Why do you need the image of Sony Marmaladeova. Characteristics of the main character

Why do you need the image of Sony Marmaladeova. Characteristics of the main character
Why do you need the image of Sony Marmaladeova. Characteristics of the main character

Sonya Marmaladova - Central female character Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." Its difficult fate causes the readers an involuntary feeling of pity and respect, because to save their family from hunger, the poor girl is forced to become a fallen woman.

And although she has to lead an immoral lifestyle, in his soul it remains clean and noble, forcing us to think about real human values.

Characteristics of the main character

(Acquaintance with Sonya)

On the pages of the novel, the Sonechka does not appear immediately, and after the commission of two crimes with radiot Raskolnikov. He meets her father, a small official and bitter drunkard Semen Marmeladov and that with gratitude and tears talks about his only beef daughter Sona, which to feed the father, stepmother and children goes on scary sin. A quiet and modest Sonya, without having the opportunity to find another job, goes to the panel and all the money earned gives the Father and his family. After receiving the so-called "yellow ticket" instead of a passport, it has a legal opportunity to work as a prostitute, and it is already unlikely to throw it a terrible and humiliating craft.

Sonya early became an orphan, his father married and started another family. There were always enough money, the children were starving, and the mischievous stepmother arranged scandals and in despair from such a lifetime sometimes tried a paddle a piece of bread. Comcisisting Sonya could not let it endure and decided on a desperate act to earn money for the family. The sacrifice of the poor girl was struck by Skolnikov to the depths of the soul, and he was impressed with this story long before the meeting with Sonya.

(Soviet actress Tatyana Besova in the image of the Sonia marmalade, k / f "Crime and Punishment" 1969)

For the first time we meet with her on the pages of the novel a day, when her father was crushed by a drunken driver. This is a slight blonde vertically challenged, Seventeen-eighteen years old, with Crescent and remarkably beautiful blue eyes. She is dressed in a motley and a little ridiculous outfit, directly indicating the occupation. Roboko like a ghost she stands on the threshold of Kamorki and does not dare to go there, that's why her conscientious and pure natural nature makes feel dirty and vicious.

Meek and quiet Sonya, who considers himself great sinnerunworthy to be near ordinary people, I do not know how to behave among those present, does not dare to sit next to the mother and sister Skolnikov. It is humiliated and offended by such low and vigilant people as the Supervisory Advisor of Luzhin and the apartment hostess Amaliya Fedorovna, and she doesn't demolish everything, because it cannot stand up and absolutely defenseless before arrogance and rudeness.

(Sonya listens to Skolnikov, realizing, goes to help him, to his repentance)

And although it looks externally, it looks fragile and defective, behaves like an illuminated animal, inside the sony marmalade hidden a huge heart force, in which she draws strength to live on and help others with a pathetic and disadvantaged people. This power is called love: to his father, to his children, for whom she sold her body and destroyed the soul, to the Raskolnikov, for whom she goes to the catguard and patiently demolides his indifference. She does not hold anyone anyone, he does not blame in his crippled fate, everyone understands and forgives. So as not to condemn people and forgive their vices and mistakes, you need to be very solid, strong and generous person who is ordinary girl SO sophisticated fate, Sonya Marmaladov.

The image of the heroine in the work

Robust and drunk, aware of all his horror and shame of position, Sonya ( translated from Greek her name means wisdom) Patiently and badly carries his cross, without complaining and not accusing anyone in such a fate. Her exceptional love for people and fiery religiosity gives her strength to make her heavy burden and help needy good word, support and prayer.

For her, the life of any person is sacred, she lives according to the laws of Christ and every criminal for her an unfortunate person who demands forgiveness and the atonement of his sin. Her strong faith and a huge feeling of compassion forced Raskolnikov to confess to perfect murder, then sincerely repent, come to God and it became the beginning of a new life and his full spiritual renewal for him.

The image of a heroine that became an immortal classic teaches all of us great Love to neighbor, dedication and self-sacrifice. Sonya Marmaladova, Fajian Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, because she embodied on the pages of the novel of his most intimate thoughts and ideal ideas about christian religion. Life principles Sony and Dostoevsky are almost identical: this is a faith due to good and justice that we all need forgiveness and humility, and most importantly, this love for a person, whatever sins he did.

