A small story about Mozart. Biography Mozarta

A small story about Mozart. Biography Mozarta
A small story about Mozart. Biography Mozarta

P. I. Tchaikovsky in one of his diaries admitted that no one managed to make him tremble from delight and cry, so much to feel his proximity to the ideal, as Mozart succeeded. Only thanks to his works, he understood

Wolfgang Mozart. Biography: Childhood

The Great Composer does not owe his mother's gift, Maria Anna. But Leopold Mozart - Father was a teacher, violinist and an organist. From the seven children in this family survived only the older sister of Wolfgang and he himself. At first, the father was engaged in a play with a daughter, showing musical talent. The boy was always sitting next to and entertained what he picked up melodies. Father noticed it. And in the game form he began to engage and son. At the age of five, the boy was already free to compose the play, and six performed very complex works. Leopold was not against the music, but he wanted the life of the Son to be more secured and interesting than him. He decided to go with children in a tour with performances.

Mozart Biography Briefly: Concert Journey

At first they visited Vienna, Munich, then other European cities. After the triumphal performances in London, during the year they received an invitation to Holland. The public hit the virtuosity of the game of the boy on the clasesis, organ and violin. Concerts lasted from four to five hours and, of course, were very tedious, especially since the Father continued the formation of the Son. In 1766, the famous family returned to Salzburg, but the rest was short. The musicians began to envy the boy and refer to 12-year-old genius as a real opponent. Father decided that only in Italy, his son's talent would be able to appreciate. This time they went together.

Mozart Biography Briefly: Stay in Italy

Concerts of already 14-year-old Wolfgang in the major cities of the country passed with amazing success. In Milan, he received an order for the Opera "Mithridate, King Pontiussky", which performed brilliantly. For the first time, the Bologna Academy elected such a young composer with his member. All operas, symphones and other works of Wolfgang, written during their stay in this country, indicate how deeply it is penetrating the peculiarities of Italian music. Father was confident that now the fate of his son will be arranged. But with all the success, it was not possible to find work in Italy. Local to know wary of the very identity of his talent.

Biography of Mozart Brief: Return to Salzburg

Hometown met travelers rather unlucky. The old graph died, and his son turned out to be a cruel, powerful person. He humiliated and oppressed Mozart. Without his knowledge, Wolfgang could not participate in concerts, was obliged to write only church music and small works for entertainment. When the young man was already 22 years old, he hardly received a vacation. And with his mother went to Paris, hoping that his talent would remember there. But this attempt did not give results. In addition, the mother of the composer died in the French capital, not ashamed. Mozart returned to Salzburg and spent two more painful years there. And this is at a time when in Munich with the triumph, his new Opera "Idomena, King Crete" was followed. Her success strengthened Wolfgang in the decision not to return to the dependent position. Archbishop did not sign his application for dismissal, but despite this, the composer went to Vienna. He lived in this city to his last days.

Mozart Biography Briefly: Life in Vienna

Shortly after moving Wolfgang married Konstanz Weber. To do this, he had to take away the girl from the house in August 1782, since neither his father nor her mother consent was given to marriage. At first, life in Vienna was hard. But the success of "abduction from Seryral" again opened the composer of the doors of the salons and palaces of the city nobility. At this time, he managed to get acquainted with many famous musicians, make communication. Next followed the opera "Wedding Figaro" and "Don Juan", which had variable success. Simultaneously with the "Magic Flute", Wolfgang composed on request of one graph and "Requiem". However, the last composer did not have time to add. It did, using drafts, Zyusmayer - a student of Mozart.

Amadeus Mozart. Biography: recent years

Wolfgang died on the reason unknown to this day in December 1791. Many musicians still support the legend that the composer poisoned Salieri. But there were no documents left, at least indirectly confirming this version. His orphaned family was so desired that he had no money for decent funeral. Mozart was buried in the general grave. Where it is he is buried and not installed.

The name of Mozart has long become synonymous with absolute musical genius: the Austrian composer went down in history thanks to the talent of an unprecedented scale and extremely dramatic fate.

