Who is the nation Aivazovsky. Brief biography Aivazovsky

Who is the nation Aivazovsky. Brief biography Aivazovsky
Who is the nation Aivazovsky. Brief biography Aivazovsky

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky - the world-famous Russian marinist artist, the battalist, collector, patron. The most outstanding artist of Armenian origin of the XIX century. Brother of the Armenian historian and Archbishop AAC Gabriela Aivazovsky.

Biography Ivana Aivazovsky

Born Ivan on July 29, 1817 in Feodosia. The first years of the biography of Aivazovsky passed in poverty as a result of the ruin of the Father. But all, he managed to enroll in the gymnasium of Simferopol. Pacely painting led him to the walls of the Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg, in which he studied from recognized masters. After graduating from the Academy traveled a lot in Europe. In 1847, in his biography, Ivan Aivazovsky became a professor of the Art Academy of St. Petersburg.

The most successful Aivazovsky was in marine landscapes. And since 1844, he was even an artist of the Maritime Staff. Also in the biography of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky his own school of art was opened. Among the most famous pictures - "Ninth Val", "Black Sea". However, Aivazovsky wrote the canvas not only on marine topics. Among his other series of paintings: Caucasian, Ukrainian landscapes, Armenian history, Crimean war. For his biography, Ivan Aivazovsky created about six thousand works.

Ninth Tree Black Sea

In addition, the biography of the artist Aivazovsky has always been time for socially useful events. So Ivan Konstantinovich actively helped the development of his hometown - Feodosia. Built there the Museum of Antiquity, founded the art gallery, contributed to the laying of the railway track in Janka.

Colleagues-artists about Iivazovsky

Ivan Kramskaya claimed that Aivazovsky "There is a star of the first magnitude in any case and not only with us, but in the history of art in general." The great English landscape officer William Turner devotes him a poem and calls the genius.

Creativity Aivazovsky

Esivazovsky not only in Russia used, but also in Turkey. His acquaintance with the Ottoman Empire began in 1845. The Mediterranean Geographical Expedition under the leadership of F. P. Litke, which included Ivan Konstantinovich, went to the shores of Turkey and Malaya Asia. Then Istanbul conquered the artist. After the end of the expedition, they were written a large number of works, including with the views of the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

After the end of the war in 1856, along the way from France, where his work was exhibited at the international exhibition, Iivazovsky visited Istanbul a second time. He was warmly met by the local Armenian diaspora, as well as, on the protection of the court architect Sarkis Balyan, was adopted by Sultan Abdul-Medzhide I. By that time, the Sultan's collection had already had one picture of Aivazovsky. In addition to his work, Sultan was awarded Ivan Konstantinovich by the Order of Nishan Ali, IV degree.

Pictures I. K. Aivazovsky, who were in Turkey, were repeatedly exhibited in various exhibitions. In 1880, an exhibition of artist pictures was held in the Russian embassy building. Upon its end, Sultan Abdul-Hamid II was awarded I. K. Aivazovsky diamond medal.

In 1881, the owner of the artistic store Ulman Humbach conducted an exhibition of the works of famous masters: Wang Dequean, Rembrandt, Breaguga, Aivazovsky, Zheroma. In 1882, an art exhibition of I. K. Aivazovsky and Turkish artist Oskan Efendi took place. The exhibitions had a huge success.

In 1888, another exhibition was held in Istanbul, organized by Levon Mazirov (nephew I. K. Ayvazovsky), on which 24 paintings of the artist were presented. Half fees from her went to charitable goals. Just during these years, the first release of the Ottoman Academy of Arts.

In the works of graduates of the Academy, the manner of the Iivazovsky's letter is traced: "The death of the Ertugrull ship" in Tokyo Gulf "Artist Osman Nuri Pasha, the picture" ship "Ali Gemal, some Marina Diyarbakyr Takhsin.

In 1890 there was the last trip Ivan Konstantinovich to Istanbul. He visited the Armenian Patriarchate and the Palace of Jyldyz, where he left his paintings as a gift. In this arrival, he was awarded the Sultan Abdul-Hamid II of the Order of Medzhidiya I degree.

Currently, several famous paintings by Aivazovsky are located in Turkey. In the Military Museum in Istanbul there is a picture of 1893 "The ship on the Black Sea", the picture of 1889. "Ship and boat" is stored in one of the private collections. In the residence of the President of Turkey, there is a picture "Sunning during the Storm Ship" (1899).

Ivan Aivazovsky began to draw from an early age. In the role of the canvas, there were fences, houses, albums and even sand. Once the drawings in the city saw the local governor, who was so amazed by the talent of the boy, which demanded from subordinates to find it to get acquainted. Some time later, the future world-famous artist entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts with this person.

The artist never in life was a free creator. By occupying the position of the artist in the Main Maritime Staff, he was constantly going to the battleships for the operational image of the fighting, because to capture them in those days they could exclusively painters. At the same time, many paintings were written from eyewitness stories.

Ivan Konstantinovich was a very workable person, the evidence of what is more than 6,000 written paintings.

Ivazovsky believed that the ability to write in memory distinguishes the real artist from the unreal:

"The painter, only copying nature, becomes her slave. A person who is not gifted by memory that keeps the impression of wildlife can be an excellent copywriter, a living photographic apparatus, but a true artist - never. The movements of the living elements are elusive for the brush: to write zipper, glowing wind, a wave splash is unthinkable with nature. "

The windows of the Aivazovsky workshop looked in the direction of the courtyard, so the sea was not visible with them. He wrote his marins by memory, exclusively by exactly the various states of the sea.

Aivazovsky often came to his brother on the island of St. Lazarus. There he stayed exclusively in the room of George Bairon.

The most expensive among all pictures of Aivazovsky became "View of Constantinople and Bosphorus", bought in 2012 at the British Auction Sotheby's for 3 million 230 thousand pounds of sterling, which translated into rubles is more than 153 million.

Staying in Italy, the painter created the picture "Chaos. The creation of the world, "which produced such a furor, that in the consequence was acquired by the Roman Pontiff, who was awarded his gold medal.

