Maintaining a business telephone conversation, basic rules and recommendations. Business Telephone Talk Etiquette

Maintaining a business telephone conversation, basic rules and recommendations. Business Telephone Talk Etiquette

1. Ethical standards of business telephone conversation.

It is not always possible to talk directly with the partner or the client. Therefore, very often we have to contact the phone. It is estimated that business people spend on telephone calls from 4 to 25 percent of their working time. Thanks to the phone, the efficiency of solving a huge number of issues increases, there is no need to send letters, telegrams or go to another institution, an enterprise or a firm. Telephone communication provides a continuous bilateral exchange of information at any distance. Negotiations are held on the phone, orders are given, requests are given, consultations are given, certificates are given, and often the first step to conclude the contract is the telephone conversation.

With the ability to speak in many ways, the personal image of each employee of the company is largely connected. After all, when telephone conversation, your interlocutor cannot appreciate anything you are dressed, nor the expression of your face with certain words or the interior of the Bureau where you are sitting, no other non-verbal funds that help to judge the nature of communication.

It should also be borne in mind that unreasonably frequent use of telephone communication leads to the fact that errors standing for business are quite expensive. In addition, the phone, being one of the effective tools for saving a businessman, is one of the most common "absorbers" of its working time. Thus, all of the above makes it possible to conclude that knowledge of telephone decays and rational rules of conducting telephone conversations are necessary to every civilized person.

There are unwritten rules for business telephone communication. They cover both the usual phone etiquette and features of business administration. Consider these rules in relation to two cases: first, when they call you, and secondly, when you call.

2. Rules for maintaining a business telephone conversation when they call you

Remove the tube is best after the first call. If you are sitting in the room one, you have enough time to add a proposal or read the paragraph in the letter sent. It is quite acceptable to remove the tube after the second or third call. If you have a visitor, you have enough time to finish the phrase and, saying the interlocutor "Sorry", take off the phone.

Sometimes there is a bad hearing in the tube. But this does not mean that you need to raise your voice. The conclusion that if you do not hear the interlocutor, then he does not hear you badly, and it means that it is necessary to speak louder, is erroneous. Therefore, in the case of bad audibility, you should not raise the voice itself, but ask for someone who calls you, speak louder, in charge of how he hears you.

The most common options for the first word pronounced in the removed handset are "yes", "Hello", "listen". These words on their informativeness are completely the same and impersonal and therefore do not characterize the one who says them.

Feedback "Yes", "Hello", "listen" can be called neutral, as they do not carry information about who exactly took off the phone and in which organization or firm. Therefore, in business communication should be abandoned by neutral reviews and replace them with informative. According to the outer telephone, they are usually called not their last name, but a company, organization or division. On the inside phone call the unit and surname. Thus, answering the call, you must always see. People want to know who they are talking to. This, in addition, creates a confidence situation and helps to better understand the interlocutor. Find a benevolent form, like the form yourself (no matter how you wanted you to answer).

With frequent calls or with a rush, it is commonly called the name with the addition of the word "listen" (Ivanov listens) or indicate only the name of the institution or its department: "Accounting", "First Department".

In all the above cases, the Subscriber should know with whom he speaks or at least where he fell. If an error occurred when the number is set, the misunderstanding will immediately explain and will not entail the loss of time to find out.

The phone rang. You removed the tube. Again ~ once again - asking for a colleague missing in place. Displeased to freeze, you answer sharply: "It is not!" And immediately put the phone. But let's think about - do not you answer the response? Where is the way out? He is in a polite and more detailed answer to each telephone call to the missing employee, no matter how annoying you. The optimal response in this case can be approximately the following: "It is not, it will be then. Maybe he can pass something? "

When the phone is asked to your colleague, sitting at the next table, you can answer the request: "Now" or "one minute", after which they invite college to the device.

Make so that the information transmitted in someone's absence has reached the addressee. Although it is not easy to organize the exchange of information through third parties, it can pay off a hundredfold. In order to find out what you need, ask questions about the questionnaire ("Where do you call?", "Your surname and number of your phone?", So p.).

Below is a brief list of what follows and what should not be done when the phone is calling in your company.

Do not do it


1. Do not lift the tube

1. Make a phone to a four-turn phone

2. Hi, "Hello", "Yes", "say" when you start talking

2. Jull: "Good morning (day)," introduce yourself and call your department.

3. In order "Can I help you"

3. Stand: "How can I help you?"

4. Moving two conversations immediately.

4. Concentrate attention on one conversation to listen to it.

5. Support the phone without supervising it would be briefly.

5. Do not call back if it is to find out the details.

6. Use for the notes of Klochbumagi and the calendar sheets.

6. Use forms to record phone numbers

7. Transfer tubepho many times .

7. Remember the caller's number and call him back.

8.G. "Everyone dine", "no one", "Please call back"

8. Recommend information and promise to clienteur-via him.

This list can be continued infinitely. For example, it is impossible to turn the conversation into question, ask questions like "Who am I talking to?"or -"What you need?"We must follow your diction. If you speak with an accent, try to speak clearly. Avoid habits to clamp a microphone with your hand to say something to colleagues - the client can hear *.

