Cleopatra is one of the most famous women of rulers in history. A very interesting feature of Cleopatra gives Plutarch

Cleopatra is one of the most famous women of rulers in history. A very interesting feature of Cleopatra gives Plutarch
Cleopatra is one of the most famous women of rulers in history. A very interesting feature of Cleopatra gives Plutarch
  • Cleopatra VII, the last queen of Egypt, was born in Alexandria in 69 to our era.
  • The father of Cleopatra was Ptolemy XII Avlet. In all, he had six children: four daughters (Cleopatra VII was the third in a row) and two sons who later became the womb of Cleopatra.
  • The Hellenistic Dynasty of Ptolemyev was founded by the warlord of Alexander the Macedonian Ptolem, who after the collapse of the Empire Alexander took possession of Egypt.
  • About Mother Cleopatra knows a bit, and biographers only suggest that it could be Troopen Clearina V Timphen - it was precisely established that she was the mother of the Senior Aveta daughters. Tryphen disappeared at the beginning of 68 to our era, and since the doubles in the Hellenistic clan was forbidden, it was precisely the mother of the last Queen of Egypt.
  • Cleopatra received classical education, was raised in the best Greek and Arab traditions, knew several languages.
  • 51 years BC - Ptolemy XII dies. In the will, the deceased ruler announces Rome guarantor of the Egyptian state and asks the Roman people to take care of their family. The Roman commander Pompei is appointed by the Executive Testament and the guardian of Children of the Tsar. According to custom, the eighteen-year-old Cleopatra must marry his native brother, a ten-year-old Ptolemy XIII, and with it to manage Egypt.
  • The actual rulers of Egypt in the first years after the death of Ptolemy XII becomes the royal dignitaries: Teacher of the eloquence of Theodot, Eunuch Potin, commander of the Palace Guardian Achilla. They managed to build Cleopatra with her brother-husband and provoke an uprising in Alexandria - the people were announced that the queen Cleopatatra seeks to rule alone, and for the sake of this resort to help Rome. Cleopatra runs to Syria, the dignitaries begin to edit on behalf of Ptolemy XIII.
  • 48 BC - Cleopatra manages to assemble the army on the border of Egypt and Arabia. She opposes his brother. Cleopatra's troops and Ptolemy XIII are found at Pelusia and ready to start the battle at any time.
  • At the same time, the Roman dictator Guy Julius Caesar arrives in Alexandria. He declares that it is entitled to solve the conflict between the brother and sister as a representative of Rome. Cleopatra understands that she needs to meet with Caesar. At night, she secretly arrives in Alexandria, accompanied by just a few servants. Queen orders to wrap itself in the carpet and attributed to Caesar. The next day, Caesar publicly reads the testament of Ptolemy Aleta and declares that Cleopatra and her brother must reign together.
  • 47 BC - Potin and Achilla cannot accept the decision of Caesar. They raise an uprising (known as "Cleopatra war"), secretly proclaimed by the Queen of Egypt's younger daughter Ptolemy Alert Arsino. Caesar wins this war, Arsinoe is captured and subsequently runs from Egypt to Rome. As a result, the uprising dies and Ptolemy, and Potin, and Achille.
  • After the victory, Caesar makes Cleopatra get married to her second brother, 16-year-old Ptolemy - non-worker. Cleopatra agrees, but actually reigns in Egypt alone, relying on Rome. At the same time, the love relationship of the 52-bit Caesar and Cleopatra from the secret becomes well-known.
  • A few months later, Cleopatra and Caesar are born a son who receives the name Ptolemy Caesarion. Already having a family Caesar in Rome seeks the opportunity to marry also in Cleopatra, making Caesarion with his heir.
  • 46 BC - Cleopatra along with her husband, Caesarion and retinue moves to Rome and settled on one of the villas belonging to Caesar. It is officially announced "another and ally of the Roman people."
  • 44 BC. Era - Julius Caesar killed. Perhaps one of the reasons for his death was a suspicion in the desire to marry Cleopatra, to establish a monarchy in Rome and subjugate Rome Egypt. After the death of Caesar Cleopatra returns to Egypt.
  • 43 BC Eye - Money Cleopatra Ptolemy XIV dies. There is a version that he was poisoned by order of his wife. Cleopatra announces the king and the pharaoh of Egypt, as well as his co-camp of the son - Ptolemy Caesarion philopato and a philometer (the latest names mean "loving father" and "loving mother").
