Revival of the village in Russia. The government announced a new program for the revival of the village

Revival of the village in Russia. The government announced a new program for the revival of the village
Revival of the village in Russia. The government announced a new program for the revival of the village

Experience Gleb Tyurin on revival villages.
Innovative revival of the province: social technologies, Neo-economics and applied psychology.

The former currency dealer Gleb Tyurin decided to take up the salvation of the "bleed" northern villages.
What Tyurin did in the Arkhangelsk outback for 4 years, does not have precedents. The expert community can not understand how it succeeds: the social model of Tyurina is applicable in an absolutely marginal environment and is unparalleled. In Western countries, similar projects would have been worth it more expensive. Amazed foreigners in need invited the ArchangelOgorod to share experiences on all sortsmalls - in Germany, Luxembourg, Finland, Austria, USA. Tyurin performed in Lyon at the World Summit of Local Communities, his experience is actively interested in the World Bank. How did all this happen?

After the university, Gleb went to teacher in rural school in the most remote area of \u200b\u200bthe Arkhangelsk region. Gave the pedagogy seven years of life. In early 90s, returned to the city, restored his decent English, mastered in an elite English school, worked as a manager and a translator in various SP and Western firms, in the American business school, was in the West, studied banking in Germany and became senior Currency dealer in Arkhangelskpromstroybank.

"It was very interesting in its own way. But he felt like this ticking mechanism: the whole day was sitting in front of a bunch of monitors and clicked money. Sometimes 100 million rubles per day, "recalls Gleb. What is experiencing a former teacher who sells millions of dollars with course fluctuations? Wild stress.

And when he came out of the bank, he saw the beggar of the teachers to arrange demonstrations, the grandmothers are shouting before the mayoria, which they do not retire. "Through our bank passed one and a half billion dollars a year. The country did not need any Western investment, we could fully upgrade our economy. And everything was looked around, "Gleb says with bitterness.

The Yeltsin decade ruined the Russian north of the Breast Civil War. In the Arkhangelsk region, France can be stubcped without difficulty. The edge is rich, but today it is predominantly wilderness, off-road, unemployment. Under the councils, almost the entire population was occupied in the forest industry and agriculture. In the 90th year, the planned economy was canceled, the switch turned off. Milk, the meat around the villages stopped stopping. For 10 years, the inhabitants of Pomeranian villages, granted to themselves, what is called, they reached the handle: they live with almost alone vegetables and mushrooms. Who can - leaves, most - drinks bitter.

During the trip according to Scandinavia, Gleb was somehow in a small working village and saw there "The Circle of the Future" there. Sober workers are sitting and thinking that they will do when their factory closes in a few years. At first he thought that they were completely oblamed from their developed capitalism. And then I realized that this is the very socialism that we built and did not build. And I decided to try the same thing in Russia. He came up with and created the Institute of Civil and Social Initiatives - an unprecedented non-governmental organization, which took up the revival of the Arkhangelsk province. "Local power there lives on subsidies from above, share them between the district centers. And on the periphery of money is missing. Close school, then - the Feldsher-obstetric item is all, the village is doomed. Of the 4 thousand villages in 20 years, it is good if a thousand will remain, "the TURIN predicts.

But before the revolution, the inhabitants of Pomori were hung hard, they lived soberly and alrociously. In the Russian north, many crafts and crafts have been developed, a variety of agricultural culture has been cultivated, a brisk trade with other regions was cultivated. The peasants themselves contained roads and villages. Almost in the panlarium received rye - 40 centners with hectares, held herds of bulls, built spacious wooden houses-fortresses, which are no wear, - and all this in the absence of equipment, fertilizers, herbicides. It was the centuries of the well-established system of peasant self-government. It is the democratic traditions of the Russian north that made the edge of prosperous. And the Russian north in the 16th century is half the country.
Gleb Tyurin reproduced the tradition of Russian zemstvo in modern conditions.

With like-minded people, he began to ride the villages and collect people to meet, organize clubs, seminars, business games. They tried to stir up people who were sinny, believing that they were all forgotten about them that they were not needed anyone, and they could not succeed. There are accumulated technologies that can sometimes inspire people quite quickly, to help them look at themselves, on their own situation.

Pomors are beginning to think, and it turns out that they have a lot of things: forest, land, real estate, other resources. Many of which are inconsolana and dying. For example, a closed school or kindergarten is unwinding immediately. Who! Yes, the local population itself. Because everyone himself relieves at least something personally for himself. But they destroy a valuable asset that can be saved and make the basis for the survival of this territory. We tried to explain on peasant gatherings: you can only keep the territory.

Tyurin found a group of people charged to positive in this consenssed rural community. Created some creative bureau of them, taught them to work with ideas and projects. This can be called the Social Consulting System: taught people development technologies. As a result of 4 years, the population of local villages embodied 54 projects worth 1 million 750 thousand rubles, which gave the economic effect of almost 30 million rubles. This is the level of capitalization that the Japanese has neither Americans with their advanced technologies.

