Preparing for a planning meeting is easy, this is your chance. Planerka as a way to increase the loyalty of the company's personnel

Preparing for a planning meeting is easy, this is your chance. Planerka as a way to increase the loyalty of the company's personnel

The meeting, says Sergei Logachev, is not just a tool for setting managerial tasks and getting feedback from employees. Much depends on how the planning and operational meetings are held in the company: both the efficiency of each individual employee and the efficiency of the company as a whole. In the meantime, Mr. Logachev notes, this is a real chaos in Russian organizations.

Meeting formatting makes the team hierarchy more transparent

The main symptom of ineffective meetings is the loss of time visible to the naked eye, says Sergei Logachev. At the same time, both parties remain dissatisfied - both the leader, who expects an increase in efficiency and labor productivity, and his subordinates, who are interested in agreeing on everything on the terms that are most beneficial for them.

The second manifestation of inefficiency that I often notice: employees begin to mimic, that is, to pretend that all these meetings are necessary and interesting to them, knowing full well that the minutes and hours spent in the meeting room are the times when they can not work, and then blame the management itself for this, they say, it itself too often distracts people from their main work. But worst of all, ineffective meetings can be a reason to get fired. See for yourself: employees, at the initiative of the manager, are forced to discuss unstructured information, waste time on idle talk, and when the director suddenly demands the fulfillment of plans, responsibility begins to shift from one head to another. Subordinates make the conclusion for themselves simple: we have bad leadership, it's time to quit here. And the team begins to act in films, and not alone, but in whole subdivisions. This is already quite specific human losses that an improperly organized meeting can lead to.

What are the main mistakes that top managers make when conducting meetings?

The main mistake is when the leader himself does not know what he wants. Therefore, quite often the algorithm of a meeting turns into a hackneyed scheme of "selling" a solution, when a manager comes and says: "I want this!" Employees begin to inform him about the reasons and problems due to which the goal cannot be achieved. The leader resists, but after some time, “convinced” by his subordinates, he lowers the bar. Everyone sighs with relief and disperses, each with his own interest: the leader “forced” the subordinates, the subordinates “persuaded” the director. With this approach, the “I don’t understand you” game turns into a part of the corporate culture. And this is just one example of working with foulbrood.

How do you define the goals of the meetings correctly?

The leader should know better than his subordinates what he wants to achieve and in what time frame. He is a strategist and has a good idea of ​​the entry point and exit point. The process itself is already better known to his subordinates. The task of the manager is to set a real bar for employees, to correctly assess the potential of the company. If excuses appear, deal with them competently. The simplest thing is to set tasks in a SMART format, which makes it possible to achieve from employees the same initial understanding of the task, practically prohibits shifting responsibility in the course of its implementation, “inventing” new performance criteria or shifting deadlines. That is, the SMART format provides for the elimination of "childhood diseases" of management when setting goals.

It is at an operative or a meeting that the head must specifically provoke the resistance of employees in order to cope with it here and thereby prevent its appearance in the future. A typical miscalculation in this case is excessive harshness (interruptions, critical remarks, and often rudeness as a response to inappropriate actions of subordinates) or connivance (conversations with subordinates, "persuasion", disputes). If we do not find a way to check the loyalty of employees at this stage in our presence, then the resistance to completing tasks as we work with them will increase: current work situations, temporary and resource overlaps, friction within the team over motivation and distribution of responsibilities will arise. To prevent this from happening, one needs to delegate something, the second needs to be motivated, and the third needs to be assigned strict control from other subordinates. That is, it is necessary to minimize problems even at the stage of setting goals.

The second mistake follows from the first: directors often follow the team and, instead of pushing their own decision, get involved in discussions about what to do, how to do it, and whether to do it at all. Many discussions are deliberately conducted by subordinates in order to "eat" more working time, and if the manager allows it, this indicates his inability to manage the unit.

But isn't discussion a way to get feedback from subordinates?

To avoid confusion, let's define the concepts. There are meeting formats, the purpose of which is to manage the unit: planning meetings, operational meetings, meetings. They have a goal and an algorithm for achieving the goal. These are concrete tools, like a wrench. They are taught at trainings. And there are meeting formats, the purpose of which is collective discussion: brainstorming, discussion, exchange of views. These formats do not have technologies, but a strategy - a general sequence of actions: initial communication, purpose, brainstorming, summarizing. Discussion in the process of team management is an indicator that the leader has not thought through the task. Clarifications, not discussions, are permissible at "governing" planning meetings or meetings.

The general problem of Russian companies in holding meetings is precisely that there is no understanding of this division, of this structure. And structure is culture. Standards are everywhere - in sales, in negotiations, in the preparation and execution of documentation, but for some reason in conducting planning meetings, operatives and meetings very often there are no standards. This "lack of culture" is manifested even in the conceptual apparatus. We call all collective events meetings. And the meeting is actually just one of the possible formats. There is also a planning meeting and a RAM.

What's the difference?

Everything is very simple. The planning meeting is a reminder of what the unit needs to accomplish. Operative - a meeting to resolve a problem situation. And the meeting is held to identify new problems that need to be solved. This gives rise to different requirements for the activity of the participants. The planning meeting is just a test of mutual understanding, creativity is inappropriate here. The meeting, on the other hand, requires high activity of the participants, and the leader acts more as a moderator.

What will happen if we invite active and creative people to the meeting? Or will we invite people who are incapable of making decisions to the meeting? The first will be bored, the second will sit back. And all of this is wasted work time.

Wait, but if we say that the discussions at the meeting are unacceptable, then what kind of creativity and gushing of ideas can be?

A meeting can be held only if the team has already developed a common culture of rational use of human potential and time at simpler management events - planning meetings and operational tasks. Then it is possible to achieve an optimal balance between the structuredness of the algorithm for setting tasks and the personal initiative of the meeting participants.

Ideally, it is necessary to invite different employees to the planning meeting, operational and meeting. Selection should be carried out not only for official status, but also for activity and business qualities. Most often, this is done like this: first, a planning meeting is held, all the parties involved in the process under discussion gather at it. If a problem arises, then some of the people are released, only those who are able to actively participate in resolving the situation remain. If suddenly there is a need to discuss new directions, then a very narrow circle of employees remains and a meeting is held. Although this does not happen very often. The main activity of the company is, after all, planning meetings and operational meetings, and meetings, in their essence, are closer to the sessions of strategic planning.