If your partner or client expresses the complaint by phone, do not tell him: "This is not my mistake", "I'm not doing this", "Our products never fail"etc. If you say so, it may adversely affect the reputation of your company and will not help the client in solving his problems. So let him speak to the end; Express him sympathy, and if you are to blame, apologize; Write down its name and phone number, order number or other data. If you promised to call him back, do it as soon as possible, even if you failed to solve the problem to the appointed date.

Remember: When the problem is finally solved, the client, as a rule, feels your debtor. And this can be used in the future for business contacts and business expansion.

Exist Expressions that followed bywhen telephone conversations, so that your company does not work out. These, in particular, belong to them *.

1. "I dont know".No other answer can undermine trust in your company so quickly and thoroughly. First of all, your job is to know - that is why you take your place. If you are not able to answer your interlocutor, it is better to say: "Good question. Allow me, I will clarify it for you *.

2. "We will not be able to do this."If this is true, your potential client will turn to someone else, and it is very likely that his new conversation will be more successful. Instead of failure "from the threshold", offer, for example, wait before you understand what you can be useful and try to find an alternative solution. It is always recommended to focus on what you can do, and not on the opposite.

3. "You must...".Serious error. Your client should not do anything. The wording should be much softer: "It makes sense to you ..." or "it would be best ...".

4. "Wait a second, I will come back soon."Think, at least once in my life have managed to manage with your affairs per second? Unlikely. Tell your interlocutor something more similar to the truth: "In order to find the necessary information, I will need two or three minutes. Can you wait? ".

5. "Not",pronounced at the beginning of the offer involuntarily leads to the fact that the path to a positive solution to the problem is complicated. Universal recipes, how to get rid of "negative evasion" does not exist. Each phrase containing disagreement with the interlocutor should be thoroughly thought out. For example, to reflect the client requiring money compensation for poor-quality goods, an explanation of the type is suitable: "We are not able to pay you compensation, but are ready to replace your purchase."

As practice shows, even when the work of employees is significantly improved, the work of employees is significantly improved and at the same time increases the level of satisfaction of their own work - with polite people it is pleasant to talk. Check the same as the employees of your company learned the lessons of phone etiquette, it is very easy to call the office and introduce yourself to the client.

Very valuable for the company when professional experience of workers is combined with the ability to establish human contacts. If the relationship with the client is good and it is pleasant to deal with your company, we can assume that the transaction is committed.

A large number of potential customers or partners calls to the company, and the manner of conducting a conversation depends largely whether the deal will be concluded. If the calling, without introducing, immediately begins with an explanation of what he needs, politely ask him by his name, title and telephone company and only then continue the conversation. Try not to accept orders, not to report information by unresponsible interlocutors. You can, for example, do not understand what you are talking to a large buyer who has the right to a discount, and offer him a firm price without discounts, thus losing a favorable order.

Some buyers very accurately determine their requirements: type, color, product delivery conditions, etc. Another need to help in this sense. Very often you have to "pull out" from the client additional information. To do this, use questions starting with "What", "When", "Where", "Who", "How", but avoid "why",since it contains a shade of distrust.

Undoubted the requirements of the client, you start convincing it in the advantages of your product. If the client called specifically to make an order, your arguments should be aimed at increasing the volume of purchases, expand the range of goods or sales of related products. If the client is only interested in preliminary information, your task is to convince him to start a deal with trial purchases.

Often when communicating with the interlocutor, we prefer conversation on the phone. This is not quite logical. Why is the one who called you by phone, has the right to kill your conversation? After all, he appealed to you later than one who next to you and who you were talking to. The came to sit and wait, listening to a telephone dialogue, and then restore the torn threads of the interrupted conversation, and sometimes re-remind what was discussed before. That is why, if a conversation with a person sitting in you ends, you need to ask the phone interlocutor to wait, not squeezed. If you feel that the conversation will last another 10-15 minutes and it is serious enough, you need to ask you to call one another quarter when you are free.

In some cases, telephone communication is used with telephone communication. A telephone program, as a rule, contains information by volume not exceeding 50 words. If the conversation on the phone is a dialogue that is not limited to time, then the telephone line is a written fixation of the monologue, regulated by time.

Communicable details of telephones are the name of the institution (firm) of the addressent and the addressee, the details of "from whom" and "to" with the position, surnames, the name and patronymic of officials, numbers, date and time of transfer and reception of the telephone programm, the names of the telephone and the philogram phone numbers, text and signature.