Bibliography and filmography


  • Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski. Publishing house "Art", Moscow, 1965.
  • Igor Dolgopolov, Masters and masterpieces. Publishing House "Fine Arts", Moscow, 1987.
  • Popular art encyclopedia. Publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia", Moscow, 1986.
  • Aivazovsky. Documents and materials. - Yerevan, 1967.
  • Barsamov N. S. I. K. Aivazovsky. 1817-1900. - M., 1962.
  • Wagner L., Grigorovich N. Ayvazovsky. - M., 1970.
  • Sargsyan M. Life of the Great Marinist. - Yerevan, 1990 (on Arm. Yaz.).
  • Churak G. I. Aivazovsky. - M., 2000.
  • Khachatryan Sh. Aivazovsky famous and unknown. - Samara, 2000.

Quote Close-up V.V.

... Since then, I know that Ivazovsky is not just not just that the artist of the Chief Maritime Staff had a secret in his pocket, with which he knew how to make water on the canvas wet ...

- Understand V.V. Salid ice. In the storm and calm // Collected Works in 7 volumes (8 books). - St. Petersburg. : International Foundation "300 YEARS KRONSTADTU - Renaissance Shynign", 2001-2003. - T. 2. - 471 p.


  • 1983. "Aivazovsky and Armenia" (documentary);
  • In 2000, the Russian Museum and Studio "Square film" created the film "Ivan Aivazovsky".
  • There is also a plot about the artist in the project "Russian Empire"

When writing this article, materials of such sites were used:ru.wikipedia.org. , .

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. "On July 17, 1817, the priest of the Armenian Church of the city of Feodosia made an entry that Konstantin (Gevorg) Gaivazovsky and his wife resets were born" Ovanen, son of Gevorg Aivazyan. " The native of South Poland - Galicia - Gevorg Ayvazyan wrote the name and surname to the Polish Lad - Konstantin Gaivazovsky »

  • Shaien Khachatryan (Director of the National Gallery of Armenia and Martiros Museum Sarian). Sea poet. "Ayvazovsky's ancestors in the XVIII century moved from Western (Turkish) Armenia to the south of Poland. At the beginning of the XIX century, Konstantin (Gevorg) Guivazovsky moved to Feodosiya. "
  • Wagner L. A., Grigorovich N. S. Aivazovsky. - "Art", 1970. - p. 90. "Their long-range ancestors also lived in Armenia, but, like other refugees, were forced to move to Poland. The surname of their ancestors was Aivazyan, but among the Poles gradually gained Polish sound "
  • Karatygin P. Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky and its artistic XVII-year-old activity. - "Russian Starina", 1878, vol. 21, No. 4
  • Semevsky, Mikhail Ivanovich / Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky: half a century anniversary of his artistic activity. 26 hundred. 1837-1887. Artistic activities. 26 hundred. 1837-1887 / St. Petersburg, type. V. S. Balasheva, Valz. 1887. Page. eighteen
  • Barçamov N. S. Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky. 1962. "Art." p. 92. " There are such information about the origin of Father Aivazovsky: "... In half of the last century, the surname of Ayvazovsky appeared in Galicia, where the next relatives of our famous artist live and still owning there with land property. Father Ivan Konstantinovich, Konstantin Georgievich, confessed Armenian-Gregorian religion. In his time, he was a very developed person, he knew thoroughly several languages \u200b\u200band was distinguished by a living mind, an energetic character and thirst for activity ... ". Literary information about Aivazovsky's ancestors is very scarce, and besides contradictory. No documents that could make clarity in the pedigree Aivazovsky have not survived. »
  • Gabriel Avazyan (Brother Ivan Aivazovsky). Tsgia Arm. SSR, F.57, OP.1, D.320, L.42. (Quoted by Iivazovsky: Documents and Materials / Sost. M.Sargsyan). "Childhood Kaitan Aivaza passed in Moldova, then in Russia. But since Kaitan moved to Russia, assigned the name Konstantin Grigorian (the son of Grigor), then His surname Ayvaz or Gaivaz found it necessary to remake on Iivazovsky "
  • Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia. 1978. Page 94. "Ivan Konstantinovich is a Russian painter. Armenian by origin. "
  • « Aivazovsky father, as a result of family disagreements with his brothers, in his youth moved from Galicia and lived in Valahia and Moldova, engaged in trade. He knew in perfection languages: Turkish, Armenian, Hungarian, German, Jewish, Gypsy and almost all the adverbs of the current Danube Principles ....»Quote. By: Barsamov. Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski. 1962. Art. p. 8.
  • A. D. Bludov. Memories . M., 1888. P. 23-25. " custom to bring with him, after trips saved from the death of a tour or captured by Turkish and gave them to their relatives for education or in serving a lot of southern blood impurities between us, and in favor of us, and not to the detriment, judging by Zhukovsky, Aksakov , Aivazovsky, who are on the women's line of Turkish origin, and in Pushkin, who, as you know, was the mother's descendant Negro»
  • Memories about I. K. Aivazovsky / N. N. Kuzmin. St. Petersburg: type-lit. V. V. Komarova, 1901

    I. K. Aivazovsky remembered his origin about his origin once, in the circle of his family, the next interesting and quite, it became, a reliable legend. The story described here was originally recorded with his words and is stored in the family archives of the artist. "I was born in the city of Feodosia in 1817, but the real birthplace of my close ancestors, my father. It was far from here, not in Russia. Who would have thought that the war was all interesting, served that my life was preserved and What I saw the light and was born exactly on the shore of my beloved Black Sea. And meanwhile it was so. In 1770, the Russian army led by Rumyantsev was askedid by Bender. The fortress was taken, and Russian soldiers irritated by stubborn resistance and the death of comrades, dispersed The city and, attentive, only the feeling of messenger, did not spare either the floor, no age. "Among the victims, the secretary of the Bendar Pasha was also located. Having struck by one Russian Grenadel, he bleeding, squeezing in the hands of the baby, who was preparing the same fate. Already Russian The bayon was listed above the juvenile Turk, when one Armenian retained the punishing hand with an exclamation: "Stop! This is my son! He's a Christian!" The noble lie served in saving, and the child was spared. Child E He was my father. Good Armenian did not commit it to his blessing, he became the second father of Muslim orphans, surrounding it under the name Konstantin and gave him the name of Gaivazovsky, from the word of the Guide, that in Turkish means the secretary. Having lived for a long time with her benefactor in Galicia, Konstantin Aivazovsky settled, finally, in Feodosia, in which he married a young beauty-yuzhanka, too, Armenian, and took the first time successfully trading operations. "

  • 17 (29) July 1817 in Feodosia (Crimea), one of the greatest artists of Russia was born - Ivanovsky Ivan Konstantinovich (Ovasnes Gaivazovsky). His father was an Armenian entrepreneur. He moved from Western Armenia to the south of Poland. Mom, Ripsema, was a good embroiderer. There were two daughters in the family and three sons.