Principle of efficiency
"What makes a multiple increase in assets? Due to the synergetics, due to the transformation of scattered and helpless single lines into the self-organizing system.
Society represents a set of vectors. If part of them managed to fold into one, then this vector is stronger and more than the arithmetic sum of those vectors from which it is complicated. "

Selyan receive a small investment, they themselves write the project and become a subject of action. Previously, a person from the district center poked a finger on the map: here we will build a barn. Now they themselves discuss where and what they will do, and they are looking for the cheapest solution, because they have very few money. Next to them coach. His task is to bring them to a clear understanding that they do and why, how to create the project, which in turn pulls the next one. And that each new project makes them more economically more self-sufficient.

In most cases, this is not business projects in a competitive environment, but the stage of gaining resource management skills. To begin with very modest. But those who have passed through this stage can already go further.
In general, this is a certain form of consciousness. The population, which begins to realize himself, creates a certain capable body within himself and presents him a mandate of confidence. What is called the body of territorial public self-government (TOS). Essentially, this is the same land, although somewhat different than in the 19th century. But the meaning is the same: a self-organizing system, which is tied to the territory and is responsible for its development.

People begin to understand that they do not just solve the problem of water or heat supply, roads or lighting: they create the future of their village. The main products of their activities are a new community and new relations, the prospect of development. Tos in his village creates and tries to expand the welfare zone. A certain number of successful projects in one settlement increases the critical mass of positive, which changes the whole picture in the area as a whole. So the streams merge one big full-flow river.

Here are the real examples of what managed to do Gleb and his team:
In Konujsky district, since the time of Soviet land reclamation, there is no water in the summer. Began to look for a way out. I remembered: there is an artesian well, but it is necessary to build a water tower. If we go to the usual administrative way, the construction will pull a million rubles, there are no such money from such money. But people have nothing to ride cattle and water gardens. What to do? Invented: collect the water tower of three olds. Develop a project. The area helped with engineering support. Worked rustic for free. Join only new pipes, divergent keys - the whole construction cost 50 thousand rubles. And now there is water here!
* * *
In the neighboring village of Fominskaya the same trouble with water. Tosovtsy decided to put the springs under the village. At the same time, they also made a local attraction. Cleaned the garbage around the sources, put concrete rings for water intake, logs, a gazebo in a traditional Russian style, a decorative fence. And tourists began to lure. How? Very original. Sources were named Spring of love and kisses. In the local registry office left advertising. And newlyweds went. Tradition was born. Now there every Sunday wedding. Right from the district center. Each wedding leaves 500 rubles. For the village is money. Already new Russians come there to relax - they began to separate the area for kebabs. And the Tosny Tos also defended the forest from cutting down, achieved benefits to his veterans, took over the exchange of passports and many, many other things that could not think about and think. Now the youth began to pull up to Tosu - believed.
* * *
In the village of Khozmin Velsky district, the idea was another - to lands a two houses for war veterans. At first it seemed doubtful. Why do these two? And what is the development? Their argument: "We will make a more beautiful village." The effect of the project was incredible. For $ 250 allocated on a grant, they were chosen by clapped two houses, painted and decorated with carved cornices and platbands. Living nearby looked and thought: it is necessary to make their homes no worse. So there was a whole "museum" street of houses, decorated with an incredible fantasy. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe next project was more practical: to overpass all public hay and plant grass, which will give much more green mass. After that, the Tosovtsy began to modernize the old wornized system of heating the village at which mercilessly frozley was mercilessly, and the threat of complete drying of the system was constantly hung. In 16 houses installed furnaces or mini-boiler houses, and the freed power of the heating system was sent to school, a club, hospital. Project Effect: 80,000 rubles per year of saving budget money. Upon completion of the project, the savings will be 600 thousand rubles per year. And the Khozmins began to restore their unique church of the XVIII century.

