Kipel group concert. Kipelov band concert Kipelov tour

Kipel group concert. Kipelov band concert Kipelov tour

Dear site visitors! We offer you a report on the concert-presentation of the new album of the Kipelov group "Stars and Crosses", which took place on October 27, 2017 in the Moscow club "Stadium"!

In the fall of 2017, fans of Russian heavy metal received a huge gift - the Kipelov group released their third numbered album "Stars and Crosses". Fans have been waiting for this release for a long time, because the previous disc "Live in spite of" appeared already 6.5 years ago. During this period, several new songs were born in Kipelov's repertoire, separate maxi-singles were released, a release took place, but a full-fledged album was present only in the dreams of fans. From time to time, these dreams were fueled - then Valery himself will tell in an interview about working on the record; then the poetess Margarita Pushkina will write on social networks that she is composing texts for the group; then suddenly there will be news with an approximate release date for the album ... Finally, at the end of September 2017, patience was rewarded - "Stars and Crosses" began their victorious march through the charts and hit parades.

After giving a couple of days to listen to new material, Kipelov went on tour. In October, residents of the south of Russia, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg were able to listen to a live version of fresh songs. And on October 27, it was Moscow's turn. In the capital, the largest club venue "Stadium" was chosen for the presentation of "Stars and Crosses", accommodating about 7,000 people. Although Kipelov had never given solo concerts here before, no one had any doubts that the group would gather the audience. Moreover, Kipelov's last solo album in Moscow took place almost two years ago. So many people arrived at the "Stadium" that even before the start of the actual performance, there was a crush in the dance floor and small conflicts broke out in different places. Due to the hype and long queues at the entrance, the start of the show was delayed by 50 minutes.

When the dance floor was finally filled to capacity, the "intro" sounded, a large white curtain collapsed, on which the audience played shadow theater before the start of the concert, and a group of Kipelov appeared in front of the club. The main voice of Russian "hard" rock Valery Kipelov accompanied the line-up, unchanged for more than ten years: guitarists Andrey Golovanov and Vyacheslav Molchanov, bass guitarist Alexei Kharkov, drummer Alexander Manyakin. The evening was opened with songs from the presented album "Stars and Crosses" and "Born to Fly". Judging by the way the audience sang along with these compositions, the "homework" turned out to be done - the people managed to memorize all the new texts.

The musicians decided not to play all the new items non-stop, as sometimes happens at presentations by other bands. Therefore, the tracks from the disc "Stars and Crosses" were diluted with old proven hits. "Stadium" literally exploded when Valery announced "Babylon", "I'm here" or "The power of fire". It was hot not only in the crowd, but also on the stage - in the best traditions of the genre, fiery and steam pillars were beating up and down, soap bubbles were flying. The visual side of the concert did not disappoint either - the stage design, the light show were on top.

Next year it will be exactly thirty years since drummer Alexander Manyakin goes hand in hand with Valery Kipelov, first in Aria, and then in a solo project. On "Stars and Crosses" the drummer for the first time in his career showed his talent as a composer and became a co-author of the song "Above", without which the presentation of the album would be incomplete. Sounded in "Stadium" and "White Hell", as Kipelov noted, written based on Jack London's story "Love of Life". Before "Icy rain" Valery thanked his fans for voting for this song on Our Radio. On the day of the concert, it was not the first week that she stormed the top of the "Chart Dozen".

In the middle of the concert, all connoisseurs of instrumental music were in for a familiar surprise. Guitarist Vyacheslav Molchanov, drummer Alexander Manyakin and bassist Alexei Kharkov, who joined them a little later, presented a joint number. This instrumental smoothly flowed into an action movie "Breath of Darkness" from the band's debut album Rivers of Time.

Unlike many bands, Kipelov's tour program is not static and changes from concert to concert. In Moscow, there was already the seventh concert with the presentation of "Stars and Crosses", but it was in the capital that the "live" premiere of the song took place "Queen of Spades". Perhaps in some of the subsequent cities of the tour you will be lucky to hear the compositions "Thirst for the Impossible" and "Dark Tower", ignored in "Stadium". The Moscow presentation of Kipelov's new work ended with an epic historical song "Kosovo field", first played at a concert back in 2014. Valery admitted that its text was written on the basis of legends, according to which the souls of those who died on the battlefield turn into blackbirds.

