Stretching exercises for beginners. Exercises for foot

Stretching exercises for beginners. Exercises for foot

The correct stretching - the occupation is not only pleasant (since it allows you to relax the overgrown muscles), but also very useful, especially after the strength exercises. "Stretching helps the muscles become more elastic, gives them a uniform tone, - explains Olga Sargayeva, Lecturer in Stretching Yara Dance Studio. - And those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, Stretching makes it possible to remove the stress clamp in the body, fill the muscles with oxygen and nutrients for their full functioning. Plus, stretching reduces the time interval of muscle recovery. "

Performing stretching exercises, we improve the appearance of muscles. "From the load (especially powerful) muscle as if shortening, and Stretching allows them to lengthen, make visually smoother, get rid of excess volume," says Natalia Polyanskaya, Personal coach, teacher of the Yogamind Studio and the author of the exercise complex, which we will show today. - Compare, for example, as the muscles of the bodybuilder looks like, rarely driving himself with a stretching, and air gymnast that pays a lot of attention to Stretching. "

Useful stretching and for the bone system. "As a result of classes, stretching joints acquire greater mobility, which increases flexibility and reduces the risk of salt deposits," says Irina Test, Fitness-director of the World Gym Clubs Network.

Our fitness experts advise with a static stretching of any training, at least aerobic, even force. "Only during such stretching muscles will be able to relax as much as possible, and you - to calm the breath and return to the normal mode of operation of the cardiovascular system," says Olga Sargaeva.

"In addition, such exercises reassuringly influence the nervous system, reduce post-year stress, and with it appetite," says Irina Test.

How to choose exercises for stretching? In general, nothing complicated: they are suitable for the relaxation of muscle groups, as much as possible at the lesson. "This rule is easy to observe if, say, we are talking about the power lesson. If it was a functional training, you need to work out the largest muscle groups - back, legs and hips, breasts, - says Natalia Polyanskaya. - After most group lessons, it makes sense to pull the muscles of the back and the bottom of the body. "

How to build a lesson

* Complete each workout with a complex of movements for a specific part of the body. Or do everything immediately if, for example, you had a functional lesson or a cross-fitt lesson.

* Perform exercises at a slow pace, breathe smoothly and deep. "In no case delay your breath," says Irina Test.

* Concentrate on the feelings in the body. "Hold the positions until even a slight tension in the muscle disappear. If this does not happen, it means that you stretched the muscles too much and it is worth weakening the effort, "Irina Coska advises.

* Exercise sequentially in one approach. Or two, if any movements will love you very much.

To perform exercises, you will need only mat.

Stretching: Hand Muscle Exercises


From the same source position as in the past exercise, pull forward the right hand parallel to the floor. Bend it in the elbow and lift the palm to the level of the face. Shoot the right elbow a little left and convey the right hand left, putting the left palm on the wrist right. Feel the stretching in the top of the right hand. Hold this position during 30-60 seconds, then exercise on the other side.


Stand up, put your feet wider shoulders, keep your back straight. Hands are thrown by the back, the fingers of both hands are connected to the lock and "unscrew" it from ourselves (palms are directed from the case). Then lean the housing down, pulling up hands up. Hold the position during 40-50 seconds And smoothly go back to the original.

Stretching: Exercises for back muscles

Tilt forward

Run on your knees, sit on your heels, straighten your back. Clamp yourself with your hands over the shoulders and gently stretch the palms with the top of the back on the sides. Hold in this position on 40-120 seconds And come back to the original.

Side slope from sitting sitting

Stand in front of the chair with a high back, put the foot on the width of the shoulders (wrapping socks a bit inside). Hold your hands for the back of the chair and lean the housing forward. Mildly pull the back into one smooth line (do not fall down the head down - the neck must be straight). Hold the position during 30-60 seconds, then go smoothly into the original.

Stretching: Foot muscle exercises and hips

Tilt forward with divorced legs

Sit on the floor, straighten your feet and spread to the sides. Socks pull over. Then lean the housing ahead and assume to the floor with the palms (or, if it allows stretching, elbows). Feel the thigh muscle extract. Hold in this position on 30-60 seconds. If you wish, repeat after a minute pause.

Leg rise from the position lying

Slim flexible body, moving joints and excellent well-being - all this is the result of the stretching. Get 5 effective stretching complexes for the back, legs and other parts of the body. Return health without leaving home!

Stretching, or how it is called Stretching today - a complex of classes, which is aimed at increasing body flexibility. If you want to improve the overall condition of the body, reset overweight and increase the plasticity of the joints, then stretching classes for beginners are perfectly suitable for you.

