What happened to the composer lighova. Lyudmila Lyadova - biography, information, personal life

What happened to the composer lighova. Lyudmila Lyadova - biography, information, personal life
What happened to the composer lighova. Lyudmila Lyadova - biography, information, personal life

Lyudmila Lyadova // Photo: photoxpress.ru

92-year-old People's Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Lyadova is the author of more than a thousand songs for many famous artists. At different times, the compositions of the women were performed, Lyudmila Zykina, Valentina Tolkunova, Eduard Hil and many other famous artists. Close-like Lyudmila Alekseevna appealed to the program "Direct Ether", being seriously concerned about her. They suggest that the lawyer Viktor Korodenko, who has recently become close to the celebrity, passed on to her trust in order to get a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow. The friendship of the lawyer and Lighovaya causes serious concerns among her surroundings.

Galina Gorbenko, composer girlfriend, stated that he asks to help in search of a friend. She argues that Lyudmila Alekseevna specially limited communication with her relatives and friends.

"No one knows where she is. He burned it all - he took away from the apartment, where the repair is now, and taken to a country house ... For the first time I saw it in 2013. Now she is constantly near him. It is easy for her trust, and she practically does not see, so it can sign almost anything anything, "the woman says.


Lyudmila Lyadova on the cruiser "Murmansk", 1976

The correspondent "Evening" talked to the composer and singer Lyudmila Lyadova.

Not all young people today know the name of the composer Lyudmila Lyadova, but at the same time, without suspecting, it is growing with diapers and live under her delightfully, sometimes ironic, always cheerful melodies. Well, who does not know the funny versions of "Pries from the bird" about a funny girl, confusing the words of a simple song. Who doesn't have a hearing a cheerful "old march" and "miracle song"? And no parade on the Red Square costs without the "festive march" of Women-composer Lyudmila Lyadova.

And what a woman! Energetic, always with perfect hairstyle and proud posture, she and in the life of the queen. And at the stage and at all, the Empress - when the piano sits down in luxurious dresses and transparent gloves, so that not only, like all composers, accompanied, but they are superbly "ridiculous, and if necessary, wigitate" ... and it is impossible to believe that this A woman is 88 years old - so much in it is cheerfulness, vitality and indestructible female coquetry.

Remember how the heroine dreamed from the film "Girl": "I am going - and the guys are around and fall and addled themselves in the stack" ... it's about Lyudmila Lyadova! And not in dreams, but in practice. There are many beautiful women, but few have such an inexplicable attractive and mighty energy. That sin to hone, usually such a mighty temperament and the active inner strength of men frighten. But in Lyudmila or, as she and now, call, Mile, the lute all this incendiary fountain is clothed in the same incredible, without missed the force of charming femininity. Therefore, love fell a lot, four only official divorces! Mila Lyadov calm down only on the fifth husband.

It seems to her, so bright and optimistic, just unknown failures, chagrins, sadness, especially despair. And here is not. Like every child of the war, her share of the common misfortune fell. Lost and loss, disappointments and longing. Salvation and protection has always been music. Even his famous perky "miracle song", in which exclusively "there is a place for kisses, jokes and words," Lyadova composed and fell from a period of long and unbearable separation with a loved one.

And where in you, Lyudmila Alekseevna, so much optimism and vigor? Surely you know some secret of youth. How many people, without surviving up to sixty, complain: age, here hurts, hurts there ...

So I have something that it would be better not that I would not: I get tired quickly, with my eyes it all ... But I try not to lose heart - in the morning, charging, a cup of coffee ..., in the summer to the country, to the air ... Cottage we have an old in the old Rouze, Another forty years ago built, there is good, there are our composer house of creativity, a sanatorium in Dorokhov and - no factories. Just like in my song "Earth Beauty" - Earth's breath: Sun, Clean greens, Senakers ...

- Is it really kosite?