The telephone message must have a header. It is compiled as for a service letter, that is, it must begin with a noun in the proposed case with a pretext "O" or "OB", for example: "On the change in the meeting time of the editorial board", "On the arrival of the seminar participants".

Telephoneies are written by telegraph style, i.e., briefly, clearly, for sure, definitely, simple offers. A two-sufficient composition of the telephone program is allowed: the first part are stated by the facts that prompted to give a telephone program, in the second - the actions taken. As a rule, the text of the telephone appearance is presented from the first person (for example: "We remind ...", "We inform ...", "I will send it ...").

Mobile phone has long been part of the life of each of us, and telephone negotiations play today a truly important role in modern business. It is from the first contact on the phone with a client or partner directly depends on the outcome of the future transaction. Today, there are basic rules for business communication on the phone, which employees of any company must adhere to.

Ethics of telephone conversations

It is the phone today is an universally used communications means. Today, the work is not a single major firm without business communication by telephone, and the "average" sales manager can spend on telephone calls from 20 to 70% of working hours, and in such cases, telephone conversations become the most important part of the work of the company and the method of workers to earn huge Money, make a profit. But about any profit can be forgotten if the company's employees, sales managers do not know the rules of business telephone communication with customers and partners, unforgivable errors in the process negotiation process.

A business telephone conversation must be built according to special rules and algorithms, there are prohibited words and phrases, which are categorically impossible. There is also a "telephone lats" to follow which is necessary if the business is built on telephone conversations. From the first minute of the conversation, from the first "allo" of the client, the impression of the organization is formed, it is an employee of a firm who leads a conversation automatically becomes the invisible "face" of the company, forms the opinion of the company from potential customers and customers. And on this path, it is impossible to make mistakes, since the violation of the rules is a bad tone, which can cost the company's authority.

Preparation for conversation

Just dial the phone number and call - today it is not enough for the telephone conversation to be "doomed" to success. Before starting a conversation with the customer, a client or partner, each employee of the firm must properly prepare for conversation.

  1. Think about what will go in conversation. What is the purpose of the conversation, what outcome you expect from him?
  2. Written or verbally formulate the basic theses that will be used in the conversation, the main issues that the interlocutor should be asked;
  3. Prepare the materials necessary for negotiating: paper, handle, calculator, sales script (if any), calendar, necessary documents, etc. All this should be at hand, so that during a telephone conversation did not distract the employee, including the search for the handle or the desired file on the computer;
  4. Watch out loud the name and patronymic of the interlocutor. Sometimes difficulties arise with their pronunciation, and the mistakes in the name of a person are categorically impossible;
  5. Tune in to the desired way. When an employee of the company calls the client or the customer is still "without leaving" and not abstracting from other issues, no chance to distract and tune in to a positive way of conversations, a person on the other side of the wire will definitely feel such a "mood" on the other side of the wire. The interlocutor needs to be able to put together as much as possible.

Beginning of conversation

It is from how a telephone conversation with the client and the customer directly depends on the outcome of the conversation. You need to try to "like" the interlocutor from the first minutes. First, try to talk briefly and excco, without tightening the conversation so that the interlocutor does not think about the fact that you will take a lot of his time and have to spend it for any chatter - this is truly important for a business person who is truly important Appreciates every minute.

Special attention must be paid to the greeting of the interlocutor - it is from him that you need to start any telephone conversation. Depending on the time of day, it is better to choose greetings: "Good morning", "Good afternoon" or "Good evening." Then, according to the rules of etiquette, the caller must introduce and call the organization and the structural unit in which it works. "Good afternoon, my name is Maria, I am a sales manager and present the company" Good windows ". Next, it is mandatory to ask if it is convenient to talk to the interlocutor at the moment, whether he has a certain amount of free time to discuss some questions with you. Anyone will subconsciously appreciate what is considered with his time. If you call you, you need to work according to a similar scheme: to greet the interlocutor, introduce yourself to clarify - what can it be helped.

Dear readers! For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of trade and services, we have developed a special program "", which allows you to conduct full-fledged warehouse accounting, trade accounting, financial accounting, and also has a built-in CRM system. There are both free and pay tariffs.

After a person tells that it is convenient to talk to him, explain to him - briefly, it is understandable - the goal of his call.

At the beginning of the conversation, the most important stage is to establish contact. It is necessary to try from the first phrases to "set up" the interlocutor for a positive way, to arrange it to himself. The secret is simple: smile. If the person is smiling on the other side of the wire, the interlocutor will definitely feel in a voice and also wants to smile in response or simply will tune out on a conversation in a friendly tone. The whole conversation should be for the client and the customer "Comfortable". This is necessary so that he wanted to continue the conversation, and not put the phone and never answer your calls anymore.

