Elena chekalova what is she doing now? Why Leonid Parfyonov forbade his wife to give birth

Elena chekalova what is she doing now?  Why Leonid Parfyonov forbade his wife to give birth
Elena chekalova what is she doing now? Why Leonid Parfyonov forbade his wife to give birth

The future wife of the famous TV journalist Leonid Parfenov graduated with honors from Moscow State University. After a short teaching career, she switched to journalism, and later changed her work in newspapers to the role of a TV presenter. The most interesting thing is that this woman managed literally everything she dreamed of. For example, cooking, which has long been a favorite hobby, has become a profession.

Leonid Parfenov's wife, Elena Chekalova, by his own admission conquered him from the moment he was in her house. There were such delicious aromas from the kitchen that it was simply impossible to resist. Thus, she successfully manages today to find new ways to the heart of her husband.
Of undoubted interest is the story of their acquaintance, which Elena gladly talks about, as well as other fascinating stories of their life together. Initially, she read an article by the then very young Leonid about the Aquarium group and Boris Grebenshchikov. His style and manner of expressing his thoughts made her heart flutter, and after a personal acquaintance, the guys realized that this was fate.

Leonid Parfenov and Elena Chekalova

Today they are raising children - Ivan and Maria, and she dreamed of such names long before marriage, the more pleasant the realization of the dream became. Most importantly, Leonid Parfenov's wife remains a wonderful friend and faithful, devoted life companion for him. They do everything together - they plan and immediately implement everything they have conceived. His opinion is the law for her, it is important for her what he thinks and how he relates to everything that she creates on the screen and not only.

As Elena admits with some degree of embarrassment - she is always interested in being with her husband, she did not miss a single day! The strength of their marriage can only be envied for good - they have not parted for nearly thirty years. A wonderful hostess, she cooks so well that no one has yet been able to resist the culinary masterpieces she has created!

Leonid Parfenov's wife

It is for this reason that the program "Happiness is!" Enjoys unchanged success, here she shares wonderful recipes with her fans. The result of a happy life together was the conclusion expressed by Elena, which she willingly voices - "everything that the spouse does not do with good intentions - everything is good and wonderful", and she does not get tired of repeating to her children about the genius of their father.

Mutual love and respect, reverent devotion - this is the guarantee of that strongest union, which can serve as a worthy role model in our stormy world of passions.

Leonid Parfenov with his wife at a social event

58-year-old Leonid Parfenov celebrates the addition to the family. On the evening of February 5, the TV journalist's son, Ivan, became a father for the first time. His wife Maria gave birth to a charming boy who was named Michael. A happy event for Parfenov and his family took place in one of the capital's perinatal centers.

The good news was announced by Parfenov's wife Elena Chekalova. The restaurateur and TV journalist published a joint photo with her husband on Instagram. In the caption to the picture, Elena shared that she became a grandmother. Chekalova and Parfenov cannot get enough of the appearance of their grandson.

“Grandma is next to grandfather. Yes, today there is happiness in our family: Mikhail Ivanovich Parfenov-Broitman was born. Weight 3940 g, height - 54 cm. I am a granny! Many of my friends of this title are not that shy, but prefer that their grandchildren call them "Masha" or "Lena". But Lenya and I are just grandparents, ”said the wife of the famous TV presenter.

On her Facebook page, Elena Chekalova shared the details of the baby's birth and congratulated her son and daughter-in-law on the joyful event.

“It's great that now the husband is allowed to be with his wife during childbirth - in our time it was forbidden. Masha could hold onto Vanka all the time, and he cut the umbilical cord himself. In my opinion, it is so important that the husband also gives birth, and there is a loved one next to the woman in labor, and not only other people's aunts and uncles. Especially remembering how I gave birth myself and how the nurses screamed at me. Of course, you can endure everything for the sake of happiness to become a mommy ... But it's better otherwise, ”wrote the wife of Leonid Parfenov.

