Yakuta Asians. Interesting traditions and customs of the people of Yakutia

Yakuta Asians. Interesting traditions and customs of the people of Yakutia

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered the organization of believers in the traditional Pantheon of the gods of Yakutia - "Religion Aar Ayya". Thus, Russia is officially recognized ancient religion The Yakut people, which was widespread in the region until the end of the XVII century, when the people of Yakutia began to pay massively in Orthodoxy. Today, the followers of Ayya talk about the restoration of the traditions of their faith, the northern branch - the deified sky, reports the SmartNews portal.

According to the head of the organization "Religion Aar Ayyy" Augustine Yakovlev, the final registration took place in May of this year. "How many people are now believe in Ayyy, we are unknown. Our religion is very ancient, but with the arrival of Christianity, she lost many believers, however, the people have always had followers of Ayya. Previously, we had no writtenness, and all the information people were transferred from the mouth to Lucky. And by the time the letter appeared in Yakutia, here - in the middle of the XVII century it came to Orthodoxy, "she told the portal.

In 2011, three religious groups were registered in Yakutia - in Yakutsk, villages of Suntar and Khatyn-Siers. In 2014, they united and became founders of centralized religious organization Republic of Sakha Aar Ayya.

"The peculiarity of our religion is that we recognize the highest strength, and the most chief God, Creator of the world - Yurung Ayyy Toon. He has twelve god assistants. Each of them has its own function. During the prayer, we give honors first to the highest gods, and then earthly good spirits. We appeal to all earthly spirits through the fire, because Yakutia is a cold region, and we could not live without fire. The most good spirit of the earth is fire. Then the spirits of all waters and lakes, taiga, the spirit of Yakutia and others are coming. It is believed that our faith is the northern branch of Tengrianism. But completely our religion does not correspond to any other. We pray higher power under open skyWe have no temples, "the assistant to the head of the new religious organization Tamara Timofeyev said.

The world in the representation of the followers of Ayya is divided into three parts: the underground world - Allaraa Doyut, where they live evil spiritsThe middle of the world is Orto Doyut, where people live, and the upper world - Yuhae Rota, the place of stay of the gods. Such a universe is embodied in the Great Tree. His Krone is the upper world, the trunk is the middle, and the roots, respectively, the lower world. It is believed that the gods of Aya do not take sacrifices, and they will be given dairy products and plants.

Supreme God - Yurung Ayyy Toyon, the creator of peace, people and demons, inhabiting the lower world, animals and plants, embodies the sky. Jesyyyay Toon is God - a patron of horses, his image is closely connected with the Sun. SUGE TOYON - God pursuing evil power In the sky and earth, the owner of thunder and lightning. Ayyste is a goddess that patronizes childbirth and pregnant women. IAIEHCIT - Goddess - Patrone happy people, mediator between gods and people. Bilge Han - God of Knowledge. Chyngy Han is the God of Fate. Ulu Toyon is the God of Death. There are also secondary gods and spirits - lower order forces.

"The creation of the site is associated with the religion of the Sakha people, which not only has retained traditional rites, but also language. We expect that in the future the site will be business card The cultures of indigenous peoples of Yakutia, who retain spiritual relationship with their ancestors, "said the representative of the Republican Ministry of Entrepreneurship, the development of tourism and employment, initiated the creation of the site.

Tengrianism is a system of religious views of the ancient Mongols and Turks. The etymology of the word dates back to Tengri - a deified sky. The Tengrianism emerged on the basis of a national worldview, which embodied the early religious and mythological ideas related to the human attitude towards the surrounding nature and its natural forces. Peculiar I. characteristic feature This religion is a human relationship with the outside world, nature.

"The Tengrianism was generated by the deification of nature and the honors of the spirits of the ancestors. Turks and Mongols worshiped objects and phenomena of the surrounding world not from fear of incomprehensible and formidable natural forces, but from a sense of gratitude to nature for the fact that, despite the sudden outbreaks of their unbridled anger, she It is more likely to be affectionate and generous. They knew how to look at nature as an animation of an animation, "the representative of the department said.

