Alize funeral biography. An interesting biography of the French singer Alize Zhakote ...

Alize funeral biography.  An interesting biography of the French singer Alize Zhakote ...
Alize funeral biography. An interesting biography of the French singer Alize Zhakote ...

French singer Alize Jacotte was born on August 21, 1984 in Corsica in the city of Ajaccio. The singer's height is 161 cm, today she is married. Contrary to the incessantly circulating rumors, the date of Alizee's death, thank God, has not yet arrived. Alize Zhakote, who climbed to the top lines of the world charts with the song Moi ... Lolita, is persistently recognized as dead. What is it? Trying to add popularity to yourself?


If many years ago the girl's parents had been told that an ugly speculation would begin in the media about the date of Alizee's death, her mother would probably have gone mad. To announce dead person in full health is not just a mistake, it is an inhuman informational chaos. It does not at all fit in with the image of the beautiful lolita, which the singer embodied on the stage - gentle, romantic, insanely artistic.

Where does this gift come from in her? Let's turn to the pages of history. The future star grew up in a family far from the world of show business. Mom Alize was the owner small company, and dad worked as a system administrator, so no one spoke about art, especially from a professional point of view, in the Jacotte family. But both father and mother were fond of windsurfing, like many other Corsicans. When the daughter was born, she was named after the famous wind - "trade wind", which sounds like L'Alize in French. At the same time, the girl's brother got the usual earthly name - Johann.

Dancing and painting

Four-year-old Alize fell in love with dancing with all her heart, her parents, without resisting, gave active girl v dance studio... At the same time, her talent was clearly outstanding, Alize quickly became a leader in the group and began to receive solo roles. Wherein young talent also made strides in drawing.

At the age of 11, the girl created a logo for the airline, showing remarkable imagination, and her work won the competition. For this, she and her family were awarded a week-long tour to the Maldives, the drawing was transferred to an airliner and named after her.

And the star of Alizee lit up

By the date of death, girls are frightened with enviable regularity. But maybe she just wants to be left alone, tired of constant attention, and just wants to be an ordinary person, having gone into the shadows, to live peacefully in your family? Her singing career began at the age of 15 - at the "Beginning Star" competition. Alize came as a dancer, and only vocalists were accepted to audition. Having tried her luck and singing a song in English, Alize failed. But she is not the type to withdraw into herself after failing. A month later, having rehearsed well, she returned to the casting with the song Ma Prière, won the competition and attracted the attention of Mylene Farmer herself, thanks to whom she lit up new star.

Lolita and Mylene

The legend of French music invited Alize to become the "first violin" of the new music project... Her image was supposed to personify innocence in a defiant guise. It was quite difficult for a fifteen-year-old modest girl to get used to this role, since she was always shy.

But otherwise Moi ... Lolita would not have been born. The hit about Lolita became a discovery for the whole world. For six months the song was in the hottest rotation, and during the tour Alizee toured all over Europe, showing off a frankly scandalous dress from a world famous designer, which ended somewhere in the middle of the buttocks and was decorated with fur inserts.

This was followed by the debut album Gourmandises, which also thundered all over the world and in just three months received platinum status. The song of the same name, as well as Parler tout bas and L'Alize also took part in the charts.

Further biography of Alize

The date of the death of Lolita, as a stage character, can be called the day when the girl finally broke up with Mylene Farmer. As the years passed, the maturing Alize gradually abandoned the image of a nymphet and eventually ceased to exploit this image. The final break with Farmer came in 2006. Her second disc, Mes Courants Electriques, was the final one recorded in collaboration with Mylene. The second disc did not have a resounding success, perhaps, with the exception of the songs A contre-courant, J "en ai marre !, and also J" ai pas vingt ans. Alizee began to wear feminine dresses in soft, romantic hues.