Users of social networks congratulated the TV presenter on the addition to the family and left him a large number of warm wishes. "A new stage in life!", "Grow up healthy and happy", "All the best to the child", "Hurray", "This is a great joy", "You are wonderful", "You have a heroic daughter-in-law - to give birth to such a hero", "Now there is wait for great-grandchildren ”,“ What a wonderful couple you are ”,“ There is nothing more beautiful than the word “grandmother” uttered by a baby ”,“ We ​​are waiting for a useful and tasty children's menu in the feed, ”Elena's subscribers commented.

The fact that the wife of Ivan Parfenov is expecting a child became known in November last year. “Yes, quite recently it was: the wedding of Vanya and Masha and the publication of the book“ First Year Married ”. And now we are waiting for the replenishment of the family - this is what it means to eat well, ”Elena Chekalova wrote then on social networks.

The son of a famous TV presenter legalized relations with Maria Broitman, the daughter of an investment banker, in 2015. The wedding took place in Moscow according to Jewish traditions. The newlyweds received many pleasant gifts from relatives and friends. It is known that Maria and Ivan entered into a marriage contract - ktubu.

Elena Chekalova- Russian TV presenter, journalist, wife of the author of popular television projects Leonida Parfenov.

Elena Chekalova/ Elena Chekalova is a philologist by education, a graduate of Moscow State University. Your creative path Helena started as a teacher of Russian and literature at school and university, and later became interested in journalism. Chekalova worked in newspapers "Soviet culture" and "Moscow News"... Today she is a gastronomic reviewer, leads her own column "Food with Elena Chekalova" In the magazine Kommersant Weekend.

Elena Chekalova and the Good morning program

In 2009 she was invited to lead a column about food "Happinnes exists" to the program "Good morning" on Channel One, and already in 2010 the eponymous project was released, where she became the host Elena Chekalova... This program is not just another culinary show, but a whole collection of recipes from chefs from different countries, ideas for another romantic dinner or a noisy feast.

One should eat everything, because food is pleasure. For example, in Paris, you rarely find a fat woman: French women eat both butter and buns ... and do not get better. But because they do not eat, but try. And my principle of life: do not eat, but try, without denying yourself anything. And I want to always be hungry to try more!

Every week on the show Elena Chekalova you can see a famous person. Guests ask the TV presenter to cook their favorite dish, and viewers can easily repeat even the most complex recipe.

Each program is a specific Indian, French cuisine, sometimes a combined lunch. Guests will come, we will talk about this food and what they like to eat. The essence of the program is that even when famous people come, we do not discuss the films in which the guests are filmed, or their books, but we talk about their impressions of food, about travel, about what they have tried new.

Personal life of Elena Chekalova

The couple have been together for 23 years. They got married back in 1987 when Parfenov just starting his career on Central Television. Together with Andrey Razbash Leonid made his first documentary "Children of the XX Congress"... Today Chekalova recalls that time with a smile: “When I watch these old tapes, it’s so even funny sometimes - such a duckling”.

Thanks to my wife, Parfenov turned into a spectacular dandy with his own, unique style. In 1990, the couple released a book "Our portrait is returned to us: Notes on television"... It was included in the compulsory curriculum of the course "Fundamentals of Television Journalism", and it was in it that the idea of ​​the project "Old songs about the main thing" was first formulated.

When my husband became a famous TV character, it became somehow embarrassing to do TV journalism. Yes, and Lenya said: "Whatever you write, they will still be accused of bias and bias." And then my daughter was born, and I had to leave work. And then TV changed beyond recognition. And today I sincerely sympathize with Irina Petrovskaya and Arina Borodina, because they have to watch a bunch of programs for their columns, which are unacceptable for them both in spirit and in ideological orientation! So everything turned out well in the end - my husband and I chose topics that have nothing to do with politics, and besides, cultural history and cooking are hardly censored.

The couple are raising two children: son Ivan (born 1988) and daughter Maria (born 1993), and are preparing to celebrate the silver wedding.

Elena Chekalova has been interested in cooking since the age of 25. She first mastered Georgian cuisine on her own, and then her favorite, French and Italian cuisines. The TV presenter has collected her entire huge collection of various recipes, traveling to different parts of the planet.

Today Elena Chekalova accepts offers from publishers and is thinking about releasing his own book with recipes.

I hope to do this book and even wrote a structure. The first book will focus on French cuisine. It will be called "A Romance with French Cuisine".