The central place in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky occupies the image of Sony Marmaladova, heroin, whose fate causes us sympathy and respect. The more we find out about it, the more we are convinced of her cleanliness and nobility, the more we begin to think about the true human values. The image, judgments of Sony makes it deep into ourselves help to evaluate what is happening around us.
From the story of Marmaladov, we learn about the unfortunate fate of the daughter, her victim for the sake of his father, stepmother and her children. She went to sin, ventured to sell herself. But at the same time it does not require and does not expect any thankfulness. She does not blame Katerina Ivanovna, she simply puts up with her destiny. "... And only our big dradaned green handkerchief took (we have a shawl; there is a handkerchief, a dradam), covered my head and face and lay down on the bed, face to the wall, only the shoulders and the body all shudder ..." Sonya closes Face, as she is ashamed, embarrassing himself and God. Therefore, it rarely and home comes, only only to pay money, she is embarrassed when meeting with his sister and Mother Skolnikov, awkwardly feels even on the moments of his native father, where it was so unscrubently insulted. Sonya is lost under the pressure of a nudge, her meekness and quiet temper interfere with standing for themselves.
All the actions of the heroine surprise their sincerity, openness. She does nothing for himself, all for someone: stepmothers, unaware brothers and sisters, Raskolnikova. The image of Sony is the image of true Christian and righteous. It is most fully revealed in the Raskolnikov recognition scene. Here we see Sonechkin the theory - the "theory of God". The girl can not understand and accept the ideas of Raskolnikov, she denies his elevation over everyone, disregard for people. She is alien to the very concept of "extraordinary person", as unacceptable the opportunity to break the "Law" God ". For her, everyone is equal, everyone will appear before the court of the Most High. In her opinion, there is no one man on Earth, which would have the right to condemn to themselves, to solve their fate. "Kill? Do you have the right to kill? " - exclaimed outraged Sonya. For her, all people are equal before God.
Yes, Sonya is also a criminal, like Raskolnikov, she also laid the moral law: "We are cursed together, together and let's go," says her splitters, only he abused through the life of another person, and she was through his life. Sonya calls for Raskolnikov to repentance, she agrees to carry his cross, help come to truth through suffering. We do not cause doubts of her words, the reader is confident that Sonya will follow everywhere for Raskolnikov, everywhere and will always be with him. And why, why do she need it? To go to Siberia, live in poverty, suffer for the sake of a person who is dry, cold, rejects you. Only she could go for it, " eternal Sonechka", from good heart and disinterested love to people. A prostitute, causing respect, the love of everyone around, is purely in Dostoevsky, the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanism and Christianity permeates this image. She loves and read everything: and Katerina Ivanovna, and her children, and neighbors, and the convicts, which Sonya helped free. Reading Ras-Ringland Gospel, the legend of the resurrection of Lazarus, Sonya awakens faith, love and repentance in his soul. "They were resurrected love, the heart of one was infinite sources of life for the heart of another." Rodion came to what Sonya called upon, he overestimated his life and its essence, as evidenced by his words: "Can her beliefs now not be my beliefs? Her feelings, her aspirations at least ... "
Having created the image of Sony Marmaladova, Dostoevsky created an antipode of Ras-Ringon and its theory (good, mercy, opposing evil). The life position of the girl reflects the views of the writer himself, his faith in good, justice, uncompanness and humility, but, above all, the love of man, whatever it is.

Immortal image

Some heroes classical literature They acquire immortality, they live with us, it was that the image of Sony in the novel "Crime and Punishment" of Dostoevsky. In her example, we learn best human qualities: kindness, mercy, self-sacrifice. She teaches us to devote to love and selflessly believe in God.

Acquaintance with heroine

The author introduces us to the Sonya marmalade not immediately. It appears on the pages of the novel when a terrible crime has already been committed, two people died, and Rodion Raskolnikov destroyed her soul. It seems that it is no longer possible in his life. However, the acquaintance with a modest girl changed the fate of the hero and revived him to life.

For the first time we hear about Sona from the story of the Unfortunate Drunk Marmaladov. In confession, he tells about his unfortunate fate, about the starving family and gratefully pronounces the name of the eldest daughter.

Sonya - orphan, the only native daughter Marmaladova. Until recently lived with his family. Her stepmother Katerina Ivanovna, a sick unhappy woman, was out of his strength, so that the children did not die with a hungry death, the marmalands himself drank the last money, the family experienced extreme need. From despair, a sick woman was often annoyed by trifles, satisfied the scandals, passed the dadger of a piece of bread. Comcisisting Sonya decided on a desperate step. To at least somehow help the family, she began to engage in prostitution, sacrificing themselves for her native people. The story of the poor girl left a deep trail in the soul of Skolnikov long before a personal acquaintance with heroine.