Alize's musical experiments resulted in many compositions different styles: Madonna cover La isla bonita, Mademoiselle Juliette, Alcaline, Les Collines (Never Leave You), Fifty-Sixty. In 2007, Alizee recorded her third album Psychédélices, but it only peaked at number 16 on the French charts.

Les Collines (Never Leave You) became main composition new experimental album Une Enfant Du Siecle ("Child of the Century"), which the singer dedicated to her own daughter. When creating it, she was inspired by the work of Andy Warhol. Accordingly, her image also underwent drastic changes- on the cover of the album, Alize appeared with a short bang - she was unrecognizable. The album almost flopped in France, but America and Mexico received it more favorably.

In 2013, the singer released her fifth album with symbolic name"5". He was received "with a bang", noting the presence classical music, which testified to the "growth" of the singer - from Lolita to classic performer, critics have noted this.

In 2014, the album Blonde with the compositions Tweet, Mon planeur, Bi became the final one for her. The failed tour very unsettled the girl, and she took a sabbatical for an indefinite period. Low album sales were the cause of "death". Alizee's photo, biography, release dates for the singer's albums and songs, her artistic impulses from that moment on are hardly noticeable and uninteresting to the public, today she is mainly engaged in her personal life. Perhaps she is simply accumulating strength, material and energy to create new masterpieces in the future.

Family, husbands, children

2003 was a very happy year for the singer personally. The Euro Best music award gave Alize Zhakotte an acquaintance with musician and clothing designer Jeremy Chatelain. Broke out between them whirlwind romance, they say, it was a very strong and passionate love. In the fall, they got married, and they played in Las Vegas. In marriage, a daughter, Annie-Lee, was born, the family bought a house in Paris, and everyone seemed to be happy.

But after nine years, the family broke up. The singer was very worried and in some interviews admitted: her pain is so great that the loss of Jeremy appeared for her in a certain sense date of "death". Alizee and Chatelain broke up, their relationship died, unable to stand the test of time, fame and inability to understand and listen to each other.

But in the future, for Alize, everything turned out well. A year later, the singer took part in the reality show "Dancing with the Stars". There, performing with the professional dancer Gregoire Lyonne, she acquired not only a partner, but also a life partner - the young people became close and only then did not part. June 18, 2016 Alize and Gregoire got married.

The death of an idol

The information about the date of Alizee's death frustrates and enrages her fans. If there is no news about a person, the press with might and main clings to various false rumors and spreads them at the speed of light. Alize did not die. Social networks with official pages the singers are regularly updated with information about the girl's personal life and changes in it. The date of death and cause are not officially mentioned anywhere. Alizee, alive and well, performed her "Lolita" in 2017 at one of the music shows France: the singer's fans have posted a video.

  • Own style and image - 50% of the success of any artist. Alize thinks so, since, in her opinion, people are looking for themselves in the performers. If the idol looks the way his fan wants to look, love and trust will only grow. Take a look at recent photos of Alizee. Thank God, it's too early to talk about the date of the singer's death - Alize goes shopping with might and main in search of new outfits. She loves buying things for herself and admits that she values ​​comfort most of all in clothes, and not belonging to a fashion brand.
  • Today, the girl's body flaunts about fourteen tattoos, and she claims that this is not the limit. She loves to paint, maybe that's why she likes to decorate her body? Looking at this angel, you can't say that biography Alizee, the cause and date of death of which no one has definitely confirmed, has a separate large section dedicated to tattoos. In an interview with reporters, the singer confesses that she became addicted to body art at the age of 16. She made her first tattoo, with the permission of her parents, where it is difficult to see - on the lower back. future star the fairy Tinker Bell settled - the character of the fairy tale about Peter Pan. When Alize got a manga tattoo on right hand from shoulder to wrist, it met with a storm of emotions from fans. Some considered this completely inappropriate, since the tattoo does not fit at all into the prevailing stereotypical image of a teenage girl. Others liked her choice. Meanwhile, the tattoo is dedicated to daughter Alize.