  • After the murder of Caesar in Rome, civil war begins. Cleopatra supports the followers of his beloved - the triumvirate Mark Anthony, Octavian and Lepida. She sends them to help the Egyptian warships, but this fleet was intercepted and moved to the side of opponents. The second fleet directed by Cleopater in support of the triumvirata sank.
  • 42 BC. Era - Triumvirate wins victory. The newly new ruler of the eastern part of Rome Mark Anthony causes Cleopatra to himself for giving an explanation about the support of the enemy. Anthony also intends to make Egypt by the dependent province of Rome.
  • 41 years BC - Meeting Anthony and Cleopatra take place in the city of Tars in Kilicia. Cleopatra deliberately several months pulls out this meeting. She is in Tars in Aphrodite's dress, on a great cradled ship. Anthony was adopted on Cleopatra vessel, and she performed as a hostess. After the meeting, Cleopatra gave in honor of Anthony a luxury feast. As a result, Anthony without memory falls in love with Cleopatra, and Egypt remains an independent state.
  • The same year - the hands of Anthony Cleopatra get rid of their enemies in Rome. By order of Anthony executed her sister Arsinoe and several other rebels. Soon Cleopatra and Anthony leaving to Egypt.
  • 40 BC, Anthony returns to Rome. In the same year, Cleopatra gives him twins, who are called Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selena.
  • 39 BC - on one of Egypt's borders, the uprising against Cleopatra rises. Her troops suppress this rebellion.
  • 37 BC - at the request of Anthony Cleopatra goes to Laodice to provide food to his army. An indispensable condition for this trip was the promise of Anthony to marry Cleopatra. 36 BC - Anthony fulfills his promise and marries Cleopatra. They are born another son called Ptolem.
  • 34 BC - Anthony conducts a successful military campaign in Armenia. Triumph is celebrated in Alexandria, where the winner gives Cleopatra and all her children with new Roman territories.
  • 32 BC - Rome is outraged by the distribution of the Egyptians of Roman lands. Anthony at this time fighting in the mussels (he dreamed of implementing Alexander Macedonian plan and become the rule of lands from India to the Atlantic Ocean). Cleopatra comes to Anthony, she is ready to provide him and military support. Because of this, many allies are turned away from the latter - the Egyptian queen did not use the special respect for the Romans.
  • Start 31 years BC - Anthony is divorced with His wife Octavia. He proclaims Cleopatra "Queen Kings" and writes a testament, which announces Cleopatra and his children from her with his heirs. The same year - the testament of Anthony falls into the hands of his main opponent in Rome Octavian (his brother of the former wife Anthony Octavia). Octavian will immediately make the testament and finally adjusts the Romans against Anthony. Cleopatre is declared war.
  • On September 2, 31, BC - the decisive battle of the war took place at the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Cape of Shares. The fleet Cleopatra and Anthony suffers defeat. Anthony returns to his legions, and Cleopatra - to Alexandria to equip new troops.
  • Octavian is negotiating with Cleopatra. She offers to abandon the Egyptian throne in favor of his son Caesarion. Octavian against. He demands that Cleopatra killed Anthony - only then he can guarantee her life.
  • Anthony loses the battle of Alexandria. He comes to the Palace of Cleopatra, but according to her order, he was reported that Cleopatra died - the queen hoped that he heard this news, Anthony will end with him. The Tsarina herself was hidden in his own tomb. In general, its calculation was justified, but the attempt of suicide Anthony ended with his heavy wound, and he died only after some time in his hands from his beloved.
  • After the death of Anthony Cleopatra tries to lean himself with hunger, but Octavian threatens to kill her children, and Cleopatra is forced to continue to live. August 30 BC - Cleopatra learns that she and her children would "decorate" the triumph of Octavian in Rome. This meant that in the triumphal procession they will be held as prisoners.
  • August 31, 30 BC - Cleopatra is solved for suicide. She writes octavian a letter in which he asks to bury her next to Anthony. After receiving the letter, Octavian immediately sends the guard into the rest of Cleopatra, but late - she and the two servants are already dead. On the body of Cleopatra discovered two wounds from the bite of the snake, but there was no snake in the room. For the most common version, the snake Cleopatre brought maids in the basket with figs. Mummy Cleopatra is now stored in London, in the British Museum.