Time frames for each format, I suppose, are also different?

Typically, a planning meeting lasts 5-10 minutes, operational - up to an hour, a meeting - up to 1.5 hours. It is permissible to carry out all the events one after the other. The best time for planning meetings and RAMs is morning. It is best to divide meetings into two parts. In the evening - the planometric part, where the main tasks are announced, and a full-fledged meeting is scheduled for the morning of the next day, so that each participant has time to think. Very good practice, but rarely does anyone do that.

What does the use of formats give a company?

As soon as the minds of people have settled down, what is the difference between the planning meeting and the operative, and the operative from the meeting, they are already able to adequately calculate their forces and, thus, most effectively participate in a collective event.

But the most important thing is that such a structure (planning meeting - operational staff - meeting) allows subordinates to be divided into groups. She honestly informs people: so far you are only worthy of a planning meeting, you are able to participate in the operative, and you have already grown up to meetings. This allows employees to position each other in the team, because when they work in the same department, the understanding that this specialist is better, and this one is worse, is often absent. And as soon as we identified the circle of participants in planning meetings, operatives and meetings, we cut their priorities: which of them to learn, and who - to teach. As a result, the hierarchy of the company becomes more transparent.

The second plus from such a cut is that it is already possible to delegate part of the powers to the participants of operatives and meetings, which means that they can save a lot of time. But since delegation involves solving a whole range of complex issues related to additional motivation and the transfer of responsibility, it is much easier for managers to conduct meetings the old fashioned way than to structure something there.

Any operational and planning meeting is always a broadcast of the management style that the director professes. According to estimates cited by Sergei Logachev, about 70% of Russian leaders adhere to authoritarianism in relations with their subordinates, which is understandable. The conflict management style, when the director is the king, and everyone else is the rabble, is outliving, although he still has his adherents, and the democratic style introduced by Western management, Mr. Logachev believes, turns out to be ineffective in the domestic business environment: “People do not have responsibility for their work, because they do not hold on to it. The shortage of personnel will grow, and this irresponsibility will continue to be produced. " Therefore, the authoritarian style turns out to be the most adequate to modern business conditions, and it is he who is most often broadcast during meetings.

Does the most common mean the most optimal?

I would not say that. Of course, when the competition is fierce, time is the deciding factor. And if a company does not start in one or another segment of the market today, tomorrow it may not exist at all. Authoritarian style saves time. But it also shortens the life of the company. How? There is more turnover in authoritarian organizations. People change more often, and along with them traditions, experience are lost, and in the end the company turns gray, which means it loses. A more correct option is a flexible management style, when the wishes and capabilities of each employee are taken into account on the basis of a system of rules. The synonyms for flexible in this context are constructive, responsible. A flexible leader means being educated and applying the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

Failure to follow the basic rules of a meeting is often a manifestation of an authoritarian style. For example, the leaders do not announce the agenda, or they announce it, but only if you ask for it yourself, and the theses are formulated in very general terms and not specific.

This is understandable, because any leader considers the meeting also as a way of self-affirmation in the team. But it's also a cultural issue. Any agenda must contain three mandatory elements. First, the topic of the meeting. The second is the time, and it is necessary to indicate the time of not only the beginning, but also the end of the event so that employees can plan their day. If there is no end time, this inevitably means that business processes will be delayed. Why? As Gleb Arkhangelsky correctly says, if a person has the opportunity not to do something, then he will do it last. So a meeting with uncertain boundaries can make an entire workday go down the drain. The third item, which should definitely be on the agenda, is the very format so that employees can calculate their strength. If a person knows the topic, time and format of a meeting, his efficiency rises.

And if the leader says: "I am the director and therefore I myself will determine the rules of each of our meetings." How to be subordinate?

You can take the initiative and suggest holding one of the "science" meetings. At one time I was impressed by such an example. Once I was asked to establish a deliberative process in a company where planning meetings and operational meetings took too long. They showed a video recording of the meeting: the director, in the presence of 16 top executives, spent half an hour solving half tasks. I simply could not look further. I explained to the participants what formats are, what elements they consist of, gave examples and necessary demonstrations, and then each of them formulated a task for himself to solve one or another of his problems. 16 people - 16 tasks. The tasks partly overlapped with the tasks of other departments, so they determined the circle of participants, who should solve these tasks, and the format that they would implement. In addition, the guys had a sense of humor, so they appointed the chief accountant, who has almost zero communication skills, as the leader of the meeting. And in 15 minutes they solved four problems. Calculate the efficiency! And the point is just the technology, the format!

There is Hendrickson's law: when a problem requires many meetings, they become more important than the problem itself.

I have not come across organizations with too many meetings. And there is only one reason for this: as soon as meetings begin to occupy 30-40% of the working time, they acquire a "swearing" character. Simply put, people get tired of them, and therefore begin to be late, miss, sabotage, direct criticism, and in the end, meetings naturally decrease. That is, as soon as the number of meetings reaches a critical threshold, people themselves understand: stop, we are doing something wrong. This is a self-regulating process, and no one, even the most demanding boss, is able to reverse it.

Rules for an effective meeting:

  • Learn to set tasks for subordinates in SMART format;
  • Conduct a clear selection of meeting participants;
  • Minimum discussion. Clarifications, not discussions, are acceptable;
  • Provoke resistance from the team at the stage of setting tasks so that there is no sabotage in the process of completing them;
  • Distribute responsibility so that it can be controlled;
  • Reward those who distinguished themselves and punish the guilty in front of everyone. No decisions behind the employees' backs! This is your company that starts with your information space.

Elena Zholobova

Boris Metlenko
Source: ABC of a "corrupt" manager

Today you were surprised to learn that the boss has decided to get closer to the people, and from Monday you will have to report at a five-minute briefing meeting on the work done and publicly make plans. If you have clue

Today you were surprised to learn that the boss has decided to get closer to the people, and from Monday you will have to report at a five-minute briefing meeting on the work done and publicly make plans. If you have no idea from which end to approach all this and what to expect - read on, come in handy.

