Practical methods of energy protection against negative. Protection against the evil eye and how to put it: what will save you from hostile magic

Practical methods of energy protection against negative. Protection against the evil eye and how to put it: what will save you from hostile magic
Practical methods of energy protection against negative. Protection against the evil eye and how to put it: what will save you from hostile magic

Energy defense is a very important element of human energy and psychological invulnerability, as well as a comfortable condition and well-being. How to learn to put energy protection?

Types of energy protection

Energy protection is divided into several types:

  • Protection, which is part of the structure of human energy.
  • Energy protection that a person creates himself, his will and thoughts, asking her a certain program of work.
  • Energy protection, which is given by the highest forces, namely patrons of man.

Here we will consider the second type of energy protection that a person can create independently.

What is the basis of energy protection?

Any energy protection is based on energy management.

To successfully put energy protection, it is necessary to master the simple visualization method.

Visualization is based on the fact that a person creates and represents the desired image and invests in it. When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the event and the availability of protection, after which the thought is materialized.

Energy Protection "Rotation Aura"

Rotation Aura² is a very effective way to deal with people who like to absorb someone else's energy.

Feeling an extraneous influence, you must imagine that your biofield is an invisible mesh, tight to the touch. After that, you need to unwind it clockwise, that is, from left to right. Mentally rotate the aura follows until the danger of a psychological attack will pass.

Your rotating aura will cast away anyone either energy tentacles, they will not have something to be attached, and thus you save your energy.

Energy Protection "Punching Chuck"

The protection option "Blowjob" is a very fast, burning eyes in the eyes of the energy vampire, conjugate with the release through his eyes of a compressed bunch of energy.

After such an embodiment, the Energovampar has a feeling of "sand in the eyes", and it is simply forced to stop the "suction" of the energy to lead itself into normal state. He may even have a temporary partial disorder of vision.

Energy defense "Crystal Dome"

It is a powerful and efficient short-term power protection. If you need to quickly and effectively protect yourself for a short time, it can be safely used.

In the area of \u200b\u200bsolar plexus, a blue ball is formed, which with a sharp exhale increases and "squeezes" the entire negative, forming a protective shell, consisting of a transparent "crystal material" around the body. Simultaneously with the extension of the ball, the hands need to dramatically dilute on the sides.

This method not only creates energy protection, but also performs a cleaner function. Crystal dome can be quickly delivered, but it does not last long.

Energy Protection "Egg"

To successfully use this technique of energy protection, it is necessary to develop the ability to feel any items at a considerable distance.

First you need to master the "touch view", i.e. To mentally touch the items and capture the feeling of them. Having mastered the "touch view" and not looking at the subject, "Turn" him, the eyes should not close at the same time. It is necessary to warn that the training of items should not be more than 1-2 minutes to 5-7 per day.

After mastering this exercise, we build an egg. It is necessary to feel, and not imagine that at the level of the ribs in front, behind and from the sides, at the distance of an elongated hand, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. It turns out the cross lying in the horizontal plane with the axis passing through the middle line of the body.

When rotating the cross, the hoop is formed, which is not difficult to turn into an egg surrounding your body and does not give any negative impacts to penetrate inside. The walls of the eggs are very dense, the layers of the biofield are wound up on each other about a minute. Shells can be monochrome, two-color (imagined).

It is advisable to apply golden, blue, orange. It is very important to clearly feel all its actions. It is necessary to warn that the training of items should not be more than 1-2 minutes to 5-7 per day.

Informational Biopole Energy Protection

First, the protective shell is visualized, but not in the shape of an egg, but in the form of a ball.
Then the ball is tightly filled with silver-violet bioenergy. On the outer surface of the ball pass in the form of parallels and meridians of the tapes, on which it is written "I don't need it (not needed)."

Energy Protection "Mirror Wall"

Very good power protection! It is necessary to imagine yourself from all sides and from above surrounded by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. From the outside of the wall covered with a solid layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

And with whatever parties to you would attack, the aggressors will always receive response strikes reflected and reinforced by the mirror. This reception is popular around the world and has repeatedly proved its effectiveness.