In four years, he was already quite skillfully played on the key, in five began to compose music, and in seven years a miracle boy actively concert. In the mature age, his talent star did not leave the skyskle, which, however, did not save him from poverty and disease. But first things first.

Mozart Wunderkind

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, in a family of the Court Capella Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Mary. Seven children appeared at the pair, but only two survived - Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna (in the family just Nannerl). The girl was five years older, and it was her clause on the clasiesin that brother had an interest in music - the kid, who was not three, was glad to know the tool; After a year, Wolfgang Amadentially, wonderful for his age performed various musical works, and the violin took possession of almost independently.

Leopold Mozart quickly realized that Nannerl, and especially Wolfgang - very gifted children, and therefore they need to show the world, in order to consecite the life of children in art developed successfully. From an early age, Wolfgang and sister began to concert successfully, admiring the royal and princely courtyards of Europe with their talents. They applauded in Vienna, Munich, Paris, Milan, Bologna ...

But Maria Anna gradually moved to the background, because young Wolfgang not only virtuoso performed music, but also composed her. By 20 years, Mozart has already written a few operas, composed many symphony, ensembles, concerts, church hymns and other musical forms.

The formation of the genius of Mozart

It became quite early it became clear that Mozart was not just a very gifted musician, but a genius. Travel and permanent training from the best teachers made it a deep and extraordinary person, however, the older he became, the less the aristocrats who had previously adored an extraordinary child were interested. In 1769, Wolfgang received the position of the court accompanist Native Salzburg, but Archbishop Jeronim, the head of the church principality, constantly made him, limiting creative freedom. Finding another fate and inspiration Mozart went to Vienna. However, and there he did not find a "bread" place, although she gained something more - beloved, wife and faithful girlfriend, the Constance of Weber. This woman gave birth to a composer of six children and remained near in wealth and poverty.

In the 80s of the XVIII century, the composer actively teaches, his writings are much and often published, the works are very in demand. During these years, the legendary opera "Wedding Figaro" and "Don Juan", Symphony No. 39, 40 and 41. But if at the beginning of the 80s the composer's family can afford an expensive apartment and servant, then by the end of the decade of Mozart on the ears in He never received good posts, he did not receive fees from concerts, there are no major orders. Constance seriously ills, large sums go to her treatment - the family turns out to be completely on the mel.

Mozart writes a lot, one of his last operas - "Magic Flute" - very successful, but in the financial position of the composer it does not affect.

Death of Mozart in Poverty

At the age of 35, Mozart himself seriously falls: the musician is weak, his arms and legs scatter, the fainting is constantly happening to him. At this time, it works hard at the requiem, which does not have time to complete. The great composer leaves life hard and painfully, help him can not be the best doctors of that time. The funeral of genius pass more than modestly: Mozart was stubborn in one grave with five other poor. However, it was still not the "Nishchenskoye" burial that in his position could well happen.

After the death of her husband, the constancy with two children (four others died small) was in a distress: without a breadwinner and with numerous debts. In order to bring ends with the ends, it is forced to sell the manuscript of the Great Composer. After a few years, the widow re-married, and after the death of the second spouse he writes the biography of Mozart. True, researchers do not consider it reliable, as the Constance seems to be silent about unpleasant moments for her. The widow of the genius lived to a deep old age.

The younger son of Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart, Franz Ksaver Wolfgang Mozart, went in the footsteps of the Father, but, of course, could not even approach his success.

