Elena has a royal twin Kursk: it became known that the TV presenter gave birth to a boy and a girl. Elena Kravets showed a touching photo of the kid gave birth to Lena Kravets out of 95 quarters

Elena has a royal twin Kursk: it became known that the TV presenter gave birth to a boy and a girl. Elena Kravets showed a touching photo of the kid gave birth to Lena Kravets out of 95 quarters

It became known that 39-year-old bore twins!Excellent news for family and fans of a popular actress, humorous, stars "Quarter 95" and the serial of the people of the people. The second birth went well and made the TV presenter is still happier: Elena Kravets is rare, "Royal" twins - a boy and girl appeared on the world. As the kids called parents and other interesting news read in our material.

The joyful news of the site TSN.ua that Elena Kravets gave birth to twins, confirmed in the press service "Quarter 95".

As it was clear from a recent star interview, she waited twins. Now the fans "shocked" the news that Elena Kravets gave birth to a royal twin - a boy and a girl. The newborn feel good, Lena Kravets itself, too, has already managed to call the kids with her husband. The boy was given the Ukrainian name Vanya, and the girl was called Catherine.

Recall that the popular actress and TV presenter, the channel of the channel 1 + 1 is brought up with a 13-year-old daughter Masha with her husband, so after the second birth, in the star family Elena Kravets will grow up three children.

Now you know how Elena Cravets called a newborn twine with her husband, and we will continue to follow the last news about the star "Quarter 95" and the series "servant of the people", the new season of which is already coming very soon, and the most interesting will write the first.

Actress, the only woman in the most popular Ukrainian project "Quarter 95", a loving daughter and mother of three kids, Elena Kravets learned to be happy and dreams that her children learn not on the mistakes of parents, but on their faithful solutions.

Personal life Lena Kravets has recently interests many and this is perhaps natural. Energetic, confident, beautiful, radiating happiness and positive, it regularly appears on the TV screens surrounded by colleagues men. At the same time, it does not hide - not all the lives were done correctly, still does not leave the feeling of guilt before his daughter, but also thanks to the fate for everything that everything happened.

Mamino Education

Malyashenko's Lenochka appeared on the New Year's morning of 1977 and at that time she was considered a late child - Mom Nadezhda Fedorovna was already 35, and Pope, Yuri Viktorovich and at all 38. About his parents Lena always speaks with pleasure and special warmth. Dad worked by Metallurg - a kind and soft man who laid a bright attitude towards the world in the girl. Mom, as was customary in Soviet years, engaged in raising his daughter, taught the wisdom of social life, conscious humanism, about how the right girl should behave: "The stitched headband tights are terrible: or wear trousers, or watch the tights do not rush "

Special beauty Lena never believed herself, but the first serious pearl in the life of a teenager girl occurred when she moved to another school. New people, boys, the first novels - Nadezhda Fedorovna has always been aware of the life of his daughter, taught, directed, advised. And, of course, faithful, as he considered correct. Already in the new school, 14-year-old Lena suddenly felt the sharp desire to show himself - she took part in school amateur and was proud of his success. Then the girl still did not know what place in her adult life would take the scene.

By graduation, Lena had already dreamed of being an actress, but the rational arguments of the mother at that time won, and she entered the Krivoy Rog Economic Institute of the Kiev National Economic University, received a diploma of the financier economist.

KVN is fate

Already in the second year of the Institute of Lena Malyashenko, or Bodybank, as it is still called her dear colleagues Quarterly, for the first time took part in the Theater and Music Festival "Student Spring". Then he began to play the KVN team, however, from another university, it settled to work on the radio. Soon, Vova Zelensky was transferred to the same university, and after some time Lena met with a charming student Sergey Kravets, who also consisted of KVN team of his institute.

It was interesting to them together, a lot of laughter, conversations, jokes and general work - Lena and Sergey found themselves in the same team

I felt that I would fall in love, and it seemed to me that we both were in the same condition, but we are afraid to take the first step

But the relationship was far from immediately - in May 1997, Sergey admitted Lena in love and several months were filled with almost cloudless happiness. However, in short - they already broke up, although they continued to play in the same team. The second round of relations began after a time when Lena was already a "star", performed in the KVN league with the team "Zaporizhia - Kryvyi Rog - Transit", and Sergey again began to care

I waited after couple, I went home, invited to concerts and parties. I am not that I portrayed a laptop, but really thought, is it worth entering the same river twice

And yet - entered. Sergey and Lena began to live together, and in unprecedented conditions for those times - in a separate apartment, the keys from which the Nadezhda Fedorovna gave the keys.