According to him, some scientists who studied the Tengrianism came to the conclusion that by the XII-XIII centuries this creed adopted the form of completed concept with ontology (the teachings on the Unified Divine), cosmology (the concept of three worlds with the possibilities of mutual communication), mythology and demonology ( distinguishing perfumes of the ancestors from the spirits of nature).

"The Tengrianism was so different from Buddhism, Islam and Christianity that spiritual contacts between representatives of these religions could not be possible. In it, the monotheism is bizarre and surprisingly organically intertwined, pantheism (worship of the spirits of nature), magic, shamanism and even totemism elements . The only religion with which the Tengrianism had a lot in common is the Japanese National Religion - Shintoism, "the representative of the Republican Ministry concluded.

Yakuta(from Evenksky skoltsy), sakha (self-talent)- People B. Russian Federation, indigenous population Yakutia. The main groups of Yakuts are Ambinsko-Lena (between Lena, Lower Aldan and AMG, as well as on the adjacent left bank of Lena), Vilyui (in the pool of vilyuya), Olekmin (in the Olekma pool), North (in the tundra area of \u200b\u200bthe River Anabar, Olenek, Kolyma , Yana, Indigirika). They speak the Yakut language of the Turkic group of the Altai family, which has groups of the Govorov: Central, Vilyuic, North-West, Taimyr. Believers - Orthodox.

Historical information

The ethnogenesis of Yakuts participated as the Tungus population of Taoreda Siberia, and the Turkic-Mongolian tribes, settled in Siberia in the X-XIII centuries. and assimilated the local population. The ethnogenesis of Yakuts ended to the XVII century.

In the northeast of Siberia by the time of the coming there, Russian Cossacks and industrialists, the most numerous people who have encountered a prominent place among other peoples in terms of cultural development were Yakuts (Sakha).

The ancestors of Yakuts lived significantly south, in the Baikal. According to the corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences A.P. Derevko, the movement of the ancestors of Yakuts to the north began, apparently, in the VIII - IX centuries, when the legendary ancestors of Yakuts - Kurykan, Turkic-speaking peoples were spreading in the Baikalia, Turkic-speaking peoples, information about which Runic Outbraisters was kept. The outcome of Yakuts, close to the north, stronger neighbors of the Mongols - aliens on Lena from the Trans-Baikal steppes, intensified in the XII-XIII centuries. And ended near the XV centuries.

According to the legends recorded at the beginning of the XVIII century. Participant of the Government Expedition on the Study of Siberia Yakov Lin-Denau, Satellite of Academics Miller and Hmelin, the last settlers from the south were on Lena at the end of the XVI century. Heading with the Bajaeeeee, the grandfather of the Tygian, known in the legends of the breeding leader. A.P. Warman believes that with such a movement tribes to the north penetrated there of different nations, not just Turkic, but also Mongolian. And during the centuries there was a complex merge process different cultures, which also enriched in place the skills and skills of indigenous tung and Yukagir tribes. So gradually the modern Yakut people were formed.

To the top of contacts with the Russians (1620s), Yakuts were divided into 35-40 exogamous "tribes" (Dion, Haymes, Russian "parish"), the largest - Kangalassians and the vintage on the left bank of Lena, Meginians, Borogonians, Betuns, Batusus - Between Lena and AMG, numbering up to 2000-5000 people.