Apparently, your boss has finally gotten to some kind of book like "Team Leadership for Dummies" or some older comrades advised him. Actually, this is one of the basic rules of a manager's work:

1. Set a task

2. Assign performers

3. Determine the deadlines

4. Control the executors in the process of executing the order.

A report at a five-minute planning meeting implies that employees work on themselves and help control themselves. And the chef will sit, hand out new assignments and make notes in his diary. This procedure is aimed at creating an atmosphere in the team “We have nothing to hide - we are a team. The authorities keep their finger on the pulse of events. The staff is not abandoned. Big brother is watching you".

This is so that you know what motives are driving your leadership.

I have two news for you: one is good, and the other ... you decide for yourself.

The good news is that few leaders are able to punctually follow their own rules. (All this mess with planning meetings may end soon)

One more piece of news:

If this was not accepted earlier in your organization, then changes are coming, and you have a chance to make sure that you are noticed and appreciated. I'm talking about a career.

1. Your plans must be realistic.

The real plan is the one behind which there is a living cause. A business that you know well, and imagine how to complete it from the first to the last step. For any question posed before or during work, you must give a clear and detailed answer. (Leaders who think in concrete, not vague categories, appreciate it).

I will give examples of how to distinguish an abstract boss from a concrete one.

The chef, who thinks clearly, uses phrases in speech, each word of which can be seen and touched. "I don't see results." Show me exactly what you did. "You are not visible, you are not felt at work." "Take it on yourself," etc. he is focused on the result, his element is exact numbers and exact dates.

A chef who thinks abstractly and only abstractly will sound like this: "Let's outline the perspectives." "We will discuss the possibilities of interaction", "Your order must be carried out as quickly as possible." Such a person is usually process-oriented. He can do a lot of work, he is constantly busy with something, but the output is close to zero.

(For those who know what NLP is: Specific chief - kinesthetic-visual or visual-kinesthetic. Abstract chief - audial. Check, observe)

2. Include unverifiable assignments in your plan. (Simulator of seething activity)

Unverifiable plans are an area of ​​your activity that cannot be checked if you do not sit over your soul inseparably all day long. Why is this needed? Here's why. Whatever programs you develop, whatever projects you hatch, circumstances will surely interfere with you. These will be colleagues and relatives with their questions and problems, bad weather with their own precipitation and bosses with your own report. There are unverifiable plans to get a head start for unexpected work. (I do not advise you to abuse it, 1-2 pieces of unverified tasks per week will be enough)

"What did you do 2 hours of working time?" - asks the chief.

“I was waiting for an appointment at the housing and communal services committee, as I reported to you at the planning meeting on Monday,” you answer cheerfully.

That's it, no questions.

A programmer friend of mine wrote an application that, when launched, displayed running numeric bars, blue bars of progress indicators with changing percentages, etc. When he needed to go away on business, he launched this program, turned to everyone, “Don't touch the computer, my database will be re-indexed there,” and dropped it off. However, he handed over all his duties and developments on time. (!)

3. When discussing the time you need to complete work assignments, ask for one and a half to two times more than you really need. Get it done early - report early and gain a reputation as an executive, or spend the time saved on other things. There will be unforeseen difficulties in your work - you will still cope with the promised time and you will remain with a reputation of a reliable employee: “This one, if he promised, will do it”.

There is a rule: the project will take twice as long and three times more money than it was supposed at the beginning. " Doesn't sound good, right? However, this is a rule from a smart book, confirmed by life. For the first time I ran into him when my friends and I opened a cafe, where I later was the manager. The rule worked with an accuracy of two days and one hundred rubles. Then there were many more confirmations. Look around you, ask your friends. If they have these indicators better, then I have something to learn from them.

4. For the current routine, which does not bring tangible results, but takes a lot of time, already at the 3-4th planning meeting ask yourself an assistant or the ability to shift this work to a less active or unloaded employee. (If they give him over to you - this is the beginning of the formation of your team).

That is, in fact, all about planning. Let's move on to reports.

5. Avoid reporting interim results unless, of course, it is for a long-term project or management does not require an immediate report.

People need to know WHAT you do, not HOW you do it.

Mastery will come to you sooner or later - this is the ability to cope with work quickly and easily. Unfortunately, in this country, they do not like lightness, here the hard hard work of a non-professional is held in high esteem. (non-professionals are cheaper)

If you are still asked: "At what stage is the implementation of SOMETHING THERE GLOBAL ???" - have in stock a clear-cut answer like: "At the stage of consideration of documents by clients." "An agreement in principle has been reached to meet during this (next) week." etc.

6. Brevity, precision, clarity. These are the criteria for your speech at the planning meeting. Be prepared to answer additional questions.

7. When reporting on the work done, do not be modest. You don't need someone else's laurels, but what is yours is only yours. If you got help, be sure to check it off (people will be grateful to you). If they interfere, then threaten: "I will report to the authorities at the planning meeting."

And one more small digression. Please do not take this text as a guide to bothering your boss. What is written here will help you create a comfortable working environment for yourself. Note, not staying at work, but work. Unfortunately, there is one more rule of office life: "He who plows, they ride on that." These recommendations will allow you to build your own work area in the office, protected from unnecessary management claims ("You see, I'm busy!" available opportunities for effective work and career growth.

I would be very glad to receive comments, criticism and suggestions.

Meeting, briefing, operative, five-minute, meeting, council Dictionary of Russian synonyms. briefing see meeting Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M .: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

planning meeting-, and, well. colloquial Workshop on the progress of the plan. ◘ An ordinary business meeting was going on, which were held almost daily in Sablin's office and were called planning meetings. BAS, v. 9, 1307. Once a week we have a planning meeting, and then from ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

Planner- planning meeting colloquial Short production meeting to discuss the work plan. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

PLANERKA Big accounting dictionary

PLANERKA- an operational meeting held at enterprises and organizations on the progress of the plan ... Big Dictionary of Economics

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planning meeting- and, well, rozm. A short working narada, assigned to the plan ... Ukrainian Tlumachny vocabulary

planning meeting- PLANERKA and; pl. genus. rock, dat. rkam; f. Spread. A short workshop on the progress of the plan. The beginning of the planning meeting. Weekly p. P. of shop chiefs. Don't show up for the meeting. Lecture at the planning meeting. Prolonged p ... encyclopedic Dictionary

planning meeting- Mennik of a female family ... Spelling vocabulary of the Ukrainian language

meeting- meeting, meeting, meeting, plenum, congress, summit; planning meeting, synclite, council, assises, five minutes, operative, directorate, briefing Dictionary of Russian synonyms. meeting n., number of synonyms: 14 assises (3) ... Synonym dictionary


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Organize and conduct the meeting as efficiently as possible.