And what about! I also adore the fish catching, at home the order to restore and something to paint - very soothes. Yes, and nails for science, if necessary, but this is more Sasha, the husband helps, after all, this is a male matter. Physical work, especially when with a scope, pleases. Not that at some meeting for four hours to sit - that's what is sad and harmful. And I have been working all the time, I compose, I speak with the concerts ... In general, I have no time to think about age. Maybe this is from my mother - the power of will, stubbornness, purposefulness.

God kissed the cheek

We are talking in her big apartment in the composer house. On the walls among ordinary in houses of creative people portraits and photos of several paintings: "Moonlight" Kramsky, landscapes and still lifes, lying dog ... copies or lithography?

This is Mom ... Embroidered, "explains Lyudmila Alekseevna. - Yes, yes, do not be surprised - it is embroidery, although stitches do not see. And how carefully chose colors, shades. Every such picture Mom painstakingly embroidered sometimes for a whole year. Imagine how much patience!

- And this talent you did not inherit?

No, I'm all in motion and in music. It is a pity that I can no longer drive on the car, as it happened, with Katya's cat together at the wheel. Kati now is not, and I do not allow my sight. But the music remained. The other day, the interesting new song wrote, the disc was made a wonderful - a three-part concert, which I had long dedicated to Vanu Kliberum: he listened to him and praised him ... And now we release a new drive ... Recently, Vitya Miroshnikov's nephew has dug off the record that I have forgotten for a long time - "Brest Fortress ", sings Renat Ibrahimov. Listened - it's great, impressive!

- Ai-yes Pushkin, Ai-yes Sukin Son? ...

What? - If well, so good. After all, I have only songs more than a thousand. They sang their most significant singers - Great and incomparable Claudia Shulzhenko, Maria Stalitina, Joseph Kobzon, Edward Hil, Capitolina Lazarenko, Yuri Bogatikova, Tamara Mihansarova, Vladimir Troin, Lev Leshchenko, Valentina Tolkunova, Julian ... and Romances My sang Nadezhda Obukhov , Zara Dolukhanova, Elena Obrazzova, Maria Beshu ... One of my operetta "Paul Black Mask", which passed through all the theaters of the country, in Moscow, performed all the stars led by Tanya Schmygai and Vladimir Kandelaki ... Another Operette "Soul Soldier" was successful In the theater of the Soviet Army with Vladimir Zeldin and Nina Sazonova. Large orchestral and choral writings sounded. We responded to all important events in the life of the country. And all new works took professional commissions. Of course, it happened differently - due to political restrictions, and from envy, but still on radio and television, works and performers of a high professional level, which will not say about today's stream of mass music .. The culture of the people cared more: festivals, National decades, touring in the very depth right up to rural clubs ... and on radio and television, various music was constantly sounded - folk, classical, modern ... Even the years of war became the time of creative discoveries.

"It was then that was your first significant performance?"

Yes, in the 43th year in the Moscow Conservatory there was a view of young talents, and I sang my songs on the poems of Agnia Barto. Then the "truth" noted "Bright direct miniatures Lyudmila Lyadova."

- did not prevail the native city of Sverdlovsk.

How could it be! Our Sverdlovsk and then was a city with a turbulent musical life and an excellent opera house .. there sang and my dad Alexey Ivanovich - he had a beautiful tenor. He also played on many instruments and acted as a violinist with Orchestra Isaac Dunaevsky. Almost all the time was in the roadside, on tour, and we lived mostly with Mom, Julia Petrovna, who all his immense love gave me. Of course, Mom wanted to see me happy, talented. I do not know, from whom I inherited, but I am glad that my mother did not disappoint: probably, after all, God kissed me a little bit in the cheek.

- Well amazing: not yet born, listened to beautiful music.

And what about! After all, Mom was a musician, the choirmister. Only she did not rely on nature, brought up me in rigor, was not allowed to be lazy. As often I did not want to get up in the morning, but my mother did not give any congestion. Once I, for years at 13-14, somewhere squeezed, came home to half the night - so she grabbed the scissors and cut off her hair.

- Walked with boys?