    Little Ivan since childhood has been manifested by music and drawing. Study began in the Armenian parish school, then in Simferopol Gymnasis, then he did in 1833 to the Academy of Arts at M.N. Vorobyva in St. Petersburg, in the landscape class. He graduated from her in 1839.

    The first work of Aivazovsky was published in 1835 and appeared at the academic exhibition. It was "Etude air over the sea." The picture received positive feedback. Aivazovsky writes three more paintings with the maritime subject and receives a large gold medal for them in 1837.

    The artist begins to work as an order and sent on behalf of the Crimea, where he needed to write several Crimean landscapes. Next in 1840, he goes to Italy, as well as for customer work. Rome Aivazovsky manages to put his work. In general, finding in Italy was very fruitful for him. He was able to get acquainted with such personalities as Gogol, Botkin, Panayev.

    The Aivazovsky is then sent to Venice to the island of St. Lazar. There he was going to meet with the elder brother Gabriel, who consisted in the religious fraternity of Matchharists. In the future, the artist will now visit this place. The following were the cities of Florence, Amalfia, Sorrento, Naples and Rome. Italy taught Aivazovsky a lot and left a trace of his work. Here he created 50 of his paintings. He is arranged exhibitions in Rome and Naples, thanks to which the artist's fame began. The painting "Chaos" was particularly highlighted, Papa Grigory XVI honored the Aivazovsky gold medal award.

    Then, success was already accompanied by him in Venice, London, Amsterdam, Paris. He participated in the international exhibition in Louvre. In 1848, one of his famous works "Chesmesky fight" appears. Since Aivazovsky wrote mainly according to the maritime subject, he was given the opportunity to be on military operations of the Chief Maritime Staff. "The sea is my life," the artist said so. During his work, about 6,000 paintings were created! The peculiarity is that Aivazovsky from nature the sea never wrote. He always watched a lot and then played a memory. After all, he, in fact, correctly believed that the sea was too changeable to write it from nature. Aivazovsky thoroughly enjoyed the power and power of natural elements. In the works, he was always attended by a person and natural elements: whether it was a struggle in a storm, or a man against the background of a calm sea.

    In 1850, Aivazovsky creates a picture on which everything recognizes it - "ninth shaft". At about this time, his, the only foreign artist, is awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion. In St. Petersburg, Aivazovsky does not remain and moves home to Feodosia. In addition to painting, Aivazovsky engaged in charity. He accumulated money from his work and put them in the structure of the Archaeological Museum (Feodosia), the city itself landscaped. Also in his hometown he had his own workshop, where he was engaged in the upbringing of young talents. Of these, you can visit Quinji, Lagorio, Giant.

    In general, Aivazovsky loved to help, especially his Armenian people. In 1840, he organized a collection of funds to restore the work of the Armenian school in Constantinople, as well as Smyrna and Brous. In Constantinople, he wrote to order landscapes himself Sultan Abdul-Aziz.
    Despite the universal recognition in Europe, in the native land in Russia since the beginning of the 1870s, the picture of Aivazovsky began to criticize. This was partly the fact that the artist preferred to work alone and exhibited his paintings only at personal exhibitions (by the way, Avazovsky was the first Russian artist who became doing this). Thus, he removed from the society of artists and writers. Still, as many believed, he did not fit into modern painting and creativity. It acquired a national character, and Aivazovsky continued to write the sea. After criticism there was some period when there was nothing heard about the artist, they did not write about him anywhere. Although, thanks to Aivazovsky, who became famous in Europe and acquired there are nationwide fame, he also glorified Russian painting. Being on my Armenian native land, he wrote not only landscapes, but also portraits and plots on the biblical theme.

    In 1880, Aivazovsky, near his home, builds a museum-gallery, such as there were only 2 houses in Russia.
    In 1882, Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky divorces. Soon after that, he marries Anna Barnazyan. This marriage brought him closer to the Armenian people.

    The events in Armenia occurred in the 1890s were strongly touched by Aivazovsky. Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamide arranged mass attacks and defeat the Armenian population, a lot of people died. Under the miscellation of these events, Aivazovsky writes pictures of "Armenians in Trapezund", "the Armenians are immersed on the ships", "Armenians are alive in the sea." He also helped refugees with housing.

    The last exhibition of the artist passed in St. Petersburg. After that, he is going to go to Italy. But does not have time. Death to the artist came on April 19, 1900.

    Currently, Aivazovsky is called the founder of directions of marinas, the so-called painting of a romantic landscape.
    The last Karina was "arrival of Bairon to St. Lazari Island". I buried Aivazovsky in Feodosia, as he bequeathed, in the courtyard of the Surb Sargis church.

    "Born mortals, left the immortal memory" - such an inscription on his tombstone.

    And Van Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is one of the most prolific Russian marinist artists. For more than 60 years of creativity, it was written over 6,000 cave. Contemporaries were surprised - how fast the master created his masterpieces. The picturesque artist's picturesque techniques, the artist, selection of paints, the virtuoso effects of the transparent wave and the breathing of the sea were not unprecedented.

    Artist Ivan Kramskaya wrote Pavel Tretyakov: "Aivazovsky probably has the secret of the compilation of paints, and even the paints themselves are secret; I have not seen such bright and clean tones even on the shelves of moskal shops. " The main secret of Aivazovsky was not secret: to write the sea so believable, you need to be born and live a long life at the sea shore.

    We add to this fact a few more ingredients - hard work, talent, flawless memory and rich imagination - that was what the famous canvas of Aivazovsky were born. That's the whole secret of genius.