  • Alize's French-language repertoire is diluted with one composition in English and one in Spanish.
  • On whose songs did the star grow? She admits that on the work of Madonna, the idol of the singer's father. And while the press gossip about the date of Alizee's death, new milestones appear in the girl's biography. She performed a cover version of Madonna's song La Isla Bonita for the French channel. She was heard in Mexico, and for some reason to the Mexicans she really sunk into the soul precisely in the performance of Alize. This song was first played on the radio in Mexico, and then other compositions. talented singer gained incredible popularity in this country.
  • She also loves british rock- classic "Beatles" and endless desperate anguish in performance Amy Winehouse, in which, unlike our heroine, the date of death and the cause are clearly defined. Alizee values ​​unusual and strong voices noting in particular from contemporary performers Briton Alex Hepburn.
  • And the Japanese liked her song J en ai marre most of all. Alize really wanted to record an album in Japan, but it turned out that this was very difficult to do. Alize starred in an advertisement for Japanese cookies, where this composition sounded, Country rising sun gave up and was subdued.
  • To maintain excellent shape, Alize is fond of Thai boxing.
  • The girl is rooting for the eponymous football team hometown"Ajaccio".
  • Anyone is submissive to her dance styles- classical, jazz dance, ballet, flamenco.
  • In 2003, at the Eurobest ceremony, Alize performed her famous "Lolita" together with the lead singer of the "Roots" group Pavel Artemiev.
  • The singer loves to cook shrimp pasta - this is her signature dish, her friends say so.
  • But daughter Alize does not like the fact that a large number of Mom spends time in social networks... The singer regularly posts her publications, videos and photos on the Internet, and the date of Alizee's death and the reasons for this is just a myth.
  • Alize devotes a huge part of her life to charity. She is a member of a group whose concert proceeds go to the poor.

Film career Alize

While someone is trying to guess the date of Alizee's death and calls anything the cause, up to a drug overdose, the girl takes part in various French talk shows. The singer's DVD compilation, which includes concert songs tour of 2003, became the only film in which Alize participated, and it is called simply - "Alize at a concert". The singer demonstrates different costumes in dance performances.

As for Alize's music in films, her "Lolita" was used in the tape " Good year"directed by Ridley Scott. Her songs did not take part in any film projects, but they were more successful on television. Alize's compositions were accompanied by the talk show" Dancing under the Stars ".

In 1984, a wonderful singer named Alize was born. She became a named after one of the winds, as the girl's parents loved windsurfing. For several years now, music lovers have been interested in the question of when Alizee died, the date of her death worries many. However, the question remains unanswered. After all, the girl is alive and well, in addition, a new album is expected to be released next year.

Alize from childhood was very.She grew up in a happy and friendly family... WITH early age did dancing, fine arts, and then showed herself in the show of young talents. The date of death of the star is not published in any source, but all because it is false. Someone is in the hands of spreading such rumors. This is what the singer's fans think. Fortunately, Alize does not pay attention to this and is working hard on his new project. It should be noted that the first single released by a girl was born in 2000. A month later, a wonderful video was already shot on it, and the composition became popular all over the world.

Singer Alize, whose photographs are now full of magazines, was noticed thanks to the "Beginning Star" project. It was during it that she was offered cooperation by two well-known producers. In France, the fans are just in the songs of the girl. Her first album was in the top ten for about six months, and this is a good result. After that, Alize's songs began to be listened to in countries such as Japan, Germany, Canada and others. After some time, the young performer received her first prize in the category "Discovery of the Year".

Rumors about Alizee, whose date of death was fictitious, spread throughout the countries in which she was considered popular. At first, all the fans were shocked. Some did not believe in this, others simply thought that the girl had left show business, others tried to find out the truth (after all, no one announced the cause of death). But, as it turned out, the singer feels great, she got married, she has a child. Who came up with the idea of ​​spreading this information?