In one of its research, American Culture Theorist Harold Bloom noted that the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra VII is the first celebrity in the world. It will not be difficult for him to agree, because not a single other woman managed to speak more brightly on the historical scene. Even famous Nefertiti flashes on her background. With all this, the image of Cleopatra is enveloped with fog fog, and sometimes dirty slander. What do historians talk about this woman more than 2,000 years after her death?

Bust Cleopatra VII

The girl who was destined to become the last queen of Egypt, was born in Alexandria in 69 BC. She became another representative of the famous dynasty, founded by Alexander the Macedonian Ptolem, who subsequently seen Egypt. The ancestors of Cleopatra ruled Egypt for about three centuries, having time to glorify incest and bloody straightening inside the family during this time.

The father of the queen was Ptolemy XII Avlet ("Fleutist"), and the mother of Cleopatra v Trapten. Both were Ptolemy, but so far scientists are difficult to accurately determine the degree of their kinship. There is also a hypothesis, according to which Cleopatra was a daughter of one of the concubines Ptolemy XII.

Whatever it was, the birth of Cleopatra did not become something noticeable. She became the third daughter in the family, where the Son had long been waiting. She was given by the traditional name for the dynasty of the Ptolemyev (the meaning of the name - "Father's glory"), not assuming that she would stand out among the strings of her thesis.

Nevertheless, the future government of Egypt began to allocate among others from childhood. The first thing that distinguished it from other descendants Ptolemy XII is a thrust for knowledge. Scientists suggest that Cleopatra managed to master such languages \u200b\u200bas Greek, Arabic, Persian, Jewish, Abyssinian, Parfyansky and, of course, Latin.

It is worth noting that Alexandria, where the princess crossed, was the intellectual capital of the then world. Despite the Greek origin, the princess with trepidation belonged to the history and culture of Egypt. Before it, none of the Ptolemaev bothered to learn Egyptian language.

The worldview of Cleopatra influenced not only the books, but cruel spotted in their own family: the overthrow of Ptolemy Xii daughter Berenic and the subsequent killing of Brenika by Father. Later and she will not disperse any means on the way to power.

images on coins

Beginning of reign

The kingdom of Cleopatra received the father of his father, not in vain she was considered his favorite. According to the testation of Ptolemy XII, the guarantor of the Egyptian state became Rome. Also in the document it was indicated that a 18-year-old girl should become his wife's wife, 10-year-old Ptolemy XIII, and together with him to rule the country. Tsarist Chet dates back to the throne in 51 BC.

But the actual rulers of Egypt do not become Cleopatra and Ptolemy, and the so-called "Alexandrian Trio", in which the royal dignitaries of Theodot, Achilles and Potin were included. They manage to customize the younger brother Cleopatra against it. The queen is accused of desire to rule alone that was not far from the truth. As a result, she decides on time to run to Syria. Here she collects an army that breaks the camp from the Egyptian border. He is ready to confront the army of Ptolemy XIII.

Caesar Bust from the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.

Julius Caesar and Cleopatra

Introducing Cleopatra and Caesar preceded the treacherous murder of the Roman commander of Gneja Pompei, adjusted by Egyptian dignitaries. Thus, they hoped to deserve the location of Caesar, but the Great Communion did not appreciate the "service". When Pompei's head presented him, he turned away and cried.

At this time, Cleopatra received detailed information about everything that happened in Alexandria. Arriving in Egypt for debts Caesar, said he was ready to become an arbiter in a dispute between royal spouses. Soon he calls Cleopatra to himself. The Queen of Egypt appears in front of it suddenly and what is important effect. According to one version, she arrived at Caesar, wrapped in the carpet, on the other - she secretly carried her in a bag for bed. The novel between the 53-year-old Roman consul and the 21-year-old queen flashes the same night.

What was she fascinated Caesar? It is hardly the main question of her biography. Ordinary female charms here was clearly not enough. Most likely, he appreciated her mind, indifference, courage and, as antique authors, who charging the voice of the Eastern Government. In addition, in her face he could expect to get a reliable Egyptian puppet. The next morning after acquaintance with Cleopater Caesar declares that the sister and brother must rule together.

In response, Egyptian dignitaries proclaim the younger daughter Ptolemy Xii Arsino. The war begins in which Caesar wins, Arsinoe is in captivity, and Ptolemy XIII dies. After that, the Great Roman organizes the wedding of Cleopatra with its second brother, 16-year-old Ptolem-non-worker. As a result, with the help of Rome Cleopatra becomes the actual sole government of Egypt. In 47 BC Caesar's son and Cleopatra - Ptolemy Caesarion. Caesar leaves Egypt, but soon it causes Cleopatra to himself.