In the village of Leushinsky, near Chiamino, a group of women, creating a TOS, took up the building of the launched boiler room. It was a terrible dead industrial brick box, filled with rusty rusty boilers and pipes, in which drunk and drunk drunk. Tusca came up with a shaping hall there. They raised the men, pulled the boilers, the building was insulated, led to the roof and walls, the floors were used, the floors were used, everyone painted, installed a stove. Now there is a modern gym, around which young people and adolescents began to swallow, those that first dangled without a case - they are already tired of fighting. And the area under the new Sport Center gave half a bet on the head of the sports sections.
* * *
In the neighboring village, the coast of the same Velsky district is the mass of unemployed women. They decided to grow cabbage. Created a production cooperative. They were given an irrevocable grant. They grown cabbage, sold, for the money received landscaped the medical center, the situation, the sports ground for children. And changed the situation in the village in principle. Now I was repaired in the club and create a craft information center there.
* * *
In the old village of Oshevensk, 40 kilometers from Kargopol, Tos also turned to the revival of culture and the development of tourism. Places here are the picturesque, many old days, but everything is in a destroyed state, there is no work, everyone drinks. Tosovtsy took an abandoned merchant house of the XIX century and in two years he was completely restored, he recreated an interior in it before last. It turned out a wonderful little hotel. Museum. When enthusiasts began, the village did not believe: "Why do we have tourism?!" But when the project was successfully brought to the end, rustic began to ask: "Well, if you still have anything, you take us!" Arkhangelsk Vladyko, tourists from Moscow and even America have already come here.
* * *
But in the village of Zaozernie the Mezensky district, that in the very north of the region, on the border with Tundra, the situation may appear for an order of magnitude more complex than in the remaining Arkhangelsk villages. In the village there are only two kids - the school was going to close. No production, all closed. It is almost with complete isolation from the center of the regional center! The broken road is only in winter - 550 kilometers of death flour. What to take here? Began to think, argue. And that's what they decided. There are many single old people in the area who need help. They will be taken to the Laddle Regional Center. And what if you open the nursing home for them? No room? To carry a huge building of a closed kindergarten from the neighboring village!

They took and made for three years! In January 2004, a nursing home was opened by 14 seats. Many local work has appeared, the place of sales of agricultural products.

To attract a nurse here (headache for many even more prosperous villages!), Tusovtsy repaired an abandoned apartment in a hostel and gave ads in newspapers throughout Russia: "A nurse requires. Preferably with children. A well-maintained apartment is provided. " It turned out that the country is full of women who dream to get away from a drinking husband, and nowhere. And one of them came to them - with two schoolchildren. And this means that the nursing home is provided with medical care, and still schoolchildren added. So, school will not be closed.
* * *
Development is not the transfer of money, as some officials think. Development is the transfer of skills, the transfer of skills, the transfer of knowledge that form the innovative behavior of residents, community. Therefore, it is quite obvious that this requires the appearance of people who know how to work with this professionally, such professional "developmentors", people who help create development. Innovation must be brought, adapt, show, teach, help to introduce, accompany until it arrives, while in practice someone from the villagers cannot realize something innovative. And then you need to show the rest, explain, express. And then this innovation acquires followers, becomes a vital reality.
* * *
With the "filing" of Tyurin and its institute in the Arkhangelsk region, about 40 Tosov - registered groups of people who are not indifferent to their own lives of people were created. Real authorities in the village. These projects, if we say simplistic, are built from several elements:
1. People in the field united to develop their locality. To begin with, these were small groups that became the structure of the development of their village, their village - in fact, performed in partnership among themselves and in partnership with the authorities.

2. These people themselves changed significantly: they took responsibility for their destiny. After a short time, they thought and interacted in a new way, receiving certain skills and knowledge.

3. With some support, residents of dozens of northern villages have found smart and original solutions to their problems, have turned these decisions to projects, found and received the necessary resources, began to implement projects and in the overwhelming majority of cases brought them to an effective result - successfully completed the first projects and began new ones.

Such a method of development leads to a powerful increase in the assets of the territory, to its real capitalization - to the fact that poverty and hopelessness are inferior to new opportunities, a new local economy. And the big money is not required for this. Rather, we need will, desire and certain social consulting technologies. Gleb Tyurin with colleagues were able to show that real changes can be launched anywhere, almost in any, even in the most seemingly hopeless places.

The developed mechanisms and technologies begin to be widely used in the regions of Russia of the country. About the development of territories today are increasingly thinking by citizens - they become the main audience, the main engine of change. This is a sign of our time. Previously, the city was a vacuum cleaner, "sentencing" human resources of the territory. Now "urban" are ready to return the debts of a small homeland, their villages and passages, to their past. And to your future. It is the current citizens, their talents and opportunities will serve the revival of the Russian depth.

Now it is possible and necessary to build a completely new outback - our villages and small cities. A new economy, a new settlement system - a modern, microtherbanized environment in which we can live without thinking about megalopolis as the only source of convenience and prosperity, because "on earth" will be better than in megalopolis.

A decent life in modern Russia is impossible to imagine without effective self-government in the province. The main factor in the development of self-government is the responsible attitude of the residents themselves to their natural, technical and, most importantly, human resources.
To learn more about the experience and approach of the Gleb Tyrin to the revival of villages and small settlements, see the video, articles and books, references below.
Book of Gleb Tyurina "The Experience of the Renaissance of Russian villages" can be downloaded by

Additional articles about Gleb Tyrin:
Full people - real money -Http: // Part \u003d 47 & pubid \u003d 5051
From Los Angelic to New Yorkino -
Article Gleb Tyrin "Corporation, Social Capital and Modernization of the country" -Http: //
Russia and the next long wave, or why rural areas are so important -

Way home. A film about relocation from megacities and the revival of the depths:

Gleb Tyurin. Revival of the village. Arkhangelsk experience:

Gleb Tyurin - Innovative development of territories through the involvement of the population:

Gleb Tyurin. How to change a small city. Project new picking:

Russian civilization has developed in certain natural and climatic conditions. The cradle of the Russian civilization, its matrix (Matrix - Mother, Matitza - the main beam in the house, the support of the design), which for centuries constantly reproduces the Russian national character type - is the village.