Portrait of 1819
Barbara Kraft

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Born on January 27, 1756. The homeland Amadeus Mozart is considered the city of Salzburg, and the whole family of Mozarts belonged to the genus of musicians. Full name - Johann Chrysito Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
In the life of Amadeu Talent, the musician was discovered in deep childhood. Mozzart's native father tried to train his game on various musical instruments, including the organ.
In 1762, all members of the Amadeus Mozart family migrate to Munich. There, being in Vienna, large-scale concerts of the Mozart family are played, namely the native sister of Mozart - Anna Mary. After a number of concerts, the family travels further, visiting such cities in which Mozart's musical works impress the listeners with their unsurpassed skill.
The debut publication of the works of Wolfgang Mozart is considered to be Paris publication.
In the subsequent period of life, namely 70-74 years, the Mozart on a permanent basis lives, creates and works in Italy. It was this country that became for Mozart of the fateful - there he is the first time he puts his symphones that enjoy a stunning success among the high public.
It is worth noting that in age of 17 years old, a diverse repertoire of the musician contained at least 40 large-scale works.
In the period of 75-80 The 18th century, the diligent and continuous creative activities of Amada replenishes the volume of its works by even additional variations of famous compositions. After Mozart holds the position of the court organist, which happened in 79, the works of Mozart, especially the opera, as well as symphonies, begin to include increasingly new and professional techniques.
Significantly on the creative activity of Amadeu Mozart influenced his personal life, namely, that his wife was the Constance of Weber. Romantic relations of those times were reflected in the Opera "Abduction from Seraral".
Some works of the Great Composer remained unacceptable. This is the case only because of the difficult financial situation of the family, because of which Mozart was more forced to devote all his free time with small part-time jobs to at least to survive.
The following years of creative activities of Mozart are struck by fruitfulness in tandem with skill. The works of Amadeu Wolfgang Mozart are put in big cities, his concerts simply do not stop.
In 89, Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart receives a very interesting proposal - to become at the head of the Berlin court chapel. But, for unknown reasons, Mozart does not accept this proposal, the even more aggravating the financial situation, introducing itself not only in poverty, but also in need.
However, having a strong and volitional character, Amadeus Mozart does not give up and continues to create and unsuccessfully. Operas of that time Mozart are given without much difficulty and fast enough, but despite this qualitatively, professionally and expressive.
Unfortunately, from the end of October 1791, the Great Creator of Music Amadeus Mozart became very painful, and as a consequence, he stopped to get out of bed at all. In a month, on December 5, 1791, the Great Musician died from fever. He was buried in Vienna, at the cemetery "Holy Mark".

According to the great Russian composer P. Tchaikovsky, Mozart appeared the highest point of beauty in music.

Birth, hard childhood and youth

He appeared on the light of the twenty-seventh of January 1756 in Salzburg, and his arrival was almost worth his mother's life. Wastered by Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Teofil. The older sister of Mozart Maria Anna under the leadership of Leopold Mozart's father started playing a key to play. Muzitsia liked a little Mozart. A four-year-old boy learned with Menuet's father, playing them with the striking purity and a sense of rhythm. Another year, Wolfgang began to compose small musical plays. A gifted boy at six years old played the most complicated works, not leaving the tool all day.

Seeing the striking abilities of the Son, the father decided to go with him and with a talented daughter in a concert journey. Munich, Vienna, Paris, Hague, Amsterdam, London heard the game of a young virtuoso. During this time, Mozart is written a lot of musical creations, among which symphony, 6 sonatas for a violin with clazesin. A small, slender pale boy in the embroidered golden court costume, in a frightened wig on the then fashion conquered his talent.

Concerts lasting 4-5 hours tired of the child. But the father also actively engaged in the musical formation of his son. It was a difficult, but happy time.

In 1766, the family tired of the long tour returned to Salzburg. However, the long-awaited rest was quickly ended. Preparing to consolidate the success of Wolfgang, his father prepared him to new concert speeches. This time it was decided to go to Italy. In Rome, Milan, Naples, Venice, Florence with Triumph are concerts of the fourteen-year-old musician. It acts as a violinist, an organist, accompaniator, a cloudist-virtuoso, a singer-improviser, conductor. Thanks to its uncommon talent, he was elected a member of the Bologna Academy. It seemed that everything was more than wonderful.

However, the hopes of the Father to receive Wolfgang work in Italy was not destined to come true. The brilliant young man was just another fun of Italians. I had to go back to the gray weekdays of Salzburg.

