Famous classic violinists. Ten violinists who play trend music a message on the topic of famous violinists

Famous classic violinists. Ten violinists who play trend music a message on the topic of famous violinists
Famous classic violinists. Ten violinists who play trend music a message on the topic of famous violinists

Leader - Stradivari?

The most famous violins are not only the most expensive in terms of or the most sound. The instrument rating includes violins that have been fame due to its unique design.

Should I ask the question of what the most famous violins sing in the hands of modern performers? Surely, after all, the answer will be one - the violin of Stradivari. In extreme cases, they will be able to remember the tools at AMI. Is it really?

Top 5 from the end

If we draw up the top violins, then the 5-6 place is not taken by the work of vintage masters, but modern tools - electroscripts made for a talented musician Stoppprd Linzi, which ordered them. Violins have a special sound, and ... a unique design, thanks to which the price is explained - 2.2 million dollars. On each tool for 50,000 Swarovski crystals!

The next place in the ranking is occupied by a violin on which Niccolo Paganini himself played. She came out from under the hands of Guardari del Jesu, the Italian master, in 1742. It was on this violin that Paganini performed his legendary concert, during which all the strings burst. For a long time they thought it was only a beautiful legend. But it turned out - the violin exists! And a private buyer who does not want publicity acquired it for his collection for 5 million dollars.

Honorable third place is occupied by Violin Gwarnery, created in 1741. Currently, experts estimate this unique tool at $ 7 million. But her owner, the Russian entrepreneur, acquired it once for the floor of the price.

The second place in the violins of Stradivari, one of which was sold for 9.8 million dollars. The great master gave a name to all his children - so he called the tools - and the most expensive daughter is the name of Lady Blante. This tool was made, it can even be said - executed, in 1721.

And in the first place in the ranking again violin Gwarnery - Vietan. Brilliant violinist, Niccolo Paganini brought it into the light. It is considered the most valuable not only in monetary equivalent, but also on sound. Tool price - 18 million dollars. She is in possession of Belgian Ezhen Izai.

Although Stradivari's violin ratings rank second place, most of the modern performers prefer them. Tools have a completely unique sound, and each violin of Stradivari can be found in voice. The whole master made more than 1,100 tools. Until our time lived less than half.

Remembering the most famous violin masters and the most famous violins can not be remembered by the tools that the Russian serf master of Batov Ivan Andreevich did. Once at the Batov tool played the opponent Nikolo Paganini, Karel Lipinsky.

Batov renovated a very many of the violins of Stradivari, who are now in the hands of Russian performers. It is rumored that one of these tools occupies a ninth place in the global violin rating. The cost of its 1.2 million dollars.

But it can still be seen that famous violins in their most are the violin of Italian masters. And it is very nice that among the wonderful tools there are those who passed through the hands of the Russian restorer.

The violin was not different as a "queen". Despite the seeming fragility and the elegance of the form, there are hiding towels in it. Probably, that is why the great were constantly improved in her game.

Harvests of violin skill

The famous violinist Nikolo Paganini has become a genius of musical violin art. Father forced him to play the instrument literally to exhaustion. The glory of the virtuoso was separated not only throughout Italy, but also in Europe. By the way, it was Paganini that had a precious collection of Stradivari violins and Guardari. Also, he also had a violin Amati, the family of the oldest masters of the scum.

Another maestro - Antonio Vivaldi. He was not just a great composer, but also was an unsurpassed violinist. He was born in Venice. His first teacher in the game on the violin was father. Already being a famous composer, a conductor, violinist and, in the end, a virtuoso, he was able to create a completely new musical form. This is meant - a violin concert. And his famous creation for a violin with an orchestra called "Seasons" has acquired literally incredible popularity.

Vivaldi was a clergyman and sometimes, at the moments of inspiration, could interrupt Mass to capture a new masterpiece on paper. Such a ministry of Maestro is deprived of Sana.
The well-known domestic musician David Justrah was only three and a half years, when his father brought home toy violin. Young David imagined himself a street musician. Actually, this dream came true pretty quickly. Tour of the Oistarch as a concerting soloist began when he was only sixteen. And in 1937, international glory began. It was then that all the planet spread the rumor about a certain violin of a global scale. The most masts of his colleagues gave him the palm of the championship.

Princess pop violin

Now the princess of pop violin is considered to be Vanessa May. It was this fragile girl who was able to teach generation of the 90s to love classical music. Vanessa was born on one day with Paganini, and for the first time she came out to the stage when she was nine. In 1991, she was able to write down his debut plate. At that time she was only eleven years old.