Now I do not remember. But I always liked the boys, and I liked to flirt with them. I have always been a coquette, but I didn't allow more. And mom for the sliced \u200b\u200bhair was avenged: she had to accompany the choir at the concert, and I flatly: "I will not go, and that's it!" But then, forever was grateful to his mother for strict upbringing. And the music has always been involved with the joy and at the children's department of the conservatory went easily through a huge competition.

From my parents, I and the habit, I don't get anything like that - all earn it yourself. And I didn't just get this apartment. In the cooperative of the Union of Composers offered to choose a two or four-room. I decided: young - I worry and big ... It was not easy to: I did it, I ran away without end, but - I soldered for children's deprivation. In Sverdlovsk, we lived, like most then, difficult. Our wooden house was standing near the stone mountain next to the observatory, the stove was treated, wore firewood. I remember how the war began: everyone rushed to the shops, and we had nothing. Then bread on cards. To survive, Mom went to work at the Pharmaceutical Farmhouse, came through cocoa beans, from which they made medicines .. Houses often baked the pellets from a grated radish - nothing, it was tasty. Late evenings, almost at night, Mom worked in Philharmonic. And we acted together with her before the guys who went to the front, and before injured in hospitals. They sang romances and songs, especially those necessary then - "Dark night", "Let's climb" ... And with other peers went to the collective farms and on logging - on the carts, in the rain, and then on foot, because it was impossible to drive .. . But then life went to her guy, women gave birth, youth danced, sang, fell in love. There was another. Once after a trip with the concerts, I walked on foot (did not go to the trams) houses. In the handbra, the money earned, and the gang was attacked on me, they began to take a handbag. Although I myself was a tutor, it was confused, frightened, and there was a sorry for money ... But suddenly it ran out: "I do not touch her! Go home, Mila "Their leader turned out to be my old familiar Pashka, with whom we had mutual warm feelings before the war - well, he liked him.

- attracted unusual, strong guys?

But what about, even in the gang, the lead is not everyone given. At the time of our communication, he was not a bandit, but the inner force of Burlila. Unfortunately, that Pasha finished badly, he went to prison ... And I once again stole a suitcase - with money, documents, and that the worst, with food cards. Fortunately, then at least a passport threw ...

- At one time, your duet with Nina Panteleeva was very popular.

You can even say, he brought real fame. Our duet was very good, the voices were so merged that we were just doomed to success. To speak together in the 46th year in Sverdlovsk, and in the spring of 48th after the end of the conservatory went to a long-term tour of the country: Tomsk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kharkov, Stavropol, Far East, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk ... Take us always with delight. But the incidents occurred. Once we go to the scene (it seems that it was in Krasnoyarsk) declare the song Muradel "Moscow-Beijing", I began to play, and - we suddenly ... Forgot the initial words. Both! Under the mocking shushuk, the hall was washed some "la-la", and the text began only with the chorus ... Full failure! After that, it was difficult to "take" the hall. But, of course, coped. When in front of Dunaevsky performed him "I drove from Berlin," he immediately gave us a new song "Path-Roads" ... But already in the 52nd year, our duo collapsed.

- Why?

Ambition! Since Nina led the first voice, she suddenly imagined that because the main one. Forgetting that all musical processing and translating for a duet - everything is on me, and then I have already received my first title "Winner of the All-Union Estrada Artist Competition." It can be seen to prove that she is not worse, Nina began to literally play the nerves, mock me. Began to study the history of WCP (b), probably, so I wanted to make a career. We will go to the stage, and until the last second in the textbook buried ... - What a creative mood! In general, because of such a dull, I threw it, I even refused to modify twenty planned concerts, I became one to speak. In February 1951, he entered the union of composers and in the spring moved to the capital. Many of my songs immediately became popular and healed their own lives.

Once my mother traveled on the Motherland's motor ship. Passengers, having learned that there is a famous composer among them, asked me to speak. Opened the musical salon, and I began to perform my songs. At the end sang a "miracle song", which was asked to repeat. And suddenly, from the public, the exclamations: "All this is very good, but you would sing your own!"