The village as a grain of Russian civilization is extremely harmoniously built into the universe. It demonstrates extraordinary stability, despite all natural and social cataclysms. In fact, the rustic lifestyle, its basic material elements did not change over the centuries. The conservatism of the village, the commitment of traditional values \u200b\u200bhas always been annoyed by revolutionaries and reformers, but ensured the survival of the people.

The universe is a living organism, but the creature, and God is alive, not created and not born, the original, the creator of the life of the universe. The set population and determines the concept of "life" in extremely about ... "\u003e Life on Earth is simple and understandable, it is directly related to the results of labor. A person is constantly in communicating with God, nature, lives in a natural day and annual rhythm. Culture is goingive A man like a ritual of communication with the Creator. (Culture - the cult of RA, the God of the Sun. In Christian times - the cult of God's Father. Without a cult of God, culture creates monsters, which we all witnesses today). The Russian world is the peasant world. Peasant is a Christian. Through The culture of a person from birth to a coffin board interacts with nature. Everything in rustic culture, each element has a sacral meaning of communication with the Creator, provides a harmonious existence on this land, in this natural zone. Therefore, cultures of all peoples are so diverse.

Highlyburg (living predominantly in cities) peoples quickly lose their originality and fall into dependence on completely mythical values: virtual electronic money composed under the influence of human passions and cultural vices. Their rhythm is knocked down. The night turns into the day and vice versa. Fig-time transfers in time and space on modern means of transport give the illusion of freedom ...

"The nation is composed on earth, and in cities it is coincided. The major cities of the Russian person are contraindicated ... Only Earth, Will and Izba in the middle of their pollen serves the support of the nation, fastening him, memory, the culture of life in the whole manifold. " (V.Lotutin).

While the village is alive - alive Russian spirit, Russia is invincible. Capitalism, and after him and socialism, laid a utilitarian, purely consumer attitude towards the village, as to the sphere of agricultural production and only. As a secondary, flavored in relation to the city with a living space.

But the village is not only the locality. This is primarily the way of life of a Russian person, a certain way of all cultural, public and economic relations. The well-known economist of the 20s of Chayans very accurately caught the difference between the village Russian civilization from Pragmatic and Protestant in his spirit of urban: "At the heart of the peasant culture lies another principle of profitability than in technological civilization, another assessment of the profitability of the economy. Under the "profitability", it was implied to preserve the way of life, which was not a means to achieve greater well-being, and himself was the goal.

The "profitability" of the peasant economy was determined by his communications with nature, with the peasant religion, with peasant art, with peasant ethics, and not only the harvest. "

Here it is a key concept that still cannot assimilate the leaders who have grown on the political economy of socialism! Not the production of agricultural products should be the main point of the application for the Renaissance of the village, and the restoration of the traditional, prevailing centuries, the lifestyle of the Russian person. It is the way that is primary value. But when he recovers, then it will be possible to forget about production. Reborn spiritually Village will do everything herself.

We are not talking about lapties and kvass, although about them too. The technique does not deny the tradition, the tradition does not deny the development of technology. We are talking about the revival of the spiritual tradition of a human relationship with the Earth, with the surrounding nature, with a community, with another person.

In peacetime, without war, the Russians retreat today from their village pranodina into corrupted civilization of the city. Rustic Atlantis is immersed in their eyes, somewhere faster, somewhere slower into oblivion. There is a lot of tragic in this process, but a lot and just. Fair according to the laws of spiritual retaliation. In Orthodoxy, the reward law. For the sins of the ancestors answer the descendants. But so that sin is not multiplied and interrupted, the descendants must attach all the strength and to heal a clean life.

The Earth is tired to carry this unaffectionable tribe, tormented by her drunken plows and thoughtless reclamation, cutting forests and rewinding his activities of the river and lake. The land drops it from his body, the Lord does not give the continuation of the kind. Extlining Pashes and Senokos are overcome by alder - green adhesive plaster. The land is waiting for this owner to reborn to a new life.

Today in the village there are two processes moving to meet each other. To the logical end, through the extinction, the life cycle of the rustic lumpen approached. In terrible drunken flour, not leaving the heels of those who violated all human and higher laws to reproduce the reproduction of the offspring, the heirs of those who violate all human and higher laws lit up eighty years ago on someone else's good, raised his hand on his brother, heard the shrine. He is going to meet the process of reviving the traditional rustic way through people who have repeated in the sins who have been disassembled by their ancestors, through those who every day in the word and case connects the broken thread of times, revives traditions.