The effective method for the development of body flexibility is used in almost all sports directions. At the moment, the following types of stretching are most often applied.

  1. Dynamic - it lies in the fact that during the set of exercise does not provide for a stop at a certain position. All movements are made quickly and at the maximum possible speed. Despite the fact that this type of stretching is great for efficient weight loss, it is considered the most traumatic, as often unprepared people get muscle breaks and ligaments.
  2. Passive is a great way to start playing sports with your second half. A big minus such a complex is that it is impossible to engage in solitude, since the method works on the basis of interaction with a partner, which adds the load by its weight to various parts of the body.
  3. Static - the easiest stretch, which best suits beginners. Many this type of exercise can remind the famous on the whole world of yoga, as it is measured, and all the movements during the complex smooth and calm. Simple rules for holding static stretching make it possible not only in specially equipped halls, but at home.

A person is able to develop flexibility in absolutely any age. Of course, in childhood, joints and muscles are in more elastic condition and are able to stretch better and bend, but the right and permanent workouts are able to develop your flexibility and improve the overall condition of the body.

Where to begin?

If you are interested in a stretching body, you should initially consult with your attending physician, as there are several contraindications for classes:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • injuries and gaps of muscles and tendons;
  • spinal diseases;
  • arthritis and Arthrosis;
  • damage to the joints of the pelvis;
  • violations in the work of the cardiovascular system.

In the absence of any diseases, each person can safely choose the appropriate body for it for beginners.

To start classes from scratch, each newcomer needs to know some nuances, without which sports exercises may not bring a visible positive effect. Such recommendations most often can be heard from professional athletes.

Unprepared person important to know the following moments

  • When doing in the gym or video program, never try to reach the trainer or neighbor in the fitness rug. Each person has its own flexibility indicator, which develops gradually depending on the structure of the joints and muscles.
  • Classes should not cause severe pain if you have unpleasant painful sensations during the execution of any movement, it is possible that it is executed correctly or the body is not yet ready for such a load. In this case, check the exercise or reduce the load.
  • Do not immediately try to make a stretching on the twine. This complex is always designed to develop the plasticity of the whole body, and not just a feet.

It is also very important to remember that during the classes you cannot be detained. Inchoing and exhalations must occur calmly and evenly, since normal respiration contributes to a constant influx of oxygen into the muscles, which allows them to function normally and stretch.

Stretching complex for beginners

To start doing stretching at home or in the gym does not need any preliminary training or a special diet. People who do not have serious health problems will easily begin to engage in program for beginners - the main thing is internal motivation.

It is worth noting that in order to engage in any sport, you first need to choose good and right clothes. Each person knows that for fitness and exercises on flexibility, it is necessary to wear elastic training pants and a slight comfortable T-shirt.

It is best to choose tissue from polyester, nylon or elastane. Such materials are durable and well tolerate strong stretching.

Exercises for the development of flexibility from beginners are quite simple and do not require any special skills. Of course, to start working on your body, initially best to contact the Stretching coach. The specialist will quickly develop the program based on physical data and individual characteristics of the body.

Classes for each person can be built in different ways, but they are all based on standard exercises and begin the same with the warm-up of the biggest muscles of the body, that is, legs and backs.

It is important to know that the morning or evening stretching can not be done before serious physical exertion, since the muscles after training will be completely relaxed.

All classes in the stretching of the body correctly start with legs and backs, therefore, you must first figure out which exercises are used to work on them.


Each of us saw how pets wake up. Cats and dogs after awakening are actively squeezed and knead each muscle. Almost all workouts for stretching are removed from the brothers of our smaller.

Before the overall complex of exercises, each person initially need to warm up a little bit. You can jump on the rope, make a shallow sloping to the right and left and right to publish. In any case, the workout should only cheer up the body for further training.

There are several most effective stretching options for the back.

  1. Sitting on the floor completely stretched out and relaxing the legs, the torso slowly leans forward, until the moment in the muscles there will be a painful sensation. After the back calmly straighten up. The slopes are repeated from 5 to 15 times.
  2. Sitting on the floor, the legs are connected to each other so that the feet are as close as possible to the torso, and the hands are crossped behind the head. In this position turn torso in different directions.
  3. Standing on the floor with the deep slopes moving together.
  4. In the standing position, the legs are exhibited on the width of the shoulders, and the hands crosses behind the back. Performed back of the back back from 5 to 15 times.
  5. Hands and feet on the floor, moving upside down and down.
  6. Lying on the stomach, head and shoulders are lifted above the floor.
  7. From the position of standing on the "bridge", if there is not enough skill, the exercise can be done from the floor.
  8. Lying on the stomach, taking yourself to tape yourself and try to "stretch up", depicting a ring.
  9. Lying on the stomach I spread my hands and legs with a "asterisk", the ruling legs must reach the left hand and vice versa. During the exercise, the torso from the floor does not come off.

