Maldives - where is it? Famous paradis corner on the world map. Maldives on the world map: Where are the Maldives

Maldives - where is it? Famous paradis corner on the world map. Maldives on the world map: Where are the Maldives
Maldives - where is it? Famous paradis corner on the world map. Maldives on the world map: Where are the Maldives

- The dream of all lovers of the beach, sand and water. This place is striking with its calm, beauty, solitude. Tourists of this country spend days on the beach, feeling silky white sand, looking at transparent blue water.

Despite the diversity of the animal world, there are no dangerous, poisonous animals in the country.

In Maldives, the magnificent climate temperature range varies from +17 ° C to +32 ° C. This strange is impossible to imagine without coconuts, fish and rice, as well as various types of spices. In each institution, tourists are offered national dishes, such as Hikimas, Rihaukuri, Kuli Borkiba pies. And many hotels offer such entertainment, as providing tourists the opportunity to catch their own dinner! Sincere calm and harmony in this place is provided. Often about Maldives say: this is paradise on earth!

Maldives on the world map

The following is an interactive map of Maldives in Russian from Google. You can move the map to the right and left, up and down with the mouse, as well as change the map scale icons "+" and "-", which are located in the right side of the map or with the mouse wheel. In order to find out where the Maldives are on the world map, it is even stronger to reduce the scale of the card.

In addition to the map names, you can look at the Maldives from the satellite if you click on the Satellite Card switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Below is another Maldives card. It can be printed and take with you on the road.

You were presented the most basic and detailed maps of the Maldives, which you can always use to find the object you are interested in or for any other purposes. Pleasant travel!

The Maldives is a separate state, consisting geographically from the scattered land plots. They are not part of another country, but have independent status. The state became famous for the islands with snow-white beaches, unique nature with high level of service resorts.

What the Maldives look - the map of the islands with a detailed description is presented below.

Where are the islands of Maldives on the world map

Maldives are one of the countries in the equator. The territory of the state is located between the southern and northern poles. Washes the islands of the Indian Ocean between the continents of Asia and Africa. The state is located near Sri Lanka and the Industan Peninsula. Southwest are the Seychelles. They intersect with the equatorial waters of the island of Fuvakhmulakh, on which rare species of birds and other animals that are not found in other sites of Sushi Maldives live. Also, the border passes through Addu, Gaph Dhaaal and Haafa Alif Atoll.

The total Maldives Square is 90,000 sq.m., all of them are surrounded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. The state consists of 1,196 islands from corals with a length of more than 1,000 km. They are united in 26 "Atolls", named so due to the features of education. Most of them have home reef to protect against water destruction, others have an external, allowing to maintain the territory unchanged.

There is a version according to which the atolls were formed from extinct volcanoes, since the islands inside them have a circle form.

The islands of Maldives on the world map are viewed on Google-maps in two modes: satellite - Photo from a satellite with space, earth - with a search for a particular atoll search, hotel or city.

Maldives Islands Map with designation is available in a hybrid function with highway numbers, public transport stops, administrative buildings, hotel names and infrastructure.

Maldives: Map of Islands with hotels

A feature of Maldives is that almost every island is busy with a separate hotel. This creates the impression of complete cuts away from peace and privacy. The business center is the capital of Male is also located on the isolated islands of natural origin: South Male and Kaafu.

Only 10 atolls Maldives are populated:

  • Faadhihpolhu - Lhaviyani. (Laviana);
  • Maalhosmadulu Dhekunuburi- Baa ( BAA);
  • Maalhosmadulu Uthuruburi - RAA ( RAA);
  • Ari. (Alif-Alif) - Alifu. (ARI) Waava (Felida) - Vaavu. (Felidhu);
  • Meemu.(Mulak) - Mioma (Mulac);
  • Seenu.(ADDU) - Adddu. (Siena).

There are practically no local life on the atolls, but they found the best hotel complexes: Gaafu Alifu. , Haa Alifu. , Gaafu Dhaalu, Gnaviyani, Nyavinani, Seenu, Haa Dhaalu. , Laamu., Shaviyani (Noonu) And Thaa.

Local atoll names are very complex, so it is customary to use abbreviated names.

Show on the map Maldives island is quite difficult, since the land plots are very small and difficult to distinguishable. With increasing Google-Maps, the chain stretched from the north to the south islands is clearly visible.

And these are Maldives - the world map in Russian. Understand where you are going to go or where they are very easy.

The Maldives is the perfect place for those who dream to escape from civilization and the permanent city fuss. Here you can feel complete harmony with the nature of stunning beauty and relax to relax.

The first question that interests all tourists going to go on a journey to this resort, sounds like this: Maldives - where is it? Let's try to figure it out.

Take a map of the world and find the Indian Ocean there in Asia. Right in the midst of the ocean expanses, you can notice two lines of the islands that are located in parallel to each other. They are very close to the equator line. This is the point we are looking for.

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At one of the islands - Hulule, there is a convenient international airport. The capital of Maldives is located in a kilometer, which can be reached using a special boat transfer for only ten minutes.

Consider a possible common to the place where the famous Maldives are located, from several popular Russian cities:

  1. From Moscow - 8-8.5 hours.
  2. From St. Petersburg - 10.5 on the way and 6.5 hours between flights.
  3. From Vladivostok - 12 hours on the way and 5.5 between flights.
  4. From Yekaterinburg - 12.5 hours on the way and 3.5 between flights.

Now, having a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of Maldives, it should be safely selected by the date of the trip, the best option for the flight and go on a trip to the mass of bright and unforgettable impressions. The nature of these places is really amazing and unique. Here you can fully enjoy the mounted noise of the azure sea waves and the pleasant heat of the roast tropical sun.

Today I will tell about the geography of Maldives - a large archipelago, consisting of 1200 islands of volcanic origin. These islands form dozens of coral atolls. All of them are located on the map right above the equator. However, only 200 islands of the Maldives Archipelago inhabited. Tourists Maldives are known as a charming country, it is also the most famous resort in the world. Nature generously awarded the islands and the atoll of the Maldives with the primary purity and surprisingly mild climate. In the article I will show how to figure out in the countless islands and atolls, and also show Maldives on the world mapWhat will help bring your unforgettable stay at a unique beach resort near the equator.

See also:

How to get to the Maldives

As you can see on the map, the Maldives are located in the middle of the Indian Ocean near the equator. therefore get to the Maldives Only by plane, coming to the Male International Airport named after Ibrahim Nasira. From Russia, you can implement direct flights from Moscow, and St. Petersburg, the time in flight will be 8-10 hours. From other cities of Russia will have to fly with transfers, and travel time will be from 11 to 26 hours.

Different Airlines make regular flights to Maldives from Europe, Asia, the Middle East and from other regions of the immense our planet. It is most convenient to fly by direct flight, such as Moscow in Male.

All atolls of the Maldives on the map

Maldives are not just called Maldives. The multiple number indicates a great set of islands and the atolls that are part of the Maldives archipelago. And if the islands, as we have already found out, almost 1200 (or rather - 1196), then the atolls are number 26!

What is the atoll? This is a cluster of islands located on a flat seabed area having volcanic origin, near the water surface (usually at a depth of no more than 5-10 meters), where the annular colony of corals is developing, which reaches a length of up to several tens of kilometers. Also, at the Maldives, the atolls are called administrative regions that may consist of more than one geographic atoll. As a result, every atoll of the Maldives is two names, and both of them in the go. For example, Male - the capital of Maldives is located in the southern atoll of Male or in the Caafa Atoll.

Map Atolllov Maldives:

Map of 20 atolls of the Maldives Archipelago

As can be seen, from 20 administrative groups of the atolls located in the Maldives, only 10 are open to tourism (highlighted by color on the map), and some of them are partially.

  • Laviana AthollLhaviyani. (Faadhihpolhu)
  • Raa AtollRAA. (Maalhosmadulu Uhuruburi)
  • Baa AtollBAA. Maalhosmadulu Dhekunuburi)
  • Kaafu AtollKaafu. (North and South Male Atoll), a group of islands, consisting of the capital of Male, and island-airport Hulule and located around the resort islands
  • Ari Atoll (Alif-Alif) - Alifu. (ARI) - located in the west of Kaafu's atoll, the second most popular among tourists after Kaafu Atoll
  • Vaava Atoll (Felida) - Vaavu. Felidhu)
  • Mom Atholl (Mulak) - Meemu. (Mulak)
  • Daal AtollDhaalu. (Nilandhe atholhu dhekunuburi)
  • Adddu Atoll (Siena) - Seenu. (ADDU) - the southernmost atoll, the second in terms of population, is the Gan Island Airport

Ten others atolls in Maldivesnot highlighted by color on the map, almost not populated, but they are the best resorts: Gaafu Alifu., Gaafu Dhaalu, Gnaviyani, Haa Alifu., Haa Dhaalu., Laamu.. Nyavinani, Seenu, Shaviyani (Noonu), and Thaa.

The Maldives Atoll Names are more complicated, so there are shorter names with top cards. However, somewhere can be found and full names of Atolls in Maldiveswhich are shown on the map at the bottom:

  • IHavendHippolhu atoll.
  • Thiladhunmathee atoll.
  • Maamakunudhoo atoll
  • Milashunmadulu atoll.
  • Maalhosmadulu atoll.
  • FaadHippolhu Atoll.
  • Goidhu Atoll.
  • ADDU Atoll.
  • North Male Atoll.
  • South Male Atoll.
  • Felidhoo Atoll.
  • Nilandhoo atoll
  • Kolhimadulu atoll.
  • Hadhunmathee atoll
  • Huvadhoo atoll.

Names of Atolls in Maldives

Maldives on the world map

Notice Maldives on the world map pretty hard. The chain of the islands at the Equator is very far from sushi, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and may not be rushed into the eyes immediately. But increasing the Google-card, you can see where the Maldives are located.

In 550 kilometers to the northeast of the Maldives, Sri Lanka Island and the Industan Peninsula are located. In the southwest - another famous resort -

With the phrase "Paradise Islands", first of all, are these, and where are the Maldives on the world map? Maldives is the perfect beach holiday place with endless beaches of white sand and slender palm trees.

And the title of "Paradise" is fully justified - here are magnificent views, secluded bays, always warm, affectionate weather with an abundance of sunny days. Available rest in the middle of tempting lagoon and coral shames will leave many vivid impressions from any rest.

The official name of the islands, where the Maldives are located, is the Maldives, they are located in South Asia on the group of atolls in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Detect the location on the map where the islands have been harnessed, quite easily, this archipelago spread to the south-west of India at about 700 km away.

The elongated form archipelago stretched along the meridian by almost 820 km, and its width is more than 120 km. The surface of the Maldives is rising above sea level no more than 2.5 m.

Unfortunately, in the future, this threatens the fact that the islands can immerse themselves due to the continued increase in the level of the world's ocean. This may occur over the next 50 years.

The Maldives Archipelago unites 19 coral atolls, which consist of small islands with a number of more than 1000, most of them are uninhabited. Only 88 islands are recognized resorts, and indigenous residents live on the other inhabited islands. Such islands are not landscaped and not equipped with a road surface, there are rarely peeking visitors. Small uninhabited islands can be visited independently on a rented yacht.

The Maldives are located in the distance from other countries and have no land borders with any state, and in the Indian Ocean, marine borders are running with India and Sri Lanka.

Since the Maldives are located almost at the equator, there is always a pleasant warm weather with an air temperature within + 30 ° C.

Under the action of monsoons of various directions from November to March, dry sunny weather is observed, and from June to August - more rainy.

Sometimes you can hear the Association of "Belarusian Maldives", then we are talking about a man-made career, which was formed after the extraction of chalk. A quarry with several lakes "Belarusian Maldives" is located in the Volkovysk district of the Grodno region, not far from the village of Krasnoselsky.

Water in lakes, highlighted by the sunshine, acquires a beautiful bluish tint, can be seen in Maldives.

Popular resort destinations

Where the Maldives are on the world map, there are chic beaches on several of the most famous atolls visited year-round:

  1. Male is the capital of the Maldives, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is only about 2 km², but even on this tiny plot there is something to look at tourists. The list of local attractions includes the presidential palace, the National Museum, the old Mosque "Great Friday" with sophisticated golden domes and many fruit-vegetable and colorful craft markets.
  2. Fafafa is a paradise for those who are accustomed to comfortable living, there are many restaurants and various spa centers.
  3. Daalo - Daalland Island has long been chosen divers and scablasts.
  4. Ari - this island attracts a variety of types of flora and fauna, there are bay turtle. Here you can ride water skiing, go for marine fishing or simply to retire on an expensive hotel in the deserted shore.

Islands are characterized by such a feature that there are very few cities here and therefore the possibilities for the placement of vacationers are limited. On one island, you can usually find only one elegant villa or a hotel, with the most expensive and comfortable rooms. However, it is possible to settle not only in the hotel rooms, but also in scattered along the coast of modest bungalows under the straw roofs.

In Maldives, an exotic animal world, but there are no dangerous predators or poisonous reptiles. There you will not see dogs, they are forbidden to be prohibited by law, but come across homemade cats.

On some islands there are goats, which are bred on meat, and the cows are not bred because of scant pastures, the pig breeding is also limited. But on the close distance from the shore you can observe dolphins or a huge whale shark, which should not be afraid, these gigantic fishes feed only by Plankton and are not inclined to attack people. In the evenings you can observe bats and foxes. On the islands, many amphibians and marine inhabitants: turtles, lizards, scrolls, mollusks.

Stay in Maldives

Maldives - a visa-free country, so it does not need to contact the consulate for visa. Here you can be unhindered within 30 days on a tourist visa, which is placed free of charge in a passport when you arrived in the country.

Gathering on vacation, it should be necessary to remember that topless or nude appear in this Muslim country, and when visiting restaurants and public places, women should cover their shoulders and kneeling clothes, should not appear in beach robes.

Local marine delicacies and plants underlie the national cuisine of the Maldives, which largely copies the traditions of Indian and Arabic cuisine.

Maldives consist of such basic ingredients:

  • a fish;
  • coconuts.

For dessert, you can order Bondi - white coconut sticks, as well as a variety of fruit salads with pineapples, bananas, mango, papaya. As the main drink, green tea is offered with the addition of milk and sugar.

Despite some behavioral restrictions, Maldives are an ideal place for a serene calm stay. Everywhere, on a walk, you will be accompanied by the sophisticated aroma of hibiscus, orchids, magnolias, the saturated colors of which leave a stunning impression.