Ksenia Sobchak insulted the girl Timati at awarding the award of the Muz TV. Timati sharply spoke out about the Muz-TV ceremony, on which his girl humiliated

Ksenia Sobchak insulted the girl Timati at awarding the award of the Muz TV. Timati sharply spoke out about the Muz-TV ceremony, on which his girl humiliated

Anastasia Ivelev

Arman Davletyarov

Anastasia Ivelev

Inna Zhirkova

Polina Gagarin arrived in the company of her husband - photographer Dmitry Ishakov. Although this is another question who came with whom: "Plate" for the best video (the song "disarmed") received, in fact, Dmitry, because it was the director of the clip. "This is his debut," Polina told and noted that very happy reward. "When the awards fly by, I am a crash of the dressing room," she admitted. "I'm glad that today I don't have to". " "Right like me - when Malakhov went to another channel and I found out that there was more about him," Dmitry Nagiyev treated him.

One of the main awards of the evening is the prize in the nomination "The best performer" - Received Svetlana Loboda. More recently, she gave birth to a second child, while it looks fantastic. The newborn daughter Svetlana tells little about the newborn daughter: "She absolutely at me is not like me, the eyes are blond, diagonal. How did you say? I will not say yet."

Arman Davletyarov and Philip Kirkorov
Gregory Leps, Victor Drobysh, Stas Pieha and Valeria
Ketie Topuria with a group "A-Studio", Ksenia Alferova and Egor Beroev
The maternity leave, which Svetlana spent in Los Angeles was short-lived and did not affect her career. Before you give birth to she presented the track "Fly", but as long as he conquered the charts, released a new song "Superstar" promising to become one of the main hits of this summer. Yesterday in the Olympic, this composition was performed by Svetlana.

And yet the most spectacular number of the ceremony was the performance of Philip Kirkorov. It is a pity, for this they do not give rewards. During the execution of the song "The Color of Mood Blue" on the stage, Olga Buzova and Ksenia Sobchak, who publicly "executed": Buzova was planted on a stake, and Sobchak was burned. Such a self-irony cannot not be respected, and it looked like this, which is sin, effectively.

Winners "Award Muz-TV 2018.Transformation"

"The best video"Polina Gagarina - "disarmed"

"Best Song"Dima Bilan - "Keep"

"Breakthrough of the Year"

"Best Pop Group"ARTIK & ASTI

"Best Duet" ILO and Ani Lorak - "Soprano"

"Best Album"Sergey Lazarev - "in the epitiantre"

"Best Concert Show" A "Studio. 30 years / Crocus City Hall

"Best Rock Artist" Diana Arbenina and c. "Night snipers"

"Best Hip-Hop Project" Jigan.

"Best Male Video" Egor Crond - "Spend"

"Best Women's Video"Zara - "Peace of Your Home"

"Best Runet Song" Olga Buzova - "Few Polovine"

"Best Performer"Loboda.

"Best Artist" Grigory Leps

Special nominations:

Best Composer of the Decade - Viktor Yakovlevich Drobysh
For the contribution to life - Yuri Nikolaev
For contribution to the development of popular mysteries - Valeria

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Last night in the Olympic "thousand spectators watched, perhaps the most spectacular show year, the presentation of the awards of the MUZ-TV channel. This year the ceremony received the prefix "Transformation" - and the changes were really.

One of the most notable changes is the composition of the leading, which was previously stable for several years. Instead of Lera Kudryavtseva Ksenia Sobchak, Maxim Galkina and Dmitry Nagiyev this time made a TV host and blogger Anastasia Ivelev. About how to troll Ksenia, Maxim and Dmitry, have long been described legends, but all three were more than favorable, and even Ksenia Anatolyevna Nastya quietly praised, not a single bitch in her address.

Sobchak in general on this day was very nice. He told the crowd that if he had won the presidential elections, it would be sure to appointed the general director of Muz-TV Arman Davletyarov by the head of all channel TV channels, and Maxim Galkin would give immediate decree "all folk artists".