You can make them as combined and selectively, the main thing is to be comfortable and pleasant during class.


Stretching legs begins with the development of plasticity muscles of the thighs. To develop the back of the hip, you need to lie on your back and pull the right or left leg. During exercise, legs should remain straight, the pelvis does not leave the floor. Movements must be swaying. Stretching is carried out alternately for one and other legs, for 1-2 minutes.

To stretch internal and buttock muscles, sit on the floor so that the feet touch each other. Legs are pulled up as much as possible to the body. During this exercise, tilts forward with a smooth back. It can also be done like "hung" in the same position. After tilting forward, hold your back straight for 30-60 seconds.

The internal muscles of the hips are stretched and with another exercise. In a sitting position on the floor, straight legs must be dissolved in different directions to the maximum width. In this case, tilts forward, right and left. During such a stretching, you need to try so that each tilt is deeper than the previous one. However, it is necessary to remember that the slopes should not cause severe painful sensations.

Classes for stretching external muscles Havers: You sit on the floor, bend under yourself left leg; Right leg, bent in the knee, it is necessary to follow as far as possible through the left leg, and the knee is attracted to the chest. In this position, it is necessary to be approximately one minute, after which the legs need to be changed.

Many people who have visited the speeches of the gymnasts saw as girls standing on one leg, stretch behind his back, making a kind of "ring". Such an exercise allows you to stretch the front part of the femoral muscles. Of course, an unprepared person cannot repeat it for professional athletes, as they develop the plastic body for years. Newbies begin to make such exercises in the position lying on the side. If you are lying on the left side of the body, it is necessary to stretch the right leg with your right hand. The time of execution of such a stretch margin is 1 minute for each leg.


Any girl in his life at least once wanted to sit on a longitudinal twine, but with time the desire remains, and the ability to realize the dream looks more ghostly. Simple exercises for stretching legs will help to sit on a split person at any age.

Exercises for stretching on the twine occur in stages

1. Dynamic gymnastics: This complex includes mahs and legs with legs in different directions. To achieve the maximum effect, such a load on the muscles must be stopped after fatigue appears in the legs. It should be remembered that the tense and tired muscle is constantly declining, and does not succumb to stretching.

The active workout also includes tilts forward, back and sides. All exercises are advisable to do without stopping, and change them after 10-15 repetitions.

2. Ballistic load: It includes a more serious impact on the leg muscles. All exercises occur on the verge of a painful threshold, and should lead to greater growing pain. This complex includes exercises with attacks. You make a very deep step forward, while the left behind the foot should be straight. After, spring movements you must deepen a step. This exercise is done within a minute for each leg.

The ballistic load also includes ruling. To fulfill them, you need to sit on one leg, and the second must be pulled away. In this position, it is necessary to see about 15 seconds, and after slowly and smoothly move without the help of hands on the second leg.

At this set of exercises are also included slopes. Sitting on the floor, it is necessary to make your legs as widely as possible and to lean to them alternately, lingering over each knee for 10-15 seconds.

Each exercise aimed at the development of flexibility requires a certain force of will, since the effect of them can be achieved only through pain.

Gymnastic stretching includes not only a complex for the development of flexibility and plasticity, but also active walks, and work on the problematic zones of the body.

Starting stretching, you should not immediately choose a large number of exercises. Unprepared people, to begin with, it is best to define 5-7 main exercises, and already after spending them to add new ones.

Taking a stretching gymnastics, choose the overall complex of stretching exercises, complementing it with small physical exertion: dumbbells, skipping, squats, etc.

Stretching for beginners - a comfortable and easy way to follow the health of the body and look greatly.

Stretching for beginners at home

Stretching for beginners is an excellent way to increase the body's performance, improve your appearance and get rid of many diseases. Simple classes on plastic can be easily held at home without buying extra gyms. The only thing that may be needed for domestic workouts is a gymnastic rug. Such a sports accessory will help carry out successful and fruitful training. It is worth noting that without the rug it is almost impossible to spend a ballistic stretching for twine, as often legs on the floor coatings slide and during training you can get a serious injury.

Stretching exercises will bring many pleasant moments into your life. Women who are constantly engaged in this type of gymnastics can completely get rid of themselves from painful sensations during menstruation, as well as restore its normal and stable cycle.