We, Russian people, someone earlier, someone later came out of the village. Someone, caught by urban well-being, someone to avoid repression, someone to give children education. And it means that the responsibility for the revival of the village is in all of us. Who can, in whom alive, Russian and the Christian spirit, must, must stop the satanic wheel of a village destroy, destroying the Russian space, devouring the future to the nation.

The revival of the village is the revival of Russia. Orthodoxy and the village are advanced mines of defense for Russian identity. Warming the village - revive the root, feeding the spirit and body of the nation.

The harsh peasant grandfather with a volatile beard looks at me from the photo - my great-grandfather Mikhail. His children also left the Earth once in search of the best share ... Time to return to the circles.

Can ordinary citizens solve the problems with which the state does not cope - for example, return life to a dying village? Owner Oleg Zharovu It succeeded, and he is sure: thus you can raise the half.

This year, the Yaroslavl economist and businessman of the heat was awarded a statehood in the field of art for the revival of Vyatskaya village. Once the richest, 5 years ago it practically lay in ruins. He settled here with his family here, began to buy destroyed merchant houses, restore and sell. He spent the sewer, plumbing, opened the hotel, restaurant, 7 museums. Tourists now bring buses here.

Millionaire-collective farmer

"AIF": - Oleg Alekseevich, you opened the Museum of Enforcement in Vyatka. Think, this quality in our people was degenerated and did it look like to demonstrate it like a wonder?

O.Zh.:- No, to donate enterprise in the museum early. All that today in Russia still works, based on enterprise. The inhabitants of Vyatsky before the revolution in this capacity were so succeeded that the salted cucumbers fed the whole of Russia, they sold them abroad, supplied to the Imperial Yard. The village was famous far beyond its limits - tinsmiths, roofers, bricklayers, plasterers. Vyatka was built up with stone two-storey houses. Yes, and in Soviet times, local lived well - worked in a millionaire collective farm. But I always say so: there was no collective farm millionaire, but Millionar collective farmers. On the cucumbers from their garden every family for the summer earned a car. It is known that one of the inhabitants kept a million rubles on the savings book.

"AIF": - What happened then? Where is this business grip?

O.Zh.:- Over the past 20 years, there has been some fracture of consciousness ... I think this is the total degradation of all the obstacles, primarily psychological. People received a salary in the collective farm, and in his free time they were engaged in cucumbers. And when it turned out that the salary no longer pay and it is necessary to take responsibility for his well-being, many have broken. But the entrepreneur is the one who is fully responsible for the business, for those who work with him, for their families. You need to wake self-awareness in people, screaming about it.

"AIF": - Here you moved here and immediately called the villagers for Saturday. And they did not come. Since then, you managed to finish it?

O.Zh.:- People still gradually change - primarily from the point of view of psychology. It is very nice when they come to consult, for example, in what color the roof is painted. After all, when I arrived here, the fences stood curves, the grass did not mow - did not even think about it. The garbage was thrown into the street, and now carry in the containers. The yards are cleaned, the platbands are restored, the flowers in front of the gate exhibit.

"AIF": - So that people have changed, they had to first have a sewer and work to give?

O.Zh.:"They needed to give hope - that not everything is so bad that the best times are coming. Understand, still all their life was on TV. Here they included him and, as if the series, watched, as they live somewhere in Moscow or abroad. And they did not think that all this could be in their village. Yes, at first they perceived me like an eccentric and a stranger. But when they saw that the tourist stream went to Vyatka, they believed in their prospects in their future. People have a sense of consent to great life. And many really got a job: in the tourist complex of 80 employees, of which 50 are local.

"AIF": - But now they often say that the Russians do not want to work, drink, so without visitors our economy can not do. Do you agree?

O.Zh.:- On the one hand, we have local guys from 18-25 years old, they do not drink, forever in motion, I am pleased with them. On the other hand, we, of course, lost qualified personnel. Those master traditions that I spoke about is not preserved in Vyatsky. There is one old-year joiner, one blacksmith. Unfortunately, these professions are not at all fashionable. Everyone seek programmers, lawyers, economists. But I would like to say young people that today is the most promising and highly paid specialties - it is workers. Assistant to the cook, whom we invite from the city, gets 100,000 rubles a month! Can you imagine? And this master is still ready to hire people, but can not find - this work is not considered prestigious.

Through my hands there were about 100 people, let's say, Slavic origin. Of these, a man remained at work 10. And as much as Uzbeks and Tajiks passed - of which only 10% were dropped. Here they say, businessmen are beneficial to deal with visitors, because they can pay less. But this is not the case! They are teaching, hardworking, they behave respectfully, do not drink. Of course, they all work legally. If someone behaves aggressively - immediately part.