Telephone conversation: 15 "golden" rules

As mentioned above, today there is a "telephone conversation" ethics, to comply with all participants in this type of communication, and, first of all, this concerns sales managers, the main purpose of which is to "establish" contact with customers and customers, to motivate them to acquire goods or service. I put your attention to your attention 15 "golden" rules of business telephone conversation.

  • Explain intelligently, all thoughts should try to express the most briefly as possible and Emko, not "leaving" in the extentant reasoning of moral character and unnecessary philosophy. Do not speak on the phone too loud or too quiet - the volume of speech must be optimal;
  • Speech must be competent, do not allow stupid errors in control in phrases and phrases or in stress in words. For a competent and educated person, such errors will become "first bells" that with a firm in which such illiterate people work is better not to have any cases;
  • Business information
  • Promotion of goods and services
  • Personnel Management
  • How to ...?
  • Business Etiquette
    • Business Etiquette
    • Positions of interlocutors at the negotiating table
  • Business communications
  • Municipalities
  • Telephone etiquette: Rules and norms

    Consider the norms of the phone decidificationwhich today follow progressive companies taking care of their image. If you strive to look like a professional in the eyes of partners and customers, the execution of the laws presented below are simply necessary for you.

    The norm is the compliance with the telephone decidification by each employee of the organization, which:

      answers incoming calls;

      makes phone calls on behalf of the company;

      on which the client's call can be redirected.

    1. Watch out for the intonation of your voice.

    When communicating, people transmit each other with the help of three channels: "Language of gestures" (55%), intonation (38%) and words (7%). By phone, we also convey the interlocutor to the meaning of our message with several channels, only in this Case The law of information transfer looks different. First, the "gesture language" seems to disappear, because the interlocutor does not see us, and the remaining two channels (intonation and words) of information transfer divide 100% of the meaning of our message as follows:
    • Intonation - 86%;
    • Words - 14%.

    The voice transmits your interlocutor information about what you are for a person. You not only affect the perception, but often create the mood of the interlocutor. When communicating by phone, smile, be full of energy and enthusiasm. Smile and positive attitude are heard in intonation.

    Do not collapse on the chair and do not put your feet on the table, communicating by phone. When a person lies or sevenits, the angle of the diaphragm changes and the timbre of his voice changes. Therefore, the interlocutor, even without seeing you, "hear" that you lie. And this is unacceptable, because the voice of a person in such a position seems to be disinterested and full of indifference.

    2. Welcome caller

    If you take off the handset, responding to an external call, then, removing the phone, immediately say hello to the calling person. The greeting, of course, changes depending on the time of the day, it may be "Good morning (good afternoon or good evening)."

    Welcoming the caller, you show that his call is important for you and you are pleased with him (if it is not so, he should not know about it).

    Do not like "telephone dinosaurs", which, removing the phone, say:

    3. View by phone

    After greeting the caller, see him, name your organization. When receiving external calls, two approaches are used, the so-called "minimum" and "maximum":

      Minimum approach: greeting + organization name. This is how it sounds: "Good afternoon, Publisher" Fortochka! "

      The "Maximum" approach: "Minimum" + the name of the person who removed the tube. This is how it sounds: "Good afternoon, Fortochka publishing house, Marina listens!"

    Which of the approaches to choose and use, decide for yourself. Following any of them will show the resulting that you, and your organization are professionals.

    I remember, I called somehow in one company, and there answered: "Hello." I ask: "Tell me, is it a company ABC?", And in response: "And who are you?" I say: "Maybe I am your potential client," what I was assured to: "Our clients know us!" ... and threw the phone.

    4. Reply to the input calls after the 2nd, maximum after the 3rd call

    This is one of the laws, on the execution of which literally "interpret" telephone operators, secretaries of companies, "hot lines" workers and other telephone personnel. And that's why.

    If you remove the phone number after the 1st call, then the impression has the impression that we have nothing to do, and we missed you waiting, when someone finally call us.

    Do not remove the phone after the first call, those for a few seconds that are in stock will allow you to be distracted from what you were busy, and focus on the phone call.

    If you enable the phone to call 4, 5 or more times, first, first, the calling will begin to be nervous (it is proved that people waiting for a response on the phone very quickly lose patience), and secondly, it is formed quite a "definite" opinion About our interest in it and in customers in general. Subsequently, he will no longer believe the beliefs in our ability to respond quickly to its needs and problems.

    5. By calling, do not say "bother you ..." or "you worry ..."

    This is a similar similarity of national disease. I suspect that this comes from an excessive desire to look polite and from self-esteem. After a person, you are disturbing it (bother), you form a certain - unwanted - the attitude towards yourself and your call.

    You forced it to alert, and ask him to treat your call as unwanted distraction from affairs. Why make yourself creating troubles and talk to the interlocutor, they say, "I disturbed you, violated your comfort and now I will pester with my questions?"

