David Garrett Biography Marital status. David Garrett: "The feeling of loneliness is one of the most beautiful"

David Garrett Biography Marital status. David Garrett:
David Garrett Biography Marital status. David Garrett: "The feeling of loneliness is one of the most beautiful"

Speaking about the style of the game of the young violinist-virtuoso David Garrett, most often use the term "crossover" (CrossOver), under which the synthesis is understood different areas. He performs and creates works of various musical styles, is the owner of nine international awards, its albums receive gold status, and the film workers rated artistic abilities famous violinist In the film "Paganini: Devil Scripper" (2013).

The real name of the young virtuoso - David Christian Bongartz. He was born on September 4, 1980 in Aachen (Germany) in the family of lawyer Georg Peter Bongarte and American ballerina, giving Garrett; The surname of the mother of the violinist accepted as a stage pseudonym. For the first time, the boy took a violin in his hands at a four-year-old - although this tool was not intended to him, but his eldest brother. But after a year, David appeared at the children's music contest And he received his first prize, and at the age of seven years began to practice in the conservatory of the city of Lübeck. At the age of 10, he participated in the concert of the Philharmonic of Hamburg, and a year after the concert for President FRG received a violin of Stradivari as a gift. In 2000, David began to take lessons at the famous violinist Ida Handel, coming to classes in London and other European cities. In his 13 years, David Garrett became the youngest performer who had concluded a contract with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft studio, on which his first CDs were released with the classic works of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Paganini. In 1997, David moved to London and entered the Royal Music College, but stopped learning after the first semester. According to the violinist, the reason for this was the discrepancy in views on the performing skills between him and his mentors, as well as skipping classes that he explained the need to undergo an additional musical practice

iku. David Garrett resumed his studies in a year, already in the New York School of Giulard, where he began to study musicology and composition, and also to improve its executive skill at the famous violinist Yitzhak Perlman. During study, David, like many students, worked - but not the stage, but on the podium, speaking as a model. However, this did not prevent him in 2003 to defeat composers in the student competition, composing a fugue written in the style of Baha. In 2004, Garrett received a diploma of the Giulard school and recorded his first album "Nokia Night of the Proms". He led extensive concert activity - He spoke with the Orchestra of the Berlin Philharmonic, in the London Albert Hall, in other prestigious events.

In 2007, David Garrett accepted the proposal of the Italian company "Montegrappa" to face the collection of elite feather handles "Tributo ad Antonio Stradivari". Under the terms of the contract, the presentation of the collection was carried out in New York, Hong Kong, Rome and other cities and included the game Garrendi game on the violin of Stradivari "Gli Archi Di Palazzo Comunale". In the same year, the violinist released two albums "FREE" and "Virtuoso", which have become events in the musical world. Albums featured their own Garretz compositions with the inclusion of classic melodies, in particular Caprice No. 24 of Paganini, and rock-songy ("Nothing Else Matters" from Metallica). According to Skrip

acha, he set the goal of an awakening of interest in classical music in young people, and used for this synthesis of classics with pop, rock and rhythm-and-blues. In addition, Garrett claims that Leaf, Paganini and Chopin in the XIX century were the same, who are rock stars now, and that in the works of Vivaldi and Mozart, you can meet pop music of that time (for example, "Turkish march"). Of course, such a concept of the author caused a discussion in the musical world, however, supporters, and the criticism of Garrett cannot deny that his composition and style of execution are impeccable and are of great interest, and the albums are in the first positions of charts. The next album called "Encore" used even great success than the previous ones, and was awarded the Echo Classic - 2008 award in the category "Classic without Borders". In the same year, David Garret was recognized by the "man of the year" in the nomination "Music" according to the magazine "Gentlemen" s Quarterly ". In 2009, the violinist released the album" David Garrett ", which firmly took a leading position in the charts of the United States. In the fall of the same The year was released another album "Classic Romance", created in a classic manner and based on a violin concert of Mendelssohn. He brought his creator another Echo Classic award, this time in the "bestseller year" category. 2010 became a new step in the work of Garrett. Concert in Berlin Park Wuhlheide, the program

wow combined classic works Several eras - from Baha to Nirvana - became an unusual and ambitious project. The album "Rock Symphonies", created on the basis of the compositions of this concert, brought the author of the ECHO award in the categories "The Best DVD-Product" and "Best Rock / Pop Artist", as well as the Guinness Book of Records as the most fast violinist in the world. After the success of "Rock Symphonies" and tour tour Garrett returned to the classics and released the LEGACY album in 2011 with the works of Beethoven and Craisler, who received gold status in several countries. In December of the same year, at the Royal Concert in London, a virtuoso introduced his cover version of the cult composition "Nirvana" "Smells Like Teen Spirit", combining rock and classics. The event was also the performance of Garrett and opera singer Jonas Kaufman Caver Version of the UEFA Champions League Anthem at the UEFA Final Match in May 2012. In 2013, another one came out unusual album "Music", which included various rock and pop composition in symphony. Last to date Album Garrett "Caprice", created together with guitarist Mors, Tenor