Complex solution

In March 2002, Sergey presented Lena Kolletko and made a proposal by accepting which the girl replied that he would think. But when in May she found 2 strips on a pregnancy test, there was no time to think more and the guys decided to get married, the tummy is not noticeable. The wedding took place on all the rules - the bride in white, about 120 guests, almost 2 thousand dollars spent - the amount is unthinkable at that time.

Pregnancy was given by 26-year-old Lena Kravets easily, she continued to perform, go to parties, ride a tour. Nearby was mom, mother-in-law, though the husband at that time had already left to conquer Kiev along with Zelensky and the team, and home, in Krivoy Rog, came in between work. In February 2003, Lena gave birth to a daughter, called Masha, and this girl became a new center of the Universe of Lena Kravets.

And again, the turn of fate made the young mother to take a difficult decision - when Masha was only 10 months old, Volodya Zelensky called and called Lena to Kiev, to become a full-fledged participant in the newly educated and rapidly gaining popularity of the "quart 95" team. Mom came to the rescue - it was she who persuaded her daughter to leave Masha in Krivoy Rog and go beyond the dream and self-realization. Despite the fact that Lena came to his daughter regularly, these 8 months were given to her very difficult and still she doubts whether it was correctly received by choosing work, not a child. Masha is already 14 years old, she lived for a long time in Kiev with mom and dad, but the feeling of guilt in front of her from time to time visits Lena, maybe someday and it will pass.

I want her vital immunity to be formed under the influence of ours with serious solutions, and not mistakes

Twins - happiness doubly

Life walked with her guy, Elena Kravets became an indispensable member of the Quarter-95 team, collaboration with her husband was sometimes not easy, as in any normal, and even more so creative, the family was quarrels, conflicts and reconciliation, but the family remained afloat. Masha grew and became amazingly similar to Mom.

And again, fate presented Lena Kravets Surprise - In March 2016, Vladimir Zelensky announced that their only lady did not fly with a team on tour to Israel, because the baby is waiting. Soon Lena and herself confirmed the news of the second pregnancy, and after some time it turned out that she would have twins. During pregnancy, the restless Lena retrained a slightly - she launched her own clothing line for pregnant women Onesize by Lena Kravets, herself demonstrated new models.

In August 2016, 39-year-old Elena Kravets gave birth to twins - a boy Vanechka and a girl Katya. After two months, Lena returned to work and completely restored the figure. She admits - yes, it's not easy if the grandmother helped to grow up, then with the twins without nannies, it is difficult to do. Now with Vanyusha and Katya, except Mom and mother-in-law, two babysitters are supported, but Lena is thinking about the third.

Elena Kravets, being pregnant, was not sitting in place. She constantly looking for a lesson. For example, she visited the speakers' courses, tried themselves as a designer, starred in a photo shoot, and, perhaps, found other things that did not allow her to lose heart on maternity leave. It is worth noting that during pregnancy, Elena showed all his femininity and elegance, which, however, she always had enough. The most important achievement of Elena Kravets, however, was the creation of a clothing line specifically for pregnant and "postpartum" women. On the basis of the Ukrainian brand Insideu, a brand was created. Elena took into account many factors working on such an important clothing. Among the other, she gave the priority of versatility and comfort. This, you see, is quite important for pregnant women.

Today it became known that Elena Kravets gave birth to the royal twin - a boy and a girl. An indispensable actress "Quarter 95" Studio has become Mom Vanya and Catherine. That is how happy parents called their babies.

By the way, interest in Elena, her fans always showed. And the recent "loss" lovers from social networks became shock for them. Everyone began to suspect that the actress already gave birth and therefore does not want publicity. But she gave birth only now. Information on prosperity has been confirmed in the press service of the Quarter 95. And mom, and kids feel wonderful.

The actress already raises a 13-year-old daughter Masha. Now the children in the family became three.

Recall that at the time of maternity leave ,. She is a member of the Laugh League from the team "V.I.P. Ternopil. " Elena's roles are provided for a short time while the actress itself will be care for babies.

We wish you a happy mom and her kids health and success. As well as Helena itself, a quick return to the Quarter 95.

Producer and actress Studios "Quarter 95" Elena Kravts. told the "caravan of stories" about Money Sergey and daughter Masha, about family relationships with quarters and why she has been many years on psychotherapy

Somehow Mom met a familiar on the street. That asks: "How is the Lenochka of the case? So funny, everyone thinks that she is the wife of Vova Zelensky. " Mom in response: "Thank God, even though you know that she is not Zelensky's wife." "Well, of course, I know, she is married to Zhenya Koshev!"

Everything is used to this: confuse our names and names, they say that "Stepa" (Actor Sergey Kazan - Avt.) - My brother, because we are like. This is the costs of a comic show. Vova is a great marriage, and we are all friends with families. My parents also had a lot of friends.