Find a solution to the problem stated for discussion or set the direction for the development of the situation in a constructive direction.

It is interesting to hold the planning meeting so that the participants have no time to yawn and they do not have a feeling of wasted time.

Action plan

1. Get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing the planning meeting.

2. Prepare yourself, prepare the necessary materials and invite participants.

3. Conduct a planning meeting.

4. Summarize the results of the planning meeting and familiarize all participants with them.

How to organize a planning meeting

First what is required for a planning meeting is a question or a topic for a planning meeting. What work problem do you want to solve? What positive effect will be the result of the planning meeting for the organization's work? Familiarize the meeting participants with this question in advance. Thus, you will save time during the planning meeting, and the participants in the discussion may come already having interesting ideas on your question.

Second- these are the people who will participate in the planning meeting. Specialists of what profile and managers of what level, or what line employees do you need to find the answer to the question posed.

Third- the venue for the planning meeting. It is important that this is a separate room or even a dedicated meeting room. Where there is enough space for everyone, outsiders (not participating in the planning meeting) will not be able to disturb you and the phones will not ring.

Fourth- the time of the planning meeting. It is desirable that it be convenient for all participants or permanent. For example, daily planning meetings are held every day at 8.30 sharp. In any case, when choosing the time for the planning meeting, you will have to focus on the most important participants. And appoint it in advance, for a few hours, or more correctly - days.

Fifth- regulations for the planning meeting. It is important not only to start the planning meeting on time, but also to finish it on time. Determine in advance the order of discussion of the questions and the time allocated to each participant. Limit it, this will make the reports concise and as informative as possible. For example, one performance is not more than 10 minutes.

Sixth- materials at hand. The required minimum is pens for all participants and paper. Take care of this yourself, in advance, so that you do not have to waste discussion time looking for what and on what to write. You may also need: a flip chart, a projector, a screen, a laptop, a printer. All equipment must be prepared and tested in advance.

Seventh- the leader of the planning meeting or the secretary who will record the process and the results of the discussion of your issue.

Planning formats

1. Summing up, information meeting.

These meetings can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for the leaders of all parts of your organization.

What are these planning meetings for?

2. Planning meeting - distribution of current tasks.

Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the manager issues assignments for the day to his subordinates. The time is also not worth stretching - everyone received tasks and went to carry it out.

3. Planning meeting to discuss the question posed.

You formulate your question in advance, which you have formulated life itself and the current situation in your market. Announce the purpose of the meeting, send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) on the matter. Define the schedule and secretary of the planning meeting in advance. Send the results of the planning meeting to all participants. The time for such a planning meeting is no more than two hours. But there are situations when more time is required. In this case, he will schedule organized breaks of 15-20 minutes for tea and just rest. (Prepare tea and sweets in advance too!)

4. Creative planning meeting.

Coaching Requests
1) Development of a resource of creativity for growth (self-development, professional growth, business development)
2) Solving internal conflicts, overcoming crises using the resource of creativity

Achieving well-coordinated, fast and efficient teamwork is not an easy task for any manager. The task of the chief is to develop a single strategy of action for each subordinate, monitor their work and correct it. To achieve fruitful work, you need to understand how to conduct meetings, how to correctly set the subordinates for a certain period.

Planning meeting - discussion and distribution of work tasks scheduled for a specific time. Such meetings can be roughly divided into several types, depending on their type, time and number.

The first type includes reporting planning meetings (these are necessary for the management to report on how work tasks are being performed at the moment), discussion meetings (when proposals are considered and changes to the action plan are discussed) and motivational meetings (where everyone gets their task in the process of solving the main issue ).

Based on time, you can have daily, weekly, or monthly meetings.

If we take the quantitative factor as a basis, planning meetings can be divided into general or mass (at which all employees are present) and closed (when a separate group or department is conferring).

Planning meetings have certain advantages:

  • Maintains discipline, reduces tardiness.
  • Helps to clearly and understandably set tasks for the team. A short-term plan for the day is much more useful and productive than a six-month plan.
  • Indicates actual performance. This quality extends if at the planning meeting, employees submit reports to their superiors on what they have done.

Do not forget about the highly motivating role of meetings. Conducting a meeting competently means positively influencing the mood of employees, energizing them for fruitful work and stimulating them to improve performance. In addition, this property contributes to the establishment of positive relations between the team and the boss.

On the other side, holding planning meetings also has negative sides:

  • Lengthy meetings take energy and energy from workers.
  • Sudden, unscheduled meetings are usually ineffective.

To avoid these negative factors, you must conduct your meetings thoughtfully.

Expert opinion

At the planning meeting, employees propose new ideas for business development and sales

Hasmik Gevorgyan,

CEO and one of the owners of the Provokatsiya chain of stores in Moscow

We reward and support our employees in every possible way, who are interested in increasing brand awareness. Our franchisees decided to hold special meetings 2 times a month, at which employees express their thoughts and suggestions for the development of the company and increase in sales. Authors of the most interesting projects and ideas receive a bonus of up to 15% of their salary.

Some of our best T-shirt prints were originally designed and suggested by our employees. Thanks to our employees, we increase the company's awareness by sponsoring cultural youth events.

A striking example: one of our employees in Tula offered to participate in municipal sports competitions and evenings in clubs. The creativity and dedication of this employee ensured that our ads appeared in popular city cafes. Ultimately, sales in the city of Tula doubled. The employee's income increased in a similar way - after a few months he became a store director.

3 ingredients for a successful planning meeting

  1. Information component. Make the material interesting and useful for the listeners. If boring information cannot be avoided, try to present it in an unusual way. The information presented at the planning meeting should be useful and exciting. If you intend to have a successful meeting, it is best not to share bland and dull information.
  2. Emotional component. Fascinating material with poor presentation is bad material. Remember the university - spending time in some pairs was boring, students literally slept in class, while in others everyone wanted to understand the essence and discuss.
  3. The leader who is holding the meeting. The authority of the speaker directly affects the assimilation of information. If you have not yet reached high rhetorical skills, study the first and second points harder before holding the meeting.