Despite the fact that the new songs ended, the show was far from the finale. Spev "Not now", Kipelov switched to the "Aryan" classics. Judging by the conversations before the concert, part of the audience came exclusively to her. Valery did not particularly plunge into the past and pleased the audience with songs "Way to Nowhere" from the last album of Aria and Kipelov "Chimera" in 2001 and rare "Take my heart", not played live for several years.

The song put an end to the main program of the evening "Unconquered". For an encore, the group came out with their main hit "I am free", since the appearance of which on the album "Time of Troubles", as Kipelov noted, exactly twenty years have passed. In the end, Valery once again bowed to the fans of Aria, and his group played a potpourri on the composition of the legendary band. Song fragments played "Dirt", "Follow me" and "Careless Angel", a "Will and mind" was completed almost in full.

The concert at the "Stadium" was filmed with professional video cameras, so in the future it will probably be possible to see the show on DVD or on the Internet.

The tour in support of the album "Stars and Crosses" will continue in November. Until the end of the year, Kipelov is expected in fifteen more cities. The group will return to Moscow on March 23 to celebrate their 15th anniversary on the stage of "Crocus City Hall".

The exact track listing of the concert:
1. Stars and crosses *
2. Born to fly *
3. Babylon
4. Above *
5. I'm here
6. White Hell*
7. Power of fire
8. Freezing rain*
+ instrumental solo
9. Breath of darkness
10. Queen of spades *
11. Kosovo field *
12. Not Now
13. Road to nowhere
14. Take my heart
15. Unbowed

16. I'm free
17. Dirt / Follow me / Careless angel / Will and reason
(* - songs from the presented album "Stars and Crosses")

we thank Polina Kolesnikova (Melnitsa) for the accreditations

Sand, tailor-made for the site


Reports on past concerts of the Kipelov group.

No commissions - tickets to the concert of the Kipelov group at the prices of the organizers!

About the band's concert

The name of Valery Kipelov has long been known among rock lovers: for seventeen years he was a vocalist in the legendary rock band Aria. This is a legendary man who excites people's hearts with his unique voice. Framed in the metal of music, his voice, like a stun gun, penetrates the bodies of admiring fans. Since 2002, Valery Kipelov decided to start his own solo project, and he organized a group, where most of the participants from the split Aria were invited.
Since almost the entire technical staff of "Aria" gathered in a group, the team began an active creative activity, and by the end of 2002 held a two-month tour of forty cities of the CIS and concerts in the capital.

The group conducts an active concert activity, records new compositions, collects full houses at the largest venues in the country, performs abroad, infecting listeners with its crazy energy.

Having celebrated his five-year anniversary, Kipelov interrupts his concert activity for a short time in order to record an album, which became some result of their five-year period. Anniversary concert in Moscow brought the group the prize "For the best live concert of 2007".

The team, in the rise of which after the collapse of Aria, few believed, not only ascended the musical Olympus. He tries to please his fans with new works and one of the latest is the 2011 album Life in Contrary.

Full description


Why Ponominalu?

Unique places

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Kipelov concert schedule in Russia

Why Ponominalu?

Ponominalu sells tickets for the Kipelov concert under an agreement with the organizer. All ticket prices are official.

Unique places

Ponominalu has an exclusive seating quota - the presented tickets are not sold at the Adrenaline Stadium box office or from other operators.

Don't delay your purchase

Ticket prices may increase closer to the date of the concert, and the most requested places may run out.

Site address: Sokol metro station, Moscow, Leningradsky pr-t, 80, building 17

  • Falcon

Adrenaline Stadium

Adrenaline Stadium is a metropolitan concert venue from the creators of such clubs as Bunker, B1 and B2. The capacity of this club is comparable to the hall of the Luzhniki Sports Palace and exceeds the scale of the Crocus City Hall. This is a multifunctional platform that can be transformed for a variety of events. Therefore, it is possible to hold club, dance events, grandiose concerts and theatrical performances, exhibitions, presentations, ceremonies and more here.

The Adrenaline Stadium club has a VIP area that can accommodate about 600 spectators. At the same time, guests will not have to wait for their orders for a long time, because the club kitchen is located not far from the VIP zone, and the waiters will not have to make their way through a lot of dancing people. There is also a grandiose bar counter, reaching as much as 140 meters in length. The site is also equipped with modern musical equipment and four monitors that broadcast everything that happens on the stage. It is important that Adrenaline Stadium has an additional exit to Baltiyskaya Street, which allows you to avoid the crowd after the concert.

