Philharmonic repertoire for July. Moscow State Academic Philharmonic

Philharmonic repertoire for July. Moscow State Academic Philharmonic
Philharmonic repertoire for July. Moscow State Academic Philharmonic

For fans of classical music, it will not be superfluous to learn about the opening of new halls, especially since the discovery of this will become the main event of 2014-2015. Acquire concert in Philharmonic 2 Tickets You can very simply on the VIPTicket website. And it is necessary to do both sophisticated lovers of classics and those who just want to get new cultural impressions.

About the peculiarities and advantages of this concert hall in one of the interviews, the director of the Moscow Philharmonic Alexey Shalashov said: "It has long been obvious that the Tchaikovsky hall works with overload: ten months a year without days off. In parallel, another problem was designated: many concert halls and theaters located in the center of Moscow were in the constrained parking conditions.

And part of our public is families with children and elderly people living on the outskirts, and they need to be comfortable after the concert home. The new hall in the Olympic Village solves such problems: almost a thousand new places for listeners and free parking. A surprise will be the cost of tickets - almost two times lower than in the central halls. The decline in prices will provide another hallway: in Philharmonic-2 "popular programs without expensive performers will be performed." Buy tickets for a concert in Philharmonicu-2it is worth everyone who wants to organize a really memorable rest, because alternatives to classical music is not yet invented.

Class in the new hall and with pleasant prices

And, by the way, in Philharmonia-2, the classic will sound very high quality. The hall has a special acoustic shell, as in the Bolshoi Theater, as well as many foreign technical means. In this way, tickets for a concert in Philharmonicu-2they meet the main requirements - they are cheaper than before and at the same time allow you to listen to professional musicians in the new concert hall.

As for the location, it is located on Michurinsky Avenue that in the Olympic Village. The hall was opened to the 1980 Moscow Olympiad. After her, leading theatrical, musical and choreographic teams performed here. In 2002, the building was transferred to the State Music Theater of National Art under the leadership of Vladimir Nazarov. The performances of this theater will be played on one of the scenes and later.

The first subscription concert will be held here on November 20 with the participation of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic. In the program: Tchaikovsky, polonaise from Evgenia Onegin and concert number 1 for piano with orchestra (soloist - Yuri Favorin), Roman Korsakov, "Shehrazada". Dimitris Bootinis will rise for the remote. Tickets to Philharmonicu-2you can always easily purchase on the VIPTICKET website.

Concert hall them. Tchaikovsky is the most important place on the country's cultural map. Today the hall is recognized as the main concert platform of the capital, and his repertoire includes performances of the best musicians and teams, opera singers and choirs. This platform has its own rich history, because in many respects is obliged to the genius of the last century Sun. Meyerhold. The history of the hall begins at the beginning of the twentieth century. On the site where the hall now has, the Buff Miniature Theater was founded, then another theater worked, offering light performances and operetta, he existed here to the revolution itself, but with the arrival of Soviet power was renamed the RSFSR Theater.

In 1922, the building was transferred to the theater. Sun. Meyerhold, but after a decade of brilliant performances, his theater moved. The building was taken to restore and rebuild on the advice of Meyerhold himself, who wanted to create a new theater with perfect technical equipment. He had brilliant ideas, but they did not have to do, since the great master himself was arrested after a time, and later he was shot, he had suffered a fate of many outstanding people of the troubled time. But a part of the ideas of the genius were implemented: the hall was built by an amphitheater, which would provide better acoustics and contact with the viewer, a few more progressive ideas were taken into account, but lacked only the external and interior decoration.

The unfinished building decided to equip under the concert hall, and opened it in 1940. He gets the name of P. Tchaikovsky, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Great Composer. The first concerts make the famous platform for the whole country. Here are well-known pianists, cello, violinists, brilliant conductors, as well as various dance collectives, including children. Even in the scary and heavy war years, the sounds of music did not smell in the hall, there were concerts on the roof of the building for the defenders of the Motherland. There were also various events and visiting various musical ensembles, ballet artists, chess artists, and even shooting films, the music of many outstanding composers performed in the performance of talented musicians, held contests, listening, gala concerts, as well as days of poetry and concerts of literature.