How to Conduct Planning Meetings Avoiding Employee Resistance

It's no secret that often employees have a negative attitude towards planning meetings. It is worth understanding the reasons for this perception.

At first, the original origin of such planning meetings is associated with the time when the means of communication did not allow coordinating the work of people and it was necessary to get together personally by the whole team and spend hours discussing important work issues. Since there were simply no other ways to find out or discuss important points, tons of questions, comments and suggestions about work accumulated by the meeting. Therefore, the meeting had to be held for several hours.

Secondly, many office workers are annoyed by the fact that a planning meeting takes up 1/5 of all working time. At the same time, there is not so much for the discussion - the boss's speech usually takes up half of the entire meeting.

Thirdly If a meeting is held every day, then employees will soon treat it as an event “for show”. Employees will not report in detail and are interested in the progress of work or any changes, because they simply may not happen in such a short time. The main goals of any company are long-term plans, so it is not worth taking valuable time from employees to listen to "things are okay, we are working." Only in critical cases, emergency situations and urgent tasks does it become necessary to hold daily meetings.

How to properly hold a planning meeting by choosing the appropriate format

1. Information meeting

You can hold such a planning meeting on Mondays, make it a weekly event for each department of your company, for each department head. The purpose of this meeting is to find out what has been accomplished in the past week, what has been achieved, and what is planned for this week. Leaders can communicate important information to subordinates and motivate them to work productively. Do not drag out the time - it is best to hold the meeting within 30 minutes.

2. Distribution of tasks

This short meeting is best done early in the day. Managers give out assignments for the day and explain them to employees. If there are no questions or important information, such a meeting will not take up a lot of workers' time.

3. Planning meeting

It is necessary to hold such a planning meeting after all employees have been notified in advance in writing or electronically. Let them prepare on the topic, schedule a meeting and a meeting secretary. Also send the conclusions and conclusions from the meeting to everyone who was present or should be at the planning meeting. It is important to note that such a planning meeting cannot be held for too long. If this still cannot be avoided, be sure to take time-outs for rest or a snack.

4. Creative meeting

If this time you have nothing to offer the team, a good option would be to hold a planning meeting in a non-standard format. It could be a contest for the best idea or a brainstorming session.

5. Planning meeting for resolving conflicts

Do not forget about the human factor and possible misunderstandings in the team.

The correct position of the boss is to identify and solve a similar problem. It will be more convenient to hold a meeting for this purpose more than ever. You need to give each person the opportunity to explain their position and tell what exactly does not suit them. The format of such a meeting should not be strict, let people talk or argue, arguing their opinion. Once you have identified the difficulties together, you need to overcome them. It is not necessary to take it upon yourself only; HR specialists and senior managers will help you.

You need to conduct a meeting by choosing an interesting topic for everyone - so that everyone wants to speak, and you have the opportunity to regulate the conversation and adjust its direction.

Summarize the meeting, gather what the participants said, and share the results with them.

There is no need to warn colleagues from the very beginning that the planning meeting is being held because of a conflict that has arisen. An exception is special meetings organized solely to deal with such situations.

How to maximize the benefits of the planning meeting

Poorly organized planning meetings, meetings, and meetings are completely useless and even harmful. Because by themselves they do not create added value, but a huge amount of time can be spent on them.

Learn the rules for organizing effective planning meetings from Commercial Director magazine, which will move the workflow with a minimum of time spent.

How to hold meetings daily: a step-by-step algorithm

Step 1. Determine the goals of the morning planning meeting

Each organization must present and plan the results of its work. Based on the intended goals, you need to draw up a phased plan for their implementation.

Select goals from the list that are appropriate for your business:

  • Setting goals

The main reason for holding collective meetings is task scheduling. An employee's daily plan should not include more than 3 tasks and 1 focus. Ideally, each employee himself outlines the tasks and focuses for the day and informs the manager about this.

To set realistic and achievable goals, use. It is best to plan the work with specific numbers. Visualize the information: it is better to conduct the event in a room with a projector or a blackboard, on which you will write down the main tasks. Mark the focus for the day with a marker and emphasize this during the conversation.

It is best for each employee to write down their plan.

  • Feedback from employees

Very often, when faced with a problem or an incomprehensible situation, employees do not inform their boss about it. As a rule, this is discussed among colleagues and is not considered worthy of reporting to management. It is necessary to establish constant contact with subordinates. Employees need to get in the habit of telling their manager about their concerns and concerns in the process of performing their duties.

In this case, the leader needs to hold separate meetings in order to listen to each problem and respond to it appropriately, even if he believes that the situation is not worth special attention. Also, look for the root of the problem, not the culprit. Appoint a specific person responsible for fixing the problem, and set aside a clear time frame for this.

  • Experience transfer and training

Be the first to speak - tell your colleagues how you would do the assigned task yourself. Start a discussion, ask employees how to do this or that work better and more fruitfully. You can hold a planning meeting in a game format or take a business case so that everyone can take part in the discussion.

You can conduct training: tell or repeat scripts with colleagues, typical answers, product benefits, company promotions, and the like. Involve the entire team in this process.

Do not repeat yourself, teach your employees new things every day, develop them!

  • Improving team spirit

Talk about the company as a close-knit team - in your speech use the words "we", "our team".

Communicate something new and interesting for the last day: what happened yesterday, company news, its successes (even small ones). Just because you have an internal mailing list doesn’t mean that everyone reads it. Therefore, the most interesting and important thing can be told again at the planning meeting. If the information is not entirely positive, employees will have the opportunity to discuss an action plan.

Remember important dates for employees, talk about them (birthdays of employees themselves, their family members, children, an important event for the company, and so on).

  • Team motivation

You can hold a meeting in order to charge the team with positive things for the day ahead. For this you need:

  • Praise someone from the staff (best in sales, good quality, gratitude from the client, solving a difficult situation, etc.).
  • When assigning tasks, explain how the work will positively affect the overall goals of the firm. Make it clear to each employee that they are important.
  • Use motivational words and phrases: "Let's do it!", "Show what you are capable of!" etc.
  • Show that you believe in each employee, often say phrases such as “We can” “We will succeed”, “I am sure”, etc.