How to get to Adrenaline Stadium.
The site is located near Leningradsky Prospekt. You can get to it by metro, taking the Zamoskvoretskaya line and getting to the Sokol station. After climbing over the turnstiles, turn right. You need to walk along Leningradsky Prospekt before Baltiyskaya Street crosses it a second time. You must reach this intersection and turn right again. Here you can find the Adrenaline Stadium club building, the facade of which is located on Baltiyskaya Street.

Unfortunately, the event Group "Kipelov" (Egorievsk) has already passed. Leave your e-mail to never miss your favorite events again.


About the concert

The name of Valery Kipelov has long been known among rock lovers: for seventeen years he was a vocalist in the legendary rock band Aria. This is a legendary man who excites people's hearts with his unique voice. Framed in the metal of music, his voice, like a stun gun, penetrates the bodies of admiring fans. Since 2002, Valery Kipelov decided to start his own solo project, and he organized a group, where most of the participants from the split Aria were invited.

Since almost the entire technical staff of "Aria" gathered in a group, the team began an active creative activity, and by the end of 2002 held a two-month tour of forty cities of the CIS and concerts in the capital.

The group conducts an active concert activity, records new compositions, collects full houses at the largest venues in the country, performs abroad, infecting listeners with its crazy energy.

Having celebrated his five-year anniversary, Kipelov interrupts his concert activity for a short time in order to record an album, which became some result of their five-year period. Anniversary concert in Moscow brought the group the prize "For the best live concert of 2007".

The team, in the rise of which after the collapse of Aria, few believed, not only ascended the musical Olympus. He tries to please his fans with new works, and one of the latest is the 2011 album Life in Contrary.

Full description

Why Ponominalu?

The whole room is available

Don't delay your purchase

Why Ponominalu?

Ponominalu sells tickets for Kipelov's concert under an agreement with the organizer. All ticket prices are official and do not differ from the prices at the box office of the Palace of Culture. G. Konin.

The whole room is available

We are connected to the organizer's ticket database and offer all officially available concert tickets.

Don't delay your purchase

Ticket prices may increase closer to the date of the concert, and the most requested places may run out.

Site address: Egorievsk, st. Soviet, 174

DK im. G. Konina

Information about DK im. G. Konina

Many residents of the city of Yegoryevsk consider the Palace of Culture to them. G. Konin as his second home - it was within the walls of this institution that masters of music and poetry worked at different times, and now the new generation has successfully taken over from their predecessors.

The Palace of Culture was created in 1929 according to the project of the architect V.A. Shchuko, the building style is constructivism. A special place in the hearts of the townspeople is occupied by the park at the palace, which will refresh you with summer coolness on a hot day and allow you to enjoy peace and quiet. Previously, cultural events were held in the park, folk festivals were held, a brass band played.

Artists who later achieved considerable heights began their creative path in the Palace of Culture - prima of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR and Honored Artist of the RSFSR Kapitolina Levchenko, choristers of the Bolshoi Theater E. Smirnova, Antonina and Alexei Kuznetsov.

From 1987 to the present day, Valery Vasilievich Dunin has been the director of the Palace of Culture. The club operates all week without days off from 09.00 to 21.00.

On our website, you can purchase tickets to the Palace of Culture. G. Konin for any event.

Features of the DC them. G. Konina

The total area of ​​the Palace is 5,195 square meters. The auditorium seats 648 people in the stalls and 315 people on the balcony. The stage is equipped with a mirror measuring 12×14 m.

A video salon functions in the small hall, humor shows, contests, seminars, and balls are held. There is a "Bard-cafe" where connoisseurs of poetry, author's song and music meet monthly.

On the territory of the recreation center there are amateur clubs and creative teams:

    circus studio;

    vocal, theatrical and musical groups;

    health club;

    club of lovers of Armenian culture;

    literary club;

    business club;

    club "Renaissance";

    jazz club.

There is also a luxurious library for children and adults, where theme evenings and literary readings are regularly held.

How to get to DC im. G. Konina

The Palace of Culture is located at the address: Egoryevsk, Sovetskaya Street, 174. You can get here by buses No. 3, 6, 6k, 7, 7/10, 7k, 8, 8k, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 24, 25, 25k, 26, 26k, 27, 27k, 29, 30, 31, 33k, 40, 42, 42k, 49, 67, 80, 325.