Of course, this whole story, which has already received publicity in both Russian capitals, can be attributed to the ladies' emotionality and subjective approach. After all, Parfenov's wife, Elena Chekalova, is a fairly well-known culinary specialist and restaurateur in herself. In Moscow, she owns an institution under the flashy signboard "Let's Go." Also, by the way, a restaurant, and located in the very center of the capital - on Petrovka, 30/7.

It is clear that the new restaurant of Matilda Shnurova, recently opened in the center of St. Petersburg at the five-star W St. Petersburg, Elena Chekalova set off with a certain amount of skepticism inherent in all professionals.

At least, this is evidenced by the entry left by Elena on her personal Facebook page. The mood from the very beginning was excessively zealous and even jealous.

“In St. Petersburg, friends advised me to visit one trendy restaurant,” she shared. Helena. - I called to reserve a place - they said that everything is full (from English full - taken. - Approx. Woman’s Day). A little surprised: 7 pm, a weekday. Well, I think I'll go to the bar and sit and look at this miracle. I come: an almost empty hall. They don't put me in prison anyway: they say, everything is booked. I almost force myself to sit on the bar and watch. After half an hour, the picture does not change. Meanwhile, Lenya rakes up (Parfenov is the husband of Elena Chekalova, a famous TV presenter. - Approx. Woman’s Day). I went up to the manager again - they put us in prison as a big favor. Like, someone refused. They carry the ordered bottle of wine for half an hour, then it turns out that it is not there at all. I don't even want to talk about food. All dishes were returned to the kitchen. When they left, a number of people pulled up, but there were still a lot of empty seats. Apparently, most of them refused)) In Moscow, alas, there are also such popular places. Friends, tell me: in order to go to eat well, you need to know that you can't get into the establishment? " - wrote the wife of Parfenov.

At the same time, Elena did not indicate the name of the Shnurovsky restaurant "KOKOKO" anywhere. Others would not have understood what he was talking about, but then Matilda Shnurova herself appeared on the page of Elena Chekalova. And it began!

"Dear Elena! - she turned to the wife of a famous TV presenter. - Since the comments in your settings are prohibited "not friends", I will answer you at home. "

And she answered. A lot and passionate, as they say, "on all counts." For the sake of completeness, we present the entire rather lengthy passage of Matilda Shnurova, the spelling is preserved.

“Elena, let's figure it out point by point:

1. Cococo Restaurant is really a very popular place. And all our guests know that you need to book a table in order to get to us for dinner, even on a weekday. But, unfortunately, no-show on reservation happens often and when you see an empty table and you are denied it, it is likely that a guest is really expected for it. Waiting for up to 40 minutes. Then the guests are seated without armor. It's a shame that with your experience in the restaurant business, you don't know about such things. You came without a reservation. You were transferred from the bar and pretty quickly to a free table. You made your order at the bar, and you already dined at the table. What does "in the form of a great favor" mean? What is it like?

2. You have accepted an order for wine, which ran out at that moment. Here I apologize for the fact that the bartender did not know about this, you should have been warned right away. This is our fault. But the new wine was brought to you in 10 minutes. Half an hour is a big exaggeration. I looked at the check.

3. Have all the dishes been returned to the kitchen? You did not return food to the kitchen. You didn't like the burger and didn't finish it. A restaurant manager came up to you and asked what was wrong. You said that you are not satisfied with the frying. You said about the flower that you didn't expect it. But you ate the rest of the dishes. Beetroot with Adyghe cheese mousse, rolls with sprat mousse, smelt ceviche, burger, flower - your order.

Be honest. If you don't like the restaurant, just write - g ... o. A matter of taste. But why exaggerate and lie so much? "

Here is such a stern rebuke from a restaurateur to a restaurateur. But after such a showdown, I really didn’t want to go to KOKOKO. Although beetroot with Adyghe cheese mousse, the rolls with sprat mousse and smelt ceviche sound delicious. Maybe Elena Chekalova was just unlucky? Still worth a try? We are waiting for a decisive male opinion from the strong halves of the participants in this story: maybe Sergei Shnurov will not keep silent? Or will Leonid Parfenov share his personal impressions of visiting the restaurant that outraged his wife so much?