My mother is economist, dad - metallurgist. Dad is a simple and kind man, it is his main advantages. He greatly influenced my relation to the world. Light view of the world, which I try not to lose and convey my own daughter, is a daddy merit.

Elena Kravets with parents, 1986

Basically, my mother was engaged in my upbringing. It was from her that I got a lion's share of knowledge that the child usually gives a family. I have no brothers and sisters, so in order not to cultivate selfishness, my mother constantly asked me the same task: "There are three apples on the table, one thing is the biggest and beautiful. You are offered to take the apple first. What will you choose? " And I responded with a sigh bored by heart: "I will take the smallest."

She explained that the flowers should not be riveted, only to sniff; that no one cannot hurt - not animals, nor birds, no insects; That the girl should always look adequate, carefully dress. Stitched cape tights are terrible: or wore pants, or watch the tights do not rush.

Former member of the KVN team of the city of Krivoy Rog under the name "95th quarter", later the creative producer of this humorous project, and now, famous in the circles of fans of a quick ride Sergey Kravets somewhat inferior to his wife in popularity.

A young man does not so often flash on television screens as Elena Kravets, which for many years has been a member of the humorous transfer "Evening Quarter" and "Studios 95".

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born on May 1, 1979 in the Ukrainian city with the name of Krivoy Rog. After the end of the Mid-Educational School, he entered the highest educational institution of his city, or rather in the Krivoy Rog Economic Institute. The guy was highlighted by a sharp sense of humor and creativity, so he easily got into the local Kavaneov team.

Acquaintance with his wife

In the same school, Sergey met his future wife - at that time, Elena Yurievna Malyashenko, who, too, was Kawavesech.

Young people met, while still students, then they participated in the KVN games, both were merry, bold, mixed, they had a lot of common interests and views. So, students first moved away, and after a while they began to meet.


The pair legalized its relations on September 21, 2002, everything was traditionally: a white magnificent dress, a veil, more than one hundred people guests, including the participants of the studio "95 quarter". The wedding paid the newlyweds themselves, because then they earned quite well, touring with their Kavaneov team.

The next year, the spouses were born a girl who called Masha. Sergey Kravets was happy to appear to the light of their little princess and adore his daughter, which is now thirteen years old.

Sergey Kravts's wife is the only fair sex representative in the cast Studio "Quarter 95", in addition, Elena works by his administrative director. Despite the fact that the young woman economist by education, it earns a living as a humorous actress, TV presenter, creative figure and producer.

Elena Kravets's public was very memorable in the role of Yulia Tymoshenko, which a woman performed in the humorous television broadcast "Evening Quarter". As well as a humorist, together with Evgeny Koshev, led the morning program on the Ukrainian channel "Inter", the transfer "Family size" with Denis Manzhosov. The producer project of Elena called "Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko" was published in 2011. On Russian television, the audience saw this young woman in the program "Ukrainian Quarter".

And Elena several times hit the list of the most beautiful and influential women of Ukraine.

Moving to Kiev.

In 2003, the couple moved to live in Kiev, as things have "95 Quarter" everything raised upwards, and all participants slowly began to move to the capital. There were more opportunities to promote career in this city, because it was in the capital of Ukraine that the cultural, financial and economic life of the country is concentrated. In Kiev, an interesting, new, intense creative and personal life began. Sergey Kravets switched to the scenes of the program and practically did not appear on the stage, took the position of creative producer of the Quarter 95 studio.

Despite the permanent location close to each other and the common creative territory, the spouses remain close people with good relations.


Elena's husband Kravets is also known as a fastest ride lover. At first it was a simple hobby, but now, a few years later, the auto racing became a serious hobby, which is devoted to Sergey Kravets. "95 Quarter" takes no less time in the life of a young man where he became a successful creative author.

In this extreme and fairly dangerous form of sports, Sergey participates for about ten years and makes great progress. The young man not only began to actively engage in auto racing, but even takes part in international competitions. For Rally, Sergey uses his favorite Magna "Ford", it is a victorious red color and with a symbolic number 95.

Sergey Kravets, whose biography was replenished with facts about prize pools in autonomic international competitions, insists on the passage of his wife of the counter-offar driving, for which Elena cannot decide. But Elena supports his husband in every way and even comes to root for him.


Elena Kravets's personal life, Sergey Kravets do not make public the public, they prefer to surprise the viewer with their creative successes. But it is also clear that this is a strong married couple, which remarkably manage to work together and raise common three children over the years.

The eldest daughter is Maria, who is now thirteen-year-old beauty, was born next year after the wedding of young people.

In the summer of last year, another joyful event occurred in the family, in their family replenishment, and what else! Elena gave birth to the so-called royal twin - a girl and a boy who received the names Ivan and Catherine.