And my romance for the words of Plescheyev "captivating sounds" I even dared to offer the brilliant hopes of Obukhovo. Nadezhda Andreyevna looked at the notes and said: "I slowly teach new things, three months later I write it onto the radio." However, a month later sent me a letter: "Romance liked that I learned him and recorded, you will hear him on the radio."

- How did the fate of Pantheleva?

Nina did not speak for a long time until I found the Pianist Berzin, but there was no such success, as in our duet, it was no longer .. It's a pity, of course: a handsome voice, and how I merged with mine! Now, sometimes Pantheyeva records sound on the radio, she is a wonderful singer, but now I could not stand the test of glory ... I think everyone should take his own place, only him belonging to him. After all, when I left the duet, Nina was unwound, ran, the year persuaded to return - but I didn't go to anyone!

- Apparently, you and in your personal life are just as adamant: to tear - to tear?

And what to do, if it is so folded!

Having used to be married

- True, what did you go to wrench with the Tabor?

Well, not with a tabor - it was a big family ensemble with numerous relatives who all stunningly sang and danced. I was eighteen years old when I fell in love with your soloist Vasya Korzhov. What eyes he had! Those the most unusual "burning and beautiful" - straightly sank me struck me. And my mother my handsome was so chant, that she is not a word against. The wedding was playing on the Gypsy customs, with a scope, with songs, remote dancing, luxurious piers ... But - too much was a relatives, too many roads ... Although I still very much like Gypsies and their songs, probably, and their and rougham fun Multimito. I did not want to go down to the accompaniment of the Gypsy ensemble. But in memory of that love, there was a sultry "Gypsy Rhapsody" ... I always remained for any reason, and there was a lot of composite, which was very angry with some composers, and in particular their wives. So who always envied me - wives!

- Maybe jealous?

If you are about novels, I did not give them reasons. Never enjoyed your charms to attract their husbands. To seek recognition, I didn't need any deserved husbands, no mini skirts, nor corporate holidays. - I had other affairs and dignity. But - they were just his wives, and I am with their husbands in the work on an equal footing, otherwise they did not keep up ... And I did not need to "promotion" - he herself showed that I can, without any discounts that I am not a man ... Many They envied that my "miracle song" sang an English singer, and she sounded around the world - at that time it was an incredible event. I was familiar with the American journalist Stevens, who found himself a Russian wife in our collective farm. And once, they were invited me to the boarding house, and there at this time came the famous impresario Sol Yocker, also Odessa origin. I played a "miracle song" to him, and he apparently recorded her. And once the sent record performed on television in "Good morning". That one composers all set fire. Queen of Belgium Elizabeth, having heard, sent invitations to come. Of course, not let. It is now possible to drive around freely, and go, and my name is - but now I answer: "You're traveling, and I will be here" ...

But for men, of course, I liked the musicians and composers too. Vano Muraders did not hide his feelings, Kabalevsky, Krrennikov ... Mstislav Rostropovich before exploring Galina Pavlovna I was explained in love and even more serious species had me ... and I knew the price myself. After all, I was the first woman in the alliance of composers, passed "with a bang" before the strict and representative commission. I wrote then "Volzhskaya Suite" for the orchestra of folk instruments, and it was performed by the best orchestra, when she was still alive, whose name he is now. And the conductor when performing in the Central Park of Culture suddenly ... I handed me a conductor wand and put on my pedestal. Of course, Strestila - 70 men musicians look at you, and then nothing, even liked. Well, the "miracle song" was like a thunder for all composers - so immediately went!

- I heard, this cheat and mischievous song was born at all in such a mood.

It's true. I was then in love with a married man named Volodya Novikov, and we had a secret connection. What a man was! - Dobrynya Nikitich with pigeons eyes! He worked in the bodies, knew Spanish, and once he was sent to a long business trip to Mexico. And I stayed alone in the room, which I shot, wherees besides the table and the sofa, there was still a piano. There all in longing and grief I composed one of the most fun my songs.

- With Volodya you then parted forever?