Applying a "mirror wall" Never show a person trying to influence you negatively that you are protected. Your calm and friendliness will make him apply all stronger strikes that everyone will return to him with more.

This technique is the most simple in performance and does not require special physical and energy costs, because you do not feel the barrier as part of yourself or your biofield. It seems to exist separately, and in this its advantage. However, the main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to submit this barrier when you are moving.

Energy Protection "Persea Shield"

One of the most powerful methods of energy protection. It allows you to reflect a narrow-controlled attack by returning it to the enemy without closing the entire body. Has left (right) hand visualize a round mirror shield, which reflects the energy and placing it on the emission path.

This is a very fast energy protection method and does not require special costs, but it has low strength. Requires the correct calculation of the angle of attack for effective reflection.

Energy Protection "Cross"

It is necessary to surround yourself from all sides with crosses, placing them close to the body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, push the crosses from you to a distance of 1 meter. Compare your condition before and after pushing the crosses, feel how they are strengthened and form a single integer.

Combined power protection:

First, perform the protection of the "cross", moving the crosses to a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After that, to protect with the help of the "Shell" or "Biopole Rotation".

How to work with energy protection?

Remember that for each person there is a variant of protection. Not all of the above methods are acceptable for everyone. Try to determine which method is more suitable for you.

Try to use the barrier everywhere, it will protect you from the trouble, negative energy and will provide you with safety. In order to keep it always, it is enough just to know about him, feel it. Just talk about yourself: "I'm in a protective barrier! Try to get to me. "

This statement should cut off all attempts to mental impact on you, as you will be 100% sure of your protection.

I wish good luck to apply protection. And at the same time I wish you never be energetically attacked!

Stas Romashenkov

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Aura in esoterica and parapsychology - an invisible shell invisible eye, which surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

Hello. So it turns out that today energy protection becomes relevant again. And this is against the background of the development of technical progress. And maybe, thanks to psychics and this relevance increases. Whatever it was, there is something such an exemplary, but thank God, there is also protection against the dark and bad.

How to find out that your field needs to protect

This is very well stated in the book of Miller, "100 methods of energy protection". Let's call some of them:

  • you think that someone is behind you or observes;
  • you hear, as if someone calls you,
  • you often poured longing or fear;
  • you do not want to stay in your own home for a long time;
  • you often support, are depressed;
  • your houses often break things, the crane flows;
  • you have little friends, relatives and others.

If you have noticed something, you need energy purification.

What to do?

First of all, do not wish the evil to another person, do not envy, do not be angry. If people were offended, ask for forgiveness, even if you mentally, but from the bottom of my heart.

If you were told an unpleasant word, something unkought wishes in hearts, do not remember, do not take to heart, forgive this person, do not recharge you from you. Maybe he is not an energy vampire, it was simply in a bad mood, disarm him with a smile.

How to check the thing?

You presented some thing, be sure to check it out for the purity of the energy.

Technique is simple: Take a thread - 20 cm, tie a gold ring on it, hold over a gift. If the pendulum starts spinning, then this dangerous thing, if he is swinging in your direction, then she has good energy. So you can check the food, things, items.

Energy Protection and Cleansing House

This side of our life is very important for health, well-being in the family, in monetary issues.

It will help in cleansing the usual salt: take 1 tablespoons of salt on the water bucket, wash the walls, ceiling, windows, more often change the water. Cleansing must be carried out between 11 and 12 hours.

Yet one great way: Pour salt into the cast-iron skillet to cover the bottom, learn about an hour on fire. Salt will be black or simply with black spots, but as the dwellings from the negative energy, it will have to be gradually white. Complete with a frying pan. In contaminated places, salt will "shoot".