Popular violinist David Garrett is known as the most high-speed violinist of modernity - his name is made to the Book of Records of the Guinies for the fact that he managed to play Bumblebee Flight of Roman Corsakov for 66 seconds. The thirty-year-old violinist of German-American origin works in musical directionConnecting different styles With classical music. Personal life of David Garrettfrom early childhood was associated with music. When the father gave him a violin elder brother, David was seriously interested in the instrument and learned very quickly on it. At seven years he entered the conservatory of the city of Lübeck, and twelve had already begun to play with English violinist GoDel.

In the photo - David Garrett

The talent of the boy was noticed by the President of Germany Richard Wezsekker, who presented him as a sign of respect for the violin of Stradivari. Parents tried not to miss a single philharmonic concert on which the Son took with them. His first contract with a record company Garrett concluded in thirteen years, and this was another step in the career of Wunderkinda. David did not stop his vocational education, After the end of the New York Juilliard Scool, where he studied at Izhak Perelman, a young musician began to give concerts using great success.

Personal life of David Garrett, mainly passes in the roadway. He early began to ride around the world, so I still have no feeling of my own home. However, his permanent place New York has become a residence, in which David has many new friends. The musician is happy that everywhere, wherever he had been, there was a certain circle of communication around him, whose members he could be called with full confidence. Music occupies a huge place in the personal life of David Garrett, he devotes her four to five hours daily, and can not live without it. According to the musician, if for some reason he can not pay music at least a few minutes a day, he feels not in his plate.

David is a magnificent interlocutor with whom you can communicate on any topic. He considers his life fantastically beautiful and enjoys every living day. David Garrett not only performs music, but he himself writes her, however, his own writings, for some reason, does not show at their concerts. As for romantic relations, the musician says that in his present life Because of the constant touring, it is difficult for him to build serious relationshipbecause, according to him, long distances for a long time destroy love.

On October 3 and 4, a German violinist will perform in the Kiev Palace "Ukraine" David Garrett. Musician on stage from 7 years, and the first album recorded at 13. Today in the repertoire of Garrett - works classic composers, world pop hits and copyright topics.

Garrett is known for his collection musical instrumentsIn which even there was a violin of Stradivari. And five years ago, the musician reincarnated in Nikolo Paganini in the film "Paganini: Devil's violinist".

David Garrett told us about how going to play in Kiev two concerts in a row than it attracted to the capital of Ukraine and about many other things.

David, in childhood, did you feel like a welcome?

No, no way. I had usual childhood. I think a lot of musicians have passed this way. Now I understand that my success is not in this.

How did your success treat your success and colleagues?

At 13, among my surroundings, there were practically no musicians. I communicated with school buddies who loved to play basketball and had other normal hobbies. Perhaps my interests were slightly different from them.

Your mentor Yitzhak Perlman has ukrainian origin - His father is from the Ternopil region. Did he tell you anything about our country?

My grandmother from Kiev, so in my veins also flows Ukrainian blood. I think some connection is in this. Maybe so I managed to find mutual language With Izhak.

Ukrainian musician Kirill Karabitz works by the chief conductor of German national Theater. Have you heard anything about him?

I know about Kirill, but until it worked with him. Ukraine is rich in talented violinists and conduirs. Therefore, here I feel like at home not only thanks to family uzam.

In your repertoire, there are compositions Debussy, Rakhmaninov, Mozart, Vivaldi and other classic composers from different countries. Did not plan to replenish it with works of Ukrainian authors?

I always try to approach concert Program Unswiped look. I take it that listeners know and love, but always leave a small space for surprises. We'll see!

You also play songsMetallica., COLDPLAY., AC/ DC and others popular artists. Do you dream of moving with them on the same scene?

Sure! I love to cooperate with the professionals of my business in any genres, be something classical music, rock, jazz or pop.

Sometimes you also play with classic orchestras. Do not you want to experiment with unusual for academic musicians formations - DJs or rappers, for example?

Why not? Classical music is my abode and a sweat. But in the presence of experience and taste, the field for experiments is infinite.

How do you feel the difference between the execution of the author's compositions and works of other composers?

When you play your things, you feel stronger with butterflies in your stomach. Because they are close to your heart. I want people to love them. It's like when you have children, and you want to show the whole world, what are their beautiful.