In general, it is possible that the continuation follows. And this will be a male duel.

Elena Chekalova struggled with her daughter's illness for several years

Elena Chekalova struggled with her daughter's illness for several years

Leonid PARFENOV and Elena CHEKALOVA celebrated their silver wedding this year - 25 years of marriage. Both are talented journalists. And their children went their own way. In an interview with Express Gazeta, Elena, the head of the "Happiness is" column as part of "Good Morning" on the First Channel, frankly spoke about the secrets of family happiness, the envy of colleagues and uneducated viewers.

- They wrote that before meeting Leonid you had an affair with a Frenchman. This is true?

Yes. But at that time I very much listened to the opinion of my mother. And then she told me: "Now the political situation is difficult, and if you leave, it is not known whether you will be able to come to visit me, but I will not be able to survive such a separation." I had to forget about the Frenchman. - You and Parfyonov have been together for a quarter of a century. Celebrating a silver wedding?- Of course! It's a big date. Among our friends there are not so many people who have lived together for so many years and have not lost interest in each other. We went to celebrate San Sebastian. I have many friends of outstanding chefs there, and I admire these people. - What is the secret of your marriage?- To save a family, everyone should have their own life, their own work, their own career, their own inner world, their friends. You can't get hung up on your spouse, dissolve in him - this is a vicious path. There are wives who want to know about every minute of their husband: where is he, what is he, how? This endless surveillance does not lead to anything good. You cannot be a dependent in the family - neither materially nor spiritually. This leads to the destruction of the relationship. You just need to trust! There are many families: he works, and she sits and waits. And then such a wife wonders why her husband does not want to return home. Although it is very important to have a tasty and cozy home. Lenya and I have changed during our marriage, but changed together. And they never thought about divorce. They quarreled, reconciled, but did not go to extremes.

Hellish patience

- Your father is a journalist. Didn't the children continue the dynasty?

I believe that in no case should you press, impose your opinion. Every child must find himself. When mine were small, I invited them to study painting, languages, mathematics, figure skating, football. Now Ivan works at RIA Novosti and runs a successful internet project. He is 24. He studied in England and Germany. Graduated from the University of Economics, Milan, speaks good English, Italian and German. Daughter Masha is 19 years old. She is studying in Italy, surprisingly to everyone, she successfully graduated from the school of the British Council. We look forward to her every visit as a holiday. When we get together, we have a big feast. I dream that children will make us grandparents. Vanya has a permanent girlfriend, and Masha has a young man. But for now ... They don't even go to the registry office. - I have heard more than once that you are a wonderful mother and you have a great relationship with your children. Why did you decide to limit yourself to two? - I wanted another child, but my husband was against it. He went through a lot, I had a very difficult birth, and Lenya was not ready for a new test. I have two cesareans, but the second time, when my daughter gave birth, it was a disaster. And not because the doctors are bad, there are simply women, I am one of them, in which they are not programmed to give birth. My daughter did not study well until the tenth grade, she had dyslexia. This is a difficult thing when a person does not learn written language. After graduating from elementary school, she read syllables. I had to sit at home for several years and just read aloud to her. Otherwise, she would not have been able to graduate from school.

It took hellish patience. In the end, I tried to reassure my daughter: “Masha, it's okay that you are not given science, let's learn to cook with you. You graduate from school, get a certificate and go to study to be a cook. " We found her a college in France, where they teach to be a chef, but in the last grade of school, Masha suddenly had a break. She graduated with a very high score, with which you can easily enter any foreign university. But my daughter was left with the idea that she would be a cook. Moreover, she already has experience in a restaurant. My children have been working part-time since school years. Vanya - from 14, Masha - from 16. My daughter was a maid at the hotel and at the reception, she was washing dishes in the restaurant.