Now in the concert hall they. Tchaikovsky every year more than a hundred concerts and festivals, such as "Russian Winter", "Guitar Virtuosos", "Opera Masteries" and many others. Do not forget about the children's audience. In the early 2000s, the hall was renewed a little, trying to return all the beauty of the initial interior, significantly improved and acoustic parameters, and the number of visual places (1505) remains the same. You can order tickets for the event on our website or by telephone from the operator.

- One of the largest world-famous concert organizations, which has nine concert halls, in which more than 3,000 concerts are held per year.

The history of Philharmonic is originated in 1921. At the initiative of the Commissar of Education, Anatoly Lunacharsky, a music organization was created, designed to show the high artistic level of philharmonic events in the country. Philharmonicon quickly took a leading position in his homeland, as well as abroad, where it was represented by the USSR in the face of outstanding musicians.

From the first years of the organization's existence, the famous world musicians are beginning here: Otto Clemer, Herman Abandroidrot, Erich Kleiber, Ernest Angersime, Arthur Rubinstein, Ephraim Tsimbalist, Yasha Heifets, Marian Anderson. Bela Barkok, Darius Miyo, Arthur Onegger also appear on the scene of philharmonic. During this period, young musical groups declare themselves, among whom the quartet them. Beethoven, the symphony orchestra of the Philharmonic, under the leadership of Nikolai Golovanov and Alexander Orlova.

Further, in the 1930s, Moscow Philharmonic takes part in the holding of two all-union contests of performers, whose winners were Emil Gilels, Svyatoslav Knushevitsky, Yakov Flyer, David Sustrakh, Vera Dulova. Later, in 1936, under the leadership of Alexander Gauka, the State Symphony Orchestra of the USSR is created. During this period, the Philharmonic is visited with the concerts of the singer Nina Dorlyak, Deborah Patnofel-Neztskaya, Pianists Maria Greenberg, Yakov Flier, Yuri Bryubykov, violinists Miron Polyakin and Mikhail Fihtendulz. In 1938, on the initiative of Philharmonic, the Conductor competition is held, thanks to which Eugene Mravinsky was famous, Nathan Rakhlin, Konstantin Ivanov, Kirill Kondrashin, Alexander Melik Pashaev.

During the Great Patriotic War, Moscow Philharmonic did not stop active: throughout Moscow, the chef concerts are held for recruits, thematic evenings, literary and music meetings, exhibitions. Igor Belza lectures are lectures, Ivan Remezov, Viktor Zuckerman. Philharmonic concerts are held in the hall of Tchaikovsky, Big and Small Halls, as well as at Moscow University, in the Polytechnic Museum, Work Clubs, Cears, Hospitals, Military Schools and Academy. During the war years, the first subscriptions of symphonic music (creativity Beethoven, Tchaikovsky) appear. After the end of the war in Philharmonic, all the symphonic works of Sergei Rakhmaninov and was first fulfilled "Ode on the end of the war" Sergey Prokofiev. Installed a memorial plaque in memory of the artists and employees of the Moscow Philharmonic, who died during the Great Patriotic War in the hall. Tchaikovsky, as well as monuments in different cities of the USSR. In 1946, a philharmonic team appears. A. Borodina.

In the 1950s Famous symphony teams from all over the world are in the Moscow Philharmonic: London Philharmonic, Leipzig, Philadelphia Orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra. This period is also marked by the appearance of such famous figures and musicians as Leopoldk, Kurt Mazur, Eugene Ormandi, Leonard Bernstein, Andre Kloitens, Igor Markevich, Glenn Guld. The symphony orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic under the leadership of Samuel Samubood is created. Rudolf Barshai initiates the creation of the first chamber team in the USSR (later - the Moscow Chamber Orchestra).

In 1960, Kirill Kondrashin became the head of the Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic. The orchestra quickly begins to acquire world popularity and authority. In the 1960s, there are tourists in memory of Igor Stravinsky, the speeches of the Orchestra of the Vienna Philharmonic under the leadership of Herberta von Karaian. Later, in the mid-60s, the country's first ensemble is being created - "Madrigal" - under the leadership of Andrei Volkonsky. At the head of the State Symphony Orchestra of the USSR, Evgeny Svetlanov becomes. For the first time, the Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra is sent to the tour - in the USA - after which Philharmonic is taking the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra.