The set of exercises for stretching also contributes to getting rid of pain in the back, and restoring the work of the cardiovascular system. Also, this type of classes brings a feeling of calm and peace. Thanks to the stretching, men and women of all ages can normalize their sleep, restore the metabolism, and start feeling at 100%.


Stretching for beginners on the twine - the task is not the lungs, but the result is worth it.

Among the many visitors, fitness clubs there is an opinion that in order to form a beautiful body and improve the state of his health, it is enough to deal with force training and periodically remember about the treadmill. In addition to cardio and power activity, there is another important type of training, which is often forgotten. This is the most ordinary stretch. Stretching can be used both to relax muscles after the main workout and in the form of a separate full-fledged occupation. If you were not engaged earlier and still with difficulty imagine, which are these exercises and why they are needed, then this article is for you. Stretching for beginners does not imply instant performing twine. Your goal is to make the body more flexible, relax muscles and improve blood circulation. Oh you can read separately.

What a stretch happens

Let's figure out what happening for beginners, and what features of various types of exercises.

Stretching happens:

  1. Dynamic. This type of stretching implies active amplitude movements aimed at preheating muscles and their preparation for further work. When performing the exercises, the amplitude of movements gradually increases. Such stretching allows you to warm up well and prepare for the load, but the muscles elongation itself does not give itself.
  2. Static. This type of stretching implies a long (from 30 seconds) a static stay in one position, at which one or another muscle stretches. Such stretching for beginners at first seems complicated. Since it is not always possible to accept the desired position or perform the desired pose as well as those surrounding. Due to the comparison of yourself with more flexible constructions in the club, many newbies seem completely "wooden" and often throw classes. Static stretching in turn is divided into active and passive. With an active stretching, you are engaged in yourself and use your own body as a load. And with a passive stretching, you helps to stretch the partner or coach, or you use special simulators. Passive stretching for beginners is a great option, subject to the partner's experience.
  3. Ballistic stretching. These are sharp spring movements that imply an increase in amplitude due to inertia. For example, Mahi legs in ballet. In fitness, this kind of stretching is not used and even more so as a stretching for beginners is not recommended.

The correct construction of stretching training implies the performance of dynamic exercises for 10-15 minutes and the subsequent transition to static poses.

Pre-trip stretch

A small stretching of the muscles and the workout of the joints is recommended to do before any training. Due to this, blood sticks the muscles, the joint liquid is released.

Pre-trip stretching is important for both beginners and experienced athletes.

Warming up or preparation is one of the most important steps in the entire training complex, so it is not recommended to skip it. Also, how good you will disappear before the main training depends, the effectiveness of further bodybuilding depends.

Stretching for beginners before starting the main workout:

  • Pre-stretch stretching should be started with heating the cervical muscles, that is, with neat turns of the head in different directions.
  • Next, we go from top to bottom - knead the shoulder belt. Circular movements and mahams are working on shoulder joints.
  • Breast and spine muscles knead, spreading hands as far as possible to the side with a deflection forward and vice versa, connecting his arms in front of them, rounded the back.
  • For stretching torso, quick turns from side to side and neat tilts are perfectly suitable. The pelvis with these movements should remain fixed.
  • We knew the spine, smoothly leaning forward as low as possible and rising with the rounded back. You can make a "wave" several times.
  • Mahi legs and deep attacks ahead and to the sides will help hear the muscles of the legs and prepare for the work of hip joints.
  • Rotation of the shin, and then the feet to the right and left and up-down will prepare ankle and knee joints, as well as ion-colored muscles.

After such a stretching, you can easily begin the main training session.

How much repeats do in dynamic stretching exercises?

About the repetitions should only be told only in the case of dynamic stretching, since a static exercise is essentially one - this is one repetition for the entire approach.
Dynamic stretching must be performed in two or three approaches. It is recommended to include in each approach of 8-20 repetitions, making small breaks in the event of strong fatigue. The fact is that overpriced muscles lose their elasticity. After that, the amplitude of movements is reduced, and stretching loses its effectiveness and productivity. Fatigue during stretching also significantly slows down the nervous regulation of actions, which negatively affects the body's flexibility as a whole.

You try to do any exercise with the highest possible amplitude for you. Your muscular and kinetic memory remembers this version of the active movement that will have to do the next time. So, among other things, progress in the exercises and endurance of the body increases.