In Rome, the Egyptian queen was highlighted by Villa Caesar. Here she spends about two years. I even walked the rumor that Caesar wanted to make Egyptian his second wife. The worship of the great commander in front of this woman was disturbed by Roman to know and became another argument in the use of its liquidation. Caesar's murder forced Cleopatra to flee from Rome.

Bust, presumably depicting Mark Anthony

Cleopatra and Mark Anthony

Soon after the death of Caesar, the co-citizen of Cleopatra Ptolemy XIV dies. We had a rumor that he would be poisoned by order of the sister, which thus got rid of the future opponent. In the Meanwhile, Mark Anthony took one of the prominent positions in Meanwhile, Caesar's graduate. Thilly thinking, he decided to claim Cleopatra money for a new military campaign.

The fateful meeting of Anthony and Cleopatra occur in 41 BC. In the city of Tars on board a magnificently cleaned ship of the queen. The Egyptian government appears before in love and vain anthony in the image of the goddess Aphrodite. She invites Romans for a luxurious feast. As a result, Anthony selflessly falls in love with the queen. In the same year, it is getting rid of the sister of Arsinoe, located in Rome.

In an effort to be with Cleopatra, Anthony practically moves from Rome to the capital of Egypt. True, here it is mainly indulcory and entertainment. Soon the lovers are born children, Gemini Alexander and Cleopatra. In 36 BC Anthony from the beloved Cleopatra turns into her husband. Wedding occurs, despite the fact that Anthony has already had a legitimate wife. In Rome, this union begins to consider as a threat to the empire, especially after Mark Anthony gifts its children from Cleopatra Roman territories.

The behavior of Anthony leads to the fact that Octavian proclaims the "war against the Egyptian Queen." The culmination of this confrontation becomes the battle of the excise, which occurred in 31 BC Its result becomes a full defeat of the fleet of Anthony and Cleopatra. Modern historians believe that the victory in this battle led Rome to world domination.


In 30 BC Octavian's troops entered Alexandria. At this time, Cleopatra, together with trusted servants, locked in his own tomb. By mistake, or deliberately Anthony received a false news about the suicide beloved, after which rushed on the sword. He died in his hands with Cleopatra.

After the death of Kleopatra's husband, he joins negotiations with the messenger of Octavian. Perhaps she still retained the weak hope to keep the kingdom. Plutarch notes that the Roman officer in love in the queen warned her that Octavian wants to hold it in chains during his triumph in Rome.

To avoid public humiliation, the Egyptian Queen is solved for suicide. Before that, she transmits an octavian letter asking her to bury her along with Anthony. Soon the government find dead. Cleopatra died on August 12, 30 BC In the royal dress, rest on the golden bed.

One of the possible causes of the death of the queen is called snake bite, on another version it was a pre-harvested poison. The location of the tomb of Cleopatra and its mummy has not yet been detected. After the death of Cleopatra VII Egypt turned into the Roman province.

Appearancethe last Queen of Egypt. This woman is customary to associate with the image of the fatal beauty. But even by the standards of his time, she looked quite ordinary. Plutarch wrote that it is difficult to call "incomparable." According to him, she more amazed charm and persuasive speech.

Portraits on coins depict a woman with big eyes, protruding chin and a long nose with a hubble. The growth of the queen was no more than 152 cm, while it was continued and roasting.

Underwater Palace Cleopatra. The alleged palace is located off the coast of Alexandria. The ruins of this ancient building were flooded as a result of an earthquake that occurred and a half thousand years ago. Now it is at a depth of 50 m. The possibility of creating the underwater museum on its territory is discussed.

Fate children. Cleopatra had four children. Son Caesarion from Julia Caesar and three children from Mark Anthony - Gemini Cleopatra and Alexander, as well as the son of Ptolemy. The shortest was the history of the life of the eldest son of the queen. He was killed by the orders of Octavian, and the twins and Ptolemy were given to the upbringing of Octavia - the sister of Octavian, the former wife of Mark Anthony. The only daughter of Cleopatra in the consequence was married to Yubu II, the ruler of Mauritania.

Cleopatra VII (69 - 30 Gg. BC) - the last Queen of Egypt, the most famous woman of the ancient era.
Cleopatra was born on November 2, 69 BC. e. It is one of the three (famous) subsidies of Tsar Ptolemy Xii Aveta from the Macedonian Dynasty of Ptolemyev, founded by Ptolem I - the commander of Alexander Macedonsky.