    Say simply: "Good morning (hello), Marina (Marina Shestakova) calls you from the Fortochka publishing house.

    6. By calling, ask whether the client can talk to you

    Each person has its own list of cases, scheduled meetings, meetings, etc. In other words, when we called him, the likelihood that we left him from affairs, very high. Especially this concerns calls to a mobile phone; Our interlocutor can be anywhere and be busy anything.

    Having introduced, do not go right away to the case, first ask if the interlocutor talks to you. When this question is, we show the interlocutor what are brought up, and that we appreciate his time. Thus, we position themselves in his eyes as a professional and we cause respect for yourself.

      I introduce yourself + ask about the possibility of paying time + call the goal of the call.

      I will introduce + to call the goal of the call + ask about the possibility of paying time.

    7. Go to the essence of your call as quickly as possible.

    Having introduced and asking about the time for the conversation, do not waste time on aimless lyrics and meaningless questions like:

      Well, how do you like this heat in the city?

      What do you think about today's statement of our premiere?

      Have you seen yesterday in the news ...?

      Have you heard the latest news about Iraq?

    Communicating on the phone, business people seek to be brief and not deviate from the topic. Do not annoy them with conversations about this, report the goal of your call and start a business conversation.

    It is worth adding that the exception to this rule is communication on the phone with clients with which during the years of collaboration you have developed warm friends or even friendly relations.

    8. Using the "HOLD" function ("Hold")

    In almost every phone there is a "Hold" function, it is only designated in different ways, depending on the manufacturer of the device.

    This feature allows you to "hang" the interlocutor on the line, without disconnecting the connection. It is used every time you during the conversation need to postpone the handset and isolate the interlocutor from what is happening in your room (from conversations, discussions, jokes, jokes of your colleagues). For example, in order to:

      go to the neighboring office for the information necessary for the interlocutor;

      print the required document;

      call to the phone of the right person;

      clarify something from colleagues.

    By pressing the appropriate button on your phone and activating the "Hold", you do not give the interlocutor to hear what is happening in your room. If the telephone is connected to the telephone station, then during "HOLD", it loses your interlocutor to the programmed melody.

    There are several rules associated with the formulation and removal of the interlocutor with "Holding":

      When setting - ask whether the interlocutor wait, and explain the reason for the need for expectation.

      For example: "Can you wait because to answer your question, should I contact the accounting department?"

      When removing, thank the interlocutor for waiting. This step allows you to dispel tensions and nervousness that occurs from anyone who expects. We also show a person that he is important to us and we are grateful to him for not putting the phone.

    If you know that you have to wait more than one minute, then do not leave it on "hold". Tell me that call him back after clarifying his information. When you expect on the phone, even one minute seems to be a few, do not let the interlocutor, an excess reason to be nervous and angry.

    9. If you ask a person who is absent

    Do not "cut off" by the resulting, simply stating the fact that the person necessary for him at the exhibition (on vacation will return at the end of the week) and do not hang up at once.

    Notifying the absence of the right person, take two attempts to keep the called. Offer your help. For example: "Can I help you with anything?" Or: "Can anyone help you another?"

    If the calling person does not agree to the proposed assistance, then ask to leave a message.

    It sounds like this:

      What should I convey (missing colleague)? Who called?

      Let me leave (missing colleague) a message about what you called. Introduce youreself.

    10. Finishing the conversation, say goodbye to the interlocutor.

    Pay attention to how many people ending the conversation, just put the phone, not even saying goodbye.

    How many times did this happen to me: call the organization and ask a person who has removed the phone, a question, for example: "Tell me, do you work on Saturday?". In response, "yes" or "no" sounds, and the conversation stops. Once I still called back again and asked: "Why do you throw the phone, I still have a question for you?" The answer was just geniant: "It is necessary to speak faster!".

    In a situation like the above described above, before saying goodbye to the caller, ask: "Can I answer another question?", I just get a negative answer, complete the conversation. Read more than putting the phone, say goodbye to the person, tell him everything Only simple: "Goodbye."

    11. Adjust the speed of the interlocutor

    If a person speaks slowly, this indicates that his thinking process takes place at the same speed. So, he carefully evaluates every word heard and spoken by them and carefully plays the information received before making a final decision. Communicating with such people, slightly slow down the pace of your speech. Do not deceive yourself, considering that the faster you will talk, the faster your interlocutors will figure it out. Quite the opposite, without having a pace of your speech, they will lose their thoughts and finally confuse.

    A person who speaks quickly or very quickly grabs thoughts on the fly and makes decisions without long thought, perhaps even hastily. He is annoying slowness and slowness, he is impatient and eager for action. Specify the pace of your speech, communicating with such people.

