How to draw Medusa Gorgon in anime style. All the most interesting about Dew

How to draw Medusa Gorgon in anime style. All the most interesting about Dew
How to draw Medusa Gorgon in anime style. All the most interesting about Dew

How to draw a jellyfish (and coloring "Medusa").

This is another lesson from the cycle "Draw Underwater World". We just have not settled in our underwater kingdom. And there is ... But ... Let me! - And where are the jellyfish? Urgently fill this omission!

It immediateses it immediately it turns out that since I never happened to the sea, I didn't see the meduse, I didn't see the idea of \u200b\u200bthem the vague ... approximately such that these are some vague creatures.

And if more specifically? We look at Wikipedia. It turns out that actually jellyfish is polyps, live at the bottom. But in order to reproduce, they buds small larvae (strobils), they grow in those translucent umbrellas that pegs in the waves.

What else it turned out - the jellyfish are arranged somewhat similar to the octopus: the mouth is at the middle, he is surrounded by tentacles.

From above the dome, inside of which the digestive system, nerves and other organs. Food Jellyfish by Plankton. And they themselves are part of the plankton, so planktonoid fish is very much eating jellyfish. Rather, not very - the jellyfish has cutting cells on the tentacles, and they can sensitively stive. Medusa consist almost entirely of water. They have a jelly-like body, but still not enough to proceed through the fingers. They can swim picking water into the dome and squeezing it - well, I say: the recognizable octopus style. However, in the inhabitants of the underwater world, such a jet method of movement is widespread.

I got acquainted with the idea of \u200b\u200bjellyfish, and now we will draw. On the Internet there are many different photos, I chose two.

Here is a medusa with a wide dome, under it a plurality of eye blades and long tentacles. It is extremely similar to an umbrella and mushroom.

Draw - lesson 1

In general, the complexity will be to construct a symmetric dome. To start a pencil, we draw the axis of symmetry and dance from it. How to build a symmetrical figure we already told -

Now draw long thin tentacles - and here you are the first coloring of the jellyfish:

Drawn jellyfish for beauty a little color.

Figure Medusa - 2

And here is one more - generally poured champignon. This is easier to draw, but we will not relax - for the symmetricalness of the receiving jellyfish, watched vigilantly!

So, they got the second drawing-coloring "Medusa".

I learned to draw Medusa (and you with me together). Perhaps, in difficulty, this phased lesson comes up and first-graders are more complicated, and the preparatory group is the second jellyfish.

And for five years, so be, I am partable - I paint a simple coloring of the jellyfish :

The daughter of the sea gods Forky and Keto, the granddaughter of the goddess of the earth of gay and the sea deity Ponta Sea Beauty of Medusa captured his beauty of Poseidon. Their romantic meeting took place in the temple of Athens. It was outraged by the Goddess of War and in St. Athena, he turned the young beauty in the monster, from whose look all the living turns into a stone. Disfigured jellyfish, hiding, moved to the Lost Island.

Years passed, but Athena did not forgive Medusa. When Perseus, the son of Danai and Zeus promised to get the head of the jellyfish, Athena gave him a brilliant as a shield mirror, so that the young man looked not on the jellyfish, but on her reflection. In turn, Hermes provided Perseus Sickle to be declining the jellyfish. Perseus got everything necessary to cope with jellyfish, and went to hyperborem. Here, among petsengers and animals, Perseus found a sleeping gorgon and beheaded it. From blood flows suddenly, Pegasus and Kharikhors appeared - kids jellyfish and poseidon.

Two photos of Perseus sculptures with a born Gorgon's head.

Perseus hid his head in the bag, dressed the invisibility schup and went to the south. On the spot where the Perseus flew, corals were formed from the blood drops of Gorgona to the sea, and snakes were born on Earth from blood droplets.

Athena collected in one vessel destroying, in the other - the lifeless drops of the blood of the jellyfish and gave them to the healer asclepius, who revived or killed the birthrows of people with blood. Therefore, the asclepia is depicted with the staff, acculking the snake born from the blood of jellyfish.

Even after death, the Gorgon's head did not lose the ability to turn everything into stone. When Atlant did not give the interest of the proper hospitality, he turned him into the mountain, showing the Atlant a severed head. Later, Athena attached the head of the mountainons to his shield and brought horror on the enemies, turning them with the head into the stone.

Battle of Gods - Medusa

From this lesson you will learn how to draw Dewa. Dewz Gorgona from the series of dolls of the Monsters School according to the legend - the son of Medusa Gorgon, turning everything alive in the stone alone with his eyes. Hairstyle Dolls - Neon - Green snakes, the style is necessarily complemented by sunglasses and rollers.

How to draw Dewys Gorgon in stages

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All the most interesting about Dew

Although Duus and the son of the jellyfish, his abilities are not as terrible, like an ominous mommy. The guy's glance turns into a stone just a day, but even it can interfere with finding good friends. That is why sunglasses have become an integral attribute of the character image.

Dew's girlfriend - Cleo de Neil makes some unthinkable actions, but the guy is always patient. In the school of monsters they love him, because he was all the time the captain of the Basketball team.

On the left shoulder at Dewa scales of the same bright green color, as well as the eyes, therefore it is not surprising that the shades of the green most often can be found in his clothes. Drawing Dewa Gorgon and picking up colors for coloring, do not forget about this feature of the guy.