  1. Take the church candle, go through the housing, stopping in the corners, read the prayer. Go around the house from the threshold clockwise.
  2. Light a twig, juniper, foul down, go smoke from the twig. Go around the entire room three times.
  3. Place the twigs of wormwood in the bed, your dream will be serene and calm.
  4. In the visible place at the door hang fishing floats. No unclean force will enter your home.
  5. To fill the house with clean energy, do not hold the houses of broken cups, plates, clean the garbage, do not leave the dishes, marvel the floor from the entrance door towards the kitchen. Bench pose up.
  6. Spree house, be sure to bring to the house.
  7. The whole negative will help collect garlic, which has a mighty magical power. Spread the apartments in the corners of the flat garlic, from time to time burn them away from home, replace new ones. It is impossible to use them.
  8. A very good way to remove the negative from the house. On the way to the house, you shake the tangle (mentally), coming closer, hang it on the trees, too mentally. I'll look back at the door at home and say with clean thoughts: "Let everything be good!" And take a look at the sky.

How to clean your body

Light a candle, look at it for 10 minutes, just do not blown it, but with your fingers. Take 7 days such a rite.

Clear chakras on your body and body of relatives will help a simple bell. Lie, relax, start to ring first at the tempe, then the frontal part, then the throat and so descend to the feet. The ringing cleans the chakras, drives bad energy. Also cleans the space bell ringing churches.

More often walk in the park and forest, where many trees. If you notice a beautiful tree, go to it, hug, ask for protection, share with him your sophons. When you leave, do not forget to thank it for the assistance provided.

How to protect your energy field

The protection against evil spirits is a prayer, especially Archangel Mikhail and his guardian angel. These prayers you will always find in prayer rooms.

There are still methods for energy protection.

  1. Put the energy wall among themselves and inland, let it be brick, monolithic, through which no vampire will get you, the wall will absorb all attacks of the enemy. But keep in mind, the wall protects until you visually hold it.
  2. Mentally build a mirror wall, moreover, the mirror side must be directed to the enemy. He will only see himself, and you - no! But it also requires constant recharging.
  3. You can put the energy pyramid, which not only protects, but also treats. How to do it? Mentally create the right tetrahedral pyramid of golden color. The base should be at your feet, and the top rises above the head of 0.5 meters. Dimensions are as much as your strength. Corners should be directed accurately by compass. It acts long, but it treats from diseases, collecting inside positive energy.

Shield Shambala

It's impossible to like everyone, it is a simple truth, but how much the hidden meaning is in itself. In life there are white stripes, black. Often everything falls out of the hands, at work check for checking, health made a failure. The head is constantly hurting, everything is needed from you, the troubles fall as out of the horns of abundance. Sometimes it seems that life ends, it will not be better. People tend to blame all: his wife, naughty children, poor medicine.

But the point is not at all! The person was attacked, pierced the shaver in his aura and feed on his energy! You can not believe it as much as you like and say that it is nonsense, but it will not be better from it, it is necessary to recover differently this strong impact will bring, at best, to the hospital, and in the worst ...

Negative energy, evil words and thoughts directly affect the mental field of the person. It would seem, well, let them envy, let him be angry. But envy, the evil has the property to accumulate and, in the end, break through the gap, and the energy shell of a person. The individual loses its strength, begins to root. Energy protection is needed.

Consider in detail how to put energy protection yourself. The first steps:

Start living consciously, to respond for their actions and thoughts. Stop issuing aggression around others, even if there is still a lacarocom, to offend them. Perceiving the body as a temple, pure, light, friendly. To do meditation, it helps relieve tension.

Believe that everything happens not just like that. There are higher forces, they are followed by equilibrium in the world, the atrocity will return a hundredfold. Not today and not tomorrow, but will come back!

The person is so much as he believes in it, he will cope with everything!

There are hypersensitive people, they are sharper than others react to bad, they are easy to draw into conflict, they know it about themselves and try to avoid such situations. Women perceive negative sharper than men.

Protection methods

1) Creating an energy shield . Send the visualization skill. Create in your thoughts image and fill its energy. It is necessary to experience the presence of a protective shell, then it will become real. Mentally surround your body and aura by a subtle energy screen. TKEM from luminous matter, which reflects the light. It is like a durable cocoon, invulnerable to the attack of nonsense. Comprehend this armor, look with her, so a person turns to his inner world, fills this shield with his power.