In real life, Olga Buzova went in real life in "nation": according to the results of the voting, she was recognized as the main star Runet and became the owner of his first "plate" MUZ-TV. Receiving an award, Olga was familiar with emotionally, thanked "his people" and threatened not to stop at what. And so that everyone has understood the direction in which it moves, Olga is publicly unrepresented by the princess show business.

Anastasia IvelevFuture parents Igor Sivov and NyushaMeanwhile, a small coup happened to the kingdom: Philip Kirkorov, a couple of years ago, solemnly refused to nominate for the award, "since he had already received all her awards," took his words back. "I want to happy," the Philip said modestly and then told his plans for a long time, holding the microphone from the leading. But Grigory Leps, winning the "plate" in the nomination "Best Artist," said that she would become his last award. "It's time to give a young way," said Leps and asked not to include it more in the voting lists. We do not know who exactly the artist decided to give way to the road, but on the award he appeared in the company of his daughter and two more girls, all of them - the soloists of the new group Cosmos Girls and the MUZ-TV bonus became the first official way out.

Gregory Leps and the Cosmos Girls group in which he sings his daughter
Dima Bilan, Yana Rudkovskaya and Ksenia Sukhinova

Denis Klyaver with his wife and Albina Dzhanabaeva
Inna Zhirkova

Timati hinted for the last awards. "I am ready to finish my creative way, to be patient for a couple of years," he promised Ksenia Sobchak, when she arranged the interrogation of his mother Simon Yakovlevna in an attempt to derive, which of the Son's songs she doesn't like her. Mom on provocations Sobchak did not succumb to, and then Ksenia chose another tactic and tried to switch to the girl Timati Anastasia Rutov. "I myself my mother. Here I look at my son and I think, he will grow up and will come to the award with such ..." - nastya Ksenia nastyly nasty. Simon Yakovlevna and this defense sustained, giving understand that the choice of the Son is not discussed.

In addition to Timati with parents, another representative of Black Star Mafia came to the prize - Egor Cre. Receiving an award in the nomination "The Best Male Video" for the song "Spend", Egor thanked mom with dad - his creators, as he expressed.

The singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova could not pass by the conflict of rapper Timati with the leadership of the MUZ-TV Prize. Apparently, she considered that the sharp words of Timati addressed to the leaders of the award is the offense that she left on June 8, Olympic with a musical award, and the rapper himself did not receive it.

I love smart, faithful and decent men. I'm not talking about Timati, "Olga wrote in his" instagram ". - Looks like Timati could not calmly survive exactly this @muztv.

By the post, she attached his own photo from the award ceremony.

Timati previously wrote a post in his "instagram", in which he stated that the Muz-TV award was long outdated, and her presenters were incompetent.

In addition, besides the name from year to year, nothing changes: neither the dumplessness of some leading, nor the feeling of an endless intransigent, nor an understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go ahead and make a cool product nor the mechanism for preserving relations with those who either for The year "drove", or still useful. All this is somehow ridiculous and strange. This is how to get a gift shoes that are pressed and clutch, but come to the one who pretext, on the anniversary, so that he must notice it and it was nice. Hence the natural question: "And what did you not be outraged in the past year when I received a" artist of the year "? - The answer is simple (see paragraph about shoes). Literally: this year I did not play according to the rules," said the musician.

Timati personally appealed to the director of the Award "Muz-TV" Arman Davletyarov.

Dear Arman, you so molded in my small self-fictional world that I myself did not understand how in my "interview" confirmed everything I wrote above. I quote: "Timati did not go to shit and events all year, did not sing for free and did not participate in the channel's activities," so he does not receive rewards! Who else after these words, what is incomprehensible about this premium ??? I would be afraid to comment on this situation at all, there is a guide, which also reads different tapes and news. Count if they read the tape comments of people and their reviews about the premium? Non-sulfilled Account "MUZ-TV", but the real opinions of people. Shareholders are not fools never, they know about your methods of work and on the internal economy of the channel. You as a manager you can remove all our clips from rotation, no problems. But they can also remove you from office, in principle.