Throughout her career, Alize released albums, shot videos for her songs and just created. Most loved her music and art. Thanks to this, the producers in 2003 sent rising star on a world tour. It began in the city of Paris, then she gave concerts in Belgium, Switzerland, and some other countries. So who buried Alizee? The date of the girl's death was never named, and her sudden disappearance is perceived by some as an ordinary PR move.

In 2004, the singer decided to take a break from her career and leave the world of music for three years. But she did not disappear without a trace: she is seen at charity events, television in a completely new way. Perhaps because of the vacation taken, the press was for a long time full of articles with screaming headlines: "Alizee, date of death of the singer." But this is all in fact fiction. Today the singer changed her image, grew her hair and got pierced on her tongue. Fortunately, we can continue to enjoy her work.

Alize is a charming French performer, whose popularity is growing literally every day, was born on 08.21.1984 in sunny Corsica.


Talented and unusual Alize has been since childhood. Born into a family of surfer parents who are madly in love with each other and named in honor of the crazy wind, Alize herself was like the wind - fast and unpredictable.

Ever since she can remember, she danced, somehow feeling in her gut musical note... Parents noticed the girl's talent early and, at the age of 4, sent her to dance school where Alize predicted a great future. A little later, she began to sing, and performing on stage was the greatest joy in the girl's life.

At the age of 11, she independently took part in a competition of one of the airlines, which invited children to paint a plane on a paper form. And for a superbly done job, Alize got Grand Prize- a fantastic trip to the Maldives. But this was only her first serious award.

Musical career

At the age of 15, Alize came to the new music youth competition "Beginning Star". She performed the song in English, but the strict jury did not like it. Alize was upset, but did not give up. Having devoted a whole month to daily preparation, Alize returned to the stage again and this time she was in for a triumph. New song let her not only pass qualifying round but also win the competition.

The next year, she received a contract with one of the production companies and starred in her first video in the image of Lolita. Charmingly youthful appearance of the girl, carefully selected scenes from village life, a touching song about how you want to escape from the village into the arms of a big city did their job.

Even the producers themselves could not count on such a significant success. Alize literally woke up famous.

Starting next month, the rotation of the song begins not only on all French channels, but also far beyond the borders of the country - the singer became famous in Germany, England, Japan. She begins to tour actively, in parallel working on the recording of a full debut album, which was published at the end of 2000.

Alize celebrated the next year with the release of three clips, which instantly took the top steps of the music charts, and receiving several prestigious music awards... Since then, during each year, new album, each of which is becoming more and more popular.

Creative vacation

For a long time, Alize was tied warm relationship with her friend Jeremy. Since 2002, journalists have regularly launched rumors about the date of the next wedding, which again and again turned out to be wrong, until finally in 2003 they got married, solemnly celebrating the event in a fairly narrow circle.

And in 2004, after the final tour Alize takes a sabbatical, the date of return from which he does not name. In the spring of 2005, the singer becomes a happy mother and devotes all her time to her beloved husband and baby. But literally a year later, she puzzles her fans with a post on one of the social networks, in which she announces the start of work on a new album.

Triumphant return

And in 2006, the singer finally officially presents her new album. Alize changed and grew, her songs also changed - they became deeper in content and more interesting in form. Only her sincere and touching manner of performance has not changed, for which numerous fans fell in love with Alize.

To date, she has released six full-length studio albums which were sold with overwhelming success. In the process of work, her husband provided invaluable assistance. But, unfortunately, the previously happy marriage nevertheless fell apart.

With second husband Gregoire Lyonne

The reason for the divorce was not officially announced, but according to rumors, it was Alize's romance with a dancer and a partner in participating in the show "Dancing with the Stars", which the couple won.

The marriage was officially terminated in 2010, and now Alize continues her successful creative career on her own.


Alizee jacotey was born on August 21, 1984 in Ajaccio, the coast of Corsica, southern France. Aliza is the second child in the family. The girl's parents are big fans of windsurfing, and Aliza got the name in honor of one of the winds.