    Change the tempo of your speech, just do not go the line behind which the parody begins.

    12. Do not chew, do not drink and do not smoke, communicating by phone

    If you think that by making the actions listed above, you will hide them from the telephone interlocutor, then mistaken. I spent many times with people who believed that they disguised the chewing of food or smoking, even without giving themselves the report in how unpleasantly he sounds on the phone.

    Once I called the client, from the answer of which I became clear what he chews. I tell him: "Enjoy your appetite," and he answers me: "And what, hear?"

    Set aside your gum (cutlets, cigarette).

    13. Do not apologize to the interlocutor for the fact that

    This recommendation also applies to the holding of meetings. If you think that the interlocutor tear off the interlocutor from important cases or that took it away from its valuable time, then do not tell him about it out loud. Soldering "Sorry, our meeting (conversation) was delayed, I probably took your time, "you yourself bring it to the idea that:

      he lost his time, communicating with you;

      your time is worth nothing;

      you are not confident;

      you feel guilty.

    Instead of an apology, you can thank the interlocutor:

      Thank you for finding the opportunity to meet (talk) with me.

      I understand your employment, thank you for the time allocated to our meeting.

    You show that appreciate him and his time, but do not expose yourself to the "guilty staff."

    14. Using speakerphone (speakerphon)

    Do not use a loud link without the need and without warning and consent of the interlocutor. In today's level, the client will hear the difference between communication with you through the tube and with the help of Speakerfone. Hearing what you say with him, using a loud connection, the client will almost immediately feel discomfort and warp. In addition, he will make two outputs:

      Someone erupts us.

    15. Communication with secretaries

    If your work involves making calls to the organization, this means that you periodically communicate with the secretaries of these organizations. Today, secretarial positions are occupied by educated and qualified people who are the "company's person" and the optimizing work of their superiors. They listened to their opinion, they are quite high enough as "advanced workers."

      Do not insult, do not humiliate and do not underestimate them. These people often possess great power. They can be either your supporters or enemies, it all depends on you. Show respect for them and respect, and they will repay you the same.

      Treat them as well as your customers. The secretaries are also your customers, they affect the opinion of their leadership about you, about your company and your product. If you wish, they can prevent your call (fax, letter) as "the next entry of an annoying idiot from a stupid company." They can make that your letters, faxes and email "will not reach" to the recipient. Considering this...

      Build with them relationships. It does not matter whether you will do it with bouquets, chocolates or due to your respectful relationship. Remember one thing: won the location of the secretary, you get your supporter in the organization of the client. In addition, no one knows the manager of which direction and in which company this person will become tomorrow.

    Communication on the phone is a conversation of two blind, which in their voice is built in your head the image of the interlocutor. Who is calling? Who calls? Is there an opportunity to talk to your interlocutor? What if you pulled out a man from under the soul? What do you think will be the director's response to such a call.

    The main thing at the beginning of the conversation is to create a trust relationship, and then spend a conversation in accordance with the purpose of which you call. To do this, follow the following communication rules by phone.

    Rule 1. Plan negotiations

    Before starting a conversation, think good:

    • convenient time to call and its duration;
    • clearly define the purpose of your call;
    • make a conversation plan.

    Think out the answers to the following questions:

    • What are you going to tell about yourself and the company in which you work?
    • What questions do you intend to ask the interlocutor to find out his needs and create the necessary motivation for a further meeting?
    • What are the objections, and your possible answers?
    • How are you going to complete the conversation and agree on the meeting?

    Rule 2. Remove the handset on the 3rd signal (in the event that you call).

    Telephone business etiquette runts communication with the client. On compliance with the business etiquette, the client judges the company's corporate culture. Lay up the phone on the 3rd call: on the first call - to postpone the case, on the second - tune in, on the third - smile and remove the tube. If you do not take the phone for too long, it indicates the low corporate culture of the company.

    Do not fuss. Many instantly grab the phone. Anyone needs at least a time for seconds to concentrate and tune in to the conversation.

    Rule 3. Talking by phone, be sure to smile.

    Remember when you smile, your voice becomes more pleasant. So, smile more often. Some phone profile places the mirror on the contrary to see the expression of their face while they say. All this allows you to control the presence of a smile on the face.

    Rule 4. Welcome the interlocutor.

    Welcome the interlocutor as good as possible and energetically. Come up with several ways to say hello. Let you have various options, for people of different sexes and age. The conversation with the client is better to start with the words "Good afternoon (morning, evening)." They are more lively and have than just "Hello." Remember that at that end of the wire, someone also wants to be respected, understood and, maybe at that moment he helped him ...

    By the content of the first words and the voice of the voice, the client determines your professionalism, chooses the style of communication with you. Your voice is clothing, hair color, temperament and facial expression. Remember that when telephone conversation, you will not be able to accompany the words by facial expressions and gestures. Here, first of all, the sound of your voice is important, the ability to competently express your thoughts and, of course, as an indispensable condition, respect for the interlocutor.