The tribes were often bent among themselves, shared on smaller generic groups - "Father's childbirth" (Aha-Uus) and "Mother Genods" (EE-UUS), i.e., apparently, ascending to different gods of the progenitor. There were customs of blood revenge, usually replaced by redemption, military initiations of boys, collective fishing (in the north - fishing geese), hospitality, sharing gifts (BELEC). Military aristocracy was distinguished - toyon, who managed to come from elders and speaking military leaders. They owned slaves (coil, Bokelan), 1-3, rarely up to 20 people in the family. Slaves had a family, often lived in separate yurts, men often served in military squad TOYON. Professional merchants appeared - the so-called townships (i.e., people rushed into the city). Cattle was privately owned, hunting, pasture areas, hay and dr. - Mainly in the community. The Russian administration sought to slow down the development of private ownership of Earth. With Russian administration, Yakuts were divided into "childbirth" (Aha-Uus), managed by elected "prince" (KINEES) and united in aules. The head of the head was the elected "Big Prince" (Ulahan KINEES) and " generic management"From tribal marriages. Communities were going to generic and whimsical gatherings). The alerts united in the uluses led by the elective-headed head and" foreign control ". These unions were appreciated to other tribes: Megsky, Borogonsky, Batusus, Norma, West - and East Kangalassian uluses, Betyu, Batuli, Ospeetsk climbers, etc.

Life and farm

Traditional culture is most fully represented by Ambinsky-Lensky and Vilyuski Yakuta. Northern Yakuts are close in culture by Eveners and Yukagiram, Olekminsky are strongly accurate Russian.

Small family (Carghan, yal). Until the XIX century The polygamy has been preserved, and wives often lived separately and led every kind of economy. Kalym was usually from the cattle, part of it (Kurum) was intended for a wedding pyr. For the bride, gave the dowry, according to the value of about half of Calma, is mainly the objects of clothing and utensils.

Maintenance traditional classes - horse breeding (in Russian documents of the XVII century. Yakuts were called "equestrian people") and breeding cattle. Men were cared for horses, for horned cattle - Women. In the north bred deer. Cattle was kept in summer at the foot of the stern, in the winter in the chlevins (hotons). The sealing was known before the arrival of the Russians. Yakut breed livestock differed endurance, but were unproductive.

Fisheries was also developed. Fished fish mostly in summer, but also in winter in the hole; In the fall, a collective gentleman was satisfied with the section of the production between all participants. For the poor who did not have livestock, the fisheries was the main occupation (in the documents of the XVII century. The term "fisherman" - Balyx - is used in the meaning of the "poor man"), some tribes specialized on it - the so-called "hiking yakuts" - mandes, ontula, Cookes, Kiriytsey, Kyrgydian, Hands and others.

The hunt was especially common in the north, making up a main source of food (sanding, hare, northern deer, elk, bird). In a taiga, the coming of Russians was known both meat and fur hunting (bear, elk, squirrel, fox, hare, bird, etc.), in the future, due to the decline in the number of beasts, its significance fell. Specific hunting techniques are characterized: with a bull (a hunter sinking to mining, hiding for the bull), the horse's horse chase along the trail, sometimes with dogs.

There was gathering - the collection of pine and larch sickness (inner layer of the crust), which was harvested for the winter in a drying form, King (Saran, Chekane, etc.), greenery (wild onions, horseradish, sorrel), the raspberry, considered unclean, was not used from the berries.

Agriculture (barley, to a lesser extent wheat) was borrowed from the Russians in late XVII in., To mid XIX. in. It was developed very weak; Its distribution (especially in the Olokmin district) was promoted by Russian exile settlers.

Wood treatment has been developed (art carving, coloring with Olkhov decoction), berers, fur, leather; made of leather dishes, from horse and cow skins, stitched in checker, - mats, from harea fur - blankets, etc.; From the horse's hair, the cords were leaked, the cords, kneaded, embroidered. Spinning, weaving and felt rolling were absent. The production of stucco ceramics, identifying Yakuts among other peoples of Siberia, has been preserved. The smelting and forging of iron, which had inventory, smelting and chasing silver, copper, etc., from the XIX century were developed. - carving on mammoth bone.

Moved mostly riding, loads were transported by a brother. Skiing, beaten by horse cacil, Sani (Silis Cheaharga, later - Sani type of Russian Warning), are usually harnessed in bulls, in the north - reindeer straight nars; Types of boats common with Evenks - Bereshina (you) or flat-bottomed out of boards; Sailing ships-carbasses are borrowed from the Russians.