    The artist wrote rapidly quickly and much - about 100 paintings per year. And all his legacy received recognition of collectors as one of the most "strong". The artist's cloths are probably beyond the time, always in excellent condition, the least cracks up, and the restoration is extremely rarely subjected..

    Columbus swimming through Palos Cape. 1892. Private Assembly

    The main secret is in the technique of applying paints. Aivazovsky preferred oil, although his sea and waves seem watercolor. His favorite technique was considered glaze based on the application of subtle (almost transparent) paints on each other. As a result, the waves, clouds and sea on the canvas seemed transparent and alive, and the integrity of the colorful layer was not disturbed and was not destroyed.

    Aivazovsky's genius recognized the most outstanding people in Russia and the world. He met and was friendly with Pushkin, Krylov, Gogol, Zhukovsky, Bullet, Glinka. He was taken in the palaces of kings and nobles, the Pope himself gave him an audience and rewarded the gold medal for the picture "Chaos. World creation". Pontiff wanted to buy a favorite masterpiece, but Iivazovsky just presented him.

    Chaos. World creation. 1841. Museum of the Armenian Congregation Mkutarists, Venice, Italy

    Pope Grigory XVI taking a picture at the Vatican Museum. Now it is located in Venice, on O-ve. Lazari. The fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century, Pope Leon XIII presented the museum of the Armenian Congregation of Mkutarists. Perhaps one of the reasons was that here, the older brother of the artist Gabriel lived on the island of Saint Lazar. He occupied a prominent position in the religious fraternity. In the life of the artist, this place was sacral, resembling a "small Armenia" near Venice.

    Visit by Bayron Mkutarists on the island of St. Lazarus in Venice. 1899. National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan

    The works of Aivazovsky admired all Europe - academician and honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Arts, he was also elected an honorary member of the Academies of Arts in Amsterdam, Rome, Paris, Florence and Stuttgart.

    Ivan Kramskaya wrote: "... Aivazovsky, whoever spoke, there is a star of the first magnitude, in any case; And not only with us, but in the history of art in general ... ". Emperor Nicholas I stated: "Whatever Ivazovsky - will be purchased by me." It is with the easy submission of Emperor Aivazovsky, they called the "king of the sea".

    All his long and happy life is to store magic stories and facts - insanely interesting and colorful. The artist participated in more than 120 exhibitions both in Russia and in Europe and America. Over 60 of them were personal! At that time, only Marinist Romantic Aivazovsky could afford from Russian artists.

    Perhaps you already know that the work of Aivazovsky not only the best sells, and at the same time - the most abducted and faded in the world .

    The Crimean coast in Ai-Petri. 1890. Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk

    It is possible to check the authenticity of the paintings by Aivazovsky, but it is extremely expensive - and in time, and for money - the procedure. As a result, half of things issued on the market for the pictures of Aivazovsky, - fake, but they enjoy so success that they are still bought, but at lower prices. Moreover, the number of fakes significantly exceeds the number of original. The master himself confessed 6,000 works written in a life, but today is considered the originals of more than 50,000 works!

    Aivazovsky did not write from nature. Most of their paintings he painted in memory. Sometimes the artist was enough to hear an interesting story, and after a moment he took a brush. To create a masterpiece, the artist did not need a lot of time, sometimes there was a single session ... "To write quietly, I can't nail the months. I do not leave the picture until I speak " - Ivan Konstantinovich recognized. The most long work was the picture "among the waves." 10 days - it was as much as it took the artist who at that time was 81 years old to create his biggest picture.

    Among the waves. 1898. Theodosi art gallery. IKAvazovsky

    It is reliably known that the plot of the paintings was originally different. This became known from the words of the grandson of Aivazovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich Arzellova:

    The painting "among the waves" was created two days before death. In length - it is almost 4.5 m, and in width - about 3rd.

    All these short facts are fairly common, but there are others - the little-known, revealing the image of the artist and its work from various sides.

    So, 5 little-known facts from the life of the artist (by the 200th anniversary of the birth of I.K. Aivazovsky)

    Case in the workshop A.I. Queenji.

    Once the artist A.I. Kindji invited Aivazovsky to his academic workshop, in order to demonstrate to his students skill and execution techniques, which was known only to one Aivazovsky.

    The Soviet landscapeist A. A. Rylov recalled this: "Arkhip Ivanovich summed up a guest to Easel and appealed to Aivazovsky: "Etto here ... Ivan Konstantinovich, show them how to write the sea."

    Sea. 1898. Lugansk Regional Art Museum

    Aivazovsky called him four or five paints they needed, examined the brushes, touched the canvas, standing, not leaving the easel, playing a brush, like a virtuoso, wrote a sea storm. At the request of the archite Ivanovich, he instantly portrayed the ship swinging on the waves, and the strikingly deftly, the usual movement of the brush gave him a complete snap. The picture is ready and signed. One hour fifty minutes ago was pure canvas, now the sea rages on it. With noisy applause, we expressed our gratitude to the artist's mastic and held it all workshop to the carriage. "

    At that time, the artist was 80 years old.

    Favorite cities Aivazovsky

    It is surprising how much in this person we intertwined passion for traveling in the world and love for homeland. Where he just did not happen! Customs officers pasted additional pages into his passport. In his foreign passport there were 135 visa marks. He visited the most beautiful countries and cities of the planet, but with trepidation and admiration belonged only to two cities - Constantinople and his little Feodosia, who was devoted to the end of his life. "My address is always in Feodosia," he shared with Pavel Tretyakov.

    Ships on the Feodosi raid. Honoring Aivazovsky on the occasion of its 80th anniversary. 1897. Central Military Museum, St. Petersburg

    Feodosia was an indutnaya, historical homeland, a place of birth, an indispensable hearth and a house. Constantinople - was a favorite refuge while traveling. From all cities he glorified only him - the wonderful city on the Bosphorus.

    For the first time in the capital of the Ottoman Empire, he visited 1845. Since then, he returned here again and again. The exact number of paintings dedicated to the types of Constantinople remains unknown. The estimated number is about 100.