2) Closing the contours of bioplasol . This technique improves well-being, strengthens the psychological resistance, protects against negative. The simplest, crossing your arms and legs, this technique is effective when communicating with an unpleasant interlocutor. Second: combine the big and index finger of one hand with the same on the other. Education ring, other fingers of hands on each other. Or, closed the same fingers of one hand, put in the palm of the other. Mentally put yourself in this space. This practice is recommended in the morning and in the evening, and immediately before the meeting.

3) Magic mirror . Surround yourself imaginary thick brick wall in two bricks. On the entire perimeter, set the mirrors converted outwards. Using such a technique, it is not necessary to detect that there is a mirror screen, to behave outdoor and friendly. The more calmer you, the stronger the strikes of the striker and they will affect him.

4) Use of the Cross . Surround in the imagination of themselves with crosses, tightly pressed to the body. Stretty thoughts start to push them no more than a meter. To mentally connect them into a single fence, calm down. This method will suit Christians.

5) Pyramid . This practice has also a healing effect. Create bright golden bright pyramid visualization. To cover myself and the nearest space. The dome of the construction rises to the floor of the meter above the head, the bottom on the ground. Pyramid angles to set exactly on the sides of the light with the help of a compass. This is an important point. Building such a design collects positive energy in the center and helps to recover. The pyramid can be treated with other people.

6) Prayer , For a believer, a powerful barrier from magic. Contact the Guardian Angels or Archangel Mikhail. The most important thing is to pray sincerely, with a request to put enemies on the path of the true, wishing them to health and well-being.

7) Rotation aura , an effective way to protect your biofield from extraneous influence. Present a biopol in the form of a ball, of dense material. With an unpleasant situation, start moving this semblance of a ball from Lev to the right, faster and faster. Hisoid words will fly away from this shell, not having time to cling.

Protection during illness . It is much more important when making up the strength, to meditate, pray, to save power. Mentally put yourself in a fiery circle, burning all the bad, penetrating out. Do not conflict with relatives and doctors who provoke you to irritation and emotions. Believe in the protective forces of the body and in the patronage of the highest strength that will help cope with the disease. Diffuse the situation will help humor, change the topic of conversation, smile in the end!

9) Protective power of land . This method of protection is successfully applied in yoga. Earth, the main source of inexhaustible energy, learn to feel the connection of your body with the center of the Earth. This gives an unshakable feeling of support, security. Direct the negative energy of the envious into the ground, neutralizing it.

Energy massage

This is not a typo, such a type of exposure is intended to clean the body and recover after an attack of the energy vampire.

Present that you are standing under a powerful mountain waterfall, the jet of water takes through, washing away and carrying all the messs sent to you by the enemy.

Visualize around yourself the wall of the fire, do not be afraid, he is good. The fire will approach everything closer, in his flame burns all accumulated negative and illness.

The following image: A strong thunderstorm began, it rains. Finally, the discharge of lightning imaginary. Lightning piercing destroys everything alien, applied, not yours.

Emergency energy protection against ill-wishers!

1) Feeling a negative invasion, it is necessary at the very first opportunity to take a shower, saying that with water is washed off all the bad, dirty.

2) put a glass with water, take the boxes of matches. Load a match, cut it around my head, let it burn and throw it into a glass. So do nine times. Make three small throat from this glass, the rest is pouring into the toilet and wash off.

3) Cleansing hands with fire candles. Loading the house of the church candle, brought to the flame of the hand, as if you wash them, every finger carefully, for five minutes. Such a procedure is well launched a recovery mechanism.

Protection at home .

People face evil people in the store, at work, visiting. After that, I want to return home and do not think about the danger. But after the visit of the neighbor, the head was painted, a small child could not sleep. How to protect your apartment from such "good" visitors.

a small round mirror hang at home opposite the entrance, wipe it with water with salt and say: cleaning the house, from evil defend, donate away from home, wealth and joy of delay, Amen.

take 21 one-grade mustard, put it under the entrance rug and say: there is no road to this house!

the most ancient amulet, horseshoe above the door. For the guard, it hangs down horns directed upwards.

the rite will protect against the witchcraft: to fill the salt half of the glass, insert the church candle into the center, light the candle and read the "our own", the vessel with a rejected candle to leave on the windowsill.

after the care of foreign, it is necessary to go through the house with a cup of holy water, sprinkling all the angles, often this ritual reveals the evil intent, the grains of sand appear in the cup, if damage was left.

also around the house with a church candle, in poor places candle smoking.