Significant images of the klepathra are not preserved. There are several antique busts of Cleopatra, Algerian Bust Klepathra is considered the most reliable, which is now located in the Berlin Museum of Antiquity, created after her death on the occasion of the wedding of the daughter of Cleopatra. Some scientists believe that this is a bust of Cleopatra himself in her last years, others believe that the bust is depicted not Cleopatra, but her daughter. The images of Cleopatra on coins cast into its reign are preserved, but it is difficult to say how much they reflect its actual appearance.
The ancient Greek historian of Plutarch, who saw the portrait of Cleopatra, in the biography of Mark Anthony describes the exterior of Cleopatra so: "The beauty of this woman was not something that calls in incomparable and striking at first sight, but her appeal was distinguished by irresistible charm, and therefore her appearance, combined with rare persuasiveness Speeches, with a huge charm, who allocated in each word, in every move, looked into the soul. The very sounds of her votes were caressed and pleased the hearing, and the language was exactly a multi-line tool, easily tuned to any way, - on any adverb, so that only She spoke with very few barbarians through a translator, and most often herself talked with strangers - Ethiopses, troglodites, Jews, Arabs, Syrians, mussels, Parfyans ... They say that she studied many languages, while the kings who ruled to her did not know Even Egyptian, and some forgot and Macedonian. "

Roman historian Sext Aureli Victor, negatively tuned to Cleopatra, writes about her like this: "She was so depraved, which was often prostrated, and possessed such beauty that many men paid their death for possession of it for one night." However, to Roman sources describing Cleopatra, should not be treated with trust, because Cleopatra in the eyes of the Romans was an enemy, and the antique historiography of Cleopatra was inspired by the winner of Cleopatra, the Emperor Octavian August, who did not want her idealization at all.

Testament Ptolemy XII, who died in March 51 BC. er, passed the throne of Cleopatre and her younger brother Ptolemy Xiii, who was then about 9 years old, and with which she was combined with a formal marriage, since, according to Ptolemyev's custom, a woman could not reign on his own. Cleopatra first the rules alone, removing the young brother, but then the latter also won revenge, relying on the eunuha Potina (formerly someone like the head of government) and the commander of Achilla.
At this time, civil war between Caesar and Pompey was followed in the Roman Republic. A defeated Pompey fled to Egypt, hoping to find support, but was killed by approximate Ptolemy, who hoped to decline the favorance of Caesar. However, Caesar, arriving in Egypt, was angry with violence over the pompey. Caesar decides to bring order in Egypt, torn apart by the mealsube between Cleopatra and her brother. Plutarchs in the biography of Caesar describes the first meeting of Caesar and Cleopatra:
"Cleopatra, taking with him only one of the friends, Apollodor Sicilian, sat in a small boat and at the occurrence of darkness near the royal palace. Since otherwise it was difficult to stay unnoticed, then she climbed into the bag for bed and stretched out in it in full length. Apollodor rided the bag with a belt and made it across the yard to Caesar. They say that this trick of Cleopatra appeared to Caesar Brewy and captured him. Finally conquered by Cleopatra vespery and her beauty, he reconciled her with the king so that they reign together. "

A rebellion began against Caesar in Egypt, which Caesar managed to suppress. King Ptolemy died. Cleopatra, formally combined with another XIV Ptolem, actually became the undisputed government of Egypt under the Roman protectorate, the guarantee of which were left in Egypt three legions.
Cleopatra gave birth from Caesar Son, who was called Caesarion. In the summer of 46 BC. Caesar causes Cleopatra to Rome (formally - for the conclusion of the Union between Rome and Egypt). Cleopatra was highlighted by Villa Caesar in his gardens on the shore of the tiber. Even a rumor that Caesar is going to take Cleopatra his second wife and transfer the capital to Alexandria. Caesar himself ordered to place the gold-plated statue of Cleopatra at the Altar Venus of the Prattel (Venus as the mythical ancestor of the genus Yuliyev, to which he belonged). However, Caesar did not decide to officially recognize Cesarion with his son.
Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy on March 15 44 BC. e. A month later, in mid-April, Cleopatra left Rome and arrived in Alexandria in July. Soon after, a 14-year-old Ptolemy XIV died. According to Joseph Flavia, he was poisoned by his sister: the birth of the son gave the Cleopatre of the formal co-guide. In this situation, an adult brother was completely overheated.
The civil war between the kings of Caesar, Cassie and Bruta on the one hand, began in Rome, and on the other hand, his heirs Anthony and Octavian. Anthony and Octavian won. In the division of the Roman world, produced after the defeat of the Republicans, the East got an anthony. Anthony, planning war with Parfyans, arrives in Egypt to enlist the help of Egypt. Cleopatre at the time of their meeting was 29 years old, Anthony - 40. For a meeting with Anthony, Queen arrived, according to Plutarch "on the Floor with the fired firing, purple sails and silver-fledged oars, which moved under the mouth of the flute, slim
fucked with a whistle of swirls and the bumping of Kyfar. The Queen rested under the golden of the Seni in the treatment of Aphrodites, what the painters depict her painters, and on both sides of the bed, boys stood with Opakhala - as if Erota in the paintings. Similarly, the most beautiful slaves were disguised with nonreides and Harita and stood who had fodder fun who had ropes. Warranty incense was sealed from countless smokers and spread along the shores. "Anthony was completely captive by Cleopatre. Their novel lasted over 10 years before their death. Cleopatra had three children from Anthony.