From the age of four Alizee she was engaged in dancing, it was with them that little Alizee tied her future. At the age of 11, Aliza won a drawing competition by painting a plane on an order form. The prize for the girl was a trip to Maldives, and her drawing was reproduced in full size on the cockpit of the aircraft, which was named "Alizee"!

In December 1999, Alizee appeared in the French program for young talents Graines de Star (Starter Star). But the aspiring star managed to get on it only from the second audition with the song French singer Axelle Red called "Ma priere" ("My prayer"). It was this song that allowed Alize to receive an award in the Graine de chanteuse (Beginner Singer) nomination in the final program.

Thanks to the Graines de Star project Alizee noticed Mylene Farmer (Mylene Farmer) and Laurent Boutonnat (Laurent Bouton), who became her producers.

First successes

On May 19, 2000, the first single Alizee Moi ... Lolita ("I ... Lolita") was released. On July 26 of the same year, a video was shot for this song. Clip plot: village girl dreams o big city... The two-day shooting of the video took place in the famous Parisian disco Les Bains Douches, pictures of nature were filmed by Senlis (Senlis).

For about six months, the debut single Alizee was in the top ten in France in terms of sales, the total number of copies sold of the single was about 1.5 million. "Moi ... Lolita" was gaining popularity outside the Fpantsii: radio stations in Japan, Canada, Germany, Russia played the song Alizee. On November 17, 2000, at a ceremony hosted by the French TV channel M6, Alizi receives his first prize in the category "Discovery of the Year". And on January 20, 2001, the French radio station NRJ awarded Alize a similar prize.

Debut Album Alizee Gourmandises, released on November 28, 2000. Album written by the Farmer - Bouton duo. In the first three months of sales, the album went platinum. The total number of discs sold in Europe is over 4 million.

Simultaneously with the release of the album, the second single L "Alize (Passat) will go on sale. And the video for this song directed by Pierre Steen was released on December 6, 200. The plot of the video is simple, Alizee sings the song surrounded by soap bubbles.

On April 24, 2001, the single Parler tout bas (Speak quietly) was released. It was Alizee's first slow, lyrical single. The video for this song was shot by Laurent Boutonnm Laurent: a story about growing up a child and parting with childhood illusions.

In May 2001, Universal Music released localized versions of the album "Gourmandises" in Japan, Israel.

On April 17, 2001, a telephone interview with Alizee... In early July, Alize personally visited Russia. On July 2, Alizee performed at the “Stopudovy Hit” awards ceremony of Hit-FM radio, became a participant in a press conference dedicated to this event, gave an interview on MTV-Russia (broadcast on June 3, 2001).

On July 25, 2001, Alizee's fourth video "Gourmandises" was filmed. Clip plot: Alize's picnic with friends. The video was shot by director Nicholas Khidiroglu in one day on the outskirts of Paris. On August 14, 2001, the fourth single "Gourmandises" was released.

March 6, 2002 Alizee wins the award for best French female performer in a ceremony World music Award in Monte Carlo.

The producers of the next album Alizee Milen Farmer and Laurent Boutona spoke. The first single of the disc "J" en ai marre! " ("I've had enough!") Sounded on radio stations on January 7, 2003. On February 19 of the same year, a video for this song was released on television. English("I" m fed up! ") The video takes place in an aquarium, and Alizee is performing in the birthplace of the goldfish!

On February 25, 2003, the single appeared on the shelves of French shops and immediately hit the second line of the charts. However, it did not last long there, the sales of the single did not meet the expectations of the producers.

The new album Alizee Mes Courants Electriques (My Electric Discharges) has been released in two versions: French and International. The release in France took place on March 18 and immediately took the second place in the national chart, international on April 15.

The French version of the album Mes courants electriques includes 11 tracks; international version, contains 4 songs in English.