An important rule in order to have effective meetings is to talk only about positive things, do not scold anyone at the planning meeting, do not scold the team. In the morning it is worth talking only about the positive!

Be sure to use all of the goals mentioned above, but not all of them need to have meetings at once.

Step 2. We draw up the regulations

After you have chosen your goals for your morning meetings, you need to decide how to conduct them. The schedule can be printed and posted in the office where the meeting is held.

Decide how long you intend to hold the meeting and write it down in the rules. Fifteen minutes is enough for an effective meeting. In addition, make a specific plan: what you will talk about in the meeting. This requires:

The planning meeting should be held on a positive note. Greet the team, mark someone from the staff for the work done and the successes over the past day. At the end of the meeting, you can congratulate the team, wish them a pleasant day, or motivate them for productive work.

At the beginning of the planning meeting, let us know what has been done over the past day. Set new tasks taking into account what has been done. After that, you can conduct training or start repetition.

Get a reaction from the team, talk to them at the end of the meeting, so as not to drag out the event. If the topic for discussion is too difficult and takes more than two minutes, take it to a separate meeting or entrust it to a specific employee.

Step 3. Getting ready for the planning meeting

In order to correctly and competently conduct a planning meeting, you should prepare for it in advance. It is best to start preparing for your morning meeting in the evening, and be sure to write everything down.

The tasks for the day should be consistent with longer-term goals and address the issues that have arisen from the previous day. For each item separately, write down what you will talk about: positive news, problems, recent events, training.

Step 4. Conduct a planning meeting

Start your meeting using your outline. Greet the team. Keep track of the time so that the meeting does not drag on for more than 15 minutes.

During the meeting, observe the reaction of employees at each stage of the planning session. So you can determine what was interesting to the team and what was not. If a piece of information is not interesting to employees, consider whether you can remove it from the plan or change the way it is presented.

You can understand how effectively you conducted the planning meeting by the indicator of the quality of the work of the employees, the level of sales. If productivity has improved, then the meeting was organized correctly.

Expert opinion

How to hold a custom morning meeting

Dmitry Grishin,

chairman of the board of directors and one of the founders of Mail.Ru Group in Moscow

It is a common thing for us to hold meetings of an unusual format. Each of them takes less than half an hour. Planning meetings are open to all comers, any employees can participate, not just those who are directly related to the topic of the planning meeting. We speak while standing in order to move somewhat away from the usual format of work in the workplace.

Finding as many creative ideas as possible to solve the problems that have arisen, even those that seem completely unrealistic, is the main goal with which we began to conduct such planning meetings. Proposals are criticized strictly to the point, without emotion, speaking only about the technical side of the issue.

Everything proposed by the team is entered into a special database. Holding events of this format means giving employees the opportunity to hear each other and not get hung up on an insignificant problem. Everyone feels involved in a common cause, important for the company, and this, like nothing else, gives an incentive to work.

How to properly hold a planning meeting in the department

Each of us understands how much department heads have to do. In addition to the usual work, they take over the problem solving and the general organization of the entire department. The efficiency of a boss's work depends on what methods and management tools he uses. Is it worth wasting time and holding meetings in this case?

It all depends on the manager's approach to the issue of planning meetings. In one case, bosses approach planning meetings very formally, even if the company's rules stipulate that such meetings must be held. Such a leader believes that the main thing is more effort, fewer meetings. Other department heads decide to hold meetings on their own initiative, because they know how effective such a tool is for improving the quality of the team's work.

If the mentor of an entire department thinks that meetings should be held simply because “it is necessary,” then he should not waste time holding planning meetings. Any activities organized for the sake of appearance only have a negative impact on the work. As the name suggests, a planning meeting is a competent planning of actions to achieve the big goals of a company.

Based on the Deming cycle, a planning meeting is a periodic check (Check) of the work of the team in order to change or redirect movement (Akt), if necessary.

How often to hold planning meetings in the department? Everyday meetings in the department are necessary only for new or inexperienced employees who cannot cope without constant supervision and advice from their superiors. For a more cohesive and experienced team, meetings should be held once a week, on the same day, approximately the same in terms of time and structure of the planning meeting. This is necessary for the purpose of discipline.

Most often, the leader refuses to hold a planning meeting, because he considers it a waste of time. Interaction with the team turns into a short monologue without feedback from employees. With this approach, most of the functions are lost, except perhaps informational and, in part, disciplining.

It is much more difficult for any leader to interact with the group than with each employee separately. Managing an entire team at once is the skill of an experienced and good boss. Such a leader knows how to properly conduct a planning meeting: quickly and to the point, while getting a "return" from the group, discussing some issue with them and, on the basis of this, regulate the work of the department. It is best to keep within a half-hour meeting (+ - 15 minutes). In a person, physiologically, it is precisely such a time for the greatest concentration of attention that is laid.

The introduction of a new event - planning meetings - will take a certain amount of time. It will often take multiple meetings to get the tool to work. If the head of the department begins to listen to the feedback from the team, he will receive a lot of new information that no one has expressed before. But now an opportunity has turned up - the leader himself asked! It will be necessary to define separate roles for employees and their purpose in the work of the whole group, overcome objections, and argue their position in the best way. Often, managers do not complete the implementation of a new tool and, being a couple of steps from the ideal result, return to less effective management, that is, conduct separate conversations with each employee.

10 rules for a morning sales meeting

Often, sales managers do a good job with the main responsibility of talking to people and selling goods, but at the same time they do not know how to act according to the plan, analyze the work performed and work consistently. If the manager has already received many orders for this month, he stops working as actively, makes fewer cold calls, does not deal with passive clients.

Noticing such a tendency, the manager can inform the manager about this at the planning meeting, say that his evasion from work is noticed and controlled. Of course, managers will look for an excuse not to participate in the meeting, arguing that they are busy. You can hold a meeting with an administrative management purpose, when the manager can influence the work and improve it if he noticed a recession or rush.

To conduct a planning meeting as efficiently as possible, you need to adhere to these rules:

Rule 1. Frequency

You should have your morning appointments at the same time every day, regardless of your mood. Over time, the planning meeting will become a habit and will serve as a signal for managers to start work. There were times when the absence of a meeting or its poor organization broke the usual way of the day of managers, took away their good mood and the desire to work.