    View of Constantinople. 1849. State Art-Architectural Palace and Park Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoe Village", Pushkin

    About the dance of Turkish Sultan Abdul-Aziz presented one of the pictures of Aivazovsky. Sultan came to full delight and ordered the artist a series of types of Bosphorus. Aivazovsky found that in this way can contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding between the Turks and Armenians, and accepted the order. He wrote about 40 paintings for Sultan . Abdul-Aziz was so pleased with the work of Aivazovsky, which awarded him with the Upmation's top Turkish Order.

    Subsequently, Ayvazovsky got a few more orders from the hands of Turkish Lord. And in 1878, a peaceful agreement between Russia and Turkey (the so-called San Stefan world) was signed in the hall decorated with paintings by Aivazovsky's brush.

    "Eastern scene". "Coffee shop at the orculti mosque in Constantinople." 1846. State Art-Architectural Palace and Park Museum-Reserve "Peterhof".
    However, when in the 1890s, Sultan Abdul Hamid arranged pogroms, whose victims were hundreds of thousands of Armenians, the outraged Aivazovsky hurried to get rid of all Ottoman awards.
    Hooking all Turkish orders on the collar of the courtyard PSA, he walked through the streets of Feodosia. They say that the whole city joined the procession. Surrounded by a huge crowd, Aivazovsky headed for the sea. Soon he climbed into the boat, and, moving at a sufficient distance from the coast, raised the shining orders over his head and threw them into the sea.
    Later he met with a Turkish consul and said that his "Bloody Lord" could act in the same way with his paintings, the artist would not regret it.

    An aggressive politician of the Turks, Aivazovsky writes several paintings in support of Armenians depicting the cruel crimes of the Turks against his people. They were repeatedly exhibited at the most prestigious exhibitions of Europe. All means from the sale of paintings, he sent to the aid of Armenian refugees. Ivan Konstantinovich did not expect help from the government or the city administration, he met refugees at the entrance to Feodosia and offered them to settle on his land, providing money for the first time.

    "" It's a shame to turn away from your nation, especially so small and oppressed, "said Ivan Konstantinovich.

    Night. Tragedy in the Marmara Sea. 1897. Private Assembly
    "Father of the city." Ivan Aivazovsky and Feodosia

    Aivazovsky was the first honorary man of Feodosia. He actively engaged in his landscaping, contributed to the prosperity of the city. His influence on theodosian life was huge. The artist opened in Feodosia School of Arts, turning the Feodosia to one of the centers of the picturesque culture in the south of Russia. On his initiative, a city concert hall was built, a library.

    Feodosia on the lunar night. View from the balcony at home Aivazovsky at sea and city. 1880. State Art Museum of Altai Territory, Barnaul

    His funds were created and contained parish school.

    Aivazovsky also took part in the construction of a new building for the Feodosian male gymnasium, whose disciples at various times were the poet and translator Maximilian Voloshin, the husband of Marina Tsvetaeva - Publicist Sergey Efron, Alexander Peshkovsky - Russian and Soviet linguist, Professor, one of the pioneers of studying Russian syntax. Aivazovsky was a trustee of this gymnasium, allocated scholarships and paid his studies in need. Gymnasium existed until 1918

    The first train in Feodosia. 1892. Theodosi art gallery. IKAvazovsky

    He also achieved that the railway was built in the city. His picture "First Train to Theodosius" was created even before the construction of the railway, that is, by imagination.

    I always remember the deceased friend who has repeatedly told me: "What is your hunt, Ivan Konstantinovich, to seek the railway for Feodosia, it will only pollute the shore and departs a wonderful view of the bay from your home." Indeed, if I took care of myself about myself, I would follow all the forces to oppose the construction of the Feodosian railway. The estate of mine is located near Feodosia and away from the designed line of the railway, the services of which I so do not have to use. The only one belonging to me in Feodosia, in which I live, with the railway along the seashore can become uninhabited and, in any case, will lose the character of a cozy angle. Those who for public goods are able to sacrifice their personal interests will be easy to understand what promptings I follow, defending the Feodosia ... "

    All important buildings in Feodosia were grossly under the supervision of Aivazovsky. The characteristic case of the artist's life described Yuri Galabutsky in his memoirs:

    "You spoil me Street!"

    "Once in winter, Aivazovsky, as usual, went for a while in St. Petersburg. Upon return, as usual, for two or three stations from Feodosia, he was met the closest to him and immediately reported all the city news, which IK Listened with live curiosity. And he learns that the manual N. is building on the main street - Italian - house; The construction has already begun in the absence of I.K., and the house will be one-story. IK Wanted terrible: one-storey house on the main street! Immediately on arrival, do not have time to relax from the road, he calls to himself N. He, of course, is immediately. "Do you build a one-story house? Shame on you? Are you a rich man what are you doing? You spoil me Street! " . And N. N. Powder submits a plan and builds a two-storey house. "

    Thanks to him, the port was completely redesigned, expanding it and making modern and convenient for ships. The port in Feodosia for a long time was considered the largest trading port in the Crimea.

    Pier in Feodosia. Mid XIX century Soviet Vladimip-Suzdal Syboro-APhitechnaya and Art Museum-Reserve

    Aivazovsky built the building of the Archaeological Museum (the museum building was blown up by the Soviet troops retreating from the Crimea in 1941) and presented the theater with his native city, more precisely, it was a scene in his picture gallery.

    At the beginning of the 1890s, Aivazovsky in his project and for personal funds, the Fountain of Memory of the Meadowner of Feodosius A. I. Kazassaeva (in 1940s, the fountain was lost).

    In 1886, Feodosia experienced a strong lack of water.

    "Not being able to further remain a witness of a terrible disaster, which the population of his native city is experiencing from the year a year, I give him an eternal property of 50 thousand buckets per day of clean water from the Subash Source belonging to me," he wrote in his appeal Ivan Aivazovsky's city Duma in 1887.

    The subash source was in the estate of Shah-Mamai artist, not far from the Old Crimea, 25 versts from Feodosia. In 1887, work was started on the laying of the water supply system, thanks to which the water came to the city. In the park, the embankment on the project of the artist built a fountain, water from which locals received for free. In one of the letters Aivazovsky reported:

    "The fountain in oriental style is so good that neither in Constantinople, nor somewhere I know such a successful, especially in proportions."

    The fountain was an accurate copy of the fountain in Constantinople. Now the fountain is named Aivazovsky.