- Masha must have been hard without you?- She is great! At school, Masha was hated by the history teacher. He was a terrible Russophobe. He called all Russians communists. He riveted letters to me all the time: they say, take your child out of school, she is a weak student and she will never pass the final exams in her life. I believed him, read my daughter's works, for which they gave the lowest points, and thought, but I wouldn't have written like that at her age. But nevertheless, I thought that the requirements were so high that she could not cope. And then I met a teacher from a Moscow school, showed my control daughters, and she opened my eyes: "If my students wrote like that, I would be happy - the scores are monstrously underestimated!" As a result, Masha received a good mark in the final exams, which were checked in another country. And I told her then: “There will be different people in life, many will hate you, and you need to be able to deal with this on your own”. I always said that to my son. By the way, except for the prom, I never came to the school where Masha studied.

Monstrous diet

- When you appeared on the TV screen, everyone whispered that this happened not without the help of Leonid Parfenov.

My column has been on the air for several years. You can't hold out on TV for so much time. The numbers in our rating are high. We used to go out three times a week, now - five. Sometimes viewers are asked to tell specifically about something, sometimes I am looking for it myself. We have a mandatory principle of seasonality. During the years of Soviet power, people have forgotten how to eat seasonally, and this is important in order to get the most from food and spend a minimum of money. You need to buy strawberries not in January, but now - while they are tasty, juicy and quite inexpensive. There used to be a lot of criticism towards me, but people who were completely uneducated criticized me. - Not only the uneducated, but also, for example, Kira Proshutinskaya. Not the last person on TV!- In general, no criticism offends me. A Kira Proshutinskaya- an uneducated person in cooking. And I think she's completely non-photogenic on screen. Kira has pulled her whole face and plays at the age of 65 under a 25-year-old girl. If it's good for her, what can I say ?! I never hide my age. My ideal as a leading culinary program is Julia Child.

She worked on the air for up to 90 years! She had gnarled hands, an old voice, a huge number of wrinkles, but all of America loved her. It is the most popular culinary host of all years in the States. A woman who has never done plastic surgery, did not inject botox, did not dye her hair. Gastronomy is an area where the viewer will trust not a picture with huge breasts and a painted face, but a woman with experience, a mother of a family, a grandmother.

- Didn't you even have a thought to go and change something in your appearance?- I do gentle cosmetic procedures if it does not take a lot of time, money and suffering. Now many women are fixated on their age, on how they look. And there are those who will tighten themselves up so that they can no longer smile and their eyes do not open. I am afraid that this will happen soon with Proshutinskaya. - Previously, your program came out on Sundays in a large format. Why was it closed?- Bad format. The producers were not interested in cooking, but in the name of the star guest. But such a program already has Urganta, and I don't understand why our program was needed at all? The genre in which I now work in "Morning" is ideal for me. I have two different genres: three times a week for regular meals and twice a week for low-calorie foods. One leaves at eight in the morning - for housewives, for older people, and the other - at 7.20 - for working women who need to take a quick look at something, they think about their health and figure.

- Are you on a diet?

When I saw myself on the screen, I experienced many unpleasant feelings. When a person does not see himself from the outside, he does not notice what and how he is hanging. But I hate the word diet. Diet is always extreme. You doom yourself to terrible hardships, to the fact that you will become an outcast in the society where you live, because you set yourself a bunch of prohibitions: that is not allowed, this is not supposed to, after 18 hours you do not eat, and so on. In my opinion, the now popular protein diet Ducan- monstrous. Yes, people are losing weight, but this is an undermining of health. In the Middle Ages, there was such a torture: a person was put on one boiled meat, and he died, because the body was slagged, the liver and pancreas quickly become clogged. I haven't been on a diet for a day and lost five kilos, lost two sizes. It is very important to think about portions, their size, people overeat a lot. A person tastes the first two sips, a piece - everything. The chefs in restaurants are slim because they don't eat, they try - that's how I am. My motto is: you need to try everything, not gobble! And my husband eats no more than 150 grams of meat, and he has enough. - Does Leonid Gennadievich know how to cook?- No. Probably, once I cooked, when I was still living in a hostel, I cooked mushroom soup, I have not seen or tried. But he has an amazing taste, he sees the flaws in the dishes. - That is why your joint book "World Cuisine" was such a success: you complemented each other perfectly!- I'm interested in working with my husband. Now I am writing a book about light food, how to eat everything tasty and not get better. For example, a chocolate cake, where there are 172 calories in one serving - it's about like two apples!