Having reached the door of the house, do not hurry to go. Over the whole day in public places, facing different people, dark entities are stuck on the clothes. No need to carry them home. Representing that they all gathered in a backpack behind his back, throw off the imaginary cargo. Now you can safely go.

Tips for every day !

While in public transport, put the headphones, listen to the entry of the mantra or other calm music. So someone else's pressure will not hurt you.

Think joyfully. Maintain a daily state "here and now", do not be distracted.

To prevent possible troubles, before leaving the house, draw the old key on the palms of three crosses, keep the key at home.

With the inside of the clothes, attach a pin, tip up, but not talking about it to anyone.

When the curses roll on a person, to pronounce three times "I am a mirror".

Wear a garlic clove in his pocket, wrapped in a handkerchief.

Strong conspiracy.Cross force with me and in me.

God's power around me.!

It is possible to protect yourself from the troubles of negative energy. The main thing to remember about him and believe in the best!

Today I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell about the application of magical protection. Let's start with independent rites used in Russian witchcraft. Consider the rituals of black magic, as well as let us touch such common protection methods, as tattoos are charging from damage. Consider the effective ways of setting protection against damage and the evil eye, which use practitioners magicians.
  1. The first magic ritual is a housing protection.
  2. The second way I will offer you is a mirror shield for the Magic practitioner.

Is there a real necessity to protect against negative?

I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I will tell you immediately that magical protection is not a panacea from any attacks, damage and evil eye. If you stubbornly beat into the target, you can break through any witchcraft protection on a person. In addition, in black magic, many rituals of weakening, removal and hacking. As well, in magic runes. But the magical protection of the blow will soften, the unprofessional attack will reflect, and will definitely give Magu time to feel the threat, mobilize and not allow someone else's influence to take his life under control.

Real magicians do not discuss the issue of necessity independently put strong defense against damagebecause its necessity is known. Professional magician is never limited to one protection. There are always several of them. These are diverse shields that do not conflict, but on the contrary, are associated and together form a serious energy barrier from magic and a witch attack.

Walking protection of a practitioner to hack hardly.

This requires knowledge and power. The magician protects not only itself, but also its bloodstands, loved ones and dwelling. If the mage itself is difficult, then they can put a damage to the house, and from there damage will go to its inhabitants. This real magicians do not allow. Shields on housing Mages and sorcerers are also very powerful. If the task occurs, What protection to put from damage, the real magician, and the newcomer has a huge selection of effective rituals.

Yes, ways to protect ourselves, blood clins, close and dwelling in the arsenal of the old tradition of black magic and in fact many. And many of them are quite simple. Here is an example, how to independently put protection against damage through the lining on your home. For this protection need salt.

How to put protection against damage to your home

Magical protection against lined. Many magicians use this defense in their practice. This ingredients are needed to compile a witchcraft mixture:

  1. thursday Sol.
  2. dry crushed flowers and leaves of the Hypericum
  3. several cloves of garlic
  4. cleazovy sob

Casual protection against negativity on the house you can put on your own. The homely ritual is simple, effective, long-used Russian witchcraft. Fold all the components in the bag and read a protective conspiracy over it three times:

"Clean the house, talking, from, from the intent of the evil, from the Slice of the bad. Salt black will take, the grass will unfold, the color of thin words will open, no one will know, no one will pass, no one will wish, no one will die. Three times three turn, three times three times, three times from the gate. "

Pouch hide under the threshold. The salt picks up the negative, and therefore protection at a certain time must be changed. The former bag must be burned, and, of course, outside the house.