    Rule 6. Name yourself by name.

    Clearly name your name and surname. Then name the company you imagine. ("My name is ... Company" Three Whale "). Here are options that can be called extremely harmful and unsuccessful: "Guess who calls you", "Don't you know me?". These issues create psychological discomfort in another person. Put yourself in the client's place, and you will feel irritation. Do not be surprised if the client resists your suggestions after such a greeting. To an unsuccessful idea, you can take a turn "bother you ...". After this phrase, the person at the other end of the wire begins to worry. Try not to think about the lame monkey. Is it possible? The particle "not" is erased, and the second part of the phrase is perceived. You also become the culprit of this "anxiety."

    Rule 7. Find out the name of the interlocutor.

    To do this, use the phrase "My name is ... SorryAnd how can I contact you. " But do not hurry with recognition of the customer name. It is better to do that after the buyer adapts to the setting. In the future, when communicating, periodically call the client by name. Pronounce the name - means to show respect for a person. It should not be pronounced by a patter, better with feeling and at the same pace, in which there is a conversation. If the client has an unusual or interesting name, comment on it with a bias in a good direction (tell me the person that he has an interesting name, most like it).

    The following options can be called unsuccessful: "Who am I talking to?", "Who is?", "Who is the device?". And do not try to do guessing: "Is this Ira? Not? Tatyana Lvovna? Not? And who then? ". Or worse: "And where did I get?". What is the standard response, said irritable voice: "Where are you calling?".

    You can come up with many different options, like "Can I talk to Alexander Sergeevich?".
    If you have forgotten the name with whom the last time they spoke, it is better to ask "Could you remind me of your name?"

    Rule 8. Find out: Can you talk to you.

    It is very important! It is possible that at this moment your client is engaged in responsible and important things for him. Or your conversation is currently inappropriate for some other reason. Use the phrase "to you (and better to call the interlocutor by name) is convenient now to talk?". Remember, violating this rule, you can lose the client forever. Your deal did not take place. Call at the right time to the right customers and with the necessary suggestions. Business calls to do at the beginning or at the end of the working day.

    The first phrases say slowly, calmly and clearly, do not pour out a waterfall of information on the interlocutor - let him tune in to the conversation. Select the voice of particularly significant words, change intonation. Use short messages: i.e. One sentence is one thought. Your voice, if possible, should be deep and "velvet", but observe the measure, do not replay. You can also adapt to the volume, rhythm, and the pace of speech of the client. The interlocutor will be nice to the interlocutor. The sound of your voice is determined by the pose, facial expression, posture. Tune in to the conversation - literally and figuratively. Speech is not easy to move the lips and language. Light, diaphragms, ladies, voice ligaments, mouth, tongue and lips participate in the organs. Of course, the cigarette in the mouth, a chewing, lollipop, coffee during a conversation, noise in the room, music - destroy the rapport telephone conversations.

    Rule 10. Follow the plan.

    You have a goal of the conversation and the prepared plan. Do not attempt to solve all problems at once on the phone. Especially avoid talking about the price of its products, cash issues are best solved at the meeting. Prepare the necessary materials, handle, blank paper. Speak specifically, and about the main thing. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Specify the customer questions, directing the conversation to the direction you need. Remember, your main goal is to agree on a meeting when you can discuss the details and sign the contract. To do this, you must create a good motivation from the client.

    Rule 11. Use the techniques of the active hearing

    They demonstrate your interest and involvement. "So ...", "understandable ..." and others. Control time of the conversation. Do not let the client go away. Answer most questions questions and summarize the interlocutor to the meeting.

    Rule 12. Make a meeting.

    Contracting the meeting, make sure that your interlocutor correctly understood you, and recorded the day and hour of the meeting. Please ask the interlocutor, is it convenient for him to call him back on the eve to make sure that the meeting will take place? All these activities are useful for your customer to plan his time and adequately prepare for the meeting. Inviting your interlocutor to my office, call the exact address and tell you in detail how you can drive. Use the standard phrase: "You have a pencil at hand, please write down how it will be more convenient for us to get to us."

    Rule 13. Thank the interlocutor for the call.

    Business conversation by phone

    This is the fastest business contact and a special skill. It is impossible not to remember a series of statements. While the word is not uttered, it is a prisoner of who was going to say it. When the word is said, his captive becomes the one who said it (ancient wisdom); "I wrote a long letter, because I did not have time to write a short" (Blaise Pascal).

    The value of telephone communication is difficult to overestimate, as this is the easiest way to establish contact; Teleks, teletypes, faxes only complement it. The skill of business people to keep telephone communications affects their personal authority and on the Renome company, the organization they represent.