Vanessa May Vanakorn Nicholson (this is her full name) is one of the most beautiful women of the planet.

This amazing bow tool is a violin - so far the magnifier amounts across the planet. In Russia and in the West every year new contests are held, and new, young stars of violin skill appear for the joy of everyone.

Any anthology, poetry or prose, any collection of essays about great musicians, composers, or actors, always carries the print of the author's taste or the compiler of this anthology. In Soviet times, some literary anthologies have undergone (as well as their authors and compilers) huge and sometimes dangerous difficulties. It is enough to remember the story of only two literary collections: "Literary Moscow," came out only twice and was subjected to a defeat criticism with the authors published there, and another literary collection - "Tarusk Pages", if I remember correctly, I went out only once!

Books dedicated to music and musicians also carried to print with rigid censorship and indispensable "political correctness" of those years. Often the authors who have already prepared their books for printing, could not fully publish their works, as the people who were written by these works did not have "values" in the eyes of the authorities and were, as they were expressed, "inexpedient" to publish with wide circuses . All this is now well known.

It is less known that foreign compilers of anthologies often followed the "logic of state feasibility". Even a violin art was as strictly censored. I remember the book published in Germany in 1943 on the history of violin acting, where such historical figures like Joseph Joachim, Ferdinand Laub, Fritz Craisler were mentioned. From the "Nariantsy" with difficulty as it were "slipped" French Jacques! The most important luminaire of all times and peoples was in that book German violinist Willy Burmeister! Who knows today and remembers this name, except for teachers of children's music schools, where children play some processing of ancient composers of this squeaky violinist today?

I recently received the book of the famous Austrian musicologist Kurt Blahukopfa "Great Virtuosos", published in German in the mid-1950. Even he, living in the country of relative freedom of speech, could not resist the temptation of the impact of "political correctness of those years" in his selection of "great virtuosos", dedicating quite a lot of place to be popular then to the Soviet violinist Igor Belochny, completely bypassing the names of such young virtuosos like Julian Sitkovsky , Igor Ostrakh, Edward Grac, Rafail Sobolevsky, Nelly Schoolbird and even Leonid Kogan! And some others. Perhaps the case was that until the summer of 1955, Austria was still under the occupation of three coalition countries in the 2nd World War. But this is only an assumption. Naturally, any author-compiler is guided by its own taste and preferences, as well as partly and mod time. So, Kurt Blukopf dedicated a lot of space known since the end of the 1940s to the Soviet violinist Igor Belochny, really exclusively a talented artist and one of the most "promoted" among his co-figures and colleagues who studied at the same time in class A.I. Yampolsky.

In 1951, the student of the 3rd course of MGK roerages received the Stalinist Prize for "outstanding success in concert-performing activities," which caused great bewilderment among the oldest professors of the Conservatory. The choice of Austrian musicologist, especially since it seems strange today. Belonid was a bright artist, a very talented musician, but never was a "great virtuoso" - he never performed publicly writings Henri Vithana, Niccolo Paganini, Pablo de Sarasate. Only once he did on the Moscow Radio to record variations on the Opera Rossini "Othello" of Ernsta. The author did not include in his collection of such a world-famous virtuoso as Leonid Kogan! Igor Belonnye perfectly performed the concerts of Brahms, Saint-Sansa, Suite Taneyev, the "Poem" of the Schoson, the "Gypsy" of Ravel. Then the musical authorities wanted to see him by replacing David Justa. "Replacement" he, it seemed, did not and could not become.

So we will take for this that all the anthologies are compiled in accordance with the spirit of the time and the taste of the author, which, of course, makes the selection of predensive and sometimes biased. It should be done in advance that the author was guided by the principle of publishing materials on the famous violinists of the last XX century - long-gone not only from the scene, but also from life. History of young virtuosos of the XXI century (for example, Russian: Sergey Stadler, Vadim Repin, Alena Baev, Nikita Borisoglebsky, Maxim Hungarian and Er.), It must be assumed, will be written by researchers of the new generation.

1. Fritz Creisler - the greatest violinist of the XX century ("Virtuoso concert")

A few years ago, one of the acquaintances sent me a short story by Hermann Hesse "Concert of Virtuoso". If you know anything about German Hesse, then the reader may seem to have written this small story of the immigrant from the "First Russian Post-Engineering Wave" - \u200b\u200bsuch unfortunate, somehow uncountable and, of course, the author was perfected in the funds. Maybe after recognition that he was presented with a concert ticket?). The feeling was strengthened by the fact that the author experienced a clear dislike for wealth at all and to the wealthy public, which was accompanied by the concert of the famous virtuoso, in particular.