At the morning meeting, managers should come to their senses to the end, wake up and understand - it's time to start work!

Rule 2. Discipline

3 key pledges of an effective planning meeting - to hold meetings with a precise structure, defined goals and the same time. If the rules are observed, the planning meeting has a positive effect on the work of managers, deviation from them, on the contrary, harms labor.

The meeting must be held at the same time. Employees must arrive at the office early and not be late. You need to tune in to work before and during the meeting so that you can start working immediately after the meeting is over. Each manager should prepare in advance for the planning meeting, set goals for the day and calculate all the indicators so as not to waste time from the entire team during the meeting and not to be distracted by himself.

If you decide to have a game-based meeting, set aside approximately 45 minutes for this. This is more than for a regular planning meeting, but it is very effective for the work of the team and the financial performance of the company.

Rule 3. Vigor

The morning meeting sets the mood for the whole day.

If you hold a boring and uninteresting meeting, then there will be no positive effect from work on that day. Provide information clearly and interestingly, do not let the team drift away from the topic or ask about things that are not related to the general work of the team.

At the planning meeting, it is worth talking only about what applies to all employees. Such an event is a collective work, and not just a time to sit out.

Rule 4. Train your managers constantly

Every time at the end of the working day, ask the managers how the work went - what difficulties arose, what objections from clients could not be overcome. Summarize the information to conduct part of the morning planning meeting, sorting out the situation with the team.

First, have the manager describe the problem that has arisen. After that, briefly review the theory on this topic, for example, the argumentation section. After that, arrange a brainstorming session during the game: the manager who is faced with the difficulty will take on the role of the client, and the rest of the subordinates offer options for solving the problem.

The discussion should be conducted in such a way that each employee takes part in the search for a solution. You do not need to independently and each time explain how to cope with the difficulty, let the team find a way out by themselves through interaction with each other.

This approach with daily training will enable managers to constantly improve and not be afraid to face a problem.

Rule 5. Constantly monitor the planned

The rule is very clear from the name. If you stop monitoring the work of managers, you will not see effective work.

Rule 6. Team motivation

When holding a planning meeting, report not only the overall results for the previous day, but also highlight the managers with the best and worst performers. This will not negatively affect the work of employees, but will only give an incentive to work as well or to improve if something did not work out yesterday.

It is important to note not only quantitative indicators, but also the quality of work. Praise the managers who spoke to the client the best. You can listen to the conversations of employees yourself or contact the quality control department for a report.

Rule 7. Specificity in plans

When planning his day at the morning meeting, the manager must decide what sales he will make, who he will meet, what payment he will receive. It is necessary to get used to holding an event in such a way that managers always give out this data in specific numbers and names of organizations. Let the manager clearly name the companies to which he will call and to which he will go, even if he does not have specific answers from clients planned for today.

Also, your daily plan should be part of your monthly goal. In other words, if the monthly sales plan is 500,000 rubles, then the salesperson cannot plan to receive 15,000 per day, since such a rate will not lead to the fulfillment of a long-term task.

It is imperative to deal with the objections of your own employees who do not want to set themselves high standards, citing superstition or simple dissatisfaction. Train employees to set ambitious goals.

Keep in mind that the plan must be real and doable, not just said. The manager must understand that the task set for the day is real, and strive to implement it.

Rule 8. Check the readiness of the whole team

Before sending your subordinates to places, check their readiness. We are talking about both external resources (materials for presentation, business cards, phone bases, etc.) and internal, “human” - whether everyone is in the appropriate mood or needs to work with someone separately in order to motivate them for productive activity.

Rule 9. Powerful Call to Action at the End of the Planning Meeting

To complete the planning meeting, come up with a vivid motivating phrase that will serve as a signal to start work - for example, "For business!", "Forward!" etc.

Such a phrase will serve as an anchor that will additionally energize the team.

Rule 10. Visualization

To conduct the glider with greater efficiency, it is imperative to draw up a board on which the meeting results and rating will be attached, so that employees can see overall achievements, their indicator and how close they are to meeting the monthly plan.

How to hold a planning meeting every week

If you want to conduct a planning meeting effectively, you need to consider two conditions. First of all, the time allotted for the meeting should not be long, about half an hour. The second is the notes during the planning meeting. The goals voiced by the leaders must be written down.

The weekly planning meeting consists of four phases:

Stage 1. Announcement of the goals of the company

The best way to hold weekly meetings is to start by repeating the firm's primary or long-term goal. For example, “A prosperous company with an extensive sales market”. After that, name the task for a shorter period - something like "Increase the organization's income by 3 times this year."

Step 2: The business leaders take turns talking about what they did last week to achieve the goal

It is necessary to conduct a planning meeting in order to find out specific information from managers about the work done. General phrases, uninformative speech, such as "We managed to increase the efficiency of the department by 10%," should not be allowed. In such a case, it is worth asking correctly what measures were taken.

If the head of the department continues to provide general information, the meeting leader should interrupt him and directly ask if there is information worth reviewing at the meeting. If not, you need to hold the meeting further, passing the floor to another department.

If you hold meetings of this format, you can clearly see the results of the work of each department of the company. It also reveals which of the leaders is working hard for the good of the organization, and who is just pretending.

Stage 3. A goal is set for the next week for the whole company, and the leaderachievesconsent of the participants for this purpose

Give each leader the opportunity to share what their department is going to do this week, how they will execute the plan. Record the planned tasks in the journal.

In addition, heads of departments will have the opportunity to interact with each other: to ask another department to do something, if joint efforts are needed. After discussion, such goals should also be recorded in the journal.

Step 4: The planning meeting leader asks if they are ready to truly reach their goal this week and announces the start.

This form of planning meetings helps to achieve the most positive results. Heads of departments start to work hard and achieve high performance in their department or vacate positions for more valuable personnel. It is with the help of such meetings that you can understand which of the colleagues is making the most of their efforts, and who is only creating an appearance.

Expert opinion

The best option for holding weekly planning meetings is multi-level

Vladimir Kiselev,

CEO, partner of CJSC "Company SHERP" in Moscow

Weekly planning meetings are mandatory events for every company, at which the results of work are reviewed and discussed and goals for the next week are set. It is best to hold meetings at each level. First, the heads of departments and the General Director are conferred, and after that, planning meetings are held in each department with his immediate boss. At minor planning meetings, executives may also announce information that applies to the entire company and to each employee.