Creative accomplishments and unfulfilled hopes

The young musician becomes the conductor of the Orchestra Count Colorado, a cruel and powerful person. Feeling the freight and intolerance to the rudeness of Mozart, the ruler of the city in every way manifold a young man, considering him his servant. To accept this Wolfgang could not.

At 22, together with his mother went to Paris. However, in the capital of France, once applauded young custody, the place of Mozart was not found. Because of the experiences for his son died. Mozart fell into deep despondency. Nothing remained how to return to Salzburg, where he lived 1775-1777. The life of a humiliated court musician is a talented composer. And in Munich, his opera "Idomomay, King Crete" had a huge success.

Deciding to end the dependent position, Mozart submits a petition for dismissal. A series of humiliations from the archbishop almost led him to a mental disorder. The composer accepted a solid decision to stay in Vienna. From 1781 and until the end of his life he lived in this beautiful city.

Flooring talent

The last decade of life was the time of the ingenious creations of the composer. Although to earn a living, he was forced to work as a musician. In addition, he married Konstanz Weber. True, and here it was expected to be difficult. Parents of the girl did not want her daughter's marriage, so young people had to be married secretly.

By this time include six string quartets dedicated to Haidna, the opera "Wedding Figaro", "Don Juan" and other ingenious creations.

Material deprivation, constant hard work gradually worsened the state of the health of the composer. Attempts made by concert speeches brought little income. All this undermined the vitality of Mozart. He left his life in December 1791. The legendary history of the poisoning of Mozart Salieri did not find documentary evidence. It is not known exact place of its burial, because he was buried in the general grave due to the lack of funds.

However, his works, especially sophisticated, delightfully simple and exciting deep, are happy until now.

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In my deep conviction, Mozart is the highest, the culmination point, to which beauty reached in the field of music.
P. Tchaikovsky

"What is the depth! What courage and what kind of harmony! " So ingeniously expressed Pushkin the essence of the genius of Mozart. Indeed, we will not find such an infinity of individual decisions on the basis of clear and clear laws of individual solutions on the basis of clear and clear laws of the composition, probably, none of the creators of musical art. It is sunny and incomprehensibly mysterious, simple and immensely complex, deeply humane and universal, the world of Mozartt music appears.

V. A. Mozart was born in the family of Leopold Mozart, violinist and composer at the courtyard of the Salzburg Archbishop. Brilliant gifts allowed Mozart from four years old to compose music, very quickly master the art of the game on the key, violin, organ. Father skillfully led the Son's classes. In 1762-71. He undertakes touring trips, during which many European yards met the art of his children (the eldest, Sister Wolfgang was a gifted keyboard, he himself sang, conducted, masterfully played on different tools and improvised), who caused admiration everywhere. At the age of 14, Mozart was awarded the Papal Order of Golden Spurs, elected a member of the Philharmonic Academy in Bologna.

On trips, Wolfgang got acquainted with the music of different countries, mastering the genres characteristic of the era. So, the acquaintance with I. K. Bach, who lived in London, causes the first Symphonies (1764) to life, in Vienna (1768) he receives orders for operas in the genre of the Italian opera-buffa ("Pointer Cook") and German Singgile (" Bastient and Bastienne "; a year earlier in the Salzburg University was set by a school opera (Latin Comedy)" Apollo and Hyacinth ". Especially fruitful was the stay in Italy, where Mozart is improving in the counterpart (polyphony) at J. B. Martini (Bologna), puts In Milan, Opera-Seria "Mithridate, King Pontiusky" (1770), and in 1771 - Opera "Lucius Sulla."