By 32 BC The relations between the former allies - Anthony and Octavian - finally turned from friendly to hostile. Anthony, enthusiastic Cleopatre and spawned with his official wife Octavia (Oktavian's sister), distributed to children from Cleopatra Roman lands, began to look in the eyes of the Romans. In the battle of the cash system on September 2, 31 BC. e. The fleet of Anthony and Cleopatra lost, the defeated returned to Egypt and tried to flee into India, but when trying to drag the ships with the wolf through the Suez shelter, they burned the Arabs. From the escape plan I had to refuse.
When Oktavian reached Egypt, Anthony committed suicide with him, rushing on the sword. Cleopatra tried to seduce Octaviana or at least negotiate with him, but the spells of the 39-year-old queen this time were powerless. Octavian wanted to take away Cleopatra as a prisoner in Rome to participate in his triumph, but Cleopatra committed suicide. According to the most common version, Cleopatra died of snake bite, but they did not find the snake in the room. On another, more believable version, Cleopatra poisoned poison. In favor of this version, the quick death of Cleopatra says, the fact that she has been tested shortly before death on prisoners, and finally, the fact that together with Cleopatre found two dead maids (it is doubtful that one snake killed three people). Octavian unsuccessfully tried to revive Cleopatra with the help of psyche, an exotic tribe, who sacked to suck the poison was harmless to himself.

The image of Cleopatra is many times embodied in cinema. The role of Cleopatra's role is the Around March 23, Elizabeth Taylor left from us. The film "Cleopatra" with Elizabeth Taylor in the lead role came out on the screens in 1963.

The predecessors of Elizabeth Taylov performed by the role of Cleopatra were no less well-known actresses - Vivien Lee (film "Caesar and Cleopatra", 1945) and Sophie Loren (film "Two nights with Cleopatre", 1953).

From the modern embodiments of Cleopatra in the cinema, such as Monica Belucci in the film "Asterix and Obelix: The Mission" Cleopatra ".

Cream. 40 ml of aloe juice mix with 40 ml of distilled water, 20 ml of pink water or infusion of rose petals and 1 teaspoon of honey. Put a mixture on a water bath and gradually introduce 100 g of pork fat. Finished cream shock into jars, clog and store and store in the refrigerator. Apply a thin layer once a day.

Milk bath The most important beauty recipe Cleopatra, of course, the famous dairy bath. To make a milk bath Cleopatra, dissolve a small cup of honey in 1 liter of hot (but not boiled) milk and pour the mixture into the bath. The temperature of the bath should be like body temperature, that is, 36-37 ° C, take a bath for 10-15 minutes. Modern followers of beauty Cleopatra sometimes offer to replace fresh milk on dry, at the rate of 1-2 kg on the bath.

Speaking about the beauty of Cleopatra, we note that the effect of the Cleopatra bath has strengthened the scrub. 300 g washed with a raster sea salt with a half cup of thick cream and rubbed the body of the queen. I rubbed the bath or after - opinions diverge, but, as practice shows, and so well, but it is better to use a scrub to a bath: it will clean the skin, and milk with honey will bring a greater effect for skin beauty.