Portrait of Sony Marmaladova

Description of the appearance of the girl appears on the pages of the novel much later. She as a ghost ghost arises on the threshold of his native house during the death of the father, crushed by a drunken driver. Robust in kind, she did not dare to enter the room, feeling vicious and unworthy. Ridiculous, cheap, but bright outfit pointed to the genus of her classes. The "meek" eyes, "pale, thin and incorrect angular lyccation" and the whole appearance gave nature a meek, timid, which came to the extreme degree of humiliation. "Sonya was a small height, seventeen years old, slender, but a pretty pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." She appeared before the eyes of Raskolnikov, this first reader sees this first.

Character Character Sophia Seed Marmalade

The appearance of man is often deceptive. The image of Sony in "Crime and Punishment" is full of inexplicable contradictions. The meek weak girl considers himself a great sinner, unworthyed in the same room with decent women. She is embarrassed to sit next to the Mother of Raskolnikov, can not feed his sister's hand, fearing insulting them. Sonya can easily offend and humiliate any scoundrel, like a nudio or apartment hostess. Unsuitable before the arrogance and rudeness of her people around her, she is not able to stand up for himself.

The complete characteristic of Sony Marmaladova in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is made up from the analysis of its actions. Physical weakness and indecision combined in it with a huge mental strength. The basis of its creature is love. For the sake of love for his father, she gives him the latest money on a hangover. For the sake of love for children sells their body and soul. For the sake of love for Raskolnikov, he travels to a cautious man and patiently puts his indifference. The kindness and ability to forgive distinguish the heroine from other characters of the narration. Sonya does not hold evil on his stepmate for a crushed life, does not dare to condemn his father for weakly accuracy and eternal drunkenness. She is able to forgive and regret Raskolnikova for killing lyschi close to her. "There is no one more unhappy with you in the whole world," she says to him. In order to treat the vices and mistakes of the people around you, it is necessary to be a very strong and one-piece person.

Where is weak fragile humiliated girl Such patience, endurance and inexhaustible love for people? Faith in God helps Sona Marmaladova to stand up and stretch your hand help to others. "What would I do without God?" - Heroine sincerely wonders. It is no coincidence that exhausted Raskolnikov goes to her for help and it says to her crime. Faith Sony Marmaladova helps the offender, first confess to the committed murder, then sincerely repent, believe in God and start a new happy life.

The role of the image of Sony Marmaladova in the novel

The main character of Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is considered to be Rodia Skolnikova, since the story is based on the history of the Hero crime. But the novel is impossible to imagine without the image of Sony Marmaladova. Africa, convictions, sony actions reflect life position author. Fallen woman of Chista and Nevinna. Its sin, she completely saves a comprehensive love for people. She "humiliated and insulted" is not "trembling creature" on the theory of Raskolnikov, and a worthy of respect for the person who turned out to be much stronger than the main character. Passing through all the tests and suffering, Sonya did not lose the main human qualities, did not change himself and lined up happiness.

Moral principles, faith, the love of Sony turned out to be stronger than the egoistic theory of Skolnikov. After all, only accepting the beliefs of her girlfriend, the hero acquires the right to happiness. Favorite Heroine Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - the embodiment of His most hidden thoughts And the ideals of the Christian religion.

Test on the work

The image of the immaculate and at the same time sinning angel in the novel "Crime and Punishment" became a real sensation for the public. Opened for readers a different side of life. The identity of Sony Marmaladova was different from the usual literary heroes. Her crime, humility and desire to redeem wine became moral guidelines for all confused.

Crime and Punishment

The basis for the novel Dostoevsky collected during his own calendar reference. In Siberia, the writer did not have the opportunity to write, but there was enough time to interview with reference and relatives. Therefore, images of the main heroes of the novel are collective.

Initially, the novel conceived by the author as a story-recognition. The story was from the first person, and the main task For Dostoevsky was to show the inner psychological truth Invangled man. The writer became interested in the idea, and a serious story turned into a novel.

Initially, its role in the novel "Crime and Punishment" was secondary, but after a few edit main heroine Ensured an important place in the narration. With the help of Sony, Dostoevsky comes to readers an important idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel:

"Orthodox leverage, what is Orthodoxy. There is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering. Man will not be born for happiness. A person deserves his happiness, and always suffering. "

Analysis of the work proves that the author perfectly coped with the task. Sonya is the personification of suffering and redemption. The characteristic of the heroine opens to the reader gradually. All quotes about the former prostitute are filled with love and care. Dostoevsky on a par with surviving for the fate of the girl:

"... ah yes Sonya! What a well, however, how did you manage to dig! And use! Here you use the same! And accustomed. Pluckled and accustomed. To everything, the scoundrel-man gets used to! "

Biography and the plot of the novel

Sophia Semenovna Marmaladov was born in the family of a small official. The girl's father is an elderly man, little earns and loves to drink. Sony's mother has long died, the girl is raised by a stepmother. New spouse Father is experiencing a mixture of feelings. All dissatisfaction with the failed life of Katerina Ivanovna disrupts in anything not a guy girl. At the same time, the woman does not feel for the youngest marmalade hatred and tries not to deprive the girl attention.