Winter settlements (Kyolek) were located near the budgets, consisted of 1-3 yurt, summer - in pastures, counted up to 10 yurt. Winter yurt (Balagan, Dayee) had sloping walls from standing thin logs on a rectangular log frame and a low-circuit roof. The walls were fused outside clay with a manure, the roof over the log layered as a bark and earth. The house was put on the sides of the world, the entrance was arranged in the east side, the windows in South and Western, the roof was focused from north to south. To the right of the entrance, in the northeast corner, the hearth (Oceo) was arranged - a pipe from the stories, an incelave clay, which was overlooked through the roof. Makes along the walls were satisfied with packed Nara (Oraone). The most honorable southwest corner was the most honorable. The western wall had a master's place. Nara left from the entrance were intended for male youth, workers, right, at the hearth, - for women. The front corner put the table (oscolition) and stools. From the north side, Khlev (Hoton) was attached to the yurt, often under one roof with housing, the door to it from Yurt was behind the hearth. Before entering the yurt, a canopy or canopy was satisfied. Yurt was surrounded by a low embankment, often with a fence. The house was set a conmanion, often decorated with carvings.

Summer yurts differed little from the winter. Instead of Hoton, the priest was put on the calves (Titik), canopies, etc. There was a conical building from Peresi covered with Best (Urassa), in the north - Durrome (Kalyman, Kholuman). FROM end of XVIII in. Known polygonal concentations with a pyramidal roof. From the 2nd halves XVIII in. Russian huts spread.


Traditional men's I. women's clothing - Short leather pants in the natasizer, fur lane, leather notes, single-breasted caftan (sleep), winter - fur, in summer - from horse or cowhide slices inside, rich - from the fabric. Later, fabric shields with a postponed collar (ORBAH) appeared. Men rejected with a leather belt with a knife and a fire, rich - with silver and copper plaques. It is characterized by a female wedding fur long caftan (saunga), embroidered with red and green cloth and golden pose; An elegant women's fur hat made of expensive fur, descending on his back and shoulders, with a high cloth, velvet or brocade top with a silver blah (toro) and other decorations. Women's silver and gold jewelry are common. Shoes - Winter High Boots from Olenih or Konsky Skur Wool outward (ETERBES), Summer Skin Skin Boots (Saara) with a napanese covered with cloth, in women - with appliqué, long fur stockings.


The main food is a dairy, especially in summer: from the mare milk - Kumys, from cow - Prostokvasha (Suorat, Sora), Cream (Curechech), oil; Oil saw melted or with a kum; Suorat was harvested for the winter in a frozen form (TAR) with the addition of berries, roots, etc.; Of it, with the addition of water, flour, root, pine communion, etc. I prepared a praise (Boutugas). Fish food played a major role for the poor and in the northern regions where there were no livestock, meat was used mainly rich. Convention especially appreciated. In the XIX century Barley flour is used: fresh cakes, pancakes, frost-salamat, were made of her. Vegetables were known in the Olyukmin district.


Orthodoxy spread in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Christian cult was combined with faith in good and evil spirits, the spirits of dead shamans, hosts, and others. The elements of Totemism were preserved: the family had an animal patron, who was forbidden to kill, call name and others. The world consisted of several tiers, the head of the upper was considered Yurung Aya Toyon, Nizhnya - Ala Buura Toyon and others. Important was the cult of the female deity fertility of Ayysyt. The spirits living in the upper world were sacrificed to horses, in the lower cows. Main holiday - Spring-summer kummy holiday (s), accompanied by the Limitations of Kumsa from large wooden cups (Choroon), games, sports competition and etc.

Was developed. Shaman bubnes (Dunkur) are close to Evenki.

Culture and education

In the folklore, the Bogatyr Epos (Olonkho) was developed, which was developed by the speaking specialist (Olonhosut) with a large propelusion of the people; historical legends, fairy tales, especially fairy tales about animals, proverbs, songs. Traditional musical instruments - Vargan (Homus), Violin (Kyryympa), drums. Of the dances are common dance, Osudehai, gaming dances, etc.