No, a few months later he returned. But I got used to not just meet, but be married. And he did not want to leave his wife, who was sure - he was very predicted, never changed, never even at work was delayed! As I laughed when he learned that his "faithful half" he was put on the horn right at work with her head by General! Then he decided to quit her, go to me. Only late - I was no longer! - I'm not going back back!

Unfortunately, it was often disappointed. First, it is always well, and then, when people get used to each other, something else begins to open, and it is not always possible to withstand it. Yes, and is it necessary to "withstand? Men often bent their own, owners, and not all women want to be property.

- And immediately married again.

Yes, for the artist of the ballet Yuri Kuznetsov. In creative terms, our Union turned out to be very fruitful. For him, with Eleanor Vlasova, I wrote a lot of ballet music, an Elegy "blind girl", and Balt miniatures "Spanish Dance", "Negro Dolls" performed perfectly with Volkova and Kondratyeva in the formulation of Vasily Winonen. I composed a divertiment for the "birch" when the ensemble just started. But - both of the Yura both by nature were leaders, and two "generals" in the same house is already too!. It so happened that every husband kept me somewhere eight-nine years.

- But the third of your husband, Kirill Golovin, was not from the musical, but from the scientific environment.

Therefore, at first it seemed that it was because of this difference ahead of us a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness awaits us, but then that you can do, I have passed a feeling for him, and I began to see it only flaws. After all, I was very active in everything, and if someone liked me, I myself teamed what I would like - the amazing ideal was obtained. Unfortunately, with a closer communication, it turned out that everything is not at all.

But with the fourth husband, the singer Igor Sloshenko had such a wonderful duet! Many remember you on television "lights".

The duet was successful, but collapsed in fact for the same reason as with Nina Panteleyeva: Igor began to be accomplished and even "re-educate" me. And once the drop overflowed the bowl. Somehow in his presence I was offered to recruit a "miracle song" again, and he was so displeasured and lazily learned: "Not on-A-up." Ah, do not? I gathered a suitcase and - goodbye, dear! That's all ended.

- What should be sure to be in a man?

Watching what you expect from him. Men are reliable friends, there are such that they are only suitable for the role of lovers. Only Sasha, my last husband, with whom we lived, to think terribly, 41 years old (!), Not disappointed. Not only because he is a calm, decent and honest man - the main thing, he, the musician himself, understands that I can be creative, I can be explosive, violent, but all this is without evil, just because of temperament. When I met Sasha, he played a saxophone in the pop orchestra. Quiet, modest, I immediately liked it, but as my husband did not think about him. If only because he is younger than seventeen years!

- It turns out, you could not get along with the talent of your level and - Sorry - Claims?

Hard to say. And maybe so. I must have complete freedom of movement. Sasha does not ask when I come from a concert, I calmly linger without scandals at home - no surveillance, nor jealousy. He understands that I do business. And I naturally composed several plays for saxophone. True, other brass instruments did not offend. But Sasha, it happens, tells some ideas, especially in his instrument.

- But it is probably cozy for your back?

Probably not without it. Both know who in the house is general. But Sasha is not in ordinary - at least a colonel, an adjutant on which you can rely. And our favorite Chihuahua Chelsea strives, and dinner will prepare.

- So he is also a cook?

If it's necessary. But here I will not give up. I cook well and with your secrets. Let's say, in the vinaigrette put more beets, smaller potatoes, and be sure to lose the apple. And I always add an apple to eggplants. In the mushroom soup, we put only onions and carrots, and no potatoes or vermicelli. And how do you like my Borschevich! I also love improvise: a new dish of everything that there is ...

Head full of new melodies

- Is there something unstable, what do you regret?

As a child, he dreamed of becoming a ballerina, and the figure corresponded. Mom did not allow. It's a pity. Well, I am still dancing on stage. I still regret that my songs did not sing Magomaev and Zakharov - they didn't even be enviously envious. They were not shy simply to stort: \u200b\u200b"Do not bind to Lighovaya, she drinks a liter of vodka every day!". Yes, if it were so it was, what's the song!.

- It is not true?