Aromatherapy What do you think Cleopatra chose its milk and honey at the heart of his beauty recipes? The smell is another component of her female attractiveness. The smell of honey in deep esoteric beliefs personifies with the smell of nature, it is "sweet" from nature, and a child smells like milk, youth, youth. Therefore, milk and honey, if you look into the philosophy of faith, mean a combination of natural sweetness and youth, literally "young tasty woman." Not by chance and Caesar, and Mark Anthony could not withstand the charms such a deeply subconscious natural beauty of Cleopatra.

In addition to these smells, Cleopatra loved Ladan and Mirra: mysterious and attractive, they simultaneously reassured her strong, but often unrestrained and fast on male massacre.

Inner washing According to legends, the queen twice a month was conducted "internal washing". For this, it mixed in equal proportions of lemon juice, water and olive oil. This mixture you need to drink on an empty stomach, small sips. Then it is necessary to make 15-20 exercises in the abdominal press - the stomach is drawn to the spine, it is delayed for a few seconds in this position, and only then the muscles relax. This is nothing more than cleaning the liver and intestines. Very useful and common procedure and so on.

Water bioenergy method Our body is almost 80 percent consists of water. And from its fine structure will depend on the purity of our biofield, the condition of the chakras, the color of the aura and the general condition of the body. Cleopatra was well aware in matters of energy capabilities of the "special" water.

Making silver water Pour into the clay vessel with tama water. (You can take ice cubes from the refrigerator and give them to melting). Tales water - neutral, all information is broken. Lower the silver object into the water. For example, a ring, a spoon or brooch. And put at the night at the window. It is advisable to do this in the full moon so that the light of the moon falls on the vessel with water. And even more effect is achieved if the night thunderstorm happens. Such water will have a wonderful energy that can erase negative and heal wounds.

Making golden water Pour into the clay vessel with melting water, lower the gold ring, chain or other object in it. It is desirable that the gold sample is as high as possible. The vessel should be put by the window on a sunny day. The rays of the daylight should illuminate water. She charges with a lively energy capable of creating miracles with the body.

Store water in closed bottles in the refrigerator. Use so. Initially drink seven sips of silver water, and in a few minutes - seven sips of golden water. It is also useful to wipe the face and body first silver, and then golden water. Silver water will remove negative energy, "smooth out" the foci of tension in the body will remove stress, destroy the bad bacteria, "borders" energy samples. And the Golden Water, in turn, will fill the entire body with healing force, rejuvenates it, harmonizes, give cheerfulness and charm.

Tsarina Cleopatra VII Philopato - the last government of Hellenistic Egypt.

Beloved to the Ptolemyev dynasty and lived in 69 to 30 years BC.

Cleopatra is considered the last Egyptian pharaoh, although it is not entirely correct. He became famous for the queen with his beauty, which was considered unearthly.

According to the legends spread by the Greek and Roman authors, it was so beautiful that many men agreed to give life in just one night with her. Known dramatic love of Cleopatra and Roman commander Mark Anthony and Julia Caesar. From both she had children.

However, the unearthly beauty of Cleopatra did not save Egypt from the loss of independence. The country was conquered by Rome. Late antique authors describe Cleopatra most often in a negative key.

Apparently, the ancient authors contacted the image of the queen in order to Octaviana, the conqueror of Egypt, who considered it a dangerous opponent of Rome, besides, "spoiled" Mark Anthony. Perhaps Octaviana bit the pride of the queen, who committed suicide to not become his prisoner.


Cleopatra (69 - 30G BC) was the daughter of Ptolemy XII and the sister of Ptolemyev XIII and XIV. Most likely, she was born from the concubine, since only Krenika was the legitimate daughter of Ptolemy. The first time Cleopatra reigned with brothers as co-guards, but soon gained the full power of power, having got rid of the second co-brother - Ptolemy XIV.

There are very few childhood and youth of the queen. It is known that in 58 - 55 years in Egypt, a turmoil occurred, as a result of which her father was overthrown and expelled from the country. The new government was Brenike. But for a while - the Father, relying on the aid of the Romans, returned and again took the throne.

He unfolded large-scale repressions against his enemies, killingly, including his own daughter Brenike. These dramatic events certainly influenced the young Cleopatra, taking it to be strong, powerful and ruthless. Egypt remained an independent country, but from now on there existed under the Roman protectorate.

Unusual is the fact that Cleopatra had a good education. At that time, the Greeks even in royal families did not care about the upbringing and education of women. In addition to this, the queen had a natural mind and intelligence and could properly dispose of the obtained formation.