School learning was conducted from the XVIII century. in Russian. Writing in Yakut from the middle of the XIX century. At the beginning of the XX century. Intelligentsia is formed.


  1. V.N. Ivanov Yakuta // Peoples of Russia : website.
  2. Ancient history of Yakuts // Dixon : website.

The directories write that the area of \u200b\u200bYakutia is more than three million square kilometers. Immediately becomes clear - Yakuts live in a huge territory. This can be easily convicted when looking at the map of Russia, where the republics of our country are indicated.

Yakutia. Republic of Sakha on the map

Yakutia is many times over the area any European power. It is just a little less than the entire European part of Russia.
On a huge spot, indicating Yakutia, largely written - Sakha, and below in brackets - Yakutia. All right; Yakut - Russian word. They say it was borrowed from Tungus. Those called the Yakuts "Eco". Hence the word "Ecot", and from him not far to the "Yakut". The indigenous residents of Yakutia call themselves the people of Sakha. Perhaps this word came from turkic languageon which Yach means "edge", "outflow". Other scientists argue that Sakha comes from Indo-Iranian aka - "deer". Third people say that his roots must be sought in the Manchurian language, on which this word in the old days meant "hunting".
Each options can claim the truth. Indeed, Yakutia Sakha lies in the north, as if on the edge of the earth. Almost half of its territory is located behind the northern polar circle. Huge areas are busy. At this outskirts of sushi, trees flashed, birchs are becoming torn on his knee ... It is no coincidence that one of the Yakut proverbs says: "Even herbs and trees are different embroidery." The arctic desert begins behind the tundra. Her border with the Arctic Ocean stretches for four and a half thousand kilometers.

About Yakutov

Yakuts are excellent cattle products. They have long been able to be managed with horses and reindeers. Already in the XVII century it was believed that Yakuts are the most north horse breeds. They brought their own breed of horses - with a large head, rushing, in winter to grow long wool and capable of feeding itself, literally knocking food from under the snow with hooves.

How else? After all, it is in Yakutia that the famous pool of the cold is located. Here, on the territory of the Oymyak district, in January the temperature drops below -60 ° C.
In an old richness measure, many Yakuts were horses. Moreover, they considered them not on the heads, but by the number of herds, each of whom the motley stallion protruded. Almost every Yakut yurt was put on a wooden pillar Sirge, to which horses were tied. On the one hand, it was an ordinary conmanion. On the other hand, the sacred symbol that the land has a master. Three grooves were cut on sirge. It was believed that the Gods-Consistants tied their horses to the first to be held, the second - people, and the bridles were attached to the third underground world. Sirge could be put, but it was impossible to pour. The sacred pillar himself had to fall from old age.

Finally, Yakuta was always and remain beautiful hunters and fishermen. In the taiga forests of the Republic of Sakha, there are sable, and Yakuts are perfectly able to extract this animal, whose fur sometimes compare with gold. It is no coincidence that the ancient coat of arms of Yakutsk depicts an eagle, grabbed by the claws of a sable. On the modern coat of arms of the capital of the Republic of Sakha's fur animals is protein.

The rivers of Yakutia are rich in fish, but in winter it is difficult. Therefore, long before the invention of canned food, in fact, during the time of neolithic, the Yakuts came up with a unique method of obtaining long-stored fish paste. It is called Sum. The tanks serve dug in the ground and the pitted pit. They are laid by the fish peeled and internally.
In winter, the paste can be added to various dishes. In the cooking of Yakuts a lot of delicious traditional dishes. These are Large Darkhan dumplings, and Marinated meat Ogos with a red currant, and a drink of salamat, which is prepared on the basis of cream and sour cream.