Apply this method to independently put energy protection:

  • from curses,
  • magic Prel,
  • schalov
  • and other destructive influences on the house and its inhabitants,

- better in pure Thursday, because The strength and energy of this day will give her additional energy for the ritual independently made. However, it is possible not to take a third salt, but an ordinary, large grinding, bought specifically for witchcraft rites. It is a simple defense against magic and witchcraft, it is not necessary to raise it certainly to clean Thursday. I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I think, you can use this magic ritual if necessary.

Independently put on mirror protection against damage and witchcraft

If a negative was diagnosed, it is necessary to fully get rid of it. And to do it in urgency. You can not black damage to give the opportunity to root in your field and the laid magic program.

So your main task is to remove damage and put protection.

I want to offer you a way of mirror protection. In general, mirrored shields - the thing is very strong. However, they are not suitable for everyone. So, before you put yourself such a magic protective wall, make a diagnosis and find out whether it will suit you. Mirror protection can take a lot of energy. There are other side effects - closure not only from negative, but also from positive events. In some cases, the money canal suffers. However, I repeat, there are no side effects at all and not always. Do diagnosis.

To independently put protection after removing the damage, you will need:

  • 2 mirrors
  • 2 wax candles
  • white Natural Fabric Flap
  • a sharp ritual knife
  • your picture
  • natural fiber rope

Both mirrors post. Near each mirror in the candle, and burn them.

Read the conspiracy to put protection against damage and the evil eye 7 times:

"Seven days, seven nights, seven rivers quickly, seven mountains of high, and seven words secret, in the books of seven that is spent. Seven wise men are the words of Glagoli, that in one will come down, then it will not return. The tribe is the damned, from the skies of the unwound, wiring, the coarse, and the mysteries of those seven husbands of the eyes of black, the doors are hidden, and not from me, (name), they are covered with wisdom, Satanishchi cunning. The eyes of my darkest, Sokol lay, I mystery with the mystery of the husbands of those. Their strength in a mirror stroit is hidden, words of potholes, river stones, not to lose weight, do not get it up, the gauge is not attached, nodes are tried al forty, the root of the copen, the toak the poison in the grave does not throw off. And if someone hesitates, hesitates himself to bunch by Savan loose, grave fresh. This is a mirror hiding, storing a blackfish. Who in two mirrors will hide the soul, he will not open the demon to the demon. Such is that the victim, seven husbands of knowledge, in seven books, is ironed, two mirrors are folded. Taco on my dumb, the body is alive, two mirrors Saved spell. So be the eternal centuries, the books of black, seven wise men, forests, rivers, witch lips. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Protective conspiracy read 7 times to At home, put yourself protection against the evil eye, damage and any other negative. Then the flap of the fabric is to sash on the mirror, which is on the left hand. Cut the right hand, let the blood dripped on the mirror, which is right hand. Blood with the tips of the fingers in the aglas of agriculture to rub on a mirror stroit, read the words of a protective conspiracy from the evil eye and damage:

"Soul to hide, keep the body, the blood is ordered, seven husbands, their verbs. What a thieves of the verslet is throwing, then it's not embellished for me (name). Ce shield reliable. Amen".

After on the surface with blood, shifting the loskutok, read the text of the protective conspiracy from damage:

"We say, laundering our own prayer from words, eyes, deeds of perfection. Seven words are single. Cross oblique, mirror, terrible, I, (name), I have firmly savor. The rag Bela, donating a piseline, not my body and the rag, not to me, but this is not the rag. Such a tale. Amen".

Put your photo on the rag, face down, and cover the second mirror, after which take the rope and tie them so that the mirrors are securely attached together. The resulting design is wrapped in the canvas, and hide securely. When done, to read a closing conspiracy to make a strong protection against negative:

"Seven of the senders, one department, not a word, and a mirror stroy. I do not see me, not to build a glible word, student talking, not to take the witch. My mirror shield. Amen".

Tattoos flying from the evil eye and induced magic damage

It is time to talk about tattoos, and about which of them it is better to use as charms from the evil eye and damage. Each drawing applied to the body has not only aesthetic load, but also contains a certain sacral meaning. When choosing a protective tattoo, thoroughly study the value of a specific image. There are tattoos with a negative value. Such on your body is not recommended.