It is important to hold a planning meeting not only within the strict framework of the stated topic, but also to enable employees to find out information of interest and discuss work issues. The role of such meetings is very important: this is how the team learns about new goals, changes in the plan or other news. The CEO should meet with employees who do not participate in weekly planning meetings once a month or quarter.

How to get creative with planning meetings

1. Choose an unusual place

Meetings aren't limited to the office. Look for a beautiful place in your city, a promenade, a pedestrian street, or a cafe. The main thing is that you can quickly get there from work and to work.

A place that colleagues will like: a coffee shop, an embankment, a park area. The only caveat is that the place should be located close to the office so that everyone can quickly get there.

2. Set a non-standard time

Try to hold meetings not in the morning, but, for example, at lunchtime (just not leaving the team without food) or 30 minutes before the end of the working day (this speeds up the pace of work!).

3. Materials used

Give the stationery not to all participants, but a set of paper and a pen for 2-3 people. Thus, they themselves will decide who will write what.

4. Pick up the phones from everyone before the meeting

A good solution is to hold the meeting without distractions. At first, this will cause some embarrassment and confusion, but then it will significantly increase the concentration and involvement of participants in solving problems.

5. Change the format of the event

You can hold a planning meeting by phone or Skype to diversify the usual rhythm when everyone is used to sitting in a meeting room.

Expert opinion

Could a cigar, hookah and whiskey meeting be effective?

Nikolay Novoselov,

Director of ArtNauka company, Moscow

Based on my personal experience, I can say that an increase in the number of planning meetings negatively affects the company's productivity. We tried a “day of office silence” and found that this approach gives a better result than the planning meeting itself. Unfortunately, this method does not completely suit us, we cannot spend a day without meetings every week, since we are engaged in the event area.

The staff would have liked the meeting more if they had meetings with a cigar and drink whiskey. In such an almost informal setting, colleagues have a lot more to tell and be honest about their opinions. I was not afraid that familiarity would appear in the team if such planning meetings were held. The relationship between employees has not changed, people just began to feel more relaxed, to express an opinion about the situation and give practical advice.

How to conduct planning meetings using the experience of successful companies

Conducting meetings with the team competently does not always mean organizing meetings of the usual format, when everyone gathers and sits in armchairs. In modern companies, in which non-standard methods quickly take root, they are increasingly trying to hold meetings while standing. Meetings "on your feet" help to get rid of empty protracted conversations, to hear only the most important information.

Atomic Object, a software company, decided long ago to hold meetings on their feet. Thanks to this creative format, management achieves maximum results: no unnecessary reasoning, clear questions and correct answers. Practice shows that standing meetings take no more than 7 minutes - the team plans the day, listens to assignments and immediately begins to work. If you hold planning meetings of this form, employees will not have the opportunity to relax, and they will have to act and speak more actively.

The wall street journal reports that even during the First World War, it was customary to hold short planning meetings, since the slowness was unacceptable. Later, a similar format moved into business, in which there was a need to speed up interaction and exchange of information.

The benefits of the new meeting format have been scientifically proven. Scientist researcher Alain Bludorn at the University of Missouri found that holding a planning meeting while standing is taking less time from employees, but achieving, if not better, then absolutely similar results compared to regular meetings.

According to the survey VersionOne conducted in 2011, about 80% of 6,000 employees surveyed confirmed that it is customary for their companies to hold short meetings every day.

In addition to planning meetings "on their feet", Western companies have come up with other innovations for more efficient work.

For example, in a company Facebook decided to hold short meetings 15 minutes before the break, thereby initially setting the length of the meeting. Employees argue that this method is working well: people speak briefly and only on topic.

If it is necessary to fight discipline in the company, to reduce the number of delays, it is necessary to hold short meetings. It is better not to invite latecomers to the discussion, since, not knowing some of the information, they will interfere with the meeting and drag out the time by asking unnecessary questions.

In company AdobeSystems decided to hold planning meetings and at the same time deal with delays. They even provided for penalties for those who come at the wrong time. The time lost due to the fault of latecomers was equated to the time that could be spent on the development of programs. So the penalty for each delay is $ 1.

Company Steelcase has invented its own peculiarity - the signal for the beginning of the meeting is the composition of Elvis Presley - "A Little Less Conversation" or "Less Chatter".

If the employees of the organization do not have time to hold not only the usual, but also a short planning meeting, you can hold the meeting using the means of communication. In such cases, you can choose to chat or email the company to share the basic information you need with colleagues. At the same time, holding meetings "on their feet" is still more effective than any other planning meeting.

Information about experts

Hasmik Gevorgyan, general director and co-owner of the Provokatsiya chain of stores, Moscow. LLC "Provocation-production". Business profile: production and sale of clothing and accessories with provocative prints. Territory: head office - in Moscow; production - in Tver; retail outlets and shops - in more than 100 cities in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Number of staff: 55 (at the parent company).

Dmitry Grishin, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Co-founder of Mail.Ru Group, Moscow. Dmitry Grishin has been the chairman of the board of directors since March 2012. In 2005, he became one of the co-founders of Mail.Ru Group, where from November 2010 to October 2016 he served as CEO of the company (Russia). Dmitry has been working at Mail.Ru since 2000; in 2001 he was appointed the technical director of the company, from 2003 to 2010 he served as the general director. Graduated from the Faculty of Robotics and Integrated Automation of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman. In 2012 he founded GrishinRobotics, a venture capital firm to invest in consumer robotics around the world.

Vladimir Kiselev, General Director, Partner of CJSC "Company SHERP", Moscow. Vladimir Kiselev - General Director and senior partner of the consulting "SHERP Company" since 2000. He has been working in the field of personnel management since 1996, since 1998 he headed the personnel management service of a large diversified holding. CJSC "Company SHERP" has existed since 2000, is engaged in the formation of highly effective management teams and the development of clients' business, using innovative proprietary technology.

Nikolay Novoselov, director of ArtNauka company, Moscow. IE Novoselova T.A. (ArtNauka). Field of activity: conducting shows, teambuildings and presentations based on scientific experiments. Territory: head office in Moscow, eight representative offices in Russia. Number of staff: 10. Number of shows per year: 340.