Later, Arman Davletyarov decided to answer Timati.

You definitely do not need to think about my relationships with shareholders, unlike you, they are interested in economics, share and numbers of the channel, which they are satisfied, I want to assure you. Sorry, they do not read comments in your social networks, they have another level. "Blaxotina" I call when when you encounter you hug me, click your hand, and there is a quietly "disappoint", because I did not get a plate, "answered Arman Timati in" Instagram ".

Rapper decided to stand up for his chosen, which Sobchak insulted from the scene.

Photo: Global Look Press

At the recent presentation of the MUZ-TV premium, one of her leading - Ksenia Sobchak is publicly beloved Timati Anastasia Rutov, aloud, suggesting that the Mother of Artist should be unpleasant to see the Son with "such a woman."
At that time, neither the Rapper himself nor Anastasia was made to understand that they were outraged by the presenter. At the artist's mum's artist, Sobchak, called only laughter.
However, later Timati responded to an angry post in "Instagram". It did not get so much rudeness leading how much the event itself.

The artist wrote:

"The channel probably is the largest coverage in the country, respectively, the Prize is the main musical event that should display all the realities of today. But in addition, in addition to the name from year to year, nothing changes: neither the dumplessness of some leading, nor the feeling of an endless intransigence nor an understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go ahead and make a cool product nor the mechanism for preserving relationships with those anyone For the year "drove", or still useful. All this is somehow ridiculous and strange ... "

This post caused an ambiguous reaction. Some subscribers supported Timati, calling the behavior of Sobchak "Disgrace", others noted that the rapper behaves "as an offended child."

"Timati, you are so insulting that the plate was not given?" - rhetorically, I've been aimed at one of the users "Instagram".

Further, a rap artist has a fierce dispute with the Director General of the MUZ-TV Channel Arman Davletyarov. He recalled that his canal had long been supported by Timati, as well as all the artists produced by him. But the rapper himself, emphasizes Davletyarov, never appeared on the set, when it was required of it.

The dispute of flows into clarification of relationships on the "Instagram" pages, and both parties were not particularly shy in expressions.

The record caused the approval of fans, many praised the artist for courage and agreed that the channel was morally outdated.

But Davletyarov did not remain in debt. True, in his post he led himself more restrained. In turn, Arman Ilyubayevich objected that the channel rating was never so high and that the channel supports a number of artists who are above Timati "according to status and in terms of level". At the end, the general director of Muz-TV made a verdict: in his opinion, Roiper did not get used to the flirts in social networks, and this apparently his horse.

The outfits of star guests and participants of the 15th music premium MUZ-TV, it seems to be discussed for a long time in social networks and not only. Today's evening on the carpet, successful bows of stylish celebrities alternated with fashionable failures. To the last most eyewitnesses attributed an outfit that came to the Anastasia Rtyttov ceremony. The fact is that because of the too frank neckline, the beloved Raper Timati attracted all the attention to his person. In addition, some noticed that they see these narrow black pants in Nastya are already far from the first time, so the feeling that she wears them, without removing them.

After in social networks published photos and video of Timati and residue on the carpet of the Award Muz TV, critical comments fell into the address of Rapper's girl: " that trash, her chest dropped the whole path! », « She, of course, tin ... "," With awable terrible bow in this pair! " etc. In addition, Internet users outraged another fact: the fact that Timati handed out Hi his daughter, who watched the broadcast of the award Muz TV, but at the same time he did not take care, so that there was a decently dressed girl next to him at this moment. " Also daughter Hi handed over against a semi-naked girl ", - Timati fans remained extremely unhappy.

We will remind, distinguished themselves on the Jubilee Award Muz TV with their outfits and other stars. So, for example, Ksenia Sobchak appeared in a translucent dress for a pair of size less than it would be necessary. In addition, it was too tidying the figure of Ksenia, putting a bad body for universal visits. Apparently, Sobchak still did not come to the form after childbirth. Although some of the eyewitnesses began to say that, it seems, Ksenia and her spouse Maxim Vitorgan are preparing for the birth of a second child.