    Most specialists in the business world have no special training for conducting telephone conversations and negotiations, often do not have her and secretaries of the receptions, although responding to phone calls is their primary duty. Recently, abroad is widely practiced intrafive short-term courses in mastering the basics of working with office equipment, where special attention is paid to phones. Owning a conversation on the phone is considered as an integral part of the formation of "white collar" of the new formation. It is estimated that each conversation by phone lasts an average of 3 to 5 minutes. Consequently, a total of, for example, the head loses the day for telephone communication for about 2-2.5 hours, and sometimes from 3 to 4.5 hours. Telephone calls violate the normal operation mode, break the working day for short sections of the time of the average duration of 10-30 minutes (and sometimes 5-10 minutes), which does not allow to focus on problems and sometimes provokes stress. About 60% of conversations on the service telephone number fall on the first half of the day. In this regard, not only the ability to keep a short conversation, but also instantly rebuild, responding to various partners mobile and different topics.

    Let's try to sketch a short telephone conversation plan. Suppose that the conversation is given 3 minutes;

    1. Mutual representation - 20 ± 5 seconds;

    2. Introduction of the interlocutor to the case - 40 ± 5 seconds;

    3. Discussion of the situation, problems - 100 ± 5 seconds;

    4. Final summary - 20 ± 5 seconds.

    The skill of a laconic interview is acquired with time, as conversations are repeated in a tough regulation.

    Documentation: In addition to the plan, a telephone conversation participant should know which documents for the conversation it will be needed (Customer Cup, Review, Avenues, Report, Acts, Correspondence, etc.).

    Recording a conversation: If necessary, you need to prepare everything to record information.

    Behavior during a conversation: It should, remove the tube, introduce yourself. Talking into the tube, pronounce the words clearly. Find out if the interlocutor has time for a conversation (if not, ask the permission to call back, specifying when.

    Tune in a positive tone. Try not to object to the interlocutor directly, listening to him without interrupting. Avoid monotony, periodically changing themes and intrusion of the conversation. In speech, avoid jargon and primitivism. Effectively use pause. If the interlocutor does not understand something, it is necessary to patiently explain said. And at the end of the conversation to clarify it (conversation) prospects.

    IN AND. Benedictova in the book "On Business Ethics and Ethics" cites a short list of what should not and what should be done at the moment when the phone is calling in your office.

    Do not do it


    1. Do not lift the phone for a long time.
    2. Talking "Hi", "Yes," when you start the conversation.
    3. Ask: "Can I help you?".
    4. Moving two conversations immediately.
    5. Leave the phone unattended at least for a while.
    6. Use for note paper notes and calendar sheets.
    7. Transmit a pipe for many times.
    8. Speak: "Everyone dine", "No one", please call back. "
    1. Raise the phone to the fourth phone call.
    2. To say "Good morning (day)", "say", introduce yourself and name your department.
    3. Ask: "How can I be able to you?"
    4. Concentrate on a conversation and listen carefully.
    5. Suggest call back if time is required to find out the details.
    6. Use forms to record telephone conversations.
    7. Record the caller's number and call him back.
    8. Write information and promise to call him back.

    In addition, it is impossible to turn a conversation in question, ask questions like "with whom I speak?" Or "What do you need?". We must follow your diction, do not clamp the microphone with your hand when you pass something from the conversation to those who are near - your comments can hear a partner talking to you by phone. In the case of saying complaints or complaints, do not speak partner, that this is not your mistake that you do not do it and that you are not interested!

    So, the possession of the culture of a telephone conversation means the following:

    • I am dialing the phone number only when it is firmly confident in his correctness.
    • I carefully preparing for a business telephone conversation, seeking maximum brevity.
    • Before especially responsible telephone calls, I make the necessary entries on a piece of paper.
    • If you have a long conversation, I ask the interlocutor whether it has enough time and, if not, I transfer the conversation to another, agreed day and hour.
    • Having achieved connections on the phone with the desired institution, call himself and its company.
    • If I "didn't get there", I apologize to me, and not hang silently with a pipe.
    • The error call politely answer: "You are mistaken by the number" and put the phone.
    • Working on an important document, turn off the phone or switch it to the secretary.
    • In business telephone conversations, "I keep yourself in your hands," even if before that was something annoyed.
    • As a feedback on the phone call, I call my last name.
    • During the long monologue of the interlocutor by phone from time to time, I confirm my attention with brief replicas.
    • Completing the business conversation on the phone, thank the interlocutor and I wish him success.
    • If a colleague, which is asked by phone, is missing, I ask what to convey, and leave a note on his desk.
    • If the phone is calling during a conversation with a visitor, I usually ask to call back later.
    • In the presence of employees I try to talk on the phone in a low voice.
    • If the interlocutor is badly audible, please speak louder or call back.