Rich inheritance

"AIF": - I want to read you a letter, which in "AiF" sent the head of one village council. He advocates for the restoration of collective farms. It writes that in the villages now you can shoot films about the war without scenery: the impression is that there were fighting on the use of artillery. You in Vyatka caught the same picture, but managed to restore normal life here without the help of the state.

O.Zh.:- I am against such a position: the state will come and everything will wait. Nothing it will wait! It has already shown its inconsistency. The state management form is yesterday. I believe in people, in self-organization. I am convinced that private business will come to the village, farmers who will put on their place. Just need time, and not such a long. My hope for the change of Russia is primarily in business.

"AIF": - But we have more millionaires every year, and more and sense? Only money from the country is derived.

O.Zh.:- You are not right. We have many billionaires, and millionaires, unfortunately, much less. Entrepreneurs are different. If the middle class is formed if the road is given to small business, the situation will change.

"AIF": - You alone coped with one of our main problems - with collapse of housing and communal services. They took and conducted a sewer in Vyatka. And from the inhabitants money for her do not take.

O.Zh.:- I do not take, because I think: I'd rather lose on a penny fee, but I will create a comfortable infrastructure for life and business. In general, the problem of housing and communal services can be solved. Today, tariffs are set every year. And the head of the communal enterprise is not interesting to engage in modernization. He, let's say, work 100 people, and he understands that you need only 20. As soon as it fire 80 extra, the salary fund will decrease and the tariff will decrease on the same amount. There is no benefit for him, but he will at least 80 people save work. If you set the tariff once every 5 years, he will be able to dismiss extra people, and the released money will spend on the pipes.

"AIF": - Rather, he will put them in his pocket.

O.Zh.:- So officials come. And the businessman is interested in reducing costs, that everything works in the enterprise is - here's the modernization of housing and public utilities.

"AIF": - What do you think other villages can be revived, like Vyatka?

O.Zh.:- I economist and put a specific goal - to create mechanisms for the socio-economic development of territories on the basis of the revival of cultural and historical heritage. Without oil, without gas, without gigantic investments in the industrial infrastructure. I proved that the historical and cultural complex may well be a profitable business. In other words, the revival of cultural heritage is financially wealthy. In our country there are many small cities, they all possess historical heritage. Only in Vyatsky 53 architectural monuments!

Highland thus could be raised. For this, not such a big money is needed, and here the state can participate in the development of infrastructure, in the construction of roads. But the most important thing is to mobilize the creative potential of the people. He is, it is impossible to disappear, it is impossible to raise.

Why dies a village and how to revive it? Expert opinion. "Orthodox look" about the paths of revival of the village.

Igumen Sergius (Fish),

the igumen of the Russian Orthodox Church, a well-known missionary, the abbot of the temple of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in the Lazarevian cemetery of the city of Moscow

The village was destroyed in Soviet times. The temples were closed, the cultural houses could not satisfy the needs of people, to work from morning to evening for the workload, which were not even paid, did not want anyone, so people fled from the villages in the cities where you could get an education, arrange a life. Now there is a reverse process. People, especially secured, began to understand that the village is life in nature. The settlements are beginning to base around the cities in which the temples are being built, and the Russian national life is contemplated near the temples. So begins to occur the real Russian community. Many are now beginning to take steps to revive the village, open firms or the general Orthodox economy. For this future. I was in Finland and saw people live in the villages, and learn and work in cities. They have a strongly developed agriculture, albeit mechanized. There are no traffic jams. In the villages of supermarkets and restaurants, beautiful roads, kindergartens, clubs in interest. We must also create such a gradually, and the temples should be everywhere.

Archpriest Victor Gorbach,

prior to the arrival of St. Innokentia of Moscow in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, head of the youth department of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin and Kuril Diocese

In the XX century, we experienced industrialization, most of our society became citizens. For food security, we must grow all agricultural products in Russia. Sanctions in this sense have benefited. Community, but the Russian village has always been communal, based on Orthodoxy, on the understanding that all people are brothers and sisters, a single family. Today, unfortunately, we lost this understanding in many ways. People living in cities may not know their neighbors on the entrance and never communicate with them. With such a worldview, it is difficult to do something in the village. I can not give forecasts, but I can say that where a strong church community appears: either this is a monastery, or believing people, for example, Orthodox entrepreneurs - there lives life for the better. The only salvation of the village I see a church life there. And the development of church life is impossible to submit without school. But today, the school does not allow even the cultural subject "The Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture", actually goes a boycott of this subject in some regions. I know cases when the choice of children and parents ignored and children forced forced to study secular ethics. This is a terrible crime that officials from education. Without Orthodoxy, not only the village is not reborn, but nothing will be revived at all. Orthodoxy is deeply connected with the countryside, and with the city, and with our lives, with our works, because the anti-church works are based on ignorance of people.