Static stretch and twine for beginners

If you decide to work well on stretching and dreaming in the future to sit on the twine, without performing static exercises it is not necessary. There are a huge set of such exercises, there are several articles on our implementation. For example, in the article "" you will find an excellent set for stretching legs. For beginners, such a stretching on the twine may seem a little complicated, but do not be afraid of difficulties - the skill comes with time.

When performing static exercises, the most important thing is not only to take the right pose, but also gradually increase the load, stretch further. In the most extreme point, when you can no longer be advanced, delay at least 30 seconds. The longer you will go to the maximum "stretched" position, the better. As a rule, stretching for beginners on the twine is carried out in the complex with a stretching of other muscle groups. Because the duration of the training is at least an hour. And if you are a novice, then the whole hour to pull only the feet you will most likely get tired and lose the desire to continue classes.

Good stretch - a prerequisite for professionals

If you are no longer a newcomer in sports and plan to further increase the level of your skill, without basic knowledge about stretching, as well as the skills of its execution can not do. Without a good stretching, newcomers look awkward and sometimes they are not able to perform a certain list of exercises. It is typical for power sports, martial arts, dancing, gymnastics and many other types of fitness. Many have to forget about the transition to the next level in fitness until they acquire the required level of flexibility.

Good stretching is needed by professional dancers and athletes.

What gives stretching at home?

If you are a fitness fitness at home, be sure to include a set of stretching exercises in your workout. Even if impeccable twine for you is not sufficient motivation.

Stretching for beginners at home is a great opportunity:

  • reduce the likelihood of injuries during the main training and increase its effectiveness;
  • learn to perform stretching exercises without outsiders;
  • save money and time;
  • do at any convenient time, regardless of the schedule of fitness club;
  • improve your well-being and physical form.

Stretching classes are effective and useful at any age, with any weight and level of physical training. Study the nuances of the exercise is best in the process of their execution. It is also necessary to remember the precautionary measures and to realize that the temporary rustic pain during stretching is natural. But when unpleasant sensations after stretching become permanent - it is abnormal. It is necessary to revise the exercise complex.

Maintaining the flexibility of the muscles, joints and ligaments will help anyone to preserve his health in exercise of sports, improve the power indicators and physical form. Learn how you achieve success with this full extension guide!

Like driving, stretching, has its own set of rules. Perform them carefully, and you will reach the goal, keeping your health and good shape. Neighborhood stretching after training, sooner or later will lead to a deterioration in the results of workouts, as well as muscle injury and joints.

How to make a stretching of muscles and joints

Here are the 18 most important advice, what to do and what to avoid with a stretching.

What to do for proper stretching

"Static exercises to the thread training will help avoid injury and painful sensations in the muscles."

Use Static stretching to save flexibility, but it should be done after training, and not earlier. After performing a small static stretching at the end of the workout, you can avoid pain in the muscles the next day.

Stretch The tense muscles of the intense part of the body in the training between approaches. For example, if your breasts are strong, and your leg cavars are intense - it is necessary to smash the caviar of the legs between the execution of the press lying. For a valid increase in stretching flexibility, it is often necessary to perform this exercise. This is one of the ways to increase the frequency of stretching, so that this process is not tedious.

Use Pull out with a stretching to increase the amplitude of movements and reduce the possibility of compression or comprehension of the joint. This can be performed in the gym. You can use an expander or rubber attached to a fixed object such as a power frame or horizontal bar. Keep the ribbon with a hand for stretching the top of the body or hook a tape foot or ankle to perform stretching the bottom of the body.

Control the muscle stretch area. To stretch the biceps, for example, it follows to the muscles of the abdomen bend the knees, rounding the back, or bend ankle (that is, to go to the side). If you block the knee, holding a straight back or back muscles, and bend ankle joint (i.e., bending the foot to the leg), then the purpose of the stretching will be a shell covering muscles.

Performstretching with poor posture. Muscles have a feature with time to shrink, which leads to poor posture. This will subsequently lead to a limitation in movements. For example:

  • Wearing high-heels leads to the shortening of the ICR of the legs due to their constant location in a state of almost complete abbreviation.
  • Pay attention to your fingers: they are almost all the time bent when you print, write, eat, drive, learn, etc., and prone to twist.
  • Your thigh muscles are considered the most tight muscles in the human body. Let's see if the truth is: on average, a person is up to 40% of his life in a sitting position!

"Perform a stretch with a bad posture. Muscles are reduced over time, which can lead to bad posture."

Performstretching muscles and spine ligaments after training with compressive exercise complexes, such as squats and pressing press. There are cases when people lose 20-40 millimeters of growth after severe power training! Decompression of the spine, that is, it is possible to stretch with the help of wisdom on the horizontal bar.