The brilliant young man was less interested in patrons than a miracle child, and L. Mozart did not manage to find places for him with any metropolitan European yard. I had to return to Salzburg to fulfill the duties of the court concertmaster. The creative desires of Mozart are now limited to orders for the composition of spiritual music, as well as entertainment plays - divertisters, cassations, serenad (i.e., suite with dance parts for different instrumental compounds that sounded not only at the courtesome evenings, but also on the streets, in the houses of Austrian citizens). The Mozart continued to work in this area later in Vienna, where his most famous work of such a kind was created - "Little Night Serenade" (1787), a peculiar miniature symphony, full humor and grace. Writes Mozart and concerts for violin with orchestra, keyboarding and violin sonatas, etc. One of the vertices of the music of this period is Symphony of Minor No. 25, where the rebellious "verter" moods are characteristic of the era, close to the spirit of the literary flow "storms and onscript" .

Tompting in the provincial Salzburg, where the despotic claims of the archbishop were held, Mozart is taking failed attempts to settle in Munich, Mannheim, Paris. Trips to these cities (1777-79) brought, however, a lot of emotional (first love - to the singer Aloie Weber, the death of the mother) and artistic impressions, which were reflected, in particular, in key sonatas (La Minor, A major with variations and Rondo Alla Turca), in a concert symphony for violin and viola and orchestra and other separate opera performances ("Sleeping Sleep" - 1772, "Tsar-Shepherd" - 1775, both in Salzburg; "Monshadia Saddle" - 1775, Munich) did not satisfy aspirations Mozart to regular contact with the opera house. Opera - Seria "Idomerei, Kretsky king" (Munich, 1781) revealed the full maturity of the Mozart-artist and man, his courage and independence in matters of life and creativity. Arriving from Munich to Vienna, where Archbishop's coronation celebrations, Mozart broke with him, refusing to return to Salzburg.

The Singspille "Abduction of Seraral" (1782, Burgteateater), for the premiere of which followed the marriage at Constante Weber (younger sister of aliasis) for the premiere of which was followed by the wonderful debut of Mozart. However (later, opera orders were not so often. The court poet L. Da Ponte contributed to the stage of the Burgteateater operas written on his libretto: two central creations of Mozart - "Figaro weddings" (1786) and Don Juan (1788), and Also, the opers-buff "are all" (1790); in Schönbrunn (summer residence of the yard), a one-act comedy was also put on the music director "(1786).

The first years in Vienna Mozart often stands up, creating for its "academies" (concerts organized by subscription among patients) Concerts for a key with an orchestra. The study of the works of I. S. Baha (as well as G. F. Handel, F. E. Baha), who sent his artistic interests in the field of polyphony, who had reached his new depth and seriousness of his plans, had an exceptional importance for the composer's creativity. It was very brightly manifested in fantasy and sonate to Minor (1784-85), in six string quartents dedicated to I. Gaidna, with which Mozart tied a large human and creative friendship. The deeper the music of Mozart in the secrets of human being penetrated, the aspectable the appearance of his works became, the less success they used in Vienna (received in 1787 the position of the court chamber musician only obliging it to create dances for masquerades).

A much more understanding found a composer in Prague, where in 1787 "Wedding Figaro" was put in 1787, and soon the premiere of the "Don Juan" written for this city was held (in 1791 Mozart put another opera in Prague - "Tita Mercery") , the most clearly denoting the role of the tragic topic in the work of Mozart. The same courage and novelty marked "Prague Symphony" of D Major (1787) and three latter symphonies (No. 39 Mi-Bembol Major, No. 40 Sol Minor, No. 41 to Major - "Jupiter"; summer 1788), who gave extraordinarily bright and complete The picture of ideas and feelings of your era and carrying paths to Simphonism XIX century. Of the three symphonies of 1788, only Symphony Sol Minor sounded once in Vienna. The last immortal creations of the Mozartov genius were the Opera "Magic Flute" - anthem light and mind (1791, theater in the Vienna suburb) - and a mournful majestic requiem, not completed by the composer.