Ieria Dimitri Nanarokov,

assistant Ataman Central Cossack Troops

In Russia, the struggle against abortions is carried out by certain forces of society. From the 1917 revolution, the state recognition of abortions began, when the murder of unborn children was allowed. This undertaking was allowed such deep roots that in our days it is difficult to convince a decent woman to abandon abortion. The same with the village. We now reap the fruits of the revolution. The problem of the village is the problem of our society and is very similar to the problem of the Cossacks. It is, but it is not, because the Cossacks did not remain. The rural society is, but it is not, because the peasants did not remain.

Soviet power has grilled the village to the root and ruined it. The collective farms are a caricature on rural communities, finally enslaved the rural population. The collective farmers were not issued passports, they were in an unequal position with citizens and workers, so they were forced to flee to the city. This was written about such writers like Vasily Belov, Fyodor Abramov, Victor Astafiev, Valentin Rasputin.

In Russia, a huge amount of land, you need to revive agriculture, and the traditions and foundations are undermined. I was born and grew up in the city, although for many years I lived in the village, I can now take any piece of land, but what will I do with this earth? We destroyed the peasant community, and it is very difficult to recreate it. Urban romance of the 80s and 90s, who ran to the village to organize farms and private farms, returned, because the village did not accept them. This process is longer than it seems. You need not to drive people from cities in the village, and the village do an attractive for life and, above all, from a spiritual point of view. Now in the village people are mostly unbelievers, and if believers, it is nominally. They aggressively apply to all come. In the village thrust drunkenness, sloping and laziness. First of all, in the village you need to install a dry law.

It is necessary to give interest-free loans for the acquisition of land, agricultural vessels and real estate. You need to give land to refugees and give them the opportunity to build housing on it. It is necessary to strictly accumulate for the use of the Earth not by purpose. Earth must be given to people, but to do it with regard to realities. If the Far East or Siberia will give to the Chinese, then we will receive Chinese Siberia and the Chinese Far East, so this question needs a wise and weighted approach of our leaders.

Dmitry Adonyev
, head of the missionary department Dobrinsky Central Committee, Psalmaker of the Nikolsky Temple, Dobrinka, website administrator site

According to statistics from the 2000s, the population of the village began to decline. Students will forever live in cities. Even work with a high salary does not attract anyone to live in the village. The reason is not even in work and not in the money. We must remember the laws of economic development! Money where there is a culture! First, the bet must be done on the development of non-profit organizations.

Non-commercial organizations occupy a special place in a market economy. They form a separate sector called the "third sector" (other sectors are the state and commercial organizations).
Non-profit organizations are subject and an integral element of the normally functioning market economy, which is imposed on the creation and implementation of public goods and services. As the experience of leading developed countries shows, the state in the conditions of a market economy is not able to cope with the solution of many social problems. To solve problems in the areas of health and education, politics and spiritual education, sports and culture, the protection of nature, charity and a number of others are created by non-commercial organizations.
Non-commercial organizations are formed by combining individuals to solve a certain circle of common problems for them. As a rule, these are problems associated with the support of socially vulnerable segments of the population, upholding the rights and interests of various groups of the population, the organization of leisure, education, culture, education, medical care, improving the ecology of the region, etc. This circle of problems is either at all solved by state organizations (due to the lack of money) and commercial organizations (due to the profitability of these operations), or is not fully solved.

One of the first economic works that considers culture as an independent factor was a study conducted by a well-known American scientist, a specialist in the field of public administration, Edward Banfield in 1958. He argued that the low pace of development of certain economies can be explained by cultural systems that have developed in various countries. Benfield showed that the weakness of the economy in the south of Italy (unlike the industrialized north of the country) can be explained by local cultural traditions. The American political scientist Robert Putnam (Robert Putnam) put forward in 1993 to the hypothesis, according to which the more "altruistic" society, the higher the quality of political and state structures operating in it. Historian and economist David Landes (David Landes) proved to exist directly regarding the prosperity of the national economy and the qualities of its citizens as economy and thrift, hard work, perseverance, honesty and tolerance. Quality such as xenophobia, religious intolerance, corruption guarantee the poverty of the wide masses of the population and the slow development of the economy. The Italian economist Guido Tabelini (Guido Tabellini) analyzed the level of education and the quality of political institutions in 69 European regions. Its conclusion: the volume of GDP and the rate of economic growth is higher in those regions where mutual trust, faith in the individual manual initiative and respect for the law.

So, it can be concluded that culture undoubtedly has a certain impact on economic success. However, the culture is influenced by religious, historical, geographical and other factors that are subject to change. Consequently, the culture itself is susceptible to change. In my opinion, it is appropriate to talk about the existence of a "general culture of economic success", when the same values \u200b\u200bin the field of economic behavior provide progress by political and geographical conditions. But again, you can also influence all these conditions! The most important thing to attract the "revival of the village" experienced specialists to this case. Here it is also necessary to consider that the maintenance of the world from different generations of people is too different. Currently replaced spiritual values. But everyone knows that indisputable truths are contained in the Gospel. A big task is assigned to the shoulders of the church. Therefore, priests will have to work well in a missionary plan!