Sure! It happened, say, with a Luce Zykina on a stall under the dumplings, which she was cooking. Yes, and with the Lyusy, we were associated with more songs, and dumplings - in addition. And now there are big masters - many talents are completely overlapped to television. I always wanted intrigue and gossip, which, unfortunately, I often caught up ... I still regret that ... a woman was born. The strong floor is much easier to lay the way in life. But if it happened, let the Russian classic Anatoly Lyadov, and the modern composer Lyudmila Lyadov, and the modern composer Lyudmila Lyadov.

- What is worried now?

People changed greatly: no one is listening to each other and does not hear, no one appreciates anything, are busy with trifles. Women are now - either married someone profitable to jump out to not work, or all in affairs, or begging for the state. Youth - if only money is more and villa - preferably abroad. And the formation of free no one considers the necessary society to work out. It stands that the stage flooded solesmate, the talentless "singers". The performance was caricatured, and the music and texts are often "worked" with unicellular beings. The art of mass crushed, everything falls. I am glad a little that they began to turn to retro, that's just in what capacity ...

- Do you support the mode, diets?

What is there! Is that I try to sleep more, and then I don't get up early, because I'm glad too late: I listen to the radio or work. Friends I have now left the choice - all bad and unreliable, which the word does not have the owners - I drove. My most faithful friends. Although different professions are all assistants and creative life. In the organization of concerts: it is Alla Georgievna Gryznova, the rector of the Academy of Finance, the doctor Vitaly Miroshnikov, and, of course, the singer and artist of the movie Galya Gorbenko, she is my director and the performer of my Solo songs and in a duet with me ... It is a pity that concerts are not So much, as before, as I want and how could. Forces and desire to eat. And the head is full of new melodies.

- Yes, you would fit back a new novel, or even one more husband!

And what! You can and the novel. But husbands perhaps. Enough! ... Forty years together, and even with my temperament - this is not scattered. It costs a lot.

The fact that the korpeenko became the official owner of the composer's apartment, it became known in the program "Let them talk." By the way, the approximate cost of real estate - 70 million rubles.


The close friend of the composer Eleonora Filina said that Viktor Korozhetenko carries for the family of Lighovaya from sincere motives. According to her, when the well-being of Lyudmila Alekseevna deteriorated sharply, the man sent it to the best clinic. "Her husband he also treated him from alcoholism and continues to provide them both ... she is absolutely happy and surrounded by care," says Filina.

Currently, the spouse of the famous composer Alexander Kudryashov is treated from cancer. His granddaughter of Christina Zinoviev came to the studio. She stated that she was forbidden to communicate with her grandfather on the phone and were not allowed to the apartment. Allegedly, she came more than once, but Lyudmila Lyadov did not open the door.

"Then I called jellynko and said I no longer bothered Lyudmila Alekseevna and her family," said Zinoviev. But in the sincerity of their intentions of her girlfriend they do not believe. They believe that she wants to take possession of an expensive apartment.

Appeared in the studio and Alexander Kudryashov himself. He confirmed that his spouse sold an apartment to a lawyer. "My wife and I saw for the last time somewhere a month ago. After leaving the first clinic, I lived with her, caneno carefully for us. I know that the apartment has now belongs to him," the man told.

Lyudmila Alekseevna Lyadova was born on March 29, 1925 in Sverdlovsk. He is the famous Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer.

Not the first year around the real estate of the famous composer Lyudmila Lyadova did not subscribe. First, the girlfriend of women Galina Gorbenko argued that the star fell under the influence of a certain lawyer Viktor Korodenko, who has views of her property.

After the interview, Lyadovy Alexander Kudryashov gave her husband, who argued that the very favorite of the composer sent him to forced treatment with the clinic. Now it turned out that Viktor Korodenko officially became the owner of the expensive apartment of Lyudmila Alekseevna. This became known on the air program "Let them say".

The first in the studio appeared the granddaughter of Alexander Kudryashov, who claimed that she was forbidden to communicate with a man.