The names of Nikolai Petrov and Vladimir Krotnev, Victor Tretyakov, Victoria Postnikova, Vladimir Spivakova, Oleg Kagan are added to the list of names of young soloists.
Signators of the London Symphony Orchestra under the control of Benjamin Britten and Soloists - Peter Pier, John Lilla, Svyatoslav Richter, Mstislav Rostropovich, Concert of San Francisco Orchestra under the control of Saint Sejai, Dietrich Fisheer Discau, Concert of Vladimir Morovitsa, , Town Concert of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra under the control of Zubin Meta. Also, soloists and philharmonic teams are also involved in the cultural program of the XX Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.

Despite the difficulties that the country's culture was experiencing in the early 1990s, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, successfully acts in Moscow Philharmonic, is the "Russian Orthodox music", the festival dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the education of the State Quarter. Borodin, the festival dedicated to the 50th anniversary of V.Trevyakov and others. In 1998, Moscow Philharmonic begins cooperation with Yuri Simonov, who occupies the post of artistic director and the chief conductor.

With the beginning of the new millennium, Moscow philharmonic expands the range of its artists and teams, becomes the leading concert organization of the country. The number of concerts held for the year of the Philharmonic exceeds 3000, musical groups toured in all regions of Russia and many countries of the world. In the same period, a new hall appears: the Philharmonic Chamber Hall. Here, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the "12 cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic" ensemble, the "Orchestra Arturo Tuscanini", the Bavarian Radio Orchestra, the La Scala Theater Chamber Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra. Many festivals are held, among which "dedication to Oleg Kagan", "nine centuries of the organ" and "guitar virtuosos". On the stage of the concert hall. Tchaikovsky regularly opposed orchestras from all over Russia: from Omsk, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, mineral waters.

Today, at the expense of the correct and well-thought-out subscription policy, Philharmonic significantly expands the range of its listeners, attracts various age groups of the population. The number of philharmonic subscriptions is constantly growing, thanks to them, the students of Philharmonic can join the masterpieces not only Russian, but also world performing skills. In 2009, Philharmonic opened the Orchestrion Hall.

Big hall
June 2017.
Mikhailovskaya st., 2

June 04, Sunday 16:00
XXII International Festival "Music Olympus"
Conductor - Eyub Kuliev (Azerbaijan)
Elizabeth Klueraeva - Piano
Christoph Crois - Cello (Switzerland)
Sibelius: Sad Waltz from music to Drama A. Yarnefelt "Death"; Rakhmaninov Dvarak.: Concerto Cello with Orchestra

June 04, Sunday 20:00
Conductor - Yuri Temirkanov

6th concert 2 subscription "Dvarak and ..."
St. Petersburg Chamber Khor.
Artistic Director - Nikolay Kornev
Concert Choir of St. Petersburg
Artistic Director and Conductor - Vladimir Pogletsov
Choir of the St. Petersburg Conservatory
Artistic Director and Conductor - Valery Asspensky

June 13, Tuesday 20:00
Chopin, Leaf, Slonim
XII International Festival "Music Collection"
5th concert of 8 subscription "Six Music Assembly"
Conductor - Vladimir Altshuler
Larisa Pominova - Mezzo-soprano
Alexander Kriel - Piano (Germany)
Conductor - Vladimir Altshuler
Larisa Pominova - Metzo-soprano; Alexander Kriel - Piano (Germany)
Slonimsky: Symphony number 21 from "Faust" Goethe for a large symphony orchestra; Chopin: Concert number 2 for piano with orchestra; Sheet: "Preludes", symphonic poem

June 16, Friday 20:00
Tchaikovsky. Symphony number 1 "Winter Greens"
Prokofiev. Symphony number 6.

XII International Festival "Music Collection"
Symphony Orchestra of the Mikhailovsky Theater
Conductor - Mikhail Tatarnikov
Conductor - Mikhail Tatarnikov

Rimsky-Korsakov: "Tale of the invisible Grad Cite and the Virgin Fevronia", musical paintings from the opera; Tchaikovsky: "Francesca da Rimini", fantasy for the Dante orchestra; Rakhmaninov: Symphony dancing