Consider several examples of widespread images that are customary to wear as Protective tattoo from the evil eye and other energy influence.

  • Tattoo dream catcher and spider - a mystical symbol. He catches bad dreams in his network, and protects against evil spirits. If you add a spider to such a drawing, the overag will be stronger, will gain even deeper symbolism. Semantics of spider images: accuracy, secrecy, practicality and modesty, creativity and magic, infinity and harmony. Remarkably fit protective tattoos from the evil eye and damage to girls. The spider tirelessly breaks his network, she moves into the thread of fate in his paws, which makes him the ruler of human lives.
  • Tattoo Black Sun - a strong male charm, giving good luck. Carries great positive energy that a person will emit. It will be a reliable shield, from enemies and damage. Black Sun is an ancient tattoo protection against the evil eye and dark witchcraft.
  • Celtic patterns - these protective tattooing consist of an infinite number of loops and curls, and carry a colossal semantic load. Such tattoos are very powerful charms from the evil eye. These are magical ornaments, each of them has its own symbolism. The most popular version of protective tattoo of such a plan is a Celtic node, symbolizing the weave of spiritual and life paths.
  • Protective tattoo hieroglyph - stylish, widespread symbol. Images in the form of Chinese and Japanese hieroglyphs are often used as protective tattoo facing the evil eye. They carry uniqueness and mysticism. Simple looking, hieroglyph is composed in translation and can hide a deep meaning and powerful energy.
  • Protective tattoo from the evil eye and damage is pure 13 - no negative load of the tattoo number 13 does not carry. This is a kind of protest against superstitions. This drawing makes its owner happier, and often used as protective tattoo against the evil eye. In sum, the number 13 gives a number 4. According to numerology, 4 is a mystical figure, symbolizing the power, absolute power over space and time. Earth symbol, justice, order. Four feels confident in spiritual and material plans. This is the basis for everything that is. Able to give raw material form of completeness and perfection.

Slavic charms and runes - protective tattoos from the evil eye and magic

Very popular as magical protection Slavic charms and runes. Two characters received the greatest distribution: Ladiline and fern flower.

  • Ladiline is a protective symbol of family values, in addition, this is a symbol of deepening in the other world, the world of intuition and magic. Wonderful tattoo from the evil eye and damage for girls.
  • The Slavic symbol in the form of a fern flower has, in addition to protective, also healing properties.

With the image of the runes you need to be especially careful. Runes enclose a huge magical force. They are used as protective tattoos against damage And to protect against the negative nature. The problem is that only a professional magical magician, working in the tradition of runic witchcraft can be drawn up for protection against damage and curses. Incorrectly interpreted great trouble.

In general, the runes are not recommended to wear in the form of a protective tattoo on the human body. The fact is that a person is constantly changing. His views, intentions, goals and values \u200b\u200bchange. The runes in their meanings are unchanged, and it can happen that the rune, designed to protect against damage, will begin to interfere, conflict with its carrier. That is why magicians do not make the rune tattoos from the evil eye and witchcraft. Ruthless inscriptions are applied on the body, but only temporary - handle, marker, henna, etc. Rune-free amulets and charms from damage are applied to specially prepared wooden dies or stones.

Ancient Tattoo Eye Mountain - Protection against damage and other malicious witchcraft

OKO RA, he same eye Mountain - one of the most widespread symbols in the art of ancient Egypt. The right eye of the sky of the sky mountain symbolizes the sun, and the left - the moon. It was this, the lunar divine eye, suffered in the battle with the God of death and chaos. God wisdom healed the eye of the mountain, and now this image is a strong magic tattoo charm from damage and the evil eye.

What is human energy protection?

Energy defense - It is armor, "security system" on a thin plan, determining the invulnerability (stability) of a person to energy attacks.

Worst of all when we are surrounded by people impregnated with negative energetics, especially if we do not know how to protect against these energy attacks.

Most often, the negative is sent after unintentionally, because most are not able to own their emotions and does not have an internal self-control of mental activity. Due to the internal communication with himself, a person unconsciously comments on everything that happens to him throughout the wakefulness, and only during sleep, the administrator of our consciousness (mind) is silent.