Suddenness of the death of Mozart, whose health was probably undermined by a long overvoltage of the creative forces and the difficult conditions of the last years of life, the mysterious circumstances of Requiem's \u200b\u200border (as it turned out, anonymous order belonged to a certain Count F. Walzag-destiny, intending to give him for his essay), burial In the general grave - all this gave reason to spread the legends on the poisoning of Mozart (see, for example, the tragedy of Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri") who did not receive any confirmations. The work of Mozart has become for many subsequent generations to the personification of music at all, its ability to recreate all sides of human being, presenting them in excellent and perfect harmony, filled, however, internal contrasts and contradictions. The artistic world of Mozartt music is as if populated by many diverse characters, multifaceted human characters. It was reflected by one of the main features of the era, the culmination of which was the great French revolution of 1789, is a vital principle (Figaro images, Don Juan, Symphony "Jupiter", etc.). The approval of the human personality, the activity of the Spirit is connected with the disclosure of the richest emotional world - the diversity of its internal shades and details makes Mozart of the forerunner of romantic art.

The comprehensive nature of the Mozartt music that covered all the genres of the epoch (except already mentioned - the ballet "baubles" - 1778, Paris; music for theatrical productions, dances, songs, including "Violet" at Art. I. V. Guita, Mass , motttes, cantata and other choral works, chamber ensembles of various compositions, concerts for wind instruments with an orchestra, a concert for flute and harp with the orchestra and other) and who gave their classic samples, is largely due to the huge role, which played in it The interaction of schools, styles, epochs and musical genres.

The embodiment of the characteristic features of the Vienna Classical School, Mozart summarized the experience of Italian, French, German culture, folk and professional theater, various opera genres, etc. In his work, the social and psychological conflicts were reflected in the pre-revolutionary atmosphere in France (Libretto "Figaro Weddings "It is written in the modern play of P. Bomamarsche" crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro "), the rebellious and sensitive spirit of German strollery (" storms and onslaught "), a complex and eternal problem of contradiction between man's jesters and moral retribution (Don Juan).

The individual appearance of the Mozartov work is made up of a set of typical for the era of intonations and development techniques, uniquely connected and heard the great Creator. His instrumental compositions experienced the impact of the opera, the features of symphonic development, symphony (for example, Syphony of G Minor - a kind of story about the life of the human soul) can be endowed with the detailing characteristic of chamber music, concert - significance of symphonies, etc. The genre canons of the Italian opera-buffa in the "Figaro wedding" flexibly obey the creation of a comedy of realistic characters with an obvious lyrical accent, the name "Merry Drama" stands at a completely individual decision of the musical drama in Don Juan, imbued with Shakespeare contrasts of comedy and elevated-tragic.

One of the brightest examples of Mozartovsky artistic synthesis is "Magic Flute". Under the cover of a magical fairy tale with a confusing plot (in Liber. E. Shicantane was used many sources) are hidden by utopian ideas of wisdom, good and universal justice, characteristic of the era of enlightenment (the influence of Freemasonry - Mozart has been a member of the "Brotherhood of Free Mason"). The arias of the "Bird Human" papaged in the spirit of folk songs alternate with strict choral enemas in the wise zorastro party, the penetrated Lyrics of the Arius of the Valentine's Tamino and the New Year's Eve - with the colors of the Tsaritsa Night, almost paroding virtuoso singing in the Italian opera, the combination of aria and ensembles with conversational dialogues ( In the tradition of Singspil), it is replaced by a cross-time development in the deployed finals. All this is combined, too, "magical" to the skill tools to the sound of the Mozartov orchestra, (with soling flute and bells). The versatility of Mozart's music allowed her to become an ideal art for Pushkin and Glinka, Chopin and Tchaikovsky, Biza and Straviansky, Prokofiev and Shostakovich.