Explore Your body is looking for intense muscles and focus on the stretching of problem areas. Always first do the stretching of intense muscles, otherwise they will prevent exercise exercises in full. (Note: This is the case when the stretching in the dynamics must be performed before starting workout.) During the warm-up, move all parts of the body to determine the stress sections. After it is found, use the appropriate stretching methods for removal.

Choosestretching in a closed kinetic chain instead of open. Most people stretch the biceps of the back surface of the hip, throwing the heels on the bench and leaning forward to the fingers of the legs - this is an open stretch chain. Studies prove that the closed stream chain increases the results by five degrees regarding flexibility. Any shapes of stretching, which put pressure on the sole or palm of the hands (closed circuit), will create a reflex reflex. Stretching standing and execution in a sitting position, it is absolutely different exercises, in terms of impact on the nervous system.

Performancesmooth movements for recovery. For example, with the most famous stretch marks "Pulling Cat" and "Camel" people become on their arms and knees, it is useful for the nerve endings of the spine (nerves come into motion, creating space around them). If you are experiencing back pain, 5-6 cycles of these exercises before training can help.

Stretch Neighboring muscles to increase the amplitudes of movement. For example, the iliac-tibial tract (PBT) is a dense, fibrous connective tissue strip, which passes along the outside of the hips and is very resistant to stretching. To study this tissue, it is necessary to focus on the muscles on both sides of the PBT such as the four-headed muscles and muscles of the rear surface. Sinking on a foam roller can help.

"For stretching of quadriceps and muscles of the surface of the thigh approach roller skating."

What you can not do for stretching

NOT Conduct an intense stretching longer than 15 seconds due to muscle hypoxia. The lack of oxygen in the muscles can develop with strong tension and can increase the connective tissue in the volume, which reduces the strength and leads to the loss of flexibility. It is better to use several angles with a static stretching, and not to keep one angle for a long period of time. Rule: Stretching will be more intense with its short execution.

NOT Move strength exercises that contribute to passive stretching. They will increase flexibility, and help train with the maximum amplitude. Here are the most suitable exercises for each part of the body:

  • Hips: Ranged thrust on straight legs or tilting forward with a barbell.
  • Breast muscles: mixing and breeding dumbbells, lying on a horizontal bench.
  • Triceps: Extension of hands from dumbbells on triceps sitting.
  • Biceps: Perform the flexion of dumbbells, sitting on an inclined bench.
  • The widest muscles of the back: pullover from dumbbells, lying on the bench.
  • The middle of the back: the block of the block to the chest in a sitting position.
  • Press muscles: twisting on fitball.
  • Deltaid muscles: side lifts with one hand on the block.
  • Ordered muscles: lifts on socks standing.
  • Cambalo-like muscles: lifts on socks sitting.

NOT Perform stretching immediately in the morning, especially if you have a small back injury. Wait at least one hour after awakening. While you sleep, your spine is filled with liquid, and the risk of injury increases when the stretching is performed after the awakening.

NOT Perform muscle compression exercises immediately after stretching. For example, if after performing the stretching on the crossbar and still pick the knees to stretch stronger, do not use your back muscles to get drunk. It will be just a meaningless spending time. Use your legs to exit stretch marks.

NOT Perform a static stretching of the muscles if you are going to train them. Studies show that as a result of stretching muscles, power and power will decrease. Also, such a stretch before the training can actually lead to injury. Although there are some exceptions in relation to the muscles that are very tense, for the most part, you must move the performance of static stretching at the end of the workout.

"Static stretching before training can actually lead to injury."

NOT Keep breathing during the stretching, as it leads to the tension of the muscles. It is necessary to delay the breath longer in exhalation than in the breath. Keep in mind that the opposite action (hyperventilation) can excite the system. This will help before performing strength exercises, but not when performing stretching!

"The rods can be deeper than other athletes. Dispel myth that power training and large muscles reduce flexibility!"

NOT Believe in the myth that the power training will make you inflexible! John Grimek, the famous weightlifter and world champion in the 1930s and 1940s, could perform a flip back and twine. Tom Platz, World Champion, Bodybuilder in the 1970s and 1980s, also showed unprecedented flexibility, given that he had the best folded legs in all bodybuilding. Platz could perform full and deep squats in training, and he is known for taking off not only fingers, but he could even kiss his knees! Such flexible were his hip biceps, so do not believe in this myth!

Power training increases flexibility if you are proportionally developed by agonists and antagonists and train with the maximum amplitude of movement. Full-amplitude exercises increase and passive, and active fooling minima, athletes such as spear throws, weightlifters, gymnasts and restlors, which refutes the theory of excessively developed muscles.