    In 1880, in his house, Aivazovsky opens the exhibition hall (the famous Feodosian art gallery), which the artist bequeathed his own city.

    Mr OE sincerely, in order for the building of my picture gallery in the city of Feodosia with all the pictures, statues and other works of art, located in this gallery, were the full property of the city of Feodosia, and in memory of me, Aivazovsky, I'll show the gallery of the city of Feodosia, my native city. "

    Some sources argue that the artist also visited a fee for visiting his Gallery Theodosiy Poor.

    Until the end of his days, he had trouble and pensions for the inhabitants of his city, so the news of the artist's death was perceived as a personal mountain for thousands of Feodosians, for whom Aivazovsky was a native person - after all, he dubbed a lot of children and married hundreds of neighboring girls who are sorry Artist, remembering his Milutions.

    The awareness of the fact that the "father of the city", a citizen, a patriot, a patriot, which was equal to which in the history of Feodosia was not, came somewhat later. All shops on that day were closed. The city plunged into the hardest mourning.

    Funeral IK Aivazovsky 22 April 1900
    Funeral IK Aivazovsky. Catafalk and funeral procession at the art gallery building.

    Three days Theodosi temples bell ringing mourned Ivan Konstantinovich. The large hall of the art gallery was filled with a variety of burial wreaths. Three days in the art gallery were the people to honor the memory of Aivazovsky. In Feodosius, the delegation arrived, including from Armenian diasporas.

    Mourning procession stretches from the house of Aivazovsky to the medieval Armenian church of St. Sarkis, in the fence of which and buried. The choice of the burial place was not accidental - he was bequeathed by the artist himself, because it was in this church he was baptized, the frescoes of the artist were preserved.

    Mourning voilas were covered with lanterns on nearby streets. And the road itself was sleeping with flowers.

    Participation at the funeral took a local garrison, who gave the late military honors - the fact, at the time, exceptional. Later on his grave, an inscription on Armenian will appear: "Born mortals, left the immortal memory."

    "Was a friend of Pushkin, but Pushkin did not read"

    Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900)

    The first and only meeting of the artist with the great poet of Russia took place in 1836. The artist at that time was only 19 years old. About this meeting, Ivan Konstantinovich recalled his year later:

    "... In 1836, three months before his death, it was in September, Pushkin came to the Academy of Arts with the wife of Natalia Nikolaevna, to our September exhibition of paintings. Having learned that Pushkin at the exhibition and passed into the ancient gallery, we, students, ran there and the crowd surrounded the beloved poet. He stood on his hand with his wife before the picture of the artist Lebedev, a greenery landscape officer, and for a long time he looked and admired her. Our inspector of the academy of the coolness, which Ero accompanied ... Seeing me, took me by the hand and presented to Pushkin, as the gold medal that receives then (I finished the Academy that year).

    Pushkin very affectionately met me and asked me where my paintings ... Having learned that I was the Crimean Native, Pushkin asked: "And what city are you?" He then became interested, whether I have long been here and do not sick in the north ... Since then, a poet's favorite me was made by the subject of my Dum, inspiration and long conversations and questions about him ... "

    In February 1837, Pushkin did not. For a young artist, who was compared to the academy with a brilliant Pushkin, this tragic event was catastrophic. After all, they have so much in common - a circle of friends, interests, both challenged nature, Crimea. It seemed ahead of so many interesting meetings with Pushkin himself ...

    The first experiences of Aivazovsky were displayed in the picture of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea at night. The artist wrote her near Kronstadt. Young man on the shore stretching his hands forward, greeting the storm approach - e is the first tribute to Aivazovsky Memory Pushkin. Later he dedicates to the poet about twenty paintings and drawings. But the most famous will be only a few.

    Coast coast at night. Lighthouse. 1837. Theodosi art gallery. IK Aivazovsky

    A.S. Pushkin in the Crimea in Gurzufsky rocks. 1880.

    Pushkin on the Black Sea coast. 1887.

    Nikolaev Art Museum. V.V. Veresmangin, Ukraine

    A.S. Pushkin on the top of ah-petri during sunrise. 1899.

    State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

    A.S. Pushkin on the Black Sea coast. 1897.

    Odessa Art Museum, Ukraine

    Farewell to A.S. Pushkin with sea. 1877.

    All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg

    The picture is executed together with I.E. Repin. Repin wrote Pushkin, the landscape was performed by Aivazovsky. The picture is timed to the 50th anniversary of the death of the poet. The plot was taken from Pushkin's poem - "To the sea". As is known from Odessa Pushkin in 1824 he was sent to a new place of reference - to the village of Mikhailovskoye. The picture shows the moment of farewell to the Operal Poet with the Sea.

    Goodbye, the sea! Do not forget
    Your solemn beauty
    And long, I will hear for a long time
    Your hum in the evening.
    In the forest, in the desert silent
    Suffered, to you full,
    Your cliffs, your bays,
    Both shine, and shadow, and spelling waves.

    In 1847, in the tenth anniversary of the death of Pushkin, Ayvazovsky presented his widow "Moonlight near the seaside. Constantinople. "

    Moonlight near the seaside. 1847. Theodosi art gallery. IKAvazovsky

    Despite the good memory of Pushkin, Ivazovsky did not read it. To reading, Ivan Konstantinovich was absolutely indifferent. This is known from the words of another genius - A.P.chekhova:

    "July 22, Feodosia. 1888. Yesterday I traveled to Shah-Mamay, Ivazovsky's imbey, for 25 miles from Feodosia. The luxurious imbey, a few fabulous; Such estates are likely to be seen in Persia. Ayvazovsky himself, a cheerful old man of years 75, is a mix of a good-natured Armenian with a fought bought; Polon of own dignity, the hands are soft and gives them to generals. Nearby, but Natura is complex and worthy of attention.

    In herself one, he combines both the general, and the bishop, and the artist, and Armenian, and the naive grandfather, and Othello. He is married to a young and very beautiful woman who holds in the hedgehog. Sign with Sultans, Shahi and Emirs. Wrote together with Glock "Ruslana and Lyudmila". He was a friend of Pushkin, but Pushkin did not read. In his life, he did not read any book. When he is offered to read, he says: "Why should I read if I have my opinions?" I spent my whole day and dined ...