E. Tsareva

His first teacher and mentor was father, Leopold Mozart, Assistant Kappelmister at the court of Salzburg Archbishop. In 1762, his father represents Wolfgang, another young performer, and his sister Nannerl Munich's yards and veins: children play keyboard tools, violin and sing, and Wolfgang also improvises. In 1763, their long-term tour was held in South and East Germany, Belgium, Holland, Southern France, Switzerland until England; Twice they were in Paris. In London, acquaintance with Abelia, I. K. Bach, as well as singers Tenducci and Manzuoli. At twelve years, Mozart composes the Opera "Monsive Custle" and "Bastient and Bastienne". In Salzburg, is appointed to the position of concertmaster. In 1769, 1771 and 1772, Italya visits Italy, where it receives recognition, puts his operas on stage and is engaged in systematic education. In 1777, he makes a trip to Munich in Mother's society, Mannheim (where Weber alive in the singer) and Paris (where mother dies). Justicized in Vienna and in 1782 he marries Weber Constance, alcohol sister. In the same year, a great success is waiting for his opera "Abduction from Seraral". Creates works of various genres, showing an amazing polymanity, becomes a court composer (without certain duties) and hopes after the death of the glitch to receive the position of the second dropsister of the royal chapel (the first was Salieri). Despite the fame, especially the Opera Composer, the hopes of Mozart did not come true, including because of the gossip regarding his behavior. Leaves unfinished requiem. Respect for the aristocratic convention and traditions, both religious and secular, were combined with Mozart with a sense of responsibility and internal dynamism, which made some consider it as a conscious predecessor of romanticism, while for others it remains the incomplete completion of the refined and smart century, respectfully Called to the rules and canons. In any case, it was from a constant collision with various musical and moral cliches of that time that this net, gentle, the imperishable beauty of Mozart's music was born, in which it is so mysteriously present that feverish, dying, reverent, which is called "demonic". Thanks to the harmonious use of these qualities, the Austrian Master is a true miracle of music - overcame all the difficulties of the composition with the knowledge of the case, which A. Einstein faithfully calls "Somnambulic", creating a huge number of works that gone from under his feather as under pressure from customers, so and as a result of immediate internal motives. He acted at the speed and compliance of the person of the new time, although he remained an eternal child, alien to any phenomena of culture, not related to music, fully addressed to the outside world and at the same time capable of amazing penetration into the depths of psychology and thought.

The incomplete connoisseur of the human soul, especially feminine (who transmitted equally its grace and duality), the insightful flames that dreams of an ideal world, easily turning from the deepest grief to the greatest joy, the pious singer of passions and sacraments - whether these are the last Catholic or Masonic - Mozart still fascinates as a person, while remaining top music and in modern understanding. As a musician, he synthesized all the achievements of the past, bringing all the musical genres to perfection and exceeding almost all of his predecessors perfect combination of the Northern and Latin system of feelings. In order to streamline Mozart's musical heritage, it took in 1862 a volume catalog, subsequently an updated and corrected, which bears the name of its compiler L. von Köhel.

Similar creative productivity - not so much, however, rare in European music - not only the result of inborn abilities (they say that he wrote music with the same ease and ease as letters): within a short term released by his fate and marked Sometimes inexplicable high-quality jumps, it was developed by communicating with various teachers who allowed to overcome the crisis periods of becoming skill. From the musicians who had a direct impact should be called (in addition to the father, Italian predecessors and contemporaries, as well as D. von Dittersdorf and I. A. Hasse) I. Scheret, K. F. Abel (in Paris and London), both the sons of Baha, Philip Emanuel and in particular Johanna Christian, a sample of the combination of "gallant" and "scientific" styles in large instrumental forms, as well as in the arias and operations - Seria, K. V. Glitka - in terms of the theater, despite To a significant difference in creative attitudes, Michael Haydna, a magnificent counterpalkystist, the brother of the Great Josef, who, in turn, pointed out Mozart, how to achieve the persuasiveness of the expression, simplicity, ease and flexibility of the dialogue, without refusing both the admits of the most complex technique. The fundamental were his trips to Paris and London, in Mannheim (where he listened to the famous orchestra under the control of the old man, the first and most advanced ensemble in Europe). We also point to the environment of Baron, the von Sviten in Vienna, where Mozart studied and appreciated the music of Baha and Handel; Finally, we note travel to Italy, where he met with famous singers and musicians (Sammartini, Piccchini, Manfredini) and where in Bologna he kept at Martini's Padre to the counterpoint styled (in truth, not too lucky).