dogs. And there was a sickness most often rat.
  • Not knowing the reasons for infection, people began to go to church, pray to God, sacrificing the latest money. Others, more superstitious, turned to magicians and sorcerers.

Such epidemics repeated several times and completely changed the appearance of medieval cities. To prevent the disease, the streets began to wash, the estates for waste appeared, the inhabitants began to provide clean water.

Interesting facts about the culture of the Middle Ages

It is interesting to know:

  • When the first universities appeared: in the 12th century - Paris, in the 13th century - like Oxford and Cambridge in England, and then 63 more higher educational institutions.
  • Another interesting fact about the Middle Ages: during this period, a free-industrial and fun poetry of Vagatov (Goliradov) - stray singers and musicians who chant careless free life. Poetic rhymes they took from latin literature: "Life in the world is good, if the soul is free, and the free soul of the Lord is pleasing!".
  • Monuments of the heroic epic are recorded, which used to be transmitted only orally.
  • It was in the Middle Ages a cult of an excellent lady. And it is connected with the development of the court poetry and creativity of the Podbaduro poets.
  • The first appear knight's novels. Among the first court romance is a story about Tristan and Isolde.
  • A new style appears in the architecture - Gothic. The main buildings in this style were cathedrals - large-scale structures of a huge height. They were distinguished by light and slender columns, carved walls decorated with sculpture, large windows with stained-glass windows from multi-colored mosaic. One of the bright monuments of Gothic was the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady in France.

  • The era of late Middle Ages was marked by great geographic discoveries. Genoese Christopher Columbus made 4 swimming towards the shores of South and Central America. But the territories open to them were named after America Vesprichi, which described new lands and proven that these are separate continents. Another achievement of this time was the opening sea Path to India. Portuguese under the leadership of Vasco da Gama, having encouraged the causticity of good hope, reached the shores of India. And the Portuguese nobleman Fernand Magellan made the first world journey in 1519-1521.

The role of the church in the Middle Ages

The church in the Epoch of the Middle Ages acquired a large economic and policy influence. In her hands focused enormous land plots, cash wealth. All this gave her the opportunity to influence the state power, subordinate to themselves culture, science, spiritual life. Interesting facts about the church in the Middle Ages:

  • The history includes the most sensory enterprises under the leadership of the Church: Crusades, witch hunting, inquisition.
  • In 1054, the church was divided into two branches: Orthodox and Roman Catholic. The gap between them gradually increased.