Stretting is a training technique that allows making muscles more elastic, and the body is more flexible. The literal translation of the word "Streching" - stretching.

But the technique received his English-language name due to the fact that it is practiced separately from fitness and athleticism, in order to improve the body and make it more flexible.Especially popular with middle and elderly people. If you believe statistical data, people who, after 35 years old, began to engage in fitness and stretching, they look better and the level of flexibility is higher than that of "passive" individuals.


There are several types of stretching - Static, ballistic and propriceceptive muscle relief (PPMO).

Static stretch- It is the usual stretching of the muscle with the hold of the body for a while in a stretched position.

With ballistic stretching The muscle is stretched by short jerk movements.

PPMU- this is a complicated version of ballistic stretch; In this case, to achieve greater stretching helps the partner - by means of soft short pressure on the working part of the body.

Set of stretching exercises

The program of Streching provides for three types of exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs:

  • exercises for stretching quadriceps (front muscles of the hips),
  • for stretching biceps hips (rear muscles hips),
  • exercises for stretching of calf muscles.

Feet have, besides the front and rear muscles of the hips and calfs, many more muscles, but stretching them additionally does not make sense - as they are all involved in the above-planned exercises.

Stretching quadriceps

Lie on the right side. Bend my left leg in the knee, and, clasping a foot with a hand, pull it behind your back, the maximum stretching the front muscle of the thigh. Repeat a similar exercise for another leg.

Stretching biceps hips

Lie on your back, bend your legs in the knees. Using hands pull legs to yourself, without taking back from the floor.

Stretching of calf muscles

Become a step from the wall. Make a step with one foot forward, mind it to the wall in the wall. Cooking with all the body to the wall, do not break the heel "working" legs. Every day, gradually increase the width of the step.

Stretching exercises

The back is the muscles of the loin and the widest muscles, plus a lot of small muscles connected to them. Performing exercises for stretching the main muscles of the back, you make the prevention of everything else.

Exercises for stretching long muscles back (lumbar muscles)

Run on your knees. At the same time, your pelvis must be placed on the heels or between them. Clearing forward, pull your hands as much as possible. As soon as you feel that the palms reached the maximum point, continue to bend - until you feel the rush stretching in the lower back.

Exercise for stretching the widest muscles of the back

Standing at a distance of a foot from a jamatic door, bend yourself and grasp the shoe with the right hand. Place your left hand over it. Try torso back, stretching the right wide muscle. Repeat the same exercise for the other side.

Stretching Exercises Shoulders

For complete stretching shoulders exist three exercises. And it is better to fulfill all three at once. Each exercise involves certain heads of deltoid muscles, also the muscles associated with the shoulder joints are diamond and muscles turning the blade.

1. Straighten the hand to the parallel level with the floor. Grasp the elbow the elbow hand with the other hand, and pull it to a variepete shoulder. Repeat the same exercise for another shoulder.

2. Raising one hand over, bend it in the elbow, and try to get to it with a different hand, only below. Then repeat the exercise by changing the position of the hands.

3. Ensure the back of the palm to the lower back, pull the elbow or slightly higher. Pull your hand forward to the feeling of stretching in your shoulder. Repeat the exercise for another shoulder.

Stretching muscles hands

Performing stretching exercises for biceps and triceps, you make prevention for elbow joints, traction tendons and cranky joints.

Stretching triceps

Having raised the hand up, bend it, starting the head and grasp it with the other hand. Smoothly pull the "working hand towards the book. Similar exercise - for another hand.

Stretching biceps

Grasp the door of the door. At the same time, the thumb of your hand should "look" down, and the hand should be parallel to the floor. Then unfold so that the look was in the opposite side from the "working" hand. Standing in this position, turn the shoulder handpiece of the hands up - to the feeling of stretching in the biceps. Repeat a similar exercise for another hand.

Stretching breast

Standing at the door jamb, they have a hand in it - so that the shoulder hands are parallel to the floor. Adjust into the jamb, the most stretching the breast muscles.

Stretching neck.

The neck string is useful not only for the prevention of diseases of the cervical muscles and joints. It is useful for removing fatigue after a long mental work, as well as to relax the nerves after the grueling athletic training.

Three simple exercises performed after work or training will help you maintain vision, to restore it faster and protect the muscles of the neck from microtrav.

In the standing position, tilt the head down - before touching the chin chest, then take the starting position, and tilt your head back; 10 - 15 repetitions.