At the end of March 2003 Alizee participates in the Eurobest 2003 ceremony, where the Star Factory winners from 9 European countries, including Russia, gather. Alize duet with Pasha Artemiev (lead singer of the group "Roots") perform "Moi ... Lolita" ("I ... Lolita").

May 21, 2003 in support of the upcoming concert tour in Europe, another clip J "ai Pas Vingt Ans (I'm not 20 years old) comes out, on June 3 of the same year a single for the composition of the same name appears on the shelves.

European tour Alizee starts in Paris on August 26, 2003. In the Olympia Hall, the singer gives seven concerts in a row. Then Alize goes on a three-month concert tour throughout France, then to Belgium and Switzerland. The tour ends on January 17, 2004 with a concert at Le Zenith (Paris).

On October 1, 2003 a video for the song "A contre-courant" was released. The video was shot for two days at an abandoned factory in Belgium. On October 7, 2003 the third single "A contre-courant" ("Counter currents") was released. The release of this single is very important for Alizee. For the first time, cd maxi and vinil are not released together with a single, their release is scheduled for November 12, 2003.

In the winter of 2004 on its official website Alizee declares he wants to take a break and takes a three-year break.

However, Alizee participates in charity events and still appears on television, but in a new image. Alizi grows her hair and does piercings on her tongue.

In June, the singer appears at the concerts of her beloved Jeremy ...

At the end of August, a concert video for the song Amelie m "a dit appears on the air of French music channels. On October 7, at the Virgin music hypermarket in the Louvre, at 12 midnight, a live preview party was organized. DVD disc fans of Alize. But only about 50 fans showed up, and about 20 CDs were bought during the party. Alize herself was not seen at the presentation.

Concert CD & DVD released on October 18 Alizee called "En concert". The album flies into the "200 French Albums" Chart at 38th place. Further, the disc plummets downward and after 5 weeks it flies out of the chart. The clip is shown less and less often on TV, and the song Amelie m "a dit is played less often on the radio. Many explained this by the fact that producer Alize - Milen Farmer plans to return to the stage with a new album, and so it happened ... tickets to the concert Mylene Farmer in Bercy in 2006 is already on sale.

On the night of April 29, 2005, in a clinic in Paris, a little fairy, so long-awaited, is finally born! Her name is Annily or Hannah-Lily, the exact spelling is still unknown), weight 3.4 kg, height 51 cm. Let's wish the little family happiness!

Personal about Alizee

Alizee has younger brother Johann, the singer's father is a computer scientist, and her mother is a business woman.

Height Alizee about 1.61 cm. Alize is a brunette with brown eyes.

Alizee has a dwarf Yorkshire named Topaz. Parents gave it to Alize for her 18th birthday.

Alizee is engaged in Thai boxing with a private tutor.

Alizee loves the Peter Pan cartoon character - the Bell Fairy, collects things with her image.

Singer Alizee

2000 Gourmandises

1 - Moi Lolita
2 - Lui ou toi
3 - L "Alize
4 - JBG
5 - Mon maquis
6 - Parler tout bas
7 - Veni Vedi Vici
8 - Abracadabra
9 - Gourmandises
10 - A quoi reve une jeune fille

2003 Mes courants électriques

1 - J "en ai marre
2 - A contre-courant
3 - Toc de mac
4 - Amélie m "a dit
5 - C "est trop tard
6 - Tempête
7 - J "ai pas vingt ans
8 - Hey amigo
9 - L "e-mail a des ailes
10 - Youpidou
11 - Coeur déjà pris

2004 "Live CD: Alizee En Concert"

1 - Intralizee
2 - L "Alize
3 - Hey amigo
4 - Toc de mac
5 - J "en ai marre
6 - Lui ou toi
7 - Gourmandises
8 - L "e-mail a des ailes
9 - Mon maquis
10 - JBG
11 - Moi Lolita
12 - Amélie m "a dit
13 - Parler tout bas
14 - C "est trop tard
15 - Youpidou
16 - Tempête
17 - A contre-courant
18 - J "ai pas vingt ans