In 2013 you played main role In the film "Paganini: Diavol violinist". What does this musician inspire you?

He changed the attitude of people to the violin as a tool. Invented new technicians who subsequently used many virtuoso musicians. Paganini - innovator from music of his time.

Paganini had a stunning collection of violins. Tell us about your.

I have a few tools that I keep very, very carefully. First of all, I feel great responsibility. Because they are not completely mine, and after my life there will be someone else. The main tool that I use at concerts is a wonderful violin of the Stradivarius of the Golden Period, 1716.

For the first time you performed in Kiev in 2016. What is the impression on you the capital of Ukraine then? How are you going to spend free time In the city during future concerts?

I got a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure. Kiev is a beautiful city with very hospitable residents. Despite the workload, I am trying to always find time to walk around the cities, where I am speaking, so and last time I was happy to go through the old Kiev. I hope in October I will have the opportunity to explore the city better.

Initially, you had to perform in Kiev in February of this year, but canceled a concert and subsequent tour due to problems with the back. Ready to continue?

Oh yes, I am ready for battle! Take such a long break for me is not easy. It is hard to stay in the ranks, but in this situation I do not have another choice. What does not kill makes us stronger. On the other hand, I had a lot of free time I spent on working on new program. I will present it in the near future. No humus without good.

Surely not so easy to play two concerts in a row. How do you prepare such performances?

In fact, it is not very difficult. When you play several concerts in one city, they really organize them. Travels - one of the most exhausting processes in my activity, long-lasting tours deplete me physically. BUT B. lately I try to approach touring schedule More judged. For example, I no longer fly from Asia to the USA, and then to Europe.

What will you surprise the public in Kiev?

It will be wonderful and cheerful evenings with great music. And, I hope with a lot of smiles.

Photo provided by the press service of David Garrett. Posted by: Christoph Kostlin

- American violinist virtuoso german origin. Ginnes Record owner, like the most high-speed violinist in the world, no one plays"Flying Bumblebee" Roman Corsakov faster than it (65 seconds). Exceptional artist and just a handsome man. Extravagant musician, who wants not only to listen, but also to see. Single :)

My acquaintance with the musician happened in 2013, when I completely accidentally got into a movie theater for the film: "Paganini: Diavol's violinist", in which, as it turned out, David Garrett played the main role. Honestly, I first attracted me a male charm and insane devils in David's eyes. I did not know that in front of me modern genius classical music. We can say that you fell in love, absolutely my type: a long-haired musician, in the eyes of the fire, charisma, even from the ears of the hut (and this is just a movie!) And the tool in the hands :) Talented man - Talented in everything andthe acting work David did not limit himself, he also became a composer of the film. From myself I want everyone to advise you to familiarize yourself with, who has not yet watched, with this colorful story about the legendary violinist Niccolo Paganini, whose life has always been shrouded in various mystical rumors.

I was just amazed and hurried home to at least somehow satisfy my curiosity and google, google, google. When I am under great impression, and this happens often, first of all, from the enormous number of spam on my part - friends suffer, and then it comes to the colleagues. In general, in the distant 2013, many people learned about the existence of an unmatched handsome David Garrett.
And on the eve of the concerts of this genius in Russia, namely:

  • September 8 in Moscow
  • September 9 in St. Petersburg

i want to tell and tell, and for someone can still open this guy with hurricane-crazy energy and an outstanding artist.

In short, I still do not want to clutch biographical facts, after all, just emotions and the impression of the artist is much more interesting and more colorful. So very slightly information: David Garrett was born on September 4, 1980 in Aachen (Germany), on the Horoscope of Virgo, which means— David is preserved for cleanliness (Virgin They are), yes, he himself confessed in one of the interviews that cleaning is a certain meditative process for him when you can think about many things and scroll through various thoughts in the head. So David is very close to the people and even washes the floors.

According to a common legend, the father gave the violin initially to the eldest son, but as they say— we assume, and God has, and a gift, as it turned out in the end, was intended for the future genius-violinist, which clutched into the tool and to this day does not release from the hands, pleases us virtuoso play. David's childhood was peculiar if it was at all, after all, starting playing a violin from 4 years old and having won his first contest in a year, then all the following years were filled with stubborn work, a series of various contests, speeches and exclusive contracts. All is not childish. It is worth noting that the first violin of Stradivari in 11 years he was presented by President GermanyRichard von Wezsecker after David's speech in the president's residence itself at the Villa Hammershmidt for a personal invitation. In fact, the enchanting performances and the merits of David can be transferred infinitely, but I see no reason to retell Wikipedia, and the true fans and so everyone knows everything. I was struck by the fact in his biography, which in 17 years old David adopted a bold independent decision that had determined his subsequent life. Contrary to the will of the parents, because all the decisions then received others for him and breaking all contracts,- PRED avivo in New York, in Juliar School (Juilliard School), in one of the largest American higher educational institutions in the field of art and music. Independently tried to pay training - granting for any work from the toilet washer to model business. Such actions, in fact, talk about many things, for example, the maturity and awareness of a person and this is 17 years old. Do not be afraid not just to live, but to change your life- worthy of respect.