    Eastern origin of the artist

    Self-portrait. 1874. Gallery Uffizi, Florence, Italy

    The network you can find many opinions regarding the origin of the artist. Russians call him a Russian artist, Armenians - Russian artist of Armenian origin, and only, no one seems to be the opinion of the Turks. Although, I am confident that the Turks with stubbornness will prove the eastern origin of Aivazovsky. And something will be right.

    The fact is that immediately after the death of the artist, in 1901 came out book "Memories of Aivazovsky" , the author of which is a contemporary and a devotee friend I.K. Aivazovsky Nikolai Kuzmin. Already on the second page you can find a story about the origin of the artist:

    "In the veins of Aivazovsky, Turkish blood flowed, although it was adopted for some reason, it was still necessary to consider it a blood Armenian, probably due to the constant sympathies of him to the unfortunate Armenians, intensified after Anatoly and Constantinople, violence and robbery, which brought everyone to horror, Those who have reached their apogee, who forced him to chariendly to chariety and loudly indignant to the inaction of Europe, who did not want to interfere with this massacre.

    I. K. Aivazovsky remembered his origin about his origin once, in the circle of his family, the next interesting and quite, it became, a reliable legend. The story described here was originally recorded with his words and is stored in the family archives of the artist.

    "I was born in the city of Feodosia in 1817, but the real birthplace of my close ancestors, my father was far from here, not in Russia. Who would have thought that war - this beach is allistant, served as my life remained and that I saw the light and was born on the shore of my beloved Black Sea. Meanwhile it was so. In 1770, the Russian army, led by Rumyantsev, besieged Bender. The fortress was taken, and Russian soldiers irritated by the stubborn resistance and the death of comrades, scattered around the city and, just attentive to the feeling of mystery, did not spare either gender, no age.

    Among the victims were also the secretary of the Bendery Pasha. Having struck by a mortally one Russian Grenadade, he bleeding, squeezing in the hands of the baby, who was preparing the same fate. Already, Russian Shtyk was listed above the young Turk, when one Armenian kept punishing his hand with an exclamation: "Stop! This is my son! He is a Christian! " The noble lie served in the resignation, and the child was spared. This child was my father. Good Armenian did not commit it to his blessing, he became the second father of Muslim orphans, surrounding it under the name Konstantin and gave him the name of Gaivazovsky, from the word of the Guide, that in Turkish means the secretary.

    Having lived for a long time with her benefactor in Galicia, Konstantin Ayvazovsky settled, finally, in Feodosia, in which he married a young beauty-yuzhanka, also an Armenian, and took the first time successfully trading operations "...

    The present name of the artist - Ovanen Awazyan . Father of the Future Master, Konstantin (Gevorg), Armenian by origin, after moving to Feodosia, wrote a name for Polish manner: " Gaivazovsky " . Until the 40s, the Master's paintings could even see the signature "Guy" - a reduction from the surname. But in 1841 the artist finally changed the surname and officially became Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky.

    The most expensive picture of Ivan Aivazovsky:

    View of Constantinople and Bosphorus. 1856. Private Assembly

    "View of Constantinople and the Bosphorus Bay" Today is in the private collection. In 2012, the picture was sold for 3.23 million pounds.

    The picture went to the unnamed buyer by phone after tense bidding in the hall. At the same time, the total price was almost three times higher than the lower line of Estimeit - Sotheby's experts were assessed by Aivazovsky at 1.2-1.8 million pounds.

    Ivazovsky first visited Constantinople in 1845 as an official artist of Russian admiralty. The artist has repeatedly applied to the topic of this city, he has paintings with the types of Ayi Sofia and the Bay of the Golden Horn, but most of them are not very large. This work is quite a monumental web.

    It is noteworthy that "the view of Constantinople and the Bosphorus Gulf, where the lively port life of the port with Topkhan Mosque is a nasrytia, was restored by the memory by the artist.

    By the 200th anniversary of Ivan Aivazovsky Wonderful Internet Edition on ArtArtyiv Revived the cloth of the Great Marinist. What happened from this, see for yourself:

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    An outstanding Russian artist Ivan (Ovanes) Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (Avazyan) was born 17 (29) in 1817 in the Crimean city of Feodosia in a poor Armenian family. He lived a long life, visited many countries, participated in various expeditions on land and at sea, but every time he invariably returned to his hometown. The painter died on April 19 (2mm) 1900 and there, in Feodosia, was buried.

    In contact with



    The father of the artist was a merchant Gevork (Konstantin) Ayvazyan. He came to Feodosia from Galicia, where at one time moved from Western Armenia, and wrote his last name to the Polish manner - Gaivazovsky. Here the father married the local Armenian Ripsema. The family legend says that among the Armenian ancestors of the artist on the father's line there were Turks, but there is no documentary confirmation. In addition to Ivan, the family had four more children, two daughters and two sons. Brother Ivan - Sarkis (in Monastic - Gabriel) became a famous historian and Archbishop of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

    In 1812, the plague epidemic broke out in the city. Father's trading affairs stuck hardly, he broke. By the time of the birth of Ivan from the former family prosperity, little remained.

    Childhood and youth

    Aivazovsky's art abilities manifested already in early childhood. Fortunately, it was not left unnoticed. There were people in the city who appealing at a talented boy and who took part in his fate. Architect Ya. H. Koh, who lived in Feodosia, gave him the initial drawing lessons and recommended him to the local city holder A. I. Treaschaev, the support of which allowed the future artist to first finish the Simferopol gymnasium, and then enroll in studies for the execution account in the Imperial Academy of Arts of St. Petersburg .

    August 28, 1933 Aivazovsky arrived in St. Petersburg and started classes at the Academy. His teachers were landscape officer M. Vorobyov, Maristen F. Tanner, Battalist A. Zaerwayd. Success accompanied the young artist, even despite the conflict with F. Tanner. In 1933, he was awarded a silver medal for landscapes "View of the seaside in the vicinity of St. Petersburg", as well as the "Etude of Air over the Sea". In September 1837, a new success was followed - a large gold medal for the picture "County".