The main bet must be made to young people. The departments of the delicency of the Dobrinsky Church District have long been communicated with the power of the Dobrinsky district for the benefit of society and the state. The vision of the world of the head of the administration of Dobrinsky district Valery Vasilyevich Thin coincides with the evangelical truths! This person is supported by his colleagues, employees who subordinate. Therefore, priests easily have access and preach the gospel truths in kindergartens, schools, professional technical schools, in medical and other institutions. If you look at the history of the arrival of the Nikolsky church of the Dobrinka village over the past 15 years, then you will see cooperation with the Department of Culture and Social Development, the mutual carrying out of cultural events aimed at strengthening morality and the patriotic spirit among the population!

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In our troubled time of change, where every news is a negative, I got an interesting video about the modern revival of the Russian village and about a person who is engaged in this. I highly recommend everyone. It is very cool that the process has begun, and many people have a positive result of restoration of the villages. Such villages are possible, hope for salvation. Gleb Tyurin came up with revive the northern villages, organizing Toma - Societies of territorial and public self-government in them. The fact that TURIN was made in the Arkhangelsk outback forgotten by God, does not have precedents. The expert community cannot understand how it succeeds: the social model of Tyurina is applicable in an absolutely marginal environment and is unparalleled. In Western countries, similar projects would have been worth it more expensive. Amazed foreigners in need invited the Archangelogorod to share experiences on all sortsmates - in Germany, Luxembourg, Finland, Austria, USA. Tyurin performed in Lyon at the World Summit of Local Communities, his experience is actively interested. How did this happen?

Gleb began riding a bear corner to find out that people could do themselves there. He spent tens of rural gatherings. "Local citizens looked at me as if I fell from the moon. But in any society there is a healthy part that is capable of answering something. " Gleb Tyurin believes that today you need to argue about theories, how much to think about the realities of life. Therefore, he tried to reproduce the tradition of Russian zemstvo in modern conditions. That's how it happened, and what happened.

"We began to ride around the villages and collect people at meetings, organize clubs, seminars, business games and God knows what else. They tried to stir up people who were sinny, believing that they were all forgotten about them that they were not needed anyone, and they could not succeed. We have accumulated technologies that sometimes allow people to quickly inspire people, help them look at themselves, on their own situation.

Pomors are beginning to think, and it turns out that they have a lot of things: forest, land, real estate, other resources. Many of which are inconsolana and dying. For example, a closed school or kindergarten is unwinding immediately. Who! Yes, the local population itself. Because everyone himself relieves at least something personally for himself. But they destroy a valuable asset that can be saved and make the basis for the survival of this territory. We tried to explain on peasant gatherings: you can only keep the territory. We found a group of people charged to positive inside the dilapidated rural community. They created some creative bureau of them, taught them to work with ideas and projects. This can be called the Social Consulting System: We trained people in development technologies. As a result of 4 years, the population of local villages embodied 54 projects worth 1 million 750 thousand rubles, which gave the economic effect of almost 30 million rubles. This is the level of capitalization, which is not neither the Japanese, nor Americans, with their advanced technologies.

Principle of efficiency

"What makes a multiple increase in assets? At the expense of synergetics, due to the transformation of scattered and helpless single in the self-organizing system. Society represents a set of vectors. If part of them managed to fold into one, then this vector is stronger and more than the arithmetic sum of those vectors from which it is complicated ... "

Selyan receive a small investment, they themselves write the project and become a subject of action. Previously, a person from the district center poked a finger on the map: here we will build a barn. Now they themselves discuss where and what they will do, and they are looking for the cheapest solution, because they have very few money. Next to them coach. His task is to bring them to a clear understanding that they do and why how to create the project that, in turn, will pull the next one. And that each new project makes them more economically more self-sufficient. In most cases, these are not business projects in a competitive environment, but the stage of gaining resource management skills. To begin with very modest. But those who have passed through this stage can already go further.

In general, this is a certain form of consciousness. The population, which begins to realize himself, creates a certain capable body and presents his confidence mandate. What is called the body of the territorial public self-government - Tos. Essentially, this is the same land, although somewhat different than in the 19th century. Then the scum was castech - merchants, the differences. But the meaning is the same: a self-organizing system, which is tied to the territory and is responsible for its development. People begin to understand that they do not just solve the problem of water or heat supply, roads or lighting: they create the future of their village. The main products of their activities are a new community and new relations, the prospect of development. Tos in his village creates and tries to expand the welfare zone. Annal number of successful projects in one settlement is increasing the critical mass of positive, which changes the whole picture in the area as a whole. So the streams are merged with one big full-flower river ...