Egyptian queen Cleopatra photo

In addition to the native Greek, she owned many languages \u200b\u200b- Egyptian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Ethiopian, Berber, Persian and Latin. There are many images of the queen, but almost all of them idealize its appearance. Nevertheless, there are several statues and portraits on coins, which show its clearly realistic features - wavy hair, big eyes, protruding chin and nose with a porridge; All these features were hereditary in the Ptolemyev family.

Meeting with Caesar.

When the father died, Cleopatra had to join the throne. However, by custom, adopted by Ptolemyev, a woman could not reign on his own. Therefore, she had to be combined with a formal marriage with his brother Ptolem Xiii, who was only nine years old. Initially, a completely adult girl rules herself, however the boy grew quickly and, leaning on the court, achieved in matters of the authority of the championship.

Then Cleopatra fled to Syria and gathered the army there. She moved to Egypt, but on the border she was waiting for her brother with his army. The situation has become critical, but "something" happened. In Egypt arrived Gney Pompeij - the Great Roman Senator. He was hiding from Caesar who captured all the power in Rome. Ptolemy ordered to kill the senator, which was fulfilled. So he hoped to deserve the location of the Roman dictator.

However, he did differently. He ordered his political opponent to solemnly buried, and with Ptolemy XIII demanded to return the debts accumulated by his father. In the account of this, he could conquer Egypt, but did not do this and decided to rely on Cleopatra, which would have become a puppet.

Caesar caused Cleopatra to himself in Alexandria. It was not easy to screaming there - brother's troops stood in front of the city. She helped her lover Apollodor, who secretly spent her in the boat, and then carried to the palace - but not in the carpet, as it is considered, but in the bag for bed. The dictator immediately captured a beautiful queen. Soon they entered into an actual marriage, despite the fact that Formally Cleopatra was married to the second young brother.

Ptolemy, who counted that he was betrayed, raised the uprising, but it was suppressed by Caesar. After the victory over the rebels, Caesar and Cleopatra staged lush festivals in the Egyptian capital.

Under the patronage of Caesar

Caesar highlighted his favorite rich villa in Rome, where she took noble Romans. Her gold-plated statue he ordered to establish in the temple of Venus. However, the republicans gardens did not like the republicans, and this accelerated the death of the dictator.

Meeting with Mark Anthony

After the murder of Caesar Cleopatra was forced to taper between supporters of the murdered and his opponents. More precisely, she decided to cooperate with the killers of his patron, as they were very strong in politically and controlled extensive possessions.

Sepion, Syrian governor Cleopatra, helped her order Cassia, sent him money and fleet. The further rule of the queen was accompanied by disasters within the country:

  • Long crop and threat of hunger;
  • The desires of the Legions remaining in Egypt;
  • Above Egypt also hung a threat, emanating from Anthony - Roman commander and governor in Kilicia.

Anthony was preparing for a large military campaign. To get more money for this, he decided to blame Cleopatra in collaboration with Bruta and Cassie. To this end, he called Queen to himself. However, she went to the trick. Knowing Anthony's love to exterior brilliance, vanity and luxury craving, she has a luxurious ship, decorated with gold, silver and other jewels, and went on it to him.

She herself was in the Aphrodite dress, and managed the girl in the costumes of the nymph. Arriving to the Anthony, she called him on the ship, where she arranged a feast. Mark Anthony captured such an appeal and Cleopater itself. She also said that the Serapion helped Cassia without her knowledge, and she herself prepared another fleet - for Caesarians, but he could not be sent because of the unfavorable wind.

Instead of Kara, which Anthony intended to wrap on Cleopatra, he fell in love with her. Their novel and joint life lasted ten years. However, it is difficult to say what the role of political calculation was in this relationship; It is known that with the help of Anthony, the Queen was able to implement his plans, and he could contain an army with the help of Egyptian money.


When Egypt occupied the troops A, Cleopatra tried to resist, but it did not help. Roman troops reached the capital. Then the queen hid in his tomb. But Octavian reported that she committed suicide. Then he rushed to the sword in despair and died.

Cleopatra was saddened and also wanted to stick the dagger to himself, but then he changed his mind and decided to surrender Octavian - in the hope that he will charm the conqueror again. However, the beauty of Cleopatra, over the years weakened somewhat, not touched it. Octavian conquered Egypt and prepared to celebrate the triumph.

Cleopatra attracted the patient and slightly. The servant at her request was secretly carried in her poison poison (according to another version - a poisonous snake). After some time, the queen died.