Sonya did not receive education, since, according to the Father, it does not differ in mind and ingenuity. The trusting and good-natured heroine blindly believes in God and is badly serving the interests of the spouses of the Marmaladov and the children of stepmother from the first marriage.

The girl is already 18 years old, although the appearance of the heroine would have come to the child: blond hair, blue eyes, angular fittings:

"It could not even be called a pretty much, but she was so clear but the blue eyes were so clear, and when they were revived, the expression of her face was becoming so good and innocent, which involuntarily attracted to her."

The family lives in the Russian outback, but after the loss by the father of the permanent earnings of Marmalades, they move into St. Petersburg. In the capital, Semyon Zakharovich quickly finds work and also quickly loses her. The bosses are not ready to put up with the drunkenness of the employee. Ensuring the family fully falls on Sonya.

Left without means of existence, the girl sees one way out - to quit the work of the seamstress, which brought too little money, and get a prostitute. For the shameful earnings, the girl was kicked out of the apartment. Sonya lives separately from relatives, removes the room from a familiar tailor:

"... my daughter, Sophia Semenovna, was forced to get a yellow ticket, and together with us on the occasion could not stay. For both the hostess, Amalia Fedorovna, did not want to allow. "

The girl of easy behavior received from the Government of the "yellow ticket" - a document proving that the lady trades the body. Even a shameful work does not save the family of marmalades.

Semen Zakharovich dies under the hooves of the carriage horse. The first acquaintance of the girl with Raskolnikov takes place in fussy and stir. A man is already familiar with the girl - non-easy fate Sony told the Senior Marmalades in all details.

Material assistance from unfamiliar man (Rodion Raskolnikov pays for the funeral of the Father) touches the girl. Sonya goes to thank the man. So the difficult relationship of the main characters is tied.

In the process of organizing funerals, young people spend a lot of time for conversations. Both feel homemade societies, both are looking for consolation and support. Cold Cynic Mask, which is covered the main character, falls, and in front of clean Sonya appears true Rodion:

"He suddenly changed; The allocated and cheeky and powerless-causing tone disappeared. Even the voice suddenly weakened ... "

The death of Marmaladov finally undermined stepmother health. Katerina Ivanovna dies from Chatheka, and there is care of the junior family members on Sony's shoulders. Help the girl comes unexpectedly - Mr. Svidrigaylov suits the baby in orphanage And provides the younger marmalades a hazardous future. So terriblely set up the fate of Sony.

But the desire to go to the victims pushes the girl to another extreme. Now the heroine intends to devote himself to Raskolnikov and accompany the arrestant in the link. The girl does not scare that the beloved man killed the old woman to check the insane theory. True marmalade in the fact that love, faith and selflessness will heal and send Rodion to the right path.

In Siberia, where the main character is sent, Sonya is arranged for the seamstress. A shameful profession remains in the past, and despite the coldness young manSonya keeps the loyalty to Rodion. Patience and faith girls bring the result - Raskolnikov aware of how much the marmalade need. Award for two wounded souls was a joint happiness that came after the redemption of sins.


The first film dedicated to the crime of Raskolnikov, was shot in 1909. The role of the faithful companion of Rodion performed actress Alexander Goncharov. Kinokarttin herself has long been lost, copies of the film does not exist. In 1935, American filmmakers took their own version of the tragedy. The image of a defectious sinner got actress Maryan march.

In 1956, his own look at the drama of the confused person showed the French. Sony's role played, but in the filmization the name of the main character was replaced by Lily Marsen.

In the USSR, the first picture of the fate of Skolnikova was published in 1969. Director of the picture - Lion Kuljjanov. Sophia Semenovna Marmaladov played Tatiana Besove. Film has entered the program of the Venetian Film Festival.

In 2007, the series "Crime and Punishment" came to the screens, in which the image of the main heroine embodied.

The multi-meter film did not like most film critics. The main claim - Rodion Raskolnikov does not experience human feelings. The hero is obsessed with malice and hatred. Remaining never affects the hearts of the main characters.

  • The first child of Dostoevsky called Sonya. The girl died a couple of months after birth.
  • In St. Petersburg, the heroine lived in the building of the former Kazanaya Chamber. This is a really existing house. The exact address Sonya - the embankment of Griboyedov canal, 63.
  • The rap performer uses the name of the main character from the "Crime and Punishment" as a pseudonym.
  • In the first version of the novel, the biography of Sony looks different: the heroine enters the conflict with the Dunches of Raskolnikova and becomes an object of crazy, but immaculate love of a nuddle.