"After the new year I called him many times, but I was not called to the phone. Week passed, the second, and I began to worry. As a result, I decided to go to Moscow, but I was not allowed to the apartment. I came again and again, and then I called the courtyard and said that I no longer bothered Lyudmila Alekseevna and her family, "the granddaughter of the composer's husband told.

By the way, about the fact that the young woman of Christina Zinoviev is the granddaughter of Alexander Kudryashov became a few months ago. Then the estimated relative had to pass a DNA test.

However, Lighovaya girlfriends do not believe in the sincere intentions of Christina in relation to the grandfather. In their opinion, the young woman just wants to take possession of the apartment, the approximate value of which is estimated at 70 million rubles. For Zinovaya and all those present, a large surprise was the fact that real estate already has a new owner, because Lyudmila Alekseevna allegedly sold it to Viktor Korodetenko.

This situation decided to clarify the close friend of the composer Eleonor Filin. She stressed that Viktor Korevoenko carries for his sincere motivation family.

"He donated all the concerns about her. When the well-being of Lyudmila Alekseevna deteriorated sharply, Victor sent it to the best clinic. Her husband he also treated alcoholism and continues to provide them both. Lyudmila Alekseevna is in excellent relations not only with Victor, but also with his parents. She is absolutely happy and surrounded by caring, "Filina said.

Many guests of the program came to the conclusion that Lyadov has the full right to dispose of real estate as she wants. Moreover, the star has no children or grandchildren. As a result, the husband of the composer Alexander Kudryashov appeared in the studio. He confirmed what he knew about the deal.

"My wife and I saw for the last time somewhere a month ago. After leaving the first clinic, I lived with her, cane and courtested by us. I know that the apartment has now belongs to him, "Alexander said.

Now the composer's husband is treated from cancer. According to the girlfriends, Lyadova, Kudryashov had suffered from alcohol addiction for many years, and thanks to the support of Viktor, Korozhenenko began to fight a detrimental predilection.

In the final of the program, the leading Dmitry Borisov stated: he will continue to closely follow the affairs of Lyudmila Lyadova. He hopes that relatives will be able to resolve all the contradiction between them and establish normal communication.

Honored Artist of Arts and People's Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Lyadova was born in Yekaterinburg on March 29, 1925. In her family reigned a musical atmosphere, because in her family there were musical parents.

Alexey Ivanovich Lyadov worked as a soloist of the Sverdlovsk Opera Theater, knew how to play the violin, saxophone and mandoline. This skill helped the father of Lyudmila to get a violinist to the orchestra. Later in the Donetsk region, the man held the post of regent in the church choir of St. Nicholas Church.

Yulia Petrovna Lyadova, Mother Lyudmila, had the formation of the Khommester. For many years, she was a conductor of amateur groups, as well as sang in the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic.

Parents early Baptized Lyudmila, this largely strengthened it and helped throughout the life path. Almost just as early as the girl began to make music and quickly achieved great success. Young pianist first studied at home, later enrolled in a music school. Little Mile was lucky with a mentor, because she became Wanda Antonovna Berginard-Tsask, quite famous in the hometown of Lyudmila and beyond.

In the ten-year-old age, Lyudmila Lyadova entered the children's office of the Sverdlovsk Conservatory. She played complex classic works, took part in contests, reviews and various musical festivals.

For the girl, a sign of a landmark event of childhood was a performance in the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic with the orchestra under the control of the famous Soviet conductor and the teacher of Paverman on the scene of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic.

After the school, Lyudmila became a student of the piano class of the Sverdlovsk Conservatory. In addition, she mastered the second profession: the girl studied at the composer branch of the same conservatory.

In the war years, Lyudmila Lyadova was engaged in musical activity at the front. She gave concerts, attended the military hospitals, then in her repertoire there were many of the famous military compositions: "Let's climb", "Dark Night" and many others.