In view of the increasing universal ignorance in matters of environmental consciousness, mutual understanding and comprehensive love, the issue of energy protection - self-preservation itself and its well-being from everyone surrounding, can even be closest.

Signs saying that you have undergone an energy attack:

  1. Everything is annoying.
  2. After communication with someone you feel weak, sometimes drowsy and painful condition.
  3. The feeling of depression and hopelessness.
  4. Lack of attention and self-confidence.
  5. Status of an unfortunate anxiety or fear.

Places with bad energy:

Each person has a certain amount of both positive and negative energy. All space around is a different form of energy with which we constantly interact. It is necessary to avoid places emitting mainly negative:

  • Fields of battles and battles;
  • Cemeteries;
  • Murder or suicide sites;
  • Prisons;
  • Night clubs and casino;
  • Various attachments (drug addicts, alcoholic, criminal, sexy);
  • Sectarian rituals and wicked religious sacrifices;
  • Dubbed dumps and contaminated natural objects (for example, all kinds of waste of industrial enterprises).

Learn very simple. If a person becomes easier - it means protection works. This can be expressed by the raised spiritual setting (inexplicable joy, inspiration - the state of lightness, inspiration - the desire to do something, an emotional rise, etc.).

But do not forget! If you feel that methods do not work, it will be appropriate to contact the competent specialist in these issues, as the damage caused to you may be a consequence or have a person. And the methods of combating these disorders have a more complex structure.

What is needed to correctly put protection?

In order for energy protection to be efficient and worked, it is necessary:

- First of all, have permanent. And for this, you need to be rested and calm (not emotect).

- learn how to manage your energy;

- master the visualization method.

Articles on this topic: 1. 2. How best to visualize?

✪ We must not just represent images, but also - to invest in them (your will and faith) in them, feel the presence of protection - to ask her specific programs (as it should work).

✪ Based on what we can undergo a negative everywhere, because We live in society, contact, exchange energy with each other, then for the energy defaults, the universal, the most suitable for our interests, the protection method.

✪ When choosing the means of protection, you should consider your generic and cultural traditions, religion, the possibility of exercising in practice, and most importantly, you must trust your intuition, because She is our best advisor.

Methods of energy protection

The presented protection methods are easy to use and quite effective:

Energy defense: "Ball of Light"

This method is carried out every morning.. Lying in bed, immediately after you woke up, you can close your eyes and present yourself in a ball of light, of any color. Every time you can change colors if you want; Intuitive will be clear what color it will be for the day. You can fill your sphere of light, some intention or any positive properties to protect against negative energies. The clearer the image will be, the more powerful will be the "security system". The light should know that this is his work, so do not forget to thank him for protection.

Energy defense: "Golden Pyramid"

Imagine yourself in the golden pyramid of light. The pyramid should be large enough so that you can be freely located in her center, putting hands on the sides, as well as up. After that, visualize yourself in the center of this pyramid and make it rotate around yourself; Tell her that she should protect you from any external negative impact on the day throughout the day. Do not forget to thank it.

Energy Protection: "Cleansing Light"

Rule for all: not wanting to anyone what you do not want yourself
. To all those who wish you evil, curses you, in response to direct the flow of the divine, cleansing light. Imagine how the powerful, cleaning stream of energy comes from you - a breaking and dissolving all the negatives around you (all destructive energy). This technique needs to be developed daily until it gets its strength (you will begin to feel at the level of feelings). This method of protection is one of the most effective, against any evil.

Method: "Bathing in Salt"

This method will help you clean the energy (biofield). The bath is filled with water, you can also pour a few drops of holy water (of course, if it is in your home), add a tablespoon of salt and plunge, if possible, with your head into the water. If there is no bath in the house, you can make a scrub with salt. Pour into a bowl with the usual salt of the holy water, mix and gently massaging, rub into the whole body (do not forget about the soles of the legs). Salt cleans dead skin cells, accelerates wound healing and cleans energy. Wash salt from the head until the whole body clears. You do not forgive thanks.