History, customs and Epos Olonkho

Probably, on the territory of the modern Yakutia, the tribes of the people of Sakha first appeared in the XII century. They came here from the shores of Baikal. Judge O. ancient history Yakuts are difficult. The first written documents appeared from them late, in late XIX. century. In many ways, this is the merit of Yakut by the origin of the seeds of Andreevich Novgorodov.
He since childhood showed excellent abilities to study. In 1913, he arrived in St. Petersburg and entered the eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg University. The study of various writing systems helped him to create an alphabet of the Yakut language. Shortly after the revolution of 1917, his first letter appeared in Yakutia. Now Yakut fonts and texts occupy a worthy place on the Internet.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, the people of Sakha accumulate and transmitted their knowledge orally. As a result, it arose large poems - Olono. The masters of their execution possessed not only a chain of memory, allowed to tell about the gods and heroes in the day. They were also skilled improvisers, artists and writers in one person.

Yakut Epos Olono can be compared with the famous Karelian "Kalelava" and even with an ancient Greek "or".

It tells about the three worlds - heavenly, earthly and underground. In the poems of Olono, noble warns fight the forces of evil. UNESCO International Organization ranked Olonkho to masterpieces cultural heritage mankind. Surely in the scenes of this epic you can remove a large-scale blockbuster like the "Lord of the Rings".
In the epic, Olonho mentions Queen Osuahai. It is arranged in the summer, during the holiday of abundance. And today Osudehai collects relatives who are symbolically combined into a circle. The feeling of the elbow, unity with his family gives Yakutam a peculiar "energy feeding" for the whole next year.

Carefully saved vintage customs Yakuts produce a strong impression on Europeans. Modern Yakut clothes using traditional cut and ornaments looks perfectly on the podium leading powers of the world. People admire the Yakutski rates on the bone. Many figures are made of mammoth testers. The land of Yakutia retained many remains of these gigids. It is no coincidence in Yakutia there is the only mammoth museum in the world.
On the international festivals Ethnic music mysteriously and fascinatingly sounds the Yakut Homus. This small one musical instrument It is placed in the palm. However, with it, you can express many senses and sentiment. In the hands of Master, Homus begins to talk about the soul of the Yakut people and about the expanses of his land.
This land is extremely rich. Literally. Everyone in the world know about Yakut diamonds.
Alrosa mining company (Russia-Sakha diamonds) is the second in the world in their prey.
The headquarters of this corporation is located in the Yakut city of Mirny. Yakutia has the world's largest reserves of uranium ores. The treasures of the subsoil and the beauty of untouched nature open in front of the Republic of Sakha, great prospects. In general, as the old Yakut proverb says: "The young man happiness comes from four sides."