And in 1946 he met a talented singer by Nina Phateleeva. They performed together until 1951, while having managed to obtain the title of laureates of the 2nd All-Union Competition Artists of Estrada. In 1948 she had a happy graduate school. At that time, the duet of young girls was so popular that Nina and Lyudmila went with concerts across the country. In the future, Lyadova hinted that he felt curled by the singer. Perhaps it was for this reason that the girls decided to go their ways.

In 1948, Lyudmila graduated from Sverdlovsk ConservatoryIn 1951, the USSR composers were adopted.

As for the compositions of the composer, it is worth highlighting the works:

  • for piano ("Concert Waltz" (1950); "Carousel" (1960); "Concert Polka" (1965); "Concert for Piano with Orchestra La Minor" (1965); Intermezzo, Rhapsody);
  • for the orchestra of Russian folk instruments ("collective farm polka" (1950); "Ural Rhapsody" (1951); "Volzhskaya Suite" (1952); miniatures);
  • for a pop-symphony orchestra ("Holiday on the Volga" (1957); "Holiday in the stadium" (1958); "Russian souvenir" (1961); "Coconuts", (1963));
  • chamber-instrumental works for piano, violin, accordion (elegy for violin with piano "in the Lilac Garden" (1961); a play for the violin "blind girl" (1962); fantasy for Accordion (1962).).
  • vocal and instrumental poems "Great Battle" (1967), "Komsomol - Pioneer Our Salute!" (1970), "Tyumen - Surgut" (1972);
  • opera "Two Colors of Time" (Libretto E. Kusakova and A. Snyarenko (1958));
  • operettes "under the Black Mask" (Libretto Ya. Lelganta (1960)), "Ataman" (Libretto G. Pavlova (1972)), "In a dangerous feature" (Libretto I. Petrova (1976)), "Who is your bride?" (Libretto I. Petrova (1978)), "Miner's Brides" (Libretto I. Petrova (1983));
  • musicles "Soul of Soldier" (1962), "Tale about Yerem, Danil and an unclean power" (1977), "Countess from San Francisco" (1993);
  • Collection of children's songs "Toward" (2000).

Balt rooms "Spanish dance", "Negro Dolls" and "blind girl" were put on the music of Lighovaya.

For his career, Lyadova became the author of many compositions known to the Soviet and Russian listener. At various times, they were performed by the real stars of the domestic scene: Edita Pieha, Joseph Kobzon, Claudia Shulzhenko, Edward Hil, Leonid Utèsov, Valentina Tolkunova, Yuri Gogatikov, Zara Dolukhanova Tamara Mihansarova, Elena Exodzova, Bal Rudenko, Lyudmila Zykina, Ninel Tkachenko, Maria Beshu .

Now Lyudmila Lyadov is a member of the Union of Composers and the Foundation of the World, as well as the People's Artist of the RSFSR, the Winner of State Prizes of the USSR and the RSFSR, as well as the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Interesting notes:

Lyudmila Lyadova's personal life is difficult to call constant. In her life there were as many as five husbands, most of which belong to the creative professions. The first spouse Vasily Korzhov worked as an accompaniment of the Gypsy ensemble. These relationships quickly broke up, to a greater extent on the initiative of the ambitious girl.

Next, Lyadova was eight years old was married to the ballet dancer Yuri Kuznetsov. After that, Kirill Golovin became her spouse, who did not apply to the world of art. He worked as an engineer. However, she could not build a strong family with him. The couple broke up, without leaving in marriage of common children.

The fourth husband Lyudmila Lyadova became the singer Igor Saltynko. It would seem that she finally gained harmony and happiness. But this marriage collapsed. The fifth husband Lyudmila became Saxophonist Alexander Kudryashov. With him, she is still a legitimate marriage.

However, now the couple does not live together. After experienced in 2017, the stroke began to walk rumors that the People's Artist tries to isolate with the society of her lawyer Viktor Korozhenko.

In 2017, Lyudmila Lyadova, Lyudmila Lyadova, told that he feels better, but on the air of the program, the personal life of the artist began to discuss. Her current husband lives alone and often sick. Fans are concerned about the fact that Lyadova does not even know what is happening with her spouse.

Despite the many fans, the pianist never started.