    In the spring of 1838. Ivan Konstantinovich was sent by the Academy to the Crimea and held two summer there. At this time, the artist not only wrote landscapes on the marine theme, but also witnessed the fighting. The painting "Detachment Detachment in the Valley Subasha" has established him as a capable Batalist artist and subsequently bought by the emperor Nikolai I. In the fall of 1839, Aivazovsky successfully completed training at the Academy of Arts and received the right to travel abroad, where he spent four years (from 1840 to 1844 years). In addition to Italy, where he began his way, the artist visited Holland, Switzerland, England, France, Spain, Portugal and all this time worked a lot.

    During this time, the creativity of Aivazovsky received recognition not only in Russia. His paintings were marked by the Gold Medal of the Paris Academy of Arts. Pope Gregory XVI not only purchased his picture "Chaos", but also awarded the artist with a special award. It was a period of rapid and successful professional formation of a young painter. He learned a lot in Europe, acquired there invaluable experience, his talent and successes were adequately appreciated.

    When. In 1844, at the age of 27, Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky returned to Russia, he was already a recognized master and received the title of painter of the Chief Maritime Staff of Russia. By this time, he developed his own original creative manner. Memories are preserved on how Aivazovsky wrote pictures. All my life, the artist traveled a lot, the impressions of what they saw gave birth to themes for new works. In the open air, he worked for a short time, making only the main sketches. Most of the time Ivazovsky spent in the workshop, where he finished the picture, while giving the will of improvisation.

    Career painter

    In 1847. Ivan Konstantinovich became a member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. By this time, his creative handwriting was already determined. Of course, first of all, he was known as a marine artist, but wrote a lot to other topics. Seascape, battle scenes, landscapes of Crimean and other coastal cities, as well as portraits, although they are a bit - the creative heritage of the artist is truly multifaceted. However, it is obvious that in most of its most famous works, the maritime theme is.

    After returning to Russia, Aivazovsky refuses tempting job offers in the capital and leaving to Feodosiya. He builds a house on the urban embankment. This is his house - from now on and forever. The artist is often on business in St. Petersburg, in the winter there is a job there. Traveling a lot in Europe, participates in expeditions. The most fruitful creative period begins in the life of Ivan Konstantinovich. His work is successful, paintings are well sold, the career is developing rapidly.

    Aivazovsky becomes a wealthy person. In addition to the house in Feodosia, he acquires the estate in the village of Sheikh Mamai and a house in Sudak, near the cottage of the Armenian composer A. Spendia. The recent wealth made it possible to freely dispose of relatively large means, but did not change the nature of Ivan Konstantinovich and did not affect his active public position.

    A family

    In 1948. Ivan Konstantinovich marries Yulia Yakovlevna Grevs, the daughter of the English doctor who is in the Russian service. Four children were born from this marriage - Elena, Maria, Alexander and Zhanna. However, marriage was short. Having lived together for 12 years, the spouses broke up. Interestingly, some grandchildren of Aivazovsky also became artists.

    In 1882. The artist marries secondary. His wife became Anna Nikitichna Sarkisov-Barnazyan. Anna Nikitichna by nationality was Armenian, younger husband for 40 years and a very beautiful woman. This is better than any words that have written her portraits written by Aivazovsky.


    Soon comes public recognition, and then state awards and differences. He was a member of the Academies of Arts of several states, was awarded Russian and foreign orders, received the rank of a valid secret adviser, which corresponded to the Admiral rank on the fleet, and in 1964 he became an offacarious nobleman. The talent and hardworking of the artist received a worthy assessment of contemporaries.

    For a long life in the biography of Aivazovsky interesting facts accumulated a lot. He was the owner of many awards and treated them with respect. However, after the mass killing of Armenians in Turkey in 1894 - 1896, demonstratively threw out all his Turkish orders to the sea. The irrepressible journey to travel led to the fact that the artist almost drowned in the Biscay bay. During the Crimean War, only a sharp order of Admiral Kornilov forced the painter to leave the precipitated Sevastopol. All these facts emphasize the whole character of Aivazovsky, who was not only a famous artist, but also had a civil position.

    In total, Aivazovsky wrote for life more than 6000 works - the case is unique in the history of painting. His creative heritage is huge, all the well-known works are simply impossible. Here is just a small list of the most famous works of the artist:

    There have been cases when he wrote several paintings on the same topic. This side of his work sometimes caused critics discontent. On this occasion, Ivan Konstantinovich said that in this way he corrects the observed mistakes and improves his works.

    Paintings by the artist are in many museums of the worldand also belong to individuals. The largest collection is located in the Feodosi art gallery. I. K. Ayvazovsky. The largest meetings of his work are stored in other art galleries of Russia:

    • in the State Russian Museum
    • in the Tretyakov Gallery
    • in the Central Naval Museum
    • in the Museum-Reserve Peterhof

    A significant collection is also located in the National Art Gallery of Armenia.

    Traveling a lot in the world, often extinguished in St. Petersburg, Aivazovsky was well acquainted with many famous Russian cultural figures. K. Bryullov, M. Glinka, A. Pushkin - one of this list sufficiently characterizes the personality of the artist. With respect, such outstanding representatives of the naval elite, as the famous admirals F. Litke, V. Kornilov, M. Lazarev, were also respectful.

    The biography of the artist would be incomplete without mention about his charitable activities. In ordinary life, it was a very friendly and responsive person, sincerely concerned about the prosperity of Feodosia. Ivan Konstantinovich did a lot for the city and its inhabitants. He not only invested his personal funds to various city projects, but often was their initiator. His influence on the cultural life of Feodosia was huge.

    With the active participation of Aivazovsky and largely on his funds in the city there were art gallery, a concert hall, a library, an art school was opened. The artist was engaged in a lot of archaeology, led by the excavations of the Kurgans, completely for his own funds and in his project built a building in which the Feodosia Museum of Antiquities was located. Art gallery created by him in his house with all the exhibits, Ivan Konstantinovich, bequeathed by the native city.


    The townspeople treated the famous countryman with respect and love. Aivazovsky was the first one who became an honorary citizen of Feodosia . In his honor there are several monuments in the city. In addition, monuments outstanding artist installed in other cities:

    • in Simferopol
    • in Kronstadt
    • in Yerevan