He sent me a story my friend so that I answered the question - who is this famous virtuoso, whose concert is devoted to the story of Hesse. For me, it was not difficult to immediately determine the name of this artist, which had an impact on all the violinists of the world - the most famous and unknown - all the violinists of the 20th century. But not only violinists, but even on such a great artist as a composer-pianist S. V. Rakhmaninov. All this I told my friend who sent me this text. Later, the temptation was made to read this story to my friends and acquaintances - musicians and not musicians - with the same goal with which the story was sent to me. To some extent, the answer to this question was an indicator of knowledge about the executive art and its vertices in the past century. But first we will get acquainted with this, not such a well-known story, published in 1928. Here are the main excerpts from it.

"Last night I was at a concert, significantly distinguished from the concerts that I used to listen at all. It was a concert of the world-famous secular violinist-virtuoso, an enterprise, it became not only a musical, but also a sports, but first of all - a public ... "" The program, however, promised mostly true music ... There were wonderful things in it: Crazerova Sonata, Chakon Bach, Sonata Tartini ... These wonderful writings filled two thirds of the concert. Then, however, by the end the program changed. There were musical plays with beautiful, promising names, lunar fantasies and the Venetian nights of unknown authors, whose names pointed to peoples, still not nominated in music ... In short, the third part of the concert strongly reminded the programs hanging in the music pavilions of fashionable resorts. And the ending was several plays, which the great virtuoso composed himself. With curiosity, I went on this evening. In my youth, I heard how I played on the violin of Sarasate and Joachim ... and was admired by their game ... "

"Already long before I got to the concert hall, it became clear to me on many signs that today it is not about the fact that I and my friends call music, not about a certain quiet and fantastic phenomenon in an unreal, unnamed kingdom, but About business is real. The events of this evening ... Powerfully led motors, horses, wallets, hairdressers and all the other reality. What happened here ... very much like other mighty manifestations of life - stadium, stock exchange, festivals. " "It was difficult to break through the streams of hurrying spectators, through the fluxes of the riding spectators, through the rimpets of cars ..." "" And on the way ... Among the hundreds of cars, aspirated, everything, as one, to the concert hall, I received information about the great man, his glory It pounced on me, penetrated my loneliness, and made me who did not go anywhere and does not read the newspapers in an surprised connoisseur of interesting details. "Tomorrow evening," I heard, "he will already play in Hamburg." Someone doubted: "in Hamburg? How will he get to Hamburg to Tomorrow night? " "Nonsense! He, of course, will fly at the airplane. Maybe he even has its own airplane. " "And in the wardrobe ... I learned from the lively conversations of my associates that for this evening a great musician requested and received fourteen thousand francs. All called this amount with reverence. Some of the truth believed that art exists not only for the rich, but such a request approved, and it turned out that most would be happy to get tickets at a time price, but that, after all, they were proud to pay so expensive. I did not manage to understand the psychology of this contradiction, because my ticket was presented to me. "

One of the most outstanding violinists of all times and peoples. He was born in Genoa. His father noticing that the Son had musical abilities, decided to make a musician from him. At the age of six, he was given to the disciples to Giacomo Costa. Already at eight years, Paganini composed the first sonata, and nine was speaking at a concert in Genoa. At the age of thirteen, the father took him into a concert journey through the cities of Northern Italy, where he acquired many fans. Having reached the sixteen-year-old age, Niccolo leaves in Pisa, where he is awaiting a huge success. His name in life was sheepdown by legends. Ajacked in it and appearance, and manners, and examples of the game. But all the Mercklo in front of the electrical influence of the sounds of his violin on the audience. His game was shocked and the ridiculous listeners. But the turbulent concert activity with a frantic dedication on stage finally destroyed its body. He loses his voice, hees hard. In 1834, his latest concerts took place in Turin. He died in Nice. The artist warped his instrument. From 1954 There are a sylipsis contests, and the winner gets the right to play on the violin of Paganini. Many Russian performers have honored this honor.

Scrippers - Virtuosors

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

Outstanding composer, violinist, conductor and teacher.

He was born in Venice in the family of Skyrpacha Capella Cathedral of St. Mark - Giovanni Batista Vivaldi. His first mentor in the game on the violin was his father, then he entered the students to the musician legiti.