However, I survived all, of course, the beginning of the singer Olga Buzova. From his appearance on the carpet, she decided to make a real performance. At first, the pumped men were published in the camels, which carried a huge shell on their shoulders. When the shell opened, it turned out that she was sitting in it. The leading reality "Dom-2" was almost naked: the outfit covered only spicy places. The image is whether the mermaid, whether the Eastern Princess Olya decided to complement the crown that adorned her head. By the way, Buzova again became blonde: on the jubilee award Muz TV she put on a wig with long white hair. I met Olga on the carpet of her friend Dmitry Nagiyev. "Well, no, well, no! Ol, are you crazy?! What do you get out, or? .. Olya, you are the only one who allowed yourself to fit into this sink. "

Timati beloved eclipsed him on the awards of the MUV TV

Timati finally spoke about the incident that occurred at the Muz-TV award ceremony when Ksenia is addressed to his girl Anastasia Rachetova, and in general about the event. We will remind, the presenter commended Mom Rapper, introducing that her son would grow up and "here it will go to the ceremony - horror!" - said Ksenia, showing on Rutov.

The model and Simon Yunusov, and after the indignations of the subscribers, responded and Timati. True, the artist decided in general to describe his attitude to the ceremony of the TV channel.

"You are at the heart of your youth! musical! The channel is probably the largest coverage in the country, respectively, the Prize is the main musical event, which should display everything to be implemented. And in essence, in addition to the name from year to year nothing changes: neither the dumpingness of some leaders Nor the feeling of an endless intransigence, nor an understanding of the real modern music market, nor the lack of desire to go ahead and make a cool product nor the mechanism for preserving relations with those who per year "drove" or still useful. All this is something ridiculous and strange ...

"It's how to get boots as a gift that, tip and clutch, but come to the one who gave them to the anniversary that he would definitely notice it and he was nice." Hence the natural question: And what did you not indignant in the past year when I received the "artist of the year"? "The answer is simple (see the hop of the boots) literally, this year did not play according to the rules."

Publication from Black Star (@timatiofficial) 10 Jun 2018 at 9:44 pdt

"Dear Arman, you so molded in your small self-fictional world that I myself did not understand how in my" interview "confirmed everything that I wrote earlier))) I quote: -" Timati did not go to shit events all year, not Sang for free and did not participate in channel's activities. "Therefore, he does not receive awards!))) Who else after these words is not clear about this premium ??? I would be in your place, I would be afraid to comment on this situation, there is a guide, which also reads different ribbons and news. "

Dear Arman, you so molded in your small self-fictional world, which I myself did not understand how in my "interview" confirmed everything that I wrote above above))) I quote: - "Timati did not go to shit events all year, not sang I didn't participate in the channel's activities, "he does not receive awards!))) Who else after these words is not clear about this premium ??? I would be in your place, would be afraid to comment on this situation, there is a guide, which also reads different tapes and news. Count if they read the comments of people and their reviews about the premium ?? Not sulfilled Akount Muz TV and the real opinions of people. Shareholders are not fools never, they know about your methods of work and on the internal economy of the channel. You are as a manager, you can remove all our clips from rotation, no problem. But they can also remove you from office in principle)) if this position is removed, soberly look truth in the eyes, who are you ??? What kind of product did you create ??? Whether you could raise the channel rating and the award from the time of sales of the asset Igor Yakovlevich cool when I flew from all over the CIS and chadliners: 50 Cent, Cristina Aguilera, Enrique Iglesias ITD or could not ??? Or you continue to throw on a little bit, then here it is there until the channel of the channel under your leadership continues to fall. It is impossible to give two three nominations to young artists and think that you answer the modern market is ridiculous. In the first row, all the same)) Half of people from the industry go, because there are nowhere to walk more, they simply cannot afford it to express it in the rumor !!! I will tell me - I sat down all this vivotin !!! Do not be offended by the buddy Arman, it is a pure working moments.