Separate thanks to David for the album "Rock Symphonies", for such an incredible transformation of classic rock to a violin with an orchestra. Hear songs of such worldoptots like: Metallica, U2, Guns N "Roses, Nirvana ... in such an original and divine feed"It's just a delight for the ears, well for mine certainly." I love Nirvana very much, and when I first heard, but I saw more precisely (still in David's dynamics even more good!) "Smells Like Teen Spirit, "I just blew up, how is it possible? It is simply unreacted, so talented and beautiful that browsing one roller, you hang on the Internet for a couple of hours. It is impossible to just stop enjoying watching performances.

David Garrett - Smells Like Teen Spirit

For Michael Jackson lovers, one of his immortal songs, shifted on the violin.

David Garrett - Smooth Criminal

And my favorite performance from David— Thomaso Albini "Adagio". I remember that I have whole year Standing this composition on the call of an old phone while he was not stolen. Someone apparently also pulled to the beautiful at one time.

If seriously, then such music as a panacea and acts as a tablet, relaxes and takes somewhere in the distance, it is impossible to resist these magic sounds, and whether it is worth? It is better to trust and enjoy.

David Garrett - Albinoni - Adagio

David mine external species, absolutely broke patterns. Classical music- this is optionally strictly apparel and reference. In the classics, too, there are rock stars! For this view, many women would give their last dress.

Long blond hair, three-day bristles, dranny jeans, heavy boots, velvet tuxedo orfree jacket, under it a simple T-shirt with a skull, carelessly pulled by a rubber band and in the hands of an old violin of Stradivari, which is worth millions of dollars, - How wild and in the same time everything is so natural in this appearance. This is simple natural world ContrastsDavid Garrett.

David, like a traveler and at the same time conductor between different musical worlds, which at least in a bag of potatoes, leads his audience in delight, exciting and warming interest and curiosity to classical music, even in those who have previously and notion did not have about this world, for example, I. More and more I. more people He attracts concerts and convinces that classical music- It is very modern and fashionable.

How does David himself say:"Music is an expression of life. Music can never be hatred. Music is always positive emotions. They can be sad, but they are always hope. Music changes thoughts for the better."

The son of a German lawyer and American primary ballerina received its first violin at 4 years. More precisely, it was a gift for the birthday of his older brother)) Taking the violin in his hands, he did not want to part with her.

When David Garrett turned 10, he gave the first solo concert on the stage state Philharmonic Hamburg.

Aged 14 years David Garrettsigned an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft, as the youngest soloist in the company's history

At 17, after the end of the Juliar School (Juilliard School of Music) - one of the most famous American conservatory, David Garrett began to tour with concerts worldwide.

At the age of 19, he played with symphony orchestra Rundfunk in Berlin, under the leadership of Raphael Frubek de Burgos, and was very positively encountered musical critics. After that, he was invited to speak at the world-famous exhibition - Expo 2000 in Hanover.

Musical critics are called David Garrett "fashionable pop violinist", although it is true only in part, since the musician itself really likes to play rock.

The most favorite classics are Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov, in their works, according to the David Garrett itself, life and passion felt.

2008 The name David Garrett was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. He was able to play "Flight of the Bumblebee" (Comp. Rimsky-Korsakov) for 66.5 seconds, and two months later broke his record, playing "Bumblebee" exactly for 65 seconds.

David Garrett interesting person. He has something to learn. For him, the place in which he plays and the clothes in which he is dressed at the same time. He is not interested in that who will think about his free behavior on stage or his refreshment. It breaks stereotypes for many centuries! He still stands on the street in torn jeans and ordinary T-shirt and to take a rumor past the sounds of their souls, or on the stage of London Royal Albert Hall! David Garrett musician without "posture", He feels comfortable everywhere. The main thing for him is to convey its virtuoso music to people and make it part of their daily life.

David plays on two violins: Antonio Stradivari 1716 (4.5 million euros) and Giovanni Battist Guadagniini 1772. (acquired in 2003 for $ 1 million).

Garrett is considered one of the most successful stars of classical music in the world, released 10 albums, 2 million CDs sold only the album "Encore". David has several awards, among them: a golden camera, gold and platinum plates.