Having rested 30 seconds, tilt the head to the left as much as possible, then slowly return to the starting position, and tilt your head as right as possible; 8 - 10 repetitions in each direction.

After a short interval, smoothly turn your head against a clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

The above complex is stretching exercises for beginners. For those who wish to simply maintain their muscles and joints in the right tone, this string is enough. But it is necessary to remember the conditions, the non-compliance of which can harm.

  • Before performing the "tensile" complex, you must perform a light fitness complex.
  • Either perform at once an alone approach of squats, pushups and pull-ups, or before each exercise, make an athletic exercise in low intensity.

For example, before stretching the legs of the legs, they press the foot, and before stretching biceps - shook the biceps with the easiest weight.

  • Fans of athleticism and fitness should know that the stretching needs to be performed either immediately after the end of the workout, or no earlier than a day after it.
  • If you perform strapping earlier than a day after the training, it will only enhance damage, and can lead to microtrams and joint problems.

Stretching and Flexibility Exercises

The complex below includes exercises, at the expense of which you can make the body more flexible.

In order for the body to become more flexible, insufficiently simple complex for removing fatigue or muscle tension. We need more dynamic movements performed at the expense of their own effort, or using a partner.

Stretching of the chest muscles

Stand in the doorway. Help the forearms of the cant of the door - so that the shoulder hands are in the same line.

Make some stretching movements, pressing the chest in the doorway.

Then ask the partner to press you on your back and hold your torso at the point of maximum breast stretching point.

Perform 3 such retention.

Before strapping, perform easy junction approaching.

Exercise for stretching back

Sitting on the heels, lean the least as possible, putting the elongated hands in front of you. At the bottom point, delay, and slightly jerks even more in the lower back. 8 - 10 repetitions.

Before this exercise, perform an inclination approach in the standing position, or hyperextenzium.

When you bother and get a simple exercise for stretching the long muscles of the back, complicate it. Perform a similar exercise, but not sitting on the heels, and sitting on the floor with straightened legs.

Stretching exercise for biceps hips

Be exactly smooth, legs together. Bend forward, trying to reach your fingers to the floor. Make 6 - 8 dimension slopes.

Then straighten, breathe deeply and exhale, and proceed to the ballistic stretching of the hips biceps. Go away the maximum as low due to the jerky movements, touching your fingers to the floor, and linger at the bottom position as long as possible. 5 - 6 repetitions.

Before stretching, perform a squat approach. If you have a tug-absorbing foot and loins, follow the tensile exercise for the rear muscles of the legs from the first complex.

If you have sufficient flexibility, and get your fingers to the floor to the floor is not a problem at all, you better prefer other exercise - stretching biceps hips at wall.

Standing at the wall, lift the leg. Ask a partner to help you stretch your hips biceps as much as possible. 3 - 4 Exercises for each leg.

Before such an exercise, in any case, you need a warm-up and pre-stretch in gentle mode.

Quadriceps stretching exercise

Standing smoothly, bend the right leg in the knee, take over her foot with your right hand. Pull foot up to a full stretching in the front of the hip. Make 2 - 3 exercises for each leg.

Then do the same exercise, but in the ballistic mode. Perform 5 repetitions for each foot.

If you do this exercise after the previous one, no preliminary workout is needed.

If you for any reason make it the first exercise, perform an easy approach of squats. Then make a tensile exercise for quadriceps from the first complex.

Exercise for stretching of calf muscles

Perform the maximum number of climbs on the socks, standing on the stand. Then rest 1 - 2 minutes.

Exercise "OSLOK" (lifting on the socks in the slope (torso parallel floor), standing on the crossbar), but do not make the maximum number of repetitions. Make 5 - 6 repetitions, then stretch the caviar as much as possible, and delay at this point. Perform 3 approaches.

Exercise for the development of hand flexibility and shoulders

Put the chair with the back. The back of the chair must be located in your direction. The chair should stand from you at such a distance, to lean you could put a palm on it.

Bend, steal your palms about the back of the chair, and continue to "press." Make 5 jerky movements, without taking hands from the back of the chair and without changing the position of the back.

At each workout, try to increase the delay time at the bottom point. When you without much difficulty can hold the maximum stretching of 10 seconds, change the complex slightly. Remove the exercise for stretching biceps hips and donkey, but turn on the exercise "metronome". And follow it after exercise for stretching quadriceps.

Exercise "Metronome"

Standing smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders, lean on the right side, touching your hand to the one's identity. Make 8 measured movements, then grab your leg at the lowest point, which you can reach. Hold in this position for 5 seconds. Make 5 sets for each side.published