Before the discovery of Diring-Yuryakh, all of humanity was considered to be spread over the entire planet by resettlement from the only Olduva Center in Africa. Diring, one might say, put the end of the version of the alleged universal resettlement. Now the north, who considered the deserted desert, will figure out one of the oldest cradle of the origin of mankind and the Ramateria of the oldest foundations of cultures and languages. In this direction, it is necessary to hope, over time, go under the arm with Diring published in this work of the Nostratic (all-lactation) of ethnonyms and toponyms on the basis of the threatening-self-independent and Maya-Paleoisian languages. Who and how created such a generallylanet of the oldest ethnonyms and toponyms - a mystery. The key to that riddle may be the fact that Maya-mayaati talked to the Self, and Yukagir Ceduli have a language from the group of threatening, very close to the Mansi language. However, to solve that riddle is the task of the humanities of the coming centuries. The author is pleased that Yakut dirin and threatening self-mayat nostratics will stand on the turning corner of the revision of the origin of all mankind. It will be much more prestigious and honorable than all the former allegedly migrant versions, because in any Empires of antiquity and modernity, the role of little ones was equally modest.
The chick appeared on the light does not turn into a horse, and the born Hong-Honghuses and Turks do not become a new ethnic. Such is deftly disguised the essence of "AKSOMATIC" migrating theory about the Yakuts - the theory of "scientific" cancellation of Sakha as a self-conceived independent people and turning it into the degenerate barrodges. To strengthen the picture of the degeneration, the theory does not expose on foreground Heroic work on the cold pole, and emphasizes a one-sided poverty, backwardness and "primitiveness" of Sakha under the guise of sympathy. For the transmission of more "smart" neighbors, the deleteful successes of the Dirring Culture, the rehaustory theory came up with even certain "cultural heroes" from the "immigrants" allegedly learned by the Dirring, how to live on the pole of cold and eternal Merzlot. There are allocated by Ommois, absolute savages that did not meet even the elementary vessels from Berestov and the simplest pagan rites. This theoretical destruction of Sakha and turning it into a degraded process of absolutely foreign neighbors is a lot of sympathizer and to this day. And all this because of the transition of Sakha in the past on the imperial language of kaganats and Khanate. According to toponyms, Yakutia changed at least a dozen languages \u200b\u200bin the past. Those languages \u200b\u200bcame and left without changing Tel. Turkicature is only another replaceable from that tent of those who come and left languages. Today, the impressive group of Yakuts moved to Russian-speaking, and did not remain among the Yakuts who do not know how to speak Russian. However, because of this, something does not speak about the origin of Sakha from the Russians.
The entire conscious life of the author of these lines went to find out the above-mentioned natural and artificial difficulties of Sakha ethnogenesis. Over the proposed monograph, he worked almost half a century. And the fact that he was not in a hurry to put his conclusions, almost destroyed everything a long-term study: he had to write a telegram-shaped monograph, compressed - after lost. Complete labor was also due to economic limitations. But each head of labor has become the most abstracts of the future independent monograph. Their author gives its future followers in the XXI and subsequent centuries. There are different emotions around Yakut ethnogenesis. The author did not find it possible to focus on them in his monograph, because the results of the and fate of humanitarian research, completed by passions are well known.

The origin of Yakuts still causes disputes of scientists. In the culture of Yakuts there are features southern peoples (cattle breeding, horse-out skills, rigid and belly saddle of Southibirsk type, leather utensils, oil and kumsa) and northern, taiga features (forms of fishing and hunting and guns, types portable housing, some customs). In all likelihood, the ancestors of Yakuts were like local tribes who lived on the River Lena, and the ancient Turkic tribes came from the south.

In the 11-12th centuries, the Turkic tribes were pushed back to the north and northeast of the Mongolian-speaking tribes and settled in the Lena River basin. Here, continuing to develop cattle breeding, adopted from the Evenk tribes some skills of hunting, fisheries, reindeer husbandry and other elements of northern culture.

The main classes of Yakuts were cattle breeding, hunting, fisheries, in the north - reindeer herding.

Cattle breeding Yakuts were primitive, pasture. They bred mostly horses. No wonder in Russian documents of the 17th century, Yakuts were called "equestrian people." The very heart wish of Yakut was: "Let your stallion rzet; Let always might have a samester bull ... "

Horses round year They contained on the foot of the stern, the hay was pointed only for young people. Sometimes in strong frosts of the horse in the pasture were covered with an icy crust. If the owner did not have time to consider the Ice Iron Scraper, the horse died. Yakut horse - low, strong, with shaggy wool, well adapted to local conditions.

Hofburg in Austria is the same mandatory place for visiting a place, such as Louvre in Paris. The Palace Complex retained his political importance to the present day - today it is a residence of the President of the Austrian Republic. You can see the sights of the old attraction here.

The developed industry of Yakut economy was hunting . Hued horseback riding onions and arrows on fur and unwitting animals and bird. A trap was put on a bear: under a canopy of logs put a bait - a horse's head or dry meat. Canopy kept on a thin log. The bear taped for the log, and the canopy pressed it.

Fisheries Engaged in the poorest population. About the poor said: he is a fisherman. Fish was caught in rivers and lakes from horsehair, traps, saccines, rods. Bright beads or losquets tied on the bait as bait. In the fall, the fish was caught collectively, then it was divided between all participants.

Women gathered berries, peasants, sorrel, wild onions, larch and pine swath. Collot was dried and harvested. There was a saying: "Where pine, there and Yakuts."