Soon he became famous as a virtuoso, in connection with which he in 1703 was invited by the teacher of the Women's Conservatory "Feet." Some time later, he became a conductor of the Orchestra, and from 1713 and its director.
In 1718 - 1722, Vivaldi served at the Mantoan yard, and then made a great concert journey through various countries of Europe, everywhere surprising the listeners with their virtuoso game. In the last years of life, he spent in Vienna, where he died in 1741.

The musician famous for the famous musician quickly forgotten. He was remembered only in the 20th century when she got a new and very wide recognition. The characteristic features of his music are the brightness of musical those, lyricity, variety of violin vehicles.

Wonderful works of it have a huge, all-thinking fame.

David Fedorovich Ostrakh (1908-1974)

Russian violinist and teacher. Born in Odessa on September 17, 1908, since five years he studied on a violin at the famous teacher P.S.Stolaarsky and graduated from his class Odessa Music and Drama Institute. From 1928 lived in Moscow. The violin intonation of the fruch was distinguished by exceptional purity, and its interpretations are classical clarity and completeness. The repertoire of the musician included, along with the music of classic composers and romantics, there are quite a lot of modern works, especially the domestic authors: the festers was the first performer dedicated to the violin concerts of N.I. Muskovsky, A.I. Khaturian, the first sonata for violin and piano with . With.Prokofiev; For many years of friendship tied him with D.D. Shostakovich (the first executor of the first violin concert and the first violin sonate of the composer).

Leonid Borisovich Kogan (1924-1982)

Leonid Kogan was born in Dnepropetrovsk on November 14, 1924. He was not another thirteen years, when Moscow spoke about him. At sixteen, March 16, 1941, he brilliantly played a treble concert of Brahms. In 1943, Kogan entered the Moscow Conservatory, at the end of it was left in graduate school. And immediately struck musicians with the virtuosity execution of the most difficult works of Paganini, who for many years has become the favorite author of Kogan. Even the military years could not interfere with the screenshot, which brilliant his dating flourishing.

In 1947, Kogan participated in the Prague International Competition and won the first award there. It begins his regular concert activity. The brilliant victory at the international contest of the Queen Elizabeth's violinists in Brussels became a vivid evidence that the period of creative maturity comes for Kogan.

On December 11-15, the latest creps of violinist in Vienna, where he fulfilled Beethoven's concert.

The second half of the XIX century was the time of the brilliant heyday of the Russian violin performing culture. A typical performance during this period reaches a high professional level; Wonderful Petersburg and Moscow treble schools appear. A distinctive feature is focus on serious classical music. With respect to the performing style, the ability to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, the art of "artistic reincarnation", as a result of the approval in the Russian musical culture of realistic aesthetics.

Arkandgelo Corelli - Italian violinist and composer of Baroque music style. He achieved perfection as a performer and wrote many works. His creativity inspired such masters as Antonio Vivaldi and Giuseppe Tartini.

Giuseppe Tartini - violinist and composer era Baroque born and worked in Italy. In addition to writing and executing works for the violin, the theory of music was fond of theory and made a number of improvements in the confosition of the violin and the bow.

Ivan Evstafyevich Handoshkin - Russian violinist and composer. The student of the famous Giuseppe Tartini is unlikely to inferior in the mastery of fulfilling his teacher. He was the first teacher in the Russian Academy of Arts by the Class of Violin.

Giovanni Battista Viotti - Italian violinist and composer, student Gaetano Punyani. His works for the violin, which up to us came about 30, are rally with touching and lyrical melodiousness.

Leopold Semenovich Auer- Russian violinist, conductor, pedago and composer. Born in Hungary, worked and worked in Russia, died in Germany, buried in the United States. Joseph Joachim's student and Teacher Yasha Haifez. One of the founders of the Russian violin school.

Virtuosos of modernity

Vladimir Spivakov

Vladimir Spivakov - famous violinist and conductor.

In 1979, V. Spivakov with a group of musicians-like-minded people created a chamber orchestra "Virtuosos of Moscow" and became its main conductor and soloist. The "Virtuosos Moscow" orchestra visited tourists in almost all major cities of Russia, in Europe, the United States and Japan, participated in the most famous international music festivals.

David Garrett

David Garrett is the legendary, the world famous modern American violinist of Germanic origin. David is called one of the most successful artists of the classical direction of music.

In 2008, his name was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. He was able to play "Flight of the Bumblebee" (Comp. Rimsky-Korsakov) for 66.5 seconds, and two months later broke his record, playing "Bumblebee" exactly for 65 seconds.

Dmitry Kogan