"You moved away from God, and God struck you, devils betrayed!"
"Suffering to accept and redeem yourself, that's what you need ..."
"... and tell everyone, out loud:" I killed! " Then God again will send you life. Will you go? Will you go? .. "
"What are you, what you did it on yourself! No, there is no you no longer anyone in the whole light! "

If the Rodion of Raskolnikov is a carrier of the protester, the creator of the theory, justifying the crime and domination " strong personality"The antipode, the opposite pole of Roman F. M. Dostoevsky" Crime and Punishment ", is Sonya Marmaladov, the daughter of a refuge," humiliated and offended "in the conditions of a bourgeois society.

Sonya is a kind of meekness and suffering. In the name of salvation from the hungry death of children of his stepmother and drunk, lowered to the loss of human father's appearance, she goes to the street and becomes a prostitute. This is a painful humiliation, apotheosis of suffering and self-sacrifice. The meek, religiously exalted Sonya sacrifices everything that is especially expensive for her, goes to the greatest suffering in the name of the happiness of the near. Sonya professes moral covenants, which, from the point of view of Dostoevsky, the closest people are the covenants of humility, all-fortunemen, sacrificial love. She does not judge Skolnikov for his sin, but he painfully compassionates him and calls him to "suffer" himself, to redeem his guilt before God and in front of people.

Sonia marmalade is destined to divide the depth of spiritual torment Raskolnikov, it is her hero that he decides to tell his terrible, painful secret. In the face of Sony Raskolnikov meets a man who wakes up in himself and whom he also pursues as a weak and helpless "trembling creature": "He suddenly raised his head and looked at her; But he met a restless and to flour her thoughtful look at her; There was love; Hate it disappeared like a ghost. " "Natura" requires hero to share with the Sonechka suffering from his crime, and not by the manifestation. To such an option for recognizing calls Skolnikova Christian-compassionate Sonechkin love.

Opposing the individualist detection and rebellion of Scholnikov to the humility and the Christian all-out of Sony, Dostoevsky in his novel leaves the victory not behind the strong and intelligent Skolnikov, and behind the meek sufferer Sonya, seeing in her higher truth. Raskolnikov is not able to endure the torment of conscience, violations of moral law: "Crime" leads him to "punishment", which he suffers not from the judicial punishment, but from the consciousness of his guilt, violations of the ethical basis of the existence of society. In the Christian humility Sony Raskolnikov sees the path to salvation and the redemption of this guilt.

Only Sonechik Marmeladov can judge Skolnikov on conscience, and its court is deeply different from the court Porphyry Petrovich. This is a court with love, compassion and human sensitivity - higher Lightwho keeps humanity even in the darkness of being humiliated and offended people. With the image of the Sonechki, the great idea of \u200b\u200bDostoevsky is associated with the fact that the world will save the fraternal unity between people in the name of Christ and that the basis of this unity should be looking for not in society " strong Mira This ", and in the depths of the People's Russia.

The fate of the Sonechka completely refutes the short view of the Skolnikov-theorist's theorist on the surrounding life. In front of him - by no means "trembling creature" and far from a humble victim of circumstances, which is why it will not stick to the Sonechka "Dirt of the situation of the wretched". In conditions that, it would seem completely excluding good and humanity, the heroine finds the light and exit, a worthy of the moral being of a person and has nothing to do with the individualist Bunkolnikov. The hero is deeply mistaken, trying to identify his crime with the rolling self-denial of the Sonechiki: "You also crossed, you ruined your life."

Between the desire for good, through the assumption of evil in relation to other and voluntary, natural self-sacrifice in the name of compassionate love towards the neighbor there is a qualitative difference. "After all, it's more," the splitters exclaims, "it would be more fair and wonderful to the water in the water and descend!" - "And what will happen to them?" - Sonya asked poorly, looking at him, but at the same time, no longer surprised his suggestion ... And then he only understood that these poor, small orphan children and this pathetic, political katerina Ivanovna, meaning for her ... " The dedication of Sony is far from humility, it has a socially active character and is aimed at saving dying, and christian vera Heroine in the foreground is not a ritual side, but practical, effective concern for neighboring. In the face of Sony Dostoevsky depicts a folk, democratic version of religious globacy, to the heart of the receiving Christian aphorism: "Vera is dead without a case." In folk religiosity, Dostoevsky finds fruitful grain for his idea of \u200b\u200bChristian socialism.

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