Ballets A and Khachaturian Spartak Short description. Ballet tickets "Spartak" in the Bolshoi Theater

Ballets A and Khachaturian Spartak Short description. Ballet tickets
Ballets A and Khachaturian Spartak Short description. Ballet tickets "Spartak" in the Bolshoi Theater

In four acts, nine pictures. Libretto N. Volkov.


  • Spartak, Frakiets.
  • Frigia, Fracik, his wife
  • Garmody, Young Frakian
  • Krass, Roman Rich, Communion
  • Azhagin, Greek dancer, beloved Crass
  • Elevation of Crassa
  • Dying slave
  • Lentul Batiat, the owner of the school of gladiators
  • Gladiators: Mapmilon (Fish), Retiary (Fisherman), Andbayti (gladiators in driercked helmets), Thracians, Samnits
  • Helegal
  • Egyptian dancer
  • Greek Mime
  • Old woman, maid Egina
  • Craftsmen, Germans, Galla, Syrians, Numidians, Thracians, Circarati, Guests on Peir Crassa, Gaditanian Virgin, Gaethers, Dancers, Nymphs, Peasants, Pasta, Roman legionnaires, Roman merchants, Citizens, Pirates

The action takes place in the Roman Empire in 73-71 BC.

History of creation

In December 1941, in the most tragic days of the Great Patriotic War, Khachaturian informed in the newspaper article about his creative plans: "In 1941, by order of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR, together with the librettist N. D. Volkov and the balletmister I. A. Moiseyev, I proceed To work on the ballet "Spartak". It should be a monumental heroic performance that will show the Soviet viewer of the best person of the entire ancient history, which, in the expression of Marx, is Spartak. " This image that has long attracted Khachaturian, seemed to him particularly relevant in connection with the fierce struggle, which I had to lead to our people. This composer also mentioned in one of the articles: "Some were surprised by the choice of this topic, reproached to care in the depths of history. But it seems to me that the theme of Spartacus and the uprising of slaves in ancient Rome has in our time a great importance and a large public sound.<...> It is necessary that the peoples know and remember the names of those who still at the dawn of human history boldly raised against the enslavers for their freedom and independence. "

Librettist N. Volkov (1894-1965) began work on Spartak back in 1933. He enjoyed consultations by the artist F. Fedorovsky (1883-1955) and Balletmister I. Moiseeva (1906-2007), who has long ever dreamed of putting this performance. In work on the libretto, the wolves turned to testimonies of ancient historians, especially the Satiirs of Juvenal (approx. 60-140) were also used to "life-writings" of Plutarchs (50-120). In addition, Librettist relied on the article L. Friedlander "Pictures from Rome's household life" and the book of the Soviet historian A. Mishulin "Spartakovskoe Uprising", something was asked from the popular novel Jovanoli "Spartak" (description of ristalism) and historical chronicles M. Olivier "Spartak". "Ballet architectonika was composed as a tragedy about Spartak," wrote wolves, "as a story about the elevation and death of the leader, as the story of the hero, whose mind, will and high ideals overcame the limit of their time and<...> Steel immortal symbols of the struggle of oppressed classes and peoples against oppressors. " It is not surprising that the proposed plot received the approval of the authorities. However, the work on the ballet was postponed for many years.

In 1950, Khachaturian visited Italy, saw the Colosseum, the Appiete Road. Perhaps it was with these impressions that the return to the conceived ballet was associated. Work on music lasted three and a half years - the last point in the score was delivered in early February 1954. The premiere of Spartak took place in the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after Kirov (Mariinsky) on December 27, 1956 in the formulation of one of the most original ballersters of the Soviet Time, the continuer of Fokin's traditions, famous Master of the choreographic miniature L. Jacobson (1904-1975). In the desire to move away from the principles of the "Drambalt" principles in those years on the ballet scene, the sculptural-plastic expressiveness, which was seen in the expression of the fits of fighting gods and titans on the famous Pergamian altar, exposed then in the Hermitage. "The figures came to life in his play, as if concerned with vase drawings, ancient mosaics, bas-reliefs," writes the author of the book about Ascold Makarov, the first artist's role of Spartak, ballet critic M. Ilyicheva. - The composition of the performance was formed as a grand architectural ensemble with temples, palaces, arenas and amphitheaters, in the decoration of their supporting the topics of Spartak, Egin, Crassa. Spartak, who leaves the monument among the rampore and tiny Rome, appeared ... The hero of a peculiar altar composition ... clear steps, sharp attacks, heavy fogging infantry, offensive jumps of riders ... planned the image of a military car ... laconicism and chasingness The movements of the military march, solemnity of the release of senators ... reported spectacular sculpture. These qualities determined the entire composition, deployed on the viewer ... "The ensemble rooms were distinguished by the fact that each artist of the core fee was offered his own individual plastic text. Thus, a peculiar choreographic polyphony was created. Women's parties were not performed on pointes: and the soloists and the core fee danced in sandals.

In Moscow, Spartak appeared only after a year and a half (03/11/1958), in the formulation of I. Moiseeva, one of the most titled masters, glorified by his folk dance ensemble. Ballet acquired broadest popularity, was delivered in many cities of our country and Eastern European countries. In 1968, another master of the Soviet ballet was made in Moscow, Yu. Grigorovich (r. 1927), whimsizing with the play of Jacobson and distinguished by great psychologism, tragic tension.

The plot (sets out by key)

In Rome, the crowds are happily met who returned from the campaign with the victory of Crassus. Among the slaves, pronounced in his chariot, Spartak, Frigia and Garmody. Among those who meet Crassa is the Kurtisana Egygin. Excasioned from fatigue, Frigia falls, the supervisor is waking off by Beach, Spartak rushes on it with such a force that stops the chariot. The people are delighted with its strength and courage.

In the Roman market of slaves, the Egyptian dancer and young Greek Mime show their art. In elegant stretchers, the craft appears, on the other side of the market square - aegina, which throws the cut flower. She buys handsome harmony, wants to buy both Frigia, but that is ready to hit himself with a dagger if she is separated from Spartak. Spartak buys the owner of the school of Gladiators Lentull, he also has to buy both Frigia, as Spartak prefers to kill himself, but not separated with his wife.

The circus. In the central bed, the krass and aigina, behind her back costs Garmody. After the pantomime, the "Abduction of Sabineanok" begin fighting. The last fight - Spartacus with the Samutor. Spectators demanded to finish the defeated selfite, but Spartak is blunting their sword in the sand, refusing to kill the defeated.

In the barracks of gladiators. Frigia leaned over dying. After the grievous meditation Spartak urges gladiators to the uprising. They still destroyed death. It is better to find it in the battle with enslavers than in the arena, on their fun. The gladiators headed by Spartak turn to escape, climb windows of windows and hide.

On the campaign fields near the Appiete Road peacefully spend the shepherd leisure time. There are fucked gladiators. Shepherds join the rebels.

In the Palace of Crassus in front of the dance dance with Garmody. The young man brings it on the bed of Crass. Fearful fun breaks the sounds of the approaching battle. Everyone is running, the Krassa relieves harmony to stay and join the rebel. Spartak appears with warriors and freigia.

In the Spartacus camp on the square in front of his tent, women listens to the noise of a sinking battle. Spartak in the tent holds the Council with the leaders of the detachments of Thracians, Syrians, Germans, Galov. Part of the military managers requires a hike to Rome, others, among whom Spartak himself, want to return home on the ships. Some bosses in irritation leave Spartacus. Freegie is trying to calm him. The square appears merchants and gheeters. Bargaining begins, fun. Spartak ordered from his tent orders expelled outsiders from the camp. An old woman appears on the empty area, the maid of Egina. She fascinates with a passion to the aetus of Garmody.

In the tent, Crassa Eagina is dancing in front of the commander. Specify the captured leaders who have broken from Spartacus. Krass orders to execute them. Old woman, Messenger Egina, comes with harmony. Crassus demands information about Spartak, and the young man reveals his plans for the rebels. Heavy curtains covering huge windows, and harmony sees crucified on the crosses of gladiators.

Coast. Visible masts of ships of pirates. The Romans are hidden behind the stones, which were given by Garmody. Pirates feat. Spartak comes to them. He bribes the leader with the bags of gold, and he promises to transport his troops on his ships. With the removal of Spartacus, the feast resumes. The armed Romans seek the fact that the pirates will lead their ships. With the appearance of the rebels, Romans attack them from the ambush. Spartak dies in cruel battle. Krass orders to suffer Garmody, Aegina, passing by, casually comes to his body. According to the second signal, the Roman army departs, on the empty battlefield at night, Frigia finds the killed Spartacus and silently mourns it. The surviving Thracians raise his body on the shield. Sun rises.


In the music of "Spartak", one of the best works of Khachaturian, embodied the most vivid features of his creativity: catchy, memorable images, lush and brilliant mass scenes, a kind of melody in which European features are organically combined with oriental intonations. The musical playback of the ballet is based on sharp contrasts, but it differs in internal integrity and is aimed at disclosing the main idea. Ballet is characterized by end-to-end symphonic development, large musical and choreographic scenes, intonation unity, widespread use of the leitmotifs system.

L. Mikheeva

Aram Khachaturian began to compose ballet about Spartak in 1950. Writer Nikolai Volkov used the compositions of the ancient writers of Appiana and Plutarch, but introduced new heroes in the scenario - aeis and harmony. The motive of betrayal, as the reason for the defeat of the uprisings and revolutions, was characteristic and almost obligatory for works of art of this period of Soviet society. The ballet music is saturated with bright contrasts: the bombarding Rome and Mount of the defeated, cruel gladiator fights and the heroic of the uprising, delicate lyrical scenes and epic pictures of victories and defeats. Characteristic dancing - the Egyptian dancer, Athenian jester and gaditan deeds are written with a large creative fantasy. In general, ballet was resolved in the spirit of the monumental heroic drama, in the center of which the image of Spartacus. Despite the fact that the music of the ballet is habitual numbering room, powerful symphonic development blurred the boundaries of the rooms, emotionally summarizing the event playwright. It made it possible in the future different choreographers to compose the music of "Spartak" in its own way. In 1954, after the end of the scores in concerts, Suite came from the music of the new ballet, firmly conquered recognition from the listeners.

The performance of Yuri Grigorovich (the premier took place on April 9, 1968 in the Bolshoi Theater) was built on alternating contrasting episodes revealing the dramatic conflict. "Spartak", in contrast to the previous works of the choreographer, is characterized by the skill of building the entire performance. The choreographic language is the former - an effective classic dance. The dance solves the image of a despotic Rome, and the image of the uprising. Grigorovich called his production "play for four soloists with a corpsiethyt." The plastic characteristic of the Crassa is inseparable from the dances of warriors and patrician, which are drawing his choreographic portrait. The image of Spartacus grows out of dancing slaves, gladiators, shepherds. This feature of the construction of central performances has become particularly valuable when the outstanding artists not so bright performers came to replace the outstanding artists, and the magnificent burden of the Bolshoi Theater with his perfect male dance literally described the required scope of personalities.

The virtuoso, the flight dance of the main character created an image of a truly free person. The unique plastic freedom of Vladimir Vasilyeva did his Spartacus heroic initially and forever. It seems that the image of the hero of the ballet was born in Grigorovich, taking into account the personal and professional qualities of Vasilyeva - a man and artist. Mikhail Lavrovsky in this role needed additional paints. His hero was courageous and decisive, he only gradually became the legendary chief.

The complexity of the Party of Antagonist Spartak accurately and figuratively wrote Vera Krasovskaya: "He is beautiful and Elegance, this craft that has become a major achievement of the dancer Marisa Liepa. But, Garsuya on the ground ball, he is not-no, it gives back to some kind of natural horror, forced to remember not Crassa in the play of Jacobson, and Egina - Shelest. As the one, the crafts - liepa rushes within the limits set by His authority, and, like that, understands that it is not given to break out of these limits. Therefore, his clawing space is caught up with savoro movements, and the smug gesture rushes to smooth the confusion, annoyance, longing. "

Spartak Grigorovich - not "scenes from Roman life", but a heroic male ballet. Therefore, the images of the girlfriends are not so complex psychologically: Egypt (Nina Timofeyev) - cunning and seductive, Frigia (Ekaterina Maximov) is gentle and true. No wonder when the performance was awarded by the Lenin Prize - the highest award of those years, some men were in the list of laureates.

The visual solution of the performance Simon Wirzladze organically follows from the concept of setting. There are no pomp and splendor in the scenery, but there is severeness and greatness. Two powerful arches from gray stone, with dark seams of rough joints. Rear - the sky, duskly anxious, bugger, gray, black. Above the scene spread a freely saving canopy. Running in the interval between the paintings, it forms the inner curtain, against which monologues sound. In costumes there are no everyday life, there are only parts hinting on the ancient era. In the color scheme of the play, the golden brilliance of the world of despotia is shaped by the bloody boots of popular uprisings.

Moscow statement of "Spartak" deservedly attracted great public attention. At one time, she was officially considered the best Soviet ballet. Now, when such allegations came out of fashion, it remains a kind of business card ballet Bolshoi Theater. Rare large foreign touring this troupe cost without this performance Yuri Grigorovich.

A. Degen, I. Serenov

Introduction. Song of the hero

The first act

Picture first. Film Spartak

On the battlefield, Spartak alone fights against numerous opponents. Wounded, he is captured to the Romans.

Picture of the second. Triumph Crassa

The ex-dictator of the louches of Cornelius Sulla in the Colosseum takes the parade of the Roman troops. Slave is involved in the ceremony - the Greek Dancer Azerlia in the image of the goddess of Victory - and Mime Metrobius, in the image of the war of war. Among the winners, the concubine Mark Lutsk Crassa Amazon Eutibid; Related Spartak exports to the chariot of a fortunate commander of Crassa. Averalia rushes to Spartak, having learned his beloved in it.

The victory feast continues to fight gladiators: Andyat, Retira and Mirmillon, Thracians and Samuti.

Crassy produces unarmed sports spartaches against several opponents. Spartak wins, but asks to keep the life of defeated gladiators. Spartacus again bind. Eutibida, performing the dance of the "Roman Wolf", removes the opposite of the way and carries the crawl away from the Colosseum. Gladiators Krix, Hannik and Cass, are thrown to Spartak.

Picture of the third. CONSPIRACY

In the tavern "Venus Libitina" (Venus of Fine), slaves, citizens, mimes, beggars are gathering. They are treated by the owner of the tavern Lutation one-eyed and the two servants. Spartak appears with friends. He calls everyone to the uprising. All enthusiastically respond to his call.

Picture fourth. DATE. Spartak and Azerlia

On the streets of Rome Spartak secretly meets with Azerlia. Patricia, invited to the feast of Ex-Dictator Sulla pass by them. The stretchers bring Crassus accompanied by metrobia. Averaliya is forced to join the Speat of Eutibid. Spartak tries to avoid persistent attention of this capricious matron.

Picture fifth. Feast at the ex-dictator

The most notable patricians and matrons gathered in the Roman Patio.

For guests, the ex-dictator Sulla prepared a view. Dance metrobius and mimes, Krass, Metrobius and Eutibid are trying to involve in erotic games and Aureli, but it is possible to slip away. Averaliya, along with a metrobia and mimes, dancing Etruscan dance. During the dance with the snakes of the Gaditan deeds in the patio, Spartaks are broken.

The torches they ignite the hall. Spartak releases all women and Eucibid. She takes from the term Crassus and Metrobia, hiding them among the Gaditan virgins and slaves. The rebels proclaim the Spartacus with their commander.

Act second. "Song of Victory"

Picture of the sixth. Training troops Spartacus and battle

SPARTAK CAMP. Gladiators are taught slaves Roman ranks. Warriors learn to fight on different types of weapons, the crowd of slaves in the eyes turns into a beautifully trained army.

Battle with Romans. Spartakov's victory. Eutibida confesses in love Spartacus. It is indifferent to her. Eutibida is trying to kill him and drank revenge.

Picture seventh. Defeat Crassa

The crafts in rage kills their warriors retreating in a panic and establishes the discipline, Eucibida carries him into the occult Egyptian temple forbidden in Rome.

Picture of eighth. SACRIFICE

In the Egyptian temple, in the ritual dance of Eutibid, he chalves the Virgin Virgin and her blood washes the sword of Crassa, in order to pour out the goddess of Isis victory to the Roman army.

Picture of ninth. Bunct in Spartacus Camp

Slaves buried by victories, rob, are trying prisoners, rape their wives and daughters. After the interference of the outrageous Spartak, part of the troops led by his close friend of the Cryx is separated to go to Rome. Spartak against - his goal to return liberated slaves in their country. But, obeying the decisions of the associates, he remains at the head of the troops.

Spartak, together with Azerlia, is experiencing this night in the premonition of the last deadly fight, "Song of Love".

Picture of tenth. THE LAST FIGHT. "Song of immortality"

In a bloody battle, Spartak dies along with his army. Eucibida hides sorrow. Women-slaves from the conquered Rome countries mourn dead beloved. Aurelia says goodbye to Spartak.

Picture eleventh. Triumph Crassa

Krassa Crassa and Eutibida Womed with new slaves. The crowd welcomes the winners.

A. Khachaturian ballet "Spartak"

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a ballet "Spartak" came A. Khachaturian in difficult time for our country - in December 1941. This work, the composer wanted to show the heroic image of an ancient history man, which was particularly relevant in the conditions of military events, to maintain the volitional spirit of the people in the struggle for their freedom and independence.

Summary of the Ballet Khachaturian "Spartak" and many interesting facts about this work on our page.



leader of Rest Gladiators, Frakian
Phrygia wife Spartak
Krass commander Commander Roman Legions
Eagina crassa slave, Kurtyzana
Garmodyi. frakian, traitor


The events of the performance are developing in 73-71 years BC. In the Roman Empire. Spartak is a Frakiec who captured along with his wife and forced now to be a plumature, he participates in gladiator battles. He raises the uprising among the wrestlers, motivating them to finish with such a life and fight for their freedom. The remaining gladiators support him and rises a popular uprising. To their camp on the orders of the commander of Crassa adjoins the Frakian harmonies. He will find out all the plans of Spartacus and at the right moment tells about them to his owner. Thanks to this, the Romans arrange the rebel and attack them. As a result of the crucifier, Spartak dies, and the harmony of Krass orders the traitor to kill. The surviving soldiers of the Thracians find the body of the defeated Spartak and raise it to the shield. At this point, the horizon line illuminates the golden radiance - the sun rises.

The author of Libretto N. Volkov, when working, used genuine historical sources: "BestCompany" of Plutarch, Satira Juvenal and some artworks. The theme of heroism, struggle and loyal love is gossipped in the plot of ballet dough.


Interesting Facts

  • There is a coin with a par value of 100 rubles, on which you can see the scenes from Spartak. Her release was timed to the 225th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Despite the fact that the plot of the ballet received approval among the authorities, work on its most famous work of Khachaturian was forced to postpone for a while. So, he again started him only in 1950 after a trip to Italy. Perhaps by visiting the Colosseum and Appievs the road, where once the fateful battle of the rebel people occurred, he decided to write a long-minded work.
  • The ballet premiere took place in February 1954 and was appreciated by the public and criticism, moreover, it became a real sensation and caused a storm of emotions. Everyone was amazed by an extraordinary production, it seemed that the heroes were the revived sculptures that came up with historical pages, ancient mosaics, and the image of the hero was erected on them with everyone, Spartak. Even the performers danced not on pointes, but in the sandals, closed in the tunic, not to move away from the historical plot.
  • Choreographer Leonid Jacobson at first criticized the ballet! He did not like almost everything in it: the libretto is schematic and too tightened musical part. Naturally, Aram Ilychu it had to do not like it, the more it was categorically against reducing the score. As a result, a real scandal broke out between them right on Nevsky Prospect in the middle of the street! Even fists went to move, so much everyone defended her right things that I had to call the police. However, the laws of the theater are such that the last word always remains for the balletmaster. Therefore, Leonid Jacobson still made some adjustments for his innovative production.
  • "Spartak" - remains the greatest and well-known stage of Khachaturian, for which the author was awarded the Order of Lenin.
  • Fragments of this work can be found in two series of popular cartoon franchise "Ice Age", namely: "Global warming" and "Era dinosaurs".
  • It is curious that about such a famous hero, as Spartak, reached our days, there was extremely few information, so the librettians had to see his biography somewhere.
  • Khachaturian composed ballet for 3.5 years.
  • Even before the premiere in the theater, the listeners were able to get acquainted with some ballet numbers thanks to the suite, which was often performed at symphony concerts, using great popularity.
  • Putting Jacobson destroyed all existing traditions. His performers were closed in free robes and sandals that initially caused shock from everyone.
  • Khachaturian remained dissatisfied with the premiere of the play "Spartak", because he thought it was still in classical execution. This was largely due to the fact that Jacobson violated symphonic laws in the score, allowing itself some bills and rearrangements.
  • One of the main differences of this performance is that he is male, because the main parties belong here Spartak and the Crassus, which was a big rarity for ballet.
  • To date, there are about 20 versions of the productions of this work in the world, but only two are considered the most popular: Grigorovich and Jacobson.

Popular rooms

Adagio Spartak and Frigia - Listen

Variations Egyb - Listen

Pirates dance - listen

Triumphal March - Listen

History of creation

At first glance, it is difficult to imagine, but Spartak is quite a Soviet ballet in its ideology, although it is narrated about difficult events in the history of the Republic of Roman republic, dated 73-71 BC. e. There is nothing surprising in this, because it is in the Soviet period to the fore the heroic works are performed, who replaced gradually fabulous and light performances. The main idea is the struggle, is the main for the whole of the art of that time.

In 1941. Aram Khachaturian For the first time, he reported on his intentions to compact the ballet "Spartak" in a small newspaper note. He wrote about what begins work on the work and thinks by his monumental heroic performance. According to the composer, the ballet should show the public to the best person with all the most ancient history. It is known that the image of this very long ago attracted the attention of the composer, especially in such a difficult time he seemed especially relevant to him. The administration of the Bolshoi Theater invited Maestro to work on the performance. However, due to major changes in the theater, as well as military actions in the country, for some time the work was discontinued.

He was able to resume it only a few years after the war, visiting Sunny Italy during his business trip in 1950. Returning to the country, he immediately began to compose music to the ballet and already in February 1954 the work was written completely.

It is curious that initial work on the libretto began in 1933. The choreographer of the Bolshoi Theater I. Moses and Librettist N. Volkov thought this ballet, but the grand idea had to be postponed for several years. It was due to the fact that the balletmaster was to leave a large theater. When the libretto was completed, it was officially an officially authorized by Volkov, although it was not known for certain, which was specifically written in co-authorship with Moiseev.

Spartak: Spartak Famous slave gladiator. CONTENTS 1 Famous Spartak Names 2 Sport 2.1 ... Wikipedia

This term has other values, see Spartak (values). Spartak Spartaco.

Several films with such a name: Spartak (film, 1926) of the USSR, 1926, dir. E. Mukhsin Bay Spartak (film, 1960) USA, 1960, dir. Stanley Kubrick Spartak (film ballet) of the USSR, 1977, film ballet IMDB Spartak (film, 2004) USA, ... ... Wikipedia

- Spartak, USSR, Mosfilm, 1975, CV., 94 min. Movie ballet. About the uprising of slaves in ancient Rome under the leadership of Spartacus. The roles are performed by the artists of the ballet of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR. Choreography Yuri Grigorovich. Cast: Vladimir Vasilyev (see Vasilyev ... Encyclopedia of cinema

The postage stamp of the USSR (1969): I International Ballet Artists Competition In Moscow The topic of ballet in philateli is one of the directions of the thematic collecting of postage stamps and other philatelic materials dedicated to ballet ... ... Wikipedia

- (Franz. Ballet, from Ital. Balletto, from Late. Ballo Dance) type of scenic art, the content of which is expressed in dance musical images. The term "B." It serves mainly for the designation of European B., which has established ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Ballet - (Franz. Ballet from Ital. Balletto and Late. Ballo Dance) View of Scenic. Wa, transmitting content to dance and music. Images. Evolved over the course of 16 19 centuries. In Europe from entertainment. Intermedia to contain. performances. In the 20th century ... ... Russian Humanitarian Encyclopedic Dictionary

Great Britain. Before Toroup Supports, Dyagilev and Anna Pavlova in London in 1910, the ballet was represented in England mainly by performances of individual famous ballerinas on the scenes of Music Halls, such as Danes Adeline Wife (1878 1970) ... Encyclopedia Color

This article or section needs recycling. Please improve the article according to the rules of writing articles ... Wikipedia

This article is about the leader of the slave uprising; Other values: Spartak (values). Spartak Spartacus ... Wikipedia


  • Revelations of Balletmeter Fedor Lopukhova (DVD) ,. The twentieth century - century of triumph of the Russian school ballet. Famous Balletmister Fedor Lopukhov, who has lived a long and fruitful life in art, recalls and reflects the fate of the classic dance ...
  • Spartak, Leskov Valentin Aleksandrovich. The name of the French Spartacus, Roman gladiator and the leader of the most famous rising rebellion in ancient Rome (74-71 BC), has an undoubted attractive force. Immortal Roman ...


Scenes from Roman, Life. Ballet in four actions

Ballet author - Aram Ilyich Khachaturian
Libretto N. Volkov.
Choreographer L. Jacobson.
First representation: Leningrad, Opera and Ballet Theater. S. M. Kirov, December 27, 1956
Spartacus. Phrygia. Aegina. Garmey. Gras. Dying slave. Lentull Batiat. Herack. Egyptian. African. Numidian, Gall. Athenian jester. Etruscan, Gaditan Virgin, Goethers. Mimes. Centurions. Spartak associates.

Roman commander Krass returns from a hike with a victory. An unlawful crowd welcomes the legionnaires glorified in battles.

Captured slaves were pronounced in the golden chariot. Among them are Frakian Spartak. His gigantic figure is full of strength and dignity. Next to him is his beloved, young Fracik Freigia, and the young man of harmony.

In the crowd of Roman nobility of Patriches and senators who meet Crassa, - His concubine, Kurtyzana Eagina.

Market slaves. Bargaining begins the sale of the Egyptian dancer. It is separated from her mother. Spartacus and a chain-shaped chain Garmodya buys the owner of the school of gladiators Lentull Batiat. Before the parting of Frigia and Spartacus. Frigia buys aigin.

The circus. In the center of the Amphitheater - Lodge Crassa and Egina. Fights begin gladiators. Gall, Numidian and African fighting. The wounded numidian asks to give him life, but the crowd demands to kill him. Two gladiator overlook the arena. One of them dies; Dying, he sends a curse of Rome. Universal attention attracted two detachments: gladiators. Boils fierce fight. Miracles of courage and dexterity shows Spartak. He wins, he enthusiastically applies the crowd.

Square in front of the Palace of Crassus. Frigia pours "Spartacus his grief, complains of a heavy life in captivity and separation.

Under the cover of the night, Spartak is construed with their associates about the secret meeting. They notice the anegag. Wanting to reveal their idea, she fascinates one of the conspirators - the young harmony.

Festival in honor of God Saturn (Saturnia). The crowd mines his swollen dances. From the palace on luxury stretchers, Crassa is taken out. One of the slaves carrying stretcher stumbled. Krasya orders to kill him. Crack bodyguard pierces the slave dagger. Everyone is horrified.

At the secret meeting, Spartak calls for their associates to start an uprising. Loyalty to the struggle for the liberation of conspirators fasten the oath.

Spartak penetrates the stone prison of gladiators. And calls the prisoners to raise the uprising: better death on the battlefield, than in the circus arena, on the crowd! Here are already broken chains, the guard is removed. Spartak opens the gate of the prison and takes the rebels behind them.

A wide fiery river is poured in Italy the risks of slaves. The victory for the victory won the troops of Spartacus. The Romans are inclined by "eagles" - the signs of their legions - before the leader of the rebeling slaves.

Spartak military leaders are returning from a hike with prisoner legion meters, dirty good, wines and heterose kegs. Among the hetero is hidden. It leads to a harmony to a tent of the pouring warlords.

Suddenly Spartak appears. He orders immediately drive out the hetera camp. Garmody protests. A quarrel arises between the group of military leaders and Spartak. The long-standing conflict leads to a split camp. A group of disgruntled military leaders, together with their warriors, leaves the Spartak camp. Eagina is fond of harmony. With the Spartak, only the loyal of the freedom of his associates remain.

Crassa feast. Aegina tells the commander that she managed to bring Garmody's sharpened with Spartacus, as well as the split among the rebels. Grasse gives an order to attack the camp of the broken from Spartacus.

Eagina remains alone with harmony. Night passes. The feast resumes. Grasse makes the lead of Garmody. Swipe purple curtains. Garmody with horror sees crucified on the crosses of gladiators, their recent associates. He understands that he was betrayed by a pin, and rushes to kill her, but it is grabbed and chained. Gras and Egygnum leave the feast.

Slaves led by Spartak rapidly break into the palace. Freigia and slaves of Crassa joyfully rush to meet them.

In the battle with the legion meters, the Spartak Crassus suffers and retreats. Freegie blesses him to new battles; She serves Spartacus shield, kisses his sword. She hearts with an impending catastrophe.

Romans are coming. Surrounded by indiscreated hordes, the Spartakovtsians are dying in cruel battle. Perfect and Spartak.

He sounds a penny signal. The troops of the Romans go.

Night. Mongle envelops the battlefield. Sorrowful Frigia appears, finding the body of Spartacus